sig: [A1] | |
¶Pleasure and Payne, Heauen and Hell: | |
Remembre these foure, and all shall be well. | |
¶Compyled by Roberte Crowley, Anno Domini, MDLI. | |
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. | |
¶O ye that be my fathers blessed ones come and posses the kyngdome that was prepared for you befor the beginning of the worlde. | |
¶Goe ye curssed sorte into the euerlastyng fyre that was prepared for the Deuill and his Angelles | |
Math ,xxv, | |
sig: [A1v] [page blank] | |
sig: A2 | |
¶To the ryght worshypful Lady Dame Elizabeth Fane, wyfe to the ryght worshypfull Syr Rafe Fane Knyghte: Roberte Crowley Wyshethe the Lyfe euerlastynge |
AFter I had compiled thys litil last 2 letters of 'litil' not visible treatise (ryght vertuouse Lady) I thought it my duty to Dedicate the same vnto youre Ladishyppes name, as to a ryght worthy Patrones of al such as laboure in the Lords harueste. Not for that I thyncke I haue herein done any-thyng worthy so liberall a Patrones, but for the worthynes of the matter, whych is a parte of the holy gospel of Iesu Christ wrytten by the holy Euangelyste Mathewe, and is most necessary to be beaten into the heades of all men at thys daye, to dryue them (if it be possible) from the gredy rakeyng togyther of the treasures of this vayne worlde. I do not doubt, but if god haue not geuen men vp to their owne herts lust they wyll nowe at the laste endeuoure to lyue the gospell which they haue of longe-tyme talked. In-dede it was sig:
necessarie that God should styr vp some to plage such emonge his people as had offended euen as he dyd often-tymes styr vp the Heathen to plage hys people of Israell but yet it is not necessarye that the same should continue in oppressyng the offendars and Innocent togither. For so shal they also deserue the lordis Wrath in the ende be plaged by some other that God shall styr vp to reuenge the iniurye done to the innocent sorte Moued therefore wyth the desyre to se the wealth of my contrey by the pacifiyng of gods Ire, which (no doubt) wyl fal vpon this realme very shortly, if oppression and gredye couetise cease not: I haue so playnely as I coulde, set forth in thys litle boke the terrible Iudgment of god (which no doubt of it is at hande) that if there remayne any feare of god in mens hertis it may cause them to staye at the least waye and not to procede any farder in the Inuentyng of newe wayes to oppresse the pore of thys realme whoes oppression doeth alredy crye vnto the lorde for vengeance. The lorde work in the hertis of the rych that this vengeaunce fall not on thys realme in oure dayes, for doubtles it wyl be gret when it cometh. And if the oppression cease not, the vengeance can not tarye sig:
longe. For the lorde hath promised to reuenge his people in haste. This lord preserue your good ladiship to hys good pleasure in thys lyfe and geue you blysse in the lyfe to come So be it. |
Your Ladyships at commaundement Robert Crowley. |
sig: [A3v] [page blank] | |
sig: A4 | |
WHen Christ shall come to iudge vs all | |
And geue eche one as he hath wrought Mat. xvi. | |
Hys fathers frendis then wyll he call | |
To enioye that whych they haue sought | |
5 | By beleueng that they were bought |
Wyth his bloude shedde vpon a tree | |
As by theyre workis all men maye see Mat. vii. | |
Come, come, shall he saye to these men | |
Come and possesse for euermore Mat. xxv. | |
10 | That kyngdome whych my father when |
No worlde was made layd vp in store | |
For you, whome he dyd knowe before | |
sig: [A4v] | |
To be in maners lyke to me Rom. viii | |
That am his sonne and aye haue be | |
15 | Come shall he saye for aye when I |
Stode nede of meate ye gaue me fode Mat. xxv. | |
So dyd you drynke when I was drye | |
Reioyceng when you dyd me good | |
No fende therefore shall chaynge your mode | |
