sig: [A1] | |
¶A ryght pleasaunt and merye Historie, of the Mylner of Abyngton, with his Wife, and his fayre Daughter: and of two poore scholers of Cambridge.
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sig: [A1v] [page blank] | |
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FAyre Lordings if you list to heere | |
A mery Iest your mindes to cheere, | |
Then harken to this mery tale | |
Was neuer meryer set to sale | |
5 | At Abyngton it so befell |
Therby a widowe late did dwell | |
She had two sonnes that she loued well | |
For father had they none | |
At Cambrige are they set I wene | |
10 | Fiue mile is them bytwene |
Their spendinge was full mene, | |
To the scole there did they go | |
Some learning for to get you knowe | |
By good mens helpe they were kept so | |
15 | Other finding none they had |
This life longe they ledde | |
The mother founde them at borde and bedde | |
And by these meanes were they fedde | |
More than seuen yere | |
20 | Their mother then vpon a daie |
To Cambrid[g]e she toke the waie Cambridge] Cambridhe 1575 | |
And to hir sonnes gan she saie | |
With a heuy chere | |
Sonnes I will be here anone | |
25 | And than I wot ye will come home |
sig: [A2v] | |
But corne nor bread can I get none, | |
The countrey is so deere. | |
Mother then they sayd anone | |
We wyll into the countrey gone | |
30 | To good-men and make our mone |
If wee may any-thinge get, | |
So longe they went from towne to towne | |
In the countrey vp and downe | |
That they gate in short season | |
35 | A large met of wheate |
Than anone when they it had | |
Unto their mother they it lad | |
And she therof was full glad | |
But longe they ne let | |
40 | But at their neyghbours house on the morne |
They borowed a horse to cary their corne | |
To the mille them beforne | |
For nothing wolde they let | |
The mylner was ioly in his workes all | |
45 | He had a doughter fayre and small |
The clerke of the towne loued her aboue all | |
Iankyn was his name | |
The mylner was so trewe and fele | |
Of each mannes corne wolde he steale | |
50 | More than his Toledish by a deale |
He let for no shame | |
He was so subtyll and so slye | |
He wolde it take before their eye | |
And make them a proper lye | |
55 | And put himselfe out of blame: |
sig: A3 | |
To the mylner they were sande | |
In the mylle-dore dyd he stande | |
They tied their horse with a bande | |
They had harde of his name | |
60 | That one clerke to that other sware |
Of the theefe we wyll beware | |
Haue he neuer so mykell care | |
Of our corne getteth he but small | |
Though he go out of his wyt | |
65 | Thou shalte by the spoute syt |
Tyll the poke faste be knyt | |
And the meale in all | |
Though he be neuer so wo | |
And I wyl vp vnto the stones go | |
70 | And he begyle vs bothe two |
Foule might him befall: | |
The corne vp the Milner wan | |
And than the clerke fast vp ran | |
By the stones styll stode he than | |
75 | Tyll it was grounde in[t]ere intere] infere 1575 |
The mylners house is nere | |
Not the length of a lande | |
In a valey can it stande | |
Two myle from Abyngton | |
80 | In his herte had he care |
For the clerkes were so ware | |
He myght not do as he dyd are | |
But to his sonne gan ronne | |
Boy loke thou let for no drede | |
85 | The clerkes horse home thou lede |
Also faste as thou may spede | |
Or the meale be done | |
sig: [A3v] | |
Behinde my backhouse dore him set backhouse: =back-house, 'subsidiary building', or perhaps bakehouse | |
For they shall fayle of their me[t] met] men 1575met ='measure' | |
90 | Tho the poke fast be knet |
I sweare by my crowne | |
The litell boye stint nought | |
Till the horse was home brought | |
Thereof wiste the clerkes nought | |
95 | Forsothe as I you saie |
The clerkes their meale vp hent | |
And out at the dore they went | |
Alas they said we be shent | |
The rhyme-scheme suggests that a line has dropped out here. | |
By god than the milner sware | |
100 | Than get you him no mare |
For some theefe was of him ware | |
And hath had him away | |
The one clerke sayd to the other | |
Go we seke hym-selfe brother | |
105 | Thou one way and I another |
Finde him if we maie, | |
But euer they drede of the meale | |
