sig: A1 | |
¶An excellent Epitaffe of syr Thomas_wyat, with two other compendious dytties, wherin are touchyd, and set furth the state of mannes lyfe. |
WYat resteth here, that quicke coulde neuer rest. | |
Whose heuenly gyftes, encreased by dysdayne | |
And vertue sanke, the deper in his brest | |
Suche profyte he, of enuy could optayne | |
5 | ¶A Head, where wysdom mysteries dyd frame |
Whose hammers beat styll in that lyuely brayne | |
As on a styth, where some worke of Fame | |
Was dayly wrought, to turn to Brytayns gaine | |
¶A Uysage sterne and mylde, where both dyd groo | |
10 | Uyce to contempne, in vertues to reioyce |
sig: [A1v] | |
Amyd great stormes, whome grace assured so | |
To lyue vprighte and smyle at fortunes choyse. | |
¶A Hand that taught what might be saide in rime | |
That refte Chaucer, the glorye of his wytte | |
15 | A marke, the whiche [(]vnperfited for tyme) (] 1545 omits, ( 1557 |
Some may approche but neuer none shall hyt. | |
¶A Tonge, that serued in foraine realmes his king | |
Whose curtoise talke, to vertu dyd enflame. | |
Eche noble harte a worthy guyde to brynge | |
20 | Our Englysshe youth, by trauayle vnto fame. |
¶An Eye, whose iudgement, no affect coulde blind | |
Frendes to allure, and foes to reconcyle | |
Whose pearcynge looke, dyd represent a mynde. | |
With vertue fraught, reposed, voyde of gyle. | |
25 | ¶A Harte, where drede yet neuer so imprest yet neuer so imprest] was neuer so imprest 1557, yet neuer so opprest Harl |
To hide the thought þ a t might the trouth auaunce | |
In neyther fortune lyfte nor so represt In neyther fortune lyfte nor so represt] In neyther fortune lost, nor yet represt 1557, In nether fortune lyste nor sor e opprest Harl | |
To swell in welth, nor yelde vnto mischaunce | |
¶A valiaunt Corps, where force and beautye met | |
30 | Happy, alas, to happy but for foos. |
Lyued, and ran the race that nature set | |
Of manhodes shape, where she the mold did loos | |
¶But to the heauens that symple soule is fleed. | |
Which lefte with such, as couet Christe to knowe | |
35 | Witnes of faith that neuer shalbe deade |
Sent for our welth, but not receiued so welth] helth 1557, welthe Harl | |
Thus for our gylt, this iewell haue we lost | |
The earth his bones, the heuen possesse his goost | |
AMEN. | |
sig: [A2] | |
¶The myrroure or Glasse of Fortune. |
WHan fortune fauoureth and setteth a_lofte | |
In hye estate man for to raigne | |
Then all men cometh to him full ofte | |
And couey[t]sletter illegible with him, for to remaine | |
5 | His company none will disdaine, |
Thus frendes he getteth, many a one | |
But if he fall, I saye certaine. | |
Of all his frendes then hath he none. | |
Whan he doth rule him they obeye | |
10 | And serue him styll, at all assayes |
Attentifely, without delaye. | |
Great paines they take, both nightes and dayes | |
With all their power him for to please | |
Thus frendes he getteth many a one | |
15 | But if he fall they turne theyr wayes. |
Of all his frendes then hath he none. | |
¶As longe as he, is in his welth | |
Nothinge to him than shall be deare. | |
In his estate, haue he his helth | |
20 | All honour to him than shall appeare |
Of most and lest, both farre and nere | |
Thus frendes he getteth many one | |
But if he fall, than euerye-where, | |
Of al his frendes, than hath he none. | |
25 | ¶Man thus a_loft, knoweth not his frende. |
For all men than, to him applye | |
Shewynge them-selues, to him moste kynde. | |
sig: [A2v] | |
As though they wolde both lyue and dye | |
At his byddynge alway readye, | |
30 | Thus frendes he getteth many a one |
But if he fall they hym denye | |
Of all his frendes, than hath he none. | |
¶In his estate they wyll ensewe | |