20 | For you shall alwayes be wyth me |
And shall my fathers godheade se i. Cor. xiii. | |
And at all tymes when I haue bene | |
Of nedefull lodgeynge desolate Mat. xxv. | |
You haue bene gladde to take me in | |
sig: [A5] | |
25 | Whether it were yarly or late |
You dyd me neuer chyde nor rate | |
But gaue me wordis curteyse and kynde | |
Procedynge from a faythfull mynde. | |
¶So when I was naked and bare | |
30 | Hauynge no clothes my fleshe to hyde |
From your owne backs then dyd you spare Mat. xxv. | |
And gaue me clothes for backe and syde | |
So that I myght the colde abyde. | |
But if you lackt sufficient | |
35 | Then dyd you my greate lacke lament. |
In fyne, when I was weake and sycke | |
sig: [A5v] | |
And had no conforte aboute me | |
To come to me you dyd not stycke | |
And succour my necessitie Mat. xxv. | |
40 | And when it chaunced me to be |
In prisone and could not get oute | |
To raunsome me you went aboute. | |
¶Then shall the iuste answere agayne Mat. xxv | |
And saye, O lorde, when sawe we the | |
45 | In prisone or in other payne |
Through extreme nede and pouertie? | |
Arte not thou lorde of lande and see? | |
What? lorde we knowe that sea and lande | |
sig: [A6] | |
Haue euermore bene in thyne hande | |
50 | We know that thou gaueste all-thynge i. Cor. iiii. |
To all estates boeth hygh and lowe | |
There is no myghty lorde nor kynge | |
But he is in thyne hande we knowe. | |
In vayne lorde we might plante and sowe | |
55 | If thou gaue vs not frute and grayne |
We coulde haue nought lyfe to sustayne | |
Then shall Christe saye, all this is true | |
I gaue you lyfe. and dyd you fede | |
Wyth graynes and fruitis boeth olde and newe | |
60 | And gaue you all thyngis at your nede |
sig: [A6v] | |
In all your wayes I was your speede | |
And gaue you that wherefore ye sought | |
Wych wythout me had come to nought. Iohn. xv. | |
Yet all that I haue sayde before | |
65 | Is true also, for when you gaue |
Ought to such as were sycke or sore | |
Whome nede constraynd forto craue last 2 letters of 'constraynd' not visible | |
Then I confesse my-selfe to haue | |
Recey[u]ed all that at your hande Mat. xxv | |
70 | Whereof they dyd in greate nede stande. |
¶Then shall the iuste wyth ioye enter | |
Into the ioyes that shall not ende | |
sig: [A7] | |
By ####ab#### cause theyr hertes were aye tender | |
To geue such thyngis as god dyd sende | |
75 | Mankynde from peryle to defende. Mat. v. |
Thus shall they lyue in ioye and blysse | |
In paradice where no payne is. | |
But to the wycked Christ shall saye | |
Auoyde frome me ye wycked sorte | |
80 | For in my nede you sayde me naye Mat. xiv. |
Wyth spytefull wordis of disconforte | |
Yet my preachars dyd you exhorte | |
Me in my membres to refreshe i. Cori. x. Cori] Corhi 1551Cori] Corhi 1551 | |
Knoweynge that all are but one fleshe. | |
sig: [A7v] | |
85 | Then shall these men wyth faynte herte saye Mat. xxv. |
Lorde when dyd we see the in nede? | |
Thou haste bene lorde and kynge alwaye | |
No wyght was whome thou dydest not fede | |
All this we learned in oure Creede, | |
90 | For thou arte Iesus, that [arte] Gods sonne arte] 1551 omits |
That hath create boeth sonne and mone. | |
Oh, shall Christe saye to them agayne, | |
Ye deafe dorepostis coulde ye not heare? i. Cor. xii Cor] Cohr 1551Cor] Cohr 1551 | |
Thynke you the heade bydeth no payne | |
95 | When the members make heauye chere? |
In you, nought but flesh doeth appere. | |
sig: [A8] | |
For if my spirite in you had ben | |
Me in myne you must nedis haue sene. | |
¶The pore, the pore, and indigent | |
100 | Came vnto you ofte-tymes ye knowe |
And you sawe them wepe and lament | |
Yet would ye not on them bestowe | |
The leaste frute that to you dyd growe | |
No no, you were redy to take | |
105 | That other gaue them for my sake. |
