The Voice of the Last Trumpet

Crowley, Robert

STC 6094
Ringler 6094 and TP 2269 ('Who so would that all thinges were well'), also TP 976 ('It please mine Autor...' [envoy]). Ed. J.M. Cowper, EETS es 15 (1872), 53-104 [STC 6095]. UMI microfilm reel 133

The voyce of the laste trumpet blowen bi the seuenth angel wherin are contayned xii. lessons to twelue seueral estates of menne
London: [Richard Grafton for] Robert Crowley,1549.

Composition Date: 1549? [STC].

Nee: =Nehemiahbleare: see OED s.v. blear v1, 3 Ephe .v. Luke .xix.
sig: [A1]
¶The voyce of the laste trumpet blowen bi the seuenth Angel as is mentioned in the eleuenth of the Apocalips, callynge al the estates of menne to the right path of their vocation, wherin are contayned .xii. lessons to twelue seueral estates of menne, whych if they learne and folowe, al shal be well and nothynge amise.

¶The voyce of one criyng in the deserte. Luke .iii.

¶Make ready the Lordes way. Make hys pathes strayte. Euery valey shal be fylled, and euerye mountayne and little hyll made lowe. And thyngs that be croked shal be made straight and harde passages shal be turned into playne wayes, and al fleshe shal se the health of God.

Esai .xl
sig: [A1v]

The contentes of thys boke.

i.The Beggers lessone.
ii.The Seruau[n]tes lesson.
iii.The Yeomans lesson.
iiii.The Lewde priestes lesson.
v.The Scholers lesson.
vi.The Learned mans lesson.
vii.The Phisicians lesson
viii.The Lawiers lesson.
ix.The marchauntes lesson.
xThe Gentilmans lesson.
xi.The Maiestrates lesson.
xii.The Womans lesson.

sig: A2
WHo-so would that all thinges were well,
And would him-selfe be wythout blame:
Let him giue eare, for I will tell,
The way how to performe the same.

5 Fyrste walke in thy vocation,
And do not seke thy lotte to chaunge:
For through wicked ambition,
Mani mens fortune hath bene straunge

¶The Beggers lesson.

IF God haue laied his hande on the,
And made the low in al mens sighte:
Content thy-selfe with that degre,
And se thou walke therin vpright.

5 If thou I saye, be very poore,
And lacke thine health, or any limme:
No doubte God hath inough in store
For the if thou wylt truste in him.

If thou wilt trust in him I say,
10 And continue in patience:
No doubte he wyll fede the alwaye,
By hys mercifull prouidence. Esai .xl.

Call thou on hym, and he wyll moue,
The hertes of them that dwell the bye:
15 To giue the such thynges for hys loue
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As serue for thy necessitie.

When Daniel was in the denne
Of Lions, hauing nought to eate:
Abacucke was sent to him then,
20 With a pot of potage and meate. Dani .xiiii.

And when Elias fled awaye,
From Ahab and quene Iesabell:
The Rauens fedde him by the way,
As the story of kynges doeth tel. iii Reg .xvii.

25 And as kinge Dauid doeth recorde,
The Rauens birdes lefte in the nest:
Are when they crye fedde of the Lord
Though they know not to make request Psal .cxlvii.

Trust thou therfore in God aboue,
30 And cal on him with confidence:
And doubtles he wil mens hertes moue
To fede the of beneuolence. Psa xxxii.

But if at any time thou lacke,
Thinges nedeful, yet do not despayre:
35 As though the Lord did the forsake,
Or did to the displeasure beare. Hebru xii. Apoca .iii.

But in such case call to thy mind
What plenty God hath to the sent
And thou shalt wel perceiue and find
40 That thou hast many thinges mispent. Iob .xiii.

Then thinke Gods iustice could not leaue
The vnplaged for that thou hast:
Mispente the gyftes thou didst receiue,
To liue vpon and not to waste. Sapi .x.

45 Then must thou nedes giue god glory,
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For his vpright and iust iudgement:
And be moste earnestly sory,
For that thou hast his giftes mispent. Luke .xv.

But if thou find thy conscience cleare
50 As fewe men can I am right sure:
Then let Iobs trouble be thi chere,
That thou maist paitently endure,

Yea though thou shouldest perishe for fode
Yet beare thy crosse patientely:
55 For the ende shall turne to thy good,
Though thou lye in the streates and dye. Luke .xiiii. Math .v. Psa ix.

Pore Lazarus died at the gate,
Of the riche man (as Luke doth tel)
But afterwarde in rest he sate
60 When the riche glutton was in hel. Luke .xvi.

S[t]ay thou thy-selfe therfore vpon letter defective
These examples confortable:
And doubtles thy vocation
Thou shalt not thinke miserable Mat .xi.

65 Neither shalt thou grudge or repyne,
That thy pouertie is so greate:
But shalt thy-selfe euer encline,
To Goddes wyll who doeth the viset.

Thou shalt not grudge, when thou doeste craue
70 Of any man his charitie:
Though at his hand thou canst nought haue
But shalt praye for him hertely.

That if he haue this worldely riches, worldely] worldes 1550
And yet hath not Godly pitye. i Iho .v.
75 The spirite of God will him possesse:
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And teach hym to knowe hys duty. Math .xxii

Thus doing thou dost walke vpryght
In thy callynge thou maist be sure:
And arte more preciouse in Gods sight,
80 Then men that be ryche paste measure. Luke .xx. Act x. Rom ii.

Thus leaue I the in thy callinge,
Exhortynge the therin to stande:
And doubtles at thy laste endynge,
Thou shalt be crowned at Gods hand. ii. Timo .ii. Iob .iii.

¶The Seruauntes lesson.

85 BRother come hither vnto me,
And learne some parte of discipline:
For I am sent to enstruct the,
And teach the some Godly doctrine.

I am sente to call the I saye,
90 Backe from thy stoute and stubburne mind:
Take hede therefore, and beare away
Such lessons as thou shalt here finde.

Fyrste considre that thy callynge,
Is to do seruice and obey:
95 All thy maisters lawfull biddynge,
Bearinge that he shall on the laye. Luke .xvii.

If he be cruel vnto the,
And ouer_charge the with laboure:
Call to the Lorde, and thou shalte be,
100 Shortely out of his cruell power.

Remembre thou Iacobs kynred,
That in Egypt were sore opprest:
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But when they were moste hard bested,
The Lord brought them to quiet rest. Exod .i.

105 They coulde not crye so sone but he,
Had heard and graunted their requeste: Exodi .iii.
And ryght so will he do by the,
And se all thy great wronges redrest.

He will I saye deliuer the,
110 Out of bondage and seruitude.
And brynge to passe that thou shalt be,
Maister of a greate multitude. Math .xxv.

And bicause thou didst walke vpright
Shewynge thy-selfe obedient:
115 Thy seruauntes shal haue still in sight,
The feare of God omnipotent. Math .vii. and .xiiii.

And like seruice as thou hast done,
Thou shalt haue done to the agayne:
For sence the worlde was firste begone
120 Neuer true seruaunt lost his payne.

Iacob serued full fourtene yere,
And dealt truly with his maister:
As in the Bible doth appeare,
And was exceadinge riche after. Gene .xxix.

125 Fourtene yere he serued Laban,
Who was made riche by his labour:
But afterwarde Iacob began,
To groue to muche greater honour, groue: =grow

Laban was neuer of such might
130 As Iacob was wythin shorte space:
For his true seruice in Gods sight,
Had purchast hym fauour and grace.

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Thus seest thou how god doth regard
The good seruice of seruauntes true
135 And howe he doth in them reward
The seruice that is but their due

It forceth not what maner man
Thy maister is, so that thou be:
In thy seruice a christian,
140 Doynge as Christ commaundeth the i. Peter .ii.

But if thy maister be wicked,
And woulde haue the do wyckedly:
Then se that thy fayth be pitched
On thy Lord God most constauntly

145 Call to thy minde good Daniel,
Who serued his prince fayethfully
Notwithstandynge he was cruel
And eke his Lorde Gods enemy.

Serue him truly I say, for-why,
150 God hath bade that thou sholdest do so:
But do thou nothinge wickedly,
Neither for well nor yet for wo.

