The Plowmans Tale


STC 5099.5
Brown and Robbins [95.7], Ringler 5099.5 and TP 47.5 ('A sterne stryfe ...') [Tale proper]; Brown and Robbins 3448(1), Ringler TP 1818 ('The ploweman plucked ...') [Prologue]. "Prologue and vv. 205-28 probably added in the early 16th century" (Ringler); see Andrew N. Wawn, _Yearbook of English Studies_, 2 (1972), 21-40. Attr. to Chaucer. Lacks A1, containing title and vv. 1-36; supplied from STC 5100. Variant source 2 (_Chaucer's Works_, ed. W. Thynne) not consulted directly, but ptd. W. W. Skeat, _Supplement to the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer_ (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897), pp. 147-190. UMI microfilm reel 132

[The ploughman's tale]
London: T. Godfray,c. 1535.

Composition Date: early 15th cent.; early 16th cent. [see above].

sig: [A1]
The Plouumans tale compylled by syr Geffray Chaucher knyght Title and lines 1-36 supplied from 1548
sig: [A1v] [page blank]
sig: A2

¶Here begynneth the Plowmans Prologue.

THe ploweman plucked vp hys plowe.
Whan midsomer mone was comen in
And said his beestes shuld eate ynow
And lige in the grasse vp to the chynne
5 They ben feble both oxe and cowe
Of hem nys left but bone and skynne
He shoke of shere and coultre of ####ab#### drowe
And honge his harneys on a pynne.

He toke his tabard and his staffe eke
10 And on his heed he set hys hat
And sayde he wol[d]e saynt Thomas seke wolde] wolbe 1548, wolde 1542
On pylgremage he goth forth platte
In scrippe he bare both breed and lekes
He was forswonke and all forswatte
15 Men might haue sene through both his chekes
And euery wang-toth and where it sat

¶Our hoste behelde well about
And [s]awe thys man was sunne-ybrent sawe] lawe 1548, sawe 1542
sig: [A2v]
He knewe well by hys senged snoute
20 And by hys clothes that were to ####ab#### rent
He was a man wont to walke about
He nas nat alwaye in cloystre ypent
He coulde not religeouslyche loute
And therfore was he fully shent.

25 ¶Our host him axed, what man art thou?
Syr (quod he) I am an hyne
For I am wont to go to the plowe
And erne my meate yer that I dyne
To swete and swinke I make auowe
30 My wyfe and chyldren therwyth to fynde
And serue god and I wist howe
But we leude men bene full blynde.

¶For clerkes saye we shullen be fayne
For her lyuelod swet and swynke
35 And they ryght nought vs gyue agayne
Neyther to eate ne yet to drinke
sig: A2
They mowe by lawe as they sayne1535 begins here
Us curse and dampne to helle-brinke
Thus they putten vs to payne
40 With candels queynte and belles clynke

¶They make vs thralles at her lust
And sayne we mowe nat els be saued
They haue the corne and we the dust
Who speketh ther-agayn they say he raued
45 ¶What man quod our host canst thou preche
Come nere and tell vs some holy thyng
¶Syr quod he I herde ones teche
A preest in pulpyt a good prechyng good] hood 1548

¶Say on[] quod our host I the beseche Say on] Say on 1535
50 Syr I am redy at your byddyng
I pray you that no man me reproche
Whyle that I am my tale tellyng.

Thus endeth the prologue and here foloweth the fyrst parte of this present worke.
this present worke] the tale 1548

A Sterne stryfe is stered newe Narratio.
In many stedes in a stounde
Of sondrie s[e]des that be sewe sedes] sydes 1535, sedes 1542, 1548; be] bene 1542, 1548
It semeth that some ben vnsounde
5 For some be great growen [o]n grounde on grounde] vngrounde 1535, 1542, 1548
Some ben sou[p]le symple and small souple] souble 1535, 1542, 1548
Whether of hem is falser founde
The falser foule mote hym befall

¶That one syde is that I of tell.
10 Popes cardynals and prelates
Parsons monkes and Freres fell
Priours abbottes of great estates
Of heuyn and helle they kepe the yates
And Peters successours they ben all
15 This is demed by olde dates
But falshed foule mote it be ####ab#### fall

sig: [A2v]
¶The other syde ben poore and pale
And people put out of prease
And seme caytyffes sore a ####ab#### cale
20 And euer in one without encrease
Iclepeth lollers and londlese
Who toteth on hem they ben vntall
They ben arayde all for the peace
But falshed foule mote it befall

25 ¶Many a countrey haue a sought a] I 1542, 1548
To knowe the falser of these two
But euer my traueyle was for nought
All-so ferre as I haue go
But as I wandred in a wro
30 In a wodde besyde a wall
Two fowles sawe I sytte tho Two] Tho 1548; sytte] sette 1548
The falser foule mote hym befall falser] fals 1548

¶That one dyde plede on the Popes syde
A Gryffon of a grymme stature Gryffon.
35 A Pellycane withouten pride
To these lollers layde his lure
He mused his mater in measure
To counsayle Christ euer gan he call
The Gryffon shewed as sharpe as fyre
40 But falshed foule mote it be ####ab#### fall

¶The Pellycan began to preche Pellycan
Bothe of mercy and of mekenesse
And sayd that Christ so gan vs teche
And meke and mercyable gan blesse
45 The Euangely bereth wytnesse
A lambe he lykeneth Christ ouer-all Ecce agnus dei.
In tokenyng that he mekest was
Sith pride was out of heuyn fall

¶And so shulde euery Christned be Exemplum dedi vobis.
50 Preestes Peters successours
Beth lowlyche and of lowe degre
And vsen none erthly honours Qui maior est vestrum.
sig: A3
Neyther crowne ne curious couertours couertours] couetours 1548
Ne pylloure ne other proude pall
55 Ne nought to cofren vp great treasours Nolite thesaurizare.
For falshed foule mote it befall

¶Preestes shulde for no catell plede
But chasten hem in charite Qui voluerit tecum contendere in iudicio. &c.
Ne to no bateyle shulde men lede
60 For inhaunsyng of her owne degree
Nat wylne syttynges in hye see
Ne souerayntie in house ne hall Cum vocatus fueris ad nupcias recumbe in nouissimo loco .&c.
All worldly worshyppe defye and flee
For who-so wylleth highnes foule shal fall Qui se exaltat humiliabitur.

