Brief Apology or Answer to a Certain Crafty Cloyner, A


STC 22880.7
Ringler 22880.7 and TP 1582 (also TP 1415, 'Of late I perused ...' [Smythe's poem]). Sigs. A1-B2v only (rest wanting). Reprints and answers STC 22880.4. Roman font is used for the main text and headings ("An answere") throughout, whereas the quoted text of Thomas Smythe and associated headings (along with the title to the poem and the motto beginning "God saue the kynge") are printed in blackletter. UMI microfilm reel 1861

A brefe apologye or answere to a certen craftye cloynar, or popyshe parasyte, called Thomas Smythe
[Antwerp]: [M. Crom],[1540].

Variant source 1: R. Lant, 1540 (STC 22880.4)

Composition Date: 1540.

gnato: 'parasite, sycophant'; see OED s.v. Gnatho Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum. Psa. 132 Deus charitas est qui manet in charitate. 1. Ioan . 4.
sig: [A1]

A brefe apologye or answere to a certen craftye cloynar, or popyshe parasyte, called Thomas_smythe.
¶Beholde the disceytfull penne of the scrybe, hath set forthe lyes. Hieremie .8.
SEr, though ye be a smythe Esaie. 9.
And beate vppon the stythe
Ye cum nat to the pythe
Nor haue not yet wherwythe

5 Your spyryt is verye drye
The scripturs to applye Ezec. 13.
Ye rather them denye
Than ther trewthe fortyfye

W[h]at measur ye obserue What] Wbat Crom 1540
10 In poesye proterue Eccl. 19.
Axe of ladye mynerue And she wyll saye ye swerue

Full flatterynglye ye foyne
Ye clatter and ye cloyne prou. 10
Ye mangye matters ioyne
15 And all to catche the coyne

Ye cobble and ye clowght
To vpholde the romyshe rowght Hie. 50.
But ye maye haue the gowght
Ere ye brynge that abowght

20 Ye maynteyne sodomytes
With other hypocrytes Abac. 2
And playe the parasytes
To slee trewe israelytes

sig: [A1v]
Agaynst a strawe ye stumble
25 And at a blocke ye fumble Math. 7
Ye fare lyke hym that tumble
For nought ye do but bumble.

Soche one ye are ywys
As popyshe prestes maye blys Esai. 56.
30 For wher all treason ys
Ye fynde nothynge amys.

Your hate ye can not hyde
Nor yet your popyshe pryde Luc. 21.
God wyll for hys prouyde
35 Whan ye shall stande asyde

Whyls you suppresse the ryght
Here wanderynge in the nyght Ioh. 12.
Ye thynke God hath no syght
Which is the very lyght

40 The lorde wyll once out spewe
Soche hypocrytes vntrewe Apoc. 3
As byddeth hys worde adewe
Pylde poperye to renewe.

For cursed is that hart
45 And worthye to haue smart Hie. 48.
Whych wyl with them take part
That scripture doth peruart


To trolle awaye or trolle in / let not trolle spare
Yf trolle trewlye trolle / trolle nedeth not to care

An answere.

Trolle_in hath trolled trewlye, wher trolle_awaye trolled amys
Yf ye wyll trolle with trollars, trolle trewlyar after thys Osee. 9.
50 Full lyke a troblous trollar, ye trolle a tryfelynge trace
Trolle no more with the scripturs, except ye haue better grace

sig: A2


A lyttle treatyse agaynst sedicio[u]s persones.

Of late I perused / two purposes seuerall
In the[r] kyndes craftlye handled / the treuthe for to tell ther] thee Crom 1540, their Lant 1540
Trolle_awaye / and trolle_in, menne do them call
Treatynge vpon matter / concernynge the late Cromwell
The one vtterlye myndynge / the other to repell
Trolle_awaye (the treuthe is) moche touched the quycke
And trolle_in (somwhat galled) beganne for to kycke

¶An answere to the bolsterar of sedicion.

In your perusinge, ye seme very parciall Gene. 8.
Trolle_awaye iugynge, of treuth to haue the trycke
Concernynge Cromwell, trolle_in nothyng at all
55 But for hys trollynge, to be an heretycke Rom. 7.
Trollynge betwixt them, ye are a iuge to quycke
The worse to allowe, the better to condempne
Soche vntrewe trollars, all veryte contempne.

Whan Crist was alyue, soche tryfelinge trollars trolled Iohan . 5.
60 Callynge hym traytour, and heretycke also
Whome for ther trollynge, the pharysees extolled
As yet to thys daye, ther trewe successours do Act. 4.
Dyd not soche trollars, agaynst the apostles go?
What ther rewarde is, we nede not for to tell
65 Trollynges trouthe troblynge, trolleth euermore to hell.


