An Envoy from Thomas Smyth

Smyth, Thomas

STC 22880.2
Ringler 22880.2 and TP 1244. Rpt. _Fugitive Tracts_, no. 9; John A. Kingdon, _Incidents in the Lives of Thomas Poynty and Richard Grafton_, 1895; Ernest W. Dormer, _Gray of Reading_ (Reading, 1923), pp. 195-8. Single sheet folio, printed on both sides. A contribution to the Gray-Smyth flyting: see STC entry for the order of items in this controversy.

An enuoye from Thomas Smyth vpon thaunswer of one .W.G.
London: [Robert Wyer?],[1540].

Composition Date: c. 1540 [STC].

folio: [1]
¶An Enuoye from Thomas_Smyth vpon th'aunswer of one .W._G. Lurkyng in Lorrells Denne / for feare men shulde hym see.
Whether I troll here, or troll ther, I wyll so troll aboute
That in my trollynge, I do trust, as you are, to trolle you oute.

NOwe with no lesse salutacyon, that to such doth pertayne
Unto you I do present, this lytell poore t[r]eatyse treatyse] tteatyse 1540
Wyllynge you to vnderstande, and also to knowe playne
I haue receyued, your lewde lybell, wherin you enterpryse
5 Both me and my doynges, full proudely to despyse
But bable what you lyst / it skylleth not a whyt
Remember well this worde, hereafter cometh not yet.

¶You ruffle, and you rayle, for malyce and despyte
And as a ragynge ruffyen / your-se[l]fe you do shewe playne selfe] sesfe 1540
10 For-as-moche as you be greued, with that, that I dyd wryte
Which I wyll neuer denye, but throughlye mayntayne throughlye: =thoroughly
Yet (as you wryte) in one poynte, you haue cause to complayne
For that I spake but of lykelyhod / and wente but by gesse
Of the treson in your herte / you knowynge there no lesse.

15 ¶If with the poynte of my penne, I do you so spurre and prycke
That therby you be greued and greatly styrred to yre
Yet doubte I not to syt sure / all-though you wynche and kycke
Fast closed in my dewty / to saue me from the myre
But in your flynges take hede, beware I saye the fyre
20 Or some other galtrope / take thys prouerbe for a token galtrope: =caltrop
The pot so often goeth forth / at last it commeth home broken.

¶You are angry that I my-selfe / so openly declare
My name playnly dyscrybynge, and of my seruyce the pyth pyth ='substance'
All honest men thynk, I shulde no lesse, wherfore I ne care
25 Though mad malyce moue you / to be despyted therwith
Hit haue plesed you, to compare, the cobbler with the smyth
Your proude skorne wherin / is easye ynough to be founde
Yet better is a cobbler than an ydell vagabounde.

In openynge my name and seruyce / this was myne entente
30 In case that for my doynges, I were thought worthy blame
Any other person gyltles therfore shuld not be shente
Consydred (as is well knowen) many be of my name
Myne offyce therfore I added / and thought therin no shame
Nether braggynge, nor bostynge / as to my charge you laye
35 Who is naught hym-selfe / so iudgeth in others alwaye.

¶A true man shameth neuer, to shewe his name and face
A thefe hym-selfe mystrusteth and is euermore in doubte
Lest that his lewde lyuynge / shulde present it-selfe in place
As commenly it is sene / at lenght trouth is tryed oute lenght: =length
40 So in lykewyse you / do seke all corners round a_boute
But it woll not helpe you, though a whyle there be delaye
Tyme shall trye your colour, be it russet, blacke / or graye.

