sig: [A1] | |
The Confutation of the mishapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade, called the Abuse of the blessed sacrament of the aultare. Wherin, thou haste (gentele Reader) the ryghte vnderstandynge of al the places of scripture that Myles Hoggard, (wyth his learned counsall) hath wrested to make for the transubstanciacion of the bread and wyne. | |
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sig: [A1v] | |
¶To the Reader |
AFter I had perused this fonde answere (christian Reader) and perceiued howe greately the papistes gloried therin thinckeinge (yea and mak[i]ngletter dropped out theyr crakes) that no man should be able to confute it, or if any man shoulde take in hande to writewrite] writte 1548 agayne, he shoulde be aunswerede in lyke maner: I thought it my diutie (amongeste other my labours for the sitteynge forth of the trueth of the christian fayeth) to ouerthrowe thys theyr bullwarcke, that these proude philistians maye knowe that the Lord of hostes hath not lefte his churche so destitute of the good gyftes of the spirite, but that the verie little ones (of his armie) are able to driue them from al theyr holdes, and cause them to flee when theyr stouburne stomakes wyll not suffer them to yelde to the trueth[.] The spirite of the lyueinge God leade the in the waye of trueth, that thou be not deceiued by these false dissemblinge hypocrites, which vnder the name catholike fayeth woulde stil mayntayne the Romishe ruffe See OED ruff, n. 6 ='pride', 'vainglory' and Kin[g]dome Kingdome] Kindome 1548 of Antichriste. | |
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sig: A2 | |
¶The preface to the reader. This is Hoggard's preface, quoted by Crowley
GOod readers all, of eche degre | |
To you I make, humble request | |
When that you do this reade or se | |
To iudge my minde vnto the best | |
5 | And blame me not, though I ernest be |
In this hig[h]e point of our fayth highe] hige 1548 | |
Which now, so many enmyes hath. | |
All thinges, sayeth Paull, that written be | |
Are written playne for our learnyng | |
10 | Then syth in scripture thus we se |
That Christe to vs was so louinge | |
Not onely death for vs sufferinge | |
But also left vs his flesh and bloude | |
Of bodye and soule to be the foode | |
15 | Namely to suche as worthely |
Receyue it with a fayeth perfete | |
That Christ is ther soule and bodye | |
Whom the Iewes slewe wyth greate despyte | |
Without which fayeth as I resyte | |
20 | They do receyue it damnably |
Not deserninge oure Lordes bodi[e] | |
Good reader muse not on this thynge | |
How by thy reason it shoulde be | |
For that in errour will the bringe | |
25 | Yf thou by reason seeke to se |
Howe God can worke this misterie | |
Canst thou vyle dust at thys ceason | |
Measure Gods worke by thy reason | |
Thou art man, but a creature | |
30 | Wylt thou with thy maker contend |
Howe he can worke at his pleasure | |
Aboue that, thou canst comprehend | |
He hath made the vnto suche ende | |
That thou by fayth, to him shoulde cleaue | |
sig: [A2v] | |
35 | Aboue reason, for to beleue |
Therfore I do, the aduertyse | |
Thy reason ther, to captyuate | |
It is no reasons exercyse | |
With, howe, to knowe the perfyte rate | |
40 | Howe God doth worke, in this estate |
Therfore agayne to the I saye | |
Thou oughtest him in fayth to obey | |
Thus ende I now my preface | |
Desieringe you good readers all | |
45 | The perfyte fayth for to embrace |
The whych is most catholicall | |
And if in this answere you shall | |
Fynd any faute, I it commyt | |
To such as can, truely mende it. | |
The confutacion |
¶In this preface of yours ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: A6 | |
This is Hoggard's preface, quoted by Crowley | |
OF late a new balad came to my hand | |
Compyled by a false christen man | |
As it is easye for to vnderstande | |
In that so madly he doth the thinge scan | |
5 | Whiche he reproueth, but here-after whan |
Ye do reade the answere it shal apeare | |
What deuilishe doctrine he hath written here | |
And because hys errour shalbe sene playn. | |
