sig: [A1] | |
CERTAIN BOKES OF VIRGILES AenÆis turned into English meter by the right honorable lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey. | |
Apud Ricardum_Tottel. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum . .1557. | |
sig: [A1v] [page blank] | |
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The second boke of Virgiles AenÆis. |
THey whisted all, with fixed face attent, | |
When prince Aeneas from the royal seat | |
Thus gan to speak. O Quene, it is thy wil, | |
I shold renew a woe can not be told: | |
5 | How that the Grekes did spoile, and ouerthrow |
The Phrygian wealth, and wailful realm of Troy, | |
Those ruthfull things that I my-self beheld, | |
And wherof no small part fel to my share. | |
Which to expresse, who could refraine from teres? | |
10 | What Myrmidon: or yet what Dolopes? Myrmidon: =Myrmidonian; Dolopes: =Dolopian |
What stern Ulysses waged soldiar? | |
And loe moist night now from the welkin falles, | |
And sterres declining counsel vs to rest. | |
But sins so great is thy delight to here | |
15 | Of our mishaps, and Troyes last decay: |
Though to record the same my minde abhorres, | |
And plaint eschues: yet thus wil I begyn. | |
The Grekes chieftains all irked with the war, | |
Wherin they wasted had so many yeres, | |
20 | And oft repulst by fatal destinie, |
A huge hors made, hye raised like a hill, | |
By the diuine science of Minerua: | |
Of clouen firre compacted were his ribbs: | |
For their return a fained sacrifice: | |
25 | The fame wherof so wandred it at point. |
In the dark bulk they closde bodies of men | |
Chosen by lot, and did enstuff by stealth | |
The hollow womb with armed soldiars. | |
There stands in sight an isle hight Tenedon, | |
30 | Rich, and of fame, while Priams kingdom stood: |
Now but a bay, and rode vnsure for ship. | |
Hether them secretly the Grekes withdrew, | |
Shrouding themselues vnder the desert shore. | |
And, wening we they had ben fled and gone, wening] wenuing 1557 | |
35 | And with that winde had fet the land of Grece, fet: ='arrived at', 'reached', see OED s.v. fet 7(=fetch, 10a) |
Troye discharged her long-continued dole: | |
sig: [A2v] | |
The gates cast vp, we issued out to play, | |
The Grekish camp desirous to behold, | |
The places void and the forsaken costes. | |
40 | Here Pyrrhus band, there ferce Achilles pight: |
Here rode their shippes, there did their battells ioyne. | |
Astonnied some the scathefull gift beheld, | |
Behight by vow vnto the chast Minerue: | |
All wondring at the hugenesse of the horse. | |
45 | And fyrst of all Timoetes gan aduise, |
Wythin the walles to leade and drawe the same, | |
And place it eke amidde the palace court: | |
Whether of guile, or Troyes fate it would. | |
Capys, wyth some of iudgement more discrete, | |
50 | Wild it to drown, or vnderset with flame |
The suspect present of the Grekes deceit, | |
Or bore and gage the hollowe caues vncouth. | |
So diuerse ranne the giddy peoples minde. | |
Loe formest of a rout, that followd him, | |
55 | Kindled laocoon hasted from the towre, |
Crieng far-of: O wreched citezens, | |
What so great kind of frensie freteth you? | |
Deme ye the Grekes our enemies to be gone? | |
Or any Grekish giftes can you suppose | |
60 | Deuoid of guile? Is so Ulysses known? |
Either the Grekes ar in this timber hid: | |
Or this an engin is to anoy our walles, | |
To view our toures, and ouerwhelme our towne. | |
Here lurkes some craft. Good Troyans, geue no trust | |
65 | Unto this horse, for what-so-euer it be, |
I dred the Grekes, yea when they offer gyftes. | |
And with that word, with all his force a dart | |
He launced then into that croked wombe: | |
Which tremling stack, and shoke within the side. | |
70 | Wherwith the caues gan hollowly resound. |
And, but for faites, and for our blind forcast, | |
The Grekes deuise and guile had he discried: | |
Troy yet had stand, and Priams toures so hie. | |
Therwyth behold, wheras the Phrigian herdes | |
75 | Brought to the king, with clamor, all vnknown |
A yongman, bound his handes behinde his back: | |
Whoe willingly had yelden prisoner, | |
sig: [A3] | |
To frame his guile, and open Troyes gates. | |
Unto the Grekes: with courage fully bent, | |
80 | And minde determed either of the twaine, |
To worke his feat, or willing yeld to death. | |
Nere him, to gaze, the Troyan youth gan flock, | |
And straue whoe most might at the captiue scorne. | |
The Grekes deceit beholde, and by one profe | |
85 | Imagine all the rest. |
For in the preasse as he vnarmed stood, | |
Wyth troubled chere, and Phrigian routes beset, | |
Alas (quod he) what earth nowe, or what seas | |
May me receyue? Catif, what restes me nowe? | |
90 | For whom in Grece doth no abode remayne: |
The Troians eke offended seke to wreke | |
Their hainous wrath wyth shedying of my bloud. | |
With this regrete our hartes from rancor moued, | |
The brute appeasde we askte him of his birth, | |
95 | What newes he brought, what hope made hym to yeld. |
Then he (al dred remoued) thus began. | |
O King: I shall, what-euer me betide, | |
Say but the truth: ne first will me denie | |
A Grecian borne. for though fortune hath made | |
100 | Sinon a wretche, she can not make him false. |
If euer came vnto your eares the name | |
Nobled by fame of the sage Palamede, | |
Whom traitrously the Grekes condemd to dye, | |
Giltlesse by wrongfull dome, for that he dyd | |
105 | Dyssuade the warres: whose death they nowe lament: |
Underneth him my father bare of wealth | |
Into his band yong, and nere of his blood, | |
In my prime yeres vnto the war me sent. | |
While that by fate his state in stay did stand, | |
110 | And when his realm did florish by aduise, |
Of glorie then we bare som fame and brute. | |
But sins his death, by false Ulyssez sleight | |
(I speak of things to all men wel beknown) | |
A drery life in doleful plaint I led, | |
115 | Repining at my gyltlesse frends mischaunce. |
Ne could I fool refrein my tong from thretes: | |
That if my chaunce were euer to return | |
Uictor to Arge, to folowe my reuenge. | |
sig: [A3v] | |
With such sharp words procured I great hate. | |
120 | Here sprang my harm. Ulysses euer sithe |
With new-found crimes began me to affray: | |
In common eares false rumors gan he sowe: | |
Weapons of wreke his gylty minde gan seke: | |
Ne rested ay, till he by Calchas meane. | |
125 | But whereunto these thanklesse tales in vaine |
Do I reherse, and lingre fourth the time? | |
In like estate if all the Grekes ye price: | |
It is enough ye here: rid me at ones. | |
Ulysses (Lord) how he wold this reioise? | |
130 | Yea and either Atride would bye it dere. |
This kindled vs more egre to enquire, | |
And to demaund the cause: without suspect | |
Of so great mischef thereby to ensue, | |
Or of Grekes craft. He then with forged words, | |
135 | And quiuering limmes, thus toke hys tale again. |
The Grekes oft-times entended their return, | |
From Troye town, with long warrs all ytired, | |
For to dislodge: which would god they had done. | |
But oft the winter storms of raging seas, | |
140 | And oft the boisteous winds did them to stay: |
And chiefly when of clinched ribbes of firre | |
This hors was made, the storms rored in the aire. | |
Then we in dout to Phebus temple sent | |
Euripilus, to wete the prophesye: | |
145 | From whens he brought these woful news again: |
With blood (O Grekes) and slaughter of a maid | |
Ye pleasd the winds, when first ye came to Troy: | |
With blood likewise ye must seke your return. | |
A Grekish soule must offred be therfore, | |
150 | But when this sound had pearst the peoples eares, |
With sodein fere astonied were their mindes: | |
The chilling cold did ouerrunne their bones, | |
To whom that fate was shapte, whom Phebus wold. | |
Ulysses then amid the preasse bringes in | |
155 | Calchas with noyse, and wild him to discusse |
The Gods intent. Then some gan deme to me | |
The cruell wrek of him that framde the craft: | |
Foreseing secretly what wold ensue. | |
In silence then, yshrowding him from sight | |
sig: [A4] | |
160 | But dayes twise fiue he whisted, and refused |
To death by speche to further any wight. | |
At last, as forced by false Ulyssez crye, | |
Of purpose he brake fourth, assigning me | |
To the altar: whereto they graunted all: | |
165 | And that, that erst eche one dred to himself, |
Returned all vnto my wretched death. | |
And now at hand drew nere the woful day: | |
All things preparde wherwyth to offer me, | |
Salt, corne, fillets my temples for to bind. | |
170 | I scapte the deth (I graunt) and brake þ e bands, |
And lurked in a marrise all the nyght, | |
Among the ooze, while they did set their sailes: | |
If it so be that they in-dede so dyd. | |
Now restes no hope my natiue land to see, | |
175 | My children dere, nor long desired sire: |
On whom parchaunce they shall wreke my escape: | |
Those harmlesse wights shal for my fault be slayn. | |
Then, by the gods, to whom al truth is known: | |
By fayth vnfiled, if any any-where | |
180 | Wyth mortal folke remaines: I thee beseche |
O King thereby, rue on my trauail great: | |
Pitie a wretch that giltlesse suffreth wrong. | |
Life to these teres, wyth pardon eke we graunt. | |
And Priam first himself commaundes to loose | |
185 | His gyues, his bands: and frendly to him sayd. |
Whoso thou art, learn to forget the Grekes. | |
Hencefourth be oures, and answere me with truth. | |
Wherto was wrought the masse of this huge hors? | |
Whoes the deuise? and wherto should it tend? | |
190 | What holly vow? or engin for the warres? |
Then he, instruct with wiles and Grekish craft, | |
His loosed hands lift vpward to the sterrs. | |
Ye euerlasting lampes I testifye, | |
Whoes powr diuine may not be violate: | |
195 | Th'altar, and swerd (quod he) that I haue scapt: |
Ye sacred bandes, I wore as yelden hoste: hoste: ='a victim for sacrifice'; see OED s.v. host, n. 4 | |
Leful be it for me to breke mine othe | |
To Grekes, lefull to hate their nacion, | |
Lefull be it to sparcle in the ayre | |
200 | Their secretes all, whatsoe they kepe in close. |
sig: [A4v] | |
For free am I from Grece, and from their lawes. | |
So be it, Troy, and saued by me from scathe, | |
Kepe faith with me, and stand to thy behest, | |
If I speake truth, and opening thinges of weight | |
205 | For graunt of life requite thee large amendes. |
The Grekes whole hope of vndertaken war | |
In Pallas help consisted euermore. | |
But sith the time that wicked Diomede, | |
Ulysses eke that forger of all guile, | |
210 | Auenturde from the holly sacred fane |
For to bereue dame Pallas fatall forme, | |
And slew the watches of the chefest toure, | |
And then away the holy statue stale, | |
That were so bold with handes embrued in blood, | |
215 | The virgin Goddesse veiles for to defile: |
Sith that, their hope gan faile, their hope to fall | |
Their powr appeir, their Goddesse grace withdraw. | |
Whych with no doutfull signes she did declare. | |
Scarce was the statue to our tentes ybroughte, | |
220 | But she gan stare with sparcled eyes of flame: |
Along her limmes the salt sweat trickled downe: | |
Yea thrise her-selfe (a hideous thinge to tell) | |
In glaunces bright she glittered from the ground, | |
Holding in hand her targe and quiuering spere. | |
225 | Calchas by sea then bad vs hast our flight: |
Whoes engins might not break the walles of Troy, | |
Unlesse at Grece they wold renew their lottes, | |
Restore the god that they by sea had brought | |
In warped keles. To Arge sith they be come, | |
230 | They pease their godds, and war afresh prepare: |
And crosse the seas vnloked for eftsones | |
They wil return. This order Calchas set. | |
This figure made they for th'agreued god, | |
In Pallas stede, to clense their hainous fault. | |
235 | Which masse he willed to be reared hye |
Toward the skies, and ribbed all with oke: | |
So that your gates, ne wall might it receiue, | |
Ne yet your people might defensed be | |
By the good zele of old deuotion. | |
240 | For if your hands did Pallas gift defile, |
To Priams realm great mischef shold befall: | |
sig: B1 | |
(Which fate the Gods first on him-self return) | |
But had your owne handes brought it in your town, | |
Asie should passe, and carrie offred warr | |
245 | In Grece euen to the walles of Pelops town, |
And we and oures that destenie endure. | |
By such-like wiles of Sinon the forsworne | |
His tale with vs did purchace credit: some | |
Trapt by deceite, some forced by his teres, | |
