The Fall of the Whore of Babylon

Kethe, William

STC 14942
Ringler 14942 and TP 1228 (and TP 1362, 'O papysts repent you' [exhortation]). UMI microfilm reel 441

A ballet declaringe the fal of the whore of babylone intytuled Tye thy mare tom boye
London: [William Hill],1548? [STC].

Composition Date: 1548?.

dylled ='decked, adorned'; see OED s.v. dill v3valyor: valoir seems to be the word intended, although valour would give a better rhyme; for the phrase 'of great valour' (='material value'), see OED s.v. valour n, 3bthis-lyke horsse-lec[h]ers ='rapacious people like this'; horsse-lec[h]ers is a nonce-spelling to rhyme with techers (see OED s.v. horse-leech n)venters: =ventures?sealle: =sailnocke ='fit (the arrow) to the bowstring ready for shooting'; see OED s.v. nock v, 2outwede: =outweed, 'weed out'; see OED s.v. out-, 15aNote that heed is spelled 'hide' in the prose passage above (signature A3).
sig: [A1]

A Ballet Declaringe the fal of the whore of babylone intytuled Tye thy mare tom boye with other and there-vnto anexid a prologe to the reders
Apocalyps .xviii
Alas alas that great syty babylon which was clothed in Rayes purpel and skarlet and decked with gold precyous stones and perells for at one howre is her iudgement come and her grete ryches brought to naught

sig: [A1v] [page blank]
sig: [A2]

W, k. To the Reader.