Eche staff of hys ryme I wyl answere so | |
10 | That then he shall haue no cause to complayne |
For all hys hole prosesse as it doeth go | |
I wyll wryt forth and not adde one worde mo | |
In th'answere wherof, he shall se euident | |
How wyckedlye hys tyme in it he hath spent | |
15 | And nowe for hys matter to enter in |
As after foloweth it doeth begin. | |
The confutacion. |
You enter into your mattier ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [A7] | |
The ballade. |
What meaneth this gyse, | |
I woulde faine here | |
Straunge sightes in my eies, | |
there do apere | |
Defended wyth lies, | |
boeth farre and nere | |
Greate ruth it is. | |
sig: [A7v] | |
The answere |
5 | What this man doeth meane is here straunge to me |
For if he be christened then dare I say | |
That that thinge which he maketh so straunge to be | |
Syth he, he came to reason euery day | |
The sacrament he sawe honoure alwaye | |
10 | But if he be a panym, than truely |
I blame hym not muche for his greate outcrye | |
The confutacion |
Your answere declareth ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [A8] | |
¶The balad |
I se men honour, | |
Both breade and wyne | |
For christ our sauiour, | |
which he left for a sign | |
To the beleuer, | |
Of hys death deuyne | |
15 | Lorde amende thys |
![]() |
Who-euer hearde beaste so shamefully ly, | |
No Christen man doth honour breade or wine | |
For nether kynds be there thoughe to our eye | |
They do so apere, yet fayeth doth defyne | |
20 | Christe hole to be ther by hys power deuine |
To whom the godhede is knit ther Ioyntlye | |
Whome we are bounde to honoure of dewtye | |
¶The confutacion |
Here you wyll hange your-selfe ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [B2v] | |
The Ballad. |
Wonderful syghtes, | |
I coulde declare | |
I loked in the pixte | |
Dome gods I sawe there pixte: =pyx; dome: =dumb | |
25 | Made of the priests, |
Which sinners are | |
sig: B3 | |
Liuinge amyse. | |
![]() |
Wonderfull it is vnto a pagane | |
How a pure virgyn shoulde bring forth a child | |
But easye it is to a Christian man | |
30 | Which hath this, how from his reasone exilde |
Obeyinge to fayeth on which he doeth bylde | |
So if this man woulde reasone captiuate | |
He shoulde not ieste after thys folishe rate | |
Dome gods it pleaseth thys wretch them to cal | |
35 | The hostes he meaneth which are consecrate |
Because they speake not nor be sene vital | |
Ergo, they be dome: o beaste intoxicate | |
Yf Christe coulde be sene ther after that rate | |
That he walked here, wher were then thy faith | |
40 | Wher eye, may perswade, faith hath no merite |
¶The Confutacion, |
You go about to make the matter ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [B6v] | |
The ballade. |
From sinners seperate, | |
Gods son is, saith Paul | |
Hygher then heauen-seate, | |
Aboue the powers al | |
How with sinful hand make, | |
His body then you shall | |
Syr prists tell me thys | |
![]() |
45 | Truth it is that christe is vp ascended |
How can sinful hands then make him say you | |
Who-euer so sayde or that defended | |
Truely none, nor at thys tyme doth nowe | |
But thys trueth all christen men doeth auowe | |
50 | That after the wordes of God ther spoken |
Christes fleshe is ther that for vs was broken | |
¶The confutation |
Here you answere as though ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [B8v] | |
¶The balad |
Thou sayest by thy coninge | |
that thou makest him | |
Who hath made of nothyng | |
Both the and thi kyn | |
Heauen earth and al-thynge, | |
conteined ther-in | |
55 | What lye is thys |
The answere |
A great lye surely of your owne makinge | |
Ye can do it well as here doth appere | |
It semyth that the diuil dyd kepe you waking | |
That so shamefull wil lye wythout fere | |
60 | His seruaunte you are whose badge ye do bear |
The whych is lyeng, and our Lorde doth saye | |
That the diuell is father to lyers alwaye | |
¶The confutacion. |
Well answered and muche to the purpose ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: C1 | |
¶The Ballad. |
Tho[u] wylt say with spede, | |