65 ¶Alas who may suche sayntes call
That wylneth welde erthly honour Reges gentium dominantur eorum neque dominantes in clerum.
As lowe as Lucifere suche shall fall
In balefull blackenesse buylden her boure buylden] ybuylden 1548
That eggeth the people to errour
70 And maketh them to hem thrall Nisi habundauerit iustitia vestra plusque scribarum et phariseorum.
To Christ I holde suche one traytour
As lowe as Lucifere suche one shall fall

¶That wylleth to be kynges peeres
And higher than the Emperour Non in equalibus bellicosis.
75 Some that were but poore Freres
Nowe wollen waxe a warryour
God is nat her gouernour
That holdeth no man hys permagall
Whyle couetyse is her counsaylour
80 All suche falshed mote nede fall

¶That hye on horse wylleth ryde
In glytterande golde of great aray
Ipaynted and portred all in pride
No commen knyght may go so gaye
85 Change of clothyng euery day
With golden gyrdels great and small
As boystous as is bere at baye
All suche falshed mote nede fall

sig: [A3v]
¶With pride ponysshed the poore
90 And some they sustayne wyth sale
Of holy churche maketh an hore
And fylleth her wombe with wyne and ale
With money fyll[e]th many a male fylleth] fyllcth 1535
And chaffren churches whan they fall
95 And telleth the people a leude tale
Suche false faytours foule hem fall fall] befall 1548Ue pastoribus Israel qui pascebant semetipsos. Ezech. xxxiiii Ue pastoribus Israel qui pascebant semetipsos. Ezech. xxxiiii

¶With chaunge of many maner metes
With songe and solace syttyng longe
And fylleth her wombe and fast fretes
100 And from the mete to the gonge
And after mete with harpe and songe
And eche man mote hem lordes call
And hote spyces euer amonge
Suche false fayto[u]rs foule hem fall In cithara & lyra et tipanum et tibia et vinum in conuiuiis vestris: et opus domini non respicitis nec opera manuum eius consideratis. Isaie. v.

105 ¶And myters mo than one or two
Iperled as the quenes hedde
A staffe of golde and pyrrey lo
As he[u]y as it were made of ledde
Wyth clothe of golde both newe and redde
110 Wyth glytterande [gowne] as grene as gall gowne] golde 1535, 1542, 1548
By dome woll dampne men to dedde
All suche faytours foule hem fall

¶And Christes people proudly curse
With brode bokes and brayeng bell bokes] boke 1548
115 To putte pennys in her purse
They woll sell bothe heuyn and hell
And in her sentence and thou wylt dwell
They wyllen gesse in her gay hall
And though the sothe thou of hem tell
120 In great cursyng shalte thou fall

¶That is blessed that they blesse
And cursed that they curse woll
And thus the people they oppr[e]sse oppresse] opprcsse 1535
And haue their lordshyppes at full
sig: [A4]
125 And many be marchantes of wolle
And to purse pennyes woll come thrall
The poore people they all to ####ab#### pull
Suche false faytours foule hem fall foule] full 1548

¶Lordes mote to hem loute
130 Obeysaunt to her brode blessynge
They ryden with her royall route
On a courser as it were a kyng
With saddyll of golde glytteryng
Wyth curyous harneys quayntly crallyt
135 Styroppes gaye of golde-mastlyng
All suche falshed foule befall it befall it] it befall 1548

Christes mynysters clepen they bene
And rulen all in robbery
But Antichrist they seruen clene
140 Attyred all in tyranny
Wytnesse of Iohens prophesy
That Antichrist is her admyrall
Tyffelers attyred in trechery
All suche faytours foule hem fall

145 ¶Who sayth that some of hem may synne
He shalbe done to be deed
Some of hem woll gladly wynne
All ayenst that whiche god forbede
All holyest they clepen her heed
150 That of her rule is regall
Alas that euer they eten breed
For all suche falshed woll foule fall In vestimentis ouium intrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces.

¶Her heed loueth all honour
And to be worshypped in worde and dede
155 Kynges mote to hem knele and coure
To the Apostels that Christ forbede
To Popes hestes suche taketh more hede
Than to kepe Christes commaundement
Of golde and syluer mote ben her wede
160 They holdeth hym hole omnypotent Extollens se super omne quod dicitur deus.

sig: [A4v]
¶He ordayneth by his ordynaunce
To parysshe preestes a powere
To another a greatter auaunce
A greatter poynt to his mystere
165 But for he is hyghest in erthe here
To hym reserueth he many a poynt
But to Christ that hath no pere
Reserueth he neyther opyn ne ioynt

¶So semeth he abouen all
170 And Christ abouen hym nothyng
Whan he sytteth in his stall
Dampneth and saueth as hym thynke
Suche pride tofore god dothe stynke
An Angell badde Iohnn to hym nat knele
175 But onely to god do his bowyng
Such wyllers of worship must nede yuel fele

¶They ne clepen Christ but Sanctus deus Sanctus deus sanctus fortis.
And clepen her heed Sanctissimus
They that suche a secte sewys
180 I trowe they taken hem amysse
In erthe here they haue her blysse
Her hye mayster is Bellyall
[Chryste his] people from hem wysse Chryste his] Chrystes 1535, 1542, 1548
For all such false wyll foule fall

185 ¶They mowe bothe bynde and lose
And all is for her holy lyfe
To saue or dampne they mowe chose
Betwene hem nowe is great stryfe
Many a man is kylled with a knyfe
190 To wete which of hem haue lordship shall
For suche Christ suffred woundes fyue
For all suche falshed woll foule fall Omne regnum in se deuisum desolabitur.

Christ sayd Qui gladio percutit
With swerde he shall dye he] 1548 omits
195 He bade his preestes peace and gryth
And bade hem nat drede for to dye Nolite timere eos qui occidunt corpus estote prudentes.
sig: [A5]
And bad hem be bothe symple and slye
And carke nat for no catall Sicut serpentes et simplices sicut columbe.
And trusteth on god that sytte[t]h on hye sytteth] sytteh 1535
200 For all false shull foule fall

¶These wollen make men to swere
Ayenst Christes commaundement
And Christes membres all to tere
On Roode as he were newe yrent
205 Suche lawes they maken by commen assent
Echone it choweth as a ball
Thus the poore be fully shent
But euer falshed foule it fall fall] befall 1548Ue qui conducunt leges iniquas vt oprimant pauperes in iudicio. Ue qui conducunt leges iniquas vt oprimant pauperes in iudicio.

¶They vsyn no Simony
210 But sellen churches and priories
Ne they vsen no Enuy
But cursen all hem contraries
And hyereth men by dayes and yeres
With strength to holde hem in her stall
215 And culleth all her aduersaries
Therfore falshed foule thou fall

¶With purse they purchase personage
With purse they paynen hem to plede
And men of warre they woll wage
220 To brynge her enemyes to the dede
And lordes lyues they woll lede
And moche take and gyue but small
But he it so gete from it shall shede
And make suche false right foule fall

225 ¶They halowe nothyng but for hyre
Churche font ne vestement
And make orders in euery shyre
But preestes paye for the parchement
Of riatours they taken rent
230 Therwith thy smere the shepes skall shepes skall] shypes sakll 1548
For many churches ben ofte suspent
All suche falshed yet foule it fall

sig: [A5v]
¶Some lyueth nat in lechery
But haunten wenches wydowes & wyues
235 And punyssheth the poore for putry
Them-selfe it vseth all her lyues
And but a man to them [hym] shriues hym] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit
To heuyn come neuer he shall
He shalbe cursed as be caytyues caytyues] captyues 1542, 1548
240 To hell they sayne that he shall fall

There was more mercy in Maximyen
And in Nero that neuer was good
Than is nowe in some of them
Whan he hath on his furred hoode
245 They folowe Christ that shedde his blode
To heuen as buckette in-to the wall
Suche wreches ben worse than wode
And all suche faytours foule hem fall