Se thou serue him as faythfully,
As he were thy Lord, and thy God:
155 Not with eye-seruice faynedly,
Neither for the feare of the rodde. Colo .iii. Ephe .vi.

But for the conscience thou dost bear,
To thy Lorde Gods commaundement.
That is for loue and not for feare,
160 Of any worldely punishmente.

Do thus and then thou shalt be sure.
Thy Lord wil euer prospere the:
sig: [A5]
And at his good will and pleas[u]re,
Thou shalt not misse to be made fre.

165 But if thou wilt be still sturdy,
And do thy seruice wyth grudging:
The Lord shal plage the worthely,
With manifolde kindes of scourginge.

Thou shalt be put to drudgery,
170 Many a daye, ma_grea thine head:
And be kepte still in slauery,
Al thy life-dayes till thou be dead.

And if thou chaunce to renne awaye,
Either thou shalt be brought agayne:
175 Or else when thou doest chaunce to stay,
A worse maister shall the retayne.

Once thou shalt be certayne of this,
That if thou refuse thy callinge:
Of miserie thou shalte not misse,
180 Though thou escape sodayne fallinge.

Yea though thou do prospere a while
And seme to haue fortune thy frende:
Yet thou doest but thy-selfe begile,
For misery shall be thyne ende.

185 For as thou didest thy master serue,
So shall al thy seruauntes serue the:
And as thou didst hys goodes preserue
So shall thy goodes preserued be.

And beside this Gods wrath is bent,
190 Towarde the for disobedience:
Wherefore vnles thou do repent
He wyl adde therto vehemence.

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He wyl plage the here wonderously,
And at the ende cast the in payne:
195 Where thou shalt lye eternally,
And wysshe to be a slaue agayne.

Repent therfore, I the aduise,
And seke thine owne saluation:
And then thou muste in any wise
200 Walke still in thy vocation.

Do thy seruice diligently,
And shewe no disobedience:
Be thou not stoute, but stil apply,
And do all thynges with reuerence.

205 Refuse nothing that must be done,
But do it with all redines:
And when thou hast it once begone.
Then set a_syde all slouthfulnes.

Be true, trustye, and triste not,
210 Be gentle and obediente:
And blessyng shall lyght on thy lot,
For doynge Gods commaundement.

To make an ende haue still in minde,
Thine estate and condition:
215 And let thine herte be still enclinde,
To walke in thy vocation.

¶The Yeomans lesson.

THou that art borne the ground to till,
Or for to laboure wyth thyne hande:
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If thou wylt do nought that is yl,
220 Desire not idle for to stande.

But se thou do plowe, plante, and sowe,
And do thy nedeful busines:
As one that doeth his duty knowe
And wyl not the Lords wil traunsgres.

225 For what doest thou if thou desire,
To be a lorde or gentilman:
Other then heape on the Gods yre,
And shewe thy-selfe no christian?

For Christes shepe do heare his voyce
230 Whyche biddeth the worke busily: Iohn .x.
Sixe dayes, and in the seauenth reioyce
And giue somewhat to the neady. Exod .xx.

It doeth also bid the beware,
Of the desire to be alofte:
235 For he that doeth for honour care,
Falleth in Sathans snares full ofte.

Haue minde therfore thy-selfe to hold
With[in] the boundes of thy degre: letters broken
And then thou maist euer be bold
240 That God thy lord wil prosper the.

And though the Lord giue the plenty
Of corne, cattel, and other thinge: Prou .xxiii.
Be thou neuer the more gredy
Nor set thy minde on gatheringe. Psal .lxii.

245 But thinke the Lord doth these thinges send
To the as to his stuard true:
That wilt not his goodes wast and spend,
But bestowe them where they be due.

sig: [A6v]
And if with thy labour thou get
250 Money much more then thou dost nede:
Do not thy minde on rayment set
Neither on deinty fode to fede.

Set not (I say) thy minde on pride,
Neither vpon deliciouse fare:
255 Neither forget at any tide,
To giue the pore that thou maist spare.

But when thou hast sufficient,
Of fode and honest apparaile:
Then holde thy-selfe therewith content
260 As with the wage of thy trauaile. i. Timo .vi.

The rest if ought remaine vnspent,
Vpon thine owne necessitie)
Bestowe as he that hath it sent,
Hath in his worde commaunded the.

265 And if thou finde not written there,
That thou maist heape thy chest with gold
To bye greate liuelode for thine heyre.
Howe darest thou then be so bold?

Howe darest thou be bolde I say,
270 To heape vp so muche goulde in store:
Out of the due that thou shouldest paye,
To them that be pore, sycke and sore?

Wo be to them sayeth Esai,
That heape togither house and Land:
275 As men that woulde neuer finde staye,
Til al the earth were in their hand. Esai .v.

What wil ye dwel alone sayeth he)
Vpon the earth that is so wyde?
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Wyll you leaue no parte thereof fre
280 From your vnsaciable pride?

Ye nede not to be so gready,
For the Lord doeth you plainely tell:
That greate houses shall stande empty,
And no man left therin to dwell.

285 And Moses saith that thou shalt build
Houses and neuer dwell therin:
Thy-selfe nor leaue them to thy chylde.
Nor any other of thy kynne. Deu .xxviii.

And why? because thou hast no mynd
290 To kepe the lordes commaundement.
But sekest euer for to fynde.
Wayes to encrease thyne yerely rent.

No maner threatnynge can the let.
From purchasinge the deuel and all
295 It is all fyshe that cometh to net.
To mayntayne thy great pryde with-al

Well turne agayne I the aduise.
And l[e]arne to walke in thine estate: letter broken
And set goddes feare before thyne eyes.
300 Leste when thou woldest it be to late.

And haue in thy mynde euermore,
This rule of thy profession:
Whyche is in-dede gods holy lore.
To walke in thy vocation. i. Cor .vii

305 But if the Lord do the not blesse,
In thy labours wyth greate plenty
Yet thanke thou him neuer-the-lesse
Thou hast more then thou art worthy.

sig: [A7v]
If thy Landlorde do rayse thy rent
310 Se thou pay it wyth quietnes:
And pray to God omnipotent,
To take from hym his cruelnes.

So shalt thou heap coles on his head
And purchase to thy-selfe great rest.
315 By the same man thou shalt be fedde,
By whom thou wast before opprest

For God who ruleth ech mans herte,
Shal turne thy Landlordes hert I say:
And shall al his whole life conuert
320 So that he shall be thy greate stay.

Or els if he be not worthy,
To be called to repentaunce:
No doubte thy Lorde wyll him destroy,
Or take from him hys heritaunce.

325 Sure thou shalt be he wyll the set
Fre from thy Landlordes tyranny:
For he did neuer yet forget
Any that walked orderly.

But if thou wilt nedes take in hande
330 Thyne owne wronge for to remedy:
The Lorde him-selfe wyll the withstande,
And make thy Landlord more gredye
And where before thou paiedst greate rent
335 Thou shalt now lose thy house and al:
Bicause thou couldst not be content
Wyth patience on him to call.

In like sort if thy prince wyl take,
More tribute then thou canst well spare:
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340 Se thou pay it him, for Gods sake,
Whose officers all princes are. Math .xii.

For in his nede boeth thou and thine,
Are his to maintaine his estate:
It is not for the to define,
345 What great charges thy kinge is at.

Yea though thou se euidently,
That he wasteth much more then nede:
Yey pay thy dutye willyngely,
And doubtles God shall be thy mede.

350 Nowe touchynge thy religion,
If thy prince do commaunde the ought:
Agaynst Gods Euangelion,
Then pray for hym still in thy thought.

Praye for him still, I say that he
355 May haue Godly vnderstandinge:
To teach Gods word to such as be,
Committed to his gouerninge.

And se thou do not him despise,
But answere him wyth reuerence:
360 And thoughe thou mightest, yet in no wise,
Do thou forget obedience.

Take not his swerd out of hys hand,
But lay thy necke downe vnder it:
(Yea though thou mightest his force withstande)
365 For so to do for the is fit. Rom .xiii.

