Locations > Cuernavaca > Borda Garden > The gardens
The broken pink pillars, in the half-light, might have been waiting to fall down on him: the pool, covered with green scum, its steps torn away and hanging by one rotting clamp, to close over his head ... this place, where love had once brooded, seemed part of a nightmareUTV, 20.

The description, purporting to be that of Maximilian's Palace, is in fact that of Cuernavaca's Borda Gardens (307), Lowry having conflated the two locations.

He was talking of the Borda Gardens in Quauhnahuac, opposite Bustamente's cinemaUTV, 307.

The Borda Garden, more or less opposite the Cine Morelos in Cuernavaca, were built in the late 18th century from the fortune of Jose de la Borda, a Frenchman who had immigrated to Mexico and made a fabulous fortune from silver.