¶They gyue her almesse to the ryche
250 To maynteynours and to men of lawe
For to lordes they woll be lyche
An harlottes sonne nat worthe an hawe
Sothfastnesse suche han slawe Corruit in platea veritas. Isaie. lix.
They kembe her crokettes with christall
255 And drede of god they haue downe drawe
All suche faytours foule hem fall

¶They maken parsons for the penny
And canons of her cardynals
Unnethes amongest hem all any
260 That he ne hath glosed the gospell fals
For Christ made neuer no cathedrals
Ne with hym was no cardynall
With a Redde hatte as vsyn mynstrals
But falshed foule mote it befall

265 ¶Their tythyng and her offryng both
They clemeth it by possessyon
Therof nyll they non forgo
But robben men as [by] raunsome by] 1535, 1542, 1548 omitCharitas non querit que sua sunt. Charitas non querit que sua sunt.
sig: [A6]
The tithyng of Turpe lucrum
270 With these maisters is meynall
Tithyng of bribry and larson
Wyll make falshed full foule to fall full foule to fall] woll foule fal 1548

¶They taken to ferme her sompnours
To harme the people what they may
275 To pardoners and false faytours
Sell her seales I dare well say
And all to holden great array
To multiply hem more metall
They drede full lytell domes-day
280 Whan all suche [false] shall foule fall false] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit

¶Suche harlottes shull men dysclaunder
For they shullen make her gree
And ben as proude as Alexaunder
And sayne to the poore wo be ye
285 By yere eche preeste shall paye his fee
To encrease his lemmans call
Suche heerdes shull well yuell the
And all suche false shull foule fall Ue homini illi per quem scandalum venit.

¶And if a man be falsely famed
290 And wolde make purgacioun
Than woll the offycers be agramed
And assigne hym fro towne to towne
So nede he must paye raunsome
Though he be clene as is christall
295 And than haue an absolutioun
But all suche false shull foule fall

¶Though he be gyltie of the dede
And that he maye money pay
All the whyle his purse woll blede
300 He maye vse it fro day to day
These bysshoppes offycers gone full gay
And this game they vsen ouer-all
The poore to pyll is all their pray
All suche false shull foule fall

sig: [A6v]
305 ¶Alas god ordayned neuer suche lawe
Ne no suche crafte of couetyse
He forbade it by his sawe
Suche gouernours mowen of god agryse
For all his rules is rightwyse
310 These newe poyntes ben pure papall
And goddes lawe they dispyce
And all suche faytours shull foule fall

¶They sayne that Peter had the key
Of heuyn and hell to haue and holde
315 I trowe Peter toke no money
For no synnes that he solde
Suche successours ben to bolde
In wynnyng all their witte they wrall
Her conscience is waxen colde
320 And all suche faytours foule hem fall

Peter was neuer so great a fole
To leaue his key with suche a lorell
Or to take suche cursed su[c]he a tole suche] suehe 1535, suche 1548
He was aduysed nothyng well
325 I trowe they haue the key of hell
Their maister is of that place marshall
For there they dressen hem to dwell
And with false Lucifere there to fall

¶They ben as proude as Lucifarre
330 As angry and as enuyous
From good faithe they ben full farre
In couetyse they ben curyous
To catche cattell as couytous
As hounde that for hungre woll yall yall] al 1548
335 Ungoodly and vngratious Ungoodly] Ungodly 1548
And nedely suche falshed shall foule fall

¶The pope and he were Peters heyre
Me-thynke he erreth in this case
Whan choyse of bysshoppes is in dispeyre
340 To chosen hem in dyuers place
sig: B1
A lorde shall write to hym for grace
For his clerke anone pray he shall
So shall he spede hys purchase
And all suche false foule hem fall

345 ¶Though he can no more good
A lordes prayer shalbe spedde
Though he be wylde of wyll or wood
Nat vnderstandyng what men han redde
A leude boster and that god forbede
350 As good a bysshoppe is my horse ball good a] a good 1548
Suche a Pope is foule be ####ab#### stedde
And at last woll foule fall

¶He maketh bysshoppes for erthly thanke
And nothyng for Christes sake
355 Suche that ben full fatte and ranke
To soule-heale none hede they take soule] soyle 1548
All is well-done what-euer they make
For they shall answere at-ones for all at-ones for all] at one fors all 1548
For worldes thanke suche worch and wake
360 And all suche false shall foule fall

¶Suche that canne nat her Crede
With prayer shull be made prelates
Nouther canne the gospell rede
Suche shull nowe welde hye estates
365 The hye goodes frendshyp hem makes goodes] godes 1548
They toteth on her some totall
Suche bere the keyes of hell-yates
And all suche false shall foule fall

¶They forsake for Christes loue
370 Traueyle hungre thurst and colde
For they ben ordred euer all aboue
Out of youthe tyll they ben olde
By the dore they go nat in-to the folde
To helpe their shepe they nought trauall
375 Hyred-men all suche I holde
And all suche false foule hem fall

sig: [B1v]
For Christ her kyng they woll forsake
And knowe hym nought for his pouerte
For Christes loue they woll wake
380 And drynke pyement [&] ale aparte &] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit
Of god they seme nothyng a ####ab#### ferde
As lusty lyueth as dyde Lamuall
And dryuen her shepe in-to deserte
All suche faytours shull foule fall

385 Chryst had .xii. apostels here had] hath 1548
Nowe saye they there may be but one
That may nat erre in no manere
Who leueth nat this ben lost echone
Peter erred so dyde nat Iohnn
390 Why is he cleped the principall?
Christ cleped hym Peter but hym-selfe the stone
All false faytours foule hem fall

¶Why cursen they the croysery
Christes christen creatures
395 For bytwene hem is nowe enuy
To be enhaunsed in honours
And christen lyuers with her labours
For they leuyn on no man mortall
But do to dethe with dishonours
400 And all suche false foule hem fall

¶What knoweth a tyllour at the plowe
The popes name and what he hate
Hys crede suffyseth to hym ynowe
And knoweth a cardynall by his hatte
405 Rough is the poore vnrightly latte
That knoweth Christ his god royall
Suche maters be nat worth a gnatte
But suche false faytours foule hem fall

¶A kyng shall knele and kysse his showe
410 Christ suffred a synfull to kysse his fete
Me-thynketh he holdeth hym hye ynowe
So Lucifer dyd that hye sette
sig: B2
Such one me-thynketh hym-selfe foryete
Eyther to the trouth he was nat call
415 Christ that suffred woundes wete
Shall make suche falshed foule fall

¶They layeth out her large nettes
For to take syluer and golde
Fyllen coffers and sackes fettes
420 There-as they soules catche sholde
Her seruauntes be to them vnholde
But they can doublyn their rentall
To bygge hem castels and bygge hem holde
And all suche false foule hem fall

¶Here endeth the fyrst part of this boke and herafter foloweth the seconde parte
boke] tale 1548

425 TO accorde with this worde fall
No more Englysshe can I fynde
Shewe another nowe I shall
For I haue moche to saye behynde
Howe preestes han the people pynde
430 As curteys Christ hath me kende kende] kynde 1548
And putte this matter in my mynde
To make this maner men amende Qui non est mecum contra me est.