250 | Whom neither Diomede, nor great Achille, |
Nor ten yeres war, ne a thousand saile could daunt. | |
Us caitifes then a far more dredful chaunce | |
Befell, that trobled our vnarmed brestes. | |
Whiles Laocon, that chosen was by lot | |
255 | Neptunus priest, did sacrifice a bull |
Before the holy Altar, sodenly | |
From Tenedon behold in circles great | |
By the calme seas come fletyng adders twaine, | |
Which plied towardes the shore (I lothe to tell) | |
260 | With rered brest lift vp aboue the seas: |
Whoes bloody crestes aloft the waues were seen: | |
The hinder parte swamme hidden in the flood: | |
Their grisly backes were linked manifold: | |
With sound of broken waues they gate the strand, | |
265 | With gloing eyen, tainted with blood and fire: |
Whoes waltring tongs did lick their hissing mouthes. | |
We fled away, our face the blood forsoke. | |
But they with gate direct to Lacon ran. | |
And first of all eche serpent doth enwrap | |
270 | The bodies small of his two tender sonnes: |
Whoes wretched limmes they byt, and fed theron. | |
Then raught they hym, who had his wepon caught | |
To rescue them, twise winding him about, | |
With folded knottes, and circled tailes, his wast. | |
275 | Their scaled backes did compasse twise his neck, |
Wyth rered heddes aloft, and stretched throtes. | |
He with his handes straue to vnloose the knottes: | |
Whose sacred fillettes all be_sprinkled were | |
With filth of gory blod, and venim rank. | |
280 | And to the sterres such dredfull shoutes he sent, |
Like to the sound the roring bull fourth loowes, | |
Which from the halter wounded doth astart, | |
sig: [B1v] | |
The swaruing axe when he shakes from his neck. | |
The serpentes twine with hasted traile they glide | |
285 | To Pallas temple, and her towres of heighte: |
Under the feete of which the Goddesse stern, | |
Hidden behinde her targettes bosse they crept. | |
New gripes of dred then pearse our trembling brestes. | |
They sayd Lacons desertes had derely bought | |
290 | His hainous dede, that pearced had with stele |
The sacred bulk, and throwen the wicked launce: | |
The people cried with sondry greeing shoutes, | |
To bring the horse to Pallas temple bliue, | |
In hope thereby the Goddesse wrath t'appease | |
295 | We cleft the walles, and closures of th[e tow]ne. copytext torn |
Wherto all helpe, and vnderset the feet | |
With sliding rolles, and bound his neck with ropes. | |
This fatall gin thus ouerclambe our walles, | |
Stuft with armed men: about the which there ran | |
300 | Children, and maides, that holly carolles sang. |
And well were they whoes hands might touch the cordes. | |
With thretning chere thus slided through o[u]r town | |
The subtil tree, to Pallas temple ward: | |
O natiue land, Ilion, and of the Goddes | |
305 | The mansion-place. O warrlik walles of Troy. |
Fowr times it stopt in th'entrie of our gate: | |
Fowr times the harnesse clattred in the womb. | |
But we goe on, vnsound of memorie, | |
And blinded eke by rage perseuer still. | |
310 | This fatal monster in the fane we place |
Cassandra then, inspired with Phebus sprite, | |
Her prophetes lippes yet neuer of vs leeued | |
Disclosed eft, forespeking thinges to come. | |
We wretches loe, that last day of our life, | |
315 | With bowes of fest the town, and temples deck. |
With this the skie gan whirle about the sphere: | |
The cloudy night gan thicken from the sea, | |
With mantells spred that cloked earth, and skies, | |
And eke the treason of the Grekish guile. | |
320 | The watchemen lay disperst, to take their rest, |
Whoes werried limmes sound slepe had then opprest: | |
When well in order comes the Grecian fleet, | |
From Tenedon toward the costes well-knowne, | |
sig: B2 | |
By frendly silence of the quiet moone. | |
325 | When the Kinges ship put fourth his mark of fire, |
Sinon, preserued by froward destinie, | |
Let fou[r]th the Grekes enclosed in the womb, fourth] fouth 1557 | |
The closures eke of pine by stealth vnpind. | |
Whereby the Grekes restored were to aire, | |
330 | With ioy down-hasting from the hollow tree. |
With cordes let down did slide vnto the ground | |
The great captaines, Sthenel, and Thesander, | |
The fierce Ulisses, Athamas and Thoas, | |
Machaon first, and then King Menolae, | |
335 | Opeas eke that did the engin forge. |
By cordes let fal fast gan they slide adown: | |
And streight inuade the town yburied then | |
With wine, and slepe. And first the watch is slain, | |
Then gates vnfold to let their fellowes in[.] | |
340 | They ioyne them-selues with the coniured bandes. |
It was the time, when graunted from the godds | |
The first slepe crepes most swete in wery folk. | |
Loe in my dreame before mine eies, me-thought, | |
With rufull chere I sawe where Hector stood: | |
345 | Out of whoes eies there gushed streames of teares, |
Drawn at a cart as he of late had be? "?" used here and below as mark of exclamation | |
Distained with bloody dust, whoes feet were bowlne | |
With the streight cordes wherwith they haled him | |
Ay me. what one? that Hector how vnlike, | |
350 | Which erst returnd clad with Achilles spoiles: |
Or when he threw into the Grekish shippes | |
The Troian flame? So was his beard defiled, | |
His crisped lockes al clustred with his blood: | |
With all such wounds, as many he receiued | |
355 | About the walls of that his natiue town. |
Whome franckly thus, me-thought, I spake vnto, | |
With bitter teres and dolefull deadly voice, | |
O Troyan light, O only hope of thine: | |
What lettes so long thee staid? or from what costes. | |
360 | Our most desired Hector, doest thou come? |
Whom after slaughter of thy many frends, | |
And trauaill of the people, and thy town, | |
Alweried (lord) how gladly we behold. | |
What sory chaunce hath staind thy liuely face? | |
sig: [B2v] | |
365 | Or why see I these woundes (alas) so wide? |
He answeard nought, nor in my vain demaundes | |
Abode: but from the bottom of his brest | |
Sighing he sayd: flee, flee, O Goddesse son, | |
And saue thee from the furie of this flame. | |
370 | Our enmies now ar maisters of the walles: |
And Troye town now falleth from the top. | |
Sufficeth that is done for Priams reigne. | |
If force might serue to succor Troye town, | |
This right hand well mought haue ben her defense. | |
375 | But Troye now commendeth to thy charge |
Her holy reliques, and her priuy Gods. | |
Them ioyne to thee, as felowes of thy fate. | |
Large walles rere thow for them. For so thou shalt, | |
After time spent in th'ouerwandred flood. | |
380 | This sayd, he brought fourth Uesta in his hands, |
Her fillettes eke, and euerlasting flame. | |
In this meane-while with diuerse plaint the town | |
Throughout was spred: and lowder more and more | |
The din resouned: with rattling of armes | |
385 | (Although mine old father Anchisez house |
Remoued stood, with shadow hid of trees) | |
I waked: therwith to the ho[u]se-top I clambe, | |
And harkning stood I: like as when the flame | |
Lightes in the corne, by drift of boisteous winde: | |
390 | Or the swift stream, that driueth from the hill, |
Rootes vp the feldes, and presseth the ripe corne, | |
And plowed ground, and ouerwhelmes the groue, | |
The silly herdman all astonnied standes, | |
From the hye rock while he doth here the sound. | |
395 | Then the Grekes faith, then their deceit appered. |
Of Deiphobus the palace large and great | |
Fell to the ground, all ouerspred with flash. | |
His next neighbour Ucalegon afire: | |
The Sygean seas did glister all with flame. | |
400 | Upsprang the crye of men, and trompettes blast. |
Then as distraught I did my armure on: | |
Ne could I tell yet whereto armes auailde. | |
But with our feres to throng out from the preasse | |
Toward the toure our hartes brent with desire: | |
405 | Wrath prickt vs fourth: and vnto vs it semed |
sig: [B3] | |
A semely thing to dye: armd in the feld. | |
Wherwith Panthus: scapte from the Grekish dartes, | |
Otreus sonne, Phebus prest, brought in hand | |
The sacred reliques: and the vanquisht Gods: | |
410 | And in his hand his litle nephew led. |
And thus as phrentik to our gates he ran: | |
Panthus (quod I) in what estate stand we? | |
Or for refuge what fortresse shall we take? | |
Scarse spake I this: when wailing thus he sayd. | |
415 | The later day and fate of Troye is come, |
The which no plaint or prayer may auaile. | |
Troyans we were, and Troye was somtime, | |
And of great fame the Teucrian glorie erst: | |
Fierce Ioue to Grece hath now transposed all. | |
420 | The Grekes ar Lordes ouer this fired town. |
Yonder huge horse, that stands amid our walles, | |
Sheds armed men. And Sinon victor now, | |
With scorne of vs, doth set all things on flame. | |
And rushed in at our vnfolded gates | |
425 | Are thousands moe, than euer came from Grece. |
And some with weapons watch the narrow stretes, | |
With bright swerdes drawn to slaughter redy bent. | |
And scarse the watches of the gate began | |
Them to defend, and with blinde fight resist. | |
430 | Through Panthus words, and lightning of the Gods, |
Amid the flame and armes ran I in preasse: | |
As furie guided me, and wher-as I had heard | |
The crye greatest, that made the ayre resound. | |
Into our band then fell old Iphytus, | |
435 | And Rypheus, that met vs by moonelight. |
Dymas and Hypanis ioyning to our side, | |
With yong Chorebus, Mygdonius son: | |
Which in those dayes at Troye did ariue | |
Burning with rage of dame Cassandraes loue, | |
440 | In Priams ayd and rescue of his town: |
Unhappy he that wold no credit geue | |
Unto his spouses woords of prophecie. | |
Whom when I saw assembled in such wise, | |
So desperatly the battail to desire: | |
445 | Then furthermore thus sayd I vnto them, |
O ye yongmen of courage stout in vaine: | |
sig: [B3v] | |
For nought ye striue to saue the burning town. | |
What cruel fortune hath betid, ye see. | |
The Gods out of the temples all ar fled, | |
450 | Through whoes might long this empire was mainteind: |
Their altares eke are left both wast and voyd. | |
But if your will be bent with me to proue | |
That vttermost, that now may vs befall: | |
Then let vs dye, and runne amid our foes. | |
455 | To vanquisht folk despeir is only hope. |
With this the yongmens courage did encrease: | |
And through the dark, like to the raue[n]ing wolues, | |
Whom raging furie of their empty mawes | |
Driues from their den, leauing with hungry throtes | |
460 | Their whelpes behinde, among our foes we ran, |
Upon their swerdes vnto apparant death, | |
Holding alway the chiefe strete of the town, | |
Couerd with the close shadowes of the night. | |
Who can expresse the slaughter of that night? | |
465 | Or tell the nomber of the corpses slaine? |
Or can in teres bewaile them worthely? | |
The auncient famous citie falleth down, | |
That many yeres did hold such seignorie. | |
With senslesse bodies euery strete is spred, | |
470 | Eche palace, and sacred porch of the Gods. |
Nor yet alone the Troyan blood was shed. | |
Manhod oft-times into the vanquisht brest | |
Returnes, wherby some victors Grekes ar slain. "victors": here Surrey follows Gavin Douglas's translation of the Aeneid (C.vii.17), "sum Grekis victoris" for Virgil's "victoresque ... Danai" [cf. Jones, p. 144]. | |
Cruel complaintes, and terror euery-where, | |
475 | And plentie of grisly pictures of death. |
And first with vs Androgeus there met, | |
Fellowed with a swarming rout of Grekes: | |
Deming vs, vnware, of that feloship: | |
With frendly words whom thus he cald vnto. | |
480 | Hast ye my frendes: what slouth hath taried yow? |
Your feers now sack, and spoile the burning Troy, | |
From the tall ships where ye but newly come. | |
When he had sayd, and heard no answer made | |
To him againe wherto he might geue trust: | |
485 | Finding himself chaunced amid his foes, |
Mazde he withdrew his foote back with his word: | |
Like him that, wandring in the bushes thick, | |
sig: [B4] | |
Tredes on the adder with his rechlesse foote, | |
Rered for wrath swelling her speckled neck | |
490 | Dismayd, geues back al sodenly for fere. |
Androgeus so feard of that sight stept back. | |
And we gan rush amid the thickest rout: | |
When here and there we did them ouerthrow, | |
Striken with dred, vnskilfull of the place. | |
495 | Our first labor thus lucked well with vs. |
Chorebus then encouraged by his chaunce, | |
Reioysing sayd: Hold fourth the way of health | |
(My feers) that hap, and manhod hath vs taught. | |
Change we our shields: the Grekes armes do we on | |
