Commendation of Welshmen, A

Kelton, Arthur

STC 14919
Ringler 14919 and TP 1090. Huntington copy lacks first two leaves. Order no. 2481; UMI microfilm reel 134

A commendacion / Of welshmen
London: R. Grafton?,1546.

Composition Date: 1537-1546.

sig: A3
LOue and desire
Dooeth me require
So effectually
I can no lesse
5 Of gentilnesse
But graunt it willyngly.

Some payne to take
For desires sake
And herty assuraunce
10 With yncke and penne
The gentill Walshmenne
Their fame to aduaunce.

As shall insewe
Matter full trewe
15 By storis euiedent
Of auctours olde
Bothe write and tolde
Famous and excellent

Trustyng in this
20 No man there is
sig: [A3v]
My purpose will disdayne
If my reporte
Maie them comforte
I shalbe glad and fayne.

25 When I consider
And call together
To my remembraunce
The regalitee
The nobilitee
30 The redoubted puissaunce.

The high parentage
The fearce corage
The actes moste marciall
The princely fame
35 The worthie name
The bloud imperiall.

The ciuilitee
The vtilitee
The high magnificence
40 The policie
sig: A4
The industrie
The noble aduertence

¶Of there progenitours
Most mightie conquerours
45 The enimyes to decline
Excelling farre
In strength of warre
That were before there tyme

¶Whose worthye fame
50 Inhauncid there name
As men of lustie corage
Like princes great
Kyngdomes to geat
For them and ther lynage

55 As noble brute
In his persute
And acte triumphal
To his estate
Kyngdomes gate
60 And made them Imperiall

sig: [A4v]
First to begynne
Their birthe their kynne
Their generacion
Then to conuoy
65 From noble Troy
The whole procreacion.

¶Ye must then loke
In the fifth boke
Of the antiquities
70 Where Birosus
And Isodorus
In their Ethimolegies.

¶Affirmeth playne
As authours twayne
75 That after Noe his flood
The first famouse kyng
In Egipte reignyng
Was called Osiris the good. Osiris the furst [k]ynge in E[g]ypt[e] the se[c]onde sonne of shame. Egypte] Egyptk 1546 Egypte] Egyptk 1546

¶But yet Moses
80 In Genesis
sig: A5
Nameth hym Mizraim
A prince of fame
The first of name
That conquest did begynne.

85 ¶By force of strengthe
He gate at lengthe
To his dominion
The worlde rounde
Except the grounde
90 Dewe vnto Babilon

¶Moste circumspecte
In this effecte
Accoumpte the nobles all
He was the furst
95 In Egipt iust
Emonges the people rurall.

With greate industrie
And labour of bodie
The plough there did inuent
100 To eare and sowe
sig: [A5v]
In countres lowe
Idlenes to preuente

¶To graffe and to plant
In places skante
105 Vynes most holsum and good
He taughte them playne
The barley grayne
To norishe the lustie bloud

¶Hys tyme before
110 They hadde no store
But acornes and leves grene
No other frute
For ther refute
Emonge them was ther sene

115 ¶Till Osyris
Of hys goodnes
Applied bothe sence and mynd
In such distres
For ther redres
120 Some remedy to fynd

sig: [A6]
Auctors doth accorde
He went abrode
Hys vertues onely to shewe
In straunge regions
125 Whose affecctions
Toke place in yeres fewe

Fyrst to Berbarye
A famose contrye
The people grosse and rude
130 Standyng in affryke
Them did he seke
There blyndnes to exclude

Then to Almayne
He toke the playne
135 That kyn[g]dome to aduaunce kyngdome] kyndome 1546
Wher in lyke wyse
He dyd practise
All-thing for their plesaunce

Then at the instaunce
140 Of the Italians
sig: [A6v]
With mightie apparell
The cruell Titans
Put to vtteraunce
By fearcenes of battell

145 ¶Full shortlie than
Doune to Tuscan
He went with all his men
To a citee strong
Large and long
150 Where he reigned yeres ten.

¶Called Vitarbie
Thus laboured he
The people to conducte
From place to place
155 Of princely grace
Onely them to instructe.

¶Then into Grece
A countree fearce
A_long the seas he went
160 Vnto a prouince
sig: [A7]
Of greate excellence
With like famouse intent.

¶As auctours do witnes
Named Pilloponnes
165 Where stode the strong citee
Called Argeos
Of noblenes
Hauyng the souereintee.

¶Where he vnfayned
170 Famously reigned
XXXvii. yeres iust
Till at the last
The yeres gone past
To Egipt he had a lust.

175 ¶Prepared home
Where cruell Typhon
As saieth Diodorus
His brother vntrewe
By treason hym slewe
180 Of mynde malicious.

sig: [A7v]
Bocas confesseth
Also expresseth
How the people rurall
Changed Osiris
185 Into Sirapis
And so they dyd hym call

Affermyng playne
Howe he certayne
In heuen was stallid
190 In suche maner wyse
Affter ther guyse
A God was he called

Labyn or Libus
Called great Hercules Hercules or Libus sonne of Osiris.
195 The sonne of Sirapys
As auctours saythe
His fathers death
Reuengid shortly thys

Sent a deffyaunce
200 To all the gyauntes
sig: [A8]
Throughout the wor[ld]e rounde worlde] wordle 1546
Fyrst into Phenyce
Dyd he enterpryse
His enymyes to confounde

205 To hys estate
That lande he gat
In maner inuincible
By wonderfull strenghte
Percyd it at lengthe
210 And made it diuisible

Then into phrigie
A prouynce myghtie
Wher he slewe Tipheus
A gyaunt stronge
215 Were it right or wronge
And gaue hym to A[c]hus Achus] Arhus 1546

Whiche he begate
Beyng associate
With a lady fayre and bryght
220 Called Omphale
sig: [A8v]
Whiche did preuaile
Moste pleasaunt in his sight.

¶From thence to Affricke
Fearce cruell and quicke
225 Of herte coragious
Slewe the Giaunt
Mightie and puissaunt
Named greate Atheus.

¶In token of fame
230 Altered that name
Then called barbarie
After Libus
Named it thus
The greate lande of Libie.

235 ¶For a memoriall
By art naturall
He made a piller strong
His conquest greate
Should not forgeate
240 The people there emong.

sig: B1
¶Then to Gaul_celtike
Full princely-lyke
His passage dyd he take
Wher great Iupiter
245 Dyd hym prefere
And moche there did him make

¶For more amitye
Gaue galathyae
A pryncesse of highe astate
250 Hys doughter dere
To be hys fere
Suche honour ther he gate

Wher he was crouned
Whose fame redoundyd
255 With galathy hys wyfe
In kyngdomes ferre
After that Iupiter
Had altered his lyfe

Then With hys armye
260 Into Italye
sig: [B1v]
Hym-selfe dyd aduaunce
Brake mountaynes hye
By strengthe of Bodye
And myghtye ordynaunce

265 And wher the waye was
Haynouse to passe
And wonder dificill
Brake them downe-right
By force of myght
270 Without tariyng any-while

¶But entred by strengthe
Where he at lengthe
As Byrosus doth witnes
His enymies slewe
275 His force to renewe
Manfully dyd them oppresse

Then downe he came
Vnto Tuscane
The Tytans to subdewe
280 For malyce alone
sig: B2
Of cruell Typhon
Of treytors moste vntrue

Wher for his sake
Suche slaughter dyd make
285 His enimyes to confounde
That ther dolefull crye
A_boue the skye
To the heauens did abounde

¶Suche was his grace
290 With-in shorte space
They were all ouerthrowen
Cleane out of fame
As thoughe their name
Had neuer bene knowen

295 ¶Thus this noble man
Wholy became
Possessor of Italy
Fully yeres ten
Where he reigned then
300 As A prince stronge and myghty.

sig: [B2v]
¶Frome thense into spayne
Wher men dyd complayne
The great extorcion
Done by violence
305 Without resistence
In that famouse region

¶By gyauntes stronge
Whiche them amonge
The people dyd oppresse
310 Founde no refute
In ther persute
Ther wooes then to redres