That the milner wolde therof steale | |
The poke they bounde, and set on a seale | |
110 | And their horse than sought they. |
The mylner laughed them to scorne | |
And great othes hath he sworne | |
If he might haue none of their corne | |
He wolde haue of their meale, | |
115 | His daughter to the mille can fare |
And his diner to him bare | |
And also faste he tolde hir yare | |
All euery-deale: | |
sig: [A4] | |
How two clerkes in the morne | |
120 | Brought with them a met of corne |
And euer they warned mee beforne | |
That I shoulde none steale | |
But do now doughter as I thee saie | |
Go fet mee a shete I the pray | |
125 | And in faithe I will do saie do saie: perhaps an error for 'not do waie' |
To get of the meale | |
For nothinge wolde let | |
On a whyte shete he it set | |
And moche floure he out bet | |
130 | And hole was the seale |
With two staues in the stoure stoure ='tumult, commotion', or perhaps 'flying dust'; see OED s.v. stour n1, 4, 5 | |
They dange theron whyles they myght doure doure: =dure | |
Till they had a pecke of floure | |
Forsothe as I you say | |
135 | They gathered it vp than anone |
And put it in a poke full soone | |
And bade his daughter beare it home | |
Euen the ryght way | |
Then the clerkes had mykell thought | |
140 | For their horse they sought |
That they him finde might nought | |
Of all that longe day | |
And whan the night drewe nere | |
At the mylle they met in fere | |
145 | And bothe they made a simple chere |
For their goodly hackeny | |
That one clerke sayd by god of might | |
Me-thinke our poke is waxen light | |
I thinke it be not all a_ryght | |
sig: [A4v] | |
150 | That lyketh me full yll |
My heed therto dare I lay | |
That he hath stolen some away | |
That other clarke sayd nay nay, | |
The seale standeth on styl: | |
155 | They both did to the milner say |
Herberowe vs to_night we thee pray | |
And we wyll therfore well pay | |
What-so-euer thou wyll | |
For we dare not to the towne gone | |
160 | Tyll we bring our horse home |
If we do by swete saynte Iohn | |
We mon like it yll | |
The mylner sayd by goddes might | |
I shall [h]arborowe you to_night harborowe] barborowe 1575 | |
165 | And your supper shall be dight |
Right well if wee may | |
There they bare their meale bitwene them two | |
And home with the mylner dyd they go | |
His wife welcomed them tho | |
170 | So dyd his doughter gay |
Aboute a fyre they were set | |
And good ale was there fet | |
And therwith they their mouthes wet | |
And soone souped they | |
175 | At their supper as they made them glad |
That one clerke nyce countenaunce made | |
And priuely on the maidens foote he treade | |
And she tourned awaie | |
Whan they had eaten and made them glad | |
180 | The Milner his daughter bade |
sig: B1 | |
Soone that a bed were made | |
Also fast as you maie, | |
And make it by the side-binke side-binke ='sideboard'; see OED s.v. bink n, 3 | |
That the clarkes may therein winke | |
185 | And slepe till it be daie: |
For I will to my bedde win | |
And if you here any din | |
It is my man dothe come in | |
Forsothe as I you saie, | |
190 | For he is in the towne at his warke |
Whan he dothe come in the hounde will bark | |
This ment the milner by the clarke | |
That helde his daughter gay | |
By one side the clarke lay | |
195 | By the other side his wife and he I saie |
And for his doughter so gay | |
An-other bedde was dyght, | |
In a chamber as I weene | |
Was a wall them betweene | |
200 | And a cake she made so clene |
Thereof the clarkes had a sight: | |
Of their owne meale it was | |
Hir lemman befell suche a case | |
Herken sirs howe it was | |
205 | That he might not come that night, |
For to a faire was there beside | |
On his maisters erande for to ride | |
Erly in the morowe-tide | |
Before any day-light | |
210 | This one clarke styll he lay |
And thought on this Damsell gay | |
And to his brother can he saie | |
sig: [B1v] | |
What is mee best to do, | |
For by god and by saint Mighell | |
215 | I thinke so on the damosell |
I had muche leuer than I can tell | |
That I might winne hir to: | |
His brother said this is nought | |
Of my horse I haue more thought | |