500 | Craft, or manhod, with foes what reckes it which. |
The slaine to vs their armure they shall yeld. | |
And with that word Androgeus crested helme, | |
And the rich armes of his shield did he on: | |
A Grekish swerd he girded by his side. | |
505 | Like gladly Dimas. and Ripheus did. |
The whole youth gan them clad in the new spoiles, | |
Mingled with Grekes for no good luck to vs | |
We went, and gaue many onsets that night. | |
And many a Greke we sent to Plutoes court. | |
510 | Other there fled and hasted to their ships, |
And to their costes of sauegard ran againe. | |
And some there were, for shamefull cowardrie, | |
Clambe vp againe vnto the hugie horse, hugie: =huge; see OED s.v. hugy | |
And did them hide in his welknowen womb. | |
515 | Ay me, bootelesse it is for any whight |
To hope on ought, against will of the Gods. | |
Loe where Cassandra, Priams daughter dere, | |
From Pallas chirch was drawn with sparkled tresse, | |
Lifting in vain her flaming eyen to heuen: | |
520 | Her eyen: for fast her tender wrestes were bound. wrestes: =wrists |
Which sight Chorebus raging could not bere, | |
Recklesse of death: but thrust amid the throng: | |
And after we through thickest of the swerdes. | |
Here were we first ybatred with the dartes | |
525 | Of our owne feers, from the hye temples top. |
Wherby of vs grete slaughter did ensue, | |
Mistaken by our Grekish armes and crestes. | |
Then flockt the Grekes, moued with wrath, and ire | |
sig: [B4v] | |
Of the Uirgin from them so rescued: | |
530 | The fell Aiax, and either Atrides, |
And the great band cleped the Dolopes. | |
As wrastling windes, out of dispersed whirl, | |
Befight themselues, the west with southern blast, | |
And gladsom East proud of Auroraes horse, | |
535 | The woods do whiz: and fomy Nereus, |
Raging in furie with threeforked mace | |
From bottoms depth doth weltre vp þ e seas: | |
So came the Grekes. And such, as by deceit | |
We sparkled erst in shadow of the night, | |
540 | And draue about our town, appered first. |
Our fained shields and wepons then they found, | |
And by sound our discording voice they knew. | |
We went to wreck with nomber ouerlayd. | |
And by the hand of Peneleus first | |
545 | Chorebus fel before the altar dead |
Of armed Pallas, and Rypheus eke, | |
The iustest man among the Troians all, | |
And he that best obserued equitie. | |
But otherwyse it pleased now the Gods, | |
550 | There Hipanis, and Dimas both were slaine, |
Throughpearced with the weapons of their feers. | |
Nor thee, Panthus, when thou wast ouerthrown, | |
Pitie, nor zele of good deuocion, | |
Nor habit yet of Phebus hid from scathe. | |
555 | Ye Troyan ashes, and last flames of mine, |
I cal in witnesse, that at your last fall | |
I fled no stroke of any Grekish swerd: | |
And if the fates wold I had fallen in fight, | |
That with my hand I did deserue it wel. | |
560 | With this from thense I was recuiled back, |
With Iphytus, and Pelias alone, | |
Iphytus weke, and feble all for age, | |
Pelias lamed by Ulissez hand. | |
To Priams palace crye did cal vs then. | |
565 | Here was the fight right hideous to behold, |
As though there had no battail ben but there, | |
Or slaughter made els-where throughout the town. | |
A fight of rage and furie there we saw. | |
sig: C1 | |
The Grekes toward the palace rushed fast, | |
570 | And couerd with engines the gates beset, |
And rered vp ladders against the walles, | |
Under the windowes scaling by their steppes, | |
Fenced with sheldes in their left hands, wheron | |
They did receiue the dartes, while their right hands | |
575 | Griped for hold th'embatel of the wall. |
The Troyans on the tother part rend down | |
The turrets hye, and eke the palace-roofe: | |
With such weapons they shope them to defend, | |
Seing al lost, now at the point of death. | |
580 | The gilt sparres, and the beames then threw they down, |
Of old fathers the proud and royal workes. | |
And with drawn swerds some did beset the gates, | |
Which they did watch and kepe in routes full thick. | |
Our sprites restorde to rescue the kings house, | |
585 | To help them, and to geue the vanquisht strength. |
A postern with a blinde wicket there was, | |
A common trade to passe through Priams house: | |
On the backside wherof wast houses stood. | |
Which way eftsithes, while that our kingdome dured, | |
590 | Th'infortunate Andromache alone |
Resorted to the parentes of her make, | |
With yong Astyanax his grandsire to see. | |
Here passed I vp to the hyest toure, | |
From whense the wretched Troyans did throw down | |
595 | Dartes spent in wast. Unto a turret then |
We stept: the which stood in a place aloft, | |
The top wherof did reache wellnere the sterres, | |
Where we were wont all Troye to behold, | |
The Grekish nauie, and their tentes also. | |
600 | With instrumentes of iron gan we pick, |
To seke where we might finde the ioyning shronk | |
From that high seat: which we razed, and threw down. | |
Which falling gaue fourthwith a rushing sound, | |
And large in breadth on Grekish routes it light. | |
605 | But sone an-other sort stept in theyr stede. |
No stone vnthrown, nor yet no dart vncast | |
Before the gate stood Pyrrhus, in the porche, | |
Reioysing in his dartes, with glittring armes, | |
Like to the adder with venimous herbes fed, | |
sig: [C1v] | |
610 | Whom cold winter all bolne hid vnder-ground, |
And shining bright when she her slough had slong | |
Her slipper back doth rowle with forked tong, | |
And raised brest, lift vp against the sun. | |
With that together came great Periphas, | |
615 | Automedon eke that guided had somtime |
Achilles horse, now Pyrrhus armure bare. | |
And eke with him the warlike Scyrian youth | |
Assayld the house, and threw flame to the top. | |
And he an axe before the formest raught: | |
620 | Wherwith he gan the strong gates hew, and break. |
From whens he bet the staples out of brasse: | |
He brake the barres, and through the timber pearst | |
So large a hole, wherby they might discerne | |
The house, the court, the secret chambers eke | |
625 | Of Priamus, and auncient kings of Troy, |
And armed foes in th'entrie of the gate. | |
But the palace within confounded was | |
With wayling, and with rufull shrikes and cryes. | |
The hollow halles did howle of womens plaint. | |
630 | The clamor strake vp to the golden sterres. |
The frayd mothers, wandring through the wide house, | |
Embracing pillers, did them hold and kisse. | |
Pyrrhus assaileth with his fathers might, | |
Whom the closures ne kepers might hold out. | |
635 | With often-pushed ram the gate did shake. |
The postes beat down remoued from their hookes. | |
By force they made the way, and th'entrie brake. | |
And now the Grekes let in, the formest slew: | |
And the large palace with soldiars gan to fill. | |
640 | Not so fercely doth ouerflow the feldes |
The foming flood, that brekes out of his bankes: | |
Whoes rage of waters beares away what heapes | |
Stand in his way, the coates, and eke the herdes: | |
As in th'entrie of slaughter furious | |
645 | I saw Pyrrhus and either Atrides. |
There Hecuba I saw with a hundred moe | |
Of her sons wyues, and Priam at the altar, | |
Sprinkling with blood his flame of sacrifice. | |
Fiftie bedchambers of his childrens wyues, | |
650 | With losse of so great hope of his ofspring, |
sig: C2 | |
The pillers eke proudly beset with gold, | |
And with the spoiles of other nations, | |
Fell to the ground: and whatso that with flame | |
Untouched was, the Grekes did all possesse. | |
655 | Parcase yow wold ask what was Priams fate. |
When of his taken town he saw the chaunce, | |
And the gates of his palace beaten down, | |
His foes amid his secret chambers eke: | |
Th'old man in vaine did on his sholders then, | |
660 | Trembling for age, his curace long disused: |
His bootelesse swerd he girded him about: | |
And ran amid his foes, redy to dye. | |
Amid the court vnder the heuen all bare | |
A great altar there stood, by which there grew | |
665 | An old laurel-tree bowing therunto, |
Which with his shadow did embrace the Gods. | |
Here Hecuba, with her yong daughters all, | |
About the altar swarmed were in vaine: | |
Like Doues, that flock together in the storme: | |
670 | The statues of the Gods embracing fast. |
But when she saw Priam had taken there | |
His armure, like as though he had ben yong: | |
What furious thought, my wretched spouse, (quod she) | |
Did moue thee now such wepons for to weld? | |
675 | Why hastest thow? This time doth not require |
Such succor, ne yet such defenders now. | |
No, though Hector my son were here againe. | |
Come hether: this altar shall saue vs all: | |
Or we shall dye together. Thus she sayd. | |
680 | Wherwith she drew him back to her, and set |
The aged man down in the holy seat. | |
But loe Polites, one of Priams sons, | |
Escaped from the slaughter of Pyrrhus, | |
Comes fleing through the wepons of his foes, | |
685 | Searching all wounded the long galleries. |
And the voyd courtes: whom Pyrrhus all in rage | |
Followed fast, to reache a mortal wound: | |
And now in hand wellnere strikes with his spere. | |
Who fleing fourth, till he came now in sight | |
690 | Of his parentes, before their face fell down, |
Yelding the ghost, with flowing streames of blood. | |
sig: [C2v] | |
Priamus then, although he were half-ded, | |
Might not kepe in his wrath, nor yet his words: | |
But cryeth out: For this thy wicked work, | |
695 | And boldnesse eke such thing to enterprise, |
If in the heauens any iustice be, | |
That of such things takes any care or kepe, | |
According thankes the Gods may yeld to thee, | |
And send thee eke thy iust deserued hyre, | |
700 | That made me see the slaughter of my childe, |
And with his blood defile the fathers face. | |
But he, by whom thow fainst thy-self begot, | |
Achilles was to Priam not so stern. | |
For loe he, tendring my most humble sute, | |
705 | The right, and faith, my Hectors bloodlesse corps |
Rendred, for to be layd in sepulture, | |
And sent me to my kingdome home againe. | |
Thus sayd the aged man: and therewithall | |
Forcelesse he cast his weak vnweldy dart. | |
710 | Which repulst from the brasse, where it gaue dint, |
Without sound hong vainly in the shieldes bosse. | |
Quod Pyrrhus, then thow shalt this thing report. | |
On message to Pelide my father go: | |
Shew vnto him my cruel dedes, and how | |
715 | Neoptolem is swarued out of kinde. |
Now shalt thow dye, quod he. And with that word | |
At the altar him trembling gan he draw, | |
Wallowing through the blodshed of his son: | |
And his left hand all clasped in his heare, | |
720 | With his right arme drewe fourth his shining sword, |
Which in his side he thrust vp to the hilts. | |
Of Priamus this was the fatal fine, | |
The wofull end that was alotted him. | |
When he had seen his palace all on flame, | |
725 | With ruine of his Troyan turrets eke, |
That royal prince of Asie, which of late | |
Reignd ouer so many peoples and realmes, | |
Like a great stock now lieth on the shore: | |
His hed and sholders parted ben in twaine: | |
730 | A body now without renome, and fame. |
Then first in me entred the grisly feare. | |
Dismayd I was. Wherwith came to my minde | |
sig: [C3] | |
The image eke of my dere father, when | |
I thus beheld the king of equal age | |
735 | Yeld vp the sprite with wounds so cruelly. |
Then thought I of Creusa left alone: | |
And of my house in danger of the spoile: | |
And the estate of yong Iulus eke. | |
I looked back to seke what nomber then | |
740 | I might discern about me of my feeres. |
But weried they had left me all alone. | |
Some to the ground were lopen from aboue: | |
Some in the flame their irked bodies cast. | |
There was no moe but I left of them all: | |
745 | When that I saw in Uestaes temple sit |
Dame Helen, lurking in a secret place: | |
(Such light the flame did giue as I went by, | |
While here and there I cast mine eyen about) | |
For she in dred, least that the Troians shold | |
750 | Reuenge on her the ruine of their walles, |
And of the Grekes the cruel wrekes also, | |
The furie eke of her forsaken make, | |
The common bane of Troy, and eke of Grece, | |
Hateful she sate beside the altars hid. | |
755 | Then boyld my brest with flame, and burning wrath, |
To reuenge my town vnto such ruine brought. | |
With worthy peines on her to work my will. | |
Thought I: Shall she passe to the land of Spart | |
All safe, and see Mycene her natiue land, | |
760 | And like a Quene returne with victorie |
