
Lynda Scott
University of Otago
Department of English

Deep South v.3 n.3 (Spring 1997)

Copyright (c) 1997 by Lynda Scott, all rights reserved.

Welcome to the Spring 1997 issue of Deep South, which contains a wide range of articles, fictions, reviews and poetry. Although mainly a showcase of Otago postgraduates' work this time, especially exciting also are the images of Mike O'Kane's sculptures. An Otago Art school student, Mike has won awards for his sculptures at the Cleveland Awards held here in Dunedin.

Another recent cultural event held in Dunedin was an Anne Frank exhibition. A moving portrayal of Anne's suffering, the suffering of so many others, the exhibition was a reminder both of historical events, and the cruelty of human nature. As Dion Chamberlain points out in his review of the exhibition, genocide and the persecution of minority groups still exists, albeit in different guises.

On a happier note, this issue also has a favourable review of Professor Colin Gibson's new contribution to the field of Renaissance Drama. Our first issue of 1998 will include papers from the upcoming National Postgraduate Conference Zymurgix. I hope that you enjoy this Spring issue and take advantage of some of our new links.

Lynda Scott (General Editor).

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