The Pride and Abuse of Women

Bansley, Charles

STC 1374
Ringler 1374 and TP 268. Ed. [J.P. Collier, 1841] for the Percy Soc., but suppressed; ed. Hazlitt, _Remains_, 4, 227-44. UMI microfilm reel 517

A treatyse, shewing and declaring the pryde of women
London: Thomas Raynalde,c. 1550.

Composition Date: c. 1550 [STC].

sig: A1

¶A treatyse, shewing and declaring the pryde and abuse of women now-a_dayes.

BO_pepe what haue I spyed, Bo-peep: apparently used as an interjection; see OED.
A bug I trow, deuysing of proud knacks
For wanton lasses and galant women,
And other lewde noughty packes
5 O cursed pride, the spring and rote of eueri sin,
Full yll myghte thou fare
For thou hast brought thys wealthy realme,
Into moche payne and care
And what maketh vs to fall from God,
10 And thus wyckedly to lyue as we doo
But pryde, pryde thys curssed vyce,
That hath banished welth, and brought vs woo
And yet wyl the wycked, cloke thys pryde,
And prayse it and lyke it well
15 But theyr prayse and cloke wyll not serue,
But hoyste them to the deuyll of hell
They saye that all the pryde is in the harte,
And none in the garmentes gaye
But surely yf there were no proude hartes
20 There would be no proude araye
For scripture saith that your proud garments and behauior
Do shewe playnely what you are wythin
And therfore your fonde blynd skuses wyl not serue, skuses=excuses, see OED s.v. scuse
They are not worth a pyn
25 For lyke as the iolye ale-house,the] thee 1550
Is alwayes knowen by the good ale-stake
So are proude Ielots sone perceaued to,Ielots=gillots
By theyr proude foly and wanton gate
sig: [A1v]
Take no example by shyre-Townes,
30 Nor of the Cytie of London
For therein dwell proude wycked ones,
The poyson of all this region
For a stewde strumpet can not so soone,
Gette vp a lyghte lewde fashyon
35 But euerye wanton Ielot wyll lyke it well,
And catche it vp anon
And yet Goddes worde is agaynste you playne,
And calleth it abhomination
Nowe fye for shame that Christen people,
40 Shoulde lyke anye soche wycked fashyon
For they that walcke in proude raymente,
Walcke not truelye in spyryte and fayth
But in a flesshely deuelyshe waye,
For so the Scripture sayeth
45 Sponge vp youre vysage olde bounsynge trotte,
And trycke it wyth the beste
Tyll you tricke and trotte youre-selfe,
To the deuyls trounsynge-neste
Oure trotte oure trotte oure lustye trotte,
50 Whyche shoulde be mooste sadde and playne
Is nowe become a trickynge one,
And a wanton trincklet agayne
Thys from the deuyll and the stewes, Thys=Thus
Commeth youre tricksynesse that you lyke so well
55 To tricke vp youre Carkas to the sayle,
And to trappe youre soule to hell
Wyth whyppet a whyle lyttle prety one,
Prancke it and bragge it well
For yf you iette not nycelye,
60 You shall not beare the bell
sig: A2
The scole-house of women is nowe well practysed,
And to moche put in vre
Whyche maketh manye a mans hayre to growe,
Thorowe hys hoode you maye be verye sure
65 For there are some prancked Gosseps euery-where,
Able to spyll a whole countrie
Whyche mayntayne pryde ryot and wantonnes,
Lyke mothers of all iniquitie
Take hede to thys good husbandes all,
70 Take good hede and beware
Least youre wyues raymente and galante trickes,
Doo make youre thryfte full bare
And loke well ye men to youre wyues trycksynes,
Whyche is to shamefull wyde
75 Or some wyll not stycke or it be longe,
To horne you on euerye syde
He that is a foole, maye be a Iacke-dawe,
And so continue all hys lyfe
That loketh not wyselye vpon hys charge,
80 And the proude foly of hys wyfe
What, shall the graye mayre be the better horse,
And be wanton styll at home?
Naye, then wylcome home syr woodcocke,
Ye shall be tamed anone
85 Youre blasynge wyfe maye be youre sygne,
And serue to call in gesse
A pleasaunte stale for the deuyll hym-selfe,
And a member of all lewdnesse
Youre charge is greate, youre honestye small,
90 And youre wytte full bare
When you sette more by proude vanytie,
Then by youre soules wel_fare
sig: [A2v]
Wyll, wyll, lustye wylful wyll,
Wyll marre all or it be longe
95 And cause the tryckeste of you all,
To synge a carefull songe
Downe for shame wyth these bottell-arste bummes,
And theyr trappynge trinkets so vayne
A bounsinge packsadel for the deuyll to ryde on,
100 To spurre theym to sorowe and payne
It is not proud rayment that maketh the honest,
But thy condycyons playne
For cursed be they that walcke wyckedly,
And heare Goddes worde in vayne
105 Rubbe forthe olde Trottes to the deuyl warde,
Seme ye neuer so holye
Youre glosynge woordes wyll not serue,
When youre worckes be wycked and full of foly
And yet the deuylyshe wyll be proude styll,
110 For that is all theyr delyghte
To please theyr lewde lemmans all the daye,
And to strumpe it well at nyght
Ducke Ielot ducke, ducke pretye Minions,
Beware the Cokingstoole Cokingstoole=cucking-stool
