The New Nutbrown Maid


STC 14553.7
Ringler 14553.7 and TP 1525. Ed. George Isted, Roxburghe Club, 1820 and Hazlitt, _Remains_ 3 (1866), 1-22. A parody on 'The Nutbrown Maid', first pub. in STC 782. UMI microfilm reel 1728.

Here begynneth ythornsuperscript-e new notb[ro]une mayd vpon ythornsuperscript-e passion of cryste
London: John Skot,1535?.

Composition Date: 1535? [STC].

dyde: =died; cf. Ye dyed for hym alone, line 71anguyshously: =anguishously, 'with much suffering'swayd ='governed, directed'; see OED s.v. sway v, 9entente ='attend to'; see OED s.v. intent v, 1b, where this example is cited
sig: [A1]

¶Here begynneth the new Notb[ro]une
Notbroune] Notborune 1535
mayd vpon the passion of cryste

RYght and no wrong
It is amonge
Yt I of man complayne
Affyrmynge this
5 Howe that it is
A laboure spent in vayne
To loue hym well
For neuer a dell
He wyll me loue agayne
10 For though that I
Me sore applye
His fauer to attayne
Yet yf that shrewe
To hym pursue
15 That clepyd is Sathan
Hym to conuerte
Sone from his herte
I am a banysshed man.

Maria the mayde.

¶I say not naye
20 Bothe nyght and daye
Swete sonne as ye haue sayde
Man is vnky[n]de
His faythfull mynde
In maner is halfe decayed
25 But neuer-the-lesse
Through ryghtwysenes
Theyrwith be not apayed
Yet mercy trewe
Muste contynewe
30 And not a_parte be layed
Syth ye for loue
Came frome a_boue
Frome your father in trone.
Of louynge mynde
35 Towarde mankynde
To dye for hym alone.


¶Than ye and I
Mother marye
Let vs despute in fere.
40 Ryght hertely / I you supply supply ='supplicate'
Your reason lette me here.
With man vnkynde
Hath neuer mynde
Of me that bought hym dere
45 If his folye
Shulde haue mercy
Ayenste all ryght it were
I am by ryght
The kynge of lyght
50 For man my blode out ranne
Ye knowe a_parte a_parte ='in part, partly'?; see OED s.v. a part, advb. phr.
Yet from his herte
I am a banysshed man.


Here-in your wyll
55 For to fulfyll
I wyll not sone refuse.
To say the truthe
sig: [A1v]
More is it ruthe
I cannot man excuse.
60 To his owne shame
He is to blame
His lyfe soo to measure.
Yet though rygoure
Without fauour
65 Wolde hym theyrfore accuse.
Mercy I pleate pleate: =plead
That is more greate
Than rygoure ten to one.
Syth of good mynde
70 Towarde mankynde
Ye dyed for hym alone.


¶The cause stode so
Suche dedes were do
Wherfore moche harme dyde growe.
75 Tho man and I Tho ='Then'
Came for to dye
A shamefull dethe ye knowe.
Upon a tree
To make hym free
80 This loue I dyde hym showe
Yet to my lawe
For loue nor awe
He wyll not bende nor bowe.
Thus my dere mother
85 For man my brother
Let me do what I canne.
Hym to conuerte
Yet from his herte
I am a banysshed man


90 ¶O lorde of blysse
Remembre this
Howe mannes mynde is lyke the mone
Is varyable
Frayle / and vnstable
95 At morowe / ny[gh]t / & noone. nyght] nyhgt 1535
Though he vnkynde
Haue not in mynde
What ye for hym haue doone.
Yet haue compassyon
100 Of our saluacyon
Forsake not man so soone.
A whyle hym spare
He shall prepare
Hym-selfe to you anone.
105 With harte and mynde
Louynge and kynde
To serue but you alone.


