[1] |
¶Antipus. |
¶To heare of such thinges ye be not wont |
Nam horum contaria verissima sunt
AS verily as Adam created firste his God |
So verily he tasted not, the fruite that was forbod |
As verily as Abell, dyd kyll hys brother Kayn
So verily the shyppe made Noye this is playne |
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As verily as Isaac, hys father dyd begette |
So verily the Sodomytes remayn vnburned yet |
As verily as the Isralites, the Egiptians dyd oppresse |
So verily dyd Moyses gyue God the lawe dowbtles |
As verily as Sampson was slayne of the lion rampynge
was] was, 1548
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So verily dyd Goliad distroye Dauid the Kynge |
As verily as in Babilon the meates were eate of Bell
So verily the dragon of brasse deuoured Daniell
As verily as Christe dyd crucifye the Iewes |
So verily the Aposteles the gospell dyd refuse |
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As verily as Simon_Magus the Apostels dyd confute |
So verily the Apostels dyd princes persecute |
As verily as the deuyll hath perfecte loue and hope |
So verily goddes worde doth constitute the pope |
As verily as Isesicles wythin be hote and holowe |
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So verily proude prelates oure master Christe do folowe |
As verily as bread doeth make and bake the baker |
So verily these thefes the prestes can make their maker. |
If Leighton wyll neades his maker make |
That these are true he can not forsake |
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A Papiste he is and the popes owne knight |
That preacheth falshed in-stead of ryght |
He knowith not howe to pay hys dettes |
But wyth catchinge his creditors in the Popes netts |
A thefe, a robber, by preachinge sedition |
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Is better regarded than the kings commission. |
Amonge Papistes. |