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Botting CH. "I Want Elidel!" A reply and a review of the management of eczema using only fully subsidised medications. New Zealand Family Physician 32:332-335, Oct 2005.

Botting CH. Four ways to improve the use of respiratory drugs in rest homes. New Zealand Family Physician 32:35-7, 2005.

Paul Corwin,Les Toop, Graham McGeoch, Martin Than, Simon Wynn-Thomas,J Elisabeth Wells, Robin Dawson, Paul Abernethy, Alan Pithie, Stephen Chambers, Lynn Fletcher, Dee Richards. Randomised controlled trial of intravenous antibiotic treatment for cellulitis at home compared with hospital. British Medical Journal 330 (7483):129-34, 2005

Mangin DA, Toop LJ, Chambers ST, Ikram R, Harris B. Increased rates of trimethoprim resistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infection: cause for concern? New Zealand Medical Journal 188(1225), 2005.

Mansfield PR, Mintzes B, Richards D, Toop L. Direct to consumer advertising. British Medical Journal 330(7481): 5-6, 2005.

Richards D, Toop L, Chambers S, Fletcher L. Response to antibiotics of women with symptoms of urinary tract infection but negative dipstick urine test results: double blind randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal 331(7509):143, 2005.

Richards DA, Toop LJ, Epton MJ, McGeoch GRB, Town GI, Wynn-Thomas SMH, Dawson RD, Hlavac MC, Werno AM and Abernethy PD. Home management of mild to moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia: a randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia 183(5): 235-8, 2005.


Dowson CA, Town G I, Frampton C, Mulder RT. Psychopathology and illness beliefs influence COPD self-management. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56(3): 333-40, 2004.
doi: 10.1016/S0022-3999(03)00040-0

Hamilton M, Corwin P, Gower S, Rogers S. Why do parents choose not to immunise their children? New Zealand Medical Journal 117 (1189): 768-73, 2004.

Toop L, Richards D. Physicians' negative views of direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA): the international evidence grows. New Zealand Medical Journal 117(1195): 905-6, 2004.


Botting C, Sutherland M, Wells E, Town I, Sainsbury R, Toop L. The use of inhaled and related respiratory medications in Christchurch rest homes. New Zealand Medical Journal 116(1187), 2003.

Richards D, Toop L, Brockway K, Graham S, McSweeney B, MacLean D, Sutherland M, Parsons A. Improving the effectiveness of smoking cessation in primary care: lessons learned. New Zealand Medical Journal 116(1173):10, 2003.

Richards D, Toop L, Graham P. Do clinical practice education groups result in sustained change in GP prescribing? Family Practice 20(2):199-206,2003.

Toop L & Richards D. New Zealand deserves better. Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription medicines in New Zealand: for health or for profit? (Ed.) New Zealand Medical Journal 116(1180), 2003.

Toop LJ, Richards DA, Dowell AC. The leadership role of general practice in public health: advocating a ban of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in New Zealand. 'Possums in the headlights?' British Journal of General Practice 53(489):342-5, 2003.

Les Toop, Dee Richards, Tony Dowell, Murray Tilyard, Tony Fraser Bruce Arroll. Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs in New Zealand: For Health or for Profit? Report to the Minister of Health supporting the case for a ban on DTCA.


Corwin Paul, Gillian Abel, J Elisabeth Wells, Edward Coughlan, Sue Bagshaw, Margaret Sutherland, Libby Plumridge. Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence and sexual behaviour in Christchurch high school students. New Zealand Medical Journal 115(1158): 107-14, 2002.

McGeoch G. Lainchbury J. Town GI.Toop L. Espiner E. Richards AM. Plasma brain natriuretic peptide after long-term treatment for heart failure in general practice. European Journal of Heart Failure 4(4):479-83, 2002.

Merriman E, Corwin P, Ikram R. Toys are a potential source of cross-infection in general practitioners' waiting rooms. British Journal of General Practice 52 (475), 138-40, 2002.

Richards DA, Toop LJ, Chambers ST, Sutherland MG, Harris BH, Ikram RB, Jones MR, McGeoch GRB, Peddie B. Antibiotic resistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infection: problems with interpreting cumulative resistance rates from local community laboratories. New Zealand Medical Journal 114(1146):12-4, 2002.

Richardson A, Sutherland M, Wells E, Toop L, Plumridge L. Factors affecting general practitioner involvement in a randomised controlled trial in primary care. New Zealand Medical Journal 115(1151):153-5, 2002.

Toop L & Richards D. DTCA in New Zealand: The challenge of finding an acceptable balance. British Journal of General Practice 52(477): 341-52, 2002.


Bagshaw P, Begg E, Moller P, Nicholls G, Toop L,Winterbourn C. [Editorial] Reaffirming professionalism in medicine. New Zealand Medical Journal 114(1137):347-8, 2001.

Toop LJ & Richards D. Preventing cardiovascular disease in primary care [Editorial]. British Medical Journal 323:246-247, 2001.


Toop, L., & Hodges, I. Primary care teamwork in the Christchurch area: Part 1-health professionals actual and preferred levels of inter-disciplinary contact and collaboration. New Zealand Family Physician, 23, 42-50, 1996

Toop, L., Nuthall, J., & Hodges, I. Primary Care Teamwork in the Christchurch area: Part 2-barriers to greater collaboration. New Zealand Family Physician, 23, 51-59, 1996

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