It is not our acte | |
The worde in this ded[e], dede] ded 1548 | |
taketh effecte | |
65 | Wyth the I prosede, |
that thus dooste obiecte | |
Answere me to this | |
![]() |
The priestes that do say it is not our acte | |
But god by the word is worker of all | |
They that so hath sayd no true iugement lacke | |
70 | For so it is as after proue I shal |
The priest by authority spiritual | |
But as a minister doth execute | |
And god his creature doth ther transmute | |
![]() |
You saye you wyll proue ... rest of prose text omitted | |
The Ballade. |
What word hast thou noddy, | |
Wherwith Christ did make | |
75 | Of bread his body, |
As thou dost crake | |
Wyth all thy study, | |
An answere take | |
And tell me this. | |
![]() |
Without great studye th'answer is made | |
Me-thynke ye presume very hye | |
80 | This is my body Christ playnely sayde |
You dare be so bolde to saye he doth lye | |
Not so syr, say you that worde say not I | |
Yet doth your wordes proue, syr bi your licence | |
That to Christes wordes ye geue no credence. | |
¶The Confutacion, |
![]() |
sig: [C2v] | |
¶The ballad. |
85 | Hoc est corpus |
Meum, you bryng | |
Wher-wyth ye clocke vs, clocke: =cloak; or =cluck? see OED clock v2. | |
Under your wynge | |
But for your purpose, | |
It serueth nothynge | |
Who seyth not thys? | |
¶The answere. |
Hoc est corpus meum fyrst Christe in brought | |
sig: [C3] | |
90 | And to all hys apostels gaue the power |
As ministers to do, that him-selfe wrought | |
By the wordes spoken to them at that houre | |
Which wordes are stronger then castel or towr | |
And so shall enduer vnto the laste daye | |
95 | When all gods enemies shal vanyshe awaye |
![]() |
Not much vnlyke is thys ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [C3v] | |
¶The ballad. |
To be the worde. | |
Naimely of giuing | |
Which christ our Lord, | |
Spake to his beleueing | |
Disciples at borde, | |
as they were sitting | |
Their faith to encrease | |
![]() |
100 | Christe promest his disciples before |
That the bread that he would geue to them al | |
Was his fleshe which he for euermore | |
Would giue for the life of al men mortal | |
Firste at his maundy by power supernal | |
105 | He fulfilled his promise geuing than truely |
To them his owne pure natural bodie | |
Secondly Christe on the crosse him-selfe gaue | |
In his one bodi as he walked here one: =own | |
And so suffred ther al man-kinde to saue | |
110 | But at his maundy as it dyd apere |
He gaue the same body, but this in minde bere | |
Not as on the crosse, rightely to define | |
But vnder the forme of pure bread and wine | |
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sig: [C4v] | |
¶The ballad. |
He is but a beast, | |
knowyng ryght nought | |
115 | Which saith that hoc est, |
Are wordes to make ought | |
Thys is manyfest, | |
In a wyse mans thought | |
Wher knowledge is. | |
![]() |
He is but a beast I maye saye ryght wel | |
Whiche wyll saye that God who is almighty | |
120 | In sayeinge, thys is, dyd not truely tell |
That, that he coulde do, but rather did lye | |
What beast is he this, that dare playne deny | |
Yf god say, this is, it is not so sayeth he | |
Because reason wyll not ther-to agre | |
125 | What and if God wylde a thynge done to be |
Aboue course of nature and yet god woulde | |
That man shoulde do it thoughe no word had he | |
But onely a deede as Moyses olde | |
sig: [C5] | |
God bade him lay downe the rode he dyd hold | |
130 | Whiche when he had done it was a serpente |
Then taking it by the tayl as is told | |
Yt turned to a rodde euen continent | |
God sayde to Moyses this shoulde be the sygne | |
To declare his power before kyng Pharao | |
135 | The whiche after he dyd by the power deuyne |
Wythout anye word that scripture doth show | |
This doth your hygh reason cleane ouer-throw | |
That, hoc est, can not be words to make ought | |
Much more then no wordes, ye wil say I trow | |
140 | Chiefly being spoken by hym that al wrought |
Yea spoken by hym, that I graunte saye you | |
Well, that obiection I wyll deferre now | |