Thy master Christ hath taught the wel
When he woulde no resistence make:
Neither against the powers rebell
When men were sent him for to take. Math .xxvi.

sig: [A8v]
370 Yet if the Lord haue geuen to the
Such knowledge that thou art certaine
Of thy fayeth knowynge it to be
Of the trueth do therin remaine.

For thoughe man may thy bodye kyll
375 Yet oughtest thou not him to feare:
For he can do thy soule none yll.
Wherfore be bold do not dispaire. Mat x.

Be bolde I say Christ to confesse
Without feare of this worldly paine.
380 For when thou shalt be in distresse
Christ shall acknowledge the againe. Mat .x.

Christe shall acknowledge the I say
If thou conquere by sufferyng: Luke .xxi.
And do thy-selfe hereupon staye,
385 That thou must walke in thy callyng

But if thou do lyfte vp thy sworde
Agaynst thy kynge and Souerayne:
Then art thou iudged by Gods word,
As worthy therwith to be slayne. Math xxvi

390 Yea, thou maist not grudge or repine
Agaynst thy kynge in any wyse
Though thou shouldst se plaine with thyne eyen
That he were wicked past al sise

For it is God that appoynteth,
395 Kinges and rulers ouer the route:
And with his power he anoynteth
Them for to be obeyed no doubte Proue .viii.

If they be euel, then thinke thy sinne,
Deserueth that plage at Gods hande: Nee .ix. Nee: =Nehemiah

sig: B1
400 And se thou do forth-wyth begynne
Thine owne wyckednes to withstande.

Corah and dathan did Rebell,
And thought that thei them-selues coulde point
A better priest in Israell,
405 Then Aaron whom god did annoynte Nom .xvi.

But what came of their fantasie?
Was not destruction their ende?
God dyd destroye them sodenly
Because they would his workes emende.

410 Let thys example suffice the.
To kepe the in obedience
To suche as god shall set to be
Ouer the in preeminence.

If thou do thus, thou shalt be sure
415 That god thy lorde wyl euer se
That though thy rulars be not pure
Yet they shal euer defend the.

Contrary-wyse, if thou Rebel.
Be sure the lorde wyll the destroye
420 Which thing hath bene declared well.
Within thys realme verye lately.

For notwithstandinge that our kyng
And eke our rulars euerychone
Be merciful in their doynge
425 Yet haue the Rebelles cause to mo[n]e.

And why? because no rebelles shall
Escape goddes hand vnpunished
For god him-selfe doeth princes cal
Hys Christes and his annoynted.

sig: [B1v]
430 Who-so therfore doth them resist
The same resisteth God certaine
For god him-selfe doeth them assist
Agaynste them ouer whom they raigne. Roma .xiii.

If thou therfore fynd the greued
435 Wyth men set in authoritye.
Seke not thou to be auenged
But let God take vengeaunce for the. Eccle .xxviii.

Let me take vengaunce sayth the lord
And I wil paye them al their hyre Rom iii.
440 Do thus and scripture doeth recorde
That thou shalt haue all thy desyre.

Thou shalt haue thy desire, I say
Vpon the wycked maiestrate
If thou wylt kepe thy-selfe alway
445 Within the boundes of thyne estate,

Thus leaue I the, wyth threatenyng
To the thy soules damnacion
If thou mislikynge thy callynge
Wylt nedes chayng thy vocation. chayng: =change

The lewde or vnlearnned priestes lesson.

450 THou that arte lewde wythout learnyng
Whom communly men cal syr Iohn,
Geue care for I wyl say somethynge
Concerning thy vocation.

Thou art a man voyde of knowledge
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455 And eke of all good qualities
Only mete for to diche and hedge
Or else to plant and graffe mens tres.

Thou art not as thou wouldest be calde
An offerar of sacrifice
460 For though thy crowne were .iiii. times balde
Yet canst thou not so b[l]eare our eies. bleare] beare 1549, bler 1550bleare: see OED s.v. blear v1, 3

For it is playne in holy write
That none can offer sacrifice
For synne, either in flesh or spirite
465 Though he be both learned and wyse. Hebru ix

For Christ was once offered for al
To satisfie for all our synne
And hath made fre that erst were thrall
The faythful floke of Iacobes kinne.

470 To offer sacrifice therfore
Thou arte not cald I tell the playne
For Christe lyueth for euer-more
And can no more for vs be slayne. Rom .vi.

Thy state therfore and thy callinge
475 Is none other but for to wyrcke Gene .iii. Iob .v.
And not to lyue by forstalling
And name thy-selfe one of the kyrcke

If thou therfore wylt liue for aye
And reigne wyth Christ for euer-more
480 Desyre no moe masses to say
But get thy fode with laboure sore.

Geue ouer all thy typpillinge Ephe .iiii.
Thy tauerne gates, and table-playe
Thy cardes, thy dice and wine-bibbling bibbling] bibyng 1550 Ephe .v.

sig: [B2v]
485 And learne to walke a sober waye

And if thou haue any liueing
So that thou nedest not to laboure
Se thou apply the to learninge
Wyth al diligent endeuour. i Timo iiii.

490 But to this ende se thou studie
That when thou hast the trueth learned
Thou maiste profit other therby
Whom in time past thou hast harmed.

And se thou go not Idlely
495 From house to house to seke a place
To say men a Masse secretly
Their fauour therby to purchase.

Put not the ignorant in hope
That they shall se al vp againe
500 That hath bene brought in by the Pope
And al the preachars put to payne.

But if thou canst do any good
In teaching of an A.B.C.
A primer or else Robinhede
505 Let that be good pastime for the

Be euer doyng what thou can
Teaching or learnyng some good thing
And then lyke a good Christian.
Thou doest walke forth in thy callinge.

510 But if thou wylt knoweledge reiecte
And al honest labours refuse
Then arte thou none of goddes elect
But art worsse then the cursed Iewes. Roma vi.

Repent therfore I the aduise
sig: [B3]
515 And take wholesome counsel by_tyme
And take good hede in any wyse
That knowledge double not thy crime.

Thus leaue I the, makyng promise
To make for the peticion
520 That thou mayst leaue th[y] popishnes thy] the 1549, thy 1550
And walke in thy vocation.

The Scholars lesson.

COme hither yonge man vnto me
Thou that arte broughte vp in learnyng.
Geue eare a whyle, I wyll teache the.
525 How thou shalt walke in thy callyng.

First marke wherfore scholes were erect
And what the foundars dyd intend
And then do thy studie directe
For to attayne vnto that ende.

530 Doubtlesse this was al their meaning
To haue their contrie furnished.
Wyth all kindes of honest learninge
Whereof the publike wealth had nede.

Call thou therefore to memory,
535 What knowledge thy contrey doeth: lacke
And apply the same earnestly,
By al the meanes that thou canst make

And when thou arte determined
What knowledge thou wilt most apply
540 Then let it not be loytered.
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But seke to get it spedily.

Spend not thy tyme in Idlenes.
Nor in vayne occupacyon
But do thy-selfe wholely addresse
545 To walke in thy vocation.

Se thou do not thy mynde so set
On any kynde of exercise:
That it be either stay or let
To thy studie in an[y] wise. any] an 1549, ani 1550

550 To fyshe, to foule, to hunt or halke
Or on an instrument to playe
And some-whyles to comune and talke
No man is able to gayne_saye.

To shote, to bawle, or caste the barre
555 To playe tenise or tosse the ball
Or [t]o renne base lyke men of war letter broken
Shall hurte thy study nought at al.

For all those thynges do recreate
The mynd if thou canste hold the meane
560 But if thou be affectionate
Then doste thou lose thy study [cl]eane. letters broken

And at the last thou shalt be founde
To occupye a place only
As do in Agtime ziphras rounde. Agtime ziphras?: Agime ziphres 1550
565 And to hinder learnyng greatly

For if thou hadst not the lyueyng
An-other should that wold apply
Him-selfe to some kynde of learnynge
To profite his contrey therby.

570 If thou therfore wylle not be founde
Worthy goddes indignation
sig: B4
Make thy studie perfect and sounde
And walke in thy vocation.