Tyll greate Hercules
Of hys gentilnes
315 With moste manfull corage
Came downe with spede
In tyme of nede
To a_voyde ther outrage

Sought them about
320 Hauyng no doubte
sig: B3
Of their myghty puysaunce.
Frome place to place
Dyd them inchace
By longe contynuaunce

325 ¶By knyghtly strengthe
Gate them at lengthe
Wher they myght not astert
As a prynce royall
He slewe them all
330 With a coragyouse hert

¶After whose death
Diodorus saythe
In hys Antiquyties
Who Lyste to loke
335 In the .v. boke
That thys noble hercules

¶Dyd there remayne
Tyll death certayne
Hys bodye dyd oppres
340 Wher he dothe lye
sig: [B3v]
Full sumtuoslye
As Auctors bere witnes

His Sepulture
In such manere
345 Raysed was with pillers hye
That men myght se
Of euery degre
The place as they pas by

And yet the same
350 In token of fame
Euermore for to encrease
Ys called thys daye
As Spanyardes saye
Gaades le Hercules

355 After came Tustus
A prince ful famouse
Sonne to great hercules Tustus sonne of Hercules.
As next heyre of bloud
Notable and good
360 Full of al gentilnes

sig: [B4]
¶Whiche in Italy
Reigned quyetly
Without let or dysturbaunce
Right welbeloued
365 No cause mouyd
Of hys misgouernaunce

Next Altheus
Sonne of Tustus
Of Italy was kinge Altheus son[ne] of Tustus.
370 A Prince of renowne
With Scepter and crowne
All his tyme then lyuyng

Then Comboblaston
The sonne of Blaston
375 Whiche was sonne of Altheus Comboblaston sonne of blaston whiche Blaston was sonne of Altheus and ded his father liuynge
For his worthynes
And passing goodnes
Was made then Coritus

¶Whiche was a name
380 Of worthie fame
sig: [B4v]
Excellyng all other
As at that daye
As who wolde saye
A second Iupyter.

385 Thys noble kynge
Recorde of wrytyng
By Electra hys wyfe
Had princes thre
Of noble degre
390 All borne in hys lyfe

The fyrst Iaseus
The nexte dardanus Dardanus the seconde sonne of Comboblaston buylded the Cytie of derdane
The th[i]rd Armonya third] thrd 1546
Dardanus then
395 With all hys men
Wente in-to phrigia

A prouence stronge
Myghtie and Longe
Full of all pleasaunce
400 Stondyng in Asia
sig: [B5]
Called dardanya
Hys name onely to avaunce

His people and he
Raysed a Citie
405 With towres wonderfull hye
Wallid it aboute
Hauyng no doubte
Of any foren enemye

¶When it was walled
410 Then was it called
Dardane after Dardanus
In all Asya
Or in phrigya
Was none halfe so famouse

415 ¶This Citie play[n]e playne] playme 1546
Was made certayne
The yere for to acco[m]pte accompte] acconpte 1546
Of Moyses
A .C. doubtles
420 Xiiii. more dyd A_mounte

sig: [B5v]
¶Next Dardanus
His sonne Erictonius [E]rictonius [so]nne of dar[da]nus.
There toke possession
Of ryght enteryng
425 As Lorde and kinge
By dewe succession

¶Then Troos the famouse
Sonne of Erictonius [T]roos the [s]onne of Eric[to]nius chaun[g]ed the name [o]f dardane and [c]alled it Troy
Of all Phrigia was kyng
430 For myghtye puyssaunce
And greate aboundaunce
All other surmounting

Affirmyth vs
435 This kyng had sonnes thre
The fyrst Ilius
The next Assaracus
The thyrd as in degre

The yongest of al
440 Whiche men dyd call
sig: [B6]
Worthy Ganymydes
Whom Tantalus
Most auericious
Of pitie all merciles

445 ¶Falselye dyd persewe
A traytore vntrewe
With couetyse ful replete
Toke monye and hire
His death to conspire
450 Of Iupiter kyng of Crete

Troos this famousse kyng
Sore Lamenting
This foule ingratitude
Of mortall hate
455 And soden debate
Reysed a multitude

¶Of herte dolorus
Droue Tantalus
Oute of highe phrigie
460 Forcing hym at leng[t]he lengthe] lenghe 1546
sig: [B6v]
By pryncely strength
Out of Paphlagie

Also Birosus
465 Affermyth verely
That Tantalus
Full vngracious
Dyed myserablye

For his offence
470 And vile pretence
So ofte-tymes frequented
Poetes do fayn
That he certayn
In hell shuld be tourmented

475 Wyth hunger and thurst
Hauyng a lust
Alwayes vnto hys meate
His belly emptie
With dyshes plentie
480 And yet nothyng coulde eate

sig: [B7]
¶In drynke dyd Swyme
A_boue the Chynne
His body hote and drye
All was in waste
485 Non could he taste
Yet for thurst redy to die

Ouid doth shewe
In wordes fewe
And playnely doth vs tell
490 Howe he shulde Lye
With-out mercy
In the depe lake of hell

¶When cruell Tantalus
Moste inpituouse
495 Was brought to subi[ec]cion subieccion] subicecion 1546
And that noble Troye
Dyd fully enioye
Tantalus possecion

Kyng of highe phrygia
500 In all Asya
sig: [B7v]
Was none so myghtie a kinge
So muche redoubtid
So well assured
So muche honor incresing

505 His Citie playne
Called Dardaine
As auctours write and saye
Was called than
Of euery man
510 The great Citie of Troye

Only after his name
To increase his fame
As a prince most fortunate
The country aboute
515 Standyng in doubte
Obayed his noble estate

¶And thus was he
Of magnanimytie
Redoubted on euery side
520 None was so boulde
sig: [B8]
Other yonge or olde
His force that durst abide

¶Next this famouse kinge
After insuweing
525 Was his sonne Ilius
He had a brother
Of father and mother
Namyd Assaracus Assaracus t[he] yonger son[ne] of Troos

Of full noble blodde
530 Famouse and good
His sonne called was Capis Capis son[ne] of Assaracu[s]
Stories doth deuise
Capis Likewyse
Was father to Anchises Anchises son[ne] of Capis.

535 Anchises was
Father to Eneas Eneas sonn[e] of Anchises.
As saint Augustine doth record
Who liste to loke
In the .xviii. boke
540 Called the Cite of God

sig: [B8v]
¶Where he endyteth
Playnly resiteth
The herde and dredfull chaunce
Like as he fande
545 By se and Lande
Throughe fortunes ordinaunce

How he also
Went to appollo
To the Ile_of_delphos
550 Whiche by miracle
At his Oracle
Shewed hym the whole purpos

Howe he shuld be
555 Of souereintye
Full notable increasing
And that his fate
Was predestinate
In Italy to be kyng

560 This Eneas
Graundfather was
sig: C1
Vnto noble young brute
As shall appere
Afterward here
565 The stocke the braunche and frut

From dardanus
As gaulfridus
The story dothe recompte
Whose regalite
570 In great Asiie
All other did surmounte

Of Iupiters blood
Notable and good
Whose name was stellified
575 As poetes do fame
In heuen certayne
There to be deified

His marciall warres
Surmounting the starres
580 Made hym celestiall
After pagan guyse
sig: [C1v]
In suche maner wyse
With ther goddes to be coequal

In Libie land
585 His temple did stand
Freate with gold pearle and stone
By deuine Oracle
His taber[n]acle
Made ther ful long agone

590 Of whose succession
By conputacion
Of ther parentage
Perceaue maye ye
That welshmen be
595 Of the same stocke and lynage Of the femenyne sexe by Galathea, whiche was doughter to greate Iubyter of Gaul_celtik and wife to Hercules and mothere to Tustus

¶As stories olde
Bothe writen and toulde
Maketh relacion
Affirminge playne
600 The tyme the raigne
And the Cituacion

sig: C2
¶From Iupiters lyne
Downe to declyne
To worthye Dardanus
605 Consequentely
And finally
To noble Priamus

¶The laste Kyng of Troy
Whose inward ioye
610 Was cleane disconsolate
Whe[n] the grekes fell
By treason cruell
Appallid his estate A digressio[n] treating of [the] Destruction of Troye