Your hertis were harder then the flynt | |
In them no pitie coulde be founde Ezech. 33. | |
Your greedye gutte coulde neuer stynt | |
sig: [A8v] | |
Tyll all the good and fruitfull grounde | |
110 | Were hedged in whythin your [m]ownde. mownde] nownde 1551Whythin: =within Whythin: =within |
You wycked sorte, howe vsed ye, | |
The londis and goodis ye had of me? | |
You made your boaste all was your owne | |
To spare or spende, at your owne wyll | |
115 | And when any pore men were knowne |
That were so bolde to calle it yll Mat. xxi. | |
My landis and goodis in waste to spyll | |
You shet them vp in prisone strong[e] stronge] strong? 1551 | |
Tormentynge them euer emonge. | |
120 | False libertynes you dyd them call |
sig: B1 | |
Because they tolde you your duitie | |
You sayde the loselles woulde haue all | |
That you had goten paynfully | |
And kept longe-tyme moste carefully, | |
125 | But ye belye them I know well |
And slaunder this my true Gospell | |
Emonge all myne there is not one | |
That would haue ought more then his owne | |
As I shall tell you playne anone | |
130 | For to me all theyr hertis be knowne Luke. xvi. |
They reaped nought that you had sowne. | |
But wylled you to let them haue | |
sig: [B1v] | |
That I gaue you mankynde to saue | |
Not one so blynde emonge you all | |
135 | But he knoweth I made all of nought |
Appoyntynge all thyngis naturall Psal. viii. | |
To serue mankynde, whome I haue wrought | |
Lyke to my-selfe in loueyng thought Gen[e]sis.Genesis] Gensis 1551 i.Genesis] Gensis 1551 | |
Wyllynge that eche should at his nede, | |
140 | Haue breade and Broth. harbour and wede. |
But syth it was expedient | |
That emonge all there should be some | |
Alwaye sycke, sore and impotent, | |
I indued you wyth such wysedome | |
sig: B2 | |
145 | As dyd honest stuardis become |
C[o]mmittyng whole into your hande Committyng] Cammittyng 1551Mat. 24. Mat. 24. | |
The riches boeth of sea and lande. | |
My purpose was that you should haue | |
Alwaye all nedefull thynges in store | |
150 | To succour such as nedis must craue |
Of you thyngis nedefull euermore | |
I made you rych to fede the pore | |
But you lyke seruauntis prodigall | |
Haue in excesse consumed all Mat. 24 | |
155 | But when I found you negligent |
In fedynge of my family | |
sig: [B2v] | |
Then my prophetes to you I sent | |
Commaundyng that you should yerely | |
Brynge all your tythes diligently Malc. iii | |
160 | Into my barne that there myght be |
Meate in myne house for pouertie. | |
But you gaue to theyr wordis no hede | |
You helde all faste and woulde nought brynge | |
Into my barne the pore to fede | |
165 | But spent all at your owne lykynge |
In wantones and banketynge Gene. 32. | |
And in rayment past your degree | |
As men that had no mynde of me | |
sig: [B3] | |
¶Yea some of you were not content | |
170 | To holde fast that ye should haue brought |
Into my barne, there to be spent | |
But gredyly ye begde and bought Iohn. x. | |
That my true seruantis as they ought | |
Dyd at my true prophetis byddynge | |
175 | Into my barne faythfully brynge |
¶And when you had once goten in | |
Into my folde emonge my shepe | |
Then you thought it to be no synne | |
Styll in your kennells forto slepe | |
180 | Settyng such ones my flocke to kepe |
sig: [B3v] | |
As were more lyke to eate the lambe Iohn. x. | |
Then to defende his feble dame | |
Ye robde, ye spoylde, ye bought, ye solde Ezech. 34. | |
My flocke and me, in euery place | |
185 | Ye made my bloude vylar then golde |
And yet ye thought it no tre[s]passe trespasse] trepasse 1551 | |
O wycked sorte voyde of all grace | |
Auoyde from me downe into hell | |
Wyth lucifer there shall ye dwell | |
190 | Ye had the tythes of mens encrease |
That shoulde haue fedde my flocke and me Ezech. 34. | |