Let not tyme passe idelly
575 Lose not the fruite of any houre
Or else suffer him to supply
Thy place that wyll hym endeuoure

Thou doest but rob the commone-wealth
Of one that would be a treasure
580 Better thou were to lyue by stelth
Then for to worcke suche displeasure.

But haply thou wilt say agayne
Shall I surrender my lyuynge?
Shall I not thervpo[n] remayne
585 After I haue gotten learnynge?

Yesse thou maist kepe thy liueyng styl
Tyll thou be called otherwise
But if thou wylt regard goddes wyll
Thou must thy-selfe styll exercise. Luke .xix.

590 When thou arte thorowly learned
Then se thou teache other thy skyll
If thou wylt not be reconed
For a seruaunt wycked and Ill seruaunt] seruaunat 1549 Luke .xix.

Teach them, I say, that thou doest se
595 Wyllinge to learne thy discipline
And vnto them se thy lyfe be
A boke to laye before theyr eine.

Let them neuer se the Idle
Nor heare the talke vndiscretly
600 And by all the meanes possible
sig: [B4v]
Let all thy doinges edifye. Roma iiii.

Th[u]s leaue I the, wyshinge that thou letter broken
Maist by this admonition
Hensfarth desier (as I do nowe)
605 To walke in thy vocacion.

The learned mans lesson.

THou learned man, do not disdayne,
To learne at me a symple wight
Thy greate abuses to restraine
And in thy callyng to walke right.

610 Thou arte a man that sittest hie
In the simple mens conscience
To lyue therefore dissolutely
Thou shouldest be vnto them offence.

Offence, I saye, for they should thinke
615 All that thou doest to be godly
Wherfore do not at this thyng wyncke
But do emend it spedely

Emend thy wicked lyfe I saye
And be (in dede) a perfect light
620 As Christe our sauiour doeth say
And let thy workes shyne in mens sight Math .v.

For it is thy vocation
To leade other the ready way
How great abominacion
625 Arte thou then if thou go astraye? .i. Corh ix.

But therin lieth the whole matter
sig: [B5]
To knowe which waye thou shouldest them leade
Wherfore I wil the not flatter
But tel the trueth wythouten dreade.

630 Thou must thy-selfe humiliate,
And acknowledge thy wicked synne
And striue to enter the straite gate
Where fewe men do fynde a waie in Math .vii.

Thys way thou canst not walke so long
635 As thou wylt trauayle sea and land
And frame al the wordes of thy tonge
To get promocion at mans hand.

Thou must humble thy-selfe I say
And not aye seke to be alo[f]t, aloft] alost 1549, alofte 1550
640 For he that walketh in rough way
And loketh hie, stumbleth ful ofte.

Thou muste acknowledge that thou arte
Through synne vnworthy thine estate
And that thy discipline and arte
645 Can not bringe the in at that gate.

Thou must, I saye, striue to enter
And not to get promotion
Thy life thou must put in venter venter: =venture
For Christes congregation. Ihon .x.

650 How dost thou walke in thys calling
When thy mind is earnestly bent:
To gather vp eche mans fallynge,
By all the waies thou canste inuent?

Geue eare I say, therfore thou fole,
655 And learne thy first lesson againe: Math vii
Enter into Gods holi schole.
sig: [B5v]
And do not hys doctryne disdayne.

He wylleth the fyrst to apply
Thy mynde to knoweledge and to take
660 The greate beame out of thyne own eye
And thyne abuses to forsake. Luke .vi.

And then he woulde that in no wyse
Thou shouldest be slacke or negligent
To pycke the motes out of mens eyes
665 Teachyng them how they should repent

If thou wylt that they do repent
Repent thou fyrst, that they may see
That the whole some of thyne intente
Is to make them like vnto the. Tite .ii.

670 For if thou wylt them to refraine
Murther, thefte, whoredome and Incest
If they se these thynges in the raygne
They wyll all thy doctryne deteste.

If thou forbyd them gluttony
675 And wyll them the flesh for to tame
They wyll defie the vtterly
If they se the not do the same.

If thou tell them of apparayle
Or of ought wherin is excesse.
680 Then wil they saye, thou doest but raile
Vnlesse thou be therin falt[l]esse. faltlesse] faltnesse 1549

What shouldest thou speake of vsurie,
When thou doest take vnlawful gaine?
Or rebuke men for Simonie.
685 When nothyng else doeth in the raygne

Maye not the lay-man falsly saye,
sig: [B6]
I learned of the to by and sel,
Benefices, which to this day
Thou canst put in practise ful wel?

690 Whye should not I, as wel as thou
Haue benifices two or thre?
Sence thou hast taught me the way how
I may kepe them and blamlesse be?

I can set one to serue the cure
695 That shall excel the in learninge
More then thou dost me I am sure
And also in godly lyueynge:

I can kepe hospitalitye
And geue as much vnto the pore
700 In one yere as thou doest in thre
And wyl performe it wyth the more

A_las that euer we shoulde se
The flocke of Christ thus bought and solde
Of them that should the shepperdes be
705 To leade them salfly to the fold. salfly: =safely

Repent this thinge I the aduise
And take the to one cure alone
And se that in most faythfull wyse
Thou walke in thy vocation.

710 Then shal no laye-man say by ryghte
That he learneth hys mysse of the
For it is playne in ech mans syght
That thou doest walke in thy degre.

More-ouer, if thou chaunce to be
715 Made a prelate of highe estate
To thine office loke that thou se
sig: [B6v]
And leaue not thy flock desolate.

And fyrst before all other thynges
Seke thou to fynde good ministers
720 And appoynt them honest lyueynges
To be the peoples enstructers. [i] Timo .v. i] 1549 omits i] 1549 omits

Let none haue care wythin thy See
In whom any great vyce doth raygne
For wher mysslyueyng curates be
725 The people are not good certayne. [i] Timo .v. i] 1549 omits i] 1549 omits

And for them al that do perish
Through thy defalte, thou shalt answer zech .xxxiii.
Wherfore I do the admonish
To loke ernestly to thys geare.

730 Loke vnto it thy-selfe I saye
And trust not to a trifellar
That wyl allowe al that wyl paye
So[me]what vnto the regester. Somewhat] Sonne what 1549, Somewhat 1550

So that they do enstructe the youth
735 Of ech parrishe diligently
And trayne them vp in the lordes truth
So much as in theyr powre shal lye.

Nowe if so be thou be called
To be thy princes councellour
740 Be ware thou be not corrupted
By the vayne desyre of honour.

Be not carefull howe for to holde
Thy-selfe styl in authoritie
But to speake truth be euer bolde
745 Accordyng to goddes veritie

Wyncke not at faltes that thou shalt se
sig: [B7]
Though it be in thy Souerayne
But do as it becometh the
Exhorte him al vice to refraine.

750 If thou perceiue him ignorant
In any poynte of his dutye
Se thou do him not checke or taunt
But tel him wyth sobrietie.

Tel hym his falt, I say, playnly.
755 And yet wyth al submission,
Lest thou do seme to speake vainly.
For_gettynge thy vocation.

Thus haue I told the as I would
Be told if I were in thy place.
760 To the intent that no man should
Haue cause to tell the to thy face.

Thus do I leaue the wyth wyshynge
To the a wyl for to aduaunce
Goddes glorye by godly learnynge
765 And not thy lyueyng to enhaunce.

¶The Phisitians lesson.

GEue care maister Phisition,
And set a_side thyne vrinal:
And that with expedition
For I the last trumpet do cal

770 Geue care I say, and marke me well.
And printe al my wordes in thy minde:
For eche thynge that I shall the tell
Thou shalt both true and certaine fynd.

God made the to succour mans nede.
sig: [B7v]
775 As Iesus_Sirach wrytteth playne Eccle .xxxviii.
But by due pro[u]fe we know in-ded letter broken
That many thousandes thou hast slaine.

But nowe am I sent from the kyng
Of powre and domination
780 To call the from thy murtherynge
To walke in thy vocation.

Fyrst where thou dydest hertofore vse
To haue respect to the ryche man
I would not nowe thou shouldest refuse
785 To helpe the pore man if thou can.