Yet trolle_awaye tolde trouthe / yt can not be denyed
Declarynge the offences / wherin Cromwell offended
Trolle_in beynge trobled / whan he yt espyed
With trollynges to couer it, subtyllye contended
Some trollars ther be / I wolde were amended
For who that craftelye coloureth / any others offence
Of lykelyhode in hys owne hart / hath the same pretence.

An answere.

Trolle_awaye ded lye, in manye thynges he tolde Pro. 12.
Though the lorde Cromwell, hath dyed for hys offence
So sone as trolle_in, soche trollynges ded beholde
He shewed hym of it, with moche more grace and scyence Gala. 6.
sig: [A2v]
70 Betwyne them ye trolle, without indifference Gala. 6.
Your verdyt is nought, your iugement is wurse
Soche vntrewe trollars, are vnderneth goddes curse

No wreche so wycked, but some wyll take hys part Ro. 10.
None so vnlerned, but some shal hym vpholde
75 As menne se profyght, so trolle they in ther hart
Some that hath knowlege, are neyther hote nor colde
And verye asse-heades, auctoryte maketh bolde Apoc. 3
He that with the fote, so cruell partes wyll playe
The head wyll not spare, he once out of the waye.


Trewlye to trolle, it is no maner of shame
And trollynge vntrewe / is nat to be mayntayned Ve qui dicitis bonum malum et malum bonum Esa. v.
As euerye-thynge is / so to geue it proppre name
Amonges all trewe honest men / shuld nat be dysdayned
The scripture so teacheth vs / it can not be fayned
Agaynst scripture who stryueth / he is non other lyke
Than a traytour to hys prynce / and to God an heretyke

An answere.

80 If trewlye to trolle, stande with moche honeste Eph. 4.
And trollynge vntrewe, requyreth rebuke and shame
I gretlye maruele, whyls you a trollar be
That in your trollynge, ye wyll trewe trollars blame
And for your purpose, trolle scripturs out of frame Eccl. 3.
85 Soche trecherous trollars, I thynke to be no lesse
Than those lewde persons, whome ye do here expresse

Your scripture ye trolle, from Esaye the fyft Esai. 5.
Ther spoken for them, that doth goddes worde blaspheme
But ye can make it, to serue an-other dryft
90 Than God that tyme shewed, or Esaye coude esteme
Soche trollynge of trouthe, cause yet some men to deme Mat. 16.
The bysshop of Rome, the chefe head of the churche
Scripturs so trolled, lyke mysteryes canne wurche.


I intende not to trolle, to [t]ake anye part take] rake Crom 1540, take Lant 1540
Diuision to increace, it nedeth nothynge
But sorowfullye syghynge / I trolle in my hart
With my-self in mynde / manye tymes reuoluynge
How God to vs hath ordayned / the most noble kynge
sig: A3
Who vnyformelye to knyt vs / hath trauayled full sore
Yet manye tryfelynge trollars / care lyttele therfore.

An answere.

A blacke-more wyll change, the colour of hys skynne Hier. 13.
95 As sone as hys craft, an hypocryte shall hyde
Ye trolle with no part, dyuysion to begynne
And yet the people, from Crist ye wolde dyuyde
Some trollars lament, the fallynge of ther pryde Ioan. 11.
Christen kynges hauynge, soche trollars at ther hande
100 Are in worse takynge, than they do vnderstande

Who maketh dyuision? who is the peace-breakar? Ioan. 7.
Nat Iudas but Christ, yet Iudas doth betraye
Paule worketh sedicion, and is no treason-speakar
Ye do the myschefe, and yet ye make no fraye Act. 14.
105 The same foxe that lurketh, the same foxe take the praye
Oh trollynge gnato, ye thynke ye be not sea[n]e Pro. 11.gnato: 'parasite, sycophant'; see OED s.v. Gnatho

Yet by your trollynges, perceyue men what ye meane.


But as trollars troblous / and full of enuye
At the lawes of God, and of our good kynge
In ther trollynges do trust, that ther olde heresye
All good orders set a_part / shall floryshe and sprynge
Ther prechars no lesse comfort / in ther sermons do brynge
Euen latelye exhortinge them, auoydinge all drede
And, persecucion not regardynge / throughlye to procede.

An answere.