Home to her spouse, her parentes, and children, | |
Folowed with a traine of Troyan maides, | |
And serued with a band of Phrigian slaues, | |
And Priam eke with iron murdred thus, | |
765 | And Troy town consumed all with flame, |
Whoes shore hath ben so oft forbathed in blood? | |
No no: for though on wemen the reuenge | |
Unsemely is, such conquest hath no fame: | |
To geue an end vnto such mischief yet | |
770 | My iust reuenge shal merit worthy praise, |
And quiet eke my minde, for to be wroke | |
On her which was the causer of this flame, | |
And satisfie the cinder of my feers. cinder: =funerary ashes [Jones] | |
sig: [C3v] | |
With furious minde while I did argue thus, | |
775 | My blessed mother then appeard to me, |
Whom erst so bright mine eyes had neuer seen, | |
And with pure light she glistred in the night, | |
Disclosing her in forme a Goddesse like, | |
As she doth seme to such as dwell in heuen. | |
780 | My right hand then she toke, and held it fast, |
And with her rosie lips thus did she say. | |
Son, what furie hath thus prouoked thee | |
To such vntamed wrath? what ragest thow? | |
Or where is now become the care of vs? | |
785 | Wilt thow not first go see where thow hast left |
Anchises thy father fordone with age? | |
Doth Creusa liue, and Ascanius thy son? | |
Whom now the Grekish bands haue round beset: | |
And, were they not defensed by my cure, | |
790 | Flame had them raught and enmies swerd ere this. |
Not Helens beautie hatefull vnto thee, | |
Nor blamed Paris yet, but the Gods wrath | |
Reft yow this wealth, and ouerthrew your town. | |
Behold (and I shall now the cloude remoue, | |
795 | Which ouercast thy mortal sight doth dim, |
Whoes moisture doth obscure all thinges about: | |
And fere not thow to do thy mothers will, | |
Nor her aduise refuse thow to performe.) | |
Here where thow seest the turrets ouerthrown, | |
800 | Stone bet from stone, smoke rising mixt with dust, |
Neptunus there shakes with his mace the walles, | |
And eke the loose foundations of the same, | |
And ouerwhelms the whole town from his seat: | |
And cruell Iuno with the formest here | |
805 | Doth kepe the gate that Scea cleped is, |
Nere wood for wrath, whereas she standes, and calls | |
In harnesse bright the Grekes out of their ships. | |
And in the turrets hye behold where standes | |
Bright shining Pallas, all in warlike wede, | |
810 | And with her shield where Gorgons hed apperes: |
And Iupiter my father distributes | |
Auayling strength, and courage to the Grekes. | |
Yet ouermore, against the Troyan powr, | |
He doth prouoke the rest of all the Gods. | |
sig: [C4] | |
815 | Flee then my son, and geue this trauail end. |
Ne shall I thee forsake, in sauegard till | |
I haue thee brought vnto thy fathers gate. | |
This did she say: and therwith gan she hide | |
Her-self in shadow of the close night. | |
820 | Then dredfull figures gan appere to me, |
And great Gods eke agreued with our town. | |
I saw Troye fall down in burning gledes, | |
Neptunus town clene razed from the soil: | |
Like as the elm forgrown in mountaines hye, | |
825 | Round hewen with axe, that husbandmen |
With thick assaultes striue to teare vp, doth threat, | |
And hackt beneath trembling doth bend his top, | |
Till yold with strokes, geuing the latter crack, | |
Rent from the heighth, with ruine it doth fall. | |
830 | With this I went, and guided by a God |
I passed through my foes, and eke the flame: | |
Their wepons, and the fire eke gaue me place. | |
And when that I was come before the gates, | |
And auncient building of my fathers house: | |
835 | My father, whom I hoped to conuey |
To the next hils, and did him thearto treat, | |
Refused either to prolong his life, | |
Or bide exile after the fall of Troy. | |
All ye (quod he) in whom yong blood is fresh, | |
840 | Whose strength remaines entier and in full powr, |
Take ye your flight. | |
For if the Gods my life wold haue proroged, | |
They had reserued for me this wonning-place. | |
It was enough (alas) and eke to much, | |
845 | To see the town of Troy thus razed ones, |
To haue liued after the citee taken. | |
When ye haue sayd, this corps layd out forsake. | |
My hand shall seke my death, and pitie shal | |
Mine enmies moue, or els hope of my spoile. | |
850 | As for my graue, I wey the losse but light: |
For I my yeres disdainfull to the Gods | |
Haue lingred fourth, vnable to all nedes, | |
Sins that the sire of Gods and king of men | |
Strake me with thonder, and with leuening blast. | |
855 | Such things he gan reherse, thus firmly bent. |
sig: [C4v] | |
But we besprent with teres, my tender son, | |
And eke my swete Creusa, with the rest | |
Of the houshold, my father gan beseche, | |
Not so with him to perish all at ones, | |
860 | Nor so to yeld vnto the cruel fate. |
Which he refused, and stack to his entent. | |
Driuen I was to harnesse then againe, | |
Miserably my death for to desire. | |
For what aduise or other hope was left? | |
865 | Father, thoughtst thow that I may ones remoue |
(Quod I) a foote, and leaue thee here behinde? | |
May such a wrong passe from a fathers mouth? | |
If Gods will be, that nothing here be saued | |
Of this great town, and thy minde bent to ioyne | |
870 | Both thee and thine to ruine of this town: |
The way is plaine this death for to atteine. | |
Pyrrhus shall come besprent with Priams blood, | |
That gored the son before the fathers face, | |
And slew the father at the altar eke. | |
875 | O sacred mother was it then for this, |
That you me led through flame, and wepons sharp, | |
That I might in my secret chaumber see | |
Mine enmies: and Ascanius my son, | |
My father, with Creusa my swete wife, | |
880 | Murdred alas the one in th'others blood? |
Why seruants then, bring me my armes againe. | |
The latter day vs vanquished doth call. | |
Render me now to the Grekes sight againe: | |
And let me see the fight begon of_new. | |
885 | We shall not all vnwroken dye this day. |
About me then I girt my sword again, | |
And eke my shield on my left sholder cast, | |
And bent me so to rush out of the house. | |
Lo in my gate my spouse clasping my feet, | |
890 | Foregainst his father yong Iulus set. |
If thow wilt go (quod she) and spill thy-self, | |
Take vs with thee in all that may betide. | |
But as expert if thow in armes haue set | |
Yet any hope, then first this house defend, | |
895 | Whearas thy son, and eke thy father dere, |
And I somtime thine owne dere wife, ar left. | |
sig: D1 | |
Her shrill loud voice with plaint thus filld the house, | |
When that a sodein monstrous maruel fell. | |
For in their sight, and woefull parents armes, | |
900 | Behold a light out of the butten sprang |
That in tip of Iulus cap did stand: | |
With gentle touch whoes harmlesse flame did shine, | |
Upon his heare, about his temples spred. | |
And we afraid trembling for dredfull fere | |
905 | Bet out the fire from his blasing tresse, |
And with water gan quench the sacred flame. | |
Anchises glad his eyen lift to the sterres: | |
With handes his voice to heauen thus he bent. | |
If by praier, (almighty Iupiter), | |
910 | Inclined thou mayst be, beholde vs then |
Of ruth: at least if we so much deserue. | |
Graunt eke thine ayd father, confirm this thing. | |
Scarse had the old man said, when that the heuens | |
With sodein noise thondred on the left hand. | |
915 | Out of the skie by the dark night there fell |
A blasing sterre, dragging a brand o[f] flame: of] or 1557 | |
Which with much light gliding on the house-top | |
In the forest of Ida hid her beames. | |
The which full bright cendleing a furrow shone, | |
920 | By a long tract appointing vs the way. |
And round about of brimstone rose a fume. | |
My father vanquist, then beheld the skies, | |
Spake to the Gods, and th'olly sterre adored olly: =holy | |
Now, now (quod he) no longer I abide. | |
925 | F[o]low I shall where ye me guide at hand. Folow] Felow 1557 |
O natiue Gods, your familie defend | |
Preserue your li[n]e. this warning comes of you, | |
And Troy stands in your protection now | |
Now geue I place, and wherso that thou goe | |
930 | Refuse I not my sonne, to be thy feer. |
This did he say: and by that time more clere | |
The cracking flame was heard throughout the walles, | |
And more and more the burning heat drew nere. | |
Why then haue done, my father dere, (quod I) | |
935 | Bestride my neck fourthwith, and sit theron, |
And I shal with my sholders thee susteine: | |
Ne shal this labor do me any dere. | |
sig: [D1v] | |
What-so betide, come perill, come welfare, | |
Like to vs both and common there shal be. | |
940 | Yong Iulus shall beare me company: |
And my wife shal follow far-of my steppes, | |
Now ye my seruantes, mark well what I say. | |
Without the town ye shall find, on an hill | |
An old temple there, standes wheras somtime | |
945 | Worship was don to Ceres the Goddesse. |
Biside which growes an aged cipresse-tree, | |
Preserued long by our forefathers zele. | |
Behind which place let vs together mete. | |
And thou father receiue into thy handes | |
950 | The reliques all, and the Gods of the land: |
The which it were not lawfull I should touch, | |
That come but late from slaughter and bloodshed, | |
Till I be washed in the running flood. | |
When I had sayd these wordes, my sholders brode, | |
955 | And laied neck with garmentes gan I spred, laied: =exposed? bowed? [Jones]; cf. Virgil, "subjectaque colla": see OED, laid, ppl. adj. |
And theron cast a yellow lions-skin, | |
And therupon my burden I receiue. | |
Yong Iulus, clasped in my right hand, | |
Followeth me fast with vnegal pace: | |
960 | And at my back my wife. Thus did we passe, |
By places shadowed most with the night. | |
And me, whom late the dart which enemies threw, | |
Nor preasse of Argiue routes could not amaze, amaze] amazde 1557 | |
Eche whispring wind hath power now to fray, | |
965 | And euery sound to moue my doutfull mind: |
So much I dred my burden, and my feer, | |
And now we gan draw nere vnto the gate, | |
Right well escapte the daunger, as me-thought: | |
When that at hand a sound of feet we heard. | |
970 | My father then, gazing throughout the dark, |
Cried on me: flee, son: they ar at hand. | |
With that bright sheldes, and shene armours I saw. | |
But then I knowe not what vnfrendly God | |
My trobled wit from me biraft for fere. | |
975 | For while I ran by the most secret stretes, |
Eschuing still the common haunted track, | |
From me catif alas bereued was | |
Creusa then my spouse, I wote not how: | |
sig: [D2] | |
Whether by fate, or missing of the way, | |
980 | Or that she was by werinesse reteind. |
But neuer sithe these eies might her behold: | |
Nor did I yet perceiue that she was lost: | |
Ne neuer backward turned I my mind, | |
Till we came to the hill, wheras there stood | |
985 | The old temple dedicate to Ceres. |
And when that we were there assembled all, | |
She was only away, deceiuing vs | |
Her spouse, her son, and all her compainie. compainie] ccompainie 1557 | |
What God, or man did I not then accuse, | |
990 | Nere wood for ire? or what more cruell chaunce |
Did hap to me, in all Troies ouerthrow? | |
Ascanius to my feeres I then betoke, | |
With Anchises and eke the Troian Gods, | |
And left them hid within a valley depe. | |
995 | And to the town I gan me hye againe, |
Clad in bright armes, and bent for to renew | |
Auentures past, to search throughout the town, | |
And yeld my hed to perils ones againe, | |
And first the walles and dark entrie I sought | |
1000 | Of the same gate, wherat I issued out. |
Holding backward the steppes wher we had come | |
In the dark night, loking all round about. | |
In euery place the vgsome sightes I saw, | |
The silence selfe of night agast my sprite. | |
1005 | From hense againe I past vnto our house, |
If she by chaunce had ben returned home. | |
The Grekes were there, and had it all beset | |
[With] wasting fire blown vp by drift of wind, With] The 1557 | |
Aboue the roofes the blazing flame sprang vp: | |
1010 | The sound wherof with furie pearst the skies |
To Priams palace and the Castel then | |
I made: and ther at Iunous sanctuair | |
In the void porches Phenix, Ulisses eke, | |
Sterne guardens stood watching of the spoile. | |
1015 | The richesse here were set reft from the brent |
Temples of Troy: the table of the Gods, | |
The vessells eke that were of massy gold, | |
And vestures spoild, were gatherd all in heap: | |
The children orderly, and mothers pale for fright | |
sig: [D2v] | |