WHen that I ha[r]d hard] had 1548 (deare reader) of the great ouer-throes whyche the howre of babylon had taken, and partli perseuid how manfullye she was be ####ab#### sett or campt on euery syde with moste valiant and chrysten waryors me-thoughte I colde not for the loue which I bare vnto the truth stand stil and Idly to behold the[m] them] the 1548, considering also wyth howe miche Ioye and gladnes of hart the captains of this army hath reseued the commandement of the lord sent vnto them by Iohn his embasator which commandeth them that thei shuld no longer tryffell nor dallye with thes citeze[n]s, but boldli to skal ther walles and manfullye to subdue them, Rewardynge them, As they haue deserued, etc. Powre in dowbell, into the cup that she hath filled vnto you Apocalips x.
sig: [A2v]
Yt made me so much the bolder to sett my-selfe forwarde in this battell, trustynge that all-thoughe I be but an vnworthy sowdyer of Iesus christe, they wil yet bere wythe my rude wekenes or at the leaste accepte my good-will and mynde for althoughe (for lacke of knoleg) I can not handell my weapons so hansomly as those whiche haue ben daily practised in them yet to declare my-selfe a trewe-harted soudier to my power will (in this battel) take no skorne, nether it be ashamed to gether together som of the pelets and wepons that this cite hath of so long tyme beten and killed vs with-al, and lay them vpon hepes that thei mai be so mich the redier at their hands w[ho]who] with 1548 can tel (betterbetter] bettter 1548 then I) how to bestow them in the beting down of our enimies and for so mich as the gretest multitude hath ben of so long time blinded in loue with the laws and constitucions
sig: [A3]
of thes false and vngodly citisens, that they can not now perceue the bryght morninge-starre which hath apered and doth yet dalyi apere vnto them I wold exorte all suche as haue receued ther preste-money of christ our hed-captayne which is a constant faythe in his blode to lay now hold on the armur and wepons of god (which is the gospel) that we mai al to ####ab#### gether come into this filde, and ther eueri man as he shalbe apointed and called to fyghte, a ####ab#### gaynste satan (the captayne of our enymyes and all his powr perseuinge now his kingdome to be in daunger beginneth to sett oute his stremers and blo with-out his trompets thinkinge by that police to fer the ost of the lord but now in our mercheng forward let vs beware and tak good hide that aboue al things breke not our arai but kepe our-selues in good order against al the assaltes
sig: [A3v]
or onsets that they shal hap to geue vs (that is) to lede a godly life and conuersacion for ther be a certayn whyche hath craftli crept into our host and haue professed the[m]-seluesthem] the 1548 tru and faythful souders when indede the haue proued to the contrary The possesse the truth with mothes but in the deds the vtterly deny yt. and do it daily for the leue this arai and good order whiche I before spake of. and runneth abrode some arowing and a ####ab#### whore-hunting, some a ####ab#### fighting brawling swering dising carding and vnresonabel rioting some geuen to insaciable couetousnes with a great mani of other mischeues by the meanes wherof the haue broght so il a report vpon the hol host of the lord that our enimies whiche wher before easye to be reformed ar bi your euel exampels in a maner hardened against the truth and therfore ar al such sowders worthie to be excomunycated out of this armi vntil ther be sum in them euident tokens of amendment for
sig: [A4]
we haue no nede of ani such sowdiers as long as the lord ys on our side for yf the gospel [aide vs]aide vs] 1548 omits we fle not back but stand by our wepons, and kepe the a ####ab#### raye which christ our hed-captaine hath set vs in then haue we noo nede to fere if men [in]in] 1548 omits so many whings happen to breke in on euery side vpon vs for he is a ####ab#### bell with turning of his hand to put them al to flyght and vtterly to consume them Yf god be on our syd how then can preuaill against vs. hauing therfore so sure a protector and defendor at al times to trust vnto what shulde then fere vs to prosyde in our warfar agaynste thes vnfaithful babylonians who althoughe the lie lurking in ther holds castels and dennes (that being lyke feint-harted cowards afraid to skirmish or to tri ther manhed with good wepons [ye]tyet] it 1548 ar they not in this meane-time fre from working of mischeu your harts dayli aper[e]thapereth] aeperth 1548
apereth: =appair, 'impair, injure' for [n]ow that they se thei can not make your pertyperty: =party good to com face to face and to
sig: [A4v]
trye ther cause they haue inuented a nother praity polyce, and that is this to bring the captaynes of the lordes hoste in an euel name or as yt were in a mortal hatred with ther sowdyers and shucheshuche: =such as ar vnder the[m]them] the 1548 A prety polycy. satan hath now beinge ther grawn[d]e-captaynegrawnde] grawne 1548 sent a ####ab#### brode his crafty spies in-to euery corner whiche dothe parswade the ingnorant and rude sowdyers that ther captayns dothe seke all that they can to faymyshe the[m]them] the 1548 and to take from them al thyngs that ar necessary for them that they may ther dye lyke brent bestes that is to saye our stiffe-necked pharyseys I meane to bringe our Kynge and his counsel in an euel name a ####ab#### monge your subiectes and commons. Runneth a ####ab#### brod in-to euery towne and taueren betyng in-to the i[g]noranteignorante] innorante 1548 peoples hedes that the hier powres with your statutes yngnacionsyngnacions: an error for ymaginacions?
sig: [A5]
And other of this new lerning with ther bokes balatts and songes goeth about no-thing elles but to destroy and take a ####ab#### way all godly lawes and ordynances as baptym matrimony and such-like which wicked persuasions often-tymes causethe many to ryse a ####ab#### gainst there rulers whom they owste to obey in al thinges Exampelles ar to euident Roma, xiii. and not to resiste vpon payne of damnation as paul plainly afirmeth to the Romans where he saith let euery soul submit him-selfe vnto the octorite of the hier powers for there is no power but of god Obai the rulers not only for fere but by ####ab#### cause of conciens. who-so therfore resisteth them resysteth the ordy[n]ance of god and reseueth to them-selues dampnation this be the very wordes of .S. paul writen in the .xiii chapiter to the Roma. bi the with with: =which? place and many other mai al men perseue how far the wicked papiste haue in al rages swarued fro the truth and specyal
sig: [A5v]
they in our time for neuer were the pharysies in the tyme of christ by the tenth parte so wicked wych sought like-wise by al ways and meanes that they cold to fere the peple from christ and his doct[r]indoctrin] doctin 1548 whose hard and stony harts he wilwil: =well perseuing sessed not to cal them scribes pharysis ypocrites painted sepulkres aders a generacion of vepers and blind g[y]dsgyds] guds 1548
Mathew . x. xxiii. with with: =which? locked vp the kingdom of heuen be ####ab#### fore men but nowe to my pourpose considering the wrong interpretacions that this wicked and vngodlye papistes do gather as wel of the moste godly statuts and lawes set forth by the kinges magesty, as of other bokes balates songes I take ocacion gentel reder acording vnto this smal talent which I haue reseued of the lord to set forth this simpel preface in the defence of this rude and raged rime folowing with al other that ar consonant and
sig: [A6]
agreing to the scriptures to put my weke brethern that ar not as yet dom to the knoleg of the truth in remembrance that we do not therin condemne anye godly lawe but wold gladly wishe that that were extoled and mangnyfyedmangnyfyed: =magnified as to haue the souper of the lord that worthye memori of his deth and passion ofte and reuerently vsed, baptym to be ordered as the apostels dyd leue yt, marieng to be had acording to paules consel and in honor among al men As well prystes as other for the[n]then] them 1548 shal the not haue so muche of other mens. and that the Gospel maye be sinseerly taght and preched for that was the comma[n]dement which christ gaue vnto his Apostles before he assended vnto his father sayeng al powre is now geuen me in heuen and in erth go therfore saith he into al partes of the worlde and preache the gospel and as many as do beleue and are babtysed shal be saued but we fynde not in all the whole Scrypturesbut we fynde not in all the whole Scryptures] but we fynde not in all the whole Scryptures
sig: [A6v]
but we fynde not in all the whole scripturs 1548
sig: [A6v]
that euer he commanded any of them to say masse or to set vp stockes and stones and to make the peple beleue in the fylthy tradicions of mens inuencions, as water, salt, bedes bowes, belles, with such other bagag and therfore ought all true Christen men without ceasing to praye vnto the lorde that he wold vouchsafe of his greate mercy to helpe and strenghten our noble kynge with all his godly counselers in takinge away of all suche popisshe constitucions which hath bene the destruction of many soules and to the great hinderaunce of his most blessed word for the encrease nowe wherof let vs all with one mynde praye vnto god the father of our lord Iesus christ. whose pease I hartely wysh vnto al them that vnfaynedly loue his testimonies Amen

