How can we help?

We help you to decide what you want to do. We don’t make judgements about you or anyone else and we don’t make decisions for you.

Every member of the contact network has received training in listening to the issues a person may bring them and in helping the person identify responses and courses of action. They are knowledgeable about the resources available in the University and can suggest places where you can go for more help if that’s appropriate. They may also suggest that you talk to the mediator.

The mediator can help you if you have any sort of “behavioural” concern that relates to your work or study (or your living situation if you are in University accommodation) at Otago. For many people that is some sort of tension or conflict with another person. It may also be concerns about harassment or discrimination or problems about the academic supervision relationship. If you’re not sure whether the mediator can help you, ask – she will suggest other resources if she can’t help you herself.

University of Otago Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services