sig: [A1] | |
¶The sayinges or prouerbes of king Salomon / with the answers of Marcolphus / translated out of frenche in-to englysshe. | |
sig: [A1v] | |
HE that wyll measure | |
Of all the sees the water | |
Is nat very sage. | |
¶Marcolphus. |
¶He that holdeth in his honde | |
5 | The faythe of an hore / as a good bonde |
He is full of rage. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶Caste a stone at an ape | |
Or a staffe / if that he scape | |
The more wyll he mowe and moyle. | |
¶Marcolphus. |
10 | ¶Gyue to a hoore her askynge |
Outher late or in the mornynge | |
The more she wyll you dispoyle. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶A house that in euery cornere | |
Letteth in wynde / sone burneth clere | |
15 | Whan fyre therin taketh. |
¶Marcolph. |
¶A hoore that is gay | |
Is redy nowe and alway | |
Whan that she money seth. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶Who-so-euer hath sycknesse | |
20 | Is very ioyfull I gesse |
Whan he with lyfe dothe scape. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶He that a hoore byleueth | |
Nothynge with hym abydeth | |
Nouther mantell nor cape. | |
sig: [A2v] | |
¶Salomon. |
25 | ¶No man shall knowe or marke |
A coler in the darke | |
Paynted on a spoone. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶Nor a preuy hoore | |
Taken shall be at any houre | |
30 | In doynge / by nyght or noone. |
¶Salomon. |
¶A conye hym-selfe hydeth | |
And depely he ofte dyggeth | |
Yet at last is he take. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶A hoore so moche plucketh | |
35 | A man / and on hym laugheth |
That she hym maketh leane as a rake. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶At a Ouen-mouthe / that is hot | |
That thynketh yerbes shuld growe for the pot | |
Of trouth he is begyled. | |
¶Marcol. |
40 | ¶He that withouten fayle |
Putteth his hande to a hores tayle | |
Shall haue it soone defyled | |
¶Salomon. |
¶Charge vpon a beest | |
Money or leade in a chest | |
45 | Whether / they nothyng care. |
¶Marcol. |
¶A hoore taketh no kepe | |
What man on her dothe leape | |
All is to her one fare. | |
sig: A3 | |
¶Salomon. |
¶A horse that his brydell hath on | |
50 | He is redy anon |
For to go on his waye. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶A hoore clothed gayly | |
Is soone made redy | |
To begyn her ioye. | |
¶Salomon. |
55 | ¶He that in his house as lefe |
Cheryssheth a thefe | |
Shall receyue great domage. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶He that an hoore kepeth to honoure | |
At th'ende he shall wepe and loure | |
60 | Whan he knoweth her vsage. |
¶Salomon. |
¶A man so longe may chase | |
Through woddes and playne percase | |
That at last he shall be wery. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶Many a hoore oft clotheth | |
65 | And brede to her gyueth |
That with other she is more mery. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶The oxe of the villayne | |
His brede dothe often gayne | |
Wherwith he lyueth here. | |
¶Marcol. |
70 | ¶He bosteth hym-selfe in vayne |
That thynketh a hoore certayne | |
To [f]lee with his gere. letter broken | |
sig: [A3v] | |
¶Salomon. |
¶He that to a dogge sayth haue | |
He wyll anone his tayle waue | |
75 | And than he hym fawneth. |
¶Marcol. |
¶He that to a hoore sayth holde | |
She byddeth hym be bolde | |
All is redy that he commaundeth | |
¶Salomon. |
¶Men accompte them as wyse as fooles | |
80 | That the burnynge coles |
In their bosomes wyll hyde. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶For a foole he is tolde | |
That wasteth all his golde | |
To clothe a hoores syde. | |
¶Salomon. |
85 | ¶Stockfysshe is of valewe none |
Except it be trewly layde vpon | |
And often tourned and beaten | |
¶Marcol. |
¶A rybaude she is lost | |
If she be nat well beate and tost | |
90 | And vnder fote troden. |
¶Salomon. |
¶The ape is a beest lothsom | |
And of a counterfayte fasshyon | |
It hath so shorte a tayle | |
¶Marcol. |
¶So counterfayte is none parde | |
95 | But by money haue shall he |
Of a hoore his wyll without fayle. | |
sig: [A4] | |
¶Salomon. |
¶The lytell cockerell | |
Eateth his meate well | |
In crowynge he nedeth no scole. | |
¶Marcol. |
100 | ¶A hoore her-selfe clotheth |
And also she fedeth | |
With the money of a foole. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶An asse in close kept fast | |
Ryseth vp in haste | |
105 | Whan he seeth pasture. |
¶Marcol. |
¶He that a hoore for hym-selfe kepeth | |
She often another in his sted taketh | |
Whan his money no lenger wyll endure. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶The thorne in a hedge taketh | |
110 | And the woll of plucketh |
Of shepe and of mottons. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶A hoore plucketh away | |
The money day by day | |
Of all maner companyons. | |
¶Salomon. |
115 | ¶Mortalyte and great warre |
Be exyled farre | |
Fro all maner of men. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶For a hoore all myschefe | |
Mortalyte / warre and great grefe | |
120 | Commeth soone agayne. |
sig: [A4v] | |
¶Salomon. |
¶The fawcon is well loued | |
And of the fawconer well reclaymed | |
By his gentle deporte. | |
¶Marcol. |
¶He that a hoore wyll leade | |
125 | Thorough the sees / in tyme of nede |
Shall neuer haue good porte. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶He is a fole without fayle | |
And leseth his trauayle | |
That layeth a fox to slepe. | |
¶Marcol. |
130 | ¶He is more foole for certayne |
That perceyueth a hoore wolde parte fayne | |
And seketh meanes her styll to kepe. | |
¶Salomon. |
¶The fowler there his net layeth | |
Where-as he comonly seeth | |
135 | Byrdes fede and rest. |
¶Marcol. |
¶A hoore foloweth that waye | |
Where-as she seeth a pray | |
Of Rybawdes a great nest. | |
¶Finis. |
Cum priuilegio. | |
¶Imprinted at London in flete strete by Rycharde Pynson: And be for to sell at the signe of saynt Iohnn Euangelyst in saynt Martyns parysshe / besyde Charynge crosse. |