Heare to digresse
615 I must confesse
The wofull desolacion
Of noble Troye
The soden decaye
And newe transmutacion

620 The Greekes warres
A_boue the stares
sig: [C2v]
Surmounting in there pryde
Supposinge they myght
With cruell fight
625 The heuens to deuide

¶And thus they wrought
The story oute sought
As virgell dothe witnes
A temple ther was
630 Sacred to pallas
The mightie great goddes

¶Made by craft entrayle
As it were deuinale
By heuenly influence
635 Within troy towne
To the high renowne
Of her magnyficences

¶The grekes fraudolent
Of mynde violente
640 There treason to practise
Fayned a pretence
sig: [C3]
By deuine incence
To make a sacrifyes

¶Byfore pallas
645 In hope of grace
To please her deitie
Thus they conspired
And ofte desired
To entre the Citie

650 The Tro[ia]nes iust Troianes] Trones 1546
Did not mistrust
There fraudolent treason
Like there pretence
Gaue them licence
655 To make ther oblacion

¶And thus Elas Elas: =Helas
With gile and trespas
As wolues raging wood
Hauyng Libertie
660 Within the Citie
Distroyed the noble blod

sig: [C3v]
Farre in the night
When that no wight
Ther treason did suspecte
665 The grekes vntrewe
Furthe did Persue
To furnyshe ther effecte

Brake out at large
All in a rage
670 Their fury to declare
Fretyng for ire
With sworde and fire
Consumyd the Cite bare

The Troians at rest
675 With paynes opprest
For watche feble and faynt
Nothing then knewe
What shuld ensewe
Of ther mortall constraynt

680 Or they could wake
Ther Cite was take
Ther kyng cruelly slayne
sig: C4
Ther Temples spoyled
Ther goddes defoyled
685 Ther houses bare and playne

Alas for pitie
Full wooe is me
This story to beholde
When I aduerte
690 Ther soden smerte
It maketh my herte colde

Oh noble Hector
The chiefe protector
The Troians to defend
695 The veray loodsterre
In peace or warre
For manhode most to commend

¶Against whose might
No grekishe knight
700 His person myght assure
With spere or shilde
In Campe or filde
sig: [C4v]
His stroke that might endure

Alas for payne
705 Yet was he slayne
By pretensid treason
His death conspired
And longe desired
By faulse instigacion

710 For cruell Achylles
Of pitie marceles
Or he could well aduerte
His backe all bare
With a staffe square
715 Percyd his manfull herte

¶His helme vnlaced
His coyffe vnbrased
His shilde lyeng on the ground
As he did repaire
720 To take the Ayre
Gaue hym his [m]ortall wounde mortall] uortall 1546

O[h y]e cruell grekes Oh ye] Oghe 1546
sig: [C5]
Cursid by your chekes
With all youre cursed treason
725 Scla[n]dered is youre name
To your eternall shame
For youre abhominacion

And thou Achilles
Most wreche of wreches
730 Prouers of mynd and will
Against all right
So famouse a knight
With treason for to kill

Who will not assent
735 The death to lament
Of so princely a man
Which was doubtles
Of knighthod pereles
Accompte sithe the wor[ld]e began worlde] worrdle 1546

740 ¶As in Troys boke
Who list to loke
Shall se the surp[lu]sage surplusage] surphisage 1546
sig: [C5v]
The magnanimitie
The nobilite
745 Of him and his parentage

The imperiall blo[u]d
Most famouse and good
Of nature Celestiall
As poetes do fayn
750 They came certayne
Of the Goddes immortall [Bi] the blynde [w]orlde they [w]er caled god[de]s for excel[ly]ng in feates [o]f noblenesse

¶They were declared
Whith goddes compared
Throughe ther magnificence
755 The truethe knowen well
Bicause they did excell
In pryncely excellence

¶What shuld I write
Or further indite
760 This proces lamentable
The dolefull destres
The mortall heuines
sig: [C6]
Of Priamus most notable

¶Or yet of Eccuba
765 Or wife Cassandra
Their importable payne
Or of Polexena
The floure of Asia.
Which was so cruelly slayne

770 Of lustie Troylus
Or yonge Dephebus
Or of the blood fraternall
Paris or Helenus
A case most peteous
775 Of greekes slayne were thei al

¶Or what should I saye
Of the grekes decaye
And mortall aduenture
Sithe that the ayre
780 In ther repayre
Turned darke and obscure

Cruell Neptunus
sig: [C6v]
Waxed contrarius
Dangerus to be_holde
785 Eolus a_lofte
Raging full ofte
With stormes wete and colde

Vlcanus then
Oute of his den
790 Forgid the tho[n]ders greate
With firie leuin
Downe from heauen
Vnto Cerberus seate

¶The goddes playne
795 Had such disdayne
At ther shamefull outrage
Of very despite
Them to acquite
Send such froward passage

800 ¶Ther shippes tossed
And all to_frussed
By sturdy violence
sig: [C7]
Vpon rockes grounded
There people drowned
805 For all ther resistence

But nowe to procede
My purpose to sp[ede] spede] spyed 1546
Like as I furst begane
To showe the distent
810 And birthe excellent
Of the gentile Welshmen

¶After that Troy
Was broughte to decaye
B[y] fortunes violence By] Bp 1546
815 And that ther was
As in that case
No helpe of resistaunce

But that the Cite
By grekyshe crueltye
820 Was consumed all bare
As I sayde fyrst
By treason vniust
sig: [C7v]
The truth to declare

Then the noble blood
825 Auncient and good
Of Priamus discent
By knyghtlye corage
Toke ther voyage
By sober aduisement

830 To sundry regions
With ther prouisions
And marciall apparell
There states to renewe
Kyngdomes to Subdewe
835 Onely by force of Battell

As lustye yonge Franco
Whiche was also
The sonne of noble Hector
Sette meeris and bandes meeris and bandes: 'meres (boundary-markers) and bounds'
840 In sondre landes
As Kynge and Emperoure

¶Fyrst into hungary
sig: [C8]
With his Chiualry
His stonderds displayeng
845 Then into Fraunce
With his ordinaunce
His armye conuaiyng

¶Subdwed the Gaules
Brake towres and walles
850 Brought them to hys purpose
And for more fame
Altered that name
And called them francos

¶B[u]t Galfridus
855 And Eusebius
Dothe playnly reporte
That Faramundus
Sonne of Marconinus
That name did fyrst transporte

860 Affyrmyng playne
That he certayne
Beyng of the Troianes blood
sig: [C8v]
In token of Loue
Did it remoue
865 And thus the mattier stood

Likewise Turcus
The sonne of Troilus
Entered phaso_the_lesse
As Antonius
870 And E[u]tropius
Berith therto witnesse

¶Gate ther stronge piles
For all ther wiles
Ther castelles and ther towers
875 Slewe them certayne
In the filde playne
Like mightie conqueroures

¶Also Elenus
Sonne of Pria[m]us Priamus] Prianus 1546
880 By manfull occacion
Within shorte space
The land of Trace
sig: D1
Brought to subuercion

Noble Eneas
885 From Troy dyd pas
With myghtie prouisions
With speres and shildes
Perced the fildes
Of sundrie regions

890 ¶By se and by lande
Dyuerse chauncys fande
Virgill dothe vs assure
By violente rage
Arryuid at Cartage
895 By soden aduenture

¶His shippes nere loste
Driuen to that cost
By dredfull violence
Wher Dido the Quene
900 Most goodly besene
Reioysed his presence

¶Then with his host
sig: [D1v]
The countreys did cost
By prudent pollicye
905 In his defence
By highe prouidence
To the frontes of Italie

Wher by hys manhod
And famouse knighthood
910 After many strong battel
Slewe Turocelyne
In helpe of Latyne
One of the kinges of Itaill

¶For his worthynesse
915 He weddid doubtlesse
The Doughter of Latinus
Called Lauina
Next after Chensa
The Doughter of Priamus

920 As Sabellicus
And Eusebius
Affermith bothe playne
sig: D2
That this is trewe
He had Issewe
925 Of these princesses twayne

