A Dialogue Touching the Unstableness of Harlots


STC 6807
Ringler 6807 and TP 2112. Rpt. William Beloe, _Anecdotes of Literature_, 1 (1807-12), 389; ed. Charles Hindley, _Old Book Collector's Miscellany_, 1 (1871), 6. UMI microfilm reel 239

Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen secretary and jelowsy touchynge the vnstablenes of harlottes
London: [John Skot],1530?.

Composition Date: 1530?.

sig: [A1]
¶Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen Secretary and Ielowsy touchynge the vnstablenes of harlottes.
sig: [A1v]


WHat a world is this / I trow it be a_curst
Fayne wold I marye / yf that I durst
But I trow syth the time that god was born
So many honest men neuer held of the horn


5 ¶What is the mater / be ye in ony doubte
Pacyfye your mode / let it come oute
Dyscharge your stomake / avoyde it forth
Sorowes in store be nothynge worth


¶Trouth it is / I trust ye wyll not be greued
10 To a small questyon be to you moued
In a mater / to me doubtfull and defuse
Whiche I suppose ye haue had in experyence and vse


That parauenture / but I wyll not promyse you presysely
To assoyle your questyon very wysely assoyle ='resolve'
15 Howe-be-it that ye say / I am of experyence
So ye wyll be close / ye shall here my sentence

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¶Then thus / she that hath a rollynge ey
And doth conuey it / well and wysely
And therto hath a waueryng thought
20 Trowe ye this trull wyll not be bought.


¶Yes / but take hede by the pryce ye haue noo losse
A made marchaunt that wyll gyue .v. marke for a goose
Beware a rollyng ey with wauerynge thought marke that
And for suche stuffe passe not / a dandy_pratt


25 ¶She that is very wanton and nyse
Thynkyng her-self maruaylous wyse
And wyll come to hym that doth her call
Wyll she not wrastell for a fall


¶Yes suerly / for a fall flat as a cake
30 And cares not howe many falles she doth take
There is noo fall can make her lame
For she wyll be sure of the best game.

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¶She that doth make it all straunge and quaynt
And lokyth as she were a very saynte
35 If a man in the darke doo hyr assay
Hath she any power to holde owte nay / nay


¶Holde oute / yes / or it is pyttye she was borne
A horse a whele-barowe and a Rammys-horne
If the other thynge come ye wott what I mene
40 For all her holly lookes she wyll conuey it clene


¶She that doth loue moche dallyng
With dyuerse men for fayre spekynge
And thynkys not on her owne shame
Wyll not this wylde-foule be made tame


45 ¶Yes with good handlynge as I ayme
Euen by and by ye shall her reclayme
And make her tame as euer was Turtyll
To suffre kyssyng and tyklyng vnder the kyrtell

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¶She that is sum-what lyght of credence
50 And to make her freshe / large of expence
Howe say you and her mony doo fayle
Wyll she not lay too pledge her tayle


¶Yes and yf she be of that appetyte
She wyll pledge and sell oute-ryght
55 Hede-pece / tayle-pece / and all .iiii. quarters
To one or other / rather then fayle to carters


¶She that louys to sytte and muse
And craftly can her-selfe excuse
When she is taken with a faulte
60 Wyll she not be wonne with a small saulte


¶What nedys a saulte / I dare say she wyll consent
That ye shall enter by a reasonable poyntment poyntment ='agreement for terms of capitulation'; see OED s.v. pointment, appointment n3.
And then take hede for in kepynge of this warde and hold
Is more daunger then in gettynge a thousande-folde

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65 ¶She that is of mynde sum-what rechelles rechelles: =reckless
Gyuynge her-selfe all to ydelnes
And louys to lye longe in her bed
Who wayteth his tyme shall he not be sped


¶Tyme nay nay wayte / yf she be in good mode
70 For out of chyrche all tymes be goode
But passe not theron / though she say nay
For so she wyll whan she hath best lust to play


¶She that can no counsayll kepe
And lyghtly wyll sobbe and wepe
75 Laughe agayne and wote not why
Wyll she not be sone tysed to foly tysed: =ticed, 'enticed'


The teares be_token a gracyous corage
And laughynge doth all malyce aswage
Whan she is in that takynge marke well marke
80 Let slyp / spare not for one course in her parke

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¶She that is fayre and lusty yonge
And can comyn in termes with fyled tonge comyn: =common, 'commune, converse'
And wyll byde whysperynge in the eare
Thynke ye her tayle is not lyght of the seare lyght of the seare ='easily made to "go off", readily yielding to any impulse'; see OED s.v. sear n1, 1b.


85 ¶By all these sym[y]lytudes me-thynkes suerly symylytudes] symblytudes 1530
Her owne tayle she shulde occupy
Somtyme for nede her honeste saued
She wyll wasshe often or she be ones shaued


She that paynteth her in starynge apparell starynge ='bright-coloured', or 'glaringly conspicuous'; see OED s.v. staring ppla2, 4.
90 Vse[th] [h]ote wynes and dayly to fare well Vseth] Vse 1530; hote] bote 1530
And loues to slepe at after-none-tyde
Who lyst stryke trowe ye she wyll not stryde


¶I can not say yf she wyll stryke
But yf reason be offered nothynge shall fall besyde
95 For of a trouth as frost engendereth hayle
Ease and ranke fedynge doth cause a lycorous tayle.


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