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Costing and Consents Worksheet (CCW)

This form will help you to work out the budget for the research. The CCW form can
be downloaded at the website:

Please note that there are 2 different costing sheets - a standard one, and one
for travel/scholarships/consumables and equipment only. Please make sure you
download the correct one. A costing sheet for programme grants is also available
from the Research & Enterprise Office.

All applications and formal proposals must be accompanied by a University of Otago
Costing and Consents Worksheet (known as a “CoW” at the UOW and a “CCW” at
other campuses). As well as costing information, this worksheet includes the
checklist covering statutory and regulatory consents and approvals.

Please note that this is an internal document only. It is never to be referred
to or made public to anyone.

The costing sheet is also used to set up the contract account through
University of Otago for the project if it is funded.

The CCW looks very daunting when first approached, but it has in fact become a
very user-friendly document over the years as it has been worked and re-worked
to make it as easy as possible to use.

CCW Signaturees

Once the CCW has been finalised by the Research Advisor it can be printed out and
signed by the relevant parties -
• Researcher/Applicant
• HoD
• Dean/PVC*
• Research & Enterprise*
• Director (R&E) / DVC(R)*

*(The Research Advisor will obtain these signatures).

Funding Application Form(s)

For original research, you will need to identify the possible sources of funding for
your project (e.g. Cancer Foundation, Health Research Council (HRC),
Heart Foundation etc) and obtain the application form(s) for these organisations.
Note down the closing deadlines and the application requirements. The following
web page provides a list of possible funding sources and their application forms:

The list of Funders is huge. Some of the names on the list give you an obvious
clue as to what type of research they may fund e.g. “Cancer Society” for cancer
research, but there are also many that are not so obvious e.g. “FRST” or
“Marsden”. This is one of the reasons you should contact the Research Advisor
early on as she has a good understanding of who may fund what. This may
save you a lot of time in the long run.

When you have decided on which funders you might apply to for funding, just
click on their name and this will take you to another index which should include
their application form to download as well as any other information that may
be useful.

You need to get your draft application and CCW (send an electronic copy) to
the Research Advisor by the posted draft internal date. The Research Advisor
needs to have time to check your application and send back to you any final
amendments. Once the final document and CCW has been agreed the
hardcopies can be printed out and signed by the PI and HoD. The hardcopies
are then delivered to the Research Office where sign off is completed, copies
are made and couriered to the funder.

A full copy of what was sent is held at the Research Office and further copies
sent back to the PI and Dept Manager.

Request for Proposal

A Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation for providers of a product or service
(in this case, research) to bid on the right to supply that product or service to the
individual or entity that issued the RFP.

RFP's are regularly advertised by many agencies such as the ACC, Ministry of
Health, etc. The following website lists all Government agency RFPs and has a
daily tender watch notification system

The Research Advisor at the UOW receives these notifications and can gain access
to this website.

Indicatory Contracts

Some Request for Proposals (RFP's) come with an Indicatory Contract. The
Research Advisor needs to check this thoroughly with you to ensure that everyone
is happy with the conditions proposed in this contract. Sometimes, this will be the
only chance to ensure clauses that don't suit are amended, added or deleted.

As well as timeframes proposed, special consideration needs to be given to CLIPPE

C onfidentiality
L iability
I ntellectual property
P ublication
P ublicity
E xclusion.

Memorandum of Understanding

If you are going to be working with an external organisation or person (e.g. some-
one from another University or agency), then you will also need to fill in a
Memorandum of Understanding form (MoU) to go with the costing sheet (CCW).
The Research Advisor will assist you with filling out this form. Please contact the
UOW Research & Enterprise Office early to creat the MoU.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a document that identifies the intended
collaborators in a research project i.e. people or organisations that you will be
working with outside of the University.

It is signed by the University of Otago and the external organisation, indicating an
intention to collaborate should the project be funded. A Memorandum of
Understanding must be signed at the time the research application is submitted.
It will form the basis of your Sub-Contract if the application is successful.

An MoU includes the following:
• Which objectives the external organisation will be involved with
• FTE and salary costs of all sub-contracted personnel
• Total consumable costs
• Overheads (if the funding body funds full-cost recovery)
• The intended level of funding to the sub-contractor for the period of the grant
(subject to the funding provided by the sponsor)
• Specifies if the agreement is GST inclusive or exclusive

The MoU could also contain:
• a description of how the funding would change if the full amount of funding
requested is not awarded
• a description of how Intellectual Property would be treated should the
contract be successful

The MoU must be signed by the authorised signatory of the sub-contracting
organisation and may need to be included with your grant application.

NOTE: This signature cannot be done electronically and therefore you must allow
time to have the MoU drawn up and then sent to the collaborator, signed and then
returned to you before the UOW Research & Enterprise Office deadline.

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