220 | By Iesu that mee deere bought |
Howe we maie winne him to. | |
Yet lie stil brother I the praie | |
For come there what come maie | |
At the dore I will assaie | |
225 | If it will vndoe, |
This one clarke to the dore can fare can: =gan | |
She said Iankin be ye there | |
Ye forsothe he did answere | |
And in there did he go, | |
230 | Against a fourme he hurte his shin |
Or he might to the bedde win | |
Therfore the clarke was wo. | |
Iankin she said for Mary dere | |
Whie do ye make such cheere | |
235 | Your way shoulde you better leere |
So oft as you come heere | |
At that worde the clarke loughe | |
And by the voice to her he drough | |
Of her he had his will ynough | |
240 | And plaide them togyther, |
Whan the clarke had done his will | |
By the damosell he lay full stil | |
And belyue she said him til | |
sig: B2 | |
How two clarkes came thyther, | |
245 | Upon the monday at morne |
And brought with them a met of corne of] of of 1575 | |
On a horse them beforne | |
And bothe they were full lither. | |
For the one clarke stode at the spoute | |
250 | There-as the meale shoulde come out |
That other went euer aboute | |
And let vs of our pray, | |
My father did see it might be none other | |
He rowned vnto my brother | |
255 | And bade it shoulde be none other |
But lede their horse away. | |
My litell brother blinned nought | |
Ere their horse was home brought | |
Like two fooles they haue him sought | |
260 | All this longe daie, |
As we at our supper sate | |
That one clarke nice countenaunce made | |
And priuelie on my foote he trade | |
But euer I tourned awaie. | |
265 | Upon the poke he set the seale |
For my father shoulde none steale | |
Yet we had of their meale | |
And of their whitest floure, | |
For nothinge wolde he let | |
270 | On a shete we it set |
And with two staues it bet | |
As longe as we might doure. | |
And into our backhouse their horse is brought | |
Therof wotte the clerkes nought | |
sig: [B2v] | |
275 | The clarke laught and made good cheere |
Whan he of that myght heare | |
That was well done my derling deere, | |
By God my sauiour: | |
Both together a_sleepe they fell, | |
280 | Of the other clarke I wyll you tell |
And of the Milners wife howe it befell | |
A whyle if you will abide, | |
All waking styl he laye | |
And in his heart he thought aye | |
285 | My felowe hath a merie plaie |
In this euen-tide. | |
The Mylners wife did rise water to make | |
Stilly for the milner should not wake | |
The right way againe could she not take, | |
290 | For the house was so wide. |
But a childe in a cradell laie | |
At the beddes feete as I you saie | |
Thereby she knew the right waye | |
Unto hir beddes-side, | |
295 | The clarke laie and harde ylke dele |
And of the cradell he wyst well | |
And if thou rise by saint Michaell | |
The cradell shal a_waie: | |
Againe he rose or she did sleepe | |
300 | The clarke thereof tooke good keepe |
Out of his bedde soone he can creepe | |
As fast as euer he maie. | |
For nothing woulde he let | |
The cradell away he fet | |
305 | At his beddes-side he it set, |
Forsothe as I you saye, | |
sig: B3 | |
The good-wife came anone | |
And tyll her husbande can she gone | |
But cradell founde she there none, | |
310 | Shee did seeke full fast alwaie. |
All about she groped fast | |
The cradell founde shee at the last | |
The Milner did sleepe full fast | |
And wist not of this warke, | |
315 | By the cradell that she there fande, |
She had went it had bene hir husbande went: =wened | |
She lyft vp the clothes with her hande | |
And laide her downe by the clarke, | |
Thus that one clarke laye by the wife | |
320 | That other by the daughter by my life |
Had the milner wist there had ben strife | |
For that nights warke, | |
That one clarke waked and he dyd say | |
That by the Milners daughter lay | |
325 | I must to a faire gone or it be day, |
And on he did his sarke. | |
Now I pray you my [k]inde Lemman free kinde] hinde 1575 | |
A gowne-cloath then buie you mee | |
And I sweare so mote I thee, | |
330 | I wyll paye therefore: |
By Iesu he saide my sweeting | |
I haue but three shylling | |
That is but a lyttle thing | |
But if I had more, | |
