ref.ed: [1] | |
Christmas carolles newely Imprinted. | |
ref.ed: [2] | |
¶A caroll of the byrth of Chryst CC1 begins here.
¶Come to Bethleem and ye shal se | |
Puer natus est hodie. | |
A woman a mayd in thought and deede | |
A fayrer with eyen myght no man see | |
With her virgin paps her babe did fede | |
Puer natus est hodie. | |
5 | ¶The chyldes name is called Iesus |
Gabryel sayde it shulde so be | |
Ioye we togyther and syng we thus | |
Puer natus est hodie. | |
To make vs rych, pore was he than | |
10 | With mekenes and humylytie |
Doutles he is bothe god and man | |
Puer natus est hodie. | |
Kynges and prynces of this dyd here | |
Togyther they came a mayden to see | |
15 | Lullyng her babe her blessed son dere |
Puer natus est hodie. | |
[Now] blyssful mayde that bare th t byrthe [Now]: rubbed over in copytextbyrthe ='offspring'; see OED s.v. birth n1, 3a | |
Pr[aye t]hy son that we may hym se Pr[aye t]hy: rubbed over in copytextThe text breaks off here: pages [3]-[6] are wanting in the copytext. | |
ref.ed: [7] | |
CC2 begins here. | |
Verses 1-9 are wanting in the copytext. | |
To euery man that is vnkynde | |
What shulde I man do for the more | |
Than my lyfe to be vntwynde | |
Thou arte the fayrest creature to fynde | |
5 | For I the made lyke vnto me |
And gaue the reason, wyt and mynde | |
Quid vltra .etc. | |
¶I loue the man aboue all-thinge | |
I wyll be borne for the therfore | |
10 | Bycause I wolde to blys the brynge |
What shulde I man do for the more | |
By Adams syn thou was forlore | |
Euermore punysshed for to be | |
But for thy mys I bought the sore | |
15 | Quid vltra .[etc.] [etc.]: hole in copytext |
My handes [on the] crosse be spread [on the]: hole in copytext | |
To yelde the mercy yf thou wylt craue | |
Mercy to aske be nat adred | |
Fyr yf thou wylt I wyll the saue | |
20 | Whan thou art dead and layd in graue |
And all thy frendes from the flee | |
Yet thy soule wyll I haue | |
Quid vltra .etc. | |
Finis: |
ref.ed: [8] | |
CC3 begins here. | |
¶Blow the winde styl and blow nat so shyl | |
My blode man I shed for the al at wyl | |
Blowe the winde styl and blowe nat so shyll | |
This paine to suffre is my fathers wil. | |
SYnfull man thou art vnkynde | |
To thy maker that made the of nou[ght] nou[ght]: word rubbed over in copytext | |
Thou shuld kepe and haue in minde | |
Howe with my blode I the bought | |
5 | To saue the from the paynes of hell |
That with the fende thou shulde nat dwell | |
Neyther rather to go. | |
Blowe the wynde styl. | |
This payne to suffre. | |
10 | To a piller boun[de] both fote and hand boun[de]: hole in copytext |
Tyll al my senew[es] [b]rode dyd brast senew[es] [b]rode: hole in copytext | |
The iues me bet [whyle] they coude stand [whyle]: word rubbed over in copytext | |
And as they weryed they dyd them rest | |
And arose agayne and scorged me so | |
15 | Tyll blode and fleshe wente the bones fro |
Blowe the wynde styll. | |
This payne to suffre. | |
¶Whan they me scorged sharpe and sure | |
ref.ed: [9] | |
They crowned me with a thorne | |
20 | A rede in my hande for a septure septure: =sceptre |
And there they kneled me beforne | |
They sayde to me al hayle my kynge | |
For so was alway theyr sayenge | |
And mocked me so | |
25 | Blowe the wynde styll: |
This payne to suffre. | |
I bare the crosse that was so longe | |
To Caluery where my deth was dight | |
My mother folowed with rufull songe | |
30 | Seyng my trauel she fel downe-ryght |
To se me in such payne I_brought | |
For the syn man that thou hast wrought | |
She was full wo. | |
Blowe the wynde styll. | |
35 | This payne to suffre. payne] paynes 1547 |
¶On the crosse they splayed me than | |
And all my body they drewe in brede drewe in brede ='stretched out breadthwise'; see OED s.v. brede n2 | |
Tyl fleshe and blod thorow the skyn ran | |
My handes and fete with holes dyd blede | |
40 | They went me fro with one assent |
And made a knyght my herte to rent | |
ref.ed: [10] | |
Thus payned they me tho | |
Blowe the wynde styl | |
This payne to suffre. | |
45 | They gaue me drynke that was nat fyne |
The which was eysell myxte with gall | |
They gaue it me in-stede of wyne | |
And I sayd than made an ende was al | |
Than went away my spirite to hell | |
50 | To fetche the soules that there dyd dwel |
And in Limbo lay. | |
Blowe the wynde styll | |
This payne to suffre. | |
¶ Finis. |
CC4 begins here. | |
¶Farewell aduent and haue good-daye | |
Chrystmas is come, nowe go thy way. | |
GEt the hence what doest thou here | |
Thou hast no loue of no beggere | |
Thou makest vs fast with euyll chere | |
With farewell aduent. | |
5 | Thou takest on the more than doth the lent |
Thou dwellest so long that thou art shent The text breaks off here: pages [11]-[14] are wanting in the copytext. | |
ref.ed: [15] | |
CC5 begins here. | |
The copytext is defective at the beginning so no burden is preserved. | |
¶Whan alleluya is a_lofte | |
I go gay and syt softe | |
And than I am mery ofte | |
As any byrde on brere | |
5 | Whan laus tibi cometh to towne |
Than me behoueth to knele downe | |
And euer to be in orisowne | |
As it were a frere. | |
Soone at Easter commeth alleluya | |
10 | With butter chese and a tansay |
It is nothynge to my pay | |
That he taryeth away so longe | |
Myght I byde shere-thursday | |
Laus tibi shall go away | |
15 | [An]d I haue wepte that I may [An]d: hole in copytext |
Though he neuer come vs amonge | |
¶ Finis. |
CC6 begins here. | |
In the honour of Christes byrth | |
Syng we al with ioye and myrthe. | |
IN this tyme of Chrystmas | |
Bytwyxte an oxe and an asse | |
A mayden delyuered was | |
Of Christ her dere son dere | |
ref.ed: [16] | |
5 | ¶The husbande of Mary |
[...] Ioseph stoode her by [...]: word rubbed over in copytext | |
And sayde he was ready | |
To serue her if nede were. | |
¶When she her deare sonne se | |
10 | She set him on her kne |
And song hydder to me. | |
Cum basse thy mother deare | |
On her lap she him layde | |
And with her pappe he playde | |
15 | And euer sang the mayde |
Come basse thy mother dere. | |
With lyppes collyng | |
His mouth ofte she dyd kysse | |
And sayd sweetehert myne | |
20 | I pray you make good chere. |
To this chylde let vs pray | |
That borne was on this day | |
Of Mary the mylde may | |
To graunt vs all good chere. | |
¶ Finis. |