Helpe him I saye thoughe [he] be poore he] it 1549, he 1550
And hath nothynge wherewyth to paye
For his maister hath yet in store
A crowne for him at the last day. Iacob .ii.

790 And if thou do on him thy cure
For his sake that gaue herbes their strength
Thou shalt vndoubtedly be sure
He wyl rewarde the at the length

This maister of his doth regard
795 Mercye so much that he hath told
Al his that thei shal haue reward
For geueynge water thin and coulde. Matt .ix.

And thynkest thou that he wyl not
Reward them that geue medicine?
800 Thou hast no suche mistrust I wot
In his promi[se] that is diuyne. promise] promies 1549, promise 1550

I say therefore if thou canst cure
The pore mans sore or maladie
Of thy reward thou shalt be sure
sig: [B8]
805 If thou wylt shew on hym mercye,

But if thou suffer him to lacke
Thine healpe because he lacketh goulde
No doubt when thou shalt a_compt make
Thy confidence shalbe ful colde.

810 Then shewe thy writting if thou can
Wheron thou bearest the so bolde.
That thou wylt viset no sicke man
That cannot ly[n]e thy pursse with gould

Bringe forth thy writting then, I say
815 If thou haue any such in store
Whereby thou mayst require ech daye
A noble of goulde, or else more.

And shew by what ryght thou maist take
Two pense for the syght of water
820 When thou knowest not therby to make
The sycke man one farthyng better.

Yea if a man should try the wel
To proue what thy countyng can do
He should fynde that thou canst not tell
825 Whether the man be sycke or no.

I graunt the water sheweth something
But not so much as thou dost crake
Neyther is thy labour condyg[n]e
That thou shouldest money for it take.

830 But if so be thou canst espye.
By the water what is a_mysse
Teache hym how to seke remedie
And worthy some reward that is.

But if thou do but gesse, as doth
sig: [B8v]
835 The blynd man that doth cast hys staffe
Though thou by chaunce hit one the soth one: =on
Thy labour is sc[ar]se worthy c[h]af[f]e. scarse] scrase 1549, scase 1550; chaffe] crafe 1549, chaffe 1550

Thou doest but gesse money to wyne
And with straunge wordes make men agast
840 And yet thou thynckest it no synne
To cause pore men theyr goodes to wast.

But nowe I saye to the, repent
And do thy-selfe hensforth employe
To vse the gyft God hath the sente
845 To the profyt of thy contreye.

Let not lucre make the professe
Before thy knowledge be perfect
For he that ministreth by gesse
Shal not so sone heale as infect.

850 Apply the earnestly therfore
To get phisickes perfection,
That thou maiest ease the sicke and sore
And remedy infection.

And shut not vp thine helpe from such
855 As stand in most nede of the same:
And certes thou shalte gayne as muche
By them as by men of greate fame,

For God hym-selfe hath promised
To make for them a recompence:
860 Wherefore doubte not to be paied,
Both for thy labour and expence. Math .xxvi. Luke .x.

But if thou wilt not take my read, read: =rede
But folowe after lucre styll:
I wyll put the out of all dreade,
sig: C1
865 Thy last rewarde shalbe full yll.

For when cruel death shal the stynge,
And thy lyfe from the seperate:
Then shalt thou se thou hast nothing,
Thy silly soule to recreate.

870 Wherfore I must nedes greatly fear
That in that extreme Agony:
Thou wilt of Gods mercy dispayre
And so perishe eternally.

Take hede therfore, take hede bi_time
875 Let not slyppe thys occasion:
But spedely repent thy crime,
And walke in thy vocation.

¶The Lawyers lesson.

NOw come hither thou manne of lawe,
And marcke what I shall to the saye:
880 For I entende the for to drawe,
Out of thy most vngodly waye.

Thy callyng is good and Godly,
If thou wouldest walke therin arighte.
But thou art so passynge gready,
885 That Gods feare is out of thy sight.

Thou climest so to be alofte,
That thy desire can haue no stay:
Thou hast forgotten to go softe
Thou art so hasty on thy way.

890 But nowe I call the to repent,
sig: [C1v]
And thy gredines to forsake
For Gods wrath is agaynst the bent
If thou wylt not my warnynge take.

Fyrste call vnto thy memory
895 For what cause the lawes were fyrste made
And then apply the busily,
To the same ende to vse thy trade.

The lawes were made vndoubtedlye
That all such men as are opprest:
900 Might in the same fynde remedy
And leade their lyues in quiet rest.

Doest thou then walke in thy callyng
When for to vexe the innocent:
Thou wylt stande at a barre ballyng
905 With al the craft thou canst inuent?

I say ballynge, for better name,
To haue it can not be worthy:
When lyke a beast wythout all shame
Thou wilt do wronge to get money

910 Thyne excuses are knowen to wel
Thou saist thou knowest not the matter
Wherfore thou sayest thou canst not tel.
At the fyrst whose cause is better.

Thou knowest not at the fyrst I graunt,
915 But why wylte thou be retained
Of plaintife or of defendaunt
Before thou hast their cause learned?

For such a plea I blame the not,
When neither parties right is knowen
920 But when thou thy-selfe dost wel wot
sig: C2
Thy client seaketh not hir owne hir] his 1550

It were a Godly way for the,
To know the ende ere thou began
But if that can by no meanes be
925 To make short suite do what thou can

If thou be a mans atturney
In any court where-so it be:
Let him not wayte and spend money
If hys dispatch do lye in the,

930 Apply his matter earnestly
And set him goynge home agayne,
And take no more then thy duty
For God shal recompence thy paine. Luke .iii.

If thou be calde a counsellar.
935 And many men do seke thy read:
Se thou be founde no triffellar
Either for money or for dread

But waigh mens matters thorowly,
And se what may be done by ryght
940 And further as wel the neady
As thou wouldest do the man of might

Se thou haue no respect at all
To the person but to the cause
And suffer not such trueth to fall,
945 As thou findst grounded on good lawes Leuit .xxx

If any man do the desire
Him to defende in doynge wronge
Though he would giue the triple hire
Yet geue none eare vnto his song.

950 Fere not his power though he be king
A duke, an earle, a Lorde, or knight:
sig: [C2v]
But euermore in thy doynge
Haue the Lordes feare present in sight. ii. Par .xxii.

If thou be iudge in commune place, commune place: =Common Pleas
955 In the kynges bench, or Eschequier
Or other court, let not thy face
Be once turned to the bryber.

Beware that bribes blinde not thy sight
And make the that thou canst not se:
960 To iudge the pore mans cause aryght,
When it is made open to the. Deu .xvi. Eccle .xx.

Why sholdest thou stil admit delaies,
In matters that be manifest,
Why doest thou not seke all the wayes.
965 That may be, to rid the oppreste

To thine office it doeth belonge,
To iudge as iustice doth require:
Though the party that is to stronge
Would giue the house and land to hire. Leuiti .xix.

970 I haue no more to say to the,
But warne the that thou be contente
To lyue onely vpon thy fee
Fearynge the Lorde omnipotent.

And for to se that no man wreste,
975 The lawes to do any man wronge:
And that no pore man be oppreste,
Nor haue hys suite deferred longe.

Now if thou be Lorde Chauncelour,
As Censor ouer all the reste:
980 Se thou do thy beste endeuour,
To se all open wronges redrest.

sig: C3
And of this one thyng take good hede
That among them that do appeale:
Thou do not for fauour or mede
985 Suffer any falselye to deale.

Beware of them I saye that vse,
Firste for to tempt the commune lawes
And yet the iudgement to refuse
When they be like to losse their cause, losse: =lose

990 Beware of them, and let them not
Abuse the courte in any wise:
To wery suche as by iuste lot
To clayme theyr ryght do enterprise.

When they shall make peticion,
995 Examine them diligently:
And graunt not an Iniunction
To eche false harlot by and by.

Graunt thou not an Iniunction
To hym that doth nought else entende:
1000 But by subtyle inuention
His owne falsehode for to defend.

I nede not to tell any more,
Of thy duty thou maiste it se:
In Gods sacre[d] and holy lore sacred] sacret 1549, sacred 1550
1005 If thou wylt thereto apply the.

