version 1.3.0 (2018-11-26) New features and changed behaviour o canned predictors for learned responses (b, bk etc.) redefined and extended o AIC method acquires argument n to override the default effective sample size o no longer computes 'posterior' component for mixture models o classMembership method for finite mixture models ('posterior' component removed) o specifying native R routines for the likelihood forces ncores = 1 o print and AIC methods for summary.openCR o acquires argument dframe0 for pesky custom models with learned response o default trace = FALSE o rev method for reversing primary sessions of capthist objects Bugs fixed o varying usage unreliable with 'multi' detector type in some circumstances o summary method for openCR objects: erroneous counts in capthist component (ignored freq) o finite mixture model posterior class membership crashed for spatial models o finite mixture models failed for 'multi' detector type Other o help page for corrected version 1.2.1 (2018-10-31) New features and changed behaviour o runsim.spatial() acquires intervals argument o summary method for openCR objects o sumsims() accepts output from summary.openCR o sumsims() acquires argument 'true' and adds summaries of bias, coverage etc. o CJSp1 = TRUE details argument respected by etc. Bugs fixed o sumsims() failed with parameters superN and superD o derived method for openCR objects: erroneous f and lambda for some models when intervals not 1.0 o print.derivedopenCR did not apply Dscale to session-specific D Other o changed default starting value for superD o tweaks to print method for derivedopenCR class o not published on CRAN version 1.2.0 (2018-05-25) New features and changed behaviour o multithreaded execution of some functions (up to 4x speed gain) o types 'secrCL' and 'secrD' emulate closed-population analyses of 'secr' o trace may be a positive integer (frequency of reporting) o ucare.cjs() wrapper for R2ucare test functions o and extractFocal() functions for moving window of sessions o m.array() reports releases on final session (last.session = TRUE) o details ignoreusage option o runsim.spatial() and runsim.nonspatial() ncores argument defaults to NULL for multithreading o exposed as internal function but not exported o derived() method for openCR objects acquires arguments newdata and all.levels Bugs fixed o usage of count detectors not properly accounted for (noted by Richard Glennie) o fixedbeta clashed with start argument (some options) o session covariates not matched correctly with robust design sessions o LLonly reported x -1 o details$hessian = FALSE failed Other o Links to RcppParallel o Additional check for nonidentifiable parameters in print.openCR() version 1.1.2 (2018-04-16) New features and changed behaviour o none Other o tweaks to C++ code for CRAN (fabs -> abs) o check for availability of RMark o better failure criterion in bd.array() o http changed to https where possible version 1.1.1 (2018-04-11) New features and changed behaviour o movement kernel exposed o bd.array() probability of (b,d) o improved simulation functions o start may be named numeric vector Other o first CRAN submission o consolidates CJS and JSSA C code (e.g. prwisecrcpp) o timevaryingcov<- disabled until next release secr version 1.0.2 (2018-03-26) New features and changed behaviour o movement kernel unsuppressed version 1.0.1 (2018-03-25) New features and changed behaviour o movement kernel [temporarily suppressed] o plotKernel() o movementmodel argument replaces staticHR o experimental timevarying individual covariates version 1.0.0 (2018-03-11) Known bugs o CI of predicted b[1] Other o renumbered 1.0.0 (previously unreleased 2.2.3)