But you made your-selfes well at ease | |
sig: B4 | |
And toke no thought for pouertie | |
It dyd not greue you forto se | |
195 | My flocke and me suffer greate nede |
For lacke of meate, harbour and wede. | |
¶No Hell can be a worthy payne | |
For your offence it is so greate | |
For you haue robbed me and slayne | |
200 | My flocke for lacke of nedefull meate |
The woule, the lambe the malt and wheate | |
You dyd by force cary awaye | |
And no man durst once saye you naye, | |
¶Howe can you loke to haue mercie | |
205 | At myne hande? whome sig:
ye would not feede |
Wyth that was myne euen of dutie | |
To succoure me and myne at nede? | |
Syth you myght in the scripture rede | |
That suche man shall no mercie haue | |
210 | As kepe theyr owne when nede doethe craue Iacob. ii. |
Unto the Hungry parte thy breade Esai. viii | |
And when thou shalt the naked se. | |
Put clothes on him, this myght you reade | |
In my Prophetis that Preached me | |
215 | And in Iohns Pistle these wordis be |
Howe can that man haue Charitie | |
That beynge riche sig:
sheweth no pitie? |
Also, the man that stoppeth his eare Prou. xxi. | |
At the crye of such as be pore | |
220 | Shall crye, and no man shall him heare |
Nor at his nede shewe him succoure | |
Ryght so, he that doeth endeuoure Prou. xxii | |
To be made rych by oppressynge | |
Shall leaue him-selfe (at the last) no-thynge. | |
225 | For he shall geue the ryche alwaye |
More then he can scrape frome the pore | |
So that in tyme he shall decaye | |
And haue no nedefull thynge in store | |
sig: [B5v] | |
This might you reade and ten tymes more | |
230 | In the bible, that holy boke |
If you had had tyme forto loke Math. x. | |
But such scriptures you coulde not broke | |
As bade you geue ought to the pore | |
You wyshed then out of the boke | |
235 | But you were suer to haue in store |
Plentie of scripturs euermore | |
To proue that you myght aye be bolde | |
Wyth your owne to do what you woulde | |
You thought you myght your goodis employ | |
240 | To priuate gayne in euery-thynge |
sig: [B6] | |
You thought it no faute to anoye | |
Such men as were nygh you dwellynge Mat. vii. | |
Were it by purchaise or byldynge | |
Neither to get into your hande, Neither: Either? | |
245 | Your neyghbours house his goodis and lande |
All was your owne that you myght bye | |
Or for a long tyme take by lease | |
And then woulde you take rent yerely | |
Much more then was the tenantis ease Luke. iii. | |
250 | It was no faute your rentis to rease rease: =raise |
From twentie markis to fourtie powndis | |
Were it in tenementis or growndis | |
sig: [B6v] | |
What though the pore dyd lye and dye | |
For lacke of Harboure in that place of] of of 1551 | |
255 | Where you had goten wyckedly |
By lease or else by playne purchase | |
All houseynge that shoulde in that case | |
Haue ben a safegard and defence safegard] slafegard 1551 | |
Agaynst the stormy violence? | |
260 | Yea what if the pore famyshed |
For lacke of fode vpon that grownde | |
The rentes whereof you haue reysed Math. x. | |
Or hedged it wythin your mownde? | |
There myght therwyth no faute be founde, | |
sig: [B7] | |
265 | No though ye bought vp all the grayne |
To sell it at your pryce agayne | |
You thought that I woulde not requyre | |
The bloude of all suche at your hande, | |
But be you sure eternall fyre | |
270 | Is redy for eche hell-fyrebrande, |
Boeth for the housynge and the lande | |
That you haue taken from the pore Iacob. ii. | |
Ye shall in Hell dwell euermore, | |
Yea that same lande that ye dyd take | |
275 | From the plowemen that laboured sore |
Causeynge them wycked shyftis to make. | |
sig: [B7v] | |
Shall nowe ly vpon you full sore | |
You shalbe damned for euermore | |
The bloude of them that dyd amisse | |