Fyrst of Chensa
Borne in Asia
Was his sonne Astanias
Next in Italye
930 Successiuelye
Siluius_Posthumus Siluius_posthumus sonne of Eneas posthumus] posthumuis 1546 posthumus] posthumuis 1546

¶Of Whom is discendid
As is pretendid
By Titus_Liuius
935 Who lyst to rede
The story in-dede
Of Brutus_Albinus

Most noble brute Brute sonne of Siluius of whom disscendid the king of Brittayne linially vnto Cadwalydir
The seede, the frute
940 The name and language
The playne discent
The norishement
sig: [D2v]
Of the welshmens linage

Thus maye ye se
945 That welshmen be
Of the blood imperiall
Of nature fre
Cosyns in degre
To the goddes immortall

950 Of Iupiters lyne
Next to declyne
To worthie Dardanus
And fynallye
955 To noble Priamus

¶Then to Eneas
Whiche father was
To Siluius_posthumus
By computacion
960 Of his succession
Came most noble brutus

¶As sonne and heyre
sig: D3
Of parson fayre
Wondre delyuer and light
965 Strong of bodye
As Hector hardie
In stele armyd bright

¶This noble brute
In his persute
970 And actes most marciall
Entred into grece
Subdued a pece
By his power imperiall

A kyng ther was
975 Named Pandras
A prince right excellent
Vnto whose myght
Ther was no wight
To hym equiuolent

980 Hauing in seruitude
A multitude
Of the Troians blood
sig: [D3v]
vii.M. in numbre
For to incumbre
985 With them so sore it stoode

For the deathe doubtles
Of Achilles
Accusid of that cryme
That they shulde be
990 Of one degre
Consenting at that tyme

This story out sought
This were they brought This: Thus? See OED this, adv.
In thraldome and bondage
995 Dayly constra[yn]ed constrayned] constranyed 1546
Mortally payned
By force of ther seruage

¶Till noble Brute
For ther refute
1000 Full lyke a worthye knight
Deuisid at large
Them to discharge
sig: D4
For all his cruell myght

Prefixid a daye
1005 His streng[t]he to assaye strengthe] strenghe 1546
As fortune lyst to prouide
By battell stronge
Be it right or wronge
The quarell to abyde

1010 Wher kyng Pandras
Constrayned was
By knightlye violence
The felde to forsake
His parsonne take
1015 For all his assistence

¶His Lordes distressid
His knightes repressid
With many mortall wound
His standerds displayed
1020 Cut and arayed
Beaten vnto the harde ground

And thus Pandras
sig: [D4v]
Constrayned was
Of Brute to seke his peace
1025 Gaue gooddes and treasure
Out of all measure
His fauoure to in_crease

His loue more to wynne
Gaue faire Genogynne
1030 His doughter to him most dere
Vnto his wife
Whiche in her lyfe
As in stories doth appere

Had sonnes thre
1035 Of noble degre
All kinges of worthie fame
As Antonius
And Eutropius
Affirmeth bothe the same

1040 The fyrst Lotrinus
Then Albanactus
The thyrd Cambre named was
sig: [D5]
Whiche by Election
For his porcion
1045 Into wales did pas Cambre bru[te] his sonne Kinge of w[al]lys

¶To the encrese of fame
After his owne name
Called it Cambria
But now by vsage
1050 Of corupte language
Named is wallia

As more playnely
And effectually
Herafter shall appere
1055 But fyrst to discus
Of noble Brutus
The story and manere

¶After that Pandras
Restorid was
1060 To his former estate
His peace assured
His kingdome receaued
sig: [D5v]
He thought hym fortunate

Brute in like wise
1065 It did suffice
His fury to asswage
The Troians fre
From Captiuite
Thraldome and bondage

1070 ¶The lande he forsoke
The sees he then toke
With his shippes long and large
Storid with treasure
Out of all measure
1075 By force of their pillage

Then furthe he sayled
Greatlie preuayled
By helpe of Neptunus
Suche was his grace
1080 With-in shorte space
Passid the sees dangerus

¶Landed at Totnesse
sig: [D6]
Like as the goddesse
Diana had promised
1085 Predestinate
To his estate
This land holy comysed

¶Within this region
Called Albion
1090 Wher Gyauntes did dwell
As I do finde
Of Cerberus kinde
Fearce odius and cruell

¶Engendred they weare
1095 By sprites of the ayre
Or by some fyndes infernall
So terryble
So horryble
Were they of nature all

1100 For all ther stature
Or dredfull figure
Brute nothyng abasshed
sig: [D6v]
By furiouse strengthe
Slewe them at lengthe
1105 And thys land possessed

¶As storyes olde
Bothe write and toulde
Recomptith more at large
Who list to loke
1110 Gaulfridus boke
Shall se the surplusage

This shall suffice
The sage and wyse
To haue in memorie
1115 Thinges so farre past
It were in wast
A_gayne to specyfie

¶Then to remembre
Yong lusty Cambre
1120 Whom Brute to wales did send
Ther to remayne
As soueraygne
sig: [D7]
That contre to defend

Of whose succession
1125 By computacion
Of stories euidente
Rem[ay]nith the blood Remaynith] Remyanith 1546
Most notable and good
Euen nowe this tyme present

1130 Neuer was it myxed
Nether yet altered
With any straunge nacion
Nether foreyne kyng
By might vsurping
1135 Therof had possession

The Romaynes great
Whose power dyd threat
The worlde vnyuersall
Might neuer them wyn
1140 By craft or engyn
To ther estate royall

¶Nether Saxon nor Dane
sig: [D7v]
Nor yet foren name
Might their force declyne
1145 With-in Cambres land
The Brutes to withstond
By marciall discipline

Yet more to their fame
Ther blood ther name
1150 Ther contre ther language
W[a]s neuer mixid Was] Wes 1546
Nether yet possessid
With any straunge parentage

Further to declare
1155 I dare compare
For ther perfeccion
Euen as who saith
For the trewe fayth
Of Cristes relygion

1160 ¶For lengthe of tyme
Did neuer declyne
To infidelite
sig: [D8]
But constaunt and sure
Alway in vre
1165 Syth the tyme of Lucy

The fyrst Cristen kyng
In britayne reynyng
The yeres for to accompte
A .M. thre hundred
1170 Lxxx. full nombred
and x more did amounte

Syth they began
To be Chrystian
In the tyme of Ele[u]therius
1175 Whiche dyd electe
Byshoppes in effecte
By consent of Lucius

¶Thus they assured
Long haue endured
1180 By deuine prouidence
Nether infectid
Nether suspected
sig: [D8v]
Of corrupte conscience

¶Ther fayth to forsake
1185 But Christ to take
For a full satisfaction
As scripture sayth
Firmely by fayth
Of his blessid passion

1190 Thus the noble brutes
Receaued the frutes
Of ther perfection
In tyme longe past
Ryght ferme and fast
1195 Without mutacion

CCCC. yeres playne
XXX. and twayne
The tyme fully accompting
Were they Cristenyd
1200 Surely stablyshid
Before saynt Austyns comming

¶This story tried
sig: E1
Cannot be denied
With all the circumstaunce
1205 The ghostly liuing
Playnly conferryng
To goddes highe ordinaunce

Sythen Lucis tyme
Did neuer declyne
1210 From ther intellygence
As in this case
Suche is ther grace
By goddes highe prouidence

Likewyse syth Brute
1215 Did institute
Cambre fyrst into wales
Ther to remayne
In roughe and playne
Among mountaynes and vales

1220 ¶Yet vnto this daye
Perceyue ye maye
The same stocke and lynage
sig: [E1v]
Of one dissent
This is euident
1225 Without thraldom and bondage

Wholy possessid
Neuer repressid
By knightly violence
Cuntre or name
1230 Neuer toke shame
They be of suche excellence

¶Sithe so noble men
From Troy as then
Of blod are descendid
1235 Me-thinke of truthe
Ther lustie yowthe
Ought to be comendid

Then reason wolde
Surely I shulde
1240 Ther honor aduaunce
My-selfe prepare
Matter to declare
sig: E2
Of ther princly ordinaunce