sig: [A7]

The ballet of ty the mare tom boy.

TY the mare, tom boy
Ty the mare tom?
Lesse she straye
From the awaye
Ty the mare tom.

Now good tom bestirre the This is listed by Ringler as the first line of the poem, TP 1228.
This mare loke thou wake her
And do nothing fere the
But boldely go take her.
5 For some wil outwere the
Do not now forsake her
A rope for her beare the
That comme thou mayst take her.
And ty her good tom boy

10 Thou must therfore fetche her
That she maye prouyde her
Some els-where to mache her
Perchaunce she wyll hyde her
But se thou well watche her
15 We can not abyde her
A haulter vpstratche her vpstratche her ='extend to her'; a verb *upstretch is not recorded in OED
Therfore ty her tom boye

sig: [A7v]
This tom boy to name hym
I will nowe proclayme hym
20 Although some disdayne hym
And also diffame hym
But what though they blame hym
And seke for to payne hym
Tom troth must we frame him
25 A fole some men fayne hym
Ty the mare tom boye

This mare now open
I must nedes declare her
Her name to vnloken
30 To set her and stare her stare ='stare at, cause to be stared at', or perhaps a nonce-form of steer ('set and steer')?
She doth sure betoken
A whore now beware her
For Iohan hath this spoken
Which doth nothyng spare her
35 Therfore ty her tom boy

