Read me and be not Wroth

"P.G." [Barlow, William?]

STC 1462.7 (formerly 21427)
Ringler 1462.7 and TP 1501 ('Rede me and be nott wrothe ...'). "Probably _The buryall of the masse_, suppressed in 1529 by Royal Proclamation No. 122" (Ringler). Attrib. to William Roy by Bale (Ringler). Also attrib. to Jerome Barlow (STC, Addenda). In the 1546 ed. a new preface replaces the original dedication (STC). Ed. T. Park, _Harleian Miscellany_ 9 (1812), 1-83; E. Arber, _English Reprints_ 28 (1871), 19-124. UMI microfilm reel 143.

Rede me and be nott wrothe
[Strassburg]: [J. Schott],1528.

Composition Date: 1528 [STC].

see printer's rubric at sig. I8
sig: [A1]
Rede me and be nott wrothe
For I saye no-thynge but trothe.

I will ascende makynge my state so hye /
That my pompous honoure shall never dye.

O Caytyfe when thou thynkest least of all /
With confusion thou shalt have a fall.
sig: [A1v]

The descripcion of the armes.

Of the prowde Cardinall this is the shelde
Borne vp betwene two angels off Sathan.
The sixe blouddy axes in a bare felde
Sheweth the cruelte of the red man /
5 Whiche hathe devoured the beautifull swan.
Mortall enmy vnto the whyte Lion /
Carter of Yorcke / the vyle butchers sonne.

The sixe bulles heddes in a felde blacke
Betokeneth hys stordy furiousnes
10 Wher[by] the godly lyght to put abacke Wherby] Wherfore 1528, Wherby 1546see printer's rubric at sig. I8

He bryngeth in hys dyvlisshe darcknes.
The bandog in the middes doth expresse
The mastif-Curre bred in Ypswitch towne
Gnawynge with his teth a kynges crowne.

15 The cloubbe signifieth playne hys tiranny
Covered over with a Cardinals hatt
Wherin shalbe fulfilled the prophecy
Aryse vp Iacke and put on thy salatt /
For the tyme is come of bagge and walatt
20 The temporall cheualry thus throwen downe
Wherfor prest take hede and beware thy croune.

sig: A2

To his singuler goode frende and brother in Christ Master .P. G. N. O. desyreth grace and peace from God the father / thorowe the lorde Iesus Christ.

BY youre last letter / dere brother in Christ / I perceved / that youre desyre was / to have the lytle worke which ye sent / wele examened / and dilgently put into prynt. Which thynge (the bonde of charite / Ioh. xv where-with not alonly you and I / but we with the whole nombre of Christis chosen flocke / remayn[yn]ge remaynynge] remaynge 1528 amonge oure nacion of englisshe-men / are knet together / purly for the truthes sake pondered) I coulde do no lesse but fulfill and accomplysshe. For-as-moche as it is a thynge so necessary. Where-of no doute / shall sprynge grett frute vnto the fammisshed / and lyght vnto theym which of longe season have bene sore blyndfolded. Ma. xxv Though the rammysshe resydue of gotes / so farre envred with mannis blynde reason (which repute grett felicite to make men beleve / goode to be the naturall cause of evill / darknes to procede oute of light / and lyinge to
sig: [A2v]
be grownded in trouth / and to make of the worde of lyfe the glave of death / Mat. xxiiij. contrary to all trueth) that scripture calleth theym faulce teachers / and bryngers in prevely of dampnable sectes / left margin ij. pe. j.ij even denyinge the lorde that bought theym / and brynge on their owne heddes swyfte dampnacion / for their leadynge of many into their dampnable waies. Of whose boddies andand] annd 1528 soules thus once blynded ap. xviij and ledde out of the narowe waye of lyfe / into the broade waye of perdicion / Ma. vij thorowe covetousnes they make their marchandyse. ij. Pet. ij Wherby the waye of trueth (that is to saye the glorious gospell of Christ) is evill sp[o]ckenspocken] spdcken 1528 of. In-so-moche that they after this manner sealed with the marke of the grett beast of the erth / apo. xvj whose consciences .S. paul descrybeth to be singed with the hott [yr]on yron] yeron 1528'e' of 'yeron' is an error for '=', i.e. hyphen of blasphemy / j. ti. iiij only geve hede to the spretes of erroure / and dyvelysshe doctryne of theym which speake faulce through hipocrisy / forbyddynge to mary / iiij. and commaundynge to abstayne from meates and soche wother) cannot but barke there-att / forbid it / and with all violence persecute the reders there-of. ij. Pet. j Yet. I neverthelesse with you / doinge after the apostles erudicion / as longe as I folowe no decevable fables / ij. Pe. jij will not be ne-
sig: A3
gligent to put my brethren in remembraunce (thogh they partly knowe them their-selves / and are stablysshed in the present trueth) of those thynges wherby they maye the more evidently note the disceatfulnes of mortall man / and the better come vnto the knowledge of the immortall god. Seynge the tyme at honde wherin god of his infinite mercy / Luc. j hath ordened before Rom. j to make theym thorowe Christ oure lorde parte-takers Ac. xiij also of his glorious will and porpos. right margin Ebre. iij even as in the gospell oure saveoure before to all his hadd promesed. mar. iij xvj I therfore consyderynge the worlde thus to be wrapped in mysery and blindnes lu. iiij.ix (and now in these latter dayes becom an hole or denne of falce foxy hipocrites / i. Io. v Lu. viij. and a mancion for all ravenynge wolves disgysed in lambes skynnes / Ma. vij which hate all love / and with-oute drede of god wander but for theire praye) have iudged it a thynge moste convenient / to sett this smale treatous as a glas or myroure most cleare before all mens eyes. In the preface where-of manyfestly they shall perceave / howe grett daunger nowe-a ####ab#### dayes it is / the trueth other to describe with penne / or with tonge to declare. Luc. vj In the lamentacion folowynge / made by a bely-beast / engendred amonge the gresy / right margin Ro. xxj or anoynted
sig: [A3v]
heap / wother-wyse called the papysticall secte (whom Christ calleth a croked / vnt[o]warde /vntowarde] vntawarde 1528 and cruell generation of venemous vipers) Ma. xvj xvij Luce. ix they may surly groape and fele / where-of oure spretuall lordes / masters / and rulars (falcely so named) have proceded / and are come. with what presomcion they disdayne the auncient and true noble bloud. and what preeminence and dignite they have obtayned ma. xxiij through their faulce and crafti bryngynge vppe of the blasphemous masse / which principallyprincipally] principlally 1528 is their holde / stede / and defence. Forthermore in the dialoge ensuynge or brefe interlude / is mas descrybed with his abhominable ministers. as Popes / Cardinalls / bisshops / abbotes / monkes / fryres / and lyke wother. wherin also is declared whatt trees they are with their frute. ma. vij. epis. Iu. andand] annd 1528 what they shall remayne their masse once disanulled / and putt downe. Which all well consydered / I hoape that the reder what-ever he be / will nott take this worke as a thynge convicious / or a principle of hatred and debate. Rom. ij nor yett despyse the ryches of the godnes / and of the pacience / of the longe-soferance of god. but will remember that his kyndnes only leadeth hym to repentaunce. j. Cor. ij and mekely with the sprete of quyetnes / fy-
sig: A4
rst iudge it / and then consydre hym-silfe. and fautlesse he shall fynde it a grett occasion / to love / and also to thancke god his father most mercifull / which of his tender mercy hath nott delyvered hym vppe vnto a leawd mynde / Rom. j. with these vessels of wrathe / and children of the devill / Ioa. viij to do those thynges which are nott comly / right margin Rom. ij ful of all vnrightousnes / fornication / wickednes / covetousnes / maliciousnes / etc. and sofered hym nott to become lyke vnto theym / a hater of god / and of his godly worde. agaynst whose vngodlines / and vnrighto[u]snes / the wrath of the hevenly god apereth. because they with ####ab#### holde the true rightousnes of god / Rom. j whiche commeth throwe the lyght of the gospell of Christ / in the vnrightousnes of mans lawes and tradicions. Ye / and as sayth .S. paul / though they knowe the rig[ht]ousnesrightousnes] rigthousnes 1528 of god / howe they which soche thynges committ are worthey of death / yett not only do the same / but also have pleasure in the doars of them. Wherfore they are before god with-oute excuse. seinge that knowinge god / they glorify hym nott as god. nor yett are thanckfull. but wexe full of vanities in their ymaginacions. countynge theym-selves wyse where-as in-dede they are foles. For with their folysshe
sig: [A4v]
and blynde hert / they tourne the glory of the immortall god / vnto the similitude of the ymage of mortall man. He shall lykwyse clearly perceve / that we of duty colde do no lesse / but for the preservacion and tutell of the innocent and simple / to declare the pestilent doblenes / and decevable seduccion of the wicked. acordinge to the doctryne shewed vnto vs every-where by Christ oure master. which cam to save / andand] annd 1528 not to destroye. Ioan. vj.x. For one rotten apple / lytell and lytell putrifieth an whole heape. a lytell sower leven the whole lompe of dowe. mat. xiij Luc. xij one rancklynge member / the whole boddy. j. Cor. v Shortly to conclude. Here-in I am well persuaded / lett the vngodly roare and barcke never so lowde / that the fyre which Christ cam to kyndle on erth / left margin Luc. xij cannott butt burne. that is to saye / his godly worde forevermore encreace and continue. ij. re. xxij Psa. xvij ciiij cxviij Wherfore dere brother / yf eny mo soche smale stickes come vnto youre hondes / which ye shall iudge apte vnto the augmentacion of this fyre / sende them vnto me (yf in englonde they maye not be publisshed) and by goddis grace with all my power and possibilite / I shall so endever my-sylfe to kyndle theym / that as many as are of the sede of abraham shall se their light / Ioa. viij Mat. v and therby gloryfy their father
sig: [A5]
celestiall / which kepe you and youres continu[a]llycontinually] continully 1528 strengthynge you with his sprete of comforte to his glory for ever Amen.

¶The Author of the worke.

sig: [A5v]
Go forthe lytell treatous nothynge a ####ab#### fraide.
To the Cardinall of Yorcke dedicate
And though he threaten the be not dismayde
To pupplysshe his abhominable estate
5 For though his power he doeth elevate
Yett the season is nowe verily come
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

The Treatous.

O my author howe shall I be so bolde
Afore the Cardinall to shew my face
10 Seinge all the clargy with hym doth holde /
Also in faveour of the Kyngis grace
With furious sentence they will me chace
Forbiddynge eny persone to rede me
Wherfore my deare author it cannott be.

The Author.

15 Thou knowest very well whatt his lyfe is
Vnto all people greatly detestable /
He causeth many one to do amisse
Thorow his example abhominable.
Wherfore it is nothynge reprobable
20 To declare his mischefe and whordom
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

The Treatous.

Though his lyfe of all people is hated
Yet in the masse they putt moche confidence
sig: [A6]
Whiche through-out all the world is dilated
25 As a worke of singuler magnificence /
Prestes also they have in reverence
With all wother persones of the spretualte
Wherfore my deare author it cannot be.

The Author.

O deare treatous thou mayst nott consyder
30 Their blynde affeccion in ignorance
Wherby all the worlde both farre and near
Hath bene combred with longe continuance
Itt is goddis will his trueth to avaunce
And to putt antichrist oute of his kyngdom
35 Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium

The Treatous.

Well yett there is greate occasion of grudge
Be ####ab#### cause I apeare to be convicious.
Withouten fayle the clargy will me iudge
To procede of a sprete presumtuous /
40 For to vse soche wordes contumelious
It becommeth nott christen charite
Wherfore my deare author it cannot be.

The Author.

O my treatous it is goddis iudgement
So to recompence their madde blasphemy
45 Seynge they burned his holy testament
Thorowe the prowde cardinals tyranny
Agaynst whose harde obstynacy to crye
The stones in the strete cannot be dom
sig: [A6v]
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

The Treatous.

50 Yf I presume to make relacion
Of secret matters that be vncertayne
They will count it for diffamacion
Or thinges contryved of a frowarde brayne
To descrybe their faultes it is but vayne
55 Except I were in some authorite
Wherfore my deare author it cannot be.

The Author.

As touching that thou nede not to be deiecte
The trueth shalbe thy conservacion
Whyles thou presume no faultes to detecte
60 But wheare thou hast hadde certificacion
By their knowledge and informacion
Whiche have forsaken the whore of rome
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

The Treatous.

Alas yett in their outragious furoure
65 They shall coursse and banne with cruel sentence
All those whiche have to me eny favoure
Ether to my saynge geve credence
In hell and heven they have preeminence
To do as they lyste with free liberte
70 Wherfore my deare author it cannot be.

The Author.

O treatous lett antichrist crye and roare
Manassynge with fulminacions
sig: [A7]
His cruelte shalbe feared no moare
Men knowynge his abhominacions
75 Fye apon his forged execracions.
Seynge his tyranny is overcome
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

Fye on his dyvlisshe interdiccions
With his keyes lockes chaynes and fetters
80 Fye apon all his iurisdiccions
And apon those whiche to hym are detters
Fye apon his bulles breves and letters
Wherin he is named seruus servorum
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

85 Fye on his golden thre-folded crowne
Whiche he vseth to weare apon his head
Fye apon his maieste and renowne
Clayminge on erthe to be in Christes stead
Fye on his carkes both quycke and dead
90 Ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

Blissed they be which are cursed of the pope
And coursed are they whom he doth blisse
A ####ab#### coursed are all they that have eny hope
95 Ether in his personne or els in his.
For of almyghty god a ####ab#### coursed he is
Per omnia secula seculorum
sig: [A7v]
Vt inveniatur iniquitas eius ad odium.

¶Heare foloweth the lamentacion.

Alas alas for woo and bitter payne
Oppressed withe grefe and sorofull care
Howe shall we from hevy wepynge refrayne
Consyderynge the case that we in are.
5 We have now lost the pryce of oure welfare
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

Wo worth the time that ever we were born
To se the chaunce of this dolorous daye dolorous] dolorours 1528
10 For now ar we mocked and laughed to skorn
Owre honour brought to extreme decaye
We maye well synge alas and well ####ab#### awaye
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

15 Aproche proud patriarkes with youre pope
Bisshops arsbysshops and Cardinalls gaye
With all other prelates which had your hope
To be mayntayned by the masse all-waye
Who shall finde oure belly and ryche araye
20 Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

Drawe nere ye prestes in youre longe gownes
With all the fryres of the beggerly ordres
Com hither monkes: with brode-shaven crounes
sig: [A8]
25 And all soche as are shoren above the ears /
Helpe me to lament with dolourous teares
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

The dolfull destruction of noble troye
30 Was never to man haulfe so lamentable
Nor yett the subuersion of Rome oure ioye
Vnder whom we were counted honorable.
O fortune fortune: thou arte vnfauorable
Seynge that gone is the masse
35 Nowe deceased alas alas.

Departed is nowe the masse and clean gone
The chefe vpholder of oure liberte
Wherby our whores and harlotes everychone
Were mayntayned in ryche felicite.
40 Full sore we shall repent this daye to se
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

Our baudes and brothels have lost ther finding
Oure bastardes compelled to go astraye /
45 Oure wynn[ow]inge-mill hath lost her gryndinge wynnowinge] wynninge 1528
Which we supposed never to decaye.
Alas therfore what shall we do or saye
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

50 Oure gay velvet gownes furred with sables
Which werre wont to kepe vs from colde
The paulfreys and hackeneis in oure stables
sig: [A8v]
Nowe to make chevesau[n]ce must be solde
Adue forked mitres and crosses of golde
55 Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

We shall nowe abate oure welthy tables
With delicate deyntyes so delicious
Oure mery iestes [a]nd plesaunt fables and] vnd 1528
60 Are nowe tourned to matters dolorous
We must laye downe oure estate so pompous
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased alas alas.

Oure fyngres shyninge with precyous stons
65 Sett in golden rynges of ryche valoure
Oure effeminate flesshe and tender bones
Shalbe constrayned to faule vnto laboure
For-why decayed is all oure honoure
Seynge that gone is the masse.
70 Nowe deceased alas alas.

Where-as we vsed apon mules to ryde
Nowe must we nedes prycke a ####ab#### fote a ####ab#### lone
Oure wantan daliaunce and bostinge pride
With wofull misery is over ####ab#### gone.
75 Oure glystringe golde is turned to a stone
Seynge that gone is the masse.
Nowe deceased alas alas.

We had oure servantes in most courtly wyse
In greate multitude folowinge oure tayle
80 With garded lyverey after the newe gyse
sig: B[1]
Whome we frely supported to iest and rayle
How-be-it nowe eache from wother shall fayle
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased alas alas.