¶I can beleue
He shall remeue
110 His synne a daye or twayne.
But lytell space
That god of grace
Wyll i[n] his herte remayne.
It shall aslake
115 And he wyll take
His olde vsage a_gayne.
So from his thought
I that hym bought
Shall be expoulsed playne.
120 Thus wyll he do
Swete mother loo
Holde ye all that ye canne.
Upon his parte
Yet frome his herte
125 I am a banysshed man.


¶Swete sonne syth ye
To make hym fre
sig: A2
Wold dye of your good mynde.
Your herte souerayne
130 Clouen in twayne
By Longes the blynde. Longes: =Longinus
And all was done
That man alone
Shulde not be lefte behynde.
135 Your goodnes euer
Dothe styll perseuer
Though he haue ben vnkynde
What is offendyd
Shall be amended
140 Ye shall persayue anone.
He shall be kynde
Yeldynge his mynde
And loue to you alone.


¶Matter in-dede Matter in-dede ='as a matter of fact, truly'; see OED s.v. matter n1, 16c
145 My sydes dyde blede
For man ryght as ye saye.
Yet yonge and olde
He neuer wolde
Unto my lawes obaye.
150 But to fulfyll
His wanton wyll
Wrenchynge from me alway Wrenchynge] Wrenchynchynge 1535
Frome his delyght
By day or nyght
155 He wyll make no delay
Lo mother he
Refuseth me
And tourneth hym to Sathan
Thus from his thought
160 I that hym bought
Am made the banysshed man.


¶Bothe olde and yonge
He hathe done wronge
I graunt sone to the same
165 Rowynge at large
In Sathans barge
Empayryng his good name
Syth ye hym loue
A greate reproue
170 It is to hym & shame
I do confesse
By ryghtwysenes
He is greatly to blame
But I commence commence ='enter upon (an action)', in legal sense; see OED s.v. commence v, 1
175 Afore clemence
For man myne accyon
Let rygour reste
Mercy can beste
Determyn this alone.


180 ¶Consydre nowe
Swete mother howe
Man is a wylde outlawe
Renneth a_boughte a_boughte: =about
In euery route
185 Workynge ayenst my lawe
And yf the deuyll
Tempte hym to euyll
Theyrto sone wyll he drawe
And all myschefe
190 Ys to hym lefe
Withouten loue or awe
To me or you
Though for his prowe
Ye do to all ye can
195 Whan all is sought
Quy[te] frome his thought Quyte] Quyet 1535
I am a banysshed man.


sig: [A2v]
Though as ye say
He disobaye
200 Your commaundeme[n]t and lore commaundement] commaundemet 1535
Yet yf loue make
Hym to forsake
His synne / & wepe therfore
With full contrycyon
205 For his transgressyon
His herte oppressynge sore
Contryte and meke
As Dauyd speke
What aske ye of hym more
210 My sonne / my lorde
Your prophytes worde
I pray you thynke vpon
And ye shall fynde
Man meke and kynde
215 To serue but you alone.


¶My herte & mawe mawe ='liver'?; see OED s.v. maw n1, 2c
To rent & drawe
And me with othes to bynde
Cheseth not he
220 Grace or pytye
In hym can I none fynde
The crewell Iewes
Were to me shrewes
But he is more vnkynde
225 Syth for his prowe
He knoweth well howe
I dyde of louynge mynde dyde: =died
Of me eche membre
He dothe remembre
230 With othes all that he can
Thus ofte I fynde
Me in his mynde
But elles a banysshed man.


¶Full well knowe ye
235 Ayenst thyes thre thyes: =these
Man feble is to fyght
The deuyll / his flesshe /
The worlde all fresshe
Prouoke hym day and nyght
240 To sue theyr trace
Whyche in eche case
Is wronge and neuer ryght
That thyne stabylyte
Of his fragylyte
245 Ayenst them hath no my[gh]t Ayenst] Ayensty 1535; myght] myhgt 1535
Though man that frayle is
Swere armes / and nales
Brane / blode / sydes / passyon
Swete sonne regarde
250 Your paynes harde
Ye dyde for hym alone. dyde] dyded 1535dyde: =died; cf. Ye dyed for hym alone, line 71


