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Norfolk sprang thee, Lambeth holds thee dead,
Clere of the County of Cleremont though high[t].
hight] high 1605
Within the wombe of Ormondes race thou bread
And sawest thy cosin crowned in thy sight;
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Shelton for loue, Surrey for Lord thou chase,
Aye me, while life did last that league was tender:
Tracing whose steps thou sawest Kelsall blaze,
Laundersey burnt, and battered Bullen render,
At Muttrell-gates hopeles of all recure,
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Thine Earle halfe-dead gaue in thy hand his will:
Which cause did thee this pining death procure,
Ere summers seauen times seauen, thou couldest fulfill.
seauen times seauen] four times seven Padelford
Ah, Clere, if loue had booted, care, or cost;
Heauen had not wonn, nor earth so timely lost.