As Titus_Liuius
1245 And Eutropius
Affirmyth to be trewe
That noble Belyn
Honor to wyn
The Romaynes did persewe

1250 When Lucius
And Emilius
Were consulles of honour
Also Camillus
Namyd furius
1255 Was of rome dictatour

¶Then noble belyn
The Citie to wyn
With standertes displayed
Like Marse for myght
1260 In stele armyd bryght
His britons conuayid

¶Aboute the towne
sig: [E2v]
With suche renowne
And knightly ordinaunce
1265 That the Romaynes playne
That daye were slayne
For all the[r] myghtie puyssaunce ther] the 1546

¶The felde forsaken
The Senatours taken
1270 Spoyled of ther araye
Like Goddes for riches
So greate excesse
Had they of them that daye

¶The Citie oppressid
1275 Ther goodes distressid
The Romaynes infortunate
This noble Belyn
Honor to wynne
Vpon them was Lauriate

1280 This was in the yere
As dothe appeare
By playne descryption
sig: E3
Thre hundrid thre score
Puttyng to fyue moore
1285 After Romes fo[u]ndacyon

In_contynent then
This noble Bren
His fame more to aduaunce
Into Gallacia
1290 And Macedonia
He toke his chaunce

Also to Galetes
Where he slewe Sostes
Ther Prince and gouernoure
1295 Thus of the Grekes Grekes] Grekees 1546
In spite of their Chekes
He became a conquerour

Then furthe he went
With his army bent
1300 To the mounte Pronasus
To a Temple large
Standing vpon a stage
sig: [E3v]
As writith polycarpus

¶Sacrede to Appolyn
1305 As clarkes determyn
Namyd also delphicus
Spoylid his riches
To his great increse
Made him full glorius

1310 ¶With whiche abundaunce
And mighti substaunce
Full lyke a famouse Knight
Raysid Cities olde
Feble and colde
1315 Ruynous in all mennes sight

As Mediolana
And Papia
In the fruntes of Lombardye
Likewyse verona
1320 Standing in Gallia
With towres pleasaunt and hye

sig: E4
Also Burganum
1325 And vincencia
The Cetie Sie[n]a
With the Citie Conum

Thus Titus_Liuius
Playnly doth discus
1330 A Romayne of greate fame
As Polycarpus
And EutroPius
Afferme both the same

Thus of the blood
1335 Notable and good
I coulde worthly expresse
Kinges of renowne
With Sceptre and crowne
A great nomber doubtlesse

1340 ¶As noble Arthur
The cheiffe victour
Prouid at all assayes
sig: [E4v]
Whose Marciall knightes
Quenchid the Lightes
1345 Of all other in those dayes

¶The Romaynes can tell
Howe it befell
In the tyme of Lucius
Ther Emperoure slayne
1350 With many a Proud Romaine
The britons victorius

Also in Fraunce
Froll had Like chaunce
Which was so good a knight
1355 To death was Wounded
His people confounded
Onli throughe Arthurs might

Also Denabus
Great and monstruous
1360 Whose power none might with_stand
Arthure hym slewe
His force to renewe
sig: E5
Fought with hym hand to hand

Like-wise the Saxones
1365 Whose exacciones
He myght no-wyse abide
Ther cruell rage
For to asswage
Manfully he dyd prouide

1370 Twelue battelles stronge
He had them amonge
Like a famous champion
By strength imperiall
He was victore of all
1375 Brought them to subiection

¶Auctores do expresse
Bering full wyttnesse
Of his magnificence
With his owne hand
1380 Their might to withstande
Of knightly excellence

¶Slewe in one daye
sig: [E5v]
Brekyng ther arraye
Two hundrid and fourtye Iust
1385 Throughe his manfull myght
Constrayned were ryght
In his mercy to trust

Accompte also
Noble Malgo
1390 The sonne of dame nature
Whose Angelicke face
For beutie was
Like an heuenly creature

¶That man and beast
1395 Gladly wold rest
Also Birdes in the ayre
His face to beholde
As it was toulde
He was so passing fayre

1400 Ther was no kyng
Of natures formyng
To his equiuolent
sig: [E6]
So strong of body
So fearce and hardy
1405 In armes so excellent

The Saxones cruell
With many sore batell
Did him right sore inchace
But yet ther rigour
1410 His princely honore
Myght neuer deface

The magnanymytie
The nobilite
Of this most princely name
1415 Auctors dothe expres
The Iles_orcades
To Brytayne furst he wan

Now to Cadwalader Cadwalader the last kyng[e] of Brute by Linage
To furnyshe my matter
1420 That famose worthy king
The last of dyscent
sig: [E6v]
A Prince Excellent
Ouer the Britones raynyng

Fabian dothe write
1425 And playnly resite
His actes ryght glorius
Affirming them trewe
Howe that he slewe
A king called Lotharius

1430 Whiche was king of kente
That tyme present
By marciall dyssiplyne
And afterwarde
With strokes harde
1435 The mattier to determyne

Edericus his brother
It was noon other
By force was lykwyse slayne
Helpe or redresse
1440 Was none doubtlesse
Yet were thei kinges both twa[i]ne twaine] twanie 1546

sig: [E7]
¶Also Athelwold
Manfull and boulde
Which was of Sowthsex king
1445 Thought hym full sure
Hable to indure
His batell conueiyng

Agaynst Cadwaladre
Of inwarde displeasure
1450 Hatred and cruelnes
Mette in the felde
With speare and shilde
Of very wilfulnes

Athelwolde that daie
1455 Who-euer sayd naye
With many mortall wounde
Lay ded and slayne
The Saxones playne
Beaten downe to the ground

1460 ¶The Brutes victoriouse
The Saxones tymerouse
sig: [E7v]
The felde durst not abide
For dread and feare
Fled here and there
1465 Abrode on euery side

¶Thus Cadwalader
The reuenger
Of ther ambicion
Brought them full lowe
1470 Ther faultes to knowe
Under his subiection

Also Galfridus
Playnly dothe discus
Affirmyng more at large
1475 Howe that the Saxones
By composicions
Of all ther baronage

Helde of Cadwaladre
As of ther gouernoure
1480 By waye of loue and finage
Like their degrees
sig: [E8]
By giftes and fees
As of his patronage

This princely manne
1485 This Christian
This worthy famouse king
Stories doth recompte
He did surmounte
All other Liuing

1490 ¶To whome god aboue
In token of loue
Made demonstracion
By his Angell playne
That he certayne
1495 Shulde leaue his region

Suche mortalite
Suche aduersitie
Suche plages of pestilence
Suche infeccion
1500 Suche corru[pc]cion corrupccion] corrucpcion 1546
By heuenly influence

sig: [E8v]
¶That tyme ther was
That he Alas
Of force was constrayned
1505 With wofull herte
Must nedes departe
His subiectes were so payned

¶Frutes vpon the grounde
None coulde be founde
1510 In helpe of their redresse
The Earthe all bare
The people in care
Sorowe and heuinesse

The Brutes expelled
1515 No lenger dwelled
With-in this region
The Saxones playne
Did it attayne
For them and ther succession

1520 ¶No resistence
Nether yet defence
sig: F1
Of the Brutes was ther made
Awaye they wente
By one assent
1525 Euen as the Angell bade

Without comforte
As men amorte
Lackyng consolacion
Hauyng no lust
1530 But onlye a trust
Of their expectacion

In the prophesy
Whiche did specifye
The holy translacion
1535 Of Cadwaladre
Frome Rome hidre
By Santificacion

¶That when his bones
Were translated ones
1540 In-to this region
Then shulde the Brutes
sig: [F1v]
Receaue ther frutes
And fyrst possessyon

This did the Angell
1545 Graciously tell
In ther wofull distres
That his noble blode
Auncyent and good
Shuld reuiue in his successe

1550 ¶Whiche shulde restore
To them moche more
Of consolacion
By speciall grace
Than euer was
1555 Of ther succession

¶This noble king
Goddes will perceiuing
Called his son Iuory
Likewise send for
1560 His cosen Iuor
Resityng these wordes on hye