In his reuelacions
Ther maye all men spye her
That haue speculacions
And lyste for to trye her
40 Her yll frequentacions
sig: [A8]
Wyll make men defye her
For with exclamacions
Iohn doth so discrye her
Therfore ty her good tom boy

45 Full sore dothe he treate her
Let she now defende her
Or els somwher get her
That she may amende her
For we wyll so frette her
50 She shall all to ####ab#### rende her
To harken now let her
And to vs attende her
Ty the mare tom boy

O vnshamfaste harlot
55 So proudly arayed
In purple and scarlet
Thou art now dismayed
Of euery varlot
Thou madeste vs afrayde
60 Gods worde our true marlot marlot: =marlet, 'martin or martlet'?
Hath the nowe bewrayed
Ty the mare tom boy

In castels and towers
sig: [A8v]
Thou were euer walled
65 Great kinges to thy wors
Thou hast euer called
Thy feldes with theyr flours
And parkes that were paled
With all thy strong dowers
70 From the are nowe fa[y]led fayled] fauled 1548
Ty the mare tom boy

Thy cofers were fylled
With riches and treasure
Thy chambers were d[y]lled dylled] delled 1548dylled ='decked, adorned'; see OED s.v. dill v3

75 With sylkes of great val[oy]r valoyr] valyor 1548valyor: valoir seems to be the word intended, although valour would give a better rhyme; for the phrase 'of great valour' (='material value'), see OED s.v. valour n, 3b

Thy red-dere were kylled
And slayne out of measure
Thus poore-men were pylled
To mainteyne thy pleasure
80 Ty the mare tom boy

The fall of the market
Thy marchauntes bewayleth
Their wares no man lackeit
Theyr fyne flower fayleth
85 In sackes maye they seke it
From ingland it sayleth
sig: B[1]
Here longer to darke yt. darke ='lie in the dark, lie hid or unseen'; see OED s.v. dark v, 6
Yt no-thing av[ai]leth. availeth] avialeth 1548
Ty the mare tom boye.

90 The shippe-men that spied,
The [w]all of the cytie. wall] shall 1548
A ####ab#### farr of they cried.
Lamentynge with pitye.
And saye now ys fyred.
95 Grett babyll so fittye. fittye ='proper, nice'; see OED s.v. fitty adj. 1
Alas then the[y] cryed. they] the 1548
Consumed now ys she
Ty the mare tom boy.

When preistes saw the crased.
100 Ther crownes then they skratched
And were so adased,
Their sete downe they dashed sete: =seat
And as thei stil gased,
For fere ther tethe gnashed.
105 The lorde is nowe raysed.
That hath them thus lashed
Ty the mare tom boy,

For he sent them preachers
And they were disdayne[d] disdayned] disdayneh 1548
sig: [B1v]
110 To dethe the true techers
Were alwaye constrained.
And [by] this-lyke horsse-lec[h]ers by] 1548 omits; lechers] lecbers 1548this-lyke horsse-lec[h]ers ='rapacious people like this'; horsse-lec[h]ers is a nonce-spelling to rhyme with techers (see OED s.v. horse-leech n)

The lorde was blasphemed
But marke now ye mechers mechers: =michers, 'sneak-thieves, panders, truants'
115 How well ye haue gayned
Ty the [m]are tom boy.

His laws when he sent you.
Bothe Ioyes Ioly,
Lyke mad-men ye rent you
120 Blasphemynge his body
Ye shulde now repent you
And therfore be sory.
Ned[e]s must ye content you Nedes] Neds 1548
Yt ys but a folye
125 Ty the mare tom boy.