335 | Thus the clarke he made it towe made it towe: =made it tough, 'showed reluctance' or perhaps 'was persistent'; see OED s.v. tough adj., 8 |
The Damsell her forcer to her drawe forcer ='chest, coffer' | |
By God ye shall haue mowe | |
For to paie therefore. | |
sig: [B3v] | |
The key by the cofer did hange | |
340 | Forthe she drewe thirty shillinge |
Forsothe euery farthinge | |
And neither lesse nor more. | |
The thirtie shillinge she gan him take | |
This made I sir for your sake | |
345 | Take it nowe with you all, |
Nowe haue good-day mine owne swetinge | |
For longe or any day dothe springe | |
The cocke full merelie his note will singe | |
And my maister will mee call | |
350 | Full merie chere the clarke can make |
With thirty shillinge and his cake | |
The righte waie can he take | |
Downe by the wall, | |
Till he came at his brothers bedde | |
355 | Than from the cradell away he yedde |
And anone away he fledde | |
On the further side of the hall: | |
Of his siluer he toke good keepe | |
Downe by the milner can he creepe | |
360 | And wakened him out of his sleepe |
And said wilte thou heare a good game, | |
For I haue had a merie night | |
With the milners daughter bright | |
Mee liketh wel by gods might | |
365 | That we wende not home, |
For I haue thirty shillinge and a cake | |
That the false theefe fro our corne did take | |
With that the milner did wake | |
By god and by saint Ihon, | |
sig: [B4] | |
370 | And also she hath mee tolde |
Howe he hath our horse in holde | |
In his backhouse he hath him bolde | |
I praie god giue him shame | |
The milner starte vp redely | |
375 | Thou liest he said with great enuy |
And that shalte thou full dere abye | |
Theefe what hast thou done, | |
He sterte vp in a great teene | |
And stoute strokes was them betweene | |
380 | The milner was the more keene |
And gate the clarke downe. | |
His wife waked anone-right | |
Out sir she said the clerkes do fight | |
The one will slee the other to_night | |
385 | But if you parte them soone. |
The clarke wakened and had great wonder | |
But he durste them not sunder | |
Full well he sawe his felowe vnder | |
By the light of the moone. | |
390 | The milners wife hent a staffe tite |
Sir she said who shall I smite | |
Dame sayde the clarke, him in the white | |
Hit him if thou maie, | |
The milner befel a foule happe | |
395 | He had on his night-cappe |
His wife lent him suche a rappe | |
That stil on grounde he laie. | |
Thus the milners heed was broken | |
The backhouse faste was stoken stoken ='locked up'; see OED s.v. steek v1 | |
400 | Beleeue mee the clarkes braste it open |
And in than went they, | |
sig: [B4v] | |
The meale on the horse they caste | |
And awaye they hyed them faste | |
With all their things home they paste | |
405 | Long or any day. |
Forth they went by Moone-light, | |
To Abington they came right | |
Before it was day-light | |
Home vnto their Dame, | |
410 | Than was her heart full light |
Whan she sawe her sonne in sight | |
She thanked God with all her might | |
That they were comen home, | |
All their meale and thirtie shylling | |
415 | They gaue their mother without leasing |
And sence they tolde her of that thing | |
They let for no blame, | |
Their mother saide if ye doo right | |
Keepe ye well out of his sight | |
420 | For if he may get you by goddes might |
He wyll doo you shame. | |
Of that siluer the clarkes were faine | |
The one clarke hied with all his maine | |
And ledde their horse home againe | |
425 | Uppon the same morne, |
The mother them a Capon slew | |
And of the cake they eate inowe | |
And soone to Cambridge they drew, | |
There-as they were beforne | |
430 | Twentie shylling with them they bare |
Unto the schole gan they fare | |
The Mylner gate of them no mare, | |
If he had it sworne. | |
sig: C1 | |
Whan they were gone these scollers bothe | |
435 | I tell you plaine this milner was lothe |
And to his bedde againe he gothe | |
For he was full of paine, | |
His wife before had giuen him | |
Vengeable strypes by swete saint Sim | |
440 | She had almoste broken bothe lithe and lim |
Of the Milner I tell you plaine. | |
And so the milner and his wife | |
For this folishe deede they had great strife | |