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You answere euen as you ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [C5v] | |
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If I say to the, | |
This is my head | |
It must so be, | |
Before I so sayde | |
sig: [C6] | |
145 | Or els with a lye, |
I haue the fed | |
Understandest thou thys. | |
¶The answere |
Ye for-soth syr, but nowe if ye should tel | |
Thys to a dome beast then durst I depose then] theen 1548 | |
That he coulde skantly vndersta[n]de you well vnderstande] vnderstade 1548 | |
150 | For he can nether iuge, head, eye, not nose |
But tell thys to a man, and I supose | |
He would thynke you to be ful dronke or mad | |
To point him to knowe his legge from his hose | |
For he would thinke in that he ful knowlege had | |
155 | But nowe my knowlege may me here begile |
For may-hape, ye be a man of grauite | |
And therfore agayne I wyl turne my style | |
And wyl speake to you in thys thinge sadly | |
By your example ye meane ful madly | |
160 | That christ pointed to his bodie natural |
What scripture haue ye I would know gladli | |
That christe ment not ther-of the breade at all | |
Yf in the scripture that wyll not be founde | |
To beleue your fancie I am not bounde | |
165 | Mary, your example your parte trew to trye |
Sayth if [c]hrist ment not so, he made a false lye christ] thrist 1548 | |
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I can not a little maruaile ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [C7] | |
¶The ballad. |
Wel then to say lo, | |
Thys is my body | |
Hath not made it so, | |
Thou seyst with smal studie | |
Wherfore shortely go, | |
Make other wordes redi | |
170 | These wyl do no seruice. |
sig: [C7v] | |
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Here lo ye triumphe like a noble syer | |
As though ye had proued al that ye speak | |
Which is that our sauioure christe was a lier | |
When that he dyd say when he bread did breake | |
175 | This is my body, his power was to weake |
He coulde not performe that he there dyd saye | |
He muste seeke other wordes that to conuaye. | |
![]() |
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sig: [C8] | |
¶The ballade. |
What if in scripture. | |
Were wrytten one lyne | |
Wherwith our sauiour, | |
Thy god and myne | |
180 | Into thys nature, |
Dyd tourne bread and wine | |
Couldest thou do thys? | |
![]() |
What if in scrip[t]ure ther be one lyne scripture] scripiure 1548 | |
As ther is in-[d]ede whiche I before tel dede] bede 1548 | |
To proue that our Lorde both thy god and myne | |
185 | Dyd consecrate hys body fleshe and fell |
Agaynste them which chiefely ye do repel | |
Naye, amyte, say you that Christ did so do amyte: =admit | |
Coulde you mayster parsone do the same to | |
Ye for-soth syr, Christe dyd that for oure sake | |
190 | And not for th'apostles at that tyme alone |
For priestes for that purpose then he dyd make | |
Geuynge power to them al euerie-one | |
To consecrate hys body when he was gone | |
Sayenge do thys, in my remembraunce | |
195 | Which to this day hath had continuance |
Ye I graunte say you that the Lorde dyd saye | |
Do thys in mi commemoracion | |
Then is it no more that well se ye maye | |
But a remembraunce of christes passion | |
200 | [......................................]A line has dropped out in 1548 |
It is lefte for a remembraunce I knowe | |
And yet christes true body as I wyl showe | |
The pascal lambe offred in the old law | |
Was of christes offeringe an onelye figure | |
sig: [C8v] | |
205 | The rocke of stone out of which the Iewes saw |
Water flowynge out, for them cl[ea]neletters broken and pure | |
Which stone figured christe as saith scripture | |
Then yf the sacrament be now no more | |
But a fygure onely, then these before | |
210 | Were as good then as is the sacrament |
But christ was a prieste muche more excellente | |
Which made amendes for our transgression | |
Leauynge his sacrament of suche perfection | |
That wher-as the other were figures onely | |
215 | Hys is both a fygure and also truly |
The same thynge that is figured therby | |