85 Oure povre kynred we lytell vnderstode /
And of whatt vilnes oure pompe did aryse.
We desdayned the estates of noble blode /
Nothynge afrayde oure betters to despyse.
Wherfor agaynst vs they will nowe surmyse
90 Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

We were called lordes and doctours reverente /
Royally raignynge in the spretualte.
In every place wheare we were presente /
95 They vayled their bonetes and bowed a kne.
But it begynneth nowe wother-wyse to be.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

We devowred the sustenaunce of the poore /
100 Wastynge the goodes of people temporall.
Wherwith we norysshed many a whore /
To satisfye oure pleasure beastiall.
And yett we were counted spretuall.
Vnder faveoure of the masse /
105 Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Oure greate lords[h]ippes and dominacions / lordshippes] lordspippes 1528
With oure ryche iuelles and sompt[i]ous plate. somptious] somptous 1528
Oure places and large habitacions /
sig: [B1v]
Adorned with hangynges and beddes of state
110 From oure hondes shall nowe be seperate.
Seynge that gone is the masse
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Adue / oure ayde and supportacion /
Wherby fortune so merely did smyle.
115 Farwele comforte and consolacion /
Thus soddenly chaunged with-in a whyle.
Oure vayne confydence dyd vs sore begyle.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

120 By the masse we were exalted so hye /
That scantly eny man we wolde once knowe.
We thought for to ascende vnto the skye /
Havynge oure seate above the rayne-bowe
But we are come downe agayne full lowe.
125 Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The masse made vs lordes and kynges over-all /
Farre and nere every-wheare havyng power.
With honorable tytles they dyd vs call /
130 Dredynge to offende vs at eny houre.
Then were we as fressh as the garden floure.
Vnder favoure of the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Amonge all the people we went a ####ab#### fore /
135 By pretence of oure fayned holynes.
They reputed vs for haulfe-goddes and more /
sig: B2
Thorowe the masses beneficialnes.
Whiche is nowe tourned to oure hevines.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
140 Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The masse was only oure singuler suffrage /
To delivre the people from their synne.
There was no prest in towne nor village /
But by the masse his lyvynge did wynne.
145 Whose superfluite shalbe full thynne.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

O faythfull masse / so constant and true.
In heven and erth continually.
150 We nowe thy chyldren shall morne and rue /
The chaunce of thy dekaye so sodenly.
Constrayned we are all to wepe and crye.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

155 By the masse we had hye authorite /
In heven and erth takynge oure pleasure.
Kynges and prynces for all their dignite /
To displease vs feared oute of measure.
Alas we have nowe lost oure chefe treasure.
160 Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The masse made vs so stronge and stordy /
That agaynst hell-gates we did prevayle.
Delyveringe soules oute of purgatory /
sig: [B2v]
165 And sendynge theym to heven with-out fayle
Who is he then that wolde nott bewayle.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Of all maner thynges the comodyte /
170 By the massis healpe only did depende.
From sycknes and pestilent mortalite /
The socoure of the masse did vs defende.
All prosperite that oure lorde did sende.
Was for favoure of the masse
175 Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The masse farre excedeth mannis reason /
Oft-tymes of foule wether makynge fayre.
It causeth frute for to rype in season /
Puttynge awaye infeccions of the ayre.
180 Greate estates frendshippe stably to repayre.
Have confirmacion by the masse
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The masse in due tyme procureth rayne /
Wherby floures and erbes freshly do sprynge.
185 And masse maketh it for to seace agayne /
When it so aboundeth to their hyndrynge.
All maner matrymony and maryinge.
Is solemnysed by the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

190 To soudears and men goynge a ####ab#### warre-fare /
The masse is ever a sure proteccion.
It preserveth people from wofull care /
sig: B3
Dryvynge awaye all affliccion.
Alas who can shewe by descripcion.
195 All the proffettes of the masse /
Nowe deceased alas alas.

O wofull chaunce: most infortunate /
So sodenly makynge comutacion.
Never sence the worlde was fyrst create /
200 Was there a thynge of soche reputacion.
For in every londe and nacion.
All goodnes cam by the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Whatt avayleth nowe to have a shaven hedde /
205 Or to be aparelled with a longe gowne.
Oure anoynted hondes do vs lytle stedde /
Wher-as the masse is thus plucked downe
Vnto oure dishonowre all doeth rebowne.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
210 Nowe deceased / alas alas.

The gooddes of the churche are taken awaye /
Geven to povre folkes soffrynge indigence.
The devyne servyce vtterly doeth decaye /
With halowed oyle / salt / and frankynsence.
215 To holy-water they have no reverence.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

All people because the masse is departed /
Seketh nowe / Ceremonies to confounde.
220 The aultres of the lorde are subuerted /
sig: [B3v]
With ymages which cost many a pounde.
The temples also are throwen to the grounde
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

225 Wherfore nowe of my lamentacion
To make an ende with-oute delaye.
Fare-wele O holy consecracion /
With blyssed sanctus and agnus dei,
No lenger nowe with you we can praye.
230 Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe deceased / alas alas.

Adue / gentle dominus vobiscum /
With comfortable / ite missa est.
Requiem eternam / is nowe vndon /
235 By whom we had many a fest.
Requiescat in pace and goode rest.
Seynge that gone is the masse /
Nowe dec[ea]sed / alas alas. deceased] decavsed 1528

¶Here foloweth a brefe Dialoge betwene two prestes servauntes / named Watkyn. and Ieffraye.


IEffraye / hardest thou oure master /
Thus with lamentable maner /
Most pitously complayne?


¶Herde it catha? yee be th'roode /
5 I praye god turne it vnto goode /
sig: B4
That it be nott to oure payne.
But is it of a very surety /
As it is spoken in the country /
That the holy masse is deade.


10 ¶Dead? yee Ieffraye by my hande /
And that thou myght well vnderstande /
Hadde thou eny witt in thy heade.
For the soroufull constraynte /
Of oure masters complaynte /
15 All-onely for hys deceace was.
Wherfor lett vs oure counsell take /
What shyfte for vs is best to make /
Seynge that deceaced is the masse.


¶Mary watkyne thou sayest very trothe /
20 We shall have but a colde brothe /
I feare me shortely after this.
But I praye the tell me nowe playne /
Was he by eny myschaunce slayne /
Or was it for age that he deade is.


25 ¶Naye / it was not surly for age /
For he was of lusty courage /
Though he had very many yeres.
Also he had continued still /
Yf prestes myght haue had their will /
30 With the helpe of monkes and fryres.
Butt he was assauted so sore /
That he coulde resist no more /
And was fayne to geve ouer.
sig: [B4v]
Then cam his aduersaries with myght /
35 And slewe hym oute of honde quyght /
As though he had bene a faulce rover.


¶With what wepen did they hym kyll /
Whether with polaxe or with bill?
A goode felowshippe lightly tell.


40 ¶Naye: with a sharpe two-edged sworde /
Which as they saye was goddis worde /
Drawne oute of the holy gospell.


¶And is goddis worde of soche myght /
That it slewe the masse downe-right /
45 Of so auncient continuaunce?
My-thynketh it shulde not be true /
Seynge that prestes wolde hym rescue /
With worldly ryches and substaunce.
Monkes / channons / all shaven crownes /
50 Wolde have brought their villages and tounes /
With their whole religious rable.
Which vnder antichristis raygne /
Are of sectes variable and vayne /
Forto be reckened in ####ab#### numerable.
55 Oure master also I dare saye /
With many wother prestes gaye /
Whom I knowe very well.
Wolde have spent all their goode.
Yee verely their owne hert-bloude /
60 To helpe masse agaynst the gospell.


¶Tosshe man they did all then best /
sig: B5
Not sparynge to opyn their chest /
Gevynge out brybes liberally.
Wherby they had gret confidence /
65 For to have done moche assistence /
In ayde of the masse certaynly.
But it provayled theim nothynge /
For goddis worde hath soche workynge /
That none maye resist contrary.


70 ¶Well / yet take it for no scorne /
I tell the wheare-as I was borne /
They resist the gospell openly.
And the principall doars be suche /
As nowe-a ####ab#### dayes governe the churche /
75 No smale foles I promes the.
And namly one that is the chefe /
Whiche is not fedd / so ofte with rost-befe /
As with rawe motten so god helpe me.
Whose mule yf it shulde be solde /
80 So gayly trapped with velvet and golde /
And geven to vs for oure schare.
I durst ensure the one thynge /
As for a competent lyvynge /
This seven yere we shulde not care.


85 ¶Yf he be soche what is his name /
Or of what regarde is his fame?
I beseche the shortly expresse.


¶Mary / some men call hym Carnall /
And some saye he is the devill and all /
sig: [B5v]
90 Patriarcke of all wickednes.


¶Well / to be brefe with-outen glose /
And not to swarve from oure purpose /
Take goode hede what I shall saye.
The tyme will come or it be longe /
95 When thou shalt se their statly thronge /
With miserable ruyne decaye.
Note wele the ensample of Rome /
To what misery it is come /
Which was their hedde principall.
100 Goddis worde the grownde of vertue /
They went aboute for to subdue /
W[h]erby they have gotten a faule. Wherby] Werby 1528, Wherby 1546


¶Beleve me / thou speakest reason /
I trowe we shall se a season /
105 To the confusion of theym all.
But nowe to oure mater agayne /
I wolde heare mervelously fayne /
In what place the masse deceased.


¶In Strasbrugh / that noble towne /
110 A Cyte of most famous renowne /
Wheare the gospell is frely preached.


¶And what dost thou their names call /
Which were counted in especiall /
The aduersaries of the masse?


115 ¶Truly there [were] clarkes many one / were] where 1528, ware 1546
And gretly learned every ####ab#### chone /
Whose names my memory do passe.
sig: [B6]
Howe-be-it / Hedius / Butzer and Capito /
Celarius / Symphorian / and wother mo /
120 In-dede were reputed the chefe.
Whose lyuynge is so inculpable /
That their enemies with-oute fable /
In theym coulde fynde no reprefe.


¶What did then the temporalte /
125 Wolde they all there-vnto agre /
With-outen eny dissencion?


¶As for the commens vniuersally /
And a greate parte of the senatory /
Were of the same intencion.
130 Though a feawe were on the wother syde /
But they were lyghtly satisfyed /
When they could nott goddis worde denaye


¶I perceaue then manifestly /
The bisshoppe with his whole clargy /
135 Were absent and a ####ab#### waye.


¶They were not absent I the ensure /
For with the masse they dyd endure /
Whyls to speake they had eny breth.
In-somoche that for all this /
140 The bisshoppe ceaseth not with his /
To revenge the masses death.
He spareth nott to course and banne /
Doynge all that ever he canne /
To revoke masse vnto lyfe agayne.
145 He spendeth many a gulden /
sig: [B6v]
To hange / morther / and bren /
The masses aduersaries certayne.


¶And getteth he any goode therby?


¶But littell yet I the certefy /
150 And I trowe lesse he shall have.
Nowe for all his hye magnificence /
They counte hym savynge reuerence /
Not moche better than a knaue.


¶Peace whorsone / beware of that /
155 I tell the his skynne is consecrat /
Anoynted with holy oyntmente.


¶Yee / so many a knaues skinne /
Is gresyd with-out and with-in /
And yett they are not excellente


160 ¶Cockes bones / this is rancke heresy /
Yf it were kn[ow]ne: by and by / knowne] knwone 1528
Thou shuldest a faggote beare.
To speake so of soche a prelate /
Whiles they are all of the same rate /
165 For the more parte euery-wheare.
But to the purpose that we beganne /
What did monkes and fryeres thanne /
When masse went thus to wracke?


¶So vttered was their abusione /
170 That with great confusione /
They were fayne to stande abacke.


¶Och: I knowe a fryer in a place /
Whom they call father Matthias /
sig: [B7]
Yf he had bene at this brayde.
175 He wolde have made soche a noyse /
With his horrible shrill voyce /
Able to have made theym afrayde.


¶Tosshe / there were fryres two or thre /
In fayth as grett-panched as he /
180 With bellies more then a barell.
Which for all their learned strengthe /
Were so confounded there at lengthe /
That they gave over their quarell.


¶What made Ihon Faber and Emser /
185 With their ayders Eckyus and Morner /
Did they vnto masse no socoure?


¶Yes truly / with wordes of greate boste /
They spared nott to sende their oste /
Threatnynge with fearfull terroure.
190 Howe-be-it they had soche impediment /
That they coulde nott be there present /
As thou shalt the case vnderstonde.
Emser somtyme a reguler chanon /
To defende the massis cannon /
195 Longe before had taken in honde.
Which craftely to vpholde with lyes /
So grevously troubled his eyes /
And also encombred his brayne.
That there was no remedy /
200 But he was fayne certenly /
At home / a fole to remayne.
sig: [B7v]
Flatterynge Faber / full of disdayne /
Was newe admitted to be chaplayne /
Vnto duke Ferdinand by othe.
205 Wherfore he had ynough of busynes /
To disswade the dukes noblenes /
From favourynge the godly trothe.
As for Morner / the blynde lawear /
And Eckius / the frowarde sophistrar /
210 They have a fore ####ab#### castynge wisdome. a fore ####ab#### castynge] afore castynge 1528, a fore ####ab#### castynge 1546
That in soche honorable audience /
Wheare-as wyse clarckes are in presence /
They will nott very gladly come.


¶Medled nott Erasmus / in this matter
215 Which so craftely can flatter /
With cloked dissimulacion?


¶He was busy to make will fre /
A thynge nott possible to be /
After wyse clarckis estimacion.
220 Wherfore he intermitted lytle /
As concernynge the massis tytle /
With eny maner assercion.
He feareth greatly some men saye /
Yf masse shulde vtterly decaye /
225 Least he shulde lose his pension.
Notwithstondynge he hath in his hedde /
Soche an opinion of the god of bredde /
That he wolde lever dye a marter.
Then ever he wolde be of this consent /
sig: [B8]
230 That christ is not theare corporally present /
In bredde wyne and water.
Also he hath geven soche a laudacion /
Vnto the ydols of abhominacion /
In his glosynge pistles before-tyme.
235 That yf he shulde wother-wyse reclame /
Men wolde impute vnto his blame
Of vnstable inconstancy the cryme.


¶Howe did they then with lovayne /
And with the vniuersite of Colayne /
240 Made they right noght for massis parte?


¶Yes surly with terrible vociferacion /
They made wonderfull exclamacion /
The worde of god to subverte.
They sent thether Thomas and Scote /
245 With wother questionistes god wote.
Full of crakynge wordes inopinable.
But when it cam to the effecte /
They were so abasshed and deiecte /
That once to hisse they were nott able.


250 ¶It was a thynge playnly acorst /
That masse went thus by the worst /
Havynge so many on his wynge.


Goddis worde is so efficacious /
And of strengthe so mervelous /
255 That agaynst it is no resistynge.


¶Neverthelesse amonge this araye /
Was nott theare one called Coclaye /
sig: [B8v]
A littell pratye foolysshe poade?
But all-though his stature be small.
260 Yett men saye he lacketh no gall /
More venemous than any toade.
No / for he hadde a nother occupacyon /


¶Wrytinge to the englysshe nacyon /
Inuencyones of flatterye.


265 ¶To Englonde? in goode tyme /
I trowe the vrchyn will clyme /
To some promocion hastely.


¶Or els truly it shal cost hym a fall /
For he is in fauoure with theym all /
270 Which haue the gospell in hate.
Continually he doth wryte /
Euer laborynge daye and nyght /
To vpholde antichristes estate.
Of papistes he is the defender /
275 And of Luther the condemner /
The gospell vtterly despysynge /
To forge lyes he hath no shame /
So that they somewhat frame /
With the processe of his writynge /
280 He wrote of late to Herman Ryncke /
Wastynge in vayne paper and yncke /
Pomeranes epystle to corrupte.
Which by christen men requyred /
Accordynge as he was desyred /
285 Dyd his parte theym to instructe.
sig: C[1]
No-thynge ther-in was reprobable /
But all to ####ab#### gedder true and veritable /
With-out heresy or eny faulte.
Howe-be-it this wretch vnshamfast /
290 Thorowe malicie was nott a ####ab#### gast /
The trueth with lyes to assaulte.


¶Yf he be as thou sayst he is /
I warant he shall not mis /
Of a benefice and that shortly.
295 For I ensure the oure Cardinall /
With wother bisshops in generall /
Love soche a felowe entierly
But lett this nowe passe and go to /
What is best for oure proffit to do /
300 Seynge masse hath made his ende?


¶Surely as farre as I can gesse /
We are lyke to be masterlesse /
Yerre it be longe so god me mende.
For as sone as the masse is buried /
305 Oure master shalbe beggered /
Of all his ryche possession


¶Then mate I put the out of doute /
It is goode that we loke aboute /
Least we solfe a newe lesson.
310 Howe-be-it / howe longe will it be /
Or ever that we shall se /
Of this dedde masse the buriall?

sig: [C1v]


As touchynge that in very dede / 1528 prints this line at end of previous section
They are nott yett fully agrede /
315 But I suppose shortly they shall /
Some wolde have hym caried to Rome /
For-be ####ab#### cause of all christendome /
It is the principall Ce.
And some wolde have hym to Fraunce /
320 Because of the noble mayntenaunce /
That he had of Parys vniversite.
Some also perswade in goode ernest /
That in Englonde it were best /
His dedde coors rychly to begraue


325 ¶Nowe after my folysshe coniecture /
They coulde nott for his sepulture /
Devyse / a better place to have.
Also theare is Sayncte Thomas schryne /
Of precious stones and golde fyne /
330 Wherin the masse they maye laye.
Wherof the ryches incomprehensible /
As it is spoken by persones credible /
Myght an Emperours raunsome paye.
Morover theare is the Cardinall /
335 Of whose pompe to make rehearceall /
It passeth my capacite.
With stately biss[h]oppes a greate sorte / bisshoppes] bissoppes 1528
Which kepe a mervelous porte /
Concernynge worldely royalte.
340 Prestes also that are seculer /
With monkes and chanons reguler.
sig: C2
Abownde so in possession.
That both in welfare and wede /
With-oute doute they farre excede /
345 The nobles of the region.


¶Yf it be thus as thou dost declare /
It is best that masse be buried theare /
With due honorable reverence.


¶Ye but they have a frowarde witt /
350 And par ####ab#### case they will nott admitt /
But vtterly make resistence?


¶Holde thy peace and be content /
The gospell by a commaundment /
To do it will strayghtly theym compell.


355 ¶They sett nott by the gospell a flye /
Diddest thou not heare whatt villany /
Thy did vnto the gospell?


¶Why / did they agaynst hym conspyre?


¶By my trothe they sett hym a ####ab#### fyre /
360 Openly in London cite.


¶Who caused it so to be done?


¶In sothe the Bisshoppe of London /
With the Cardinalles authorite.
Which at Paulis crosse ernestly /
365 Denounced it to be heresy /
That the gospell shuld come to lyght.
Callynge theym heretikes excecrable /
Whiche caused the gospell venerable /
To come vnto laye-mens syght.
sig: [C2v]
370 He declared there in his furiousnes /
That he fownde erroures more and les /
Above thre thousande in the translacion.
Howe-be-it when all cam to pas /
I dare saye vnable he was /
375 Of one erroure to make probacion.
Alas he sayde / masters and frendes /
Consyder well nowe in youre myndes /
These heretikes diligently.
They saye that commen women /
380 Shall as sone come vnto heven /
As those that lyve perfectly.


¶And was that their very sayinge?


¶After this wyse with-oute faynynge /
In a certayne prologe they wryte.
385 That a whoare or an open synner /
By meanes of Christ oure redemer /
Whome god to repent doth incyte.
Shall soner come to saluacion /
By merites of Christis passion /
390 Then an ou[tw]arde holy lyver. outwarde] ouwtarde 1528


¶They did there none wother thinge shewe /
Then is rehearced in mathewe /
In the one and twenty chapter.


¶For all that / he sayde in his sermone /
395 Rather then the gospell shulde be comone /
Bryngynge people into erroure
He wolde gladly soffre marterdome /
sig: C3
To vpholde the devyls fredome /
Of whom he is a confessoure.


