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Maori carvings

Māori Centre - Te Huka Mātauraka

Maori Centre Pounamu LogoVisit the Māori Centre website

Tēnei rā te mihi atu ki a koe, otirā, ki a koutou katoa kua tae mai ki tēnei wāhanga o te ipurangi kimi kōrero ai mō ngā mahi e haria ana i Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo. Nō reira,nau mai, haere mai . Kia kaha mai ki te kimi i ngā whakamārama mō ngā akoranga e pīrangi ana koe. Ko tō mātou hiahia kei tō mātou nei Whare Wānanga ngā akoranga e hāngai ana ki tāu e hiahia ai.

The Māori Centre is a support service for all students of iwi descent. The Centre aims to encourage Iwi Māori to participate and succeed in tertiary education. The Centre offers support for academic, cultural and social needs from pre-enrolment through to graduation and operates from a kaupapa Māori base (Māori philosophy) and provides services such as:

Liaison Academic Resources
  • Recruitment/school visits
  • Turaka Hou
  • Scholarships/Grants
  • Student support groups
  • Welfare advice
  • Iwi/Community networks
  • Supplementary tutorials
  • Mentoring support
  • Study skills
  • Exam preparation
  • Peer study groups
  • Divisional support
  • Library books
  • Old examination papers
  • Lecture notes
  • TV, Video & OHP
  • Study & seminar rooms

The Māori Centre will also give you the opportunity to meet other Māori students and whanaunga studying at Otago.

Te Roopu Māori - Māori Students AssociationTe Roopu Maori Logo

Te Roopu is the Māori Student Association at The University of Otago. As the Māori Student Association on campus we represent all Māori Students. Te Roopu Māori is the parallel student association to (OUSA) Otago University Students Association).

For further information about Te Roopu Māori contact

Tumuaki - President
Tel +64 3 479 8563

Visit the Te Roopu Māori website

Māori Student Support Officers - Kaiāwhina Māori

Māori Student Support Officer (Division of Humanities) - Kaiāwhina Māori

Tēnā koutou katoa

Tenaya Brown

Kia ora mai tātou,

Ko Titirangi te maunga
Ko Ūawanui-a-Ruamatua te awa
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Puketāwai raua ko Hinemaurea ōku marae
Ko Te-Aitanga-ā-Hauiti te hapū
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi

Ko Tenaya Hera-Maree Brown tōku ingoa.

I am beyond privileged to be given the opportunity to support our tauira (students) Māori in the Humanities Division/ Te Kete Aronui. I am a graduate of the School of Performing Arts and have high hopes to endeavour down a postgraduate teaching pathway. I look forward to meeting our first year tauira, making connections with all our support staff around campus and supporting all Humanities tauira with their academic studies and their journeys at the University of Otago.

As the support person for tauira Māori enrolled in Humanities papers and degrees, my key responsibilities are:

  • To liaise with academic departments and support services with respect to any issues relating to you and your course of study
  • To act as a point of contact for all Māori students enrolled in Humanities papers and degrees
  • To facilitate access to pastoral care, student services, course planning advice within the university

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, feedback or concerns. Please be assured that all information you share will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Visit the Kaiāwhina Māori website


Tel +64 3 479 8681
Mobile +64 21 279 8681
Office: 5C9, 5th Floor, Whare Kete Aronui - Arts Building
95 Albany Street, Dunedin

Other Roopu on Campus

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