¶Take heare he sayde
sig: F2
Be not dysmaide
My folkes and my nauye
1565 Passe ye into wales
Amonge hilles and vales
Be ye lordes of that contrye

Se that no wronge
Come them emonge
1570 For lacke of nobilite
And that the Saxones
By false compaccions
Worke no dishonestie

Agaynst the Brutes
1575 To hurte the frutes
Of their fidelitie
Be constaunte and sure
Manfully indure
Youre owne regalytie

1580 ¶These wordes ones past
His eyes he cast
Sayeng lorde thy will be done
sig: [F2v]
In Earthe vs by
As in heuen hye
1585 Farre surmounting the sonne

Whose deuine powre
Is gouernoure
Of all creatid thinges
Be it visible
1590 Or inuisible
It is thy hande-workynges

¶And nowe good Lorde
I will accorde
Thy pleasure to fulfyll
1595 This lande forsake
A newe to take
Sythe it is thy will

The wordes once sayde
Mekely he obayed
1600 Of mynd will and consent
With a benynge loke
His leaue he toke
sig: [F3]
And so to Rome he went

¶Where in shorte space
1605 God of his grace
By his eternall myght
His solle magnyfied solle: =soul
Also sanctified
To his celestiall syght

1610 ¶Nowe to accomplyshe
Also to furnyshe
My mynd and intencion
Ye haue harde tell
Howe the Angell
1615 Made demonstration

¶Ther shulde a king
Floryshe and spryng
Of the same succession
By sentence deuine
1620 Of Cadwaladers lyne
In the fourth generacyon

sig: [F3v]
Whiche shulde restore
Thinges past before
By his magnyficence
1625 And for his fame
Men shuld hym name
The prince of excellence

¶Whose wisdome clere
Shuld so apere
1630 Throughe euery regyon
Men shulde hym call
For gyftes naturall
The seconde Salomon

To verifye
1635 This mystery
With stories euident
Nature declareth
The dede compareth
All things equiuolente

1640 The Last famose king
Ouer vs rainyng
sig: F4
Namid the seuynth henry
Was euen the same
Whose princely name
1645 Was had in suche memory Henry ye vii of Cadwaladers line righ[t]full kyng of Britayne called Englond

And animate
By heuenly influence
For to fulfyll
1650 The deuine will
Of the highe magnyficence

¶Yet in his youth
Of very trueth
Floryshing in yeres grene
1655 In most cruell wyse
His mortall enimyes
As it was playnely sene

¶Did hym persewe
With treason vntrue
1660 Fraudulently inuented Fraudulently] Fraundulently 1546
Gaue monye and hyre
sig: [F4v]
His death to conspire
If fortune had consented

Supposyng therby
1665 The prophesy
Cleane to extermynate
As god aboue
They wolde remoue
His workes to violate

1670 Was not his grace
As in this case
In wonderfull daunger
When they conspired
And fully desired
1675 The ayde of euery straunger

¶Put in Exile
Alacke the while
Sondrie waies were outsought
His lief vncertayne
1680 Beynge in Brytayne
Wher the treason was wrought

sig: [F]5
What conspiracion
What cur[s]ed treason cursed] cured 1546
Or who can breuyate
1685 Whiche God aboue
Of his deuine loue
Listithe to anymate

This noble Prince
For to conuince
1690 Passid ther raged myght
God wolde in nowyse
Ther false interp[r]yse interpryse] interpyse 1546
Shuld depriue his princeli right

As dyd appere
1695 The storie clere
Of this most princely man
With spere and shilde
A[t] Bosworthe_filde At] As 1546
The honour there he wan

1700 Kynge Rich[a]rd slayne Richard] Richrd 1546
And he certayne
sig: [F5v]
The filde hathe receaued
Thus god aboue
Of very loue
1705 His kingdom hathe assured

For of his lyne
This present tyme
A kyng is discendid
With septer and croune
1710 In Citie and towne
Most highly commendid

¶I meane pardy
Most noble Henry
Called th'eight of that name
1715 Whose gyftes naturall
A_boue princes all
Bereth awaye the fame Henry the viii. sonne of Henry the vii kyng of England, in whom is ful[f]illid the mis[t]ery of Cadwaladers [t]ranslation

Who can magnyfye
Or yet verefye
1720 His condigne worthynes
His amitye
sig: [F6]
And bountifull goodnes

¶In all affectes
1725 To his subiectes
Most graciouse and kinde
In ther defence
With his expence
Redie of herte and mynd

1730 Oh famouse Troy
Reioyce this daye
Most fortunate and good
All ye that be
As in degre
1735 Extracte of the same blood

Geue la[u]des on hye
To god most myghtie
Whiche hathe resus[c]itate resuscitate] resustitate 1546
So noble a king
1740 Youre hertes exityng
As men most fortunate

sig: [F6v]
For this is he
Ye maye well se
Whose bones are translated
1745 By sentence deuyne
Frome Rome this tyme
Newly seperated

As the prophesy
1750 Afore had expressed
When Cadwaladers bones
Translated were ones
All thinges shulde be redressed Cadwalader bones translated by seperation by_twene Rome and vs

God of his grace
1755 As in this case
Hathe made a seperacion
Betwene Rome and vs
Whose dedes monsterus
Were abhomynacion

1760 Ther great abuses
And long mysv[s]es mysvses] mysves 1546
sig: [F7]
Their folie and their pride
The[r] deception ther] the 1546
Ther collusion
1765 Oure kyng myght not abyde

¶Ye knowe full well
I nede not tell
Ther greate exactions
Nor howe they wroughte
1770 Kingdomes to haue broughte
Vnder ther Subiections

¶Nether to debate
The mortall hate
Whiche they haue conspired
1775 In especiall
To be Lordes of all
Wrongfully haue desired

¶Pretending doubteles
Muche holynes
1780 By sentence Angelicall
To speake as the crede
sig: [F7v]
Yet were they in-dede
Very fendes infernall

There lawes preferring
1785 As concernyng
The papall iurisdiccion
Whose vsurped power
Wolde be gouernoure
Of euery region

1790 Aboue king or prince
Their myght to conuince
If they wolde not obaye
With Curses greate
They would them threate
1795 Ther honor to decaye

¶But god most iust
As I sayde fyrst
Hath made a seperacion
Geuing oure king
1800 Grace and learning
To preferre his relygion

sig: [F8]
And not to trust
In vayne hope and luste
Of mannes tradicions
1805 As thoughe they myght
In heuen of right
Make ther condicions

To saue or spill
What solle they wyll
1810 Without exception
As they were deuine
At season and tyme
By meane of ther pardones

¶Suche thinges abusid
1815 Oughte to be refusid
By deuine ordinaunce
And not to trust
In thinges vniust
Wher is non assuraunce

1820 ¶Ther is but one
To god alone
sig: [F8v]
That is appropriate
Synnes to remeue
Pardon to gyue
1825 And sowles to anymate

¶Tradicions papall
Hath broughte vs all
Allmost to subuercyon
Hauing more trust
1830 In thynges vniust
Then in Cristes passion

¶But god aboue
In token of loue
Hathe vs reconsiled
1835 As it befell
In Israell
When the lawes were commysed

To Iosia
Which of Iudea
1840 Was kinge and gouernoure
As in this case
sig: G1
Of speciall grace
Stode in goddes highe fauoure

Because he wolde
1845 No-bodie shulde
Do vniust reuerence
To stocke or stone
But in god alone
To haue all confidence

1850 He sende through-out
Israell aboute
Goddes Lawes to magnyfie
In especiall
Commaunding all
1855 To beware of idolatrie

¶Likewise it was
When Ezechias
The worthye famouse king
Of pure intent
1860 The Brasen serpent
The people deluding

Vnto the ground
sig: [G1v]
Made hym rebounde
In peces great and small
1865 Brake the hy[e] aulters hye] hyl 1546
Of ther forefathers
With theyr foule Idoles all

Euen from iudea
Vnto Aza
1870 The Philystines lande
Nothing wolde suffer
To goddes displeasure
To be grauen or stande