400 ¶Why / makest thou hym a saynt?


¶Euen soche a one as paynters do paynt /
On walles and bordes artificially.
Which with myters / crosses / and copes /
Apere lyke gaye bisshops and popes /
405 In strawnge fassion outwardly.
But they are ydols in effecte /
Mamettes of antichristis secte /
To blynde folke deceatfully.


¶I perceave well nowe that / honores /
410 As it is spoken / mutant mores /
With soche men most commenly.
But thynkest thou in thy mynde /
That he coulde in his herte fynde /
In soche a case death to souffer /


415 ¶Naye / yt was a worde of office
I warante he is nott so folisshe /
To putt his boddy so in daunger.
Neverthelesse with tonge and porsse /
All-though he shulde fare the worsse /
420 Gladly he will do his dever.
To plucke the worde of god downe
And to exalte the thre-folde crowne
Of antichrist hys bever.
Also there is a charge vnder payne /
425 That no man eny-thynge retayne /
sig: [C3v]
Of the gospel newly translate.
For yf they presume the contrary /
They lose their goodes with-oute mercy /
And their boddies to be incarcerate.
430 Morover that no clarcke be so bolde /
Prevy or pearte / with hym to holde /
Preachynge ought in his favoure.
But contrary their braynes to sett /
Bothe in scoles and in the pulpett /
435 Hym and all his to dishonoure.
Wherfore it boteth the gospell nothynge
As concernynge the massis buryinge /
To sende eny precepte thether.
For they had lever by this daye /
440 Go vnto the devill strayght-waye /
Then to obeye hym in eny maner.


¶This passeth of all that ever I hearde /
I wonder they were nott a ####ab#### fearde /
Of so notable blasphemy.
445 Nott-with-stondynge their interrupcion /
Shall tourne to their destruccion /
At longe runnynge fynally.
For though they caused to be brent /
The outwarde shaddowe or garment /
450 Of goddis worde so hye of pryce.
Yett the grownde of his maiesty /
Printed in christen hertes s[ec]retly / secretly] sceretly 1528
They are nott able to preiudyce.
sig: C4
Therfore whyther they will or nill /
455 Yf it be the holy gospels will /
Masse in Englonde to bury.
Lett theym crake vntill they burst /
Doyng their best and their wurst /
Itt avayleth nott a chery.
460 They are worldly and carnall /
And the gospell is spretuall /
Assisted with angels presence.


¶Yf it come vnto that reckenynge /
They will mo angels with theym brynge /
465 Then shalbe in the gospels assistence.


¶Have they of angels eny garnyson?


¶Ye god knoweth many a legion /
Att all tymes theym to socoure.


¶Howe do they these angels gett?


470 ¶By my fayth of povre mens swett /
Which for theym sore do laboure.


¶A ha / I wott well what thou meane /
Soche angels are nott worthe a beane /
Yf it come to the poynt once.
475 But nowe wolde I heare the expresse /
The maner of their holynesse /
Brefly declared att once.


¶Mary that is done forthe with-all /
For they have no holynes att all /
480 As farre as I sawe yett ever.
Howe-be-it shortly to discousse /
sig: [C4v]
Their proude estate so glorious /
I shall here my-selfe endever.
Fyrst as I sayde there is a Cardinall /
485 Which is the Ruler principall /
Through the realme in every parte.


¶Have they not in Englonde a Kynge?


¶Alas manne / speake not of that thynge /
For it goeth to my verye harte.
490 And I shall shewe the a cause whye /
There is no Prynce vnder the skye /
That to compare with hym is able.
A goodly persone he is of stature /
Endued with all gyftes of nature /
495 And of genttylnes incomparable.
In sondrye sciences he is sene /
Havynge a ladye to his Qwene /
Example of womanlye behaveoure.
Notwithstandynge for all this /
500 By the Cardinall ruled he is /
To the distayninge of his honoure.


¶Doeth he folowe the Cardinales intente?


¶Yee / and that the commones repente /
With many a wepynge teare.


505 ¶The Cardinall vexeth theym than?


¶Alas sens Englande fyrst began /
Was never soche a tyrante theare.
By his pryde and faulce treachery /
Whoardom and baudy leachery /
sig: C5
510 He hath bene so intollerable.
That povre commens with their wyves /
In maner are weary of their lyves /
To se the londe so miserable.
Through all the londe he caused periury /
515 And afterwarde toke awaye their money /
Procedynge most tyrannously.
The povre people nedy and bare /
His cruell herte wolde nott spare /
Leavynge theym in greate misery.
520 Insomoche that for lack of fode /
Creatures bought with Christes blode
Were fayne to dye in petous cas
Also a ryght noble Prince of fame /
Henry the ducke of buckyngame /
525 He caused to deye alas alas.
The goodes that he thus gaddered /
Wretchedly he hath scattered /
In causes nothynge expedient.
To make wyndowes / walles / and dores /
530 And to mayntayne baudes and whores /
A grett parte therof is spent.


¶Lett all this pas I praye the hertely /
And shewe me somwhat seriously /
Of his spretuall magnificence.


535 ¶Fyrst he hath a tytle of .S. Cecile /
And is a Legate of latere /
A dignite of hye premynence.
sig: [C5v]
He hath bisshopryckes two or thre /
With the popes full authorite /
540 In cases of dispensacion.


¶He maye then with the masse dispence /
Yf he be faulen in the sentence /
Of the grett excommunicacion?


¶That he maye in all maner cases /
545 Howe-be-it he geveth nothynge grates
But selleth all for reddy mony.
Excepte courses and blessynges
With syght of his golden rynges
All this he geveth frely.


550 ¶Hath he so large faculte /
Of the popis benygnite /
As it is spoken abroade?


¶He stondeth in the popes roume /
Havynge of his bulles a grett some /
555 I trowe an whoale carte-loade.
Wherwith mens porses to descharge /
He extendeth his power more large /
Then the power of almyg[ht]y god. almyghty] almygthy 1528
For whether it be goode or ill /
560 His pervers mynde he will fulfill /
Supplantynge the trueth by falshod.
To gett hym a synguler name /
The londe he bryngeth out of frame /
Agaynst all goddis forbod.
565 He tourneth all-thynge topsy-tervy /
sig: [C6]
Nott sparynge for eny symony /
To sell spretuall gyftes.
In grauntes of consanguinite /
To mary with-in neare degre /
570 He getteth awaye mens thryftes.
Of seculer folke he can make reguler /
And agayne of reguler seculer /
Makynge as he lyst blacke of whyte.
Open whordom and advoutry /
575 He aloweth to be matrimony /
Though it be never so vnryght.
Laufull wedlocke to divorce /
He geveth very lytle force /
Knowynge no cause wherfore.
580 He playeth the devill and his dame /
All people reportynge the same /
Coursse the tyme that ever he was bore.


¶It cannot syncke in my mynde /
That the Cardinall is so blynde /
585 To make eny soche diuorcement.


¶Though it be nott in thy belefe /
I tell the to putt it in prefe /
He doth all that he can invent.


¶Bitwixte whom dost thou wene?


590 ¶Bitw[ix]te the Kynge and the Quene / Bitwixte] Bitwxite 1528
Which have bene longe of one assent.


¶Some cause then he hath espyed /
Which asonder theym to devyde /
sig: [C6v]
Is necessary and vrgent.


595 ¶Nothynge but the butcher doth fayne /
That the goode lady is barayne /
Lyke to be past chylde-bearynge.


¶Had the kynge never chylde by her?


¶No man sawe ever goodlyer /
600 Then those which she forth did brynge.


¶Is there eny of theym a ####ab#### lyve?


¶Ye a Princes / whom to descryve /
It were herde fo[r] an oratoure. for] fo 1528
She is but a chylde of age /
605 And yett is she bothe wyse and sage /
Of very beautifull faveoure.
Perfectly she doth represent /
The singuler graces excellent /
Bothe of father and mother.
610 Howe-be-it all this nott regardynge /
[The] carter of [Y]orcke is meddelynge / The] They 1528; Yorcke] orcke 1528
Forto diuorce theym a ####ab#### sonder.


¶Are nott the nobles here-with offended?

Ief.] Wat. 1528

¶Yes / but it can not be amended /
615 As longe as he is the ruler.


I thynke the Quene is nott faulty /
But hathe done ynough of her party /
Yf it had pleased goddis benificence.


¶None is faulty but the butcher /
620 Whom almyghty god doth suffer /
To scourge the peoples offence.
sig: [C7]
Vnto god he is so odious /
That nothynge can be prosperous /
Where-as he hath governaunce.
625 Sens that he cam fyrst forwarde /
All thynges have gone backwarde /
With moche myschefe and mischaunce.
No yerly purpose he doeth intende /
That ever commeth to a goode ende /
630 But damage and tribulacion.


¶In these parties it is verifyed /
That he hath a college edified /
Of mervelous foundacion.


¶Of preuy houses of baudry /
635 He hath made a stues openly /
Endued with large exibicion.


¶Lycknest thou to whoarmongers /
A colage of clarkes and scolears /
Ensuynge learned erudicion.


640 ¶Thou mayst perceave / by reason /
That vertue shalbe very geason /
Amonge a sorte of ydle losels.
Which have ryches infinite /
In welth and worldly delyte /
645 Geven to pleasure and nothynge eles.


¶They rede there both greke and ebrue /


¶I will not saye but it is true /
That there be men of grett science.
Howe-be-it where pryde is the begynnynge.
sig: [C7v]
650 The devill is commenly the endynge /
As we se by experience.
And yf thou consyder well /
Even as the towre of Babell /
Began of a presompcion.
655 So this colledge I dare vndertake /
Which the Cardinall doth make /
Shall confunde the region.
What is it to se dogges and cattes /
Gargell-heddes and Cardinall-hattes /
660 Paynted on walles with moche cost.
Which ought of dute to be spent /
Apon povre people indigent /
For lacke of fode vtterly lost.


¶Hath he for soche folke no providence?


665 ¶No / savynge only to rid them hence /
A proper waye he ymageneth.


¶After what maner porviaunce?


¶Truely least they shulde be combraunce /
A ####ab#### warfare he theym sendeth.


670 ¶Many of theym then are slayne?


¶They never come home haulfe agayne /
I maye tell the in goode plyght.
For some be taken presoners /
And some are dedde of the fevers /
675 Many of theym losynge their syght.
Of twenty thousande fyghtynge-men
Scant returneth home agayne ten /
sig: [C8]
In goode state and perfect lykynge /
For the more parte made beggers /
680 And so become robbers and stelers /
Wherby they have a shroade endynge.


¶He fareth nott the better for warre /


¶Yes mary / it doth hym prefarre /
To more gaynes then I can rehearce.
685 For fyrst or the warre do begynne /
They laboure his favoure to wynne /
Gevynge gyftes many and dyvers.
And yf it cannot be so pacifyed /
They brybe hym on the wother syde /
690 At the least for to be favoured.
And fynally warre for to ceace /
With rewardes they must hym greace /
Or els peace cannot be performed.


¶Dothe he practyse soche conveyaunce?


695 ¶Ye / and for that cause in Fraunce /
This warre-tyme he was beloved.


¶Thou makest hym then a trayter?


¶I recken hym a falce fayterer /
Yf the very trueth were proved.


700 ¶Well lett this pas / howe dothe he /
In gevynge grauntes of liberte /
And cases that be dispensable?


¶He foloweth the commen practyse /
Of marchantes in their marchandyse /
705 To gett worldly goodes movable.
sig: [C8v]
Savynge they take grett laboures /
And he doth all by his factoures /
Restynge in quyet felicite.
He hath falce farises and scrybes /
710 Gapynge for nothynge but for brybes /
Full of fraudes and perversite.


¶They are named yett wother-wyse /


¶Trothe / but they folowe their gyse /
In wicked operacions.


715 ¶I put a case nowe they be leawde /
As I thyncke they are all be ####ab#### shrewde /
In their administracions /
Shall they to hell for the Cardinall /
Or els thynkest thou that he shall /
720 Go thether in his owne persone?


¶Though he have here soche prerogative /
In all poyntes that be dispensative /
To performe it by commyssion.
Yett in this poynt sekerly /
725 He must performe it personally /
Withoute eny exempcion.


¶Yf he be as thou hast here sayde /
I wene the devils will be afrayde /
To have hym as a companion.
730 For what with his execracions /
And with his terrible fulminacions /
He wolde handle theym so.
That for very drede and feare /
sig: D[1]
All the devils that be theare /
735 Wilbe glad to let hym go.


¶As for that thou mayst be assured /
The devils with coursses are invred /
As authours there-of with-out fayle.


¶What yf he will the devils blisse?


740 ¶They regarde it no more be gisse /
Then waggynge of his mules tayle.


¶Doth he vse then on mules to ryde?


¶Ye and that with so shamfull pryde /
That to tell it is not possible.
745 More lyke a god celestiall /
Then eny creature mortall /
With worldly pompe incredible.
Before hym rydeth two prestes stronge /
And they beare two crosses right longe /
750 Gapynge in every mans face.
After theym folowe two laye-men secular /
And eache of theym holdynge a pillar /
In their hondes / steade of a mace.
Then foloweth my lorde on his mule /
755 Trapped with golde vnder her cule /
In every poynt most curiously.
On eache syde a pollaxe is borne /
Which in none wother vse are worne.
Pretendynge some hid mistery.
760 Then hath he servauntes fyve or six score /
Some behynde and some before /
sig: [D1v]
A marvelous great company.
Of which / are lordes and gentlemen /
With many gromes and yemen /
765 And also knaves amonge.
Thus dayly he procedeth forthe /
And men must take it at worthe /
Whether he do right or wronge.
A grett carle he is and a fatt /
770 Wearynge on his hed a red hatt /
Procured with angels subsidy.
And as they say in tyme of rayne /
Fower of his gentelmen are fayne /
To holde over it a cannopy.
775 Besyde this to tell the more newes /
He hath a payre of costly shewes /
Which sildom touche eny grownde.
They are so goodly and curious /
All of golde and stones precious.
780 Costynge many a thousande pownde.


¶And who did for thes shewes paye?


¶Truly many a ryche abbaye /
To be eased of his visitacion. eased] easied 1528, eased 1546


¶Doth he in his owne persone visit?


785 ¶No / another for hym doth it /
That can skyll of the occupacion.
A felowe nether wyse nor sadde /
But he was never yett full madde /
Though he be frantyke and more.
sig: [D2]
1582 has 'a iij'
790 Doctor Alyn he is named /
One that to lye is not asshamed /
Yf he spye avauntage therfore.


¶Are soche with hym in eny pryce?


¶Ye / for they do all his advyce /
795 Whether it be wronge or right.


¶Hath the Cardinall eny gay mansion?


¶Grett palaces with-out compareson /
Most glorious of outwarde sight.
And with-in decked poynt-device /
800 More lyke vnto a paradice /
Then an erthely habitacion.


¶He commeth then of some noble stocke?


¶His father coulde snatche a bullock /
A butcher by his occupacion.


805 ¶Howe cam he vnto this glory?


¶Playnly by the devils policy /
As it is every-wheare sayde.


¶Are the states here-with-all content.


¶Yf they speake aught they are shent /
810 Wherfore I tell the they are a ####ab#### frayde.


¶Whatt abstinence vseth he to take?


¶In Lent all fysshe he doth forsake /
Fedde with partriges and plovers.


¶He leadeth then a Lutherans lyfe?


815 ¶O naye / for he hath no wyfe /
But whoares that be his lovers.


¶Yf he vse whoares to occupy /
sig: [D2v]
It is grett marvell certaynly /
That he escapeth the frenche pockes.


820 ¶He had the pockes with-out fayle /
Wherfore people on hym did rayle /
With many obprobrious mockes.


¶He was then abhorred of his prince?


¶By my troth man / not an ynche /
825 Still in favoure continually.


¶By the devill then he worketh?


¶Truly so every man iudgeth.
But alas what remedy?


¶Hath he children by his whoares also?


830 ¶Ye and that full prowdly they go /
Namly one whom I do knowe.
Which hath of the churches goodes clerly /
More then two thousand pownde yerly /
And yett is not content I trowe.
835 His name is master Winter /
For whom my lorde his father /
Hathe gotten of the frenche kynges grace.
That when the bisshop of Rone /
Out of this lyfe is dedde and gone /
840 He shall succede hym in his place.


¶And is his father as redy /
To promoute the noble progeny /
As he is to ####ab#### wardes his bastardes?


¶He favoureth lytell noble lynage /
845 Takynge a ####ab#### waye their heritage /
sig: D3
Rather then to sett theym forwardes.
He breaketh mens testamentes /
And contrary to their intentes /
At his owne mynde and pleasure.
850 He wilbe nedes their exsecutours /
Sayinge with the devill all his oures /
Rychely to encreace his treasoure.
Many a goode ladys ioynter /
He engroseth vp into his cofer /
855 Of the which some here to name.
I recken the Countes of Darby /
With the Countes of Salsbury /
Also the Duches of Buckyngame.


¶Is the devil soche an whorsone?


860 ¶Och / there is nether duke ne barone /
Be they never of so grett power.
But they are constrayned to croutche /
Before this butcherly sloutche /
As it were vnto an Emproure.


865 ¶Nowe surly then after my mynde /
They cannot soche another fynde /
The dedde massis office to solempnise.


¶Yf it be his pleasure he maye /
Howe-be-it he vseth lytell to praye /
870 For it is late or he do aryse.
Also as farre as I canne muse /
To do this office he will refuse /
Dredynge his pompe therby to lose.

sig: [D3v]


¶As for that / it shall nothynge skyll /
875 Playnly yf it be the gospels will /
Do it he must and cannot chose.


¶Yett it wilbe a parelous busines /
For bisshops and prestes doutles /
To ayde hym will nott be slacke.
880 Though they loue hym as the devill /
Yett to do the gospell some evill /
No diligence in theym shall lacke.


¶Have the bisshops so grett ryches?


¶It is nott possible to expres /
885 The treasure of the spretualte.


¶What / are the bisshops divines?