Thus leaue I the thou man of lawe.
Wyshynge the to be as willynge:
To folowe as I am to drawe
The backe againe to thy callynge.

¶The Marchauntes lesson.

sig: [C3v]
1010 NOwe marcke my wordes thou Marchau[n]te-man,
Thou thou dost vse to bye and sel,
I wyl enstruct the if I can,
How thou maiest vse thy callynge wel.

Fyrst se thou cal to memory
1015 The ende wherfore al men are made
And then endeuour busily
To the same ende to vse thy trade.

The ende why all men be create
As men of wisdome do agre
1020 Is to maintayne the publike state
In the contrey where they shal be.

Apply thy trade therfore I say
To profit thy contrey wythal:
And let conscience be thy staye
1025 That to pollynge thou do not fal.

If thou venter into straunge landes,
And brynge home thinges profitable:
Let pore men haue them at thine handes.
Vpon a price reasonable.

1030 Though thou maist thy money forbeare
Til other mens store be quite spente
Yet if thou do so that thy ware
May beare high price, thou shalt be shente

Thou shalt be shent of him I say
1035 That on the seas did prospere the
And was thy guide in al the way
That thou wentest in great ieopardye.

For he gaue the not thy richesse,
sig: C4
To hurt thy contrey with-all,
1040 Neither gaue he the good successe
That thou sholdst therbi make men thral

But thy richesse was geuen to the
That thou mightest make prouision:
In farre contreys for thinges that be
1045 Nedefull for thine owne nation.

And when by Gods helpe thou hast brought
Home to thy contry ani good thing
Then shouldst thou thanke him that al wrought
For thy prosperouse returnyng.

1050 Which thing thou canst not do in-dede,
Vnles thou walke in thy callyng
And for his sake that was thy spede
Content thy-selfe with a liuynge

But oh me-thinke I write in vayne,
1055 To marchaunte-men of this our time
For they wil take no maner paine.
But onely vpon hope to clime.

So sone as they haue ought to spare,
Beside their stocke that must remaine:
1060 To purchase landes is all theyr care
And all the studye of their braine.

Ther can be none vnthrifty heyre
Whom they wil not smel out anon
And handle him with wordes ful faire
1065 Til al his landes is from him gone

The fermes, the woddes, and pasture-grounds
That do lye round about London
Are hedged in within their mowndes.
sig: [C4v]
Or else shall be ere they haue done

1070 They haue their spyes vpon eche side
To se when ought is lyke to fall:
And as sone as ought can be spied,
They are ready at the fyrst call.

I can not tell what it doeth meane
1075 But white-mea[t]e beareth a greate price broken letter
Which some men thinke is by the meane
That fermes be found such marchandice

For what is it when the pore man
That erste was wont to pay but lite
1080 Must now nedes learne (do what he can)
To playe eyther double or quite?

If ye aske of the coliar
Why he selleth hys coles so dere:
And ryght so of the wodmongar
1085 They say marchauntes haue all in fere.

The wod (say thei) that we haue bought
In tymes past for a crowne of golde
We can not haue if it be ought:
Vnder ten shyllynges ready told

1090 I am ashamed for to tell,
Halfe the abuse that all men see:
In such men as do by and sell,
They be so bad in eche degre.

I wyll therfore do what I can
1095 To make plaine declaration
How thou that arte a marchaunt-man,
Maist walke in thy vocation,

Apply thy trade as I haue tolde,
sig: [C5]
To the profit of thy contrey
1100 And then thou maist euer be bolde,
That thy Lord God wil guide thy way

Thou shalt not nede to purchase lands
Neither to take leases in groundes
That when thou hast them in thine handes
1105 Thou maist for shyllinges gather poundes

Thou shalt not nede to bye or sel
Benefices which should be fre:
To true preachers of Gods gospel
To helpe them wyth that helples be.

1110 No more shalt thou nede for to lende,
Thy goodes out for vnlawfull gayne
In suche sorte that by the yeres ende,
Thou maist of one shilling make twain Luke .vi

Thou shalt aye haue inough in store
1115 For the and thine in thy degree:
And what shouldest thou desire more,
Or of hygher estate to be?

Let it suffice the to marye
Thy daughter to one of thy trade:
1120 Why shouldst thou make hir a Lady
Or bye for hyr a noble warde?

And let thy sonnes euerychone
Be bounde prentise yeres nine or ten
To learne some art to liue vpon
1125 For why sholde they be gentilmen?

There be already men inowe
That beare the name of gentil bloude
Tel thou me then, what nede hast thou,
sig: [C5v]
So vainely to bestowe thy good?

1130 For thou canst not promote thy sonne
But thou must bye him lande and rent
Wherby some muste neades be vndone
To bring to passe thy fonde entent.

Some man perchaunce nede doth compell
1135 To morgage hys land for money
And wilt thou cause him for to sell,
The liuelode of his progenie?

Tel me if thou wouldst haue thy sonne,
(If haply he should stande in nede)
1140 To be so serued when thou art gone
Of marchauntes that shal the succed?

Do thou as thou wouldst be done by
As very nature doeth the teach Math .vii.
And let thy loue and charitye
1145 Vnto all the Lordes creatures reache.

And if any man stande in nede
Lende him frely that thou maiste spare Luke .vi.
And doubtles god wil be thy mede
And recompence the in thy ware

1150 Be iust, plaine, and not deceitfull,
And shew mercy vnto the pore: Math .v.
And God that is most merciful
Shal euermore encrease thy store.

And in the ende when nature shall,
1155 Ende thy peregrination:
Thou shalt haue Ioye emong them all,
That walke in their vocation.

But if thou do refuse to walke,
sig: [C6]
In thy callynge as I haue tolde
1160 Thy wysdome shalbe but vayne talke,
Though thou be boeth auncient and olde

Say what thou wylt for to defende
Thy walkynge inordinately:
Thou shalt be certayne in the end
1165 To be damned eternally. Mat .vii.

For in the worlde there can not be
More greate abhomination
To thy Lord God, then is in the
Forsakynge thy vocation.

¶The Gentilmans lesson

1170 THou that arte borne to lande and rente,
And art clipped a gentilman:
Geue eare to me, for mine entent
Is to do the good if I can.

Thou art a man that God hath sette
1175 To rule the route in thy contrey,
Wherfore thou hadst nede for to get
Good knowledge rather then money. Eccle .xii.

For ignoraunce shal not excuse
When all men shall geue a rekeninge.
1180 And the iudge will money refuse
And iudge after ech mans doynge. Math .xvi. Rom .ii.

Fyrst I aduertise the therfore,
And require the in Christes name:
That of knowledge thou get the store,
1185 And frame thy liuynge to the same

sig: [C6v]
Get the knowledge I say and then
Thou shalt perceyue thyne owne degre:
To be suche that amonge all men,
Thou hast most nede learned to be.

1190 Thou shalt perceyue thou hast no time
To spare and spende in banketyng
For though thou watche til it be prime,
Thou shalt haue inough to doynge.

Thou shalt not finde any leasure
1195 To dice, to carde, or to reuell: Math .xii
If thou do once take a pleasure
In vsynge thyne owne callyng wel.

For parckes of Deere thou shalte not care
Neither for costuous buildyng:
1200 For apparel, or for fyne fare
Or any other worldly thynge.

Thy mynde shall be styll rauished
With the desyre to walke vpright.
And to se all vyce punished,
1205 So muche as shall lye in thy myght.

Thou shalt delite for to defende
The pore man that is innocent:
And cause the wicked to emende,
And the oppressour to repent.

1210 Thou shalt haue delite in nothyng
Sauynge in doynge thy duty:
Whych is vnder God and thy kyng
To rule them that thou doest dwel by.

Thou shalte not thinke that thou mayste take
1215 Thy rent to spend it at thy wyl
sig: [C7]
As one that shoulde no reckny[n]g make,
For ought that he doth well or yll. Rom .xiiii

But thou shalt fynde that thou art bound
And shalt answer much more straightly Luke .xii.
1220 Then the pore men that tyll the ground
If thou regard not thy duty.

¶Thou shalt not fynde that thou maist reise
Thy rent or leauy a great fyne
More then hath bene vsed alwayes
1225 For that only is called thyne.