Whose constancy
1875 God most mightie
Had in remembraunce
Send his Angell
In his quarell
Agaynst the Assiryans

1880 By his deuine might
He flewe in one night
C.lxxx. thousand and fyue
From Iudea
sig: G2
Unto Assiria
1885 The reste home he did driue

¶Like-wise oure kinge
His herte referring
To goddes highe prouidence
Suche thinges abusid
1890 Hathe nowe confused
By heuenly influence

¶Whiche had infected
And sore detected
Christes relygion
1895 By shrining of bones
And kneling to stones
Made by mannes inuencion

¶Magnyfieng them
Whiche were mortall men
1900 Of nature terrestriall
With like reuerence
And confidence
As to god Celestiall

Whose golden shrynes
sig: [G2v]
1905 Trycked with vines
Most curiously Wroughte
With pardones plentie
Made purses emptie
In sondrie places sought

1910 Suche Idoles greate
So richely freate
With golde pearle and stone
Lifte vp on hye
To magnyfye
1915 As it were god alone

¶Oure Iosias
Oure Ezechias
By permyssion deuine
In this effecte
1920 Most circumspecte
Beholdyng this present tyme

¶Hath brought to passe
Like as it was
In tyme of Is[ra]ell Israell] Isarell 1546
1925 Trusting in one
sig: G3
In god alone
According to the gospell

For sacrifice
In such a wyse
1930 To god onlye is dewe
Ther is no other
Faithe to recouer
But only throughe Iesu

¶O Lorde oure god
1935 Withdrawe thy rodde
Correcte vs not in thy Ire
By thou petiouse By: =Be
Lorde vnto vs
We humbly the desire

1940 Thy eares inclyne
This present tyme
Harken to oure clamoure
As it befell
In Israell
1945 In the tyme of ther doloure

Be mercyfull Lorde
sig: [G3v]
Let pytie accorde
With thy bountyfull grace
Oure sinnes remeue
1950 Pardon forgiue
Oure folie and trespasse

¶To magnifie
Suche Idolatrie
Lord we knowledge oure offence
1955 Agaynst thy lawe
For to withdrawe
Frome thy magnificence

To haue a trust
Or yet a lust
1960 In any grauen picture
Whiche thou defendest
Also commaundyst
To bowe to no figure

This lorde most mightie
1965 We knowe assuredly
By thy deuyne insence
To the deitie
sig: G4
Of thy magestie
Belongith all reuerence

1970 As concerning
The true meaning
Of oure saluacion
Ther is but one
That suffered alone
1975 For oure redempcion

Oure inwarde fayth
As saynt Paule sayth
Shuld be in Christ_Iesu
Let this be graued
1980 We are not sauid
But onlye by his vertue

Nether yet rectified
By sayntes sanctified
In any maner case
1985 Saue ther good liuing
Example geuing
To folowe the same trace

¶Of truethe oure techers
sig: [G4v]
Also oure preachers
1990 Which were in tyme long past
Toke full great payne
And all in vayne
Ther laboure spent in wast

¶Leuing the epistell
1995 Also the gospell
Most Euangelicall
Treting of pardones
With inuencions
And Cerimones papall

2000 ¶But oure famouse king
Right well perseuing
The great ingratitude
The sencis pure
Of holy Scripture
2005 Hyd from the multitude

For oure redres
Of his goodnes
With most princely corage
Hath deuised
sig: [G5]
2010 Also comysed
Oure conscience to discharge

Set out at long
Oure vulger tong
The scripture for to knowe
2015 The seed the grayne
The verite playne
Oure fayth only to showe

It is consonant
Not repugnaunt
2020 To goddes deuine ordinaunce
But all men shulde
Who-euer wolde
For ther owne assuraunce

Labour the scripture
2025 His lyfe to assure
The commaundementes to kepe
Thoughe so[m]e repine some] sone 1546
And determyne
Aff[i]rming it vnmete Affirming] Affrming 1546

2030 That we lay-men
sig: [G5v]
Shuld laboure our pen
Or scripture beholde
More then the clergie
Shulde vs specifye
2035 By Auctoritie toolde

Prouided in this
No man there is
Beyng of leude lernyng
Shall interprise
2040 In any wyse
Vnto the expounding

Oh noble Henry
Of kinges most worthye
Doubteles to be magnyfied
2045 Goddes owne chosen knight
By whose deuine might
All thynges are rectified

¶Our faith stablyshe[d] stablyshed] stablyshe 1546
Errors abolishid
2050 The gospell set out at large
Nothing is hyd
sig: [G6]
Wherof is nede
Oure conscience to discharge

O blessed lorde
2055 To vs accorde
We humblye the desire
As in this case
Of speciall grace
Who-euer will conspire

2060 ¶Agaynst oure king
In hindering
Of honor this his reame
Ther faulse intent
Lorde thou will preuent
2065 Aduoyding the dangere cleane

¶Let not our enimyes
In any wyse
Agaynst vs lorde preuaile
Confuse ther ire
2070 Burnyng as fire
In ther malice let them quayle

¶Like as it was
sig: [G6v]
When Ezechias
With humble peticion
2075 Made his complaynt
Of verye constraynt
And hertie affection

¶To thy deitie
That of thy pitie
2080 Thou woldist thy powre extend
A_gainst the furies
Of his enimyes
His kingdome to defend

¶Lorde incontinent
2085 Thy Angell thou sente
His wooes to redres
The Assirianes playne
Laye ded and slayne
Throughe thy mightifulnes

2090 ¶So in like case
Of thy deuine grace
Preserue our famouse king
Oure enymies withstand
sig: [G7]
And saue this lande
2095 Oure god euerlastyng

Come furthe ye brutes
The seed the frutes
Of mightie Sirapys
In Egipte stalled
2100 A god ther called
In the Citie Memphis

¶Wher he is deified
Also stellified
After the pagan guyse
2105 With his wyfe Isis
The mightye goddes
So callid in Likewise

Of whose successe
Came hercules
2110 The famouse Champion
And so to conuay
Downe vnto Troy
With all ther succession

¶Considre then
sig: [G7v]
2115 Ye gentle welshemen
How god for you hath wrough[t] wrought] wrough 1546
Euen the same tyme
That veray lyne
To youe agayne hath brought

2120 ¶For this is he
Whose maiestie
All thinges hath redressed
As the Prophesi
2125 Afore had expressid

¶Was ther euer king
So moche tendering
Youre welth to aduaunce
Or for your sake
2130 Suche paynes did take
With so assured constaunce

¶Ye knowe pardie
As well as I
What he hath deuised
2135 Onlie for youe
sig: [G8]
Statutes made newe
And lawes wholy commysed

To that intente
You shulde assent
2140 To youre ciuilite
One lawe one loue
One God aboue
And one prencely magestie

Your-selues indeuore
2145 Wholly to_gether
With perfect assuraunce
With vs to praye
These wordes to saye
With inwarde affyaunce

2150 God most gloryouse
Lorde Christ_Iesus
Our hope and oure assistence
Oure mediatoure
Oure gouernoure
2155 And oure hertes confidence

¶Preserue oure Kyng
sig: [G8v]
His grace sending
Honor and victori
Good Lyfe and longe
2160 Here vs amonge
With helthe of his body

¶And afterward
Yong Prince Edwarde
To supply his regalle place
2165 With lyke wisdome
As had Salomon
In euery maner case

¶Most gracious lord
To vs accorde
2170 Of thy bountyfull goodnes
Thy power extend
Oure prince defend
As thou didest yong Ioas

¶Whiche did inclyne
2175 By grace diuine
To thy magnyficence
In his yeres grene
sig: H1
As it was sene
By heuenly influence

2180 ¶Of very truethe
His tender youthe
The lawes to fortyfye
The house [o]f Ball of] af 1546
With his ydolles all
2185 Distroyed vtterly

¶His grauen pictures
His golden figures
Most curyously wroughte
Beaton to doust
2190 His temple vniust
Prosterate doune he brought

Thus let oure Prince
Vtterly conuynce
All false Idolatrye
2195 Thy lawes supporte
Oure hertes to comforte
Thy name to gloryfye