To folowe him all that they may | |
35 | In right or wronge, false or trewe |
Hys wyll truely, none will gaynesaye | |
Though by and by they hym bewraye | |
Suche fayned frendes, be many one | |
And if he fall they him denaye | |
40 | Of all his frendes, than hath he none. |
¶Whan fortune on the dothe laugh or smyle | |
Geuynge the greate possessyon | |
Be lowly and gentle all the whyle | |
Thinking on her progression | |
45 | Some she exalteth, some by suppression |
Falleth vnder-fote, as doth manye one | |
So turneth the whele, without intercession | |
Some to good chaunce, annd some to none. | |
¶Whan thou art downe, farewell a_dew | |
50 | No more seruyce, thou hast at all |
Whan broken is thy retinew | |
On thy name than no man wyll call | |
Disdaynfull wordes on the go shall | |
Foes thou shalt haue, many a one | |
55 | Which wyll reioyce, at thy great fall |
Of all thy frendes, than hast thou none. | |
¶Thus vnder-fote whan thou arte brought | |
sig: [A3] | |
Whom thou doost fauour moost of all | |
By the truly wyll set right nought | |
60 | Scant a good worde gyue the he shall |
Unmyndfull how beneficiall | |
Thou wast than to many a one | |
And whan thy dignitie doth fall | |
Of all thy frendes, than hast thou none. | |
65 | ¶Thus fareth the worlde, both to and fro |
Whan man is in aduersitie | |
Who is he than, that wyll him knowe | |
Or helpe him in extremitie | |
Whan he is stricke, without pitie | |
70 | With the foule darte, of cruell disdayne |
None than on him shall haue mercy | |
Lye he in wo, pynynge in payne. | |
Finis. |
A compendious dittie wherin is touched the state of mans lyfe, |
NO wyght in this world, that welth can attayne | |
Onelesse he beleue, that all is but vayne | |
And loke how it cometh, so leaue it to go | |
As tydes vse theyr tymes, to ebbe and to flo, | |
5 | This mucke on the molde, that men so desyre |
Doth worke them much wo, and moueth them to yre | |
With grefe it is gotte, with care it is kepte | |
With sorowe sone lost, that longe hath ben repte | |
And wo worth that man, that first dolue the moulde | |
10 | To fynde out the myne, of syluer and golde |
For whan it lay hyd, and to vs vnknowen | |
Of stryfe and debate, the sede was not sowen | |
sig: [A3v] | |
Than lyued m[e]n wel and helde them content men] man 1545, men 1547 | |
With meate, drynke and cloth without any rente | |
15 | Theyr houses but poore to shroude them-selues in |
For castels and towres, were than to begine | |
No towne had his wall, they feared no warre | |
Nor ennemies hoste to seke them afarre | |
So ledde they their lyues in quiete and reste | |
20 | Tyll hourde began hate from East vnto west |
And golde for to growe a lorde of great pryce | |
Which chaunged the worlde from vertue to vyce | |
And turned all-thinge so farre from his kynde | |
That howe it shulde be, is worne out of mynde | |
25 | For rychesse beareth nowe the fame and the brute |
And onelye the cause of all our pursute. | |
Which maketh among vs muche mischief to reigne | |
And shall tyll we seke the right waye agayne | |
Whan mariage was made for vertue and loue, | |
30 | Then was no diuorse goddes knotte to remoue, |
Whan iudges wolde suffer no brybes in theyr syghte, | |
Their iudgementes was than according to right | |
Whan prelates had not possessions nor rent | |
They preached the truthe and truelye they wente | |
35 | Whan men dyd not flatter for fauoure nor mede, |
Than kinges herd the truth, and how the world yede | |
And men vnto honour through vertue did rise | |
But all this is turned contrarywise is turned] is nowe tourned 1547 | |
For money maketh all, and ruleth as a god | |
40 | Which ought not to be, for Christ it forbod |