All the daies of their life | |
445 | That he had ben so mad, |
And the daughter that was yonge | |
Did often singe a sory songe | |
And wisshed for the clarke that was so longe | |
With her gowne-clothe to make her glad. | |
450 | And also for his mery play |
She longed for him full sore in fay | |
That he should come againe that waie | |
Though she should neuer the clothe see, | |
The wenche she was full proper and nyce | |
455 | Amonge all other she bare great price |
For she coude tricke it point deuice | |
But fewe like her in that countree. | |
At the last the milner vntrewe | |
That had ben beaten bothe blacke and blewe | |
460 | His owne deede he gan to rewe |
And though he had ben false, | |
For many a trewer than he | |
Was iudged without pite | |
Upon a dreadfull gallowe-tree | |
465 | To be hanged by the halse |
sig: [C1v] | |
But sore sicke in his bedde | |
All his life he ledde | |
That he was faine to be fedde | |
Of his wife withouten mis | |
470 | Thus with shorte conclusion |
This milner through his abusion | |
Was brought to confusion | |
For all his falsehed iwis | |
And ended his life full wretchedly | |
475 | In paine, care, and misery |
Wherfore he did beare an horne | |
For steeling of meale this onlie | |
His wife and his doughter were laine by | |
Of two poore scolers full merely | |
480 | That oft did laugh him to scorne |
In pacience he must take it al | |
In chamber, in bowre, and eke in hall | |
What-so-euer the folke than did him call | |
Contented muste he be: | |
485 | Thus endeth this mery iest iwis |
And Christ that is kinge of eternall blis | |
Bringe vs all there whan his will is, | |
Amen for charite. | |
sig: C2 | |
![]() |
WIse men alway, affirme and saye, | |
The best is for eche man, | |
Dilligently, for to apply, | |
Such busines as he can. | |
5 | And in no wise, to enterprise, |
Another faculte: | |
For he that will, and can no skill, | |
Is neuer like to thee. thee: =thee, 'thrive' | |
He that hath left, the hosiers crafte, | |
10 | And fall to makinge shone. |
The smith that shall, to painting fall, | |
His thrifte is well-nigh done. | |
A blacke draper, with white paper. | |
To go to writing-scole. | |
15 | An olde butteler, becoming a cutteler, |
I wene shall proue a fole. | |
An olde trotte, that can (God wotte,) | |
Nothinge but kis the cup. | |
With hir phisicke, will keepe one sicke, | |
20 | Till she haue sowsed him vp. sowsed ... vp ='brought to extremities'? See OED s.v. souse v1, 4 |
A man of lawe, that neuer sawe, | |
The waies to buie and sell. | |
Weninge to arise, by marchaundyse, | |
I praye God speede him well. | |
25 | A marchaunt eke that will go seke, |
All the meanes he may. | |
sig: [C2v] | |
To fall in sute, tyll he dispute, | |
His money cleane away. | |
Pleading the lawe, for euery strawe, | |
30 | Shall proue a thriftie man. |
With hate and strife but by my life, | |
I can nat tell you whan | |
Whan an hatter, wil go smatter, | |
In phylosophie. | |
35 | Or a pedler, ware a medlar, |
In theologye. | |
All that ensewe, suche craftes newe, | |
They driue so farre a cast. | |
That euermore, they do therefore, | |
40 | Beshrewe themselfe at last. |
This thinge was tried and, verefied, | |
Here by a sergeaunt late. | |
That rufully was, or he coulde pas, | |
Rapped about the pate. | |
45 | While that he woulde, see how he could, |
In Gods name plaie the friar. | |
Now if ye wyl, know how it fyl, | |
Take heede and ye shall heare. | |
It happed so, not long agoe, | |
50 | A thriftie man there dide. |
An hundred pound of nobles round, | |
Than had he laide a_side. | |
His sonne he would, should haue this gold | |
For to beginne withall. | |
55 | But to suffise, his child wel thryues, |
That money were to small. | |
Yet or this day, I haue herde say, | |
That many a man certesse, | |
sig: C3 | |
Hath with good cast, be ritche at the last, | |
60 | That begonne with lesse. |
But this yong-man, so well he can, | |
His money to imploye. | |
That certainly, his polecie, | |
To see it was a ioye. | |
65 | For least some blast might ouercast, |
His shippe or by mischaunce. | |
Men with some wyle, might him beguile, | |
And minishe his substaunce. | |
For to put out, al maner dout, | |
