The left-hand edge of the sheet is cut away; the missing text is supplied from D. |
[O wauering Wo]rlde all wrapped in wretchydnes |
[What auales t]hy pompes so gay and gloryous |
[Thy pastymes thy p]easures / and all thy ryches |
[Syth of necessitie the]y be but transytoryous |
5 |
[Example but late o] to moche pyteous |
[The puyssaunt princ]e that eche man whylom dred |
[Maugre thy myght b]y naturall lyne and cours |
[Henry the seuenth ala]s alas lyeth dede |
[O case Wonderfull so] ryall a kynge |
10 |
[Surmountyng in m]aner the prudent salamon
[In Wysdome in Riche]sse and in euery-thynge
Richesse] Riches D
[None to hym lyck in n]o crysten regyon lyck: =like
[Redoubted and fered] not longe agone |
[Laudid and prased] his name by fame spr[e]de
sprede] sprde 1509, spred D
15 |
[From Worldly conten]te nowe destytute alone |
[For henry the seuenth ala]s alas lyeth dede |
[Lo marke we this m]ater we wretchyd creatures |
[For all his kyngdom]es and tryumphaunt maiestye |
[For all his Ioyes his] pastymes and pleasures |
20 |
[He is now gone wi]thouten remedye |
[The soule Where god] wyll the myserable bodye |
[Closed in stone and in] heuy lede |
[O what is this worl]de but vanyte and all vanytye |
[For henry the seuent]h alas alas lyeth dede |
25 |
[Come we therfor h]is subgectes and make lamentacyon. |
[For the losse of one s]o noble a gouernoure |
[To god with oure pr]ayers make we exclamacyon |
[His soule forto guy]de to his supernall toure |
[For faded is the goo]dly rose-floure |
30 |
[That Whilome so r]yally all aboute spred |
[Dethe hath hym m]ated where is his power |
[Henry the seuenth a]las alas lyeth dede |
Of this moost crysten kynge in vs it lyeth not |
His tyme-passed honour suffycyent to prayse |
35 |
But yet though that / that thyng envalue we may not envalue: =invalue, 'place a value on'
Our prayers of suertye he shall haue alwayes |
And though that atropose hathe ended his dayes |
His name and fame shall euer be dred |
As fer as phebus spredes his golden rayes |
40 |
Though henry the seuenth alas alas lyeth dede |
But nowe what remedye he is vncouerable
vncouerable] vncorable Dvncouerable: =uncoverable, 'irrecoverable'vncouerable: =uncoverable, 'irrecoverable'
Touchyd by the handes of god that is moost Iust
handes] hand D
But yet agayne a cause moost confortable |
We haue / Wherin / of ryght reioys we must |
45 |
His sone on
lyue in beaute force and lust |
In honour lykely traianus to shede shede ='rout, put to flight'? See OED s.v. shed v1, 4b
Wherfore in hym put we our hope and trust |
Syth henry his fader alas alas lyeth dede |
And nowe for conclusyon aboute his herse |
50 |
Let this be grauyd for endeles memorye |
With sorowfull tunes of Thesyphenes verse |
Here lyeth the puyssaunt and myghty henry
Hector in batayll / Ulyxes in polecy |
Salamon in wysdome the noble rose rede |
55 |
Creses in rychesse Iulyus in glory |
Henry the seuenth ingraued here lyeth dede ingraued: =ingraved, 'entombed, buried'