The whiche is christes naturall body | |
Thys to beleue I thynke ye wyll refuse | |
Ye wil rather leaue christ, and folow the Iewes | |
220 | Sayeng how can this felowe gyue to vs |
Hys fleshe to eate, it doth seme, ye do thus | |
![]() |
Yet once agayne you wyll not ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [D6] | |
¶The ballad. |
Thou hast the word, | |
wherwyth god wrought | |
Man beast fish burd, | |
And all of nought | |
Canst thou good bloud, | |
Therwith make ought | |
225 | That vnmade is. |
![]() This heading is lineated with the previous line of text
We haue the same word I do playne confesse | |
And for al your gay talke so do not ye | |
The word whiche as saint Iohn doth expresse | |
Was the second person in trinitie | |
230 | Without whom ther was nothing mad saith he mad: =made |
By no wordes writen it was that he ment | |
But by his sonne, one with him in deitie | |
Which is with vs nowe in the sacrament | |
Yet happly here ye will to me obiect | |
235 | And wil aske me if Moyses did not write |
The veri wordes which by god toke effect | |
In createinge of man as he did resite | |
Yesse say I, wel then say you gone is quite | |
Al your hole matter which ye do defend | |
240 | Excepte that your priestes wil stoutly stande byte byte: =by it? |
That they by that word can worke to the same end | |
Wel hit forsoth and spoken lyke a clarke | |
Ye make as though ye walke in the light | |
But like one through-blind ye walke in the dark | |
245 | For whom that in scripture hath any syght |
Maye sone se that ye take not scripture righte | |
God made al this world we se of nothing | |
Doth it folowe that man can not by gods myght | |
Turn thinges from ther nature, god being wi[l]ling willing] wiling 1548 | |
250 | Now what gods wil is in the Sacrament |
I haue tolde you before by his wordes playne | |
In the which the priest is but an instrument | |
For the wordes that christ spake he sp[e]akes againe speakes] spakes 1548 | |
As christ him-self bad, which was not in vaine | |
255 | For after the wordes our Lord by hys power |
Creates noth[y]ng newe there that is certayne nothyng] nothpng 1548 | |
sig: [D6v] | |
But brynge ther the presence of oure sauiour. | |
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Here you would seme ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: E1 | |
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Yf with that scripture. | |
Thou canst not make | |
The least creature, | |
How wylt thou take | |
260 | On thy weake nature, |
Of bread to create | |
The Lorde of blysse. | |
![]() |
Ye thinke al proued that ye onely saye | |
And yet to saye trueth ye do but contend | |
By reason to kepe your fayth at a bay | |
265 | Chargeinge men with that they do not defend |
If we sayd that a makyng dyd depend | |
Of the priest or of god whiche we deny | |
Then had ye some cause your time thus to spend | |
Christ is ther but howe we seke not to spy | |
270 | Therfore leaue of your folish blasphemy |
It is agaynst our fayth catholyke and trewe | |
That euer christ shoulde be create anewe. | |
![]() |
You seme to accompte ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: E2 | |
¶The ballad |
Hauinge no word, | |
of consecracion | |
Wherof the Lord, | |
hath mad relacion | |
275 | Thou teachest abrode |
thine owne inuencion | |
Which is amise | |
![]() |
Who is more blind then those that wil not se | |
What botes it to shew you any scripture | |
sig: [E2v] | |
[Syth to no part therof ye wil agre]upper margin trimmed | |
280 | Which to your reasone is harde or obscure |
But yet once a ####ab#### gayne to do you pleasure | |
Ye shall heare if Christ made no relacion | |
In scripture of the consecracion | |
Christ to his dis[c]iples these wordes dyd saye disciples] disiples 1548 | |
285 | I longe to eate the pascall lambe sayth he |
Wyth you my disciples for nowe is the day | |
Of the swete-bread, I praye you note and se | |
Howe the trueth wyth the figure doth a ####ab#### gre | |
Christe was the true lambe which the prophetes saw | |
290 | Shuld truly fullfyl the Moysaical law |