¶Ye they can wele skyll of wynes /
Better then of devinite.
Lawears they are of experience /
890 And in cases agaynst conscience /
They are parfet by practyse.
To forge excommunicacions /
For tythes and decimacions /
Is their continuall exercyse.
895 As for preachynge they take no care /
They wolde se a course at an hare /
Rather then to make a sermon.
To folowe the chace of wylde-dere /
Passynge the tyme with ioly chere /
900 A ####ab#### monge theym all is common.
To playe at the cardes and dyce /
sig: D4
Some of theym are nothynge nyce /
Both at hasard and momchaunce.
They dryncke in gaye golden bolles /
905 The bloudde of povre simple soules /
Perisshynge for lacke of sustenaunce.
Their hongery cures they never teache /
Nor will soffre none wother to preache /
But soche as can lye and flatter.
910 Biddynge the beades after this rate /
Ye shall praye for the goode estate /
Of my lorde my master.
And so redynge a ragge-mans roule /
He exhorteth to praye for the soule /
915 Of this persone and of that.
Which gave boke / bell / or challes /
To the fortheraunce of goddis serves /
Babblynge he wotteth neare what.
Soche preachers be commended /
920 And the wother are reprehended /
Which preache the gospell purly.
So they sitt apon cousshens softe /
Their royalte exalted alofte /
They regarde nott goddis worde surly.
925 They are so geven to avaryce /
That they ponder no preiudyce /
Happenynge to the comen-weall.
They norysshe servauntes in ydelnes /
Which when they are masterles /
sig: [D4v]
930 Are constrayned to begge or steale.
To tell all the abhominacion /
Of their wretched conuersacion /
It were bothe longe and tedious.


¶If the bisshops do so abownde /
935 Howe are seculer prestes fownde /
With persons which be religious?


¶Thynkest that with theym it is scant /
Naye naye man / I the warant /
They fele no indigent rearage.
940 For they have goodes innumerable /
And fare moche better at their table /
Then lordes of worthy parage.
Fortune with prestes runneth on wheles /
So that some have after their heles /
945 A scoare of yemen taule and stoute.
Whom forto mayntayne ydely /
They have benefyces very many /
In the country there-aboute.
Wherby they are so proude and vayne /
950 That the noble-men they disdayne /
With scornfull indignacion.
Though peraventure their fathers /
Were other sowters or cobblers /
Of no maner reputacion.
955 As for religious folke to be brefe /
In all Englonde they have the chefe /
And most plesaunt commoditees.
sig: D5
The goodly soyles / the goodly londes /
Wrongfully they holde in their hondes /
960 Endued with many knyghtes fees.
By coloure of their faulce prayres /
Defrauded are the ryght heyres /
From their true inheritaunce.
They are the cause of mysery /
965 Of whordom / theft / and beggery /
To the commen-welles hynderaunce.
No frutfull worke they vse /
All honest laboure they refuse /
Geven wholy to sluggesshnes.
970 They are nether gostly nor divine /
But lyke to brut beastes and swyne /
Waltrynge in synfull wretchednes.
I speake this of the possessioners /
All-though the mendicant orders /
975 Are nothynge lesse abhominable.
Whose lyvynge is with-oute laude /
Norisshed in rapyne and fraude /
Grounded on lesynges detestable.
They are the devils messengers /
980 And of antichrist the members /
Example of all perversite.
They are ydols of flattery /
And apostels of hypocrysy /
Replenisshed with enormite.
985 Lo / here I have thus reported /
sig: [D5v]
Howe their lyfe is partly ordred /
And vnder what condicion.


¶That thou hast I make god a vowe /
Insomoche that I marvayle howe /
990 Thou knowest their disposicion.
But I praye the / dost thou iudge /
That they will murmer and grudge /
At the dedde massis buryinge?


¶Ye syr I ####ab#### wis man I am sure /
995 They will laboure with busy cure /
His sepulture forbiddynge.
For-why their superfluite /
By the massis liberalite /
Only hath supportacion.


1000 ¶What supposest thou of men temporall?


¶I thynke they wolde holde here with-all /
Yf they had due informacion.
Neverthelesse at the begynnynge /
Dede masse amonge theym to brynge /
1005 There wilbe some difficulte.
Be ####ab#### cause of longe continuaunce /
They have had trust and affiaunce /
Thorowe the masse saved to be.
For these prestes and fryres perswade /
1010 That by the masse they shall evade /
Eternall payne and punnysshment.
Whose suffrage doeth theym gret stedde /
Proffitable bothe to quicke and dedde /
sig: [D6]
After their mynde and iudgement.


1015 ¶Ye to prestes and fryers miserable /
Doutles the masse is proffitable /
And is the mill of their welfare.
But to the people without faynynge /
It is playne a fraudfull deceavynge /
1020 To make their porsse empty and bare.


¶Nowe truly I trowe as thou dost saye /
Even there goeth the hare quyte awaye /
And all their babellynge is but lyes.
All-though there be wother obstacles /
1025 Be ####ab#### cause of the grett myracles /
Dayly practysed before oure eyes.


¶Thou never sawest myracle wrought?


¶I / no be hym that me bought /
But as the prestes make rehearceall.


1030 ¶Canst thou rehears me nowe one?


¶No I cannot / but oure syr Ihon
Can / in his Englisshe festivall. Englisshe] Enghlisshe 1528, Englishe 1546


¶Geve they to soche fables credence?


¶They have them in more reverence /
1035 Then the gospell a thousand-folde.
Also ther is nether whoare nor thefe /
Nor eny of so wicked mischefe /
But by the masse is made bolde.
For yf they heare once a prestis masse /
1040 They trust surly that daye to passe /
Without all parell or daungeoure.
sig: [D6v]
Crafty sorcerers and falce dyce-players /
Pickeporses and prevy conveyers /
By the masse hope to have socoure.
1045 Marchantes passynge viages on farre /
And soudiars goynge forthe to warre /
By the masse are ofte preserved.
Masse bryngeth synners to grace /
And fendes awaye it doeth chace /
1050 Above all thynges preferred.
Masse solemniseth mariage /
And kepeth people from domage /
Causynge also wedder to be fayer.
Masse maketh tame thynges of wylde /
1055 And helpeth wemen to be with chylde /
Thorowe assistence of the sayer.
Masse avayleth agaynst sycknes /
A proved remedy for all distres /
And for thynges that be gone.
1060 Thus to conclude with brevite /
Of the whole churches felicite /
The masse is mayntener alone.


¶The nobles that be wyse and sage /
I suppose with soche blynde dotage /
1065 They cannot so folisshly begyle.


¶Troth it is / some of theym begynne /
To have lytell confidence there-in /
And lesse woll with-in a whyle.
Which of the bisshops is perceaved /
sig: [D7]
1070 Wherfore they have nowe restrayned /
Vnder the payne of courssynge.
That no laye-man do rede or loke /
In eny frutfull englisshe boke /
Wholy scripture co[n]cernynge.
1075 Their frantyke foly is so pevisshe /
That they contempne in Englisshe /
To have the newe Testament.
But as for tales of Robyn hode /
With wother iestes nether honest nor goode /
1080 They have none impediment.
Their madde vnsavery teachynges /
And theyr fantasticall preachynges /
Amonge simple folke to promote.
For no cost they spare nor stynte /
1085 Openly to put theym in prynte /
Treadynge scripture vnder their fote.
Also their decrees and decretalles /
With folysshe dreames papisticalles /
They compell people to rede.
1090 Howe-be-it the confutacion /
Of their abhominacion /
They will not soffre to procede.


¶Kepe thou silence and be whyst /
Though with grett crakes they resist /
1095 For a lytell season present.
Yett I warant within shortt space /
Masse will have there his beryinge-place /
sig: [D7v]
Acordynge as it is convenient.


¶So moche the worse for oure thryfte /
1100 For then there is none wother shyfte /
A newe master we must vs gett.


¶All-though masse be dedde and rotten /
A master maye lyghtly be gotten /
Yf we oure mynde to laboure sett.


1105 ¶Ye but prestes service is gaye /
For we maye with theim all-waye /
In ydelnes have grett respyt.


¶That for a christen man is nott best /
Borne vnto laboure and not vnto rest /
1110 As the foule is vnto flyght.
But nowe all this matter to spare /
Lett us oure masters dyner prepare /
For it is hye tyme verely.


¶A ####ab#### felyship lett vs go a pace /
1115 For he will beshrowe oure face /
Yf he fynde not all-thynge redy.


¶Hawe / I praye the yett abyde /
Sett thy busynes a whyle a ####ab#### syde /
And lett vs have fyrst a songe.


1120 ¶What woldest thou that I shulde synge?


¶Surly some propper conveyed thynge
Not over-tedious nor longe.


¶I trowe thou arte a syngynge man?
The devil of the whit that I can /
1125 But I love specially soche geare.

sig: [D8]


¶Will thou have it mery or sadde?


¶I foarce not be it goode or badde /
So that I maye some-what heare /


¶If thou will thy mynde satisfy /
1130 Gett the into some monastery /
And be a ####ab#### monge theym in the queare.


¶Do they vse soche ioly syngynge?


¶It is the crafte of their lyvynge /
Wherby they make lusty cheare.


1135 ¶But I vnderstonde nott what they saye /


¶By my sothe no more do they /
I may shewe the in counsell.


¶Shall I axe the nowe a question?


¶Ye hardely a goddis beneson /
1140 And I will not spare the to tell.


¶Ware thou never in religion?


¶Yes so g[o]d helpe me and halydom / god] gdd 1528
A dosen yeres continually.


¶Then thou knowest moche vnhappines?


1145 ¶A grett deale more then goodnes /
I promes the faythfully.


¶Well lett vs differ this till soune /
When oure masters diner is done /
We will a ####ab#### gayne come hydder.


1150 ¶I am content even so to do /


¶Fyrst synge a balett / go to /
And then will we to diner.


¶Alas I am marvelously drye /

sig: [D8v]


¶Thou shalt dryncke man by an by /
1155 What nedeth the so to lynger?


¶Have at it in the best manner.

¶In the ioyfull moneth of ioly Iune /
Walkynge all alone my care to solas.
I herde a voyce with a dolorous tune /
1160 Full pitiously cryinge / alas alas.
The worlde is worsse then evyr it was.
Never so depe in miserable decaye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

Fyrst to begynne at the spretualte /
1165 Whose lyvynge shulde be example of grace.
Indued with parfett workes of charite /
Sekynge goddis honoure in every cace.
The worlde with his vanites they enbrace.
Renyinge god all-though they saye naye /
1170 But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

Of this worlde they have the chefe dominion
With stately preeminence temporall.
They preasume to be hadde in opinion /
Of the people / as lordes emperiall.
1175 Worsshipfull seniours we must theym call /
Requyrynge that we shulde to theym obeye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

sig: E[1]
The ryches and gooddes of the commen-weall /
Hath sett theym in their honoure full hye.
1180 They are occasion that theves do steall /
And cause of all mischefe and misery.
The wordly treasure they consume ydely.
Nothynge regardynge but pastance and playe
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

1185 The laboure of the povre people they devower
And of nobles they waste the patrimony.
They teache and exhorte men god to honoure
With their temporall substa[u]nce and mony.
They clayme tythes to supporte their foly.
1190 Inventynge many a faulce offerynge-daye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

They ought of duty to preache the gospell /
The wordes of lyfe / so dulcet and swete.
Howe-be-it there-agaynst chefly they rebell /
1195 Christis doctryne troaden vnder their fete.
They beare vs in honde that it is nott mete.
The gospell to be knowen of people laye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

They shulde be meke / and they ar full of pryde
1200 Voyde of true pacience replete with yre.
Envy they holde / charite sett a ####ab#### syde /
Retaynynge for chastite carnall desyre.
sig: [E1v]
Slouthe and glotteny in their hole empyre.
Hath made temperance and labour to straye
1205 But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

Emprours and kynges they trappe in their lure /
Deceavynge theym by falce adulacion. by] bey 1528
So that of promocio[n]s they be sure /
Full lytell they ponder their damnacion.
1210 They geve theym no true informacion /
And that evidently parceave they maye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

The workes of mercy apon them are spent.
Poure people defraudynge with iniury.
1215 They dryncke the bloud of soules innocent /
Simple folke begylynge outrageously.
Their foule fylthy carkes to magnyfy.
They wrappe in robes and costly araye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

1220 Goddis commaundmentes they transgresse openly
To his godly love no respecte havynge.
They take his name in vayne with blasfemy /
Holy-dayes after their own mynde faynynge
To honour their parentes they are disdaynynge
1225 More covetous then kytes waytynge a praye.
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

sig: E2
Letcherous luste leawdly they enbrace /
Forbiddynge wedloke agaynst goddis will.
Their subiectes they oppresse in wretched cace /
1230 Prone vnto morther christen men to spill.
Sacrilege and simony is their corne-mill.
Vsynge falce witnes the trueth to delaye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

The sacrementes of christis ordinaunce.
1235 Institute oure feble fayth to sustayne.
They have perverted vnto oure hyndraunce.
Enforcynge vs to trust in tryfles vayne.
Wother newe sacrementes falcely they fayne.
Obscuringe godes worde as moch as they may
1240 But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

Christis fredom they have brought in bondage
Of hevenly rightes makynge marchandyse.
In gostly workes they covett avauntage /
To fede their insaciate covetyse.
1245 Of the damnable masse they make a sacryfyse
Compellynge men dearly for it to paye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

Of hell and heven they make chevesance /
Faynynge as they lyst a purgatory.
1250 Hypocrisy is leader of their daunce /
With wronge extorcion and vsery.
sig: [E2v]
Of Christis worde they make heresy /
Redy and prompte christen men to betraye /
But it cannot thus endure all-waye.

1255 Wherfore brefly to fynnysshe my balade /
O hevenly father / apon the I call.
Have pyte on man / whom thou hast made /
To serve the in fredom spretuall.
Rid vs from antichristis bondes so thrall.
1260 Wherwith we are fast bovnd nyght and daye
That thy name be not blasphemed all-waye.

Lo nowe I have done my best /
To satisfy th[y] request / thy] the 1528, thy 1546
Accordynge as thou desyredst.


1265 ¶I will holde the then no lenger /
But loke that thou remember /
To fulfill that thou promysedst.

sig: E3

¶Here foloweth the Secunde parte.


O Lorde god what goode dayes /
Thes monkes have in abbeyes /
1270 And do nether swett nor swyncke.
Thei live in welthynes and ease /
Havynge what-soever they please /
With delicate meate and dryncke.
Wher-with they farce their bellies so full /
1275 That to all goodnes they are dull /
Makynge mery with gill and Ioan.
They sitt slepynge in a corner /
Or momblynge their pater-noster /
Their mynde nothynge ther-apon.
1280 Be they never so stronge or starcke /
They will exercyse no maner warcke /
Nor laboure boddily.


¶Arte thou here Ieffray mate?


¶Ye / why commest thou so late?
1285 I am fayne for the to tary.


¶I was troubled with the estates /
I beshrowe all their folisshe pates /
For commynge here this daye.


¶So mot I the I thought the same /
1290 Howe-be-it the stuarde was to blame /
That he did no better porvaye.


¶By thy fayth / had thou better fare /
In the cloyster where-as thou ware /
sig: [E3v]
Vnder the rule of the m[o]nastery? monastery] manastery 1528


1295 ¶Fare cotha? they eate their belies full /
Every man as moche as he wull /
And none sayth blacke is his eye?


¶What do they for it / eny-thynge?


¶Truly nothynge but rede and synge /
1300 Passynge the tyme with sporte and playe.


¶That is a lyfe in-dede for the nones /
Thou ware a fole by thyse ten bones /
Whan thou camest fro theym awaye?


¶O I thyncke my-silfe moche fortunate /
1305 That fro their lyfe I am seperate /
Seynge it is so abhominable.


¶What abhominacion is there-in?


Alas mate all to ####ab#### geder is synne /
And wretchednes most miserable.


1310 ¶What a man of religion /
Is reputed a dedde person /
To worldly conversacion?


¶It is of a trueth they are dedde /
For they are in no vse nor stedde /
1315 To christen mens consolacion.
And as a dedde stynkynge carkace /
Vnproffitably cloyeth a space.
Yf it be kepte above grownde.
So in their lyfe supersticious /
1320 Of wicked crymes enormious /
No maner proffitablenes is fownde /

sig: E4
1528 has 'd iiij'


¶Yett their order is very strayte?


¶Ye but they vse soche a consayte /
That they make it easy ynowe.
1325 More easy by the twenty parte /
Then to laboure in some arte /
Or to go with the carte or plowe.


¶They have man the worlde forsaken /
And a spretuall lyfe taken /
1330 Consistynge in gostly busynes.


¶What call ye the worlde I praye?


¶Welthy ryches and pleasurs gaye /
And occasions of synfulnes.


¶Then are they in the worlde still /
1335 For they have all that they will /
With ryches and possessions.
And as touchynge the realme of vice /
Pryde / wrath / envy / and avarice /
With wother synfull transgressions.
1340 In this worlde that we do name /
There is none so farre oute of frame /
And lyve in soche outragiousnes.


¶Yett Ieffrye thou errest so god me save /
For the fryers no possessions have /
1345 But lyve only by pure almes.


¶Fryers? nowe they are worst of all /
Ruffian wretches and rascall /
Lodesmen of all knavisshnes.
Though they be no possessioners /
sig: [E4v]
1350 Yett are they intollerabill beggers /
Lyvynge on rapyn and disceyte.
Worshipfull matrons to begyle /
Honorable virgins to defyle /
Continually they do wayte.
1355 Of honesty they have no regarde /
To displease god they are not afearde /
For the valoure of a pynne /
Of whordom they are the very baudes /
Fraudulent inventers of fraudes /
1360 Provocacion vnto synne /
They are slaunder of vertousnes /
Occasion vnto viciousnes
Chickens of the devils broode.
To the trueth they are adversaries /
1365 Diligent imageners of lyes /
Depravers of those that be goode.
They are antichristis godsones /
Promowters of his pardones /
And proctours of simony.
1370 They are brokers heven to sell /
Fre coppy-holders of hell /
And fe-fermers of purgatory.
Of sathan they are the soudiers /
And antichristis owne mariners /
1375 His shippe forwardes to convey.
And to conclude seriously /
They are the hell-howndes veryly /
sig: E5
Enmies agaynst goddis worde allwaye.


¶Nowe thou arte gretly oversene /
1380 For in places there-as I have bene /
They do goode I the certify.
For yf it wer not for the fryers /
There wolde not be in seven yeres /
A sermon in the povre contry.
1385 And as for their lyvynge truly /
They begge peoples almes purly /
Takynge soche thynges as they geve.
They have no wast superfluite /
But even their bare necessite /
1390 Scant ynough wherby to leve.


