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Kia ora

We are proud to feature many young New Zealand poets in this wonderfully poetry-heavy issue. Also we hope you enjoy reading our fiction (we look forward to feedback regarding 'Mordu and Lingo: A Political Fable" in particular), Nicholas Henderson-Clark's review of the recent BBC adaptation of Dicken's "David Copperfield" as well as the work of undergraduate students (some from FIME202 Media and Intercultural Communication in Otago's Film and Media Department). Speaking of which, our next issue, due to arrive online in September, will be a special supplementary featuring some of the work of undergraduate students in Otago's Film and Media paper FIME301: Film and Media Theory

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our submitters, who have been very patient as we work with them through our current submission scheme. As we find it penalises people who submit early, and sometimes neglects those who submit near publishing time, we will be changing our submission guidelines and requirements in the near future to include a 'call for papers' notification and a cut-off date. While we will receive submissions at all times as we have always done, these new guidelines will make it easier for people to see the connection (most apparent to us) between submitting and being published, instead of having the two separated by many weeks or a few months. We welcome your suggestions regarding this, and ask you to be aware of any changes on our submissions page.

We'd also like to express our gratitude to Irene Sutton, for her always accomodating technical know-how, and to John Hale, for his energy and enthusiasm regarding Deepsouth. Deepsouth is rather well-known overseas, but not so in New Zealand, especially around our own campus - so our thanks go to John for his attempts at redressing this imbalance! 

The Editorial Team

Nick Clark,  Donald Ferns, Catherine Fletcher,
Alison Cummings, Karen McLean and Jo Smith.