1020 | Long ranged on a rowe stode round about. |
So bold was I to showe my voice that night, | |
With clepes and cries to fill the stretes throughout, | |
With Creuse name in sorrow, with vain teres, | |
And often-sithes the same for to repete. | |
1025 | The town restlesse with furie as I sought, |
Th'unlucky figure of Creusaes ghost, | |
Of stature more than wont, stood fore [mine] eyen. mine] 1557 omits | |
Abashed then I woxe: therwith my heare | |
Gan start right vp: my voice stack in my throte: | |
1030 | When with such words she gan my hart remoue. |
What helps to yeld vnto such furious rage, | |
Swete spouse? quod she. Without wil of the gods | |
This chaunced not: ne lefull was for thee, | |
To lead away Creusa hense with thee. | |
1035 | The king of the hye heuen suffreth it not. |
A long exile thou art assigned to bere, | |
Long to furrow large space of stormy seas. | |
So shalt thou reach at last Hesperian land, | |
Wher Lidian Tiber with his gentle streme | |
1040 | Mildly doth flow along the frutfull feldes. |
There mirthful wealth, there kingdom is for thee, | |
There a kinges child preparde to be thy make. | |
For thy beloued Creusa stint thy teres. | |
For now shal I not see the proud abodes | |
1045 | Of Myrmidons, nor yet of Dolopes: |
Ne I a Troyan lady, and the wife | |
Unto the sonne of Uenus the Goddesse, | |
Shall goe a slaue to serue the Grekish dames. | |
Me here the Gods great mother holdes. | |
1050 | And now farwell: and kepe in fathers brest |
The tender loue of thy yong son and myne. | |
This hauing said she left me all in teres, | |
And minding much to speake: but she was gone, | |
And suttly fled into the weightlesse aire. | |
1055 | Thrise raught I with mine armes t'accoll her neck: |
Thrise did my handes vaine hold th'image escape: | |
Like nimble windes, and like the flieng dreame. | |
So night spent out, returne I to my feers: | |
And ther wondring I find together swarmd | |
1060 | A new nomber of mates, mothers, and men, |
sig: [D3] | |
A rout exiled, a wreched multitude, | |
From eche-where flockke together, prest to passe, | |
With hart and goods, to whatsoeuer land | |
By sliding seas me listed them to lede. | |
1065 | And now rose Lucifer aboue the ridge |
Of lusty Ide, and brought the dawning light. | |
The Grekes held th'entries of the gates beset: | |
Of help there was no hope. Then gaue I place, | |
Toke vp my sire, and hasted to the hill. | |
The fowrth boke of Virgiles AenÆis. |
BUt now the wounded Quene, with heuy care, | |
Throughout the veines she norisheth the playe, | |
Surprised with blind flame, and to hir mind | |
Gan eke resort the prowesse of the man, | |
5 | And honour of his race: while in her brest |
Imprinted stack his wordes, and pictures forme. | |
Ne to her limmes care graunteth quiet rest. | |
The next morow, with Phebus laump, the earth | |
Alightned clere: and eke the dawning day | |
10 | The shadowes dark gan from the poale remoue: |
When all vnsound her sister of like minde | |
Thus spake she to: O sister Ann, what dreames | |
Be these, that me tormented thus afray? | |
What new guest, is this that to our realm is come? | |
15 | What one of chere? how stout of hart in armes? |
Truly I think (ne vain is my belefe) | |
Of Goddish race some ofspring shold he be: | |
Cowardry notes hartes swarued out of kind. | |
He driuen (Lord) with how hard destiny: | |
20 | What battailes eke atchiued did he recount? |
But that my mind is fixt vnmoueably, | |
Neuer with wight in wedlock ay to ioyne: | |
Sith my first loue me left by death disseuered, | |
If geniall brands, and bed me lothed not, | |
sig: [D3v] | |
25 | To this one gilt perchaunce yet might I yeld. |
Anne, for I graunt, sith wretched Sichees death | |
My spouse and house with brothers slaughter staind, | |
This onely man hath made my sences bend, | |
And pricked foorth the mind, that gan to slide, | |
30 | Now feelingly I tast the steppes of mine old flame. |
But first I wish, the earth me swalow down: | |
Or with thunder the mighty Lord me send | |
To the pale gostes of hel, and darknes deepe: | |
Ere I thee staine, shamefastnes, or thy lawes | |
35 | He that with me first coppled, tooke away |
My loue with him enioy it in his graue. with him enioy it in his graue] which still enioye he in his grave H | |
Thus did she say, and with supprised teares | |
Bained her brest. wherto Anne thus replied: | |
O sister, dearer beloued then the lyght: | |
40 | Thy youth alone in plaint still wilt thou spill? |
Ne children sweete, ne Uenus giftes wilt know? | |
Cinders (thinkest thou) mind this? or graued ghostes? | |
Time of thy doole thy spouse new dead, I graunt. | |
None might thee moue: no not the Libian king | |
45 | Nor yet of Tire Iarbas set so light: |
And other princes mo: whom the rich soile | |
Of affrick breedes, in honours triumphant, | |
Wilt thou also gainstand thy liked loue | |
Comes not to mind vpon whoes land thou dwelst. | |
50 | On this side, loe the Getule town behold, |
A people bold vnuanquished in warre, | |
Eke the vndaunted Numides compasse thee | |
Also the Sirtes, vnfrendly harbroughe: harbroughe: =harbour | |
On th'other hand, a desert realme for thrust thrust: =thirst | |
55 | The Barceans, whose fury stretcheth wide. |
What shall I touch the warres that moue from Tire? | |
Or yet thy brothers threates? | |
By gods purueiaunce it blewe, and Iunos helpe, | |
The Troiaynes shippes (I think) to runn this course | |
60 | Sister, what town shalt thou see this become? |
Throgh such allie how shal our kingdom rise? | |
And by the aid of Troiane armes how great? | |
How many waies shal Cartages glorie grow? | |
Thou onely now besech the Gods of grace | |
65 | By sacrifice: which ended, to thy house |
sig: [D4] | |
Receue him: and forge causes of abode: | |
Whiles winter frettes the seas, and watry Orion, | |
The shippes shaken, vnfrendly the season. | |
Such wordes enflamed the kindled mind with loue, | |
70 | Loosed al shame, and gaue the doubtfull hope, |
And to the temples first they hast, and seeke, | |
By sacrifice for grace, with Hogreles of two yeares | |
Chosen (as ought) to Ceres, that gaue lawes, | |
To Phebus, Bachus, and to Iuno chiefe, | |
75 | Which hath in care the bandes of mariage. |
Faire Dido held in her right hand the cup | |
Which twixt the hornes of a white Cowe she shed | |
In presence of the Gods passing before | |
The aulters fatte, which she renewed oft | |
80 | With giftes that day, and beastes debowled: debowled: =disembowelled |
Gasing for counsell on the entrales warme. | |
Ay me, vnskilfull mindes of prophesy | |
Temples, or vowes, what boote they in her rage? | |
A gentle flame the mary doth deuoure: mary: =marrow | |
85 | Whiles in the brest the silent wound keepes life, |
Unhappy Dido burns, and in her rage | |
Throughout the town she wandreth vp and down: | |
Like [to] the stricken Hinde with shaft, in Crete to] 1557 omits, to H | |
Throughout the woods which chasing with his dartes | |
90 | Aloofe, the Shepheard smiteth at vnwares |
And leaues vnwist in her the thirling head: | |
That through the groues, and landes glides in her f[l]ight: flight] fight 1557, flight H | |
Amid whose side the mortall arrow stickes, | |
Aeneas now about the walles she leades, | |
95 | The town prepared, and Cartage welth to shew, |
Offring to speak, amid her voice, she whistes, | |
And when the day gan faile, new feastes she makes | |
The Troies trauales to heare anew she listes, Troies: =Trojans? Troiane H | |
Inraged al: and stareth in his face | |
100 | That tels the tale. And when they were al gone: |
And the dimme mone doth eft withold the light: | |
And sliding starres prouoked vnto sleepe: | |
Alone she mournes within her palace voide: | |
And sets her down on her forsaken bed. | |
105 | And absent him she heares, when he is gone, |
And seeth eke: oft in her lappe she holdes | |
Ascanius, trapt by his fathers forme: | |
sig: [D4v] | |
So to begile the loue cannot be told. | |
The turrettes now arise not, erst begonne, | |
110 | Neither the youth weldes armes, nor they auaunce |
The portes: nor other mete defence for warr. | |
Broken there hang the workes and mighty frames | |
Of walles high-raised, threatning the skie. | |
Whom assoone as Ioues deare wife sawe infect | |
115 | With such a plage, ne fame resist the rage: |
Saturnes daughter thus burdes Uenus then. | |
Great praise (quod she) and worthy spoiles you win. | |
You and your son, great Gods of memory, | |
By both your wiles one woman to deuower. | |
120 | Yet am I not deceiued, that foreknew |
Ye dread our walles, and bildinges gan suspect | |
Of high Cartage. But what shalbe the ende? | |
Or wherunto now serueth such debate? | |
But rather peace, and bridale bandes knit we, | |
125 | Sith thou hast spede of that, thy heart desired, |
Dido doth burne with loue, rage fretes her boones | |
This people now as common to vs both, | |
With equal fauour let vs gouerne then, | |
Lefull be it to serue a Troian spouse: | |
130 | And Tirianes yeld to thy right hand in dowre. Tirianes: =Tyrians |
To whom Uenus replied thus: that knewe, | |
Her wordes proceded from a fained minde, | |
To Libian coastes to turne th'empire from Rome, | |
What wight so fond, such offer to refuse? | |
135 | Or yet with thee had leuer striue in warr? |
So-be-it fortune thy tale bring to effect, | |
But destenies I dout: least Ioue nill graunt, | |
That folke of Tire, and such as came from Troie, | |
Should hold one town: or graunt these nacions | |
140 | Mingled to be, or ioyned ay in leage. |
Thou a[r]t his wife: lefull it is for the art] at 1557, art H | |
For to attempt his fansie by request: | |
Passe on before and folow the I shall? "?": ="!"; see above | |
Quene Iuno then thus tooke her tale againe: | |
145 | This trauaile be it mine: but by what meane. |
(Marke in fewe wordes I shal thee lerne eftsones) | |
This worke in hand may now be compassed. | |
A[e]neas nowe, and wretched Dido eke Aeneas] Aneas 1557, Aeneas H | |
sig: E1 | |
To the forest, a_hunting minde to wende, | |
150 | To_morne as soon as Titan shall ascend, |
And with his beames hath ouerspred the world, | |
And whiles the winges of youth do swarm about. | |
And whiles they raunge to ouer-set the groues | |
A cloudie showr mingled with haile I shall | |
155 | Poure down, and then with thonder shake the skies, |
Th'assemble scattered the mist shall cloke. | |
Dido a caue, the Troyan prince the same | |
Shall enter to: and I will be at hand. | |
And if thy will sticke vnto mine: I shall | |
160 | In wedlocke sure knit, and make her his own. |
Thus shall the maryage be: to whose request | |
Without debate Uenus did seme to yeld, | |
And smyled soft, as she that found the wyle. | |
Then from the seas, the dawning gan arise, | |
165 | The Sun once vp, the chosen youth gan throng |
Out at the gates: the hayes so rarely knit, hayes: see s.v. OED, hay, n3: "a net used for catching wild animals" | |
The hunting-staues with their brod heads of steele | |
And of Masile the horsemen fourth they brake Masile: =Massilia | |
Of senting-houndes a kenel huge likewise. | |
170 | And at the threshold of her chaumber-dore, |
The Carthage Lords did on the Quene attend. | |
The trampling steede with gold and purple trapt, | |
Chawing the fomie bit, there fercely stood. | |
Then issued she, awayted with great train, | |
175 | Clad in a cloke of Tyre embradred riche. |
Her quyuer hung behinde her back, her tresse | |
Knotted in gold, her purple vesture eke | |
Butned with gold, the Troyans of her train | |
Before her go, with gladsom Iulus. | |
180 | Aeneas eke the goodliest of the route |
Makes one of them, and ioyneth close the throngs: | |
Like when Apollo leaueth Lycia, | |
His wintring-place, and Xanthus floods likewise: | |
To viset Delos his mothers mansion: | |
185 | Repairing eft and furnishing her quire |
The Candians, and folkes of Driopes, Driopes: =Driopians | |
With painted Agathyrsies shoute, and crye: Agathyrsies: =Agathyrsians | |
Enuironing the altars roundabout | |
When that he walks vpon mount_Cynthus top: | |
sig: [E1v] | |
190 | His sparkled tresse represt with garlandes soft |
Of tender leaues, and trussed vp in gold: | |
His quiuering dartes clattring behinde his back: | |
So fresh and lustie did Aeneas seme: | |
Such lordly port in present countenaunce. | |
195 | But to the hils, and wilde holtes when they came: |
From the rocks top the driuen sauage rose. rose] rooes H | |
Loe from the hill aboue on th'other side, | |
Through the wyde lawnds, they gan to take their course lawnds: see OED s.v. lawn, n1 | |