For as thou doest hold of thy kynge
So doeth thy tenaunt holde of the
And is allowed a lyueynge
As wel as thou in his degre.

1230 If thou therfore wouldst not thy king
Should take of the more then hys due
Whye wylt thou debate the lyuyng
Of thy tenaunt and cause him rue.

For knoweledge wil tel the that thou
1235 Muste do as thou wouldest be done by Math .vii.
And ryght so wyll she tell the howe
Thou maiste discharge all thy dutie

She wyl teach the to be content
Wyth that thou haste by heritage
1240 And eke to lyue after thy rente
And not to falle into outrage.

If thou maye dispende .xl li,
Thou maieste not lyue after .lx.
Neyther maist thou enclose thy ground
1245 That thou maist make it yerly more.

sig: [C7v]
For knowledge will teach the to seke
Other mens health more then thine own
And rather to fede on a leke
Then one house should be ouerthrowen.

1250 Thou shalte by hir learne that thou arte
A father ouer thy contrey
And that thou oughtest to play the part
Of a father both nyght and day.

Thou shalt by knoweledge vnderstand
1255 That thou must succour the neady,
And in their cause such men withstand,
As showe them-selues ouer_gready. Psal .lxxxii.

In fine knowlege that is Godly
Wil teach the all that thou shalt do
1260 Belongynge to thyne owne duty
And other mens duty also.

Get the knowledge I say therfore
That thou maist be worthy thy name:
For without hir thou maist no more
1265 Be calde a Gentilman for shame.

For without knowledge thou shalt be
Of all other most out of frame:
Bicause there is nothinge in the
That may thy luste chastice or tame.

1270 Without knowledge, thou wylt folowe
Thy fleshe and fleshly appetite:
And in the lustes therof wallowe
Setting therin thyne whole delite

Without knowledge thou wylt oppresse
1275 Al men that shalbe in thy power.
sig: [C8]
And when they shall be in distresse
Thou wylt them cruelly deuoure

Without knowledge thou wilt araie
Both the and thine past thy degre
1280 And eke maintaine outragiouse play
Til thou haue spent both land and fee.

To make an end, vnlesse thou haue
Knowledge remayninge in thy breste
Thou shalt be worsse then a vile slaue
1285 That doth al honesty detest.

Get the knowledge therfore I say,
And eke the feare of God aboue:
And let thy study be alwaye
To knowe what thing doth the behoue.

1290 But fyrst before all other thynges
Sette the Lordes feare before thy face: Psa .xxxiii.
To guide the in all thy doynges
That thou delite not in trespace.

For he that doth delite in synne,
1295 Shal neuer gouerne his life wel:
Nor any Godly knoweledge wyn,
For wisedome wil not with hym dwell. Sapie .i.

Then seke for knowledge busily
And leaue not of tyl she be found
1300 And when thou hast hir perfectly
To the Lordes feare let hir be bound

And let theim two beare al the swea, swea: =sway
Til thy doynges early and late:
Let them agre and ende their plea
1305 Before thou do appoint the state.

sig: [C8v]
By their aduise suruey thy Lande
And kepe thy courtes boeth farre and nere
And se they do faste by the stande,
In thyne housekepynge and thy chere

1310 Haue them present before thine eyes,
In all thy dedes what-so they be:
In cessions and eke in assise,
Let them not be absent from the.

Let them rule al thy familye
1315 And eke enstructe thy children yonge:
That they may thyne office supply
When with his dart death hath the stonge

And last of al, leaue them to guide
Thy chyldren and theyr families:
1320 That thine house and stocke may abide,
And rule the route in godly wyse.

No more to the haue I to say,
But that thou kepe Gods feare in sight
And make it the guyde of thy way
1325 As wel by bright day as by nyght.

So doynge I dare the assure
That in the ende thou shalt obtayne:
The blysse that shal euer endure
Wyth Christe our maister for to raigne.

¶The Maiestrates lesson

1330 WHo-so thou be that God doth call
To beare the swerde of punishemente.
sig: D1
Marke well my woordes, and take them all
Accordyngly as they be ment.

When thou art in Authoritie
1335 And hast the bridle-raine in hand
Then be well ware that Tyranny
Do not get the within hir band.

Loke not vpon thy sword alwaye
But loke some-tyme on thy balaunce
1340 And se that neither do decaye
In the tyme of thy gouernaunce.

For to punishe wyth equitie
Is and aye shall be bysemynge
Where-as to [sh]ewe extremitie broken letters
1345 Is founde rather a bloud-suckeynge

If any man be accused
Se thou heare him indifferently
And let him not be punished
Tyl thou know his cause thorowli

1350 If he haue wrought againste the lawes
So that iustice wolde haue him dye
Then in thy balaunce laye his cause
And iudge him after equitie

If he did it of ignoraunce,
1355 Of nede or by compulsion
Or else by fortune and by chaunce
Then muste thou vse discretion

Consyder what extreme nede is
And howe force may the weake compell
1360 And howe fortune doeth hyt and mysse
When the intent was to do well

sig: [D1v]
And though the euidence be playne
And the accusares credible
Yet calle to mynde the elders twayne
1365 That Daniell founde reproueable Dani .xiii.

And if thou fynde them false or vayne
Forged to worcke theyr brother yll
Then let them suffer the same paine
That he shoulde haue had by their wil

1370 Much myght be sayd in this matter
Out of the workes of writers olde
And for to proue it the better
Many late stories myght be tolde

But I leaue this to the studie
1375 Of them that haue had exercise
In iudgment, in whose memorie
It is as styll before their eies.

I thought mete to touch it only
That thou mightest haue occasion
1380 To call to mynde the chiefe duite duite: =duty
Of thy state and vocation.

Which is to scanne the euidence
And eke to trye the accusars all
Though thei be men of good credence
1385 Leste haply the iuste be made thral.

Moreouer, it behoueth the
If thou wylt walke in thy callynge
To se that all good statutes be
Executed before all-thynge

1390 For to what ende do statutes serue
Or whye should we holde parliamente
sig: D2
If men shall not such lawes obserue
As in that courte we shall inuent?

And what thynge shal a realme decay
1395 So sone as when men do neglecte
The wholsome lawes, as who should say
They were in-dede to none efect?

For in that realme the myghtie shal
Worcke after theyr fancie and wyll
1400 For there the pore may crye and call
For helpe and be oppressed styll.

Se thou therfore to thy duitie
In this behalfe boeth daye and nyght
And let none breake such lawes frely
1405 But let them knowe the lawes haue myght

Let them all knowe I saye that thou
Art set to minister iustyce
And that thou madest therto a vowe
At the takeynge of thyne offyce.

1410 Wincke not at thinges that be to plaine
Leste godli knowledge fle the fro
And thou flyt into endlesse payne
At such tyme as thou must hense go.

For if thou wylt not minister
1415 Iustice to them that do oppresse
What are the people the better
For the, when they be in distresse?

The heauenli housband-man therfore
Who planted the vice to suppresse
1420 Shall drye thy rote for euer-more
And geue the vp to wyckednes. Ihon .xv

sig: [D2v]
Be ware of this vengeaunce betyme
Leste it come on the sodainly
When thou wouldest faine repent thy crime
1425 But shalt dispere of goddes mercie.

For what thing causeth men dispeire
Of gods mercie at their last ende
But their conscience that sayth thei were
Tolde of their fault and would not mende.

1430 If thou therfore doest se this thinge
And wilt wincke at it willingly
I saye that when death shal the stinge
Thou shalt dispeyre of gods mercy.

Yet haue I more to saye to the
1435 Concerning thy vocacion
Which if it growe styl must nedes be
Double abhominacion.

For he that byeth, must nedes sell
Thou knowest alreadie what I meane
1440 I nede not with plaine wordes to tell
If sinne haue not blynded the cleane.

Se vnto it I the aduise
And let not offices be solde
For god wyl punishe in straite wyse
1445 Suche as with him wyl be so bolde.

He wyl not aye suffer his flocke
Of wolfes to be so deuoured
Neither shall they that would him mocke
Escape his handes vnpunished.

