folio: 101 | |
Skelton lauriate defender a_genst master
garnesche chalenger et_cetera
Sithe ye haue me chalyngyd master garnesche | |
Rud[e]ly reuilyng me / In the kynges noble hall Rudely] Ruduly H | |
Soche an-odyr chalyngyr cowde me no man wysch | |
But yf yt war sir tyrmagant that tyrnyd without nall 'nall' after cancelled 'alle' | |
5 | For sir frollo_de_franko / was neuer halfe so talle |
But sey me now sir Satrapas what autoryte ye haue | |
In your chalenge sir chystyn / to cale me knaue | |
¶What haue ye kythyd yow a knyght sir dugles the dowty | |
So currys[h]ly to be_knaue me In the kynges place curryshly] currysly H | |
ref.ed: 122 | |
10 | Ye stronge sturdy stalyon / so sterne and stowty |
Ye bere yow bolde as barabas / or sir terry of trac[e] trace] tracy H | |
Ye gyrne grymly with your gomys and with yor grysly face | |
But sey me yet sir satropas / what auctoryte ye haue | |
In yor chalange sir chesten to calle me a knaue | |
15 | ¶Ye fowle fers and felle / as sir fervmbras the ffreke |
Syr capten of catywade / catacumbas of cayre | |
Thow ye be lusty as sir lybyus / launces to breke | |
Yet your contenons on_comly yor face ys nat fayer | |
For alle your proude prankyng yor pride may a_payer | |
20 | But sey me yet sir satrapas / wat auctoryte ye haue |
In yor chalange sir chesten to cal me a knaue | |
folio: 101v | |
Of mantryble the Bryge / malchus the murryon | |
Nor blake baltazar with hys basnet routh as a bere | |
Nor lycon that lothly luske In myn opynyon | |
25 | Nor no bore so brymly brystlyd ys with here |
As ye ar brystlyd on the bake / for alle your gay gere et_cetera | |
¶Yor wynde-schakyn shankkes yor longe loth[l]y legges lothly] lothy H | |
Crokyd as a camoke / and as a kowe calfles | |
Bryngges yow out of fauyr with all femall teggys | |
30 | That mastres punt put yow of yt was nat all causeles |
At Orwelle hyr hauyn your anggre was laules et_cetera | |
¶I sey ye solem sarson all blake ys yor ble | |
As a glede glowynge your Ien glyste[r] as glasse glyster] glyste H, glyster Scattergood | |
Rowlynge In yower holow hede vgly to see | |
35 | Your tethe teintyd with tawny your'your' added above line semely snowte doth passe |
Howkyd as an hawkys beke lyke sir topyas | |
Boldly bend you to batell and buske your-selfe to saue | |
Chalenge yor-selfe for a fole call me no more knaue | |
Be the kynges most noble commandement / |
Skelton lauryate defender a_genst master
garnesche chalangar / with gresy gorbelyd godfrey et_cetera
ref.ed: 123 | |
[H]ow may I your mokery mekely tollerate bottom corner of fol. 101 torn off; readings for lines 1-5 supplied | |
[Your] gronynge yor grontynge yor groinynge lyke a swyne | |
[Your] pride ys all to peuiche / your porte Importunate | |
[You] mantyca[re] ye maltaperte ye can bothe wins and whyne mantycare] mantyca H | |
5 | [Your l]othesum lere to loke on lyke a gresyd bote dothe schyne |
folio: 102 | |
Ye cappyd Cayface copious your paltoke on your pate | |
Thow ye prate lyke prowde pylate be ware yet'yet' added above line of chek-mate | |
¶Hole'hole' after cancelled 'thow'deurandall] deundall H ys your brow that ye brake / with deu[ra]ndall your awne sworde deurandall] deundall H | |
Why holde ye on yer cap sir then yor pardon ys expyryd | |
10 | Ye hobble very homly / before the kynges borde |
Ye countyr vm_whyle to capcyously and ar ye be dysiryd | |
Yor moth-etyn mokkysh maneres / they be all to_myryd | |
Ye cappyd Cayface copyous / your paltoke on your 'your' over cancelled 'yow' pate | |
Thow ye prate lyke prowde pylate / be ware of cheke-mate | |
15 | ¶O gabionyte of gabyone / why do ye gane and gaspe |
Huf a galante Garnesche / loke'loke' after cancelled 'k' on your comly cors | |
Lusty garnysche lyke a lowse / ye Iet full lyke a Iaspe | |
As wytles as a wylde goos / ye haue but small remorrs | |
Me for to chalenge that of your chalennge makyth so lytyll fors | |
20 | Ye capyd cayfas copyous your paltoke on your pate |
Tho ye prate lyke prowde pylate be ware of cheke-mate | |
