B1 |
She had a desyre ofte to be wedde |
And also to lye in an-other mannes bedde |
Lytell rought she therfore |
She is as softe as a lamme yf one do her meue |
5 |
And lyke to the deuyll wan a man dothe her greue wan: =when
So well is she sette |
O good condycyon to her housbonde O ='of'
Yf he call her calat she calleth hym knaue agayne calat: =callet, 'strumpet'
She shyll not dye in his dette |
10 |
By saynt
Ione sayd Cocke than |
These be fayre vertues in a woman |
Thou shalte be my launder |
To wasshe and kepe clene all my gere |
Our two beddes togyder shall be sette |
15 |
Without ony lette The rhyme scheme is irregular in this stanza in the copytext.
The nexte that came was a coryar coryar: =currier, 'leather-dresser'
And a cobeler his brother |
As ryche as a newe-shorne shepe |
They offred Cocke a blechynge-pot |
20 |
Other Iewelles they had not |
Scant shoes to theyr fete |
The coryer dresseth so well his lether |
That it wolde drynke water in fayre weder |
Therfore he hath many a crystes curse |
25 |
And the cobeler for his cloutynge |
The people blesseth hym with euyll cheuynge |
To knytte fast in his purse |
A shomaker came to these other two |
Bytwene them two was moche a_do |
30 |
For a pyese of lether |
[B1v] |
They togged with theyr teth & gnewe it there |
And pulde as it had ben grehondes at a hare |
It was a shepes-skyne of a wether |
And than they tanned it whan they had done |
35 |
To make lether to hym with mennes shone |
And all for theyr auayle |
For as sone as the hemme is tore |
The sho is lost for euer-more |
And it is lytell meruayle |
40 |
A tanner for euyll tannynge of leder |
They foure with sorowe Cocke dyde set togyder |
And neuer a good without fayle |
Than came one with two bolddogges at his tayle bolddogges: =bulldogs
And that was a bocher without fayle |
45 |
All be_gored in reed blode |
In his hande he bare a flap for flyes |
His hosen gresy vpon his thyes |
That place for magottes was very good |
On his necke he bare a cole tre logge cole tre logge: =coltre-logge, 'wooden sheath for a knife (coulter)'?
50 |
He had as moche pyte as a dogge |
And he were ones wrothe |
He loked pe[u]ysshe and also rowe peuysshe] perysshe 1518
A man wolde take hym for a shrewe I trowe |
And of his company be lothe |
55 |
Than came a gonge-fermourer fermourer: =farmer
Other-wyse called a masser-scourer |
With hym a canyell-raker |
Theyr presence made Cocke
& his men to spewe |
For as swete was they[r] brethe as henkan or rewe
theyr] they 1518
60 |
To wasshe them they laked water |
B2 |
On these Irysshe cople I wyll not tare |
Cocke dyde set them there as knaues sholde be |
Amonge the slouenly sorte |
Than came two false towlers in nexte towlers: =tollers, 'toll-collectors'
65 |
He set them by pykers of the best |
For there sholde they abyde The rhyme scheme fails here in the copytext.
But before that they were plonged in the ryuer |
To searche theyr bodyes fayre and clere searche ='penetrate'? See OED s.v. search v, 9.
Therof they had good sporte The rhyme-word 'sporte' and the general sense suggest that these 3 lines belong with lines 1-3 of the previous stanza.
70 |
A myller dustypoll than dyde come |
A Ioly felowe with a golden thome |
On his necke a sacke was Perhaps 'a sacke was' should be emended to 'was a sacke' to rhyme with 'lacke' in the following group of three lines.
Many sayd that he with reprefe |
[B2v] |
Of all craftes was nexte a thefe |
75 |
In that Cocke founde no lacke |
He sayd that the touled twys for forgetynge the: =they
And stele floure and put chauke therin stele: =stole?