280 | Through your defaute is cause of this Mat. xviii |
The fathers whose children dyd growe | |
In Idlenes to a full age | |
Woulde fayne be excused by you | |
That were the cause that they dyd rage | |
285 | You toke from them theyr heritage |
Leaueyng them nought wheron to worcke | |
Which lacke dyd make them learne to lurke | |
The sones also that wycked were | |
sig: [B8] | |
And wrought after theyr wycked wyll | |
290 | Would nowe ryght fayne be proued cleare |
Bycause your mysse hath made them Ille | |
But they muste nedis be gyltie styll | |
Because they woulde worke wyckedly | |
Rather then lyue in miserie | |
295 | And yet shall you answere for all |
Theyr bloude I wyl of you require Ezech. iii | |
Because you were cause of theyr falle | |
That are become vesselles of Ire | |
Boeth they and you shall haue your hyre | |
300 | In Hell emonge that wycked sorte |
sig: [B8v] | |
That lyue in paynes wythout remorce. | |
In fyne, all such as dyd amysse | |
Through your defaut, what-so they be | |
Shall lyue in payne that endlesse is | |
305 | Because they would not credite me |
That am the trueth and verite | |
I tolde them if they were opprest [H]ebru.Hebru] Debru 1551 xiiHebru] Debru 1551 | |
I woulde se all theyr wrongis redreste | |
The wycked sorte that dyd rebell | |
310 | Agaynst you when you dyd them wronge |
Shall haue theyr parte wyth you in Hell | |
Where you shall synge a dolefull songe | |
sig: C1 | |
Worlde wythout ende you shall be stonge | |
Wythe the pricke of the conscience Eccles. vii | |
315 | A iuste rewarde for your offence. |
And you that woulde nedis take in hande | |
To guyde my flocke, as shepheardis shoulde | |
Onlye to possesse rent and land | |
And as much richesse as you coulde | |
320 | To leade your lyfe euen as you woulde |
Auoyde from me downe into hell | |
Wyth Simon Magus there to dwell Actu. viii | |
If I should rehearse all at large | |
That in your wycked lyfe is founde | |
sig: [C1v] | |
325 | And laye it strayght to your charge |
No wyght there were in this world rownde | |
But woulde wonder I had not drownde Genes. 7. | |
The hoole earth for your synne onlye | |
That woulde be called my cleargie | |
330 | Firste (wyth Magus) ye made your waye |
Lyke gredy woul[u]es into my folde woulues] woulles 1551 | |
Your wycked wyll coulde fynde no staye | |
So longe as ought was to be solde | |
Either for seruice or for golde, | |
335 | By you the patrons fell from me |
And are become as Ill as ye | |
sig: C2 | |
¶You dyd prouoke them fyrste to sell | |
And then they learned forto bye | |
Thynkynge that they myght bye as well | |
340 | As the leadars of the clargie. |
And then they founde meanes by and by | |
To catch and kepe in theyr owne hande | |
The tenth increase by sea and lande | |
¶Theyr owne chyldren they dyd present | |
345 | Theyr seruauntis and theyr wycked kynne |
And put by such as I had sent | |
To tell my people of theyr synne | |
And youe were gladde to take them in Iohn. x. | |
sig: [C2v] | |
Bycause you knewe that they dyd knowe | |
350 | That youe came in by the wyndowe |
Such as woulde haue entryd by me | |
That am the dore of my shepe-folde | |
You sayde were not worthy to be | |
Admitted into my householde | |
355 | You thought by them you should be tolde |
Of your moste wycked Simonie Esaie. xxx | |
Your falsehead and your periurie | |
¶You layde to theyr charge Herecie Act xxiiii | |
Sisme and sedicion also Sisme: =schism | |
360 | But you dyd them falsely belye |
sig: C3 | |
Thynckynge therby to worke them wo | |
And doubtlesse ofte it chaunced so | |
For many of them you haue slayne | |
Wyth most extreme and bitter payne. | |
365 | ¶Thus by your meanes my people haue |
Ben destitute of sheperdis good | |
They haue ben ledde by such as draue | |
Them from the fylde of gostly goode | |
They beate them backe wyth heauye mode | |