And bad that we shulde take nothynge in hand | |
But for the lordes loue, and welth of the lande | |
And willes vs full ofte, that we shulde refraine | |
From wrastynge his wil, to make our owne gaine, | |
45 | For couetous folke of euery astate |
As hardely shall enter within heauen-gate | |
sig: [A4] | |
As through a nedles eye a camell to crepe | |
Why do these madde-men then hourde vp and kepe, | |
Ye more then maie serue them-selues to suffice | |
50 | As though perfecte blysse shulde that waye arise |
But if they wolde suffer to sinke in their brest | |
What trouble of mynde what vnquiete reste | |
What myschiefe, what hate this mony dothe bringe, | |
They woulde not so toyle for so vyle a thinge | |
55 | For they that haue much, are euer in care |
Whiche waie to wynne, and how for to spare | |
Theyr slepes be vnsounde for feare of the theefe | |
The losse of a littell doth worke them much grefe | |
In sekyng theyr lacke they want that they haue | |
60 | And subiecte to that which shuld be their slaue |
They neuer doo knowe, whyles ryches doth reygne ryches] rychesse 1547 | |
A frende of effecte from him that doth [f]eygne feygne] seygne 1545, feigne 1547 | |
For flatterers seeke where fortune doth dwell | |
And whan that she lowreth, they byd them farewel | |
65 | The poore doth them curse as ofte as they want |
In hauyng so much to make it so scant | |
Theyr children somtymes do wysshe them in graue | |
That they myght possesse that rychesse they haue | |
And that which they wyne with trauayle and stryfe | |
70 | Oftentymes (as we se) doth cost them theyr lyfe |
Lo these be the fruites that rychesse bryngeth forth | |
With many other mo, whiche be no more worth | |
For monie is cause of murder and thefte | |
Of bataile and bloudshed, which wold god were left | |
75 | Of rauyne, of wronge, of false witnesse-bearyng |
Of treason conspired, and eke of forswearynge. | |
And for to be shorte and knyt vp the knot | |
Fewe mischeues at all that money makethe not. | |
But though it be yll, whan it is abused, | |
80 | Yet neuertheles it may be well vsed. |
sig: [A4v] | |
Nor I do not fynde that men be denyde | |
Of sufficient thynges them-selues to prouyde, | |
Accordynge as god hath put them in place, | |
To haue and to holde a tyme and space: | |
85 | So it be well wonne and after well spent: |
For it is not theirs, but for that intent, | |
And if they so do, than it is good skyll, | |
They haue that is mete to vse at their will | |
As priestes shuld not take promocions in hande | |
90 | To lyue at their ease lyke lordes of the lande |
But onely to feade gods flocke with the truth | |
To preache and to teache without any slouth | |
Nor folkes shulde not neade great ryches to wynne ryches] rychesse 1547 | |
But godly to lyue and for to flee synne | |
95 | Hys wyll for to worke that is theyr soules helth |
And than may they thynke, they lyue in much welth | |
For in this vayne worlde that we be nowe in | |
Is nothynge but misery, myschefe and synne | |
Temptation, vntrouthe, contencion, and strife | |
100 | Than lette vs nat sette by so vyle a lyfe |
But lyfte vp our eyes, and loke throughe our faythe | |
Beholdynge his mercies, that many tymes saithe | |
The iuste men shall lyue by theyr good belefe | |
And shall haue a place where can be no grefe | |
105 | But gladnesse and myrth that none can amende |
Unspeakable ioyes, whiche neuer shall ende | |
With pleasures that passe all that we haue sought | |
Felicities such as can not be thought | |
Whiche place they shall haue, that his wyll intendes | |
110 | With lyfe euerlastynge, and thus my tale endes. |
Viuit post funera uirtus. | |
¶Imprynted at London by Iohn_Herforde for Roberte_Toye. |