Verses in Honour of the Emperor Charles V and Henry VIII


STC 12721
Ringler 12721 and TP 1061. Anon. trans. of two Latin verses by William Lily ("Carolus, Henricvs, viuant defensor vterq[ue] / Henricus fidei, Carolus Ecclesie"), celebrating the entry of the Emperor Charles V and Henry VIII into London on 6 June 1522; quoted by Halle. For another trans. of Lily's verses, see _Of the tryu[m]phe, and the v[er]ses that Charles themperour, amp ... Henry the .viii. were saluted with, passyng through London_ (R. Pynson, 1522), A3 (STC 15606.7)

The vnion of the two noble and illustrate famelies of Lancastre and Yorke [by Edward Halle]
London: R. Grafton,1548.

Composition Date: 1522.

sig: RRr2
Long prosperitie
To Charles and Henry
Princes moste puissaunt.
The one of fayth
5 The other of the Churche
Chosen defendant.