¶I mean not that they are all bad /
For I wolde the devill theym had /
Then with a fayre deliverance.
But of the gretter parte I thought /
1395 Which I saye are worsse then nought /
Replete with mischevous vengeance.
Their preachynge is not scripture /
But fables of their coniecture /
And mens ymaginacions.
1400 They brynge in olde wyves tales /
Both of Englonde / Fraunce / and Wales /
Which they call holy narracio[n]s.
And to theym scripture they apply /
Pervertynge it most shamfully /
1405 After their owne opinions.
sig: [E5v]
Wherwith the people beynge fedde /
In-to manyfolde errours are ledde /
And wretched supersticions.
Of Christ oure mercifull saveoure /
1410 They make a iudge full of terroure /
Only threatninge o[u]re d[a]mnacion. damnacion] dmnacion 1528
Whose faveoure as they falsly fayne /
We cannot be able to obteyne /
With-oute sayntes mediacion.
1415 They saye that holy mens suffrages /
Pardons masses / and pilgremages /
For synnes make satisfaccion.
They bid vs in oure workes to trust /
Wherby they saye that we must /
1420 Deserve oure saluacion.
Fayth litell or nothynge they repute /
Wherof we beynge destitute /
Are brought into desperacion.
And as for their lyfe doutles /
1425 It is the well of ongraciousnes /
Of iniquite the myroure.
The almes that povre folke shulde have /
Wretchedly awaye they do crave /
To lyve ydely withoute laboure.
1430 Dissaytes continually they do muse /
And crafty falshod dayly they vse /
With simple folke gretly dissemblynge.
They feare lytell whom they offende /
sig: [E6]
Acustumed to rappe and rende[ /]
1435 All that commeth in their fingrynge /
Their miserable disposicion /
Causeth stryfe and sedicion /
In all places where-as they dwell.
There is none vnhappines done /
1440 In eny christen regione /
But a fryer is of the counsell.
Though they saye that their order /
Is to have no-thynge in proper /
But to vse all thynges in commone.
1445 Yett ther is no commenalte /
Which hath so gret parcialite /
As their miserable religione.
For where-as the heddes principall /
Whom master docters they call /
1450 Lyve in welthy aboundance.
The wother are povre and nedy /
Leadynge their lyves in penury /
Scant havynge their sustenance.
Of their brothers vexacion /
1455 They have no compassion /
Despysynge those that be in sicknes.
Agaynst all order of charite /
They desdayne forto have pete /
Apon theym that are in destres.
1460 To shewe all their vnhappines /
So abhominable and shamles /
sig: [E6v]
It wer ouer-tedious and longe.


¶Thou hast sayde ynough all-redy /
They cannot be moche wors lyghtly /
1465 Yf the divell be not theym amonge.


¶As for that tho[u] nedest not feare /
The devill with theym is familiare /
All-waye bothe at bed and at borde.


¶The observauntes are not so disposed?


1470 ¶Wilt thou have their lyfe disclosed /
Brefly rehearsed at a worde?


¶Nowe mate I praye the hartely.


¶So god helpe me of all hypocrysy /
They are the very foundacion.


1475 ¶Peace man / what speakest thou?
I perceave well thou errest nowe /
With wordes of diffamacion.


¶Why thynkest thou that I do erre?


¶Be ####ab#### cause the worlde doth theym preferre /
1480 For their wholy conversacion.


¶Ye so were the scrybes and pharisays /
Through their falce hypocrisy-ways /
Amonge the Iues in reputacion.
Neverthelesse in inwarde maners /
1485 They were worse then open synners /
Whom oure lorde also did coursse.


¶Makest of theym soche compareson?


¶Ye savynge after my opinion /
The observantes are farre worse.

sig: [E7]


1490 ¶It is not possible to be so /
For they shewe ther-as they go /
Of simplenes gret aperaunce.


¶Ye so dothe the foxe wother whyle /
All-though he canne many a wyle /
1495 Pretende a simple countenaunce.


¶Thou doest wrongfully surmyse.


¶Naye I tell the it is their gyse /
To have two faces in a hoode.


¶What dost thou meane therby?


1500 ¶That they are dissemblers vniuersally /
And feawe or none of theym be goode.


¶They vse no whordom / nor robbery /
Nor take mens goodes wrongfully /
As farre as I can heare or se?


1505 ¶Open advoutrers they are none /
Yet are they not virgens every ####ab#### chone /
All-though they professe chastite.
They have pollucions detestable /
And in ####ab#### warde brennynges intollerable /
1510 Of the flesshly concupiscence.
Ye and wother-whyles advoutry /
With wother meanes of letchery /
Cloaked vnder a fayned pretence.
Wich to overcome certaynly /
1515 They vse not the right remedy /
Of oure lordis institucion.
Gevynge hede to spretes of errours /
sig: [E7v]
And doctryne of divlysshe doctours /
Which do make p[r]ohibicion. prohibicion] ptohibicion 1528
1520 And as touchynge theft to be playne /
They are the gretest theves that raygne /
In all the worlde nowe-a ####ab#### dayes
For all wother theves commenly /
Of theym which have aboundantly /
1525 And of ryche folke take their prayes.
But the observauntes no people do spare
Makynge their quest every-wheare /
With most importunate cravynge.
To begge of the pover and nedy /
1530 They are as dogges most gredy /
And wolves incessantly ragynge.


¶Yet they never handell money?


¶No for that is a subtill policy /
To vpholde their madde disgysynge.
1535 For when antichrist sathans soune /
To stablysshe his realme had begoune /
Temporall honoure despysynge.
To have all in his do[m]i[n]ion / dominion] donimion 1528
He made many a religion / made] made made 1528
1540 With outwarde holynes aperynge.
Which into sectes innumerable /
Wer divided with-oute fable /
The worlde in care forto brynge.
By their coloured devocion /
1545 To the people they gave a mocion /
sig: [E8]
Their favoure craftly purchasynge.
And so by their contrivynge cast /
The[y] gott clene a ####ab#### waye at the last / They] The 1528
Their chefe possessions temporally.
1550 Wherby laye-people opressed sore /
Scant coulde they geve eny more /
Concernynge londes and patrimony.
Then cam the fower orders of fryers /
Which are the substanciall pillers /
1555 Of antichristis mayntenaunce.
So holy theym-selves they did make /
That all possessions they did forsake /
Wilfull poverty to inhaunce.
To live by almes they did pretende /
1560 And receaved all that god did sende /
Sheawynge tokens of perfection.
Wherfore the people did theym honoure /
With gretter love and faveoure /
Then those that had possession.
1565 Except livelod and londes only /
They receaved all that cam frely /
Whether it wer mony or ware.
Howe-be-it they did multiply /
In all provinces so innumerably /
1570 Through the worlde in every quartear.
That the people wexed wery /
Seynge they coulde not kepe a peny /
But the fryers wolde begge it awaye.
sig: [E8v]
At the last cam the observauntes /
1575 Of antichrist the trusty servauntes /
To brynge the worlde in more dekaye.
And least they shulde seme chargeable /
They fownde a newe waye deceavable /
To begyle bothe yonge and olde. begyle] begylde 1528, 1546
1580 They were of soche supersticione /
That in proper or in commone /
They wolde nothynge kepe nor holde.
Of their nedes havynge the vse /
To handle money they dyd refuse /
1585 Faynynge austerite of pennaunce.
Wherby with desyrous affecte /
The people had a grett respecte /
Vnto their paynted observaunce.
In-somoche that though their londes /
1590 Was geven clene oute of their hondes /
By meanes of the possessioners /
And also most greveously opprest /
With the dayly cravynge and quest /
Of the vnsaciate fryer beggers.
1595 Yett the observauntes semed so parfyt /
That to healpe theym they iudged yt /
With-oute charge a thynge charitable.
Wherfore all the wother sectes /
In maner reputed abiectes /
1600 The observauntes were honorable.
Apon whom the workes of mercy /
sig: F[1]
Were bestowed continually /
With superfluous abundaunce.
And so vnder a leawde coloure /
1605 In ydelnes they did devoure /
The povre peoplis sustenaunce.
They have increased so their nomber /
That all the worlde they do encomber /
With intollerable oppression.
1610 They are more noyous a gret deale
In hyndraunce of the commen-wealle /
Above eny wother faccion.
For where-as the people afore /
Wer halfe beggered and more /
1615 By the wother orders afore-sayde.
They robbed the worlde vt[t]erly / vtterly] vterl y 1528, vtterly 1546
Causynge it with extreme beggery /
In grett ruyne to be dekayde.


¶Thou speakest agaynst conscience /
1620 For we perceave by experience /
What a godly lyfe they leade.
They flye diligently all excesse /
Livynge in poverte and scasnes /
With smale dryncke and browne breade.


1625 ¶Thynkest thou they live in penury?


¶Or els they are hipocrites verily /
Of shamfull dissimulacion.


¶Saye that hardly once agayne /
For they leade a lyfe to be playne /
sig: [F1v]
1630 F[u]ll of worldly delectacion /
Fyrst they have befe and mutten /
Of the chefe that maye be gotten /
With bred and dryncke of the best.
And that morover so largely /
1635 That to farce and stuffe their belly /
They take more then they can deiest.
They have sauces with every disshe /
Whither that it be flesshe or fysshe /
Or els they wilnot be content.
1640 To eate bred that is browne or stale /
Ether to dryncke thynne byere or ale /
They count it not convenient.
And many tymes they have daynties /
Sent from dyvers lordes and ladyes /
1645 Their wholy suffrages to procure.


¶Yet they nether bake nor brewe.


¶No for all laboure they exchewe /
I the faythfully ensure.


¶Howe have they their meate rost or bake?


1650 ¶Wother men for theym the payne take /
Whom spretuall fathers they call.


¶And have they no spretuall mothers?


¶Yes with many sisters and brothers /
And also doughters spretuall.


1655 ¶Howe come they to kynred so nye /


¶Because they canne flatter and lye /
Makynge beleve the cowe is wode.

sig: F2


¶They cannot lye though they wolde /
For they will nether silver nor golde /
1660 Nor covet eny mans goode.


¶Trowest thou they covyt nothynge /
Where-as they come a ####ab#### beggyng /
To the housse of a povre man?
Which hath both wyfe and children /
1665 And is not able to fynde them /
Doynge the best that ever he can.
Yet he must vnto the fryers geve /
All-though he shulde his housholde greve /
Havynge nought theym-selves to eate.


1670 ¶O they have then the gretter mede.


¶Ye god geve theym evill to spede /
That do pover creaturs so entreate.
For they shulde their livynge gett /
With boddely laboure and swett /
1675 Wherby they myght healpe wother.


¶So they do healpe them spretually.


¶Soche spretualnes I defye /
When pover people dye for honger.


¶Men saye they are goode to the pover /
1680 And geve every daye at their doer /
Grett almes and refresshynge.


¶They geve almes / but howe?
When they have eaten ynowe /
Their gredy paunches replenisshynge.
1685 Then gadder they vp their levettes /
sig: [F2v]
Not the best morsels but gobbettes /
Which vnto pover people they deale.


¶Then are they lyke with-oute doute /
Vnto certayne theves devoute /
1690 Which though they vse to steale.
Yet they are liberall and fre /
Yf eny pover creature they se /
To geve hym parte of their stolen geare.


¶Nowe truly their disposicion /
1695 Is not vnlyke of condicion /
Savynge in this poynte they differ.
That where-as theves liberally /
Geve their goodes gotten wrongfully /
To the pover with true affection.
1700 They geve no-thynge in very trothe /
But scrappes which they wolde be lothe /
To vse agayne in their refeccion.


¶Pover folke yet commende theym gretly.


¶But yf they knewe as moche as I /
1705 They wolde rather on theym complayne.


¶Howe do they pover people offende?


¶By ####ab#### cause in ydelnes they spende /
Which vnto theym shulde pertayne.


¶They are not ydell I dare saye /
1710 Whyles they rede / synge / and praye
Continually every houre.


¶I call it ydelnes vnproffetable /
Which in no case is confortable /
sig: F3
To the necessite of oure neghboure /


1715 ¶Well yett the apostle doth wryte /
A iust mans prayer doth proffyte /
And is very efficacious.


¶Are they iust in thy reputacion?


¶After their owne affirmacion /
1720 Truly they are iust and rightous.


¶Then it is an evident token /
That they are of whom it is spoken /
Ve vobis qui iustificatis vos ipsos.


¶What dost thou by these wordes note?


1725 ¶That vnder ####ab#### neath a fryers cote /
Moche hipocrisy they glose.


¶Reputest thou it hipocrisy /
That they vse to go so holyly /
In cutt shues with-out eny hose?


1730 ¶Be it hipocrysy or no /
To mangill their goode shues so /
Me-thynketh it but folisshnes.


¶They cutt but the vpper ledder /


¶No for it is moche easier /
1735 Then to cut the soles doutles.


¶They do it for pennaunce sake /


¶For all that gret shifte they make /
To avoyde all corporall sofferaunce.


¶They shewe signes of penannce outwardly.


1740 ¶Ye but they fynde soche a remedy /
That they fele lytell grevaunce.
sig: [F3v]
For in coventes where-as they are /
Thycke mantels of fryse they weare /
With sockes to kepe their fete warme
1745 Then have they fyre at their pleasure /
And to sit therby at their leaysure /
No man sayinge theym eny harme.
And when they walke their stacions /
They seke gentilmens habitacions /
1750 Where-as they fare deliciously.
For be there never so grett prease /
They are set vp at the hy dease /
Taken lyke lordes honorably.
They have also to wasshe their fete /
1755 Water made hott with erbes swete /
And a goode fyer in their chamber.
Then have they bred / ale / and wyne /
With a ryche bed of downe fyne /
Decked after the best maner /
1760 And paraventure the goode father /
Hath in his sleve a bladder /
Full of gynger / nutmegges or graynes.
Which to make the drincke myghtye /
He putteth therin a quantite /
1765 To comforte and warme his veynes.


¶They fynd not this whersoever they come?


¶Syr I ####ab#### wis it is their custome /
In gentilmens places commenly.


¶Yet when they go on farre iorneys /
sig: F4
1770 They cannot espye oute all-ways /
Gentilmens houses so redely.


¶Mary before their departynge /
They have by mouthe or wrytynge /
The names of places where they dwell.


1775 ¶Some-tyme they fayle yet I iudge?


¶Then do they mormor and grudge /
Lyke yo[n]ge devils of hell.


¶They want soche thynges in their cloyster?


¶Concernynge the fare of their froyter /
1780 I did tell the a ####ab#### fore partly.
But then they have gest-chambers /
Which are ordened for strangers /
And for fathers to make mery.
There have they ale / wyne / and byre /
1785 And in winter-tyme a goode fyre /
With gaye conceytes many wother.


¶What is their communicacion?


¶By my sothe murmuracion /
One backbytynge another.


1790 ¶They have nothynge to murmur fore.


¶I tell the they murmur more /
Then eny persons that I knowe.
Full of envious suspicion /
Overwhelmed with ambicion /
1795 Though their vocacion be lowe.
With all diligence they laboure /
To obtayne noble-mens favoure /
sig: [F4v]
And to be ladys confessours.
In soche matters dayly they boste /
1800 Who with grett estates maye do moste /
Reckenynge theym-selve wyse seniours.


¶Do they desyre to be conversant /
In courtes of vertue so scant /
Intangled with all vngraciousnes?


1805 ¶They are content to be partners /
With all vngracious lyvers /
Yf so be they geve theym almes.


¶I put case they geve nothynge?


¶Then whether he be lorde or kynge /
1810 They will his maners deprave.
Howe-be-it though they be advoutrers /
Extorsioners / or whormongers /
Yf to be their frendes they witsave.
Then with grett commendacion /
1815 In their flatterynge predicacion /
They will their actes magnify.
Wherfore whoares / theves / and bawdes /
And all soche as live by frawdes /
To their order have a fantesy.


1820 ¶Howe do they which are true preachers?


¶They are charged in their chapters /
Vnder their prelatis strayte precepte.
That agaynst their goode fownders /
Benefacters / and frendly doers /
1825 No enormites they detecte.

sig: F5


¶Yf they sett men thus to scole /
I trowe they make many a fole /
Of ladys and gentill-wemen.


¶Shall I shewe the howe they do?


1830 ¶Nowe for oure lordis sake go to /
To tell the cast of this wholy men.


¶Fyrst it is their custome ever /
To go / two and two to ####ab#### gether /
Excepte a grett impediment.
1835 And so to my ladys chamber /
Formost pricketh in the elder /
Which of theym is most auncient.
As sone as my lady he dothe se /
With a countenaunce of gravite /
1840 He saluteth her noblenes.
My lady then of his commynge /
Affect[u]ously reioysynge / Affectuously] Affectously 1528, Affectuously 1546
Welcometh hym with gladnes.
The father then with his glosynge style /
1845 After that he hath preached a whyle /
With babblynge adulacion.
My lady with many a goode morowe /
Begynneth her tale to folowe /
Speakynge after this fassion.
1850 O father ye do grett penaunce /
To wynne eternall inheritaunce /
Throw prayer / fast / and watchynge.
Ye vse forto sweare no othes /
sig: [F5v]
Lyinge evermore in youre clothes /
1855 Nether shetes nor shurtes wearynge.
Ambicion ye sett a ####ab#### syde /
Flyinge worldly pompe and pryde /
Whiche with vs is dayly in vre.
Happy are ye and fortunate /
1860 To live in so parfet a state /
Where to be saved ye are sure.
Yf it were not for youre wholines /
This worlde full of viciousnes /
Had bene destroyed longe or this.
1865 Howe-be-it / ye do pacify /
The rigoure of god almighty /
Towardes vs that live a ####ab#### mis.
The father then with wordes of comforte /
Begynneth my lady to exhorte /
1870 Saynge thus / o goode madame.
Youre ladyshippe nedeth not to care /
For we praye dayly for youre welfare /
Or els we were gretly to blame.
Wholy .S. Fraunces do you mede /
1875 Many a pover fryer ye do fede /
Of youre bounteous charite.
Wherfore ye were made sister /
In the last generall chapter /
Of oure whole confraternite.
1880 By meanes wherof ye are partetaker /
Of oure watchynge / fast / and prayer /
sig: [F6]
Remembrynge you in oure memento.
There is no daye that commeth to passe /
But ye have parte of many a masse /
1885 Preservynge you from carfull wo.
Wholy .S. fraunces also hym-selve /
Which is above the apostles twelve /
Nexte vnto Christ in authorite.
Shalbe youre perpetuall defence /
1890 Agaynst sycknes and pestilence /
Souckerynge you in aduersite.
And for a sure aprobacion /
He bryngeth forth a narracion /
De libro conformitatum .
1895 Howe .S. Frances their advoury /
Once in the yere entreth purgatory /
When that his fest-daye doth come.
And from thens he taketh oute /
Those which to hym were devoute /
1900 Or to his order charitable.
Thus my lady not very wyse /
Is brought in-to foles paradyse /
Thorowe their wordes disceavable.