¶Of rumblynge in scryptures / you do me moch reproue
Well yf your wyttes do serue you / my doynges to amende
45 Come forth and shew your face / as to honestye doth behoue
And lay vnto my charge / what you can reprehende
Nay / nay / I am sure, you do it lest intende lest: =least
In raylynge is your ruffe, in your spelunke whan ye syt ruffe ='vainglory, passion'; see OED s.v. ruff n6.
But remember well this worde / hereafter commeth not yet.

folio: [1v]
50 ¶Full wysely you councell me / to some taylour to resorte
For shapynge out of scrypture / my texte the better to frame
You can not hyde your secte / nor yet your brotherly sorte
(A Clergy for the deuyll) you shewe your-selfe the same
As Taylours / Cobblers / and Tylers / doctou[r]s of worthy fame doctours] doctous 1540
55 Uagaboundes / Ruffyens / and others / amongs whom you rynge your bell amongs: =amongst
And euen lyke as you be / so set you forth your councell.

¶Blusterynge in your boldnes / you wolde your-selfe a traytour proue
Upon the only pretens of my most desyred fall
The mayntenans of popery / you say I do most loue
60 Whiche yf you knowe trewe / than a traytour I maye you call
For suche your concelement but I woll dryue you to the tryall
Both our doynges shall appere / thoughe deferred for a space
I am no .W._G. I dare well shewe my face

¶The rest of your raylynges / I woll as nowe omyte
65 Upon suche purpose peuysshe / my tyme I woll not spende
They do naught but declare / the lewde vse of your wyt
And what malyce of herte towardes other you pretende
You haue no nother buckler / wherwith your-selfe to defende
Who rebuketh your secte / or wolde refourme your heresye
70 Amonge you strayte he is a mayntaynour of popery.

¶Thus though you wolde hyde your-selfs / yet men may easely knowe
What fayned hertes you do beare to God and our good Kynge
His grace hath ordey[n]ed lawes / whiche cleane to ouerthrowe
What trauayll is dayly taken / to euydent is the thynge
75 We shulde beware your secte for surely you wolde fayne brynge
Some other to rayne ouer vs / yf you wyste / by what shyfte
Example we haue / herof / Reade of kynge Henry the fyfte

There maye we playnly fynde / what a detestable sorte
Of false fayned hertes / agaynst theyr kynge dyd ryse,
80 Myndynge to chose another kynge / that wolde theym supporte
In theyr naughtye errours and mayntaynaunce of heresyes
But god (who of his grace) euer prouydeth for his
Gaue suche knowlege therof / that they had not theyr entente
Some fled / some taken / some were hanged on the gallowes and brente.

85 ¶Whiche thynge I do desyre / all true subiectes to regarde
And to god and our good kynge / to beare a due obedience
And to all false fayned hertes / I wishe the same rewarde
Euen lyke as th'others had / worthely / for theyr offence
And nowe syr .W._G. marke well this sentence
90 Consyder that as you be / so haue you vsed your wytte
Remember well this worde / here-after commeth not yet. Remember] Rememberr 1540

¶Peraduenture syr .W._G. you wyll yet bragge and boste
Sayng from the scripturs you haue dryuen me cleane a_waye
Trye me therin whan you dare / you shall come to your coste
95 Though for cause consyderable / a whyle I do lytell saye
I thinke to ryde you with a byt / shall dryue you from your playe
And cause you holde downe your hed / that fayne you wolde bere a_loft
And I woll so tramell your heles / youre pace shall be more softe.

¶Nowe for an ende (Eternall God) I beseche the graunt longe lyfe
100 With prosperous contynuans / to Henry our most noble kynge
And to Katheryne our Quene also / his most Laufull Wyfe
And graunte betwene theym bothe / lyke other braunches to sprynge
(As is Edwarde our Prynce) that most odoriferous thynge
Preserue theym longe to_gither Lorde / and graunt theym all the blysse
105 Where angels incessantly / synge (Gloria in excelsis) Amen.
God saue the Kynge.
Whether I trolle here, or trolle there, I wyll so trolle aboute
¶That in my trollynge I do truste, as you are, to trolle you oute
¶By the selfe-same person, who not-withstandynge your despyte
¶Shameth not, nor shrynketh not playnely him-selfe to wryte
Thomas_Smyth, seruant to the Kynges Royall Maiestye
¶And Clerke of the Quenes graces counsell (though most vnworthy)