Be_sherewe hym that taught hym that |
Cocke bad hym grynde cherystones & peson |
80 |
To make his men brede for a season |
By-cause whete was very dere |
Than came a pardoner with his boke |
His quaterage of euery man he toke quaterage: =quarterage, 'quarterly dues'
But Cocke wolde theyr names here |
85 |
The pardoner sayd I wyll rede my roll |
And ye shall here the names poll by poll |
There-of ye nede not fere |
Here is fyrst Cocke_Lorell the knyght |
And symkyn_emery mayntenaunce agayne ryght mayntenaunce ='the action of wrongfully aiding and abetting litigation'; see OED s.v. maintenance n, 6.
90 |
With slyngethryfte_fleshemonger
Also fabyane_flaterer
And sesly_claterer
With adam_auerus flayle-swenger |
And fraunces_flaperoche of stewys captayne late |
95 |
With gylys_vnyeste mayer of newgate
And lewes_vnlusty the lesynge-monger |
Here also baude baudyn_boller
And his brother copyn_coler
With mathew_marchaunte of shoters_hyll
100 |
Crystofer_catchepoll a crystes course-gaderer course: =corse, 'corpse'
And wat_welbelyne of ludgate Iayler |
With laurence_lorell of clerken_well
Here is gylys_Iogeler of ayebery
B3 |
And [s]ym_sougelder of lothe_bery
sym] hym 1518sougelder: =sow-gelder |
sougelder: =sow-gelder
105 |
With wallys the wrangler |
Pers_potter of brydge_water
Saunder_fely the mustarde-maker |
With Ielyan_Iangeler
Here is Ienkyne_berwarde of Barwycke
110 |
And tom_tombler of warwyke
With Phyllyp_fletcher of fernam
Here is wyll_wyly the mylpeker mylpeker: =mill picker, 'one who fashions the grinding surfaces of millstones'
And patrycke_peuysshe heerbeter heerbeter: =herb-eater
With lusty hary_hange-man
115 |
Also mathewe_tothe-drawer of London
And sybly_sole mylke-wyfe of Islyngton
sybly: =sybyl? But see Skelton, Collyn Clout 391, 'Dame Sybly'.
With dauy_drawelache of rokyngame
[B3v] |
Here is maryone_marchauntes at all_gate
Her husbonde dwelleth at the sygne of the cokeldes pate |
120 |
Nexte house to Robyn_renawaye
Also hycke_crokenec the rope-maker |
And steuen_mesyll-mouthe muskyll-taker |
With Iacke_basket-seler of alwelay
Here is george of podynge_lane carpenter |
125 |
And patrycke_peuysshe a conynge dyrte-dauber |
Worshypfull wardayn of slouens_In
There is maryn_peke-small fremason |
And pers_peuterer that knocketh a basyn |
With gogle-eyed tomson shepster of lyn
shepster ='dressmaker'
130 |
Here is glyed_wolby of gylforde squyere |
Andrewe of habyngedon apell-byer |
With alys_esy a gay tale-teller |
With gregory_loue_good of rayston mayer |
And hary_halter-seler at tyborn the ayer ayer: =heir?
135 |
[Also peter_paten-maker] This line is printed two lines above in the copytext.
Here is kate with the croked fote |
That is colsys doughter the dronken koke |
A lusty pye-baker |
Here is saunder_sadeler of froge_strete corner |
140 |
With Ielyan_Ioly at sygne of the bokeler |
And mores_moule-taker
Also annys_angry with the croked buttocke |
That dwelled at the sygne of the dogges hede in the pot |
By her crafte a breche-maker |
145 |
Cocke sayd pardoner now ho and sease |
Thou makeste me wery holde thy pease |
A thynge tell thou me |
[B4] |
What profyte is to take thy pardon |
Shewe vs what mede is to come |
150 |
To be in this fraternyte |
Syr this pardon is newe founde |
By-syde London_brydge in a holy grounde |
Late called the stewes_banke
Ye knowe well all that there was |
155 |
Some relygyous women in that place |
To whome men offred many a franke |
And bycause they were so kynde and lyberall |
A merueylous auenture there is be_fall |
Yf ye lyst to here how |
160 |
There came suche a wynde fro wynchester
That blewe these women ouer the ryuer |
In wherye as I wyll you tell Also wherye; =wherry
Some at saynt_Kateryns stroke a_grounde |
And many in holborne were founde |
165 |
Some at saynt_Gyles I trowe |
Also in aue_maria_aly and at westmenster
And some in shordyche drewe theder |
With grete lamentacyon |
And by-cause they haue lost that fayre place |
170 |
They wyll bylde at colman_hedge in space |
A nother noble mansyon |
Fayrer and euer the halfe-strete was and: emend to 'than'?