¶Hath Christ amonge theym no place?


1905 Christ catha? in no maner cace /
He is rather to their damage.
Be ####ab#### cause thorowe his passion /
For vs he made satisfaccion /
Withoute eny mans suffrage.
sig: [F6v]
1910 Whose doctryne yf they did observe /
Playnly for honger they shulde sterve /
Excepte they wolde to laboure fall.


¶Howe conclude they then at the ende?


¶My lady must to their covent sende /
1915 Her blyssynge with a trentall.


¶What is the trentall / in paper?


¶Or els in goode golde or silver /
To make theym a recreacion.


¶They will not for all Englonde /
1920 Handill money with their bare honde /
As I have had informacion.


¶Yett in golden cuppes to dryncke /
And to touche wemen I thyncke /
No grett parell they do adverte.
1925 And though some of theym never dare /
Touche eny coyne with hondes bare /
Yett they touche it with their hertt.
They have also withouten lesynge /
Money in wother mens kepynge /
1930 Redy at their commaundment.
Which by the wryttynge of a bill /
In whatt-soever vses they will /
Dayly is bestowed and spent.
In eny covent where they be /
1935 Very feawe of theym thou shalt se /
But have a frende temporally.
To whom for every tryfill vayne /
sig: [F7]
That commeth once into their brayne /
Yf by wrytynge they signify.
1940 Though it cost a noble or twayne /
By and by they shall it attayne /
Not foarsynge what is layde oute.
Which truly yf they shulde purchace /
With laboure and swett of their face /
1945 They wolde wotherwyse loke aboute.


¶Yf it be as thou dost expresse /
Playnly their rule they do transgresse /
Retaynynge in commen or in proper.


¶They have the popis declaracion /
1950 Makynge therof a mitigacion /
In most favorable maner.
Vnder whose divlysshe proteccion /
They have put theym in subieccion /
As children of iniquite.
1955 Wherfore he taketh to his person /
The name of their dominion /
To vse it gevynge liberte.
They have scant as moche as a lousse /
Nether clothes / churche / nor housse /
1960 But the pope there-of is awner.


¶Why ascrybe they it to the pope?


¶By ####ab#### cause with soche craft they hope /
To begyle people seculer. begyle] begylde 1528, 1546
For where-as they live welthyly /
1965 And have all thynges abundantly /
sig: [F7v]
Acordynge to their apetyte.
Yet vnder soche falce pretence /
They fayne to soffre indigence /
Contempnynge all worldly delyte.
1970 The pope also for this intent /
Because to his errours they consent /
Alowynge his abhominacions.
Graunteth to their avauntages /
Many bulles and previleges /
1975 With wretched confirmacions.
Whose favoure to recompence /
Agaynst all goode conscience /
They preache as moche as they maye.
That the people with reverence /
1980 Continue still in obedience /
Of the popis rule nyght and daye.
Though his workes be contrary /
They saye that he is goddis vicary /
And of Christ the leftenaunte /
1985 Makynge of a fende / [an] angell / an] and 1528, an 1546
Christ / of antichrist rebell /
A saynt / of the divels servaunte.


¶I supposed with-out dissemblynge /
That they vsed in their preachynge /
1990 All-ways to sheawe the verite.
Seynge amonge the states royall /
They were reputed substanciall /
With-oute eny parcialite.
sig: [F8]
They vsed to go in pover wede /
1995 Exhortynge both in worde and dede /
Vnto the ioye celestiall.
As though they had no erthely love /
But only to the lyfe above /
Despysynge the ioyes of this lyfe mortall.


2000 ¶The wholynes that they did sheawe /
Principally did over ####ab#### throwe /
The fayth of all christendome.
For they were confederate /
With antichrist so inveterate /
2005 Called the Pope of Rome.
Whose lawes to sett in renowne /
Christis doctryne they plucked downe /
Pervertynge all wholy scripture.
And yet so perfett they did apere /
2010 That grett mens confessions to here /
In every place they had the cure.
They pretended soche parfetnes /
That simple people more and les /
Vnto their wordes gave credence.
2015 Whatsoever fables they did tell /
They were taken as the gospell /
Approved with commen sentence.
Wherfore by their seduccion /
They have bene the destruccion /
2020 Of all true christen liberte.
They make cruelnes of mercy /
sig: [F8v]
Perfeccion of hipocrisy /
And of fredome captivite.
Of counterfeyted sim[u]lacion / simulacion] simlacion 1528
2025 They ymagen mortificacion /
Turnynge fayth to infidelite.
Ydelnes they name contemplacion /
Faynynge zele of murmuracion /
Enmies to charitable amite.


2030 ¶I marvayle moche and wonder /
That they shulde have eny anger /
Or eny envious debate.
Seynge from worldly royalte /
And promocions of dignite /
2035 They are willingly private.


¶Though they have no worldly honours /
Yet nether kynges ne emperours /
Nor wother states of the temperalte.
Have soche stryfe in their provision /
2040 As observauntes in their religion /
With dedly hatred and enmyte.
To be made confessors / and preachers /
Wardens / discretes / and ministers /
And wother offices of prelacy.
2045 With grevous malice and rancour /
One agaynst a nother dothe murmour /
Full of craft and inconstancy.
They have nether drede nor shame /
Their faultles brethren to defame /
sig: G[1]
2050 Havynge none occasion why.
Yonge men agaynst their superiours /
And prelates agaynst their inferiours /
One at another hath envy.
In chapters and visitacions /
2055 They vse wronge accusations /
With many slanderous iniuryes
They execute sharpe correccions /
To ponysshe the transgressions /
Of their fantastycke ceremonyes.
2060 God and his lawes they omitt /
Aplyinge their malicious witt /
To kepe mans invencions.
They are patrons of ydolatry /
Promouters vnto herisy /
2065 And bryngers vp of dissencions.


¶Nowe by the fayth of my body /
The obse[r]vauntes are not so holy / observauntes] obsevauntes 1528
As they do outwardly seme.


¶Yf thou knewe manyfestly /
2070 What a lyfe they occupy /
Thou woldest marvayle I deme.


¶I have hearde ynough and to moche /
Yf theyr conversacion be soche /
It is pite that they are souffered.
2075 But nowe touchynge the maners /
Of these religious possessioners /
I wolde heare somwhat more vttered.

sig: [G1v]


¶I tolde the in the begynnynge /
Howe their wicked lyvynge /
2080 Is gretly abhominable.
Marcke their lyfe intentifely /
And thou shal[t] not therin espy / shalt] shale 1528, shalt 1546
Eny-thynge that is commendable.


¶What sayst thou then of their vowes?
2085 Wherby theym-selves they spowse /
To god / by a certayne promes.


¶Surly in it Christ they forsake /
And them-selves wholy they betake /
To live in the devils serves.


2090 ¶Why / they professe chastite /
Obedience / and wilfull poverte /
Which allmygthy god doth approbate.


¶Ye for all that I promes the /
They kepe none of all the thre /
2095 With mundane affections intricate.


¶All worldlynes they do renownce.


¶Though with wordes they so pronownce /
Their hertes do not consent.


¶They observe t[r]uly obedience. truly] tuly 1528


2100 ¶Ye but savynge reverence /
Nothynge after Christis intent.
For after goddis commandementes /
They shulde obey their parentes.
Honorynge theym as is their duty.
2105 Not-with ####ab#### standynge they are so mad /
sig: G2
Their fathers and mothers are glad /
To honoure theym reverently.
And where-as holy scripture wolde /
That vnto all powers we shulde /
2110 Obey as to goddis ordenaunce.
They are vnder no power at all /
Nether spretuall nor temporall /
To the commen-weallis fortheraunce.


¶They obey vnto their prelate /
2115 At all seasons yerly and late /
His precept accomplisshynge.


¶I will not denye they do obey /
Vnto the ruler of their abbey /
A carle of their owne chosynge.
2120 Yet is it in supersticiousnes /
With-outen eny profitablenes /
Of their neghbours comforte.
They serve theym-selves and no mo /
Carynge litell howe the worlde go /
2125 So that they have pleasure and sporte.
And contrary the seculers /
Are vnder temporall rulers /
With their children and wyves.
At all seasons prest and redy /
2130 T[o] put theym-selves in ieopardy / To] Tu 1528
Aventurynge bothe goodes and lyves.
To serve the kynge in warre and peace /
They putt theym-selves alwaye in preace /
sig: [G2v]
The defence of the realme assistynge.
2135 Wher-as the religious sectes /
Vnto no lawes are subiectes /
Obeyinge nether god nor kynge.
Yf the kynge will their service vse /
Forthwith they laye for an excuse /
2140 That they must do goddis busines.
And yf in it they be fownde negligent /
They saye the kynge is impediment /
Because they must do hym serves.
And yf the kynge shall theym compell /
2145 Then obsty[n]atly they do rebell / obstynatly] obstymatly 1528
Fleinge to the popis mayntenaunce.
Of whom they obtayne exempcions /
From all the iurisdiccions /
Of temporall governa[u]nce.


2150 ¶Of the pope with-out grett expens /
They can obtayne no soche defens /
As men saye which do it knowe.


¶Yet are they so farre out of tune /
That they do their goodes so consume /
2155 Rather then in goode vses to bestowe.


¶I perceave by this with-out fayle /
Their obedience doth not pr[e]vayle / prevayle] provayle 1528, prevayle 1546
But what sayst thou to their poverte?


¶What nede I therof to speake /
2160 Consideringe they do it breake /
Endued with ryche felicite.

sig: G3


¶Do they soche lyvelod possesse?


¶They have in maner the ryches /
Of every londe and nacion.
2165 Namly in Englonde region /
They excede in possession /
And lordly dominacion.
The blacke order hath more alone /
Then all the nobles every chone /
2170 As touchynge their patrimony.
Thou woldest surly marvell /
To se their fare and aparell /
In all poyntes superflu[o]usly. superfluously] superfluusly 1528
There be monkes of soche statlynes /
2175 That scant will soffer at their messe /
A lorde of bludde with theym to sitt.
Whose prowde service to beholde /
In plate of silver and golde /
It passeth a mans witt.
2180 Knyghtes and squyers honorable /
Are fayne to serve at their table /
As vnto Dukes excellent.
Divers of theym have the degre /
Of worthy Erles in dignite /
2185 And are lordes of the parlement.


¶They descende of famous progeny?


¶Ye beggers sonnes most commenly /
Their fathers scant worth a groate.
Commynge fyrst to the abby-gate /
sig: [G3v]
2190 A ####ab#### beggynge with a scalled pate /
Havynge nether goode shurt nor coate.
Which as sone as he is ones clad /
For a gentilman he is had /
Though he be but a starcke knawe.


2195 ¶Soche poverte is plente /
For by it avoydynge scacite /
All welthynes they have.


¶It is truly their fisshynge-nett /
Pover mens goodes awaye to gett /
2200 To satisfy their gluttenny.
It is the goulfe of devoracion /
And fountayne of desolacion /
To all people generally.
Wherof in wholy scripture /
2205 Is written a notable figure /
Shewed in the boke of Daniell /
Howe the prestes of Babilone /
With falshod acordynge in one /
Had an ydole called Bell.
2210 Outwardly made all of bras /
And inwardly of erth it was /
Havynge a resceyte so devised.
That the ydole semed to devowere
An .C. shepe with wyne and flower /
2215 Dayly vnto it sacryfised.
Which the prestes with their whores /
Thorowe crafty contrived dores /
sig: G4
Entreinge in the nyght secretly.
And there makynge recreacion /
2220 They consumed the oblacion /
Oppressynge the people grevously.
Which semed so straunge a thynge /
That bothe the people and the kynge /
Reputed it a grett miracle.
2225 Vntill Daniel at the last /
Perceavynge their disceavable cast /
Agaynst it made an obstacle.
He vttered to their confusion /
The execrable illusion /
2230 Wherwith the folke they sore noyed.
Causynge by his policy /
That this ydole vtterly /
Was broken and destroyed.


¶Wherto dost thou this compare?


2235 ¶Of religious persons to declare /
The intollerable enormite.
For as the prestes with their ydoll /
The pover people did pill and poll /
By their dissaytfull suttelte.
2240 So the children of perdicion /
Named men of religion /
With their wilfull poverte.
The wyde worlde forto begger /
Daye and nyght they indever /
2245 Blyndynge the peoples simplicite.

sig: [G4v]


¶I marvayle men make no restraynt /
Their dissaytfulnes to attaynt /
Whyls it is open and aperte.


Daniel is not yett come /
2250 Which shall obtayne the roume /
Their fraudfull wayes to subuerte.


¶When shalbe then his comynge?


¶I ensure the or longe runnynge /
For he begynneth to drawe nere.


2255 ¶Well then / this matter to remitt /
I wolde very fayne a lytell fitt /
Of their chastite to heare.


¶To tell the of their chastite /
It lyeth not in my capacite /
2260 The shamfullnes therof to compryse.


¶Men saye they live blissedly /
With-out acte of matrimony /
Ensuynge verteous exercyse.


¶Their cloysters are the devils m[e]wes mewes] mwes 1528
2265 Farre worse then eny st[e]wes / stewes] stwes 1528
Or commen places of whordom.
They are the dens of baudines /
And fornaces of all letcherousnes /
Lyke vnto Gomer and Sodom.
2270 Yonge laddes and babes innocent /
They brynge in by their intysment /
To their leawde congregacion.
Whom they rec[e]ave to profession / receave] reccave 1528
sig: G5
Before that they have discrecion /
2275 To their eternall damnacion.
For when they fele by experience /
The brynnynge of the concupiscence /
Pryckynge their hertes with love.
Consyderynge also their bondage /
2280 Howe they can vse no mariage /
As a christen man doth behove.
Then to quenche their apetytes /
They are fayne to be sodomytes /
Abusynge theym-selves vnnaturally.
2285 And so from hope of salvacion /
They fall into desperacion /
Ordrynge their lyves most shamfully.


¶I will not say the contrary /
But amonge a grett company.
2290 One or two soche thou mayst fynde.


¶Make the company grett or small /
Amonge a thousand fynde thou shall /
Scant one chast of boddy and mynde


¶They saye yett with bolde audacite /
2295 That it resteth in mans faculte /
If he will / to live chastly.


¶Then make they Christ a lyer /
Callynge it a gyfte singuler /
Not geven to every-boddy.
2300 Paul also in his epistle /
Vnto Timothe his disciple /
sig: [G5v]
Writynge by sprete of prophecy.
Nameth it a dyvlisshe doctryne.
Which agaynst scripture divine /
2305 Forbiddeth folke to mary.
Morover the storys not faynynge /
The lives of olde fathers conteynynge /
Geve reccorde to the same.
Which endued with godly science /
2310 Exercysynge continuall abstinence.
The lustes of the flesshe to tame.
Yet feawe or none had the grace /
With all their laboure to purchace /
The singuler gyfte of chastite.
2315 Howe shuld they then live chaste /
That of gostlynes have no taste /
Geven holy to carnalite.
Which as wolves and bely-beastes.
Eatynge and drynkynge in their feastes /
2320 The bloudde of the pover commenalte /
They hate soche as are studious /
Abhorrynge those that are verteous /
As a toade / or poysonde serpente.
With-oute knowledge as asses brute /
2325 Of all goode manners destitute /
Braynles and insipient.


¶I se then he werre a very chylde /
Which wolde eny mo abbeys bylde /
Yf the goodes shuld be so yll-spent.
sig: [G6]


2330 ¶It werre fare better I suppose /
To plucke downe a grett sorte of those /
Which are all-redy of costly bildynge /


¶Oure lorde forbid / that werre pete /
For they kepe hospitalite /
2335 Waye-farynge people harborynge.
Husbande-men and labourers /
With all commen artificers /
They cause to have grett ernynge.
Their townes and villages /
2340 With-out exaccions or pillages /
Vnder theym have moche wynnynge.
They kepe also many servauntes /
Retaynynge fermers and tennauntes /
Which by theym have their lyvynge.


2345 ¶Hospitall-abbeyes thou fyndest but feawe /
All-though some of theym for a sheawe /
To blyndfelde the peoples syght.
Paraventure will not denaye /
Yf a gentle-man come that waye /
2350 To geve hym lodgynge for a nyght.
But yf pover men thyther resorte /
They shall have full lytell comforte /
Nether meate / dryncke / ne lodgynge /
Savynge wother-whyles perhapes /
2355 They gett a feawe broken scrapes
Of these cormorantes levynge.


¶Well yett their fare consyderynge /
sig: [G6v]
It is I ####ab#### wis no smale thynge /
That they leave dayly at their borde.


2360 ¶Ye but thorowe falce lorchers /
And vnthryfty abbey-lobbers /
To povre folcke lytell they a ####ab#### forde.
For the best meate awaye they carve /
Which for their harlottes must serve /
2365 With wother frendes of their kynne.
Then proll the servynge officers /
With the yemen that be wayters /
So that their levettes are but thynne.
And where-as thou makest relacion /
2370 That men of sondry occupacion /
By theym are sett vnto laboure.
It is aboute soche folysshnes /
Concernynge no proffytablenes /
Vnto their neghbours soccoure.
2375 In byldynge of chambers curious /
Churches / and houses / superfluous /
To no purpose expedient.
So that they maye satisfy /
Their inordinate fantasy /
2380 They care for no detryment.
Set dyce and carde-players a ####ab#### syde /
And thorowe-out the worlde so wyde /
They waste their goode most in vayne.
Their pryde maketh many a begger /
2385 Feawe or none farynge the better /
sig: [G7]
Except an ydell Iavel or twayne.
Their townes somtyme of renowne /
Leawdly they cause to faule downe /
The honoure of the londe to marre.
2390 They sue their subiettes at the lawe /
Whom they make nott worth a strawe /
Raynynge theym giltles at the barre.
And that I me nowe reporte /
To their lordships a grett sorte /
2395 With whom they had controversys.
Namly / Saynt Edmondis bery /
With dyvers wother a grett many /
Vnder the holde of monasterys.
Furthermore theare-as I did wone /
2400 All husbande-men they have vndone /
Destroyinge the londe miserably.