70 | He made a good puruaie. |
For euery whit, by his owne wit, | |
And tooke another waie. | |
First faire and wele, a pretie deale, | |
He hyd it in a potte. | |
75 | But than him thought, that way was nought |
And there he left it not. | |
So was he faine, from thence againe, | |
To put it in a cuppe. | |
And by and by, as couetouslie, | |
80 | He supped it faire vppe. |
In his owne brest, he thought it best, | |
His money to inclose, | |
Then wyst he well, what-euer fell, | |
He coulde it neuer lose. | |
85 | He borrowed than, of another man, |
Money and marchaundice: | |
Neuer paide it, vp he laide it. | |
In lyke maner wyse. | |
Yet on the geare, that he would weare, | |
90 | He raught not what he spent: |
sig: [C3v] | |
So it were nice, as for the price. | |
Coulde him not myscontent. | |
With lustie sporte, and with resorte. | |
Of ioly company. | |
95 | In mirth and plaie, full many a daie, |
He liued merily. | |
And men had sworne, some man is borne, | |
To dignite and powre. | |
And so was he, for suche degree, | |
100 | He gate and suche honowre, |
That without doubte, whan he went out, | |
A sergeaunt well and faire. | |
Was readie straight, on him to waight, | |
As sone as on the maire, | |
105 | But he doutlesse, of his mekenes, |
Hated suche pompe and pride. | |
And would not go, accompanied so, | |
But drewe himselfe aside. | |
To saint Katherine, straight as a line, | |
110 | He gate him at a tide |
For promotion, or deuotion, | |
There would he needes bide. | |
There spent he fast, tyll all was past, | |
And to him came there manie. | |
115 | To aske their dette, but none coulde gette, |
The valour of a penie. | |
With visage stoute, he bare it out, | |
Vnto the harde hedge, hedge: =edge | |
A moneth or twaine till he was faine, | |
120 | To lay his gowne to pledge, |
Than was he there, in greater feare, | |
Than or that he came thither. | |
sig: [C4] | |
And would as faine, depart againe, | |
But that he wist not whither. | |
125 | Than after this, to a frende of his. |
He went and there abode. | |
Where-as he laie, so sicke alwaie, | |
He might not come abrode. | |
It happed than, a marchaunt-man | |
130 | That he ought money to, |
Of an officer, that gan enquire, | |
What him was best to do. | |
And he aunswerd, be not a_ferde, | |
Take an action therfore, | |
135 | I you behest, I shall him rest, rest ='arrest'; see OED s.v. rest v3 |
And than care for no more. | |
I feare quod he, it will not be, | |
For he will not come out. | |
The sergeaunt said, be not afraide, | |
140 | It shall be brought about, |
In many a game, like to the same, | |
Haue I bene well in vre, | |
And for your sake, let mee be bake, bake: =baked? | |
But if I do this cure. | |
145 | Thus parte they bothe, and to him goth, |
A_pace this officer, | |
And for a daie, all his araie, | |
He chaunged with a frier. | |
So was he dight, that no man might, | |
150 | Him for a frier denie. |
He dopped and douked, he spake and loked, dopped and douked ='bobbed and bowed' | |
So religiouslie. | |
Yet in a glasse, or he would passe, | |
He toted and he pored. toted ='peered, gazed'; see OED s.vv. toot v1, 2, tout v1, 1 | |
sig: [C4v] | |
155 | His heart for pride, lept in his side, |
To see howe well he fryred. | |
Then forth a_pace, vnto the place, | |
He goeth in Gods name: | |
To doo this deede, but nowe take heede, | |
160 | For heere beginneth the game. |
He drew him nie, and then softlie, | |
At the doore he knocked. | |
A Damsell, that heard him wel, | |
There came and it vnlocked. | |
165 | The fryar sayd, God speede fayre mayde, |
Heere lodgeth such a man: | |
It is tolde mee, well sir quoth she, | |
And if he do? what than? | |
Quod he, maistresse, no harme doutlesse, | |
170 | It longeth for our order. |
To hurt no man, but as we can, | |
Euery wyght to forder. | |
With him truely, faine speake would I, | |
Syr quod she, by my faye: | |
175 | He is so sicke, yee be not lyke, |
To speake with him to_daye. | |
Quoth he fayre maye, yet I you pray, | |
Thus much at my desyer: | |
Vouchsafe to doo, as goe him too, | |
180 | And saye an Austen Fryar, |
Woulde with him speake, & maters breake, | |
For his auayle certaine. | |