Christe eat the lambe ther-as the law did will | |
Then to showe that that law was expired | |
He ordaynde his lawe, that lawe to fulfil | |
Which whil[e] the world lasts shal not be finished while] whil 1548 | |
295 | That lambe was him-self which he ordained |
To be offred dayly in remembraunce | |
Of his bitter death and paynfull suffraunce | |
Note here I praye you one thinge by the waye | |
Christ sayd I long to eate with you this daye | |
300 | The passouer, by which he did declare |
What great loue euer towardes them he bare | |
Which was not only the lawe to fulfil | |
But also to show them more of his wil | |
Which was that he woulde gyue vnto them all | |
305 | The perfite pledge of the life eternal |
Performing his promise made to them before | |
By geuing them his fleshe for euer-more | |
Among them so to be comunicate | |
That therby they shulde be incorporate | |
310 | In hym than, and he in al them also |
What greater loue coulde he to his people sho | |
But yet with this loue our lorde dyd not cease | |
For in his moste payne his loue did encrease | |
Remembring man-kind sayde, Sitio | |
315 | Not onely for drinke, but mans health also, |
sig: [E3] | |
Yt was that our Lorde dyd then so sore thruste thruste: =thirst | |
Se how this word [d]oth agre with the furste doth] both 1548 | |
I long (sayeth christe) to eate the pascal with you | |
On the crosse, I thrust, in which I note nowe | |
320 | That by these true wordes christe doth signifi |
The desire that he had to geue his body | |
Accordinge to his promyse saying thus. | |
The breade that I wyll geue playne to discuse | |
Is my flesh, here lo was his fyrst promise | |
325 | And at his maundy he fullfilled thys |
Under forme of breade he dyd it ther giue | |
With spirit and lyfe wherby al such shoulde liue | |
As dyd receyue it by fayth worthily | |
On the crosse also he gaue his body | |
330 | To suffer painfully he was there erecte |
[....................................]A line has dropped out in 1548 | |
Thus ye se that as christ dyd saye, I thurst | |
So dyd he before that he at the furste | |
Gaue himself (said I long) which words proueth to me | |
335 | The furst body and the last both one to be |
Christ at his last supper as I before saye | |
Toke bread and blessed it and brake it truly | |
Gaue [it] to his disciples and without stay it] ye 1548 | |
Bad them take and eate this is my body | |
340 | Then to shew them what body he ment, truely |
He added these wordes to those he had spoken | |
Saieng, which for your sinnes shalbe broken | |
What body was broken for our trespas? | |
No signe of a body I thinke ye wyl saye | |
345 | But euen the same body which borne was |
Of the virgin mary, voyd this if ye may | |
Then toke christ the cup, bleste it the same waye | |
As before saing: this is my bloud truely | |
Which shalbe shed for the synnes of many | |
350 | What bloud did christe shedde for our sakes |
I thinke ye wyll saye his bloud natural | |
This agaynst your errours very much makes | |
Which to a ####ab#### voyde be able ye neuer shal | |
sig: [E3v] | |
Then christe bad them do this in his memorial | |
355 | What (this) was it that he bade them do |
Was it not to blesse, to breake, and to geue to | |
And to speake the same words that he ther spake | |
When he the bread into his hand did take | |
Which wordes were the words of consecration | |
360 | And then bad that on the same facion |
His apostles shuld do, nowe thus ye se | |
That the true wordes of consecrac[i]on be consecracion] consecracton 1548 | |
In scripture, though you those wordes skan | |
To be but only th'enuencion of man | |
365 | Yet one worde of Christe to mind here I call |
Christ to declare that the law moisaical | |
He wolde hole fulfyl for the which intente | |
He toke the cup and sayed these wordes euidente | |
This is my bloud in the newe testament | |
370 | Sygnifieng that the olde lawe was spent Sygnifieng] Syggnifieng 1548 |
With al the bloud of beastes which did figure | |
The bloud of Christ aboue al blo[u]ds most pure blouds] blods 1548 | |