¶Now for mannes nede
Sith I wolde blede
And great anguysshe sustayne
255 In stony wayes
Both nyghtes and dayes
Walkynge in frost / and rayne
In c[ol]de / and hete colde] clode 1535
In drye / and wete
260 My fete were bare both twayne
Though I for loue
To mannes behoue
Endured all this payne
That I therfore
265 Sholde spare the more
No reson fynde ye can
Rather I sholde
More strayte hym holde
sig: [A3]
And as a banysshed man


270 ¶Yet my sonne dere
I pray you here
What tyme poure reason is
Mannes soule to cure
Ye dyde endure
275 Moche payne / I knowe well this
To man all vayne
Shulde be your payne
If he were put to blys put to ='(already) destined for'?
For playne remyssyon
280 Is my petycyon
Where man hathe wrought amys
Ye be his leche
I you beseche
To saulue his sores echone
285 That he vnkynde
May chaunge his mynde
And serue but you alone.


¶Hyther or theder
He careth not whyther
290 He go hym to enclyne
To wyckydnesse
From all goodnesse
He dayly dothe declyne
In cardes and dyce
295 He compteth no vyce
Nor syttynge at the wyne
To fyght and swere
To rene and tere
Asondre me and myne
300 Lo thus he dothe
To make me wrothe
The worst he may or can
And I am twynde
Out of his mynde
305 Ryght as a banysshed man.


¶My dere sonne dere
Syth ye the clere
Fountayne of mercy be
Though man be frayle
310 He may not fayle
To fynde in you pytye
He wyll I truste
Frome worldely lust
Turne his swete soule to me
315 And in shorte space
So stande in grace
That I his soule shall se
To blysse assende
That hathe none ende
320 There to remayne as one
That hathe ben kynde
And set his mynde
To serue but you alone.


¶Man greueth me sore
325 For lasse nor more
Wyll he wons doo for me
Ones in a yere
A good prayer
He sayeth not on his kne
330 The poure may stande
With empty hande
For almes theyr wyll none be
Bothe day and nyght
He flyeth the ryght
335 But folye he wyll not fle
His proper wyll
For to fulfyll
He doeth all that he can
sig: [A3v]
But from his thought
340 I that hym bo[u]ght bought] bohght 1535
Am euer a banysshed man


¶If man for you
Nor his owne prow
Wyll to no grace procede
345 Mercy or grace
A_fore your face
He none deserueth in-dede
But I your mother
For man your brother
350 Make Instaunce in his nede
Though he deserue
To brynne / and sterue brynne: =burn
In the Infernall glede
Spare hym for me
355 And ye shall se
That he shall tourne anone
Frome his folye
To serue but you alone.


360 ¶Why shulde I soo
Nay let hym go
My dere mother mary
Syth his delyght
Is to be lyght
365 And deale so vnkyndly
For you nor me
He wyll not flee
From vyce / nor hym applye
By wordes to here
370 That bought hym dere
On crosse anguy[sh]ously anguyshously] anguyously 1535anguyshously: =anguishously, 'with much suffering'

Bothe yonge and olde
[H]e hathe ben bolde He] Ie 1535
To greue me that he can
375 But my precept
Was euer vnkept
And I a banysshed man.


¶For ruthe & drede
Myne herte doth blede
380 Man in no wyse wylbe
By reason s[w]ayd swayd] sayd 1535swayd ='governed, directed'; see OED s.v. sway v, 9

Nor yet apayed
From his offence to flee
For though that I
385 For remedye
Do all that lyeth in me
To haue hym cured
Yet so endured endured ='hardened'
With synne & vyce is he
390 That to be shorte
What I exhorte
Not herde is / yet anone
I trust he shall
Make well his thrall
395 And serue but you alone.