Bothe pistells and gospells, pistells: =epistles
Ye alway obskured
To mayntayne fatt mossels mossels: =morsels, 'tit-bits'
Ye haue vs alured
130 As satons apostels
This ar we assured This: =Thus
Your meulls trymd with tossels, meulls: = mules; tossels: =tassels
sig: [B2]
May not now be vsed
Ty the mare tom boye

135 Lyke humayne vyces vyces ='designs, figures, devices'? See OED s.v. vice n5
Ye were styll grene dowers were: =wear; dowers ='endowments'?
Of popyshe pastymes
Ye were great alowers
For your deuylyshe crymes.
140 Ye muste be now plowers
Or in the se-rymes rymes: =realms?
With ores to be rouers
Ty the mare tom boy.

Ye haue vs detected
145 With your false commycyon
So subtell infected
Were ye wythe ambycyon
As men not elected
In chrystes tuycyon,
150 But Iustlye regected:
As sons of perdycyon
Ty the mare to[m] boy

Ye serued with knyues
At other mens tables
155 And had by theyr vices
sig: [B2v]
Yonge chylderen in credels
Your great sinfull lyues
For all your fyne sables
I feare with rych diues
160 In hell be your stables
Ty thy mare tom boy

With dysshes full denty
So costly ye fared
The pottes went so plentye
165 No hote wynes ye spared
Tyll go could ye scanty scanty: =scantly, 'barely', a nonce-spelling for the rhyme-scheme
Your eyes so then stared
Yet poore-men full empty
To speke not ones dared
170 Ty the mare tom boy

By other mens fyers
Your childeren were warmed
With cruell desyres
The christen ye armed
175 Lyke roarars and criers
In churches ye charmed
Lyke sellers and byers
The whole earth ye fermed
sig: B3
Ty the mare tom boy

180 Your deuelysh dissenti[on]s dissentions] dissentinos 1548
And loude exclamations
With youre false inuencions
Wolde aske long narrations
Your subtyll suspentions
185 And wronge accusations
With spitfull pretencions
They nede no probacyons
Ty thy mare tom boye

Ther was neuer treason
190 But ye did inuente it
In eares thys to reason thys: =thus?
Ye do yet frequente it
With some ly or leson
Abroade ye forth sent it
195 But come ys the season
That ye must repente it
Ty the mare tom boy

Lyke Ioly masse-singers
Ye haue vs deluded
200 Your lytell bell-ringers
At them we much mused
sig: [B3v]
For all your cleane fyngers,
Ye must be a ####ab#### cused,
In that ye were bringers
205 Of such wares abused,
Ty the mare tom boy

With lawes so prophane,
That were full vnr[u]ly
Your ashes and palme.
210 Mainteined so dulie,
Your darke laten salme, darke ='obscure in meaning, hard to understand'; see OED s.v. dark adj., 6a
This will I assure ye. assure] assurer 1548
Comme wynde or comm calme
It must awaie trulie
215 Ty thy mare tom boy

With bocke bell and candell bocke: =book
Ye gaue vs your curses
And wolde vs so handell
That walke shoulde our purses
220 Some tyme for to strangell,
With ropes ye wolde trusse vs
No longer nowe dandell,
For we ar past nursses
Ty the mare tom boy

sig: [B4]
225 Yt were greate dispensers
And there-with reseuers
As shepes with sencers,
Good basens and euers
In ves[t]mentes at venters vestmentes] vessmentes 1548venters: =ventures?

230 Ye sange many prayers
For them that were lenters lenters ='observers of the Lenten fast'? OED does not record a word *lenter
And to your suche leuers, leuers: =levers, an aphetic form of 'believers'? See OED s.v. lever n2
Ty the mare to[m] boy,

Your veluettes and satten
235 By suche trickes ye winned
Betwene masse and mattens
Salte water ye sprenged
Asparges in latten
Forth with them ye singed,
240 To call Iacke and wat in
The belles out ye ringed
Ty the mare tom boye

Your fyne waxen tapers
Besides your longe torches,
245 With there fumminge vapers,
Caryed before corses
Awaye with clappers,
sig: [B4v]
And puddels in porches,
With al such-like maters
250 T[hat] are of no forces That] Ty 1548
Ty the mare tom boy