¶ Syr Gy sir gawen sir Cayus for and sir olyuere | |
Pyramus nor priamus nor sir pyrrus the prowde | |
In arturys auncyent actys no-where ys'ys' added above line prouyd your pere | |
25 | The facyoun of your fysnamy the devyl in a clowde |
Your harte ys to hawte I_wys yt wyll nat be alowde | |
Ye capyd cayfas copyus your paltoke on your pate | |
Thow ye prate lyke prowde pylate be ware of cheke-mate | |
folio: 102v | |
¶Ye grounde yow vp-on godfrey that grysly gargons face | |
30 | Your stondarde sir Olifranke / a_genst me for to splay |
Baile. baile. at yow bothe frantyke folys follow on the chase | |
Cum garnyche cum godfrey with as many as ye may | |
I advyse yow be ware of thys war rannge yow In a_ray | |
Ye'Ye' after cancelled 'Thow' cappyd Cayfas copyous et_cetera | |
35 | ¶Gup gorbellyd godfrey / gup garnysche gaudy fole |
To turney or to tante with me ye ar to fare to seke | |
ref.ed: 124 | |
For thes twayne whypslouens call for a coke-stole | |
Thow mantycore ye marmset garnyshte lyke a greke | |
Wranglynge waywyrde wytles wraw and no-thyng me[k]e meke] mete H | |
40 | Ye cappyd et_cetera |
Mirres vous y | |
Loke nat to hy | |
By the kynges most noble commaundment / |
Skelton lawryate defender a_genyst lusty garnyche
Welle be seyn
Crysteouyr chalannger et cetera
¶I haue your lewde letter receyuyd | |
And well I haue yt perseyuyd | |
And your skrybe I have aspyed | |
Yt your mad mynde contryuyd | |
5 | Sauynge your vsscheres rode |
I caste me nat to be ode | |
Wt neythyr of yow tewyne'tewyne' after cancelled 'teyne' | |
[W]her-fore I wryght a_geyne first letter of 'Wher' supplied due to damage to fol. 102 | |
folio: 103 | |
How the fauyr of your face | |
10 | Is voyd of all good grace |
For alle your carpet cousshons | |
Ye haue knauyche condycyonns | |
Gup marmeset Iast ye morelle | |
I am laureat I am no lorell | |
15 | Lewdely your tyme ye spende |
My lyuyng to reprehende line added right margin in another hand | |
And wyll neuer In_tende | |
Your awne lewdnes to amende | |
¶Your englyshe lew[d]ly ye sorte lewdly] lewly H | |
20 | And falsly ye me reporte |
Garnyche ye gape to wyde | |
Yower knavery I wyll nat hyde | |
For to aswage your pride | |
¶Whan ye war yonger of age | |
25 | Ye war a kechyn-page |
A dyshwasher a dryvyll'dryvyll' corrected from 'dyvyll' by addition of superscript 'r' | |
In the pott your nose dedde sneuyll | |
ref.ed: 125 | |
Ye fryed and ye broylyd | |
Ye rostyd and ye boylyd | |
30 | Ye rostyd lyke a fonne |
A gose with the fete vp-on | |
Ye slofferd'slofferd': letter cancelled after 'sl' vp sowse | |
In my lady brewsys howse | |
Wher-to xulde I wryght | |
35 | Of soche a gresy knyght |
folio: 103v | |
A bawdy dysche-clowte | |
That bryngyth the worlde a_bowte | |
Wt haftynge and with polleynge | |
Wt lyenge and controlleynge | |
40 | ¶At Gynys when ye ware |
But a slendyr spere | |
Dekkyde lewdly in your gere | |
For whan ye dwelt there | |
Ye had a knauysche cote | |
45 | Was skantly worthe a grote |
In dud frese ye war schrynyd | |
Wt better frese lynyd | |
The oute-syde euery day | |
Ye myght no better a way | |
50 | The in_syde ye ded calle |
Your beste gowne festyvalle | |
Your drapry ye ded wante | |
Ye warde'warde': letter cancelled after 'war'loss of text in following seven lines due to damage to fol. 103 with yow was skante loss of text in following seven lines due to damage to fol. 103 | |
[W]hen ye kyst a shepys-ie'ie'after cancelled 'ye' | |
55 | [..........] mastres audelby |
[..........] gynys vp-on a gonge | |
[..........] sat sumwhat'sumwhat' corrected from 'sumhat' by addition of superscript 'w' with caret to longe | |
[..........] hyr husbandes hed | |
[..........] malle of lede | |
60 | [..........] that ye ther prechyd |
folio: 104 | |
To hyr loue ye nowte rechyd | |
Ye wolde haue bassyd hyr bumme | |
So that sche wolde haue kum | |
On-to your lowsy den | |
65 | But sche of all men |
Had yow most In despyght | |
Ye loste hyr fauyr quyt | |
Your pyllyd'pyllyd' after cancelled 'pll' garleke-hed | |
ref.ed: 126 | |
Cowