Biological sciences shaping tomorrow
Our School of Biomedical Sciences is delivering science that is transforming our world.
Our work is vital to healthcare professions, our productive sector, and to our unique flora and fauna.
Together our staff and students are shaping our futures for Aotearoa, the Pacific, and beyond.
Mā te kimi ka kite, mā te kite ka mōhio, ma te mōhio ka mārama.
Seek and discover, discover and know, know and be enlightened.
Biomedical Sciences Programme
Programmes in Biomedical Sciences offer study in a combination of subject areas...
Department of Anatomy
Anatomy at Otago is about more than just bones and muscles, it’s about people: H...
Department of Biochemistry
The Department of Biochemistry at Otago teaches biochemistry and related subject...
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Professor Rhonda Rosengren, Head of Department, welcomes you to the Department o...
Department of Physiology
The Department of Physiology is home to hundreds of undergraduate and postgradua...