370 | And made them fede in morysh grownde |
Where neuer shepe coulde be fedde sownde. | |
¶The kyngis and Rulars of the earthe | |
sig: [C3v] | |
For lacke of knowledge went astraye Apo, xviii | |
And you stopped my seruantis breathe | |
375 | That woulde haue taught them the ryght waye |
You thought your lyueynge woulde decaye Iohn, xi | |
If kyngis and Rulars of the lande | |
Should theyr owne duitie vnderstande, | |
¶For so longe as you kept them blynde | |
380 | Makynge them thyncke they had no charge |
You had all thyngis at your owne mynde | |
And made your owne powr wondro[u]se large | |
You had an owre in echmans barge | |
You bade the princis take no care | |
sig: C4 | |
385 | For you would all the dayngar beare |
¶This haueynge my flocke in your hande This: =Thus | |
You taught them not but kept the[m] blynde them] then 1551 | |
So that not one dyd vnderstande | |
The lawes that I had lefte behynde Psal. xiiii | |
390 | The maister could not teach his hynde |
How he should worke in his callynge | |
Fearynge my wrath in euery-thynge | |
The father coulde not teach his sonne | |
Howe in his dayes to walke vpryght | |
395 | But gaue him leaue at large to runne |
In wycked wayes boeth daye and nyght | |
sig: [C4v] | |
Makyng him wycked in my syght | |
O wycked guidis this was your dede | |
But I shall requite you your mede Ezech iii | |
400 | The matrons and mothers also |
Coulde not teach theyr daughters my lawe | |
But wyckedly they let them go | |
Whyther theyre wycked luste dyd drawe | |
Can you denie but this you sawe? | |
405 | And whye dyd you not set them ryght |
To seke thynges pleasante in my syght? | |
All maner men were oute of frame | |
None knewe his duitie thorowly | |
sig: [C5] | |
And you are founde in all the blame | |
410 | That haue entred by Simonie Ier. xxiii |
Whych thynge you shall dearely bye | |
For wyth Sathan you shall be sure | |
Worlde without ende styll to endure. | |
For at your handis nowe I requyre | |
415 | The bloude of all that perished |
In placis were you toke the hyre | |
And let my flocke be famisshed. | |
For aye ye shal be banyshed | |
The blysse that I bought for them all | |
420 | That folowed me when I dyd call. Iohn. x |
sig: [C5v] | |
Auoyde from me downe into Hell | |
All ye that haue wrought wyckedly | |
Wyth lucifer there shall ye dwell | |
And lyue in paynes eternally | |
425 | Your wycked soule shall neuer [d]ye dye] nye 1551 |
But lyue in payne for euermore Mark, ix | |
Because ye paste not for my lore paste: see OED s.v. pass v, 23 | |
Awaye, awaye ye wycked sorte | |
Awaye I saye oute of my syght | |
430 | Henseforth you sh[all] haue no conforte shall] sh[a] 1551 |
But bytter mournynge daye and nyght | |
Extreme darknes wythouten lyghte | |
sig: [C6] | |
Wepynge, waylynge, wyth sobbynge sore Mat. xxv | |
Gnashyng of teeth for euermore, Luke. xiii. | |
435 | Your Conscience shall not be quiete |
But shall styll burne lyke flameynge fyre | |
No burnyng brymston hath such heate | |
As you shall haue for youre iuste hyre | |
The hote vengeaunce of my greate Ire | |
440 | Shall be styll boylynge in your breaste |
So that you shall neuer take reste | |
Then shall the wycked fall in haste | |
Downe into the pyt bottomelesse Mat. xiii. | |
Moste bytter paynes there shall they taste | |
sig: [C6v] | |
445 | And lyue euer in greate distresse |
None shall confort theyr heauinesse | |
In deadly paynes there shall they lye | |
And then they would but shall not dye, Apocal. ix | |
¶Such as were here so loth to dye | |
450 | That they thought no p[h]isicke to dere. phisicke] plisicke 1551 |
Shall there lyue in such miserie | |
That only death myght their hertis chere | |
They shall alwayes desyre to here | |
That they myght dye for euermore | |
455 | Theyr paynes shalbe so passynge sore, |