Now marke then, if that when christ did playn say | |
This is my blud, shuld meane none other way | |
375 | But in figure only, what were it more |
Then the figures of the olde law before | |
Not yet so much nether if ye marke wel | |
For in the olde lawe as I before tel | |
Uery bloud to figure, christes bloude truly | |
380 | They did offer, vpon the which thinge I |
Gather that and if the wyne be wyne still | |
That Christe at supper did the lawe fulfyll | |
Wyth a figure of bloud, which cannot be | |
For a figure is fulfilled we do se | |
385 | In the veritie and not in figure |
Chefly in thys thyng ye wyl graunt I am sure | |
This holy sacrament god did fore ####ab#### se | |
A great comforte for all his people to be | |
For whych he ordeyned a priest and kyng | |
sig: [E4] | |
390 | The same trueth to figure in his offering |
Christ is a priest sayeth Paul after the order | |
Of Melchisedech, now note here further | |
Melchesedech was both a priest and king | |
So was christe also as recordeth writtinge christe] christes 1548 | |
395 | Melchesedech was a king and yet truly |
No mencion is made of his progeny | |
Which doth signifie that christ was a kynge | |
His father vnknowe without beginning | |
Melchesedech was kinge as scripture sayth | |
400 | Of Salem, which as saynt Paul plainely hath |
To the Hebrwes that, that doth signifi | |
A kyng of peace, to whome he dyd applye | |
Christe our sauiour and ye besyde this ye: =yea | |
Melchesedech of Christ a figure is | |
405 | In this pristhode, for as scripture doth saye |
He brought forth to Abraham in the waye | |
Bread and wine, In which acte scripture doeth him call scripture] scriptture 1548 | |
The priest of the most hie god eternal | |
Christ likewise gaue the formes of bread and wine | |
410 | Of which Melch[e]sedech was but a signe Melchesedech] Melchsedech 1548 |
Here may-hap one thing ye wyl aske of me | |
Wher saynte Paul doth note them thus to agre | |
For nether the prophet ther nor S. Paul | |
Of breade or wine speakes not one word at all | |
415 | But doth Melche[se]dechs priesthod applye Melchesedechs] Melchedechs 1548 |
Unto christe when that he moste painfully | |
Dyd offer vp his fleshe and bloude most pure | |
Unto his father this is playne scripture | |
All this is true, I wyl it not denye. | |
420 | Yet for my purpose agayne to replie |
To Melchesedech, note here that he cam | |
Forth with breade and wyne to mete Abraham | |
Giuing thankes to God for his victori | |
Which to his pristhod perteined truly | |
425 | Then that being his order howe can ye |
D[e]nie christe of the same order to be Denie] Dinie 1548 | |
sig: [E4v] | |
Sith vnder the kyndes of breade and wyne he | |
Gaue his body, this in scripture we se | |
And though s. Paul do no bread or wine name | |
430 | Doth he deny Christes priesthode in the same? |
Nay forsoth for as of Christ is spoken | |
He gaue the body which is broken | |
For our synnes at his last supper ye knowe | |
And then what though s. Paul nothyng show | |
435 | Of bread and wyne, yet their priesthodes agre |
So much the more, if this well noted be | |
Melchesedech dyd not offer wyth bloud | |
And yet dyd he fygure Christes presthod | |
When he on the crosse offered his bodye | |
440 | Unto his father with his woundes bloudye |
Howe shoulde that be and no bread or wine there | |
Yesse forsoth the scripture wyll it wel beare | |
Syth Christ gaue hys bodye as I before saye | |
Under those fourmes because thei shuld alwai | |
445 | Remember his death by that sacrament. |
Which death the breade and wyne dyd represent | |
That Melchesedech offred, here ye se | |
Howe both their priesthodes herein do agre | |
For Melchesedechs order dyd attend | |
450 | Unto Christes offring on the crosse at the ende |
Which offring ther done was done once for al | |
To be offred so, agayne he neuer shall. | |
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sig: F5 | |
¶The Ballad. |
¶For Christ hath sayd | |
Thou canst not shape | |
One heare of thy heade, | |
whyte ether blacke. | |
455 | How canst thou of bread, |
Then gods sonne make | |