¶Shortly to shende hem and shewe nowe
Howe wrongfully they worche and walke Qui non est &c.
435 O hye god nothyng they tell ne howe
But in goddes worde telleth many a balke
In hernes holde hem and in halke
And prechyn of tythes and offrende
And vntruely of the gospell talke
440 For his mercy god it amende

¶What is Antichrist to saye
But euyn Christes aduersary
Suche hath nowe ben many a day
To Christes byddyng full contrary
sig: [B2v]
445 That from the trouthe clene varry
Out of the waye they ben wende
And Christes people vntruely cary
God for his pytie it amende

¶That lyuen contrary to Christes lyfe
450 In hye pride agaynst mekenesse
Agaynst sufferaunce they vsen stryfe
And angre ayenst sobrenesse
Agaynst wysedome wylfulnesse
To Christes tales lytell tende
455 Agaynst measure outragyousnesse
But whan god woll it maye amende

¶Lordly lyfe ayenst lowlynesse
And demyn all without mercy
And couetyse ayenst largesse
460 Agaynst trewth trechery
And agaynst almesse enuy
Agaynst Christ they comprehende
For chastyte they maynteyne lechery
God for his grace this amende

465 ¶Ayenst penaunce they vse delightes
Ayenst suffraunce stronge defence
Ayenst god they vsen yuell rightes
Agaynste pytie punysshementes
Open yuell ayenst contynence
470 Her wicked wynnyng worse dispende
Sobrenesse they sette in-to dispence
But god for his goodnesse it amende

¶Why cleymen they holy his powere
And wranglen ayenst all his hestes
475 His lyuyng folowen they nothyng here
But lyuen worse than wytlesse beestes
Of fysshe and flesshe they louen feestes
As lordes they ben brode ykende
Of goddes poore they haten gestes
480 God for his mercy this amende

sig: B3
¶With Dyuers suche shall haue her dome
That sayne that they be Christes frendes
And do nothyng as they shulde done
All suche ben falser than ben fendes
485 On the people they ley suche bendes
As god is in erth they han offende
Sucour for suche Christ nowe sende vs
And for his mercy this amende

¶A token of Antichrist they be
490 His careckes ben nowe wyde yknowe
Receyued to preche shall no man be
Without token of hym I trowe
Eche christen preest to prechyn owe
From god aboue they ben sende.
495 Goddes worde to all folke for to showe
Synfull man for to amende

Christ sente the poore for to preche
The royall riche he dyd nat so
Nowe dare no poore the people teche
500 For Antichrist is ouer-all her foe
Amonge the people he mote go
He hath bydden all suche suspende
Some hath he hente & thynketh yet mo
But all this god may well amende

505 ¶All tho that han the worlde forsake
And lyuen lo[w]ly as god badde lowly] loly 1535, 1542, 1548
In-to her prison shullen be take
Betyn and bounden and forthe ladde
Herof I rede no man be dradde
510 Christ sayd his shulde be shende
Eche man ought herof be gladde
For god full well it woll amende

¶They take on hem royall powere take] toke 1548
And saye they haue swerdes two Ecce gladii duo hic
515 One curse to hell one slee men here
For at his takyng Christ had no mo his] thys 1548
sig: [B3v]
Yet Peter had one of tho
But christ to Peter smyte gan defende
And in-to the sheth badde putte it tho the sheth] sheth 1548; tho] in tho 1548
520 And all suche myscheues god amende

Christ badde Peter kepe his shepe
And with his swerde forbade hym smyte Uos qui spirituales estis instincte alios in spiritum lenitatis suscitabo pastorem stultum qua dispersa non coliget.
Swerde is no tole with shepe to kepe
But to sheperdes that shepe woll byte
525 Me-thynketh suche sheperdes ben to wyte
Ayen her shepe with swerde that contende
They driue her shepe with great dispyte
But all this god may well amende Sed oues pingues comedet & habebit gladium in brachio dextro & gladium in oculo sinistro.

¶So successours to Peter be they nought
530 Whom Christ made chefe pastoure
A swerde no sheperde vsen ought
But he wolde slee as a bochoure
For who-so were Peters successour
Shulde bere his shepe tyll his backe bende
535 And shadowe hem from euery shoure
And all this god maye well amende

¶Successours to Peter ben these
In that that Peter Christ forsoke Christ] Christes 1548
That had leuer the loue of god lese
540 Than a sheperde had to lese his hoke
He culleth the shepe as dothe the coke
Of hem taken the woll vntrende
And falsely glose the gospell-boke
God for his mercy them amende Lac comedebatis & lanis cooperebamini & quod pingue erat occidistis.

545 ¶After Christ had take Peter the kay
Christ sayd he muste dye for man
That Peter to Christ gan withsay
Christ badde hym go behynde Sathan Tunc dixit Iesus discipulis suis quare oportet eum ire ierosolimam & multa pati.
Suche counsaylours many of these men han
550 For worldes wele god to offende
Peters successours they ben for ####ab#### than
But all suche god may well amende

sig: [B4]
¶For Sathan is to say no more
But he that contrary to Christ is Respondit petrus. Nequaquam erit tibi hoc Iesus dixit petro: Uade post me sathanas.
555 In this they lerne Peters lore
They sewen hym whan he dyd mysse
They folowe Peter forsothe in this
In all that Christ wolde Peter reprehende
But nat in that that longeth to heuyn-blysse
560 God for his mercy hem amende

¶Some of the Apostels they sewen in case
Of ought that I can vnderstonde
Hym that betrayed Christ Iudas
That bare the purse in euery londe
565 And all that he myght sette on honde
He hydde and stale and myspende Fur erat & loculos habebat et ea que mitte[b]antur portabat.
His rule these traytours han in honde
Almighty god hem amende

¶And at last his lorde gan tray last] the last 1548
570 Cursedly through his false couetyse
So wolde these trayen hym for money Ut dolo caperent et occiderent
And they wysten in what wyse
They be seker of the selfe ensyse
From all sothnesse they ben fre[m]de fremde] frende 1535, 1542, 1548
575 And couetyse chaungen with queyntyse
Almighty god all suche amende

¶Were Christ on erthe here eftesone Were] Where 1548
These wolde dampne hym to dye
All his hestes they han fordone
580 And sayne his sawes ben heresy
And ayenst his commaundementes they crye
And dampne all his to be brende brende] made 1548
For it lyketh nat hem suche losengery
God almighty hem amende hem] it 1548

585 ¶These han more myght in Englande here
Than hath the kynge and all his lawe
They han purchased hem suche powere
To taken hem whom [they] lyste nat knawe taken] take 1548; they] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit
sig: [B4v]
And say that heresy is her sawe
590 And so to prysone woll hem sende hem] hym 1548
It was nat so by elder dawe
God for his mercy it amende

¶The kynges lawe woll no man deme
Angerlyche withouten answere Lex neminem iudicat Nisi prius audierit ab eo qui dixit.
595 But if any man these mysqueme
He shalbe beted as a bere
And yet wel worse they woll hym tere
And in prysone woll hem pende
In gyues and in other gere
600 Whan god woll it maye [a]mende amende] mende 1535, 1542, 1548