Then shall Christe wyth his chosen sorte | |
sig: [C7] | |
Triumphauntely returne agayne | |
To hys father geueyng conforte | |
To such as for hys sake were slayne, Apoc. xxii | |
460 | No wyght shall there fele any payne |
But all shall lyue in such blysse there, | |
As neuer tonge coulde yet declare. | |
That we maye then lyue in that place | |
Wyth Christe oure kynge that hath vs bought | |
465 | Let vs crie vnto God for grace |
To repent that we haue mysse ####ab#### wrought | |
And where we haue wyckedly sought | |
To be made rych by wycked gayne, Luke. xix. | |
sig: [C7v] | |
Let vs restore all thynges agayne. | |
470 | Let the pore man haue and enioye |
The house he had by Copyeholde, | |
For hym, his wyfe, and Iacke hys boye, | |
To kepe them from hunger and colde, | |
And thoughe the lease therof be solde | |
475 | Bye it agayne though it be dere, |
For nowe we go on oure laste yere. Phil. iiii. | |
Caste downe the hedges and stronge mowndes, | |
That you haue caused to be made, | |
Aboute the waste and tyllage-growndes | |
480 | Makeynge them wepe that erste were glad. |
sig: [C8] | |
Leste you your-selfes be stryken sadde | |
When you shall se that Christe doeth drye | |
All teares from the oppressedis eye. Apoc. xxi. | |
Restore the fynes and eke the rent, | |
485 | That ye haue tane more then your due |
Else certenly you shall be shent, | |
When Christe shall your Euidence vieu, | |
For then you shall fynde these wordes trew, | |
You are but stuardes of the lande, Luke. xix, | |
490 | That he betoke into your handes |
And you that haue taken by lease | |
Greate store of growndis or of houseyng, | |
sig: [C8v] | |
Your lyueyng thereby to encrease, | |
And to maynetayne you[r] loyeterynge: your] you 1551 | |
495 | Fall nowe to worcke for your lyueynge ii. The. iii |
And let the lordes deale wyth theyr growndis | |
In Territories, Fieldes, and Townes. | |
You do but heape on you gods Ire | |
Whych doubtles you shall fele shortely | |
500 | In that you do so muche desyre |
The lease of eche mans house to bye. | |
You study no mans wealth pardye, Esaie. v. | |
But all men se you do aduaunce | |
Your-selfe by pore mens hynderaunce. | |
sig: D1 | |
505 | What though your liueing ly theron? |
Shoulde you not geue them vp therfore? | |
It is Abhomination, | |
And doubtles God wyll plage it sore, | |
Repent, I saye, and synne no more, | |
510 | For nowe the daye is euen at hande |
When you shall at your tryall stande. | |
Let not the wealthy lyueynge here | |
(Which can but a shorte tyme endure) | |
Be vnto you a thynge so dere | |
515 | That you wyll lose endlesse pleasure |
Rather then leaue the vayne treasure | |
sig: [D1v] | |
O rather let your leases go | |
Then they shoulde worke you endelesse woe. | |
Re[st]ore the tythes vnto the pore Restore] Rehore 1551 | |
520 | For blynde and lame shoulde lyue theron |
The wydowe that hath no succoure | |
And the chylde that is lefte alone, | |
For if these folke do make theyr mone | |
To God, he wyll sure heare theyr crye | |
525 | And reuenge theyr wronge by and by. |
Restore your tythes I saye once more | |
That trwe preachars may lyue theron | |
And haue all nedefull thynges in store | |
sig: [D]2 | |
To geue to such as can get none | |
530 | Leste theyr greate lamentation |
Do styr the Lorde vengeaunce to take | |
Euen for hys trueth and promes sake. | |
Geue ouer your pluralities | |
Ye men of God if you be so | |
535 | Betake you to one benifice, |
And let your lordelyke lyueynges go, lyueynges] lyueuynges 1551 | |
For holy wryte teacheth you so | |
Learne at the laste to be content | |
Wyth thynges that be sufficient. | |
540 | If you be mete to do seruice |
sig: [D2v] | |
To any prince or noble-man | |
Than medle wyth no benifice | |
For certenly no one man can | |