For euery house newe-paued is with gras |
Shall be full of fayre floures |
175 |
The walles shall be of hauthorne I wote well |
And hanged with whyte motly that swete doth smell |
Grene shall be the coloures |
[B4v] |
And as for this olde place these wenches holy |
They wyll not haue it called the stewys for foly |
180 |
But maketh it strabery_banke
And there is yet a chapell saue saue =safe
Of whiche ye all the pardon haue |
The saynt is of symme_trollanke
I wyll reherse here in generall |
185 |
The indulgences that ye haue shall |
Is these that foloweth with more |
At the oure of deth whan ye haue nede |
Ye shall be assoyled of euery good dede |
That you haue done before |
190 |
And ye shall be parte-taker of as many good dedde |
As is done euery nyght a_bedde |
And also ferthermore |
At euery tauerne in the yere |
A solempne dyryge is songe there |
195 |
With a grete drynkynge |
At all ale-houses trewely |
Ye shall be prayed for hertely |
With a Ioyefull wepynge |
And the pope darlaye hath graunted in his byll |
200 |
That euery brother may do what he wyll |
Whyle that they be wakynge |
And the pardone gyueth you that hath the pose pose ='cold in the head'
On your owne sleue to wype your nose |
Without rebuke takynge |
205 |
Also pope
nycoll graunteth you all in this texte |
The coughe and the colyke the gout and the flyxe |
With the holsome tothe-ache |
[B5] |
Also it is graunted by our bulles of lede |
That whan ony brother is dede |
210 |
To the chyrche dogges shall cary hym |
A ryche pal to ly on the corse late fro rome is come |
Made of an olde payre of blewe medly popley hosone medly ='motley'; popley: =popely, 'befitting a pope'
For the worshyppe of all the bretherne. |
[B5v] |
Theyr knylles shall be ronge in the myddes of temse
215 |
And theyr masse songe at shoters_hyll amonge the elmes |
With grete deuocyon in-dede |
And many thynges elles shall be done |
The resydewe I wyll reherse soone |
For drynke fyrst must I nede |
220 |
Than Cocke cast a_syde his hede |
And sawe the stretes all ouer-sprede |
That to his bote wolde come |
Of all craftes there were one or other |
I wyll shewe how many or I passe ferther |
225 |
And reken them one by one |
The fyrst was golde-smythes & grote-clyppers |
Multyplyers and clothe-thyckers |
Called fullers euerychone |
There is taylers / tauerners and / drapers |
230 |
Potycaryes / ale-brewers / and bakers |
Mercers / fletchers / and sporyers |
Boke-prynters / peynters / bowers |
Myllers / carters / and botyll-makers |
Waxe-chaundelers / clothers / and grocers |
235 |
Wolle-men vynteners / and flesshemongers |
Salters / Iowelers / and habardashers |
Drouers / cokes / and pulters |
Yermongers / pybakers / and waferers Yermongers: =ironmongers
Fruyters / chese-mongers / and mynstrelles |
240 |
Talowe-chaundelers / hostelers / and glouers |
Owchers / skynners / and cutlers Owchers ='makers of ouches, buckles, or brooches'; OED oucher: sole attestation.