¶The kynge taxeth nat his men
But by assente of the commynalte
But these eche yere woll raunsom hem
Maisterfully more than doth he
605 Her seales by yere better be
Than is the kynges in extende
Her offycers han gretter fee
But this myschefe god amende

¶For who-so woll proue a testament
610 That is nat all worthe tenne pounde
He shall paye for the parchement
The thirde parte of the money all rounde
Thus the people is raunsounde
They say suche parte to hem shulde apende
615 There-as they grypen it gothe to grounde
God for his mercy it amende

¶A symple fornycacioun
Twenty shyllynges he shall paye
And than haue an absolution
620 And all the yere vsen it forthe he may
Thus they letten hem go a ####ab#### stray
They recke nat though the soule be brende
These kepyn yuell Peters key
And all suche sheperdes god amende

sig: C1
625 ¶Wonder is that the parlyament
And all the lordes of this londe
Herto taken so lytell entent
To helpe the people out of her honde Cum filii hely poluerunt domini sacrificium. &c.
For they ben harder in their bonde
630 Worse beate and bytter brende bytter] better 1548
Than to the kyng is vnderstande
God hym helpe this to amende

¶What bysshoppes what relygions
Han in this lande as moche laye-fee
635 Lordshippes and possessyons Lordshippes] Lordshyppers 1548
More than the lordes it semeth me Paulus inimicos crucis christi quorum finis interitus qui terrena sapiunt. &c.
That maketh hem lese charyte
They mowe nat to god attende
In erthe they haue so hyghe degree
640 God for his mercy it amende

¶The Emperour yaf the pope somtyme
So highe lordshyppe hym aboute
That at laste the sely kyme
The proude Pope putte hym out
645 So of this realme is in doute
But lordes be ware and them defende
For nowe these folke be wonder stoute
The kynge and lordes nowe this amende. Reges gentium domi[n]antur eorum.

Thus endeth the seconde parte of this boke and herafter foloweth the thirde
boke] tale 1548

MOyses lawe forbode it tho tho] to 1548
650 That preestes shuld no lordshippes welde
Christes gospell byddeth also
That they shulde no lordshippe helde Non habebant hereditatem sacerdotes et leuite inter fratres eorum ego autem pars & hereditas eorum. &c.
Ne Christes Apostels were neuer so bolde
No suche lordshippes to them enbrace
655 But smeren her shepe and kepe her folde
God amende hem for his grace

sig: C1v
For they ne ben but countrefete Nec quisquam eorum qui possidebat aliquid suum esse dicebat.
Men may knowe hem by her fruite Ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos. &c.
Her gretnesse maketh hem god foryete
660 And take his mekenesse in dispyte
And they were poore and had but lyte
They nolde nat demen after the face Homo cum in honore esset non intellegit. &c.
But norisshe her shepe and hem nat byte
God amende hem for his grace


665 ¶What canst thou preche ayenst chanons
That men clepen seculere?


They ben curates of many towns
On erthe they haue great powere
They han great prebendes and dere han] haue 1548
670 Some two or thre and some mo
A personage to ben a playeng-fere
And yet they serue the kynge also

¶And lette to ferme all that fare
To whom that woll most gyue therfore
675 Some woll spende and some woll spare
And some woll laye it vp in store
A cure of soule[s] they care nat fore soules] soule 1535, 1542, 1548
So they mowe money take
Whether her soules be wonne or lore
680 Her profytes they woll nat forsake

¶They haue a gederyng procuratour
That can the poore people enplede
And robben hem as a rauynour
And to his lorde the money lede the] they 1548
685 And catche of quicke and eke of dede
And richen hym and his lorde eke
And to robbe the poore can gyue good rede
Of olde and yonge of hole and syke

¶Therwith they purchase hem lay-fee
690 In londe there hem lyketh best
And buylde also brode as a cyte
Bothe in the Est and eke in the west
sig: C2
To purchase thus they ben full prest
But on the poore they woll nought spende
695 Ne no good gyue to goddes gest
Ne sende hym some that all hath sende

¶By her seruyce suche woll lyue
And trusse that other in-to treasour
Though all her parysshe dye vnshriue
700 They woll nat gyue a rose-floure
Her lyfe shulde be as a myrrour
Bothe to lered and to leude also
And teche the people her lele labour
Suche myster-men ben all mysgo

705 ¶Some of hem ben harde nygges
And some of hem ben proude and gay
Some spende her good vpon gygges
And fynden hem of great aray
Alas what thynke these men to say
710 That thus dispenden goddis good dispenden] dispended 1548
At the dredefull domes-daye
Suche wretches shulbe worse than wood

¶Some her churches neuer ne sye
Ne neuer o peny thyder ne sende
715 Though the poore parysshens for hungre dye
O peny on hem wyll they nat spende
Haue they receyuynge of the rente
They recke neuer of the remenant
Alas the deuyll hath clene hem blent
720 Su[c]he one is Sathanas soiournant Suche] Suehe 1535

¶And vsen horedome and harlotry
Couetyse pompe and pride
Slouthe wrathe and eke enuy
And sewen synne by euery syde
725 Alas where thynke suche t'abyde
Howe woll they accomptes yelde
From hye god they mowe hem nat hyde
Suche wyllers witte is nat worth a nelde

sig: [C2v]
¶They ben so roted in richesse
730 That Christes pouert is foryet
Serued with so many messe
Hem thinketh that Manna is no mete
All is good that they mowe gete
They wene to lyue euermore
735 But whan god at dome is sette
Suche treasour is a feble store

¶Unneth mote they matyns saye
For countyng and for court-holdyng
And yet he iangleth as a iaye
740 And vnderstont hym-selfe nothyng
He woll serue bothe erle and kyng
For his fyndyng and his fee
And hyde his tythynge and his offryng
This is a feble charite

745 ¶Outher they ben proude or coueytous
Or they ben harde or hungry
Or they ben lyberall or lecherous
Or els medlers with marchandry
Or maynteyners of men with maistry
750 Or stewardes countours or pledours
And serue god in hypocrisy
Suche preestes ben Christes false traytours

¶They ben false they ben vengeable
And be ####ab#### gylen men in Christes name
755 They ben vnstedfast and vnstable
To tray her lorde hem thynketh no shame
To serue god they ben full lame
Goddes theues and falsly stele
And falsely goddes worde defame
760 In wynnyng is her worldes wele

Antichrist these seruen all seruen] serue 1548
I pray the who may say nay?
With Antichrist suche shull fall
They folowen hym in dede and fay
sig: C3
765 They seruyn hym in riche array hym] hem 1548
To serue Christ suche falsely fayne
Why at the dredefull domes-day
Shull they nat folowe hym to payne?