Quod shee I wyl, stand ye heer styll, | |
Tyll I come downe againe. | |
185 | Vppe is shee goe, and tolde him so: |
As shee was bode to saye. | |
sig: [C5] | |
He mistrustinge, no maner thinge, | |
Said mayden go thy waie. | |
And fetche him hither, that we to_gither: | |
190 | May talke a_downe she goth, |
And vp him brought, no harme she thought, | |
But it made some folke wroth. | |
But this officer, this fained frier, | |
Whan he was come a_lofte, | |
195 | He dopped than, and greet this man, |
Religiously and ofte. | |
And he againe, right glad and faine, | |
Tooke him there by the hande: | |
The friere than said, ye be dismaide, | |
200 | With trouble I vnderstande. |
In-deede quod he, it hath with me, | |
Bene better than it is. | |
Sir quod the frier, bee of good chere, | |
Ye shall yet after this. | |
205 | For christes sake, loke that ye take, |
No thought into your brest, | |
God maie tourne all, and so he shall, | |
I trust vnto the best. | |
But I woulde nowe, comyn with you, | |
210 | In counsaile if you please, |
Or elles not[e], of maters that, note] not 1575 | |
Shall set your heart at ease. | |
Downe went the maide, the marchaunt said | |
Nowe saye on gentill frier, | |
215 | Of this tidinge, that ye me bringe, |
I long full sore to heare. | |
Whan there was none, but they alone, | |
The frier with euell grace, | |
sig: [C5v] | |
Said I rest thee, come on with mee. | |
220 | And out he toke his mace: |
Thou shalte obey, come on thy way, | |
I haue thee in my clouche, | |
Thou goest not hence, for all the pence, | |
The mayre hath in his pouche. | |
225 | This marchaunt there, for wrath and feare, |
Waxinge well-nighe wood: | |
Saide horeson thefe, with a verie mischefe, | |
Who hath taught thee thy good? | |
And with his fist, vpon the list. | |
230 | He gaue him suche a blowe, |
That backewarde downe, almoste in swoune, | |
The frier is ouerthrowe. | |
Yet was this man, well fearder than, | |
Lest he the frier had slaine: | |
235 | Till with good rappes, and heuy clappes, |
He dawed him vp againe. | |
The frier toke heart, and vp he starte, | |
And well he laide aboute, | |
And so there gothe, bytwene them bothe, | |
240 | Many a lusty cloute. |
They rent and tere, eche other heer, | |
And claue togider fast: | |
Till with lugginge, halinge and tugginge, | |
They fell downe bothe at last. | |
245 | Than on the grounde, to_gether rounde, |
With many a heuy stroke. | |
They roule and romble, they turne and tumble, | |
Lyke pygges do in a poke. | |
So long aboue, they heaue and shoue, | |
250 | Togither that at the last, |
sig: [C6] | |
The maide and the wife, to breake the strife, | |
Hied them vpwarde fast. | |
And whan they see, the captaines lye, captaines ='principals, protagonists'? | |
Waltringe in the place, | |
255 | The friers hood, they pulled a_good, |
A_downe about his face. | |
While he was blinde, the wenche behinde, | |
Lent him on the flore. | |
Many a iole, about the nole, iole ='blow'; see OED s.v. jowl n4 | |
260 | With a great battill-dore. |
The wife came to it, and with her feete, | |
She holpe to kepe him downe: | |
And with her rocke, many a knocke, rocke ='distaff' | |
She gaue him on the crowne. | |
265 | They laide his mace, about his face, |
That he was wode for paine, | |
The frier frap, gate many a swap, frap ='debauched, libertine', a contracted form of frapart, known only in the phrase friar frapart; see OED s.v. frapart adj. | |
Till he was well-nighe slaine. | |
Vp they him lifte, and with euell thrifte, | |
270 | Hedlong all the staire: |
Downe they him threwe, and said adewe, | |
Recommaunde vs to the mayre. | |
The frier arose, but I suppose, | |
Amased was his hedde: | |
275 | He shoke his heres, and from great feres, |
He thought him well a_fledde. | |
Quod he nowe lost is all this cost, | |
We be neuer the nere: | |
Ill mot he thee, that caused mee, | |
280 | To make my-selfe a frier. |
Nowe maisters all, an ende I shall, | |
Make there-as I began. | |
sig: [C6v] | |
In any wise, I wolde auyse, | |
And councell euery man. | |
285 | His owne crafte vse, all newe refuse, |
And vtterlye let them gone. | |
Playe not the frier, now make good cheere, | |
And welcome euerychone. | |