¶O Lord thy word is our sure touch-stone. |
That leadeth mankynde, to hys saluation |
Uyce for to eshewe, and all abhomination |
Ipocrysie, Idolatry, which is mans perdition |
5 |
O Lorde is not the merites of thy passion |
A sure seale of fre pardone, and remyssion |
That once was shed for mans redemption? |
Upon the crosse was offered, that high oblacion. |
¶O Lorde thou dyddest thy fathers wrath pacify |
10 |
Obedient thou wast vnto a shamefull death |
For mans lyfe, thou suffredest patiently |
Thou yeldest the gost, as the scripture sayth |
And rose from death, to lyfe the thyrde daye |
And sittest in heauen, with great power and maiestie |
15 |
Coequall with the father, thys is no naye |
Makyng intercession, for vs synners perpetuallye. |
¶O Lorde howe long shall we wepe and crye |
For fault of foode, to the soule spirituall |
Thy watchmen are dome, and lie in theyr stye |
20 |
Their filthy liuyng i[s] so abhomynable
is] it 1549
To fede thy flocke, they take no care nor payne |
To teach or preach, thy fa[y]thful testament
faythful] fathful 1549gloss in left margin trimmed |
gloss in left margin trimmed