¶That knowen hem-selfe that they done yll
770 Ayenst Christes commaundement
And amende hem neuer ne wyll
But serue Sathan by one assent
Who sayth sothe he shalbe shent
Or speketh ayenst her false lyuyng
775 Who-so well lyueth shalbe brent
For suche ben gretter than the kyng

¶Pope bysshoppes and cardy[n]als
Chanons persons and vycayre
In goddes seruyce I trowe ben false
780 That sacramentes sellen here
And ben as proude as Lucifere
Eche man loke whether that I lye
Who-so speketh ayenst her powere
It shall be holden heresy

785 Loke howe manye orders take
Onely of Christ for his seruyce
That the worldes goodes forsake goodes] goddes 1548
Who-so taketh orders o[n] other wyse on] or 1535, 1542, 1548
I trowe that they shall sore agryse
790 For all the glose that they conne
All sewen nat this assyse
In yuell tyme they thus begonne

Loke howe many amonge hem all
Holden nat this hye-way
795 With Antichrist they shullen fall
For they wolden god betray wolden] wollen 1548
God amende hem that best may
For many men they maken shende
They weten well the sothe I say
800 But the dyuell hath foule hem blende

sig: [C3v]
¶Some on her churches dwell
Appayrelled poorely proude of porte
The seuyn sacramentes they done sell
In cattell-catchyng is her comforte
805 Of eche matter they wollen mell
And done hem wronge is her disporte
To affray the people they ben fel
And holde hem lower than dothe the lorde

¶For the tithynge of a duke tithynge] tydynge 1548
810 Or of an apple or an aye
They make men swere vpon a boke
Thus they foulyn Christes fay
Suche beren yuell heuyn-kay
They mowen assoyle they mowe shriue
815 With mennes wyues strongly play
With trewe tyllers sturte and stryue

¶At the wrestlyng and at the wake
And chefe chauntours at the nale
Markette-beters and medlyng make
820 Hoppen and houten with heue and hale
At fayre fresshe and at wyne stale
Dyne and drinke and make debate
The seuyn sacramentes sette at sayle
Howe kepe suche the keyes of heuyn-gate? the] they 1535, the 1548

825 ¶Mennes wyues they wollen holde
And though that they ben ryght sory
To speke they shull nat be so bolde
For sompnyng to the consistory
And make hem saye [with] mouthe I lye with] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit
830 Though they it sawe with her eye
His lemman holden openly
No man so hardy to axe why

¶He woll haue tythyng & offrynge
Mauger who-so-euer it gruche
835 And twyse on the day he woll synge
Goddes prestes nere none suche
sig: [C4]
He mote on huntyng with dogge and bytche
And blowen his horne and cryen hey
And sorcery vsen as a wytche
840 Suche kepyn yuell Peters key

¶Yet they mote haue some stocke or stone
Gayly paynted and proudly dight
To maken men leuyn vpon leuyn] lyuen 1542, 1548
And say that it is full of might
845 About suche men sette vp great lyght
Other suche stockes shull stonde therby
As darke as it were midnight
For it may make no maistry

¶That it leude people se mowe
850 Thou Mary thou worchest wonder thinges
About that that men offryn to nowe that men] men 1548
Hongen broches ouches and rynges
The preest purchaseth the offrynges
But he nyll offre to none ymage
855 Wo is the soule that he for synges
That precheth for suche a pylgrimage

¶To men and women that ben poore
That ben Christes owne lykenesse
Men shulden offre at her dore shulden] shullen 1548
860 That suffryn hungre and dystresse
And to suche ymages offre lesse
That mowe nat fele thurst ne colde
The poore in spyrite gan Christ blesse
Therfore offreth to feble and olde

865 ¶Buckelers brode and swerdes longe
Baudrike with baselardes kene
Suche toles about her necke they hange
With Antichrist suche preestes bene
Upon her dedes it is well sene
870 Whom they seruen whom they honoren
Antichristes they ben clene
And goddis goodes falsely deuouren

sig: [C4v]
¶Of scarlet and grene gay gownes
That mote be shape for the newe
875 To clyppen and kyssen counten in townes
The damosels that to the dau[n]ce sewe
Cutted clothes to sewe her hewe
With longe pykes on her shone
Our goddes gospell is nat trewe
880 Eyther they seruen the dyuell or none

¶Nowe ben preestes pokes so wyde
That men must enlarge the vestement
The holy gospell they done hyde
For they contraryen in rayment
885 Suche preestes of Lucifere ben sent
Lyke conquerours they ben arayde
The proude pendauntes at her ars ypent
Falsely the truthe they han betrayde

¶Shrifte-syluer suche wollen aske is
890 And woll men crepe to the crouche
None of the sacramentes saue askes
Without mede shall no man touche
On her bysshoppe their warant vouch
That is lawe of the decre
895 With mede and money thus they mouche
And th[i]s they sayne is charyte this] thus 1535, 1542, 1548

¶In the myddes of her masse
The nyll haue no man but for hyre
And full shortely lette forth passe
900 Suche shull men fynde in eche shyre eche] euery 1548
That personages for profyte desyre
To lyue in lykyng and in lustes
I dare nat sayne Sans ose ieo dire
That suche ben Antichristes preestes

905 ¶Or they yef the bysshoppes why
Or they mote ben in his seruyce
And holden forthe her harlotry
Suche prelates ben of feble emprise
sig: [C5]
Of goddis grame suche men agryse
910 For suche matters that taken mede
Howe they excuse hem and in what wyse
Me-thynketh they ought greatly drede

¶They sayne that it to no man longeth
To reproue them though they erre
915 But falsely goddis goodes they fongeth goodes] goodesse 1535, 1542, 1548
And therwith maynteyne wo and werre
Her dedes shulde be as bright as sterre
Her lyuyng leude mannes lyght
They say the pope maye nat erre
920 Nede must that passe mannes might

¶Though a prest lye with his lemman all night
And tellen his felowe and he hym
He goth to masse anone-right
And sayth he syngeth out of synne
925 His byrde abideth hym at his inne
And dighteth his dyner the meane-whyle
He syngeth his masse for he wolde wynne
And so he weneth god begyle

¶Hem thynketh long tyll they be mette
930 And that they vsen forthe all the yere
Amonge the folke whan he is sette
He holdeth no man halfe his pere
Of the bysshoppe he hath powere
To soyle men or els they ben lore
935 His absolutyon may make them skere
And wo is the soule that he syngeth fore


¶The Gryffon began for to threte
And sayd of monkes canst thou ought


The Pellycane sayd they ben full grete
940 And in this worlde moche wo hath wrought
Saynt Benet that her order brought
Ne made hem neuer on suche manere
I trowe it came neuer in his thought his] this 1535, hys 1548
That they shulde vse so great powere

sig: [C5v]
945 ¶That a man shuld a monke lorde call
Ne serue on knees as a kyng
He is as proude as prince in pall
In mete and drynke and all-thyng
Some wearyn myter and rynge
950 With double-worsted well ydight
With royall mete and riche drinke
And rideth on a courser as a knyght

¶With hauke and with houndes eke
With broches or ouches on his hode
955 Some saye no masse in all a weke
Of deynties is her most fode
With lordshippes and with bondmen
This is a royall relygyoun
Saynt Benet made [n]euer none of hem
960 To haue lordshippe of man ne towne

¶Nowe they ben q[u]eynte and curious
With fyne clothe cladde and serued clene
Proude angry and enuyous
Malyce is mouche that they meane
965 In catchyng crafty and couetous
Lordly lyuen in great lykyng
This ly[u]yng is nat relygyous
Accordyng to Benette in his lyuyng