The harts likewise, in troupes taking their flight, | |
200 | Raysing the dust, the mountain fast forsake. |
The childe Iulus, blithe of his swift steede | |
Amids the plain now pricks by them, now thes: | |
And to encounter wisheth oft in minde | |
The foming Bore in-steede of ferefull beasts, | |
205 | Or Lion brown might from the hill descend. |
In the meane-while the skies gan rumble sore: | |
In tayle therof, a mingled showr with hayle. | |
The Tyrian folk, and eke the Troyans youth, | |
And Uenus nephew the cotage[:] for feare :] ? 1557 | |
210 | Sought round about: the floods fell from the hils. |
Dido a den, the Troyan prince the same, | |
Chaunced vpon. Our mother then the earth, | |
And Iuno that hath charge of mariage, | |
First tokens gaue with burning gledes of flame, | |
215 | And priuie to the wedlock lightning skies: |
And the Nymphes yelled from the mountains top. | |
Ay me, this was the first day of their mirth, | |
And of their harmes the first occasion eke. | |
Respect of fame no longer her witholdes: | |
220 | Nor museth now to frame her loue by stelth. |
Wedlock she cals it: vnder the pretence | |
Of which fayre name she cloketh now her faut. | |
Forthwith Fame flie[t]h through the great Libian towns: flieth] flieh 1557, flies H | |
A mischefe Fame, there is none els so swift: | |
225 | That mouing growes, and flitting gathers force: |
First small for dred, sone after climes the skies: | |
Stayeth on earth, and hides her hed in cloudes. | |
Whom our mother the earth, tempted by wrath | |
Of Gods, begat: the last sister (they write) | |
230 | To Caeus, and to Enceladus eke, |
sig: E2 | |
Spedie of foote, of wyng likewise as swift, | |
A monster huge, and dredfull to descriue. | |
In euery plume, that on her body sticks, | |
(A thing in-dede much maruelous to heare) | |
235 | As many waker eyes lurk vnderneath, |
So many mouthes to speake, and listning eares. | |
By night she flies amid the cloudie skie, | |
Shriking by the dark shadow of the earth, | |
Ne doth decline to the swete sleepe her eyes. | |
240 | By day she sits to mark on the house-top, |
Or turrets hye, and the great towns afraies, | |
As mindefull of yll and lyes, as blasing truth. | |
This monster blithe with many a tale gan sow | |
This rumor then into the common eares: | |
245 | As well things don as that was neuer wrought: |
As that there comen is to Tyrians court | |
Aeneas one outsprong of Troyan blood | |
To whom fair Dido wold her-self be wed. | |
And that the while the winter long they passe | |
250 | In foule delight, forgetting charge of reigne, |
Led against honour with vnhonest lust. | |
This in eche mouth, the filthie Goddesse spreds, | |
And takes her course to king Hiarbas straight | |
Kindling his minde: with tales she feedes his wrath. | |
255 | Gotten was he by Ammon_Iupiter |
Upon the rauisht Nimph of Garamant. | |
An hundred hugie great temples [h]e built, he] be 1557, he H | |
In his farre-stretching realmes, to Iupiter. | |
Altars as many kept with waking flame, | |
260 | A watche alwayes vpon the Gods to tend. |
The floores embrude with yelded blood of beastes, | |
And threshold spred with garlands of strange hue. | |
He wood of minde, kindled by bitter brute, | |
Tofore th'altars, in presence of the Gods, | |
265 | With reared hands gan humbly Ioue entreate, |
Almighty God whom the Moores nacion | |
Fed at rich tables presenteth with wine, | |
Seest thou these things? or feare we thee in vaine | |
When thou lettest flye thy thonder from the cloudes? | |
270 | Or do those flames with vaine noyse vs affray? |
A woman that wandring in our coastes hath bought | |
sig: [E2v] | |
A plot for price: where she a citie set: | |
To whome we gaue the strond for to manure. | |
And lawes to rule her town: our wedlock lothed, | |
275 | Hath chose Aeneas to commaund her realme. |
That Paris now with his vnmanly sorte, | |
With mitred hats, with oynted bush and beard: oynted: =anointed, see OED s.v. oint | |
His rape enioyth: whiles to thy temples we | |
Our offrings bring, and folow rumors vaine, | |
280 | Whom praing in such sort, and griping eke |
The altars fast, the mighty fa[t]her heard: father] faiher 1557, father H | |
And writhed his loke toward the royal walls | |
And louers eke forgetting their good name, | |
To Mercurie then gaue he thus in charge. | |
285 | Hense son in hast, and call to thee the windes. |
Slide with thy plumes, and tell the Troyan prince, | |
That now in Carthage loytreth, rechlesse | |
Of the towns graunted him by desteny: | |
Swift through the skies, see thow these words conuey. | |
290 | His faire mother behight him not to vs |
Such one to be: ne therefore twyse him saued | |
From Grekish arms: but such a one | |
As mete might seme great Italie to rule | |
Dreedfull in arms, charged with seigniorie, | |
295 | Shewing in profe his worthy Teucrian race. |
And vnder lawes, the whole world to subdue. | |
If glorie of such things nought him enflame: | |
Ne that he listes seke honour by som paine: | |
The towers yet of Rome being his sire | |
300 | Doth he enuie to yong Ascanius? |
What mindeth he to frame? or on what hope | |
In enmies land doth he make hys abode? | |
Ne his ofspring in Italie regardes? | |
Ne yet the land of Lauin doth behold? | |
305 | Bid him make sayle: haue here the sum and end |
Our message thus report. When Ioue had sayd | |
Then Mercurie gan, bend him to obey | |
His mightie fathers will: and to his heeles | |
His golden wings he knits, which him transport | |
310 | With a light winde aboue the earth, and seas. |
And then with him his wande he toke, whereby | |
He calles from hell pale gostes: and other some | |
sig: [E3] | |
Thether also he sendeth comfortlesse. | |
Wherby he forceth sleepes, and them bereues, | |
315 | And mortall eies he closeth vp in deth: |
By power wherof he driues the windes away. | |
And passeth eke amid the troubled cloudes. | |
Till in his flight he gan descrie the top, | |
And the stepe flankes of rocky Atlas hill: | |
320 | That with his crowne susteines the welkin vp: |
Whose head forgrowen, with pine, circled alway, | |
With misty cloudes, beaten, with wind and storme: | |
His shoulders spred with snow, and from his chin | |
The springes descend: his beard frosen with yse. | |
325 | Here Mercury with equal shining winges |
First touched, and with body headling be[n]te: bente] bette 1557, bent H | |
To the water then[ce] tooke he his discent, thence] thend 1557, thence H | |
Like to the foule, that endlong costes and strondes | |
Swarming with fysh, flyes sweping by the sea: | |
330 | Cutting betwixt the windes and Libian [s]andes, sandes] landes 1557, sandes H |
From his graundfather by the mothers side, | |
Cillenes child so came, and then alight | |
Upon the houses with his winged feete. | |
To_fore [the] towers, wher he Aeneas saw the] 1557 omits, the H | |
335 | Foundacions cast, arering lodges new. |
Girt with a sweard of Iasper starry bright: | |
A shining parel flamed with stately [d]ie flamed] flameed 1557; die] eie 1557 | |
Of Tirian purple hong his shoulders down | |
The gift and work of wealthy Didoes hand | |
340 | Stripped througho[u]t with a thin thred of gold, |
Thus he encounters him: Oh careles wight | |
Both of thy realme, and of thine own affaires: | |
A wifebound man now dost thou reare the walles | |
Of high Cartage, to build a goodly town. | |
345 | From the bright skies the ruler of the Gods |
Sent me to thee, that with his beck commaundes | |
Both heuen and earth: in hast [he] gaue me charge he] 1557 omits, he H | |
Through the light aire this message thee to say. | |
What framest thou? or on what hope thy time | |
350 | In idlenes doth wast in Affrick land? |
Of so great things, if nought the fame thee stirr, | |
Ne list by trauaile honour to pursue: | |
Ascan[i]us yet, that waxeth fast behold, Ascanius] Ascanus 1557, Ascanius H | |
sig: [E3v] | |
And the hope of Iulus seede thine heir: | |
355 | To whom the realme of Italy belonges, |
And soile of Rome. When Mercury had said: | |
Amid his tale far-of from mortall eies | |
Into light aire, he vanisht out of sight. | |
Aeneas with that vision striken down, | |
360 | Well-nere bestraught, vpstart his heare for dread, |
Amid his throtal his voice likewise gan stick. throtal: =throat; see OED s.v. throttle | |
For to depart by night he longeth now, | |
And the sweet land to leaue, astoined sore | |
With this aduise, and message of the Gods. | |
365 | What may he do, alas? or by what woordes |
Dare he persuade the raging Quene in loue? | |
Or in what sort may he his tale beginne? | |
Now here now there his recklesse minde gan run, | |
And diuersly him drawes discoursing all. | |
370 | After long doutes this sentence semed best: |
Mnestheus first, and strong Cloanthus eke | |
He calles to him, with Sergest: vnto whom | |
He gaue in charge his nauie secretly | |
For to prepare, and driue to the sea-coast | |
375 | His people, and their armour to addresse: |
And for the cause of change to faine excuse: | |
And that he, when good Dido least foreknew, | |
Or did suspect so great a loue could break, | |
Wold wait his time to speke therof most meete: | |
380 | The nearest way to hasten his entent. |
Gladly his wil, and biddings they obey. | |
Ful soone the Quene, this crafty sleight gan smell, | |
(Who can deceiue a louer in forecast?) | |
And first foresaw the motions for to come, | |
385 | Things most assured fearing: vnto whom |
That wicked fame reported, how to flight | |
Was armde the fleet all redy to auale. | |
Then ill bested of counsell rageth she: | |
And whisketh through the town like Bachus nunne, | |
390 | As Thias stirres, the sacred rites begon, |
And when the wonted third yeres sacrifice | |
Doth prick her fourth, hering Bachus name hallowed: | |
And that the festful night of Citheron | |
sig: [E4] | |
Doth call her fourth with noyes of dauncing | |
395 | At length her-self bordeth Aeneas thus. |
Unfaithfull wight, to couer such a fault | |
Coldest thou hope? vnwist to leue my land? | |
Not thee our loue, nor yet right hand betrothed, | |
Ne cruell death of Dido may withhold? | |
400 | But that thou wilt in winter shippes prepare, |
And trie the seas in broile of whorling windes? | |
What if the land thou seekest, were not straunge? | |
If not vnknowen? or auncient Troye yet stoode? | |
In rough seas, yet should Troye towne be sought? | |
405 | Shunnest thou me? By these teares, and right hand, |
(For nought els haue I wretched lefte my-self) | |
By our spousals and mariage begonne, | |
If I of thee deserued euer well | |
Or thing of mine were euer to thee leefe: | |
410 | Rue on this realme, whoes ruine is at hand? |
If ought be left that praier may auaile, | |
I thee beseche to do away this minde. | |
The Libians and tirans of Nomadane | |
For thee me hate: my Tirians eke for thee | |
415 | Ar wroth: by thee my shamefastnes eke stained, |
And good renoume, wherby vp to the starres | |
Perelesse I clame. To whom wilt thou me leaue. | |
Redy to dye, my swete guest? sithe this name | |
Is all as now, that of a spouse remaines. | |
420 | But wherto now shold I prolong my death? |
What? vntil my brother Pigmalion | |
Beate downe my walles? or the Getulian king | |
Hiarbas yet captiue lead me away? | |
Before thy flight a child had I ones borne, | |
425 | Or sene a yong Aeneas in my court |
Play vp and down, that might present thy face: | |
All vtterly I could not seeme forsaken. | |
Thus sayd the Quene: he to the Gods aduise | |
Unmoued held his eies, and in his brest | |
430 | Represt his care, and stroue against his wil. |
And these few wordes at last then forth he cast: | |
Neuer shall I denie (Quene) thy deserte, | |
Greater than thou in wordes may well expresse: | |
To think on thee, ne irke me aye it shall | |
sig: [E4v] | |
435 | Whiles of my-selfe I shall haue memory, selfe] slelfe 1557 |
And whiles the spirit these Limmes of mine shal rule, | |
For present purpose somwhat shal I say. | |
Neuer ment I to clok the same by stelth | |
Sclaunder me not, ne to escape by flight, | |
440 | Nor I to thee pretended mariage: |
Ne hyther cam to ioine [me in] such leage. me in] men 1557, me in H | |
If desteny at mine own liberty | |
To lead my life would haue permitted me | |
After my wil my sorow to redoub:redoub: =remedy, see OED s.v. redub | |
445 | Troy and the remainder of our folke |
Restore I shold: and with these scaped handes, | |
The walles againe vnto thee vanquished, | |
And palace high of Priam eke repaire. | |
But now Apollo, called Grineus, | |
