sig: [A1] | |
A ballade of the scottysshe kynge |
Kynge Iamy / Iomy your. Ioye is all go | |
Ye somm[on]ed our kynge why dyde ye so sommoned] sommnoed F | |
To you no-thyng it dyde accorde | |
To sommon our kynge your souerayne lorde. | |
sig: [A1v] | |
5 | A kynge a somner it is wonder |
Knowe ye not salte and suger asonder | |
In your somnynge ye were to malaperte | |
And your harolde no-thynge experte | |
Ye thought ye dyde it full valyauntolye | |
10 | But not worth thre sk[y]ppes of a pye / skyppes] skppes F |
Syr squyer_galyarde ye were to swyfte. | |
Your wyll renne before your wytte. | |
To be so scornefull to your alye / | |
Your counseyle was not worth a flye. | |
ref.ed: 114 | |
15 | Before the frensshe kynge / danes / and other |
Ye ought to honour your lorde and brother | |
Trowe ye syr Iames his noble grace / | |
For you and your scottes wolde tourne his face | |
Now ye pro[u]de scottes of gelawaye. proude] prode F | |
20 | For your kynge may synge welawaye |
Now must ye knowe our kynge for your regent / | |
Your souerayne lorde and presedent / | |
In hym is figured melchisedeche | |
And ye be desolate as armeleche | |
25 | He is our noble champyon. |
A kynge anoynted and ye be non | |
Thrugh your counseyle your fader was slayne | |
Wherfore I fere ye wyll suffre payne / | |
And ye proude scottes of dunbar | |
30 | Parde ye be his homager. |
And suters to his parlyment / | |
Ye dyde not your dewty therin. | |
Wyerfore ye may it now repent | |
Ye bere yourselfe somwhat to bolde / | |
35 | Therfore ye haue lost your cop[y]holde. copyholde] copholde F |
sig: [A2] | |
Ye be bounde-tenauntes to his estate. | |
Gyue vp yovr game ye playe chekmate. | |
For to the castell of norham | |
I vnderstonde to soone ye cam. | |
40 | For a prysoner there now ye be |
Eyther to the deuyll or the trinite. | |
Thanked be saynte Gorge our ladyes kny[t]he knythe] knyrhe F | |
Your pryd is paste adwe good nycht. | |
Ye haue determyned to make a fraye | |
45 | Our kynge than beynge out of the waye |
But by the power and myght of god | |
Ye were beten weth your owne rod | |
By your wanton wyll syr at a worde | |
Ye haue loste spores / cote-armure / and sworde | |
50 | Ye had be[e] better to haue busked to hunt[l]ey_ba[n]kes / be] bet F; Huntley Bankes] huntey bakes F |
Than in Englonde to playe ony suche prankes | |
But ye had some wyl[d] sede to sowe. wyld] wyle F | |
Therfore ye be layde now full lowe / | |
Your power coude no lenger attayne | |
55 | Warre with our kynge to meyntayne. |
ref.ed: 115 | |
Of the kynge of nauerne ye may take hede / | |
How vnfortunately he doth now spede / | |
In double w[a]lles now he dooth dreme. walles] welles F | |
That is a kynge witou[t] a realme witout] witou F | |
60 | At hym example ye wolde none take. |
Experyence hath brought you in the same brake | |
Of the out-yles ye rough-foted scottes / | |
We have well eased you of the bottes | |
Ye rowe ranke scottes and dro[n]ken danes dronken] droken F | |
65 | Of our englysshe bowes ye haue fette your banes. |
It is not syttynge in tour nor towne / | |
sig: [A2v] | |
A somner to were a kynges crowne | |
That n[o]ble erle the whyte Lyon. noble] neble F | |
Your pompe and pryde hath layde a_downe | |
70 | His sone the lorde admyrall is full good. |
His swerde hath bathed in the scottes blode | |
God saue kynge. Henry and his lordes all | |
And sende the fre[n]sshe kynge suche an-other fall / | |
¶Amen / for saynt charyte And god saue noble.Kynge / Henry / The .viij. |