¶So rude and wylde
And so defyled
As he / paste shame & drede
That to what lawe
400 He shulde hym drawe
He scarsely knoweth in-dede
Yet better were
For hym to lere
Some vertu / & procede
405 To grace than saye
A nother daye
Alas my wycked dede
Hathe me betrayed
sig: [A4]
Lo thus good mayde
410 The doughter of saynte Anne.
Man hat[h]e exylede hathe] hate 1535
Frome hym your chylde
Ryght as a banysshed man.


¶Whan all to all
415 Shall come / he shall
I trust from vyce abrayed
And fle theyrfroo
Whiche hathe hym so
Encombered & arayed
420 He shall repell
Sathans councell
That ofte hathe hym betrayed
With full compounctyon
To take thy iniunction
425 That shalbe to hym layed
Of harde penaunce
And hym auaunce
To seche remyssyon
Full reconsyled
430 To you my chylde
To serue but you alone


¶My commaundement
Neuer t'[e]ntente t'entente] tontente 1535entente ='attend to'; see OED s.v. intent v, 1b, where this example is cited

His hyghnes for to alowe alowe ='praise, commend'; see OED s.v. allow v, 1
435 His Irous brayde brayde ='outburst of passion'; see OED s.v. braid n, 1d
Wyll not be layed
For me nor yet for you
Myne [h]erte to teare herte] yerte 1535
He hathe no feare
440 But dare it well avowe
Pryde with hym goeth
In herte & cloth
How say ye mother nowe
Hy[m] thynketh great ease Hym] Hy 1535
445 Me to dysplease
By all the meanes he ca[n]
But whan my wyll But whan ='unless'?
He shulde fulfyll
I am a banysshed man.


450 ¶Sonne though mannes blode
Be wylde and wode
Frayle as a fadyng floure
Regardynge nought
How ye hym bought
455 Out of the fendes powre
With herte [&] mynde herte &] hertely 1535
Euer enclyned
To be a transgressoure
Ayenst your lawe
460 And though he drawe
Hym-selfe to synne eche houre
Ye may not soo
His soule forgo
Syth ye syttynge in throne
465 Wolde for his loue
Come frome aboue
To dye for hym alone.


¶Mother your loue
I se the proue
470 To man is kynde & true
To haue his lyfe
Brought out of stryfe
Kyndely for hym ye sue
And yf he wold
475 His vyces olde
Forsake & take vertue
I wolde for ruthe
Seynge the truthe
sig: [A4v]
And loue that ye hym shewe
480 Graunt hym remyssyon
Upon condycyon
That he forsake Sathan
That I may fynde
Me in his mynde
485 And as no banysshed man


¶Sonne your petye
And charytye
Was well perceyued & sene
Whan your pleasure
490 Was to endure
To lye my sydes betwene
Nyne monethes / and than
Be borne as man
And to brynge hym from tene
495 In graue be layed
And me your mayd
To make of heuen Quene
And condes[c]ende condescende] condestende 1535
Thus at the ende
500 To graunte man your pardon
At my requeste
Wherfore shulde reste
Greate laude to you alone


¶The poore at nede
505 To clothe and fede
Parte of his rent & wage
He muste bestowe
Rememberynge howe
All came of one lynage
510 Forsakynge synne
He may me wynne
And to myne herytage
I shall hym take
His soule to make
515 My spouse in mariage
For to perseuer
With me foreuer
With ioye she may say than
That she hathe wonne
520 A kynges sonne
And not a banysshed man.

¶The translator.

¶Regarde and se
O man to the
God is moche fauorable
525 Eschewe thou than
Reprefe no man
Beware by dedes dampnable
In any wyse
Euer despyse
530 Sathan the deceyuable
Thy soule beware
Out of his snare
Neuer be founde vnstable
535 Reason applye
Iustely let all be done
Endlesse solace
Shall he purchase
That serueth but god alone.
¶Thus endeth the boke of the newe Notbrowne mayd vpon the passyon of Cryste Imprynted at London by Iohnn_Skot dwelly[n]ge in Foster_lane within saynt_Leonardes parysshe.