450 | And prophecies of Licia me aduise |
To sease vpon the realme of Italy. | |
That is my loue, my country, and my land. | |
If Cartage turrettes thee Phenician-borne. | |
And of a Libian town the sight deteine: | |
455 | To vs Troians why doest thou then enuy |
In Italy to make our r[e]sting-seat? resting] risting 1557 | |
Lefull is eeke for vs straunge realmes to seeke. | |
As oft as night doth cloke with shadowes darke | |
The earth: as oft as flaming starres apere: | |
460 | The troubled ghost of my father Anchises |
So oft in sleepe doth fray me, and aduise, | |
The wronged hed by me of my deare sonne, | |
Whom I defraud of the Hisperian crown, | |
And landes alotted him by desteny. | |
465 | The mess[e]ngerletter broken eke of the Gods but late |
Sent down from Ioue (I sware by eyther hed) | |
Passing the ayre, did this to me report. | |
In bright day-light the God my-selfe I saw | |
Entre these walles, and with these eares him heard. | |
470 | Leue then with plaint, to vexe both the and me. |
Against my will to Italy I go. | |
Whiles in this sort he did his tale pronounce, | |
With waiward looke she gan him ay behold, | |
And roling eies, that moued to and fro: | |
475 | With silent looke discoursing oueral, |
sig: F1 | |
And foorth in rage, at last thus gan she brayde, | |
Faithlesse, forsworn, ne Goddesse was thy dam, | |
Nor Dardanus beginner of thy race, | |
But of hard rockes mount_Caucase monstruous | |
480 | Bred thee, and teates of Tyger gaue thee suck. |
But what should I dissemble now my chere? | |
Or me reserue to hope of greater things? | |
Mindes he our teares? or euer moued his eyen? | |
Wept he for ruth? or pitied he our loue? | |
485 | What shall I set before? or where begin? |
Iuno nor Ioue with iust eyes this beholds. | |
Faith is no-where in suretie to be found. | |
Did I not him thrown vp vpon my shore | |
In neede receiue, and fonded eke inuest | |
490 | Of halfe my realme? his nauie lost, repair? |
From deathes daunger his fellowes eke defend? | |
Ay me, with rage and furies loe I driue. | |
Apollo now, now Lycian prophesies, | |
Another-while the messenger of Gods | |
495 | (He sayes) sent down from mighty Ioue himself |
The dredfull charge amid the skies hath brought. | |
As though that were the trauil of the Gods, | |
Or such a care their quietnes might moue. | |
I hold thee not, nor yet gainsay thy words, | |
500 | To Italie passe on by helpe of windes, |
And through the floods go searche thy kingdom new. | |
If ruthfull Gods haue any power, I trust, | |
Amid the rocks, thy guerdon thou shalt finde, | |
When thou shalt clepe full oft on Didos name, | |
505 | With burial brandes I absent shall thee [c]hase, chase] thase 1557, chase H |
And when cold death from life these lims deuides, | |
My gost eche-where shall still on thee awaite, | |
Thou shalt abye. and I shall here thereof. | |
Among the soules below thy brute shall come. | |
510 | With such-like wordes she cut of half her tale, |
With pensiue hart abandoning the light: | |
And from his sight, her-self gan farre remoue: | |
Forsaking him: that many things in fere | |
Imagened, and did prepare to say. | |
515 | Her [s]wouningletter broken lims her damsels gan releue, |
And to her chamber bare of marble-stone: | |
sig: [F1v] | |
And layd her on her bed with tapets spred. | |
But iust Aeneas, though he did desire | |
With comfort swet her sorows to appease, | |
520 | And with his words to banish all her care, |
Wailing her much, with great loue ouercome: | |
The Gods will yet he woorketh, and resortes | |
Unto his nauie, where the Troyans fast | |
Fell to their worke from the shore to vnstock | |
525 | High-rigged ships: now fleetes the talowed kele, |
Their oares with leaues yet grene from wood they bring, | |
And mastes vnshaue, for hast to take their flight. | |
You might haue sene them throng out of the town | |
Like ants, when they do spoile the bing of corne, bing: =heap, pile; see OED s.v. bing, n1 | |
530 | For winters dred, which they beare to their den: |
When the black swarm creeps ouer all the fields: | |
And thwart the grasse by strait pathes drags their pray. | |
The great graines then, som on their shoulders trusse, | |
Some driue the troupe, som chastice eke the slow: | |
535 | That with their trauaile chafed is eche pathe. |
Beholding this, what thought might Dido haue? | |
What sighes gaue she? when from her towers hye | |
The large coasts she saw haunted with Troyans workes, | |
And in her sight the seas with din confounded. | |
540 | O witlesse loue, what thing is that to do |
A mortal minde thou canst not force therto? | |
Forced she is to teares ay to returne, | |
With new requestes, to yeld her hart to loue: | |
And least she should before her causelesse death | |
545 | Leaue any-thing vntried: O sister Anne |
Quoth she, behold the whole coast round about, | |
How they prepare assembled euery-where. | |
The streming sailes abiding but for wynde: | |
The shipmen crowne theyr ships with bows for ioy, | |
550 | O sister, if so great a sorow I |
Mistrusted had: it were more light to beare. | |
Yet nathelesse this for me wretched wight, | |
Anne, shalt thou do: for faithles, thee alone | |
He reuerenced, thee eke his secretes tolde: | |
555 | The metest time thou knewest to borde the man: |
To my proude foe, thus sister humbly say: | |
I with the grekes within the port Aulide | |
sig: F2 | |
Coniured not the Troyans to destroy: | |
Nor to the walles of Troy yet sent my fleete: | |
560 | Nor cynders of his father Anchises |
Disturbed haue out of his sepulture. | |
Why lettes he not my wordes sinke in his eares | |
So harde to ouertreate? whither whirles he? | |
This last boone yet graunt he to wretched loue | |
565 | Prosperous windes for to depart with ease, |
Let him abide: the foresayde mariage now, | |
That he betraied, I do not him require: | |
Nor that he should faire Italy forgo. | |
Neither I would, he should his kingdom leaue: | |
570 | Quiet I aske, and a time of delay, |
And respite eke my furye to asswage, | |
Til my mishap teach me all comfortlesse, | |
How for to wayle my grief. This latter grace, | |
Sister I craue, haue thou remorse of me, | |
575 | Whiche if thou shalt vouchsafe, with heapes I shall |
Leaue by my death redoubled vnto thee. | |
Moisted with teares, thus wretched gan she playne: | |
Which Anne reportes, and answere bringes againe. | |
Nought teares him moue, ne yet to any wordes | |
580 | He can be framed with gentle minde to yelde. |
The werdes withstande, and God stops his meke eares. werdes: =Fates | |
Like to the aged boysteous-bodied oke, | |
The which among the alpes, the Northerne windes, | |
Blowyng now from this quarter, now from that, | |
585 | Betwixt them striue to ouerwhelme with blastes, |
The whistlyng ayre among the braunches rores, | |
Which all at once bow to the earth her croppes, | |
The stocke once smit: whiles in the rockes the tree | |
Stickes fast: and loke, how hye to the heauen her toppe | |
590 | Reares vp, so deepe her roote spredes downe to hell: |
So was this Lorde now here now there beset | |
With wordes, in whose stoute brest wrought many cares, | |
But still his minde in one remaines, in vaine | |
The teares were shed. Then Dido frayde of fates | |
595 | Wisheth for death, irked to see the skyes. |
And that she might the rather worke her will, | |
And leaue the light (a grisely thing to tell) | |
Upon the altars burnyng full of cense | |
sig: [F2v] | |
When she set giftes of sacrifice, she saw | |
600 | The holy-water stocks waxe blacke within, |
The wine eke shed, chaunge into filthy gore. | |
This she to none, not to her sister told. | |
A marble temple in her palace eke, | |
In memory of her old spouse, there stood, | |
605 | In great honour and worship, which she held, |
With snowwhite clothes deckt, and with bows o[f]letter broken feast, | |
Wherout was herd, her husbandes voyc[e], and speche voyce] voyc 1557 | |
Cleping for her, when dark night hid the earth, | |
And oft the Owle with rufull song complaind, | |
610 | From the house-top drawing long dolefull tunes |
And many things forespoke by prophets past | |
With dredfull warning gan her now affray: | |
And stern Aeneas semed in her slepe | |
To chase her stil about, distraught in rage: | |
615 | And still her thought, that she was left alone |
Uncompanied great viages to wende. | |
In desert land her Tyrian folk to seeke. | |
Like Pentheus, that in his madnes saw | |
Swarming in flocks the furies all of hell: | |
620 | Two Suns remoue, and Thebes town shew twain. |
Or like Orestes Agamemnons son: | |
In tragedies who represented aye | |
Driuen about, that from his mother fled | |
Armed with brands, and eke with serpents black: | |
625 | That sitting found within the temples porche |
The vglie furies his slaughter to reuenge. | |
Yelden to wo, when phrensie had her caught, | |
Within her-selfe then gan she well debate, | |
Full bent to dye, the time, and eke the meane: | |
630 | And to her wofull sister thus she sayd, |
In outward chere dissembling her entent, | |
Presenting hope vnder a semblant glad: | |
Sister reioyce, for I haue found the way | |
Him to returne, or lose me from his loue. | |
635 | Toward the end of the great Ocean-flood |
Where-as the wandring Sun discendeth hence: | |
In the extremes of Ethiope is a place, | |
Where huge Atlas doth on his sholders turne | |
The sphere so r[o]und with flaming starres beset, round] rund 1557 | |
sig: [F3] | |
640 | Borne of Massyle, I heare should be a Nunne: |
That of th'esperian sisters temple old | |
And of their goodly garden keper was | |
That geues vnto the Dragon eke his foode, | |
That on the tree preserues the holy fruit | |
645 | That honie moyst, and sleping poppey castes, |
This woman doth auaunt, by force of charme | |
What hart she list to set at libertie: | |
And other some to perce with heuy cares: | |
In running flood to stop the waters course: | |
650 | And eke the sterres their meuings to reuerse: |
T'assemble eke, the gostes that walk by night, | |
Under thy feete, th'earth thou shalt behold | |
Tremble and rore, the okes come from the hill. | |
The Gods and thee, dere sister now I call | |
655 | In witnes, and thy hed to me so sweete: |
To magike artes against my will I bend. | |
Right secretly within our inner court. | |
In open ayre reare vp a stack of wood: | |
And hang theron the weapon of this man | |
660 | The which he left within my chamber stick. |
His weedes dispoiled all, and bridal bed, | |
Wherein alas sister, I found my bane, | |
Charge thereupon, for so the Nunne commaundes, | |
To do away, what did to him belong, | |
665 | Of that false wight that might remembraunce bring. |
Then whisted she, the pale her face gan staine, pale: =pallor | |
Ne could yet Anne beleue, her sister ment | |
To cloke her death by this new sacrifice: | |
Nor in her brest such furie did conceiue, | |
670 | Neither doth she now dred more greuous thing, |
Then folowed Sichees death: wherefore | |
She put her will in vre. But then the Quene. | |
When that the stak of wood was reared vp, | |
Under the ayre within the inward court | |
675 | With clouen oke, and billets made of fyrre, |
With garlandes, she doth all beset the place, | |
And with grene bows eke crown the funerall, | |
And therupon his wedes and swerd yleft, | |
And on a bed his picture she bestowes: | |
680 | As she that well foreknew what was to come. |
sig: [F3v] | |
The altars stande about, and eke the Nunne | |
With sparkeled tresse, the which thre hundred Gods | |
With a loude voice doth thunder out at once: | |
Erebus the grisely, and Chaos huge, | |
685 | And eke the threefolde Goddesse, Hecate |
And three faces of Diana the virgin, | |
And sprinkcles eke the water counterfet | |
Like vnto blacke Auernus lake in hell: | |
And springyng herbes reapt vp with brasen sithes | |
690 | Were sought after the right course of the Moone, |
The venim blacke intermingled with milke, | |
The lumpe of fleshe twene the new-borne foales eyen | |
To reue, that winneth from the damme her loue. | |
She with the mole all in her handes deuout mole: ="sacrificial cake", see OED s.v. mole, n4 | |
695 | Stode neare the aulter, bare of the one foote, |
With vesture loose, the bandes vnlaced all, | |
Bent for to dye, cals the Gods to recorde, | |
And gilty starres eke of her desteny. | |
And if there were any God that had care | |
700 | Of louers hartes not moued with loue alike, |
Him she requires of iustice to remember. | |
It was then night, the sounde and quiet slepe | |