¶Let not Babilon
sig: [H1v]
Haue dominion
2200 Ouer vs for thy pitie
Defend vs lorde god
Frome the cruell rode
Of their captiuitie

¶Let our prince furnishe
2205 And fully fynyshe
What his father hath begonne
As was deuised
Somtyme comysed
To Salomon dauides sonne

2210 And so at length
With bodely strength
Lorde thou wyll hym aduaunce
Hable to withstand
With myghtie hand
2215 His enimies puissaunce

As had hercules
Of whose noblenes
Doubtles he is descendyd
As auctors olde
sig: H2
2220 By storyes tolde
Famousely haue commendid

Heare maye ye se
That welshmen be
Of right noble dyscent
2225 It dothe appere
By stories clere
And mattier euident

Who may compare
Or further declare
2230 By any prescription
Accompte the parentyne
Also the feminyne
With ther procreacion

¶To be more worthie
2235 Being creatures earthlye
And of nature terrestriall
Seth Noye his flod
Alway ther blode
Hathe byne imperiall

2240 ¶Here to digresse
sig: [H2v]
I must confesse
More matter in substaunce
Whiche nowe I fynde
Long oute of mynde
2245 For lacke of remembraunce

Of noble Hercules
The sonne of Osires
Most myghtie champion
Whose incomperablenesse
2250 Excellyth doubtles
All naturall reason

Non maye be comparid
Nether yet declared
Vnto thy excellence
2255 Accompte stories all
None shalbe equall
With thy magnifycence

¶This was that Hercules
That noble poetes
2260 So highlye doth commende
And not Hercules
sig: [H3]
Called Alcydes
Whiche the grekes do pretend

To be so mightie
2265 Hauing victorye
In the fruntes of Archadie
Sonne of Iupiter
His name to preferre
Borne of faire Alannena

2270 But Diodorus
Also Birosus
The chaldie affirmeth playne
That this hercules
Named Alcides
2275 Was the last of the twayne

But Hercules_Aegipcius
Named Libicus
As saynt Ierome writeth
In the .x. of Genesis
2280 Was sonne of Osiris
As he playnly affirmeth

¶Whiche did interpryse
sig: [H3v]
In most knightly wyse
The .xii. notable labours
2285 Diodorus_Secalus
Also writyth thus
Whith other famous auctours

That this hercules
By his noblenesse
2290 In the woodes of Nemia
Slewe the great Lion
For lyke occasion
The serpent called Nidra

Which lay of longe tyme
2295 By force of rauyne
In the fennes of Lerna
Also the bore
Deuouring the stoore
In the Land of Archadia

2300 By violent strength
Caught hym at length
In spite of Erimanthus
Vpon his sholders square
sig: [H4]
He did hym beare
2305 To the kynge Euresthius

Like-wise did preuayle
In strength of battayle
Agaynst a greate nomber
Called Centauries
2310 Half-men halfe-horses
Which semyd to be a wonder

The fyfthe industry
By swiftnes of body
His person aduancyng
2315 Caught the great harte
Whose hornes by arte
Were gilte for his runnyng

Also Simphalides
Birdes of cruell lyknes
2320 Consumyd the frutes bare
Like fendes infernall
For a memoryall
He lef[t] not one to spare left] lefl 1546

The seuenth wonder was
sig: [H4v]
2325 Howe he coulde bring to pas
The clansing of A[u]geus hall
So noble a riuer
For to deceuer
Whi[c]h Pingo poetes did cal Which] Whith 1546

2330 ¶The eight was the bul
The see at the full
Oute of Crete into grece
Howe he shulde bring
By see swymyng
2335 And yet deface no pece

All mercyles
His rigour to accomplyshe
His horses playne
2340 He fedde certayne
Onlye with mannes fleshe

Tyll Hercules
Toke Diomedes
His crueltie to abate
2345 Made those horses greate
sig: [H5]
His fleshe to eate
Regarding not his estate

¶Whiche he before
Had kept in store
2350 Full wilde and monsterus
To his greate fame
He made them tame
Gaue them to E[u]ristheus

¶Then into Spayne
2355 He toke the payne
Gereon to subdewe
Of very dispite
Hym to acquyte
His sonnes twaine ther he slew

2360 ¶After to hell
As poetes do tell
Downe he is discended
Where Theseus
And Pirithus
2365 He shortly defendid

Them to discharge
sig: [H5v]
Setting at large
Frome all daunger and payne
Brought Cerberg bounde
2370 Whiche was the hell-hounde
Lincked fast in a chayne

The twelueth and the last
Accompting them paste
Of this most princely man
2375 When his noblenes
Frome Hesperides
The golden Apples wan

Slewe the dragon
Which did enuiron
2380 The gardayne round aboute
Whose looke odible
Was so terrible
All men of him had doubte

Thus in knightly wise
2385 He did interpryse
To his Eternal fame
None so worthye
sig: [H6]
Of memorye
To haue prayse laude or name

2390 ¶Of this Hercules
In knighthode pereles
With noble Galathee
The only doughter
Of greate Iupiter
2395 Named also Selce

¶Came the famose blode
After Noe his flode
To the troyanes linage
Downe by descent
2400 Princes excellent
With all ther parentage

¶Who was more worthie
Stronger of bodye
Then was Ector of Troy
2405 Yf Stories be trewe
A thousand he slewe
Of Grekes in one daye

Of this Hercules
sig: [H6v]
Came Olimpiades
2410 The famose mightie quene
Mother to Alexander
The grete conquerour
In her tendre yeres grene

Cesar Julius
2415 Most victorius
His enymies to confounde
Came of Eneas
Whiche so noble was
Among the Romaynes founde

2420 ¶Also Constantyne
Sonne of saynt Elene
Of the same succession
Borne in this lande
The holy-crosse founde
2425 By deuine inspiracion

This noble Emperour
Was hole gouernoure
Monarch and president
Of euery region
sig: [H7]
2430 Throughout Cristendome
From the Est to the occident

¶Called by grace
To that highe place
By heuenly influence
2435 Of hert most constaunt
Slewe the Tyraunt
Whiche named was Maxence

¶A thousand mo
I coulde also
2440 Verefy and expres
Of the same blod
Princes right good
Full of all noblenes

¶But nowe a ende
2445 I do intende
My leue of you to take
Desiring this
All-thing amys
To pardon for my sake

2450 ¶I must be breue
sig: [H7v]
Least that repreue
Accuse me and my penne
And thus to you
I say a_diewe
2455 Fare-well ye gentel welshmen

sig: [H8]

The aucthoure.

MOste gentle reder
This litell vulgre
In my ful humble wise
I you desire
5 Hertely requyre
That ye will not dispise

¶Nether yet disdain
This litle pain
Voyd of presumpcion
10 Lately set oute
There is no doubte
Equall of affeccion

¶Let your phantacie
Iudge me honestly
15 As one vnreproued
Thyncke not that I
Of flattery
Herin shuld be mouid

¶Of consience
20 No fayned sence
Haue I here pretendid
Nor nothyng told
But aucthours olde
Before haue commended

25 ¶I do confesse
The rude grosnesse
Of my remembraunce
Not vigilaunt
Or consonaunt
30 To other mens vtteraunce

¶For to expres
The worthines
Of so Auncyent men
But that good wyll
35 Mouith me still
To occupie my pen.

¶My englishe rude
Of gratitude
I trust ye will excuse
40 And not disdayne
My sentence playne
Or causles it refuse

¶The Musis nyne
Did farre declyne
45 Wher I was nutriefied
Ther dulcet wel
No tast nor smell
In me was rectified.

¶Wherfore I must
50 In Chaff and dust
Mi-selfe labour and toyle
Giue them the price
Whose sentence wise
With tearmes can tricke and file
sig: [H8v]
Go barberouse boke, Rusticall and rude
Full vnworthy thankes for to haue
Oneles of benyng gratitude benyng: =benign
Gentell reporte listithe the to saue.
5 Nether arte thou pure, sincer, or graue
Confesse thy faulte, Blushe out for shame
Thy wittes are past[,] thy termes out of fram[e]. past, thy] past thy, 1546; frame] fram 1546
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.