Here is a pretence, to turne stones into breade Math. 4
And a suggestion, to cast our-selues downe bacwarde
110 Vpon the mountayne, for golde ye trolle vs leade
Lawes with good order, ye wolde vs to regarde
And yet trewe prechars, ye mynde nat to be harde Nu. 14.
False fables ye forge, to darken with ther name
Trollynge in soche trashe, as wyll be to your shame

115 The scrybe on hys skyrtes, doth goddes commaundementes set Mat. 23
The deuyll resembleth, the massenger of lyght
Who destroyeth lawes? who doth good order let?
But those pharysees, that chrysten peple spyght
Sendynge soche prophetes, as the daye change to the nyght Hie. 23.
sig: [A3v]
120 All them that abhorre, ther olde pylde popetrye
For the worde of God, they accuse of heresye.


Wyth manye wordes more troblous / than now I wyl reherce
Not doubtynge at all / but at length they shall be knowne
Soche trollynge trecherous, my hart doth sore perce
Consyderynge how sedycyouslye / amonge vs they be sowne
Of late I well trusted, they hath bene ouerblowne
But now I w[e]ll perceyue / that neyther fauer nor smart well] wyll Crom 1540, well Lant 1540
From the bodye can expell / that is roted in the hart

An answere.

More wolde ye trolle out, yf ye coude more reherce Ioan. 7.
Ye shall do no more, than God shall you permyt
Whych trolleth forth tyrauntes, both terryble and ferce
125 Hys flocke to correct, whan they trolle out of wyt Iob. 23.
Amonge soche trollars, ye are a trollar fyt
And I can ye thanke, ye do full well your kynde
Trollynge now soche hate, as laye longe in your mynde.

All ys sedicyon, that please not popyshe hartes Ioan. 11.
130 All insurreccyon, whan menne from you declyne
Of your sort manye, hath trolled trayterous partes
And yet agaynst them, no trollynges ye dyffyne
One relygyous zele, doth you and them combyne Act. 23.
All heretyckes frelye, ye maye touche in your spyght
135 But none soche as dyed, for holye churches rycht.


A trewe trollynge hart / wold be lothe to pretende Esai. 23
Anye purpose to mayntayne / agaynst God or hys kynge
The confessyon of an heretyck / that latelye ded offende
And amonges others / suffred for hys deseruynge
[Se]crettelye they embrace / as most precyous thynge Secrettelye] Sesecrettelye Crom 1540, Secretly Lant 1540
And yet playnelye wyll I proue / by good lawe and reason
Contayned therin / bothe heresye and treason.

An answere.

A trewe trollynge hart, dwelleth not wythin your bosome
For all the colours, that you shewe outwardelye
In the confessyon, whych came an heretycke frome
Ys moche lesse treason, and moche lesse heresye 2. Tim. 4
140 Than in the trollynges, of your hypocresye
Whyls you shall contende, wyth reason and with lawe
sig: A4
Your trolled scripturs, proue you a dottynge dawe.

The heretycke that dyed, as all the peple harde
In the fayth of Christ, mekelye departed hence Sapi. 5.
145 Praynge for our kynge, and our worthye prince Edwarde
Longe dayes to endure, in ther prehemynence
In hys confession, I fynde none other offence. 1. Tim. 2
But as Christ doth saye, soch slayghtes are in the sectes
As wolde in maner, deceyue the verye electes.


In anye wyse imprynted / they wyll nat yt shall be
The dau[n]gers therof / in themselues mystrustynge Nihil opertum quod non reueletur. Mat. 10
Wherfor euerye manne / maye well perceyue and se
What hartes they do beare / to God and our good kynge
Euerye of them secretlye / must haue yt in wrytynge
But Christ sayth verelye / ther is nothynge conceled
But at length shall be knowen / and openlye reueled.

An answere.

150 It is imprynted, wherfore by lawe and reason
Proue I can ryght well, that ye a lyar be Eccl. 7.
Verye hote ye are, in iugynge menne of treason
The hydden secretes, of all mennes hartes ye se
As ye iuge ye are, by holy saint Paules decre
155 Soche tauntynge trollars, are tetrici thrasones Rom. 2.
And in ther trollynges, full noughtye nebulones

A scripture ye trolle, as dyd the deuyll in desert Math. 4
To serue your purpose, trollynge the pythe asyde
Hydde secretes sayth Crist, shall now be clere and apert
160 Meanynge soche scripturs, as the pharysees ded hyde Luc. 12.
With ther tradicions, hypocresye and pryde
Thus Christ declareth it, in the .xij. chapter of Luke
False trollynge of textes, wyll turne ye to rebuke.