Blade-smythes / fosters / and sadelers fosters ='foresters'
Coryers / cordwayners / and cobelers |
[B6] |
Gyrdelers / forborers / and webbers forborers: =furbers, 'furbishers'; webbers ='weavers'
245 |
Quylte-makers / shermen / and armorers shermen ='workers who shear woollen cloth'
Borlers / tapstry-worke makers / and dyers Borlers: =burlers, 'workers who dress cloth by removing knots and extraneous particles'
Brouderers / strayners and carpyte-makers |
Sponers / torners / and hatters |
Lyne-webbers / setters with lyne-drapers Lyne-webbers ='flax-weavers'; setters ='workers who stretch cloth on frames'
250 |
Roke-makers / coper-smythes / and lorymers Roke: =rock, 'distaff'; lorymers ='makers of bits and metal mountings for horses' bridles'
Brydelbytters / blacke-smythes / and ferrars ferrars: =farriers; see OED s.v. ferrer n2, ferrour.
Bokell-smythes / horse-leches / and golde-beters |
Fyners / plommers / and penters Fyners: =refiners; penters: =painters
Bed-makers / federbed-makers / & wyre-drawers |
255 |
Founders / laten-workers / and broche-makers |
Pauyers / bell-makers / and brasyers |
Pynners / nedelers / and glasyers |
Bokeler-makers / dyers / and lether-sellers |
Whyte-tanners / galyors / and shethers galyors: =Dutch gleyer (dealer in earthenware brought by galley)? OED galyor,
sole attest.
260 |
Masones / male-makers / and merbelers male-makers ='bag-makers'; merbelers ='quarrymen or hewers of marble'?
Tylers / brycke-leyers / harde hewers harde hewers='stonemasons'
Parys-plasterers / daubers / and lyme-borners |
Carpenters / coupers / and Ioyners |
Pype-makers / wode-mongers / & orgyn-makers |
265 |
Coferers / carde-makers / and caruers |
Shyppe-wryghtes / whele-wryghtes / & sowers |
Harpe-makers / leches / and vpholsters |
Porters / fesycyens / and corsers corsers ='jobbers, horse-dealers'
Parchemente-makers / skynners / and plowers |
270 |
Barbers / bokebynders / and lymners |
Repers / faners / and horners faners ='workers who winnow grain with a fan'
Pouche-makers / belowfarmes / & cage-sellers belowfarmes: =bellows-farmers, 'bellows-operators'? Fot the form farmes, cf. golde-sheres below
Lanterners / stryngers / grynders |
[B6v] |
Arowe-heders / malte-men and corne-mongers |
275 |
Balancers / tynne-casters / and skryueners Balancers ='tumblers, acrobats' (see OED s.v. balancer) or, possibly, 'balance-makers'.
Stacyoners / vestyment-s[ow]ers / and ymagers sowers] swoers 1518
Sylke-women / pursers / and garnysshers |
Table-makers / sylke-dyers / and shepsters |
Golde-sheres / keuerchef-launders / & reben-makers |
280 |
Tankarde-berers / bouge-men / & spere-planers bouge-men ='wallet-makers'; see OED s.v. bouge n1.
Spynsters / carders and cappe-knytters |
Sargeauntes / katche-pollys and somners |
Carryers / carters / and horskepers |
Courte-holders / bayles / and honters bayles: =bailies, 'bailiffs'; honters: =hunters, haunters?
285 |
Constables / hede-borowes / and katers hede-borowes: =headboroughs, 'petty constables'
Butlers / sterchers / and musterde-makers |
Harde-ware men / mole-sekers / and ratte-takers |
Bewardes / brycke-borners / and canelrakers Bewardes: =bee-wards, 'beekeepers'
Potters / bromesellers / pedelers |
290 |
Shepherdes / cowe-herdes / and swyne-kepers |
Broche-makers / glas-blowers candelstycke-casters |
Hedgers / dykers / and mowers |
Gonners maryners / and shyp-maysters |
Chymney-swepers / and costerde-mongers |
295 |
Lode-men / and bere-brewers Lode-men: =load-men, 'load-carriers'
Fysshers of the see / and muskeltakersSchouyll-chepers ='shovel-merchants'; rake-fetters ='makers or
menders of rakes'? OED s.v. rake n, 5.