Your bedes and your bedroles bedroles ='lists of persons to be specially prayed for' or perhaps 'strings of beads for counting prayers'; see OED s.v. bead-roll n
It was but abusion
Your trendels and trentals
255 Went al to confusion
Your oyells and your yemnolls, oyells: =oils; yemnolls: =hymnals, and is perhaps an error for *ymnolls
It was playne delusion
So was your mementoes
To tel the conclusyon
260 Ty the mare tom boy

Your deryge so netye, deryge: =dirge; netye: =net, 'bright, clear', a nonce-spelling for the rhyme-scheme (see OED s.v. net adj., 2a)
For sowles hens dic[ea]sed diceased] dicaesed 1548
Your portas so prety portas ='portable breviary'
Wherin ye styll preched
265 Withe feates that were fety fety: =feat, 'smart, adroit', a nonce-spelling for the rhyme-scheme (see OED s.v. feat adj., 2)
Ye haue vs defeted defeted ='deprived, dispossessed'; see OED s.v. defeat v, 7b
From gods worde so mety, mety: =meet, 'suitable, proper'
For vs to be teached
Ty the mare tom boy

270 Gon is your nasty
sig: [B5]
And laten procession
And so must your casty casty: =cast, 'purpose, design' or perhaps 'contrivance, trick', a nonce-spelling for the rhyme-scheme (see OED s.v. cast n, 23, 24a)
That false deare confession
Which was alway apty apty: =apt
275 To rayse insurre[c]tion insurrection] insurrertion 1548
Perswading with suertie
To geue vs remissyon
Ty the mare tom boy

At mydnyght to mattens
280 Ye came from dormyra dormyra ='sleeping, dormitory'(?), a nonce-form perhaps based on Latin dormire; cf. OED s.vv. dorm(e, dormitory
With lyghtes in youre lantarnes
To se your latina,
Away must your antems
Of Gaude maria
285 In latin your seuen psalmes
With salue regina
Ty the mare tom boy

Ye prestes with your presentes presentes ='offerings to God'? See OED s.v. present n2, 2d
Ye must be now lerned
290 Your lyes and your legendes legendes ='legendaries'
Ar lyke to be burned
Your picktures with presents
May not be adourned adourned: =adorned
sig: [B5v]
For all remes and regentes remes: =realms
295 Will shortely be turned,
Ty thy mare tom boy

Your god ye longe kepe it god: =God, a reference to the sacrament of the Eucharist?
Yt wexeth now rustye,
And exepte ye strike yt
300 Ye wil be all dustye
In no wise now slype yt slype ='neglect, skip'; see OED s.v. slip v1, 21b
But shew your-selfe lusty
For if the mowse [b]yte yt byte] myte 1548
He will eate yt: trust me
305 Ty thy mare tom boye

Your cursinge and blessinge,
Your brethinge and blowynge
Your lycking and kissi[n]ge kissinge] kissige 1548
Your mockinge and mowynge
310 Your tossinge and tissinge, tissinge: a nonce-reduplication of 'tossinge'
Stroud myscheue in ####ab#### soinge, Stroud: =Strewed
Therfore your false missing, missing ='error, fault'? See OED s.v. missing vbl. n, 3. There may also be a glance at massing, 'the action or practice of celebrating mass'; see OED s.v. massing vbl. n1
Is now a ####ab#### downe throstyng,
Ty thy mare tom boye

315 A nende of my balet,
sig: [B6]
Anone I wyll make you
With pollax nor sallet pollax: =pole-axe
In no wyse now crake you
For thens by the pallet
320 All good men will take you
Locke vp bagge and wallet
And ingland forsake you
Now harken good tom boy

This mare with her baggage
325 Away loke thou haue her
And make here no tariage
Lesse ypocrites craue her craue] scraue 1548
Strong cartes for her cariage
She shall haue to saue her
330 Let sees make her mariage
For landes wyll depraue her
Away wyth her tom boy

