
Shepherd, Luke

STC 683
Ringler 683 and TP 187. Attributed to Shepherd by John Bale. Single sheet folio, rpt. STC 5605a (1548?). UMI microfilm reel 867

Antipus. To heare of such thinges ye be not wont
London: [J. Day],1548?.

Composition Date: 1548?.

folio: [1]
¶To heare of such thinges ye be not wont
Nam horum contaria verissima sunt
AS verily as Adam created firste his God
So verily he tasted not, the fruite that was forbod

As verily as Abell, dyd kyll hys brother Kayn
So verily the shyppe made Noye this is playne

5 As verily as Isaac, hys father dyd begette
So verily the Sodomytes remayn vnburned yet

As verily as the Isralites, the Egiptians dyd oppresse
So verily dyd Moyses gyue God the lawe dowbtles

As verily as Sampson was slayne of the lion rampynge was] was, 1548
10 So verily dyd Goliad distroye Dauid the Kynge

As verily as in Babilon the meates were eate of Bell
So verily the dragon of brasse deuoured Daniell

As verily as Christe dyd crucifye the Iewes
So verily the Aposteles the gospell dyd refuse

15 As verily as Simon_Magus the Apostels dyd confute
So verily the Apostels dyd princes persecute

As verily as the deuyll hath perfecte loue and hope
So verily goddes worde doth constitute the pope

As verily as Isesicles wythin be hote and holowe
20 So verily proude prelates oure master Christe do folowe

As verily as bread doeth make and bake the baker
So verily these thefes the prestes can make their maker.

If Leighton wyll neades his maker make
That these are true he can not forsake
25 A Papiste he is and the popes owne knight
That preacheth falshed in-stead of ryght
He knowith not howe to pay hys dettes
But wyth catchinge his creditors in the Popes netts
A thefe, a robber, by preachinge sedition
30 Is better regarded than the kings commission.

Amonge Papistes.