Schouyll-chepers / gardeners / & rake-fetters
Players / purse-cutters money-baterers money-baterers ='clippers or sweaters of coin'
Golde-washers / tomblers Iogelers Golde-washers ='those who "sweat" gold coins'
300 |
Pardoners kynges-benche-gatherers & lether-dyers |
There were theues hores & baudes with mortherers |
Crakers / facers and chylderne-quellers facers ='braggarts'
Spyes / lyers and grete sclaunderers |
C1 |
Cursers chyders & grete vengeaunce-cryers |
305 |
Dyssymulynge beggers hede-brekers borders borders: =bourders, 'buffoons'
Nette-makers and harlote-takers |
Swerers and outragyo[u]s laughersSurmowsers: =surmisers, 'accusers'; make-brasers ='people who domineer or bluster'? See OED s.v. make-.
Surmowsers yll-thynkers and make-brasers
With lollers lordaynes and fagot-berers lollers: =Lollards
310 |
Luskes slouens and kechen-knaues |
Barge-men whery-rowers and dysers |
Tyburne-collopes and peny-pryckers peny-pryckers ='players of the game of penny-prick'
Bowlers mas-shoters and quayters mas-shoters: =mace-shooters, 'billiard players'? See OED s.vv. mace n1, 3, mast n5 (although mace ='billiard cue' is not recorded until 1727); quayters: =quoiters
Flaterers and two-face-berers |
315 |
Sluttes drabbes and counseyll-whystelers |
With smoggy colyers & stynkynge gonge-fermers smoggy: =smuggy, 'grimy'
Of euery crafte some there was |
Shorte or longe more or lasse |
All these rehersed here-before |
320 |
In Cockes bote eche man had an ore |
All tho that offyces had |
Some wounde at the capstayne as Cocke them bad |
Some stode at the slynge some dyde trusse & thrynge
trusse ='furl (a sail)'
Some pulde at the beryll some sprede the mayne-myssyll beryll: =(capstan-) barrel
325 |
Some howysed the mayne-sayleveryed showte: =veered sheet, 'payed out the sail-ropes'; see OED s.v. veer v1, 1. 'a very slayle ' corrupt?
Some veryed showte a very slayle
Some roped the hoke some the pompe & some the launce launce: =launch, 'ship's boat'? See OED s.v. launch n2, 1, where this sense is first recorded in 1697.
Some the longe-bote dyde launce some mende the corse |
Mayne-cor[s]e toke in a refe by force
corfe] corse 1518Mayne-corse ='mainsail'; see OED s.v. main-course. |
Mayne-corse ='mainsail'; see OED s.v. main-course.
330 |
And they that were abyll drewe at the cabyll |
Some the anker layde some at the plompe a_sayll plompe ='pump'; see OED s.v. plump n2.
One kept the
compas & watched the our-glasse |
Some the lodysshestone dyd seke some the bote dyd swepe lodysshestone: =lodestone
[C1v] |
Some made knottes of lynkes endes |
335 |
Some the stay-rope suerly byndes |
Some [sette borde] a_stare-borde sette borde] a satte borte 1518sette borde a_stare-borde ='set (the ship's course) "board a-starboard"'; see OED s.vv. board n, 15, set v1, 105b. |
sette borde a_stare-borde ='set (the ship's course) "board a-starboard"'; see OED s.vv. board n, 15, set v1, 105b.