Who agaynst them trolleth / a papyst they hym name
They haue none other thynge, them-selues for to defende defende] defrende Crom 1540, defende Lant 1540 Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum. Psa. 132

I wolde that all papystes, had an open shame
And that all heretyckes / themselues wolde a_mende
Than shuld we haue no cause / further to contende
But vniformelye to lyue / t[he] one with the other the] to Crom 1540, the Lant 1540
And ioyfullye to in_habite / as brother wyth brother.

sig: [A4v]

An answere.

We call them papistes, that maintayne papistrye Iud . 1
165 Both hauynge ther frutes, and scripture for vs to laye
If all soche papystes, schuld haue shame openlye
I thynke ye coude not, be farre out of the waye
As Iudas wyth Christ, with heretyckes here ye playe Ps. 17.
No brother is he, that goddes wurde doth nat furder
170 Except he be Cain, whych doth pore Abel murder.

Styll ye trolle scripturs, but nothynge in ther kynde 2. cor. 6
Couetinge full sore, to haue a fleshelye concorde
Beliall and Christ, wer neuer of one mynde
Dauid commended, a vnite in the Lorde Ps. 132.
175 Which with your peltrye wylleth vs not to accorde
For lyght with darkenes, schall neuer well agre
Nor popyshe falsehede, with Christis veryte.


Soche schuld be our trollynges / Christ vs so t[e]acheth teacheth] tracheth Crom 1540, teacheth Lant 1540 Deus charitas est qui manet in charitate. 1. Ioan . 4.

Commandinge euer peace / amonge vs for to be
Vntrewlye he trolleth / that otherwyse preacheth
Sturrynge to anye sedicyon, malyce or enmyte
Where bannyshed ys dyscorde / and raygneth all charyte
That realme in God resteth / and God ys in yt
Beinge charyte him-self / as sayth the holye wryt

An answere.

Christ neuer trolled, soche peace as ye wolde haue Esa. 57.
Neyther in Mathew, in Luke, nor yet in Iohan
180 Thowgh in your trollynges, ye falselye them depraue
Of olde cankred scribes, the armoure ye do on
Nat Barrabas but Christ, accusynge of sedicyon Ioan . 18,
To the worlde sayth Christ, I sende no peace but the sworde
By the which ys ment, the rygour of goddes worde.

185 Ye trolle forth your textes, commixtynge perles with draffe Mat. 7.
For Christ sayd in-dede, they shuld be troden of swyne
Non est pax impijs, your charyte ys but chaffe
Though ye crye pax pax, as Esaye doth dyffyne Ioan. 16.
Ye speke of charyte, and drawe by an-other lyne
190 Christ sayd, that with you, we shuld haue trybulacyon
And in him alone, our peace and consolacyon.

sig: B[1]


Than towardes that charyte / trolle we on apace Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis et. Math. 15
Auauncynge our-selues / with all conuenyent spede
A more acceptable pilgrymage / surelye neuer was
For whych God gaue to man, anye meryte or mede
Our labour or great burden / let vs nothynge drede
Nor regarde the wylfulnes / of our bodye or fleshe
For at the iournayes ende / Christ wyll vs refreshe

An answere.

If ye trolle to Christ, as ye mynde nothynge lesse
With the pharise, ye maye not your-self auaunce Luc. 18
For mede or meryte, as ye do here expresse
195 For non can deserue, the heuyns in_herytaunce Rom. 11
But here men maye se, your trollynge ignoraunce
The frutes of our flesche, ye wyll vs not to regarde
So trollynge vs Christ, full lyke a wanton stewarde.

Than trolle ye scripture, that Christ wyll you refreshe Math. 11
200 At your iournayes ende, for your gret labour, and peyne
Christ ther taketh the lawe, for the burden of our fleshe
Easynge our conscyence, of mennys tradicyons pleyne
But in your trollynge, ye haue an-other veyne Deu. 13.
In your cottacyon, for the aleuynt of Mathewe
205 Ye trolle the fystent, to be knowne a trollar trewe. fystent: meaning uncertain


[A]nd leaf torn omnis anima potestatibus sublimioribus sub. Ro. 13. than as trewe trollars / togyther let vs remayne omnis anima potestatibus sublimioribus sub. Ro. 13.
Perfyghtlye fast knyt / in one peace / vnyte and loue
Wyth glorie vnto God / euermore gladde and fayne
Our noble prynce trewlye / to serue as doth vs behoue
And all others to tendre / as dewtye doth vs moue
Vsynge styll amonge vs the self-same loue and concorde
Whych ys to vs commaunded / by Christ the eternall Lorde

An answere.