1450 His arme is as stronge [as] it was as] 1549 omits, as 1550
When he plaged Kynge Pharao Exo .xiiii.
sig: D3
In Egipt, and can bringe to passe
All that he listeth now also.

He spent not all his power vpon
1455 The Kynge Nabuchodonozer
He shall neuer be founde suche one
That he should not haue might in store. Dani .iiii.

Take hede, take hede, I saye therfore
That thou fall not into his hande
1460 For if thou do thou art forlore
Thou canst not be able to stande. Hebru .x.

Yet one thing more I must the tell
Which in no wise thou maist forget
If thou wylt professe gods Gospel
1465 And thine affiaunce therin set.

Thou must not couet imperie
Nor seke to rule straunge nacions
For it is charge inoughe perdie
To aunswere for thine owne commons.

1470 Let thy studie therfore I saye
Be to rule thine owne subiectes well
And not to maintaine warres alwaye
And make thy contrei lyke an hell.

Let it suffise the to defende
1475 Thy limites from inuasion
And therin se thou do entende
Thine owne peoples saluation.

For, marke this. If thou doe inuade
And get by force commoditie
1480 The same shall certeinly be made
A scorge to thy posteritie.

sig: [D3v]
This haue I sayde, to call the backe
From the Philistines station i. Reg .xiii.
Trustynge thou wylte my counsell take
1485 And walke in thy vocacion.

The womans lesson.

Who-so thou be of woman-kinde Who] WWho 1549
That lokest for saluation.
Se thou haue euer in thy mynde.
To walke in thy vocacion

1490 If thy state be virginitie
And hast none housband for to please
Then se thou do thy-selfe applie
In christen maners to encrease i. Cor .vii.

If thou be vnder a mestres
1495 Se thou learne hir good qualities
And serue hir wyth all redines
Haueyng goddes feare before thine eies

If thou se hire wanton and wylde
Then se thou call vpon god styll
1500 That he wyll kepe the vndefylde
And kepe from the all maners yll

Auoyde idle and wanton talke
Auoyde nyce lokes and daliaunce
And when thou doest in the stretes walk
1505 Se thou shewe no light contena[u]nce.

Let thyne apparayle be honeste
Be not decked paste thy degre
sig: D4
Neither let thou thyne hede be dreste
Otherwise then besemeth the i. Timo .ii

1510 Let thine heare beare the same colour
That nature gaue it to endure
Laye it not out as doeth an whore
That would mens fantacies allure

Paynt not thy face in any wise
1515 But make thy maners for to shyne
And thou shalt please all such mens eies
As do to godlines enclyne.

Be thou modeste, sober and wise
And learne the poyntes of houswyfry
1520 And men shal haue the in suche price
That thou shalt not nede a dowry

Studye to please the lorde aboue
Walkynge in thy callyng vpright
And god wil some good mans hert moue
1525 To set on the his whole delyte.

Now when thou arte become a wife
And hast an housbande to thy minde
Se thou prouoke him not to stryfe
Lest haply he do proue vnkynde

1530 Acknowledge that he is thyne heade
And hath of the, the gouernaunce
And that thou must of him be led
Accordyng to goddes ordinaunce i. Co .xi.

Do all thy busynes quietly
1535 And delyte not Idle to stand
But do thy-selfe euer apply
To haue some honest worcke in hand

sig: [D4v]
And in no case thou maiste suffer
Thy seruauntes or children to playe
1540 For ther is nought that may soner
Make them desyre to renne awaye

Se thou kepe them styll occupyed
From morne tyll it be nyght agayne
And if thou se they growe in pryde
1545 Then laye hand on the brydle-rayne

But be thou not to them bytter
Wyth wordes lacking discretion
For thyne housband it is fytter
To geue them due correction

1550 But if thou be of such degre
That it is not for the semely
Emonge thy maydens for to be
Yet do thy-selfe styll occupye

Do thy-selfe occupy I saye
1555 In readynge or hearyng some-thynge
Or talkynge of the godly waye
Wherin is great edifiynge

Se thy children wel nurtered
Se them broughte vp in the lordes feare
1560 And if theyr maners be wycked
In no case do thou wyth them beare.

And if thyne housbande do outrage
In any thinge what-so it be
Admonish him of his laste age
1565 Wyth wordes mylde as becometh the.

And if he do refuse to heare
Thy gentle admonition
sig: [D5]
Yet se if thou can cause him feare
Goddes terr[i]ble punission terrible] terreble 1550

1570 Do what thou canste him to allure
To seke god by godly lyueynge
And certenly thou shalt be sure
Of lyfe that is euerlastynge

For though the fyrste woman did fall
1575 And was the chiefe occasion
That synne hath pearsed through vs all
Yet shalt thou haue salluation i Timo .ii.

Thou shalt be salfe I say, if thou
Kepe thy-selfe in obedience
1580 To thyne housba[n]d, as thou dydste vow
And shewe to hym due reuerence

But in fayth must all this be done
Or else it doeth nothynge auayle
For wythout fayth nought can be wone
1585 Take thou neuer so greate trauayle. Hebr .xi.

Thou must beleue and hope that he
That bade the be obedient
Wyll be ryghte well pleased wyth the
Because thou holdest the content

1590 Nowe, if thyne housband be godly
And haue knowledge better then thou
Then learne of him all thy dutie
And to his doctryne se thou bowe

Se thou talke with him secretly
1595 Of such thynges as do the behoue
And se thou obserue thorowlye
All such thynges as he shall aproue

sig: [D5v]
Seke to please hym in thyne araye
And let not newe tryckes delyte the
1600 For that becometh the alwaye
That wyth hys mynde doth beste agre

Delyte not in vayne tatyllars
That do vse false rumours to sowe
For such as be greate babbelars
1605 Wyll in no case theyr duetie knowe

Theyr commynge is alwaye to tell
Some false lye by some honest man
They are w[or]sse then the deuell of hell worsse] wrosse 1549
If a ma[n] would them throughly scanne

1610 They wyl fynde faute at thyne araye
And saye it is for the to base
And haply ere they go awaye
They wyll teach the to paynt thy face

Yea if all other talke do fayle
1615 Before the idle tyme be spent
They wyll teach the howe to assayle
Thyne housbande with wordes vehement

Thou muste swere by goddes passion
That longe before thou sawest his heade
1620 Thou hadest ech gallant fassion
And wylt agayne when he is deade

Thou must tell him that he may heare
Wyth a lowd voyce and eke words plaine
That thou wilt some-time make good chere
1625 With ryght good felows one or twaine.

I am ashamed for to wryte
The talke that these gossepes do vse
sig: [D6]
Wherfore, if thou wylt walke vpright
Do theyr companie quyte refuse

1630 For they are the deuelles ministres
Sent to destroye all honestie
In such as wyl be theyr hearars
And to theyr wycked reade applye i. Pet .iii.

But thou that arte Sarais daughter
1635 And lokeste for saluation
Se thou learne thy doctrine at hir.
And walke in thy vocacion.

She was alwaye obedient
To hir housband, and calde hym lorde
1640 As the boke of goddes testament
Doeth in most open wyse recorde. Gene .xviii.

Folow hir, and thou shalt be sure
To haue as she had in the ende
The lyfe that shal euer endure
1645 Vnto the whych, the lorde the sende

The Boke to the Reader,

It pleased mine Autor to geue me to name
The voice of the laste trumpe (as Sainct Ihon doth write)
Thinking therby to auoide al the blame
That communely chaunseth to suche men [as] write as] 1549 omits, as 1550
5 Plainly to such men as walk not vpright
For truth getteth hatered of such as be il
And wyl suffer nothing that bridleth theyr wyll

sig: [D6v]
If ought do displease you, let me beare the wyte
For I am the doer of that which is done
10 I barcke at your faultes, but loth I am to byte
If by this barking ought might be won
And for this entent I was firste begon
That hearing your faultes ye might them emende
And reigne with your maister Christe at the ende.

Imprinted at London by Robert_Crowley dwelling in Elie_rentes in Holburne. The yere of oure Lorde God .M.D.xL_iX. the .xxix. daie of Nouembre.
Autore eodem Roberto_Croleo
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.