A Little Treatise Against Sedicious Persons

Smyth, Thomas

STC 22880.4
Ringler 22880.4 and TP 1415. Single sheet folio, printed on both sides. Contribution to the Gray-Smith flyting, reprinted and answered in STC 22880.7. Rpt. _Fugitive Tracts_, no. 6; ed. John A. Kingdon, _Incidents in the Lives of Thomas Poynty and Richard Grafton_, 1895; ed. Ernest W. Dormer, _Gray of Reading_, 83-6. Reel 1861

A lytell treatyse agaynst sedicyous persons
London: [Richard Lant],[c. 1540].

Composition Date: 1540 [STC].

folio: 1

¶A lytell treatyse agaynst sedicyous persons.

¶To trolle awaye or trolle in / let not trolle spare
If trolle truly trolle / trolle nedeth not to care.

OF late I perused / two purposes seuerall
In their kyndes clerkely handeled / the truth for to tell
Trolle_awaye and Trolle_in / men do them call
Treatyng vpon mater / concernyng the late Crumwell
5 The one vtterly myndyng / the other to repell
Trolle_away (the trouth is) moche touched the quycke
And Trolle_in (somwhat galled) began for to kycke.

¶Yet Trolle_away tolde trouth / it can not be denyed
Declaryng the offence / wherin Crumwell offended
10 Trolle_in beyng troubled / whan he it espyed
With trollynges to couer it / full subtelly contended
Some trollers there be / I wolde were amended
For who that craftely couereth / any others offence
Of lykelyhode / in his owne herte / hath the same pretence.

15 Truly to trolle / it is no maner of shame
And trollyng vntrue / is not to be mayntayned
As euery-thyng is / so to gyue it propre name
Amonges all true honest men / shulde not be disdayned
The scripture so techeth vs / it can not be fayned Ve qui dicitis bonum malum et malum bonum. Esa. quinto. =Isaias 5: 20 =Isaias 5: 20
20 Agaynst scripture who stryueth / he is none other lyke
Than a traytoure to his prince / and to god an heretyke.

I entende not to trolle / to take any parte
Diuisyon to encreace / it nedeth nothyng
But sorowfully syghyng / I trolle in my harte
25 With my-selfe in mynde / many tymes reuoluyng
How god to vs / hath ordayned the most noble kyng
Who vniformly to knyt vs / hath traueyled full sore
Yet many trifelyng trollers / care lytell therfore.

¶But as trollers troubelous / and full of enuy
30 At the lawes of god / and of our good kyng
In their trollynges do trust / yet that their olde heresy
All good ord[yr]s set a_parte / shall florisshe and sprynge ordyrs] ordrys 1540
Their prechers / no lesse conforte / in their sermons do brynge
Euen lately exhortyng them / auoydyng all drede
35 And persecution not regardyng / throughly to procede.

¶With many wordes more troublous / than now I wyll reherce
Not doutyng at all / but at length they shalbe knowen
Suche trollyng trecherous / my herte doth sore perce
Consyderyng howe sedicyously / amonges vs they be sowen
40 Of late I well trusted / they had ben ouer-blowen
But now I well parceyue / that neither fauour nor smarte
From the body can expell / that is rooted in the harte.

¶A trewe trollyng hert / wolde be loth to pretende
Any purpose to mayntayne / agaynst god or his kyng
45 The confessyon of an heretyke / that lately dyd offende
And amonges others / suffred for his deseruyng
Secretly they embrace / as a most precyous thyng
And yet playnly wyll I proue / by good lawe and reason
Contayned therin / both heresy and treason.

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50 In any wyse imprynted / they wyll not it shall be
The daungers therof in them-selues mystrustynge
Wherfore euery man may well perceyue and se
What hertes they do beare to god and our good kynge
Euery of them secretly must haue it in wrytynge
55 But Chryst sayeth verely there is n[o]thynge conceled nothynge] ndthynge 1540
But at length shalbe knowen / and openly reueled. Nihil est opertum quo[d] non reueletur. neque occultum quod non sciatur. Math, x, Vulgate, Matthew 10: 26: Nihil enim est opertum, quod non revelabitur: et occultum, quod non scietur. Vulgate, Matthew 10: 26: Nihil enim est opertum, quod non revelabitur: et occultum, quod non scietur.

¶Who against them trolleth / a Papyst they him name
They haue no other thing / themselues for to defende
I wolde that all Papystes / had an open shame
60 And that all heretykes / them-selues wolde amende
Than shuld we haue no cause / further to contende
But vniformly to lyue / the one with the other
And ioyfully to enhabyt / as brother with brother. Ecce quam bonum et quam iocundum habitare fratres in unum. psa, c,xxxij

Such shuld be our trollynges / Christ vs so teacheth
65 Commaunding euer peace / amonges vs for to be Mathei. x. Luce. ij. Io, xiiij.xv,
Untruly he trolleth / that otherwyse preacheth
Styreng to any sedicion / malyce or enuye
Where banisshed is discorde / and raygneth all charite
That realme in god resteth / and god is in it /
70 Being charite him-selfe / as sayth the holy writ. Deus charitas est et qui manet in caritate in deo manet et deus in eo i. Ioh. iij. Recte: 1John 4:16 Recte: 1John 4:16

Than towardes that charite / trolle we on a_pace
Auauncyng our-selues / with all conuenyent spede
A more acceptable pilgrimage / surely neuer was
For which god gaue to man / any meryte or mede
75 Our labour or gret burden / let vs nothing drede
Nor regarding the wylfulnes / of our body or flesshe
For at the iorneyes ende / Christ wyll vs refresshe. Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis et onorati estis, et ego reficiam uos Mathei. xv

And than as true trollers / togither let vs remayne
Parfectly fast knyt / in one peace / vnyte and loue
80 With glory vnto god / euermore glad and fayne
Our noble Prince truly to serue / as doth vs behoue
And all others to tendre / as duty doth vs moue Omnis anima po[testatibus] sub[limioribus]potestatibus sublimioribus] po sub. 1540 subdita sit. ro. 13. potestatibus sublimioribus] po sub. 1540
Usyng styll amonge vs / the selfe-same loue and concorde
Which is to vs commaunded / by Christ the eternall lorde. Hoc est mandatum meum u[t]ut] ur 1540 diligatis inuicem sicut Ioh. xv. ut] ur 1540

85 And nowe in that loue / let vs all with one voyce pray
For the preseruacion of Henry our most noble kyng
And Katheren our Quene / that they togither may
Prosperously contynue / to their hertes desyring
And Edward our Prince / that most angelyke thing
90 That they all togither may longe lyue and rest
And after with him to raygne / qui in celis est.
God saue the Kyng.
To Trolle away or Trolle in / let not Trolle spare
If Trolle truly Trolle / Trolle nedeth not to care.
Composed by Thomas_Smyth / seruaunt to the kynges royall maiestye.
And clerke of the Quenes graces counsell / though most vnworthy.