Epigrams and Spirituall Sentences


STC 12345
Not in Ringler. An anonymous translation of the work by Gregory of Nazianzus. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce Fragment f.28. The text is set out as printed, the rhyme-scheme being a(4)b(3)c(4)b(3)=aa(7) [Common Measure]. UMI microfilm reel 510.

[Here begynneth the Epigrams]
[London]: Anon,[c. 1545?].

Composition Date: c. 1545?.

sig: [unknown]

Here begynneth the Epigrams.

A Man is lyke
A blaste of wynde
Which at the fyrst bloweth softe
And then with-in
5 A lytle whyle
It commeth vp alofte
And whan that it
Hath bowen the full bowen the full ='bent you over completely'? See OED s.v bow v1.
With all the force it maye
10 At length the strength
And myghte therof
Doth vanishe cleane awaye.

THe childe beinge gotten
Then is it after borne
15 And commeth so to mans state
When twentye yeares be worne
And for the space of fourty yeares
A man he doeth remayne
But when thre score yeare, is spent
sig: [unknown]
20 He is a childe agayne
For though he liue an hundred yeare
Full in bredeth and length
Yet shal he be after that tyme
Without pleasure or strength
25 And at the laste euen in an houre
He shall and muste nedes dye
And al his humours, hotte and moyste
Shalbe both colde and drye.

I Muse muche in my mynde
30 That whiche I am loth to tell
Howe ryche-men shalbe punished
When that they come in hell
I speake not of the good rych-men
Who prayse-worthy are
35 But I do meane the wycked sorte
Who doe destroye and marre
The common-welth in euery place
Where-as their landes doe lye
And haue no pitie on the poore
40 Although they wepe and crye
I praye to God to geue them grace
sig: [unknown]
From wickednes to turne
So that they do not come where-as
Continuall flames do burne.

45 YF my death dyd lye
As neare and as nye
Unto my hearte with-in
As doeth myne eye my nose
My legge vnto my hose
50 Or fleashe vnto my skynne
Then woulde I as muche ioye
As Hector dyd in Troye
Or Herculus in Spayne
For I knowe and truste
55 To rise out of the duste
And come to lyfe agayne.

A Man is, but fleashe or erth
What-euer is his name
And though he be, a lord by berth
60 Yet is he but the same
And at the laste, within hys graue
He must lay downe his hedde
He shal not vse, no chaunge to haue
sig: [unknown]
Neyther of house nor bedde.

65 FAme vnto Fortune,
Compared maye be
For Fortune with Fame,
Doeth euer agree
Fortune doeth giue men
70 Eyther good lucke or yll
And Fame doeth blowe them,
Whereso-euer she wyll
Fortune doeth make some,
And some she doeth marre
75 Fame bloweth not al men,
But some she blowes farre
Some men she bloweth
Ouer dales and downes
And spredeth their names
80 In cities and townes
Some for their connynge
And some for their strength
And some for their ryches
She bloweth out a length
85 Yet some there were also, The fragment breaks off at this point in the copytext.