Thys trollynge wer good, yf ye coude folowe yt 1. Pe. 2.
And no more couete, to haue them ouerblowne
That fauer goddes trewthe, as they suppose most fyt
Of Christen peple, in thys lyfe to be knowne
210 Reportynge by soche, sedycyon to be sowne Hier. 9.
Ye neyther trolle peace, nor a christen amyte
But declare yourself, an ympe of inyquyte.

sig: [B1v]
We must loue in Christ, yf we loue christenlye Ioh. 15.
For loue out of Christ, is but a paganes loue
215 In goddes worde therfore, let vs loue to hys glorye
And obeye our kynge, as christen menne behoue Rom. 13
With mekenes of hart, and no sedicion moue
And than shall we trolle, in peaceable vnyte
As God vs wylleth, by hys heuenlye veryte.


And now in that loue / let vs all with one voyce praye
For the preseruacyon / of Henry our moste noble kynge
And Kateryne our quene / that they togyther maye
Prosperouslye contynew / to ther hartes desyrynge
And Edwarde our prynce, that moste angelyke thynge
That they all togyther / maye longe lyue and rest
And after with hym raygne, qui in celis est. Amen.

An answere.

220 Nat onely with voyce, as dyd the hypocrytes Math. 6
But whan ye shall praye, praye from the very hart
Expressynge the fayth, of christen Israelytes
And trolle with your prynce, no fyckle flatterynge part
Least after thys lyfe, ye trolle to eternall smart Pro. 27
225 Better is a strype, of hym which is a frynde
Than a kysse of hym, that beareth a wycked mynde.

In fayth and in spyryt, let vs of God requyre Iohan . 4.
Our Kynge, Quene, and Prynce, to lyue here prosperouslye
Not as you do trolle, vnto ther hartes desyre
230 But vnto goddes mynde, and of hys name the glorye 1. Tim. 2
Thus trolleth saynt Paule, with Abacuch and Hieremye
Lorde graunte them longe lyfe, to thy swete wyll and pleasure
Thy flocke rewlynge here, which is thy most deare treasure

God saue the kynge.
And hys ofsprynge,

sig: B2


To trolle awaye or trolle in / let not trolle spare
Yf trolle trewlye trolle / trolle nedeth not to care

An answere.

235 Betwixt hys trolle and trolle, yf trolle no better trolle
Trolle maye trolle with trollars, that trolle the gossyppes bolle
Yf trolle wyll trolle with trollars, let trolle trolle veryte
Or els trolle with yll trollars, wyll trolle dyshoneste Iohan . 9.
Where trolle hath trolled vntrewly, let trolle trolle back agayn
240 For trollinge with yll trollars, trolleth many one to payne


Composed by Thomas_smythe / seruaunt to the kynges Royall mageste / And clarke of the Quenes graces [C]ounsellleaf torn (though most vnworthye.)

An answere.

The Pharyse in-dede
Hys phylacterye sprede.
Hys skyrtes he doth dylate
To fournyshe hys estate Mat. 23.
245 The scrybe set forth hys hemme
With perle and with gemme

With many tytles proude
The pore trouthe to out-croude
He paynteth hym-selfe with penne
250 [F]orleaf torn Luc. 11. to be seane of menne Luc. 11.
Here mayster smythe must be
To the kynges hygh mageste

A seruaunt scant so symple
As reynarde vnder a wymple
255 A clerke, a lerned manne
Which worldlye cauteles canne Hier. 8.
Yea, clerke of the Quenes counsell
And persecuteth the Gospell

Yet is he moste vnworthye
260 And that he speketh trewlye 1. Ioh. 4.
Thys worke he hath composed
sig: [B2v]
Wherin he hath not glosed
By colours of hypocresye
By falsehede nor by vayne-glorye

265 No more than reynarde foxe
Or fryre with hys boxe
It is good by saint Ione
That prestes haue soche a wone Mat. 7.
As canne so clerkelye wryte
270 And poetelye indyte

Whych wyll not from them wauer
And is in so great fauer
Beynge the kynges seruaunt Hest. 3.
So wyttye and so pregnaunt
275 He that shall with hym scole
Wyll fynde hym no small fole.

None heretycke now shall rowte
Nor dare put forth hys snowte
But wyll plucke in hys hornes Actu. 4.
280 As doth new ale in cornes
The gospellars now wyll shrynke
And not be able to wynke

The knaues shall no more checke
Nor agaynt vs popystes becke Gen. 39
285 With hym they dare not dallye
For feare of Putiphars vallye
Or els for Daniels deane Dani. 6.
But now synge in a meane.

Nowe may we tythes home trolle
290 And care but for the bolle
We maye let the gospell goo Ioan. 7.
For he is our mortall foo
We are fortunate thys tyde
To haue smythe on our syde.

295 Our kyngdome wolde els fall text breaks off here