Had through the earth the weried bodyes caught, | |
The woodes, the ragyng seas were falne to rest, | |
705 | When that the starres had halfe their course declined, |
The [f]eldes whist, beastes, and fowles of diuers hue, feldes] seldes 1557, feldes H | |
And what-so that in the brode lakes remainde, | |
Or yet among the bushy thickes of bryar, | |
Laide downe to slepe by silence of the night | |
710 | Gan swage their cares, mindlesse of trauels past. |
Not so the spirite of this Phenician: | |
Unhappy she that on no slepe could chance, | |
Nor yet nightes rest enter in eye or brest. | |
Her cares redoble: loue doth rise and rage againe, | |
715 | And ouerflowes with swellyng stormes of wrath. |
Thus thinkes she then, this roules she in her minde, | |
What shall I do? shall I now beare the scorne | |
For to assaye mine olde woers againe? | |
And humbly yet a Numid spouse require? | |
720 | Whose mariage I haue so oft disdayned? |
The Troyan nauy, and Teucrian vile commaundes | |
sig: [F4] | |
Folow shall I? as tho[u]gh it shoulde auaile, | |
That whilom by my helpe they were releued: | |
Or forbecause with kinde, and mindefull folke | |
725 | Right well doth sit the passed thankefull dede? |
Who would me suffer? (admit this were my will) | |
Or me scorned to their proude shippes receiue? | |
Oh, wo-begone: full little knowest thou yet, | |
The broken othes of Laomedons kinde. | |
730 | What then? alone on mery Mariners |
Shall I waite? or borde them with my power | |
Of Tyrians assembled me about? | |
And such as I with trauaile brought from Tyre, | |
Driue to the seas, and force them saile againe? | |
735 | But rather dye, euen as thou hast deserued: |
And to this wo, with iron geue thou ende. | |
And thou sister first vanquisht with my teares, | |
Thou in my rage with all these michiefes first | |
Didst burden me, and yelde me to my foe. | |
740 | Was it not graunted me from spousals free, |
Like to wilde beastes, to liue without offence, | |
Without taste of such cares? is there no fayth, | |
Reserued to the cinders of Sychee? | |
Such great complaints brake forth out of her brest: | |
745 | Whiles Aeneas full minded to depart, |
All thinges prepared, slept in the poupe on high. | |
To whom in slepe the wonted Godheds forme | |
Gan aye appere, returnyng in like shape | |
As semed him: and gan him thus aduise: | |
750 | Like vnto Mercury in voyce, and hue. |
With yelow bushe, and comely lymmes of youth. | |
O Goddesse sonne, in such case canst thou sleepe? | |
Ne yet bestraught the daungers doest forsee, bestraught: =distracted, distraught, see OED s.v. bestraught | |
That compasse thee? nor hearst the faire windes blowe? | |
755 | Dido in minde roules vengeance and desceite, |
Determd to dye, swelles with vnstable ire, Determd: =determined, see OED s.v. determ | |
Wilt thou not flee whiles thou hast time of flight? | |
Straight shalt thou see the seas couered with sayles, | |
The blasyng brondes, the shore all spred with flame, | |
760 | And if the morow steale vpon thee here: |
Come of, haue done, set all delay aside. | |
For full of change these women be alway. | |
sig: [F4v] | |
This sayd, in the dark night he gan him hide, | |
Aeneas of this sodain vision | |
765 | Adred starts vp out of his sleepe in hast, |
Cals vp his feers: awake get vp my men, | |
Abord your ships, and hoyse vp sayl with speede, hoyse: =hoist, see OED s.v. hoise | |
(A God me wills sent from aboue againe) | |
To hast my flight, and writhen cabels cut. | |
770 | Oh holy God, what-so thow art we shall |
Folow thee, and all blithe obey thy will: | |
Be at our hand, and frendly vs assist: | |
Adresse the sterres with prosperous influence. | |
And with that word his glistering sword vnshethes, | |
775 | With which drawen, he the cabels cut in twaine. |
The like desire the rest embraced all, | |
All-thing in hast they cast, and fourth they whurle, | |
The shores they leaue, with ships the seas ar spred, | |
Cutting the fome, by the blew seas they swepe. | |
780 | Aurora now from Titans purple bed, |
With new day-light hath ouerspred the earth, | |
When by her windowes the Quene the peping day | |
Espyed, and nauie with splaid sailes depart | |
The shore, and eke the porte of vessels voyde: | |
785 | Her comly brest thrise or foure times she smote |
With her own hand, and tore her golden tresse. | |
Oh Ioue (quoth she) shall he then thus depart | |
A straunger thus, and scorne our kingdome so? | |
Shall not my men do on theyr armure prest? | |
790 | And eke pursue them throughout all the town? |
Out of the rode sone shall the vessell warpe. warpe: "(of a ship) to move gradually forward as a result of being hauled along on a rope or 'warp'", see OED s.v. warp 25(b) | |
Hast on, cast flame, set sayle, and welde your owers. | |
What said I: but where am I? what phrensie | |
Alters thy minde? vnhappy Dido now | |
795 | Hath thee beset a froward destenie. |
Then it behoued, when thou didst geue to him | |
The scepter. [L]o his faith and his right hand, Lo] So 1557, Loe H | |
That leades with him (they say) his countrie godes, godes] goodes 1557, godes H | |
That on his back his aged father bore, | |
800 | His body might I not haue caught and rent? |
And in the seas drenched him. and his feers? | |
And from Ascanius his life with Iron reft, | |
And set him on his fathers bord for meate? | |
sig: G1 | |
Of such debate perchaunce the fortune might | |
805 | Haue bene doubtfull: would God it were assaied. |
Whom should I feare, sith I my-selfe must die? | |
Might I haue throwen into that nauy brandes, | |
And filled eke their deckes with flaming fire, | |
The father, sonne, and all their nacion | |
810 | Destroied, and falln my-self ded ouer al. |
Sunne with thy beames, that mortall workes discries, | |
And thou Iuno, that wel these trauailes knowest, | |
Proserpine thou, vpon whom folk do vse | |
To houle, and call in forked waies by night, | |
815 | Infernal furies, ye wreakers of wrong, |
And Didos Gods, who standes at point of death. | |
Receiue these wordes, and eke your heauy power | |
Withdraw from me, that wicked folk deserue, | |
And our request accept, we you beseche. | |
820 | If so that yonder wicked head must needes |
Recouer port, and saile to land of force | |
And if Ioues wil haue so resolued it, | |
And such ende set as no wight can fordoe, | |
Yet at the least asailed mought he be | |
825 | With armes, and warres of hardy nacions, |
From the boundes of his kingdom farre exiled, | |
Iulus eke rashed out of his armes | |
Driuen to call for helpe, that he may see | |
The giltles corpses of his folke lie dead: giltles] giltlesh 1557 | |
830 | And after hard condicions of peace, |
His realme, nor life desired may he brooke: | |
But fall before his time vngraued amid the sandes. | |
This I require, these wordes with blood I shed. | |
And T[i]rians, ye his stocke and all his race Tirians] Trians 1577, Tirians H | |
835 | Pursue with hate, rewarde our cinders so. |
No loue nor leage, betwixt our peoples be. | |
And of our bones, some wreaker may there spring, | |
With sword and flame that Troians may pursue: | |
And from hencefoorth when that our powr may stretch, | |
840 | Our co[s]tesletter broken to them contrary be for aye, |
I craue of God, and our streames to their fluddes, | |
Armes vnto armes, and ofspring of eche race | |
With mortal warr eche other may fordoe | |
This said, her mind she writhed on al sides, | |
sig: [G1v] | |
845 | Seking with spede to end her irksome life. |
To Sichees nurse Barcen then thus she said | |
(For hers at home in ashes did remaine) | |
Cal vnto me (deare nurse) my sister Anne: | |
Bid her, in hast in water of the fludde | |
850 | She sprinckle the body, and bring the beastes, |
And purging sacrifice, I did her shewe: | |
So let her come: and thou thy temples bind | |
With sacred garlandes: for the sacrifice, | |
That I to Pluto haue begonne, my mind | |
855 | Is to [p]erforme, and geue end to these cares: performe] herforme 1557, perfourme H |
And Troian statue throw into the flame. | |
When she had said, redouble gan her nurse | |
Her steppes, forth on an aged womans trot. | |
But trembling Dido egerly now bent | |
860 | Upon her sterne determinacion, |
Her bloodshot eies roling within her head: | |
Her quiuering chekes flecked with deadly staine, | |
Both pale and wan to think on death to come, | |
Into the inward wardes of her palace | |
865 | She rusheth in, and clam vp, as distraught, |
The buriall stack, and drew the Troian swerd | |
Her gift sometime, but ment to no such vse. | |
Where when she saw his weed, and wel-knowen bed, | |
Weping a while in study gan she stay, | |
870 | Fell on the bed, and these last words she said. |
Swete spoiles, whiles God and destenies it wold, | |
Receue this sprite, and rid me of these cares. | |
I liued, and ranne the course, fortune did graunt, | |
And vnder earth my great gost now shall wende. | |
875 | A goodly town I built, and saw my walles: |
Happy, alas to happy, if these costes | |
The Troyan shippes had neuer touched aye. | |
This said, she laid her mouth close to the bed. | |
Why then (quoth she) vnwroken shal we die? | |
880 | But let vs die for thus: and in this sort |
It liketh vs to seeke the shadowes darck. | |
And from the seas the cruel Troyans eies | |
Shall wel discern this flame, and take with him | |
Eke these vnlucky tokens of my death. | |
885 | As she had said, her damsell might perceue |
sig: [G2] | |
Her with these wordes fal pearced on a sword, | |
The blade embrued and hands besprent with gore | |
The clamor rang vnto the pallace-toppe, | |
The brute ranne throughout al th'astoined towne, | |
890 | With wailing great, and womens shril yelling, |
The roofes gan roare, the aire resound with plaint, | |
As though Cartage, or th'auncient town of Tyre | |
With prease of entred enemies swarmed full, | |
Or when the rage of furious flame doth take | |
895 | The temples toppes, and mansions eke of men. |
Her sister Anne, spritelesse for dread to heare | |
This fearefull sturre, with nailes gan teare her face, | |
She smote her brest, and rushed through the rout: | |
And her dieng she cleapes thus by her name: | |
900 | Sister, for this with craft did you me bourd? |
The stak, the flame, the altars, bred they this? | |
What shall I first complaine, forsaken wight? | |
Lothest thou in death thy sisters felowship? | |
Thou shouldst haue calld me to like destiny: | |
905 | One wo, one sword, one houre mought end vs both. |
This funerall stak built I with these handes, | |
And with this voice cleped our natiue Gods, | |
And cruel so absentest me from thy death? | |
Destroyd thou hast (sister) both thee and me, | |
910 | Thy people eke, and princes borne of Tyre. |
Geue, here I shall with water washe her woundes, | |
And suck with mouth her breath, if ought be left. | |
This said, vnto the high degrees shee mounted, | |
Embrasing fast her sister now half-dead, | |
915 | With wailefull plaint: whom in her lap she layd, |
The black swart gore wiping dry with her clothes. | |
But Dido striueth to lift vp againe | |
Her heauy eyen, and hath no power therto: | |
Deepe in her brest, that fixed wound doth gape. | |
920 | Thrise leaning on her elbow gan she raise |
Her-self, vpward: and thrise she ouerthrewe | |
Upon the bed: ranging with wandring eies | |
The skies for light, and wept when she it found. | |
Almighty Iuno hauing ruth by this | |
925 | Of her long paines, and eke her lingring death, |
From heauen she sent the Goddesse Iris downe, | |
sig: [G2v] | |
The throwing sprit, and iointed limmes to loose. throwing: ="struggling in death-agony", see OED throw, v.2 | |
For that neither by lot of destiny, | |
Nor yet by kindly death she perished: | |
930 | But wretchedly before her fatall day, |
And kindled with a sodein rage of flame: | |
Proserpine had not from her head bereft | |
The golden heare, nor iudged her to hell. | |
The dewye Iris thus with golden wings, | |
935 | A thousand hues shewing against the sunne, |
Amid the skies then did she flye adowne: | |
On Didos head, where-as she gan alight: | |
This heare (quod she) to Pluto consecrate. | |
Commaunded I reue, and thy spirit vnloose. | |
940 | From this body: And when she thus had said, |
With her right hand she cut the heare in twaine: | |
And therwith al the kindly heat gan quench? | |
And into wind the life foorthwith resolue. | |
Finis. |
Imprinted at London in flete_strete within Temple_barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre, by Richard_Tottell the .xxi. day of Iune. An. 1557. |