¶They ben clerkes her courtes they ouer ####ab#### se
970 Her poore tenaunce fully they flyte
The hyre that a man amerced be
The gladlyer they woll it write
This is ferre from Christes pouerte
For all with couetyse they endyte
975 On the poore they haue no pyte
Ne neuer hem cherysshe but euer hem byte

¶And commenly suche ben comen
Of poore people and of hem begete
That this perfection han ynomen
980 Her fathers ryden nat but on her fete
sig: [C6]
And trauaylen sore for that they ete
In pouert lyueth yonge and olde lyueth] lydeth 1548
Her fathers suffreth drought and wete
Many hungry meles thurst and colde

985 ¶And all this the monkes han forsake
For Christes loue and saynt Benette
To pride and ease haue hem take
This relygion is yuell be ####ab#### sette
Had they ben out of relygioun
990 They must haue honged at the plowe
Thresshyng & dykyng fro towne to towne
With sory mete and nat halfe ynowe

¶Therfore they han this all forsake
And taken to riches pride and ease
995 Full fewe for god woll monkes hem make
Lytell is suche order for to prayse
Saynt Benet ordayned it nat so
But badde hem be cherelyche
In churlyche maner lyue and go
1000 Boystous in erthe and nat lordlych

¶They discla[un]der saynt Benette
Therfore they haue his holy curse
Saynt Benet with hem neuer mette
But if they thought to robbe his purse
1005 I canne no more herof tell
But they ben lyke tho before
And clene serue the dyuell of hell
And ben his treasour and his store

¶And all suche other counterfeytours
1010 Chanons canons and suche disgysed
Ben goddes enemyes and traytours
His trewe relygion han foule dispysed
Of Freres I haue tolde before
In a makynge of a Crede
1015 And yet I coude tell worse and more
But men wolde weryen it to rede

sig: [C6v]
¶As goddes goodnesse no man tell might
Write ne speke ne thynke in thought
So her falshed and her vnright
1020 May no man tell that euer god wrought
The Gryffon sayd thou canst no good Gryffon.
Thou came neuer of no gentyll kynde
Outher I trowe thou wexest wood
Or els thou hast loste thy mynde

1025 ¶S[h]ulde holy churche haue no heed? Shulde] Sulde 1535, Shulde 1542, 1548; churche] churches 1535, churche 1542, 1548
Who shulde be her gouernayle
Who shulde her rule who shulde her reed
Who shulde her forthren who shulde auayle
Eche man shall lyue by his trauayle
1030 Who best doth shall haue most mede mede] nede 1548
With strength if men the churche assayle
With strength men must defende her nede

¶And the pope were purely poore
Nedy and nothyng ne hadde
1035 He shulde be driuen from dore to dore
The wicked of hym nolde nat be dradde
Of suche an heed men wolde be sadde
And synfully lyuen as hem lust
With strength amendes s[huld]e be made shulde] suche 1535, 1548, such 1542
1040 With wepen wolues from shepe be wust

¶If the pope and prelates wolde
To begge & bydde bowe and borowe
Holy churche shulde stande full colde
Her seruauntes sytte and soupe sorowe
1045 And they were noughty foule and horowe
To worshyppe god men wolde wlate
Bothe on euyn and on morowe
Suche harlotry men wolde hate

¶Therfore men of holy churche
1050 Shulde ben honest in all-thyng
Worshypfully goddes workes werche
So semeth it to serue Christ her kyng
sig: D1
In honest and in clene clothyng
With vessels of golde and clothes ryche
1055 To god honestly to make offryng
To his lordshyppe none is lyche


¶The Pellycan caste on houge crye
And sayd alas why sayest thou so
Christ is our heed that sytteth on hye
1060 Heddes ne ought we haue no mo
We ben his membres bothe also
And father he taught vs to call hym als
Maisters to be called defended he tho
All other maisters ben wicked and fals

1065 ¶That taketh maistry in his name
Goostly and for erthly good
Kynges and lordes shulde lordshyp hane
And rule the people with mylde mode
Christ for vs that shedde his blode
1070 Badde his preestes no maystershyp haue
Ne carke nat for clothe ne fode
From euery myschefe he wyll hem saue

¶Her riche clothyng shalbe ryghtwysenesse
Her treasour trewe lyfe shalbe
1075 Charite shalbe her rychesse
Her lordshippe shalbe vnyte
Hope in god her honeste
Her vessell clene conscience
Poore in spyrite and humylyte
1080 Shalbe holy churches defence


¶What sayd the Gryffon may the greue
That other folkes faren wele
What haste thou to done with her lyue
Thy falshed eche man may fele
1085 For thou canst no catell gete
But lyuest in londe as a lorell
With glosyng gettest tho[u] thy mete
So fareth the deuyll that wonneth in hell So] He 1548

sig: [D1v]
He wolde that eche man there shulde dwell
1090 For he lyueth in clene enuye
So with the tales that thou dost tell
Thou woldest other people distry
With your glose and your heresy
For ye can lyue no better lyfe
1095 But clene in hypocrisy
And bringest the in wo and stryfe

¶And therwith haue nat to done
For ye ne haue here no cure
Ye serue the dyuell neither god ne man
1100 And he shall paye you your hyre
For ye woll fare well at feestes
And warme [be] clothed for the colde be] 1535, 1542, 1548 omit
Therfore ye glose goddis hestes
And begyle the people yonge and olde

1105 ¶And all the seuyn sacramentes
Ye speke ayenst as ye were slye
Ayenst tithinges offrynges with your ententes
And on our lordes body falsely lye
And all this ye done to lyue in ease
1110 As who sayth there ben none suche
And sayne the pope is nat worth a pease
To make the people ayen hym gruche

¶And this commeth in by fendes fendes] frndes 1548
To bryng the christen in distaunce
1115 For they wolde that no man were frendes frendes] feendes 1548
Leaue thy chattryng with myschaunce
If thou lyue well what wylte thou more
Lette other men lyue as hem lyst
Spende in good or kepe in store
1120 Other mennes conscience neuer thou nyst

¶Ye han no cure to answere fore
What meddell ye that han nat to done
Lette men lyue as they han done yore
For thou shalte answere for no man

sig: D2


1125 ¶The Pellycan sayd Syr nay
I dispysed nat the pope
Ne no sacramente sothe to say
But speke in charite and good hope

¶But I dispyse her hye pride
1130 Her richesse that shulde be poore in spirite
Her wickednesse is knowe so wyde
They serue god in false habyte
And turnyn mekenesse in-to pride
And lowelynesse in-to hye degre
1135 And goddis wordes turne and hyde wordes] worde 1548
And that am I moued by charite

¶To lette men to lyue so
With all my connyng and all my myght
And to warne men of her wo
1140 And to tell hem trouthe and ryght
The sacramentes be soule-hele
If they ben vsed in good vse
Ayenst that speke I neuer a dele
For than were I nothyng wyse

1145 ¶But they that vsen hem in mysse manere hem] hym 1548
Or sette hem vp to any sale
I trowe they shall abye hem dere
This is my reason this is my tale
Who-so taketh hem vnrightfullyche vnrightfullyche] vnrightfulllyche 1535
1150 Ayenst the tenne commaundymentes
Or by glose wreched ####ab#### lyche
Selleth any of the sacramentes