¶To prove that it wer very harde.


¶Take hede howe farmers go backwarde /
And thou shalt se it with thyne ey.
2405 For the londes welth pryncipally /
Stondeth in exercyse of husbandry /
By encreace of catell and tillynge.
Which as longe as it doth prosper /
The realme goeth backwarde never /
2410 In stabill felicite perseverynge.
The abbeys then full of covetyse /
Whom possessions coulde not suffyse /
Ever more and more encroachynge.
sig: [G7v]
After they had spoyled gentill-men /
2415 They vndermyned husbande-men /
In this manner theym robbynge.
Wheare a farme for xx .li. was sett /
Vnder .xxx. they wolde not it lett /
Raysynge it vp on so hye a some.
2420 That many a goode husholder /
Constrayned to geve his farme over /
To extreme beggary did come.


¶I have hearde saye of myne elders /
That in Englonde many fermers /
2425 Kept gaye housholdes in tymes passed.


¶Ye that they did with liberalite /
Sheawynge to povre people charite /
But nowe all-together is dasshed.
Of ryche farme-places and halles /
2430 Thou seist nothynge but bare walles /
The rofes fallen to the grownde /
To tourne fayre houses into pasture /
They do their diligent cure /
The commen-well to confownde.


2435 ¶Howe have the abbeys their payment?


¶A newe waye they do invent /
Lettynge a dosen farmes vnder one.
Which one or two ryche francklynges /
Occupyinge a dosen mens lyvynges /
2440 Take all in their owne hondes a ####ab#### lone.


¶The wother in paiynge their rent /
sig: [G8]
Be lycklyhod were negligent /
And wolde not do their duty.


¶They payde their duty and more /
2445 But their farmes are heythed so sore /
That they are brought vnto beggery.


¶Have the francklynges therby no gayne?


¶Yes / but fyrst they have moche payne /
Yer they can gett it substancially.
2450 Payinge more for the entrynge in /
Then they shalbe able to wynne /
A goode whyle after certaynly.
For to gett the abbottes consent /
Vnder the seale of the covent /
2455 It is a thynge very costly.
Where-of the charges to recover /
Lest they shulde theym-selves enpover /
And be brought into decaye.
Pover cilly shepperdes they gett /
2460 Whome into their farmes they sett /
Lyvynge on mylke / whyg / and whey.


¶Mercyfull lorde / who hearde ever tell /
Religious folke to be so cruell /
Supplantynge the temporalte.


2465 ¶Thou knowest nott watkyn felowe /
Howe they have brought to sorowe /
In lykwyse the spretualte.


¶By what manner cavillacion?


¶Surly through improperacion /
sig: [G8v]
2470 Of inumerable benefices.


¶Do they benefices improperate?


¶Ye and that many a curate.
Dayly coursse their cruell bellies.


¶They eate nether churche ne steple.


2475 No but they robbe the pover people /
Devowrynge their substaunce.


¶Yf they do spretually sowe /
They maye well temporally mowe /
After the apostles ordenaunce.


2480 ¶Toshe they have it better cheape /
For they temporall goodes reape /
And sowe nothynge spretually.
Their parisshons they sheare and clippe /
But they never open their lippe /
2485 To geve theym eny fode gostly.


¶Happely they do it in prevete.


¶So god healpe me it maye well be /
Vnder some secret clausure.
For it is surly so invisible /
2490 That I trowe it is not possible /
To be sene of eny creature.


¶What requyre they of benefices?


¶No-thynge but to have the fleces /
And avauntages carnally.


2495 ¶I perceave not well thy meanynge.


¶They are redyer to take vp tythynge /
Then to preache to theym frutfully.

sig: H[1]


¶Is there eny grett differynge /
Bitwene theft and tythe-gaderynge /
2500 After the practyse that we se?


¶Very litell / all thynges reckened /
Savynge that theves are corrected /
And tythe-gaderers go scott-fre.


¶Have they no circumspeccion /
2505 With diligent affeccion /
For their paresshes to provyde?


¶They sett in folysshe dotardes /
More mete forto be bearwardes /
Then christen mens soules to gyde.
2510 And even as they do by farmage /
Brynge the londe into a ####ab#### rearage /
Contempnynge the state temporall.
In lyke maner by their rapyne /
They have brought into ruyne /
2515 The order ecclesiasticall.


¶It apereth they are past grace.


¶They are the divels fornace /
Oven infernall vnsaciable.


¶If these monkes are so noyous /
2520 Bothe fraudulent and covetous /
To what vses are they proffitable?


¶Nowe by the death that I shall deye /
Of all people vnder ####ab#### neth the skye /
The worlde maye theym best spare.
2525 Nether to the godly deite /
sig: [H1v]
Nor yett to mans vtilite /
In eny cace proffitable they are.
And not only vnnecessary /
But mor[eo]ver clene contrary / moreover] moroever 1528
2530 Defraudynge that to theym is due.
For though their lyfe so vicious /
To goddis lawes is iniurious /
Confowndynge the waye of vertue.
Yet are they more presompteous /
2535 Sayinge their workes meritorious /
Healpe synners to be goddis heyres.
Wherby Christis bloud they despyse /
As though it coulde not suffyse /
With-out their damnable prayres.
2540 And wheare-as they shulde be prest /
At all seasons doynge their best /
The commen-well to mayntayne.
Their bellies are so full of greace /
That nether in warre nor peace /
2545 They cane do eny healpe certayne.
Yet their fyndynges they expende /
Which shulde the londe defende /
Devowrynge many a knyghtes fe.
They are nether gostly / ner worldly /
2550 Rather divlysshe then godly /
With-out eny goode properte.


¶Yf they be soche ydell raveners /
They are lyke to the grett coursers /
sig: H2
Which noble-men in stables kepe.
2555 For they are cheresed all-waye /
With fresshe litter and goode haye.
Doynge right noght but eate and slepe.


¶There is in theym grett diversite /
For yf it come to extremite /
2560 They save their masters from yvill.
Where-as these miserable brybers /
Brynge their fownders and healpers /
The strayght waye to the devill.


¶Are they lyke to wolves ravenous?


2565 ¶A grett deale more outragious /
Farre excedynge their rapacite.
For though they be cruell of kynde /
Yett they leave their skynnes be ####ab#### hynde /
As a ####ab#### mendes for their cruelte
2570 But this mischevous mounckry /
Though they robbe every country /
Whyls they be here a ####ab#### lyve.
Yet can they not be so pleased /
But after that they be deceaced /
2575 Least eny by theym shuld thryve.
They cary into their sepulture /
Their dayly clothynge and vesture /
Buried in their churlysshe habyte.


¶Have they on their botes also?


2580 ¶Ye by my trothe even redy to go /
To the devill withouten respyte.

sig: [H2v]


¶There is some mistery pondered /
That they vse so to be buried /
In their habyte and clothynge.


2585 ¶No dout it is a mistery /
By coniectours manifestly /
Their wretched lyfe betokenynge.
For as in this lyfe they denayde /
Their christen neghbours to ayde /
2590 Lyvynge here vncheritably.
So by their death and latter ende /
In their buriall they pretende /
Not to be of Christis company.


¶To whom then do they pertayne?


2595 To the devill their soverayne /
Which hath theym all in his bonde.


¶Beware thou be not to bolde /
For thy lyfe were bought and solde /
Yf thou spake this in Englonde.


2600 ¶They maye well bothe ban and cours /
But they cannot do moche wors /
Then they did to Hun the marchaunt.


¶Did they eny grevaunce to hym?


¶Out of this lyfe they did hym trymme /
2605 Because he was goddis servaunte.


¶He did some faulte gretly notory?


¶No-thynge but for a mortuary /
The prestes agaynst hym did aryse.
No maner faulte in hym was fownde /
sig: H3
2610 Yet was he hanged / brent / and drownde.
His goodes takyn vp for a pryse.
As an herityke they hym toke /
Because he had many a boke /
In englysshe / of holy scripture.
2615 Also he worshipped no ymages /
And wolde not go on pilgremages /
Vsynge none othes to periure.


¶Are the prelates so mad frantycke /
To iudge soche a man an heritycke /
2620 Shewynge tokens of fydelite?


¶They regarde their worldly proffett /
Wynnynge therby many a forfett /
Whiche moveth theym to crudelite.
Mens goodes wrongfully to cease /
2625 They make heritykes whom they please /
By faulce relacion [o]f Someners. of] af 1528


¶Have they none wother intelleccion?


¶Yes also by their confession /
Which they tell in prestes eares.


2630 ¶Dare they confessions to bewraye?


¶Confessions catha? ye by my faye /
They kepe no secretnes att all.
Though noble-men have doctours /
To be their private confessours /
2635 Yet they have one that is generall.


¶Besyde those which are perticuler?


¶Ye / and that hath brought some to care /
sig: [H3v]
Of whom I coulde make rehearceall.


¶His name wolde I very fayne here.


2640 ¶It is the englisshe Lucifer /
Wotherwyse called the Cardinall.
In all the londe there is no wyght /
Nether lorde baron / nor knyght /
To whom he hath eny hatred.
2645 But ether by sower speche or swete /
Of their confessours he will wete /
Howe they have theym-selves behaved.
What they saye / it is accepted /
In no poynte to be obiected /
2650 Though they be as falce as Iudas.


¶What authorite do they allege?


¶It is their churches previlege /
Falcely to fayne that never was.


¶Soche confessours are vniust.


2655 ¶Yett nedes do it they must /
Yf they will to honoure ascende.


¶Promocions are of the Kyngis gyft?


¶For all that he maketh soche shyft /
That in his pleasure they depende.
2660 Though they have the kyngis patent /
Except they have also his assent /
It tourneth to none avauntage.
His power he doth so extende /
That the kyngis letters to rende /
2665 He will not forbeare in his rage.

sig: H4


¶This is a grett presumpcion /
For a villayne bochers sonne /
His authorite so to avaunce.
But it is more to be marveyled /
2670 That noble-men wilbe confessed /
To these kaytives of miscreaunce.


¶O / the grett whore of Babilon /
With her deadly cuppe of poyson /
Hath brought theym to dronkenship.
2675 That paynted bordes and ded stockes /
Carved ydoles in stones and blockes /
Above allmyghty god they worship.


¶Hath Englond soche stacions /
Of devoute peregrinacions /
2680 As are in fraunce and Italy?


¶Seke oute londes every ####ab#### chone /
And thou shalt fynde none so prone /
As Englonde / to this ydolatry.
Of wholy Roodes / there is soche a sight /
2685 That bitwene this a[n]d mydnyght /
I coulde not make explicacion.
Then have they ladies as many /
Some of grace and some of mercy /
With divers of lamentacion.
2690 Morover paynted stockes and stones /
With shrynes / full of rotten bones /
To the whiche they make oblacion.


¶What are they after thy supposynge?

sig: [H4v]


¶Stronge theves with-outen glosynge /
2695 And authours of prevaricacion.


¶Take hede thou do not blaspheme.


¶After their workes I theym esteme /
Both to man and god oure creatoure.
Where-as is no god but one.
2700 We ought to worship hym alone /
And no falce goddes to adoure.
Whyche of his honoure is defrauded /
By these ydoles faulcely lauded /
With sacrifice and adoracion.
2705 Man in lyke maner they robbe /
Causynge povre folke to sygh and sobbe /
Takynge awaye their sustentacion.


¶The goodes that to theym are offered /
Are they not to pover people proffered /
2710 Their necessites to relefe?


¶It is wasted in ryetous revell /
Amonge many an ydell Iavell /
To norysshe morther and mischefe.


¶I heare saye that besydes London /
2715 There is oure lady of Wilsdon /
Which doth grett myracles dayly.


¶As for whordom / and letcherousnes /
She is the chefe lady mastres /
Commen paramoure of baudry.
2720 Many men as it is knowen /
Kepe mo chyldren then their owne /
sig: H5
By her myracles promocion.
Wyves to deceave their husbandes /
Make to her many errandes /
2725 Vnder coloure of devocion.


¶Dost thou oure lady so backbyte?


¶No but I have the stocks in despyte /
Wherby they dishonoure her.
In scripture it is written /
2730 And of oure lorde forbidden /
To be a falce ydolatrer.


¶Whyls thou dost so farre procede /
Howe is it then in thy crede /
Of Saynt Thomas of Cantourbury?


2735 ¶I beleve / and also I trust /
Yf that he were in this lyfe iust /
And of oure lordes vocacion.
That his soule hath fruicion /
Perpetually with-out intermission /
2740 Of eternall consolacion.


Ye but I meane of his body /
Shryned in the monastery /
With golde and stones precious.
Also the grett myracles wrought /
2745 And howe of people he is sought /
With offerynges and gyftes somptious.


¶As for that yf we geve credence /
To oure saveoure Christis sentence /
The Euangelistes bearynge recorde.
sig: [H5v]
2750 Many shall do thynges straunge /
Wherby they will boldly chalange /
To worcke in the name of oure lorde.
And yet Christ in theym hath no parte /
But worcke theym by the devils arte /
2755 Vsurpynge an angels lykenes.
Which doth hym-silfe so transpose /
Fraudulently to begyle those /
That contempne goddis rightousnes.


¶Neverthelesse as clarckes defyne /
2760 Workynge of myracles is a signe /
That vnto god they are acceptable.


¶Shall we to men credence geve /
Or ought we the gospell to beleve /
Whose verite is impermutable?
2765 I dare saye / and abyde therby /
That Saynct Thomas of Caunterbury /
With wother Saynctes canonysed.
Yf their paynted efficacite /
Is but as it semeth to be.
2770 Of god they are despysed.
For though they heale lame and blynde /
With men (as they saye) out of mynde /
Healpynge diseases corporall
Yet destroye they out of hande /
2775 For every one of theym a thowsande /
Concernynge their soules spretuall.
And where-as Christ doth requyre /
sig: [H6]
That of god we shulde desyre / of] of of 1528
All oure necessite and nede.
2780 To theym we make peticion /
Agaynst goddis prohibicion /
To wicked doctours gevynge hede.


¶Well yet I ensure the Ieffraye /
The gospell for theym they laye /
2785 Growndynge on it their argument.


¶Naye watkyn that is a starcke lye.


¶Howe shall we then the troth trye /
By some probacion evident?


¶Mary take goddis wholy wrytynge /
2790 Nether addynge nor diminysshynge /
But even playnly after the letter.


¶They saye scripture is so diffuse /
That laye-people on it to muse /
Shulde be never the better.
2795 It is no medly[n]ge for foles /
But for soche as have bene at scoles /
As doctours that be graduate.


¶Wenest thou that Peter the fissher /
Vnderstode not scripture clearlyer /
2800 Then the pharisaies obstinate?
Who did so wilfully resist /
Agaynst the receavynge of Christ /
As they which were learned?


¶No wonder / for they knewe hym not.


2805 No more do oure doctours god wot /
sig: [H6v]
In eny poynte to be discerned.


¶Of Christ yett they make mencion.


¶Ye for-be ####ab#### cause their pension /
With benefices maye be endued.
2810 But in their lyfe and behaveoure /
They despyse Christ oure saveoure /
Labourynge his worde to exclude.


¶Canst thou prove this in-dede?


¶Whosoever will the gospell rede /
2815 To prove it shall nede no testes.


¶Peraventure they wolde have it hid /
Wherfore to rede it they forbid /
Lest men shulde knowe their wickednes.


Had thou studied an whoale yere /
2820 Thou couldest not have gone no nere /
To hit their crafty suttelnes.
For yf the gospell were soffered /
Of laye-people frely to be red /
In their owne moders langage.
2825 They shulde se at their fyngers endes /
The abhominacions of these fendes /
With the abusion of pilgremage.
Also to perceave every whitt /
What it is Sayntes forto visitt /
2830 With nobles / brouches / and rynges.


¶Dost thou this custume reprehende?


¶I thyncke no goode man will commende /
Soche supersticious offerynges.
sig: [H7]
Wherof thre poyntes I will move /
2835 By the whyche I shall playnly prove /
That it is a thynge vngodly.
Fyrst a povre man of farre dwellynge /
For his wyfe and chyldren labourynge /
To kepe and fynde theym honestly.
2840 Paraventure for some sickenes /
Or for a vowe of folisshnes /
To accomplysshe Satans institute.
Taketh on hym a farre viage /
To some Saynctes shryne or ymage /
2845 Leavynge his housholde destitute.
Which often-tymes do mis ####ab#### cary.
The meane-while that he doth tary /
Bestowynge his laboure in vayne.
And so goddis commaundment neglecte /
2850 For smale tryfles of none effecte /
They put theym-selves vnto payne.
Secondaryly / what pevisshnes /
Is it to honoure with ryches /
Of deade saynctes the bodies?
2855 Seynge that whyls they here lyved /
From ryches they were deprived /
As we rede in their storyes /
Thirdly / it is no Christen touche /
To se many a golden ouche /
2860 With rynges and stones preciously.
To make deade saynctes forto shyne /
sig: [H7v]
Where pover folke for honger pyne /
Dyinge with-out healpe petiously.
And yf with all possibilite /
2865 Oure christen neghbours poverte /
Duly to ayde we are bownde.
Why do Saynctes it then transgresse /
In whom charitable perfetnes /
In especiall shulde redownde?
2870 Saynct Ihon to Christ so amiable /
Sayth / excepte we be charitable /
Lovynge eache wother fraternally.
It boteth not Christ to professe /
For-why / we wander in darcknes /
2875 With-out light erroniously.
For howe can he have charite /
That seith his neghbours necessite /
And refuseth hym to socoure?


¶I marvayle not by hym that me made /
2880 Yf they be with golde and stones so lade /
Though they cannot their neghbours se.
But nowe to speake ernestly /
Have their soules celestially /
In soche offerynges eny delyte?


2885 ¶It is to theym grett despleasure /
Abhorrynge it out of measure /
As a thynge done in their despyte.


¶What were best then to be done?


¶To breake theym in peces a ####ab#### none /
sig: [H8]
2890 A ####ab#### monge povre folke to be destributed.


¶Haw / to do that dede who durst /
Seynge that he shulde be a ####ab#### courst /
And as an herityke reputed.