Do the duitie of moe men than | |
545 | Of one: which duitie you do owe |
To them that geue you wage, you knowe | |
Robbe not the people that do paye | |
The tenth of theyr increase yerely | |
To haue a learned guyde alwaye | |
550 | Present wyth them to edifie |
Them by teachyng the veritie | |
Boeth in his worde and eke his dede Malac, iii | |
sig: D3 | |
And to succoure such as haue nede | |
And you that haue tane vsurie | |
555 | Of such as nede draue to borowe |
Make restitution shortly | |
Leste it turne you to great sorowe | |
When no man can be your borowe Psal xv. | |
Wich shalbe at the daye of dome Phil. iiii. | |
560 | Which doubtlesse is not longe to come |
And you that by disceyte haue wo[nn]e wonne] wome 1551 | |
Were it in weyght or in measure | |
Be sorye that ye haue so donne | |
And seke to stoppe goddis displeasure | |
sig: D3v] | |
565 | By bestowynge this worldis treasure Luke. iii. |
To the confort, helpe and succoure | |
Of such as be nedie and pore | |
¶And you that erste haue bene oppreste | |
And could not beare it paciently | |
570 | For you I thynke it shalbe beste |
To repent you m[o]st hertily most] must 1551 | |
And call to god for his mercie | |
To geue you grace forto sustayne | |
That crosse when it shall come agayne. Marc. 14 | |
575 | To make an ende let vs repent |
All that euer we haue mysse ####ab#### wrought | |
sig: [D4] | |
And praye to god omnipotent | |
To take from vs all wycked thought | |
That his glory maye be styll sought | |
580 | By vs that be his creatures |
So longe as lyfe in vs endures | |
And that henceforth eche man maye seke | |
In all thyngis to profite all men | |
And be in herte lowly and meke | |
585 | As men that be in dede Christen |
As well in herte as name and then | |
We shall haue blysse wythouten ende | |
Unto the which the lorde vs sende | |
Amen. | |
sig: [D4v] [page blank] | |
sig: [D5] | |
The boke to the Christian Readars |
My brother (the trumpet) dyd warne you before | |
That al men shuld walk in their callynge vpryght | |
Directyng their wayes by [goddis] holy lore goddis] gooddis 1551 | |
Knowyng that thei be always in the lordis syght | |
5 | Whoe seeth in the darcke as well as in lyght. |
He hath cryed vnto you all this last yere | |
And yet non emendment doeth in you appeare. | |
In-dede, very many do him entertayne | |
Lyke as there were none more welcome then he | |
10 | Yet I thyncke they do his warnynge dysdayne |
Because he doeth tell them sig:
what is theyr duetie |
For he is very playne wyth euery degre | |
The rych and the myghtie he doeth nothyng feare | |
No more doeth he wyth the pore mans falte beare | |
15 | It pleased my father to sende him before |
That he myght make redy and prepare his waye | |
By causeynge all men to walke in his lore | |
That haue in tymes passed wandred astraye | |
Leste payne be theyr portion at the laste daye | |
20 | And nowe hath he sent me that they maye se |
As it were in a glasse what theyr rewarde shalbe | |
I am the rewarde that al men shall haue | |
For the iuste shall haue plesure and the wicked pa[yn]e payne] panye 1551 | |
sig: [D6] | |
When euery man shal aryse oute of his graue | |
25 | And haue the spryte knyt to the body agayne |
In heauen or in hell they shall styll remayne | |
Or blysse or of payne they shall haue theyr fyll | |
The good sorte In heauen and in hell the Ill | |
Beholde me therfore wyth a gostly eie | |
30 | And let me not from your presence departe |
For no doubt you wyll all wyckednes defye | |
So longe as I shall remayne in your herte | |
I shall cause you from wyckednes to conuert | |
So that in the ende you shalbe ryght sure | |
35 | To lyue wyth my father in ioye and pleasure. |
Finis. |
sig: [D6v] | |
¶Imprinted at london by Robert Crowley dwellynge in Elie rentis in Holburne Anno Domini .M.D.L.I. |