Some the standerdes out dyde brynge |
Some-one the shrowedes dyde clyme |
Some couched a hogges-heed vnder a hatche |
340 |
Some threwe out bayte fysshe to catche |
Some pulled vp the bonauenture bonauenture ='outer mizzen-sail'
Some to howes the tope-sayle dyde entre |
Some stered at the helme behynde |
Some whysteled after the wynde |
345 |
There was non that there was |
But he had an offyce more or lasse |
Than Cocke_Lorell dyde his whystell blowe |
That all his men sholde hym knowe |
With that they cryed and made a shoute |
350 |
That the water shoke all aboute |
Than men myght here the ores classhe |
And on the water gaue many a dasshe |
They sprede theyr sayles as voyde of sorowe |
Forthe they rowed saynt
George to borowe |
355 |
For Ioye theyr trumpettes dyde they blowe |
And some songe heue and howe rombelowe |
They sayled fro garlyke_hede to knaues_in
And a pele of gonnes gan they rynge |
Of colman_hedge a syght they had |
360 |
That made his company very glad |
For there they thought all to play |
Bytwene tyborne and chelsay
With this man was a lusty company |
C2 |
For all raskyllers fro them they dyde trye raskyllers ='rabble'; see OED s.v. rascaller, where this is the sole example cited; trye ='select, pick out'; see OED s.v. try v, 1b.
365 |
They banysshed prayer
peas and sadnes
And toke with them myrthe
They wolde not haue vertu ne yet deuocyon
[C2v] |
But ryotte and reuell with Ioly rebellyon
They songe and daunsed full merely |
370 |
With swerynge and starynge heuen-hye |
Some sayd that they were gentyl-men of grete myght |
That ther purses were so lyght |
And some wente in fured gownes & gaye shone |
That had no mo faces than had the mone |
375 |
Of this daye gladde was many a brothell |
That myght haue an ore with Cocke_Lorell
Thus they daunsed with all theyr myght |
Tyll that phebus had lost his lyght |
But than came lucyna with all her pale hewe |
380 |
To take her sporte amonge the cloudes blewe |
And marcury he t[h]rewe downe his golden bemes threwe] trewe 1518
And sperus her syluer stremes sperus: =Hesperus, 'the evening star'?
That in the worlde gaue so grete lyght |
As all the erth had be paued with whyte |
385 |
Cocke wayed anker and housed his sayle |
And forthe he rowed without fayle |
They sayled Englande thorowe and thorowe |
Uyllage towne cyte and borowe |
They blessyd theyr shyppe whan they had done |
390 |
And dranke aboute saynt
Iulyans to[n]ne
tonne] torne 1518tonne: =tun |
tonne: =tun
Than euery man pulled at his ore |
With that I coude se them no more |
But as they rowed vp the hyll |
The bote-swayne blewe his whystell full shryll |
395 |
And I wente homwarde to mowe-shame_st[r]e[t]e
strete] stere 1518
With a company dyde I mete |
As ermytes monkes and freres |
C3 |
Chanons chartores and Inholders chartores: =Chartreux, 'Carthusians'? Inholders: ='innkeepers'; perhaps an ironic nonce-term for a religious order.
And many whyte nonnes with whyte vayles |
400 |
That was full wanton of theyr tayles |
To mete with Cocke they asked how to do |
And I tolde them he was a_go |
Than were they sad euerychone |
And went agayne to theyr home |
[C3v] |
405 |
But my counseyll I gaue them there |
To mete with Cocke another yere |
No more of Cocke now I wryte |
But mery it is whan knaues done mete done: emend to 'do'?
Cocke had in his hande a grete route |
410 |
[.........................................] |
Both the sense and rhyme-scheme indicate that at least two lines have dropped out in the copytext.
The thyrde persone of Englande
Thus of Cocke_Lorell I make an ende |
And to heuen god your soules sende |
415 |
That redeth this boke ouer-all |
Chryst couer you with his mantell perpetuall. |
Here endeth Cocke_Lorelles bote. Inprynted at London in the Flete_strete at the sygne of the sonne by Wynkyn_de_Worde. |
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