115 Ducke galant trickers wyth shame ynoughe,
Your wanton corage for to cole
Huffa goldylocx, ioly lusty goldylocx,
A wanton tricker is come to Towne
Wyth a double fardyngale and a caped Cassoc,
120 Moche lyke a players Gowne
Awaye wyth lyght rayment and learne to go sadly,
For that is beste of all
That in no wyse for thy carkas sake,
Thou caste awaye thy soule
sig: [A3]
125 From Rome from Rome thys ca[n]kerd pryde, cankerd] carkerd 1550
From Rome it came doutles
Away for shame wyth soch filthy baggage,
As smels of papery and deuelyshenes
Lorde what Romishe monsters make ye your children,
130 To shamefull to be tolde
Ye make them sure your god almyghtes,
And Popyshe ydolatry ye do vpholde
Many straunge regions haue I bene in,
And marked well the fashyon
135 But so moch proude foly and wantonnes,
Saw I neuer in no nacyon
And yet blynd dotardes perceyue not thys,
Tyll they be brought to thrall
But styll wynke and walke in the deuyls wayes,
140 Tyll he posses theyr soule
Loke to thy householde wysely,
And bryng them vp playnely in vertue and godlynes
That hereafter they doo not come,
To no myschaunce and lewdenesse
145 Dysfygure not youre faces good honeste women,
Wyth no lyghte horysshe fashyon
Leste it brynge you into yll fame,
And sclaunderous estemacyon
For honeste women shoulde stycke to honestye,
150 And vpholde no harlottes guyse
But amende and rebuke all wonton lewdenesse,
And learne to bee sadde and wyse
Our lyght is oute oure example is wycked,
And stynckes before Goddes face
155 Because the deuell wythin vs doethe dwell,the] thee 1550
And resystethe bothe vertue and grace
sig: [A3v]
Nowe fye vpon proude strumpery,
And al vayne deuyllyshe stuffe
Awaye wyth it good people all,
160 Or loke for greate vengeaunce and sorow ynoughe
And beware also prety one,
And see that you amende thys gere
Or haue ye shall as many mockes,
As youre greate ars can beare
165 But come home agayne to sadnesse,
And I wyll saye no more
For yf you do not shortlye,
My pen muste vexe you sore
And now ryght worthy and sadde women all,
170 Wyth you no faute I fynde.
For your good honestye and sadde demeanor,
Doeth well shewe youre godly mynde
And I speake not agaynste no playne women,
As walke in godlye wyse
175 But agaynst suche wanton dyssemblers,
As doeth goddes truthe despyse
And therfore I truste no honest women,
Herewyth wyl be offended
But suche as lyue vngracyously,
180 And lyst not to be amended
We wonder moche at these nyppynge plages,
That daylye on vs doo fall
But nothynge we wonder at oure synfull fashions,
That are chefe cause of all
185 Wherefore reformacyon wyll come shortlye,
And put you to more shame.
sig: [A4]
And teache you to know gods lawes and your kinges,
And to walke in better frame
For your bummes wyll be better bounst at,
190 Or it be verye longe
And make suche lustye bounsyng ones,
To synge a playner songe
For thoughe some take the matter hylye,
And sore be offended here-wythall
195 Yet maye I not spare to speake the truthe,
Howe pryde wyll haue a fall
Rubbe a galde horse on the backe,the] thee 1550
And he wyll kycke and wynse
And so wyll wanton wylyons, wylyons=villains? or wyly on[e]s? cf. prety one, sp. pretyone
200 When they haue anye snaper or twynche OED cites this line as the only instance of the word snaper: 'Of uncertain meaning'. For twynche see OED s.v. twinge
But kycke and wynche clatter and chatter,
At the truthe as moche as you lyste
Your pryde wyll come downe wyth shame ynoughe,
Beware of had I wyste
205 For preachyng and teachyng we ar neuer the better,
But rather worse and worse
The heathen lyue farre better then we,
And therefore haue we goddes curse
We trust and beleue we can not tell howe,
210 Euen as we lyste oure-selues
But that trust and fayth muste we amende,
Or hell-fyre shall we posses
To presume on goddes mercye is as greate a faute,
As too dyspayre therein
215 For yf thy faythe bee not perfecte good,
Thy truste is not worthe a pyn
sig: [A4v]
Remember that hell is a wofull place,
Full of all cruell paynes and tormentes
And it is not thy wauering fayned fayth,
220 That can delyuer the from thens
O foole, foole more then starke madde,
Not sure to lyue one houre
How darest thou so proudely offend thy Lorde God,
Of soche almyghty power
225 Lyue godly and do good worckes,
And spend thy shorte tyme well
For a wanton lyfe and vycyous,
Is the very ryghte waye to hell
And thus God sende vs grace euerychone,
230 In vertue and sadnes to remayne
And for oure sad and honest playnes, playnes: see OED s.v. plain n2 (=plaint)
A ioyefull place in heauen
GOD saue Kyng Edward and his noble counsail al,
And send vs peace and reste.
235 And of thys pryde and deuylyshe folye,
Full soone to haue redresse.

Finis. Quod Charles_Bansley.

¶Imprinted at London in Paules Church-yearde, at the Sygne of the Starre. By Thomas_Raynalde.the] thee 1550