And cleane to despache her
That none may gene-say her gene-say: =gainsay
335 Wyth some good poorte mach her poorte ='retinue, train of attendants'? See OED s.v. port n4, 2b
As no doubt ye maye her
Whych wyll so strayght watche her
That if men wolde staye her
sig: [B6v]
At see they shulde fetche her,
340 Ye may so convaye her.
And ther leaue her tom boy

For as she dothe sealle he[r] her] hee 1548sealle: =sail

Betwene france and douer:
And ther doth bewaylle her.
345 That she is a rouer,
The carte-wheles may fayll her
Before she come ouer.
Then can she not bayell her, bayell ='liberate on bail'; see OED s.v. bail v1, 2
But be a sea-drouer. sea-drouer ='fishing-boat'? See OED s.v. drover n, 2
350 Therfore leaue her tom boy

And in England staye the
Where none shal ones crake the
Nor neuer-more fray the
Ne y[e]t ones for-sake the, yet] yt 1548
355 But newly to ray the,
And euer obaye the,
This promyse we make the,
Therfore tari tom boye.

My song some wil mocke it
360 I am not ashamed
sig: [B7]
The kye to vnlocke yt
I haue not y[e]t framed yet] yct 1548
The truth yet [to] nocke it to] 1548 omitsnocke ='fit (the arrow) to the bowstring ready for shooting'; see OED s.v. nock v, 2

I was myche inflamed
365 Now forthe haue I shot yt
Let me not be blamed

For now myche I care not
Althoughe I do end yt
To telle all I dare not
370 And then to come sende yt,
But stampe not nor stare not
For it canne not mende yt

Finis quod william kythe

An exortacion to the papists

O papysts repent you O] OA 1548
and for mercy cry you
The last day preuent you
For yt ys full nye you
5 With gods worde content you
The pops laws defye you
sig: [B7v]
No lenger absente you
But vnto Christe hye you

For he is a sauiour
10 That wyll neuer fayle you
Yf ye will not wauer
But mekely bewayle you
Of your misbeauiour
And forthe-with apele you
15 To his grace and fauour
He wyll surely heale yo[u]

For so hathe he tolde you
By Mathewe his writer his] his hys 1548
And also to bolde you
20 By luke his inditer
The stories beholde you
Of Paule Iohan and Peter
Men doth it vnfolde you
Both in prose and myter

25 For all this his kyndnes
Which he doth yet bere you
As men that were mindles
sig: [B8]
Ye rent you and teare you
Therfore of payne endles
30 Ye had nede to feare you
For it is not blyndnes
At last day shall were you were: =were: ='defend'

The prophetes this telleth
Who-so lyst to rede them
35 Whych saythe all that swelleth
Oor blyndely proceade the[m] proceade the[m] ='carry on, advance their course'
He that aboue dwelleth
Shal surely outw[e]de them outwede] outwyde 1548outwede: =outweed, 'weed out'; see OED s.v. out-, 15a

Let they that rebelleth
40 Beware and take h[e]de them hede] hide 1548Note that heed is spelled 'hide' in the prose passage above (signature A3).

For though god forgeued
Many that offended
And also relyued
Shuch as were sore spended Shuch: =Such
45 Yet some he sore greued
And also condempned
As Iudas which f[e]ded feded] fided 1548
With Christe that asscended

sig: [B8v]
Therfore now amende you
50 And shortly confesse you,
To god who may sende you,
His spret to possesse you spret: =sprite, 'spirit'
And also defende you,
That none shal oppresse you none] ndne 1548
55 We wil reprehende you
Until ye addresse you addresse] addrssesse 1548

Now mekely downe syt you,
And this I exorte you this: =thus
The gospel to get you
60 And therin to sport you,
Yf that do ones fyt you,
We wolde reporte you,
And this I commyt you
To christe who conforte you

FINIS quod. Wyllyam Kith