¶Let theym with furiousnes swell /
2895 Coursynge with boke / bell / and candell /
Whyls they have breath for to speake.
Yet had we the Kynges licence /
We wolde with-outen diffydence /
Their golden shrynes in peces breake.


2900 ¶What shulde we do with their ryches?


¶Geve it to pover men in almes /
To whom of d[u]te it doth longe.


¶The Saynctes then wolde be angry /
Yf that we shulde be so hardy /
2905 Vnlaufully to do theym wronge.
For some men have it assayde /
Whom saynctes have shreawedly arayde /
In revengynge their iniury.
So that by an whole nyghtes space /
2910 They were fayne to kepe one place /
The dores stondynge open apertly.


¶And what was their fynall chaunce /


¶By my sothe / in an hangynge daunce /
Their neckes in a corde to preve.


2915 ¶Vse the Saynctes eny men to kyll?


¶No but they make theym stonde still /
Vntill they be taken of the Schereve.
sig: [H8v]
Then are th[e]y lyke and semblable / they] thy 1528, they 1546
Vnto oure bisshops venerable /
2920 Which saye / we will not morther.
But they put men in soche savegarde /
That with-in a whyle afterwarde /
They be sure to go no forther.


¶Are not soche saynctes reprehensible?


2925 ¶Ye for they shulde be invincible /
Of charitable dileccion.
For if they will eny man noye /
Ether eny-body to destroye /
They are not of Christis eleccion.
2930 Whiche after Lukes evangelion /
Sayde to th'apostels Iames and Ihon /
Nescitis cuius spiritus estis.
The sonne of man hidder cam /
Not forto destroye eny man /
2935 But to save that perisshed is.
Wherfore let theym do wonders /
By the divels their founders /
To leade men in blynde cecite.
Yett never-thelesse thou and I /
2940 Wolde put oure-selves in ieopardy /
Agaynst all their malignite.
To take awaye their ouches /
Golden rynges and brouches /
Gevynge it vnto the poore.


2945 ¶Thou excepst .S. C[uth]bert of Duram / Cuthbert] Chutbert 1528, Cuthbert 1546
sig: I[1]
With oure lady of Walsyngam /
Also oure lady of the Moore.


God beynge oure direccion /
We wolde make none excepcion /
2950 Agaynst the devils enchauntmentes.
To do their best / let theym not spare /
For we wolde make theym full bare /
Of their precious ornamentes.


¶Oure honeste then destayned /
2955 Suerly we shulde be proclaymed /
For outragious heretykes.


¶Why more we then the Cardinall?


¶He attempteth nothynge at all /
Soche maters in his bisshopryckes.


2960 ¶I am sure thou hast hearde spoken /
What monasteries he hath broken /
With-out their fownders consentes.
He subverteth churches / and chappells /
Takynge a ####ab#### waye bokes and bells
2965 With chalesces / and vestmentes.
He plucketh downe the costly leades /
That it maye rayne on saynctes heades /
Not sparynge god nor oure ladye.
Where-as they red servyce divyne /
2970 There is grountynge of pigges and swyne /
With lowynge of oxen and kye.
The aultres of their celebracions /
Are made pearches for henns and capons /
sig: [I1v]
Defoylynge theym with their durt.
2975 And though it be never so prophane /
He is counted a goode christiane /
No man doynge hym eny hurtt.


¶A conscience yf it be sothe /
That the Cardinall so dothe /
2980 I wonder that he is not apeached.


¶O / churche-men are wyly foxes /
More crafty then iuggelers boxes /
To play ligier-du-mayne teached.
Yt is not for nought they fayne /
2985 That the two sweardes to theym pertayne /
Both spretuall / and temporall.
Wherwith they playe on both hondes /
Most tyrannously in their bondes /
Holdynge the worlde vniversall.
2990 Agaynst god they are so stobbourne /
That scripture they tosse and tourne /
After their owne ymaginacion.
Yf they saye the mone is belewe /
We must beleve that it is true /
2995 Admittynge their interpretacion.


¶Art thou not a ####ab#### frayde to presume /
Agaynst the Cardinalls fume /
Seynge they wilbe all on his syde?


¶No I do rather gretly reioyce /
3000 That of a lytell wormes voyce /
Goddis iudgement maye be veryfyed.
sig: I2
1528 has 'h ij'
Agaynst soche a wicked brothell /
Which sayth / vnder his girthell /
He holdeth Kynges and Princes.
3005 To whom for a salutacion /
I will rehearce a brefe oracion /
dedicate vnto his statlynes.


¶Nowe gentell mate I the praye.


¶Have at it then with-out delaye /
3010 Contempnynge his maliciousnes.

O miserable monster / most malicious /
Father of perversite / patrone of hell.
O terrible Tyrant / to god and man odious /
Advocate of antichrist / to Christ rebell.
3015 To the I speake / o caytife Cardinall so cruell.
Causles chargynge by thy coursed commandment
To brenne goddis worde the wholy testament.

Goddes worde / grownd of all vertue and grace
The fructeous fode / of oure faythfull trust.
3020 Thou hast condempned in most carfull cace /
Throwe furio[u]s foly / falce and vniust.
O fearce Pharao / folower of flesshly lust.
What moved thy mynde by malyce to consent /
To brenne goddes worde / the wholy testament.

3025 The tenoure of thy tyranny passeth my brayne
In every poynt evidently to endyght.
Nero nor Herod / wer never so noyus certayne
sig: [I2v]
All-though of goddes lawes they had lytel lyght
Shame it is to speake howe agaynst ryght.
3030 Thy hatfull hert hath caused to be brent /
Goddis true worde / the wholy testament.

O perverse preste patriarke of pryde /
Mortherer with-out mercy most execrable.
O beastly brothell / of baudry the bryde /
3035 Darlynge of the devill / gretly detestable.
Alas / what wretch wolde be so vengeable?
At eny tyme to attempte soche impediment /
To brenne goddes worde the wholy testament.

God of his goodenes / grudged not to dye /
3040 Man to delyver from deadly dampnacion.
Whose will is that we shulde knowe perfetly
What he here hath done for oure saluacion.
O cruell kayface / full of crafty conspiracion.
Howe durst thou geve then falce iudgement
3045 To brenne goddes worde / the wholy testament.

Thy leawednes of lyvynge is loth to heare /
Christis gospell to come vnto cleare light.
Howe-be-it surly it is so spred farre and neare
That forto let it thou haste lytell myght.
3050 God hath opened oure dercke-dimed syght.
Truly to perceave thy tyrannous intent /
To brenne goddes worde the wholy testament.

sig: I3
Agaynst thyne ambicion all people do crye /
Pompously spendinge the sustenaunce of the pore
3055 Thy haulte honoure hyly to magnify /
Maketh / theves / traytours / and many a whore
Wo worth the wretche of wickednes the dore
Forger of oure dayly damage and detriment
To brenne goddis worde the wholy testament.

3060 O paynted pastoure / of Satan the Prophet /
Ragynge courre / wrapped in a wolues skynne
O butcherly bisshop / to be a ruler vnmete /
Maker of misery / occasion of synne.
God graunt the grace nowe to begynne.
3065 Of thy dampnable dedes to be penitent /
Brennynge goddis worde / the wholy testament.


¶No more for oure lordis passion /
Thou raylest nowe of a fassion /
With rebukes most despytous /
3070 No man shall these wordes advert /
But will iudge theym of an hert /
To procede / most contumelious.


¶Though popisshe curres here-at do barcke /
Yet thou mayst therin well marcke /
3075 The will of god accomplesshed.
The Cardinall thus to rewarde /
Which with-oute eny godly regarde /
Desdayneth the trothe to be pupplisshed.
sig: [I3v]
Therfore as he did the trueth condempne /
3080 So god wil hym and all his contempne /
With the swearde of punnysshment.


¶They had fyrst some provocacion?


¶None wother then the translacion /
Of the englysshe newe testament.
3085 Wherin the authours with mecknes /
Vtterly avoydynge conviciousnes /
Demeaned theym so discretly.
That with all their invencion /
They coulde fynde no reprehencion /
3090 Resistynge goddis worde wilfully.


¶Howe had the gospell fyrst entraunce /
Into Englonde so farre of distaunce /
Where to rede hym / no man maye?


¶Goode christen men with pure affecte /
3095 Of god singulerly therto electe /
With cost did hym thether conveye.
Which / even as Christ was betrayed /
So with hym the clargy played /
Thorowe trayterous prodicion.


3100 ¶Who played the parte of Iudas?


The wholy bisshop of Saynct Asse /
A poste of Satans iurisdiccion.
Whom they call Doctour standisshe /
Wone that is nether flesshe nor fisshe /
3105 At all tymes a commen lyer.
He is a bablynge Questionist /
sig: I4
1528 has 'h iiij'
And a mervelous grett sophist /
Som-tyme a lowsy graye-fryer.
Of stommake he is fearce and bolde /
3110 In braulynge wordes a very scolde /
Menglynge vennem with sugre.
He despyseth the trueth of god /
Takynge parte rather with falcehod /
Forto obtayne worldly lucre.
3115 In carde-playinge he is a goode greke /
And can skyll of post and glyeke /
Also a payre of dyce to trolle.
For whordom and fornicacions /
He maketh many visitacions /
3120 His Dioces to pill and polle.
Though he be a stowte divyne /
Yett a prest to kepe a concubyne /
He there admitteth wittyngly.
So they paye their yearly tributes
3125 Vnto his dyvlisshe substitutes /
Officiall / or commissary.
To rehearce all his lyvynge /
God geve it yvell chevynge /
Or els some amendment shortly.


3130 ¶Howe did he the gospell betraye?


¶As sone as ever he hearde saye /
That the gospell cam to Englonde.
Immediatly he did hym trappe /
And to the man in the red cappe /
sig: [I4v]
3135 He brought hym with stronge honde.
Before whose prowde consistory /
Bryngynge in falce testimony /
The gospell he did theare accuse.


¶He did mo persones represent /
3140 Then Iudas the traytour malivolent /
Whiche betrayed Christ to the Iues.


¶Thou mayst se of theym in one manne /
Herod / Pilat / Cayphas / and Anne /
With their propertis severall
3145 And in another manifestly /
Iudas full of conspiracy /
With the sectes pharisaicall.
They are a grett deale more mutable /
Then Proteus of forme so variable /
3150 Which coulde hym-silfe so disgyse.
They canne represent apes / and beares /
Lyons / and asses with longe eares /
Even as they list to divyse.
But nowe of standisshe accusacion /
3155 Brefly to make declaracion /
Thus to the Cardinall he spake.
Pleaseth youre honourable grace /
Here is chaunsed a pitious cace /
And to the churche a grett lacke.
3160 The gospell in oure Englisshe tonge /
Of laye-men to be red and songe /
Is nowe hidder come to remayne.
sig: I5
Which many heretykes shall make /
Except youre grace some waye take /
3165 By youre authorite hym to restrayne.
For truly it is no handlynge /
For laye-peoples vnderstondynge /
With the gospell to be busy.
Which many wone interprisynge /
3170 Into heresy it did brynge /
Disdaynynge the churche vnreverently.


¶Tosshe / these saynges are sophisticall /
I wolde heare the sence misticall /
Of these wordes right interpreted.


3175 ¶In fayth with-out simulacion /
This is the right significacion /
Of his meanynge to be expressed.
O Cardinall so glorious /
Thou arte Capitayne over vs /
3180 Antichristis chefe member.
Of all oure detestacions /
And sinfull prevaricacions /
Thou alone / arte the defender.
Wherfore healpe nowe or els never /
3185 For we are vndone for ever /
Yf the gospell abroade be spred.
For then with-in a whyle after /
Every plowe-manne and carter /
Shall se what a lyfe we have led.
3190 Howe we have this five hondred yeres /
sig: [I5v]
Roffled theym amonge the bryres /
Of desperate infidelite.
And howe we have the worlde brought /
Vnto beggery worsse then nought /
3195 Through oure chargeable vanite.
Which knowen / we shalbe abhorred /
Reddi to be knocked in the forhed /
Oure welth taken awaye clene.
Therfore Tyrant playe nowe thy parte /
3200 Seynge with the devill thou arte /
Gretter then eny manne hath bene.
Put the gospel a ####ab#### waye quyght /
That he come not to laye-mens sight /
Forto knowe goddis commaundmentes.
3205 And then we that are the remmenaunt /
Shall diligently be attendaunt /
To blynde theym with o[u]re commentes.
Yf they have once inhibicion /
In no maner of condicion /
3210 To rede goddis worde and his lawes.
For vs doctours of theology /
It shalbe but a smale mastery /
To make theym foles and dawes.
Loke what thou dost by tyranny /
3215 We will alowe it by sophistry /
Agaynst these worldly villaynes.


¶Nowe truly this is the meanynge /
Howe-soever be the speakynge /
sig: [I6]
Of these spretuall lordaynes.


3220 ¶But what sayde the Cardinall here-at?


He spake the wordes of Pilat /
Sayinge / I fynde no fault therin.
Howe-be-it / the bisshops assembled /
Amonge theym he examened /
3225 What was best to determyn?
Then answered bisshop Cayphas / Hoc est. London. Episcopus.
That a grett parte better it was /
The gospell to be condempned.
Lest their vices manyfolde /
3230 Shulde be knowen of yonge and olde /
Their estate to be contempned.
The Cardinall then incontinent /
Agaynst the gospell gave iudgement /
Sayinge / to brenne he deserved.
3235 Wherto all the bisshoppes cryed /
Answerynge / it cannot be denyed /
He is worthy so to be served.


¶Yf they playe thus their vages /
They shall not escape the plages /
3240 Which to theym of Rome happened.
At whose scourge so marvelous /
They wolde yf they were gracious /
Gladly to be admonisshed.
To whom goddis worde in purite /
3245 Was fyrst shewed with humilite /
Accordynge to the veritable sence.
sig: [I6v]
Howe-be-it they wolde not it receave /
But frawardly with swearde and gleave /
They expulsed it from thence.
3250 Vnto tyranny they did leane /
Wherfore god vsynge another meane /
To brynge theym vnto repentaunce.
He stered vp some mens spryte /
Which their fautes did endyte /
3255 Of their mischefe makynge vttraunce.
Yet wolde not they amende /
But moare wilfully did deffende.
Their evill lyfe agaynst goddis worde.
Therfore as mislyvers obstinate /
3260 They were destroyed nowe of late /
With pestilence and dent of sworde.


¶Thou hast rehearced thre poyntes
Which will make all prestes ioyntes /
For feare to trymble and shake.
3265 Seynge that the fyrst is past /
And the seconde commeth in fast /
Their hypocrisi to awake.
And yf they will not be refrayned /
The sworde of vengeaunce vnfayned /
3270 On their frawardnes will light.


¶Well / let vs by no persuasion /
Geve no soche occasion /
Causynge christen men to fyght.


¶No man will have that suspicion /
sig: [I7]
3275 But take it for an admonicion /
Their vnhappy lyfe to repent.
For we shewe as they shall fynde /
Yf god inspyre not their mynde /
To laboure for amendment.
3280 Which by scripture to verify /
Let theym rede the prophet Ieremy /
In the chapter / fower and twente.
Howe-be-it I will me hens hye /
Wheare-as the Cardinals furye /
3285 With his treasure shall not gett me.


¶Is this prowde Cardinall rycher /
Then Christ or goode saynct Peter /
In whose roume he doth succede?


¶The bosses of his mulis brydles /
3290 Myght bye Christ and his disciples /
As farre as I could ever rede.


¶Whether canst thou then flye awaye?


¶To Constantinoble in Turkeye /
Amonge hethen my lyfe to leade.


3295 ¶Yf thou wilt then live christenly /
Thou must vse thy-silfe prevely /
Or els surely thou arte but deade.


¶I shall have theare as grett liberte /
As in wother placis of christente /
3300 The trueth of Christ to professe.
For he that will the trueth declare /
I dare saye moche better he weare /
sig: [I7v]
To be with theym in hethennesse.


¶Though thou go never so farre hence /
3305 Yet with most terrible sentence /
To coursse the they will not mysse.


¶I ponder very lytell their courses /
For to god I saye with humblenes /
They shall course / and thou shalt blysse.


3310 ¶In their courses / is their no parell?


¶No for they do it in the quarell /
Of their god which is their belly.


¶What mischevous god is that?


¶Wone that hath eaten vp the fatt /
3315 Of englondes wealth so mery.


¶I will gett me then into Wales /
To dwell amonge hilles and dales /
With folke that be simple and rude.


¶Come not there I counsell the.
3320 For the prestes / their simplicite /
Thorowe craftynes do so delude.
That whosoever is so hardy /
To speake agaynst prestes knavery /
For an herityke they hym take.
3325 Of whose miserable calamite /
Vnder the spretuall captiuite /
I will here-after a processe make.


¶Then will I go into the realme /
Of the plenteous londe of beame / beame=Bohemia
3330 In the Cite of Prage to dwell.

sig: [I8]


Of two thynges I will the warne /
Whiche thou must parfetly learne /
Yf thou wilt folowe my counsell.
Fyrst beware in especiall /
3335 Of the outwarde man exteriall /
Though he shewe a fayre aperaunce.
Many shall come in a lambis-skynne /
Which are ravisshynge wolues with-in /
Ennemys to Christis ordinaunce.
3340 The seconde is / yf eny reply /
Bryngynge in reasons obstinatly /
Agaynst that which semeth to be trewe.
Take no graduate for an authoure /
But remitt goode master doctoure /
3345 To the olde testament or newe.
And yf he will beare the in honde /
That thou canst not it vnderstonde /
Be ####ab#### cause of the difficulte.
Axe hym howe thou arte able /
3350 To vnderstonde a fayned fable.
Of more crafty subtilite?


¶I se thou knowest their secretnes /


¶Ye I coulde in their very lycknes /
Declare theym yf I had respyte.


3355 ¶Well I will departe / adue /


¶Nowe I beseche oure lorde Iesu /
To be thy gyde daye and nyght.
¶In descripcion of the Armes / for wherfor rede wherby.

sig: [I8v]
Christ goddes sonne / borne of a mayden poore /
Forto save mankynd / from heven descended.
Pope Clemente. the sonne of an whoore /
To destroye man / from hell hath ascended.

5 In whom is evidently comprehended.
The perfett meknes of oure saveoure Christ /
And tyranny of the murtherer Antichrist.