¶I trowe they do the deuyll homage
In that they wetyn they do wronge do] to 1548
1155 And therto I dare well wage
They seruyn Sathan for all her songe
To tithen and offren is holsome lyfe is] in 1548
So it be done in dewe manere
A man to houselyn and to shryue
1160 Weddyng and all the other in fere

sig: [D2v]
¶So it be nother solde ne bought
Ne take ne gyue for couetyse
And it be so taken it is nought
Who selleth hem so maye sore agryse
1165 On our lordes body I do nat lye
I saye sothe thorowe trewe rede
His flesshe and blode through his m[y]stry mystry] mastry 1535, mystrye 1542, mysterye 1548
Is there in the forme of brede

¶Howe it is there it nedeth nat stryue
1170 Whether it be subgette or accydent
But as Christ was whan he was on ####ab#### lyue
So is he there verament
If pope or cardynall lyue good lyue
As Christ commaunded in his gospell
1175 Ayenst that woll I nat stryue
But me-thynketh they lyue nat well

¶For if the pope lyued as god bede pope] pope 1542, people 1548
Pride and hyghnesse he shulde dispyse
Rychesse couetyse and crowne on hede
1180 Mekenesse and pouerte he shulde vse


The Gryffon sayd he shulde abye
Thou shalbe brent in balefull fyre
[And] all thy secte I shall distrye And all thy] All they 1535, And all thy 1542, 1548
Ye shalbe hanged by the swyre

1185 ¶Ye shullen be honged and to ####ab#### drawe
Who gyueth you leaue for to preche
Or speke ayenst goddes lawe
And the people thus falsely teche
Thou shalt be cursed with boke and bell
1190 And disseuered from holy churche
And clene ydampned in-to hell
Otherwyse but ye woll worche


¶The Pellycan sayd that I ne drede
Your cursyng is of lytell value
1195 Of god I hope to haue my mede
For it is fa[l]shede that ye shewe falshede] fashede 1535, falshed 1548
sig: D3
For ye ben out of charite
And wylneth vengeaunce as dyd Nero
To suffryn I woll redy be
1200 I drede nat that thou canst do

Christ badde ones suffre for his loue
And so he taught all his seruauntes
And but thou amende for his sake aboue
I drede nat all thy mayntenaunce
1205 For if I drede the worldes hate
Me-thynketh I were lytell to prayse
I drede nothyng your hye estate
Ne I drede nat your diseace

¶Wolde ye turne and leaue your pride
1210 Your hye porte and your richesse
Your cursyng shulde nat go so wyde
God bryng you in-to rightwysenesse
For I drede nat your tyranny
For nothyng that ye canne done
1215 To suffre I am all-redy
Syker I recke neuer howe soone


¶The Gryffon grynned as he were wode
And loked louely as an owle
And swore by cockes herte-blode
1220 He wolde hym tere euery-doule
Holy churche thou disclaundrest foule
For thy reasons I woll the all to ####ab#### race
And make thy flesshe to rote and moule
Losell thou shalte haue harde grace

1225 ¶The Gryffon flewe forthe on his waye
The Pellycane dyd sytte and wepe
And to hym-selfe he gan saye
God wolde that any of Christes shepe
Hadde herde and ytake kepe Hadde] And 1548
1230 Eche a worde that here sayd was
And wolde it write and well it kepe
God wolde it were all for his grace

sig: [D3v]


¶I answerde and sayd I wolde
If for my trauayle any man wolde pay


1235 He sayd yes these that god han solde
For they han store of money


I sayd tell me and thou may
Why tellest thou mennes trespace?


He sayd to amende hem in good fay
1240 If god woll gyue me any grace

¶For Christ hym-selfe is lykened to me
That for his people dyed on rode
As fare I right so fareth he
He fedeth his byrdes with his blode
1245 But these done yuell ayenst gode
And ben his fone vnder frendes face
I tolde hem howe her lyuyng stode
God amende hem for his grace


What ayleth the Gryffon tell why
1250 That he holdeth on that other syde

In 1535, 1542 and 1548, this heading is placed after the following two lines

For they two ben lykely
And with kyndes robben wyde
The foule betokeneth pride
As Lucifere that high fl[o]we was flowe] flewe 1535, 1542, flew 1548
1255 And sithe he dyd hym in yuell hyde in] an 1548
For he agylted goddis grace

¶As byrde flyeth vp in the ayre
And lyueth by byrdes that ben meke
So these be flowe vp in-to dispayre
1260 And shenden sely soules eke shenden] shended 1548
The soules that ben in synnes seke
He culleth hem knele therfore alas
For bribry goddis forbode breke
God amende it for his grace

1265 ¶The hynder parte is a lyoun
A robber and a rauynere
That robbeth the people in erthe a ####ab#### downe the] they 1535, the 1548
And in erthe holdeth none his pere
sig: [D4]
So fareth this foule bothe ferre and nere
1270 And with temporell strength they people chase
As a lyon proude in erthe here
God amende hem for his grace

¶He flewe forthe with his wynges twayne Pellycan
All droupyng dased and dull
1275 But soone the Gryffon came agayne Gryffon.
Of his foules the erthe was full
The Pellycan he had cast to pull
So great a nombre neuer sene there was
What maner of foules tellen I woll
1280 If god woll gyue me of his grace

¶With the Gryffon comen foules fele
Rauyns rokes crowes and pye
Gray foules agadred wele
Igurde aboue they wolde hye
1285 Gledes and bosardes weren hem by weren] wherin 1548
White molles and puttockes token her place
And lapwynges that well conneth lye conneth] conneth 1542, commeth 1548
This felowshyp han for ####ab#### gerde her grace

¶Long the Pellycane was out
1290 But at last he cometh agayne
And brought with hym the Phenixe stoute
The Gryffon wolde haue flowe full fayne
His foules that flewen as thycke as rayne
The Phenixe tho began hem chace
1295 To flye from hym it was in vayne
For he dyd vengeaunce and no grace

¶He slewe hem downe without mercy
There astarte neyther free ne thrall
On hym they cast a rufull crye
1300 Whan the Gryffon downe was fall
He bete hym nat but slewe hem all
Whither he hem droue no man may trace
Under the erthe me-thought they yall
Alas they had a feble grace

sig: [D4v]


1305 ¶The Pelycan than axed [r]yght ryght] tyght 1535
For my wrytyng if I haue blame
Who woll for me fyght of flyght?
Who shall shelde me from shame
He that had a mayde to dame
1310 And the lambe that slayne was
Shall shelde me from gostly blame
For erthely harme is go[d]dis grace goddis] goodis 1535

¶Therfore I pray euery man
Of my writyng haue me excused
1315 This writynge writeth the Pellycan
That thus these people hath dispysed
For I am fresshe fully aduysed
I nyll nat maynteyne his manace
For the deuyll is often disguysed
1320 To brynge a man to yuell grace

¶Wyteth the Pellycane and nat me
For herof I nyll nat auowe
In hye ne in lowe ne in no degre
But as a fable take it ye mowe
1325 To holy churche I wyll me bowe
Eche man to amende him Christ sende space
And for my writynge me alowe
He that is almyghty for his grace

¶Printed at London by Thomas Godfray.
Cum priuilegio.