Whyche in heauen is. | |
¶The answer. This heading is lineated with the previous line of text
Thys stafe I haue answerd playnly before | |
For styl ye be harping vpon one stryng | |
Therfore to thys I wyl answere no more | |
460 | But pray vnto god that he wyll you brynge |
Out of your errour, but thys is one thynge | |
Except ye beleue as sayth Esay. | |
Ye cannot vnderstand thys hye mystery | |
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This stafe (you say ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [F6v] | |
¶The ballad |
A better mynde. | |
The Lorde graunt the | |
465 | That thou mayst fynd, |
hys verite | |
Which maketh the blind, | |
In soule to se | |
What hys wyll is. | |
¶The Answere. |
I pray God gyue syght to those that be blind | |
Then trust I to se your conuersion | |
470 | For none is ther blynder that I can fynd |
Then you bee in youre mad opinion | |
All other people ye can crye vpon | |
That to beleue scripture they shuld agre | |
And none farther from it then you your-selfe be | |
¶The confutation. |
The words of your, praier ... rest of prose text omitted | |
sig: [F7] | |
¶The Ballad. This heading is lineated with the previous line of text
475 | God graunt the, the part, |
Of s. Paule to playe | |
I meane to conuert, | |
From the Romyshe way | |
And with a meke herte, | |
Gods truth to obaye | |
Who graunt the this. | |
¶The answere. |
Your praier dependeth of a godly intent | |
480 | Which is that ye woulde haue al men forsake |
There catholyke fayth in the Sacrament | |
And your errour in the place thereof to take | |
But nowe for your part the better to make | |
Ye call the truth Romyshe as though that we | |
485 | Had receiued it of the popyshe see |
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sig: [F8v] | |
The ballad |
Lord graunt that our head, | |
king Edward the sixt | |
May bury that dead | |
God which is pixte | |
And get in his stead, | |
thy supper not mixte | |
With abuse popishe. | |
![]() |
490 | Lord graunt that king Edward which ouer vs hath |
The chief primacie vnder christe Iesu | |
Truely to defend the catholike fayth | |
Which from the apostles dyd hole ensew | |
And all heresy and popishnesse to subdwe | |
495 | That we may liue vnder his highnes so |
In the catholyke fayth which is most true | |
That to the honour of god al thinges may grow | |
I wonder much how ye durst be so bolde | |
As to pray so for the kinges maiestie | |
500 | That his highnes shoulde do as ye haue tolde |
A deed before god of gr[e]ate iniquitie greate] grate 1548 | |
Which is that the dead god pixte he may bury | |
Ye show your-selfe a true subi[e]cte in this subiecte] subicte 1548 | |
Which doth point your king to such an office. | |
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sig: [G1] | |
¶The ballad |
505 | That we may espie |
In that signe and token | |
Wyth spirituall eie, | |
Thy body broken | |
And thy bloud plentiously | |
Shed as is spoken | |
To bringe vs to blesse. blesse: =bliss | |
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Who wold thinke, lo, but that thys man ment well | |
510 | Seing that he wyshith that we may al |
Se christes death ther, for so sayeth the gospel | |
But yet marke hym wel and perceiue ye shall | |
That vnder the name of this worde spiritual | |
As his Ballad before doth playne expresse | |
515 | And here a signe and token he doth it cal |
Takyng it for no more hymselfe doth wytnes | |
But the catholyke fayth perfect and true. | |
sig: [G1v] | |
Is, we must beleue that in the sacrament | |
Is not onely a sygne wher-in we must vewe | |
520 | The death of christe with a godly intent |
But also that christe him-selfe is present | |
Fleshe and bloud, but how that he shuld be | |
Reason can not teach, therfore he must consent | |
Unto fayth, and then he shal it truely se | |
525 | Nowe thus of this answere I make an ende |
Prayenge god his grace to vs both to sende. grace] greace 1548 | |
FINIS. ![]() |
¶The confutacion |
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sig: [G2] | |
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