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Category Human Resources
Type Policy
Approved by Council
Date Policy Took Effect 31 October 2007
Last approved revision 29 September 2023
Sponsor Director of Human Resources
Responsible officer Director Human Resources


This policy details the types of provisions within the University's Human Resources policy which are designed to ensure adherence to the Good Employer principles.

Organisational scope

This policy applies to all employment related activities and policies


  1. The University of Otago is committed to the operation of a Human Resources policy that complies with the principle of being a good employer.
  2. Consistent with this principle and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77A of the State Sector Act 1988 the University will operate a Human Resources policy containing provisions generally accepted as necessary for the fair and proper treatment of employees in all aspects of their employment, including provisions requiring:
    1. Good and safe working conditions; and
    2. An equal employment opportunities programme; and
    3. The impartial selection of suitability qualified persons for appointment; and
    4. Recognition of:
      • The aims and aspirations of Māori; and
      • The employment requirements of Māori; and
      • The need for greater involvement of Māori in the tertiary sector; and
    5. Opportunities for the enhancement of the abilities of individual employees; and
    6. Recognition of the aims and aspirations, and cultural differences, of ethnic or minority groups; and
    7. Recognition of the employment requirements of women; and
    8. Recognition of the employment requirements of persons with disabilities
  3. And shall work towards:
    1. Ensuring the more even representation of men and women in the senior ranks of Academic and General staff;
    2. Ensuring the more even representation of men and women in the decision making structures of the University;
    3. Ensuring greater participation and representation of Māori as employees of the University;
    4. Ensuring greater participation and representation of other ethnic groups as employees of the University;
    5. Ensuring greater participation and representation of people with disabilities as employees of the University.
  4. As part of this policy the University will develop policies which ensure that all employees maintain proper standards of integrity, conduct and concern for public interest.

Related policies, procedures and forms

State Sector Act 1988

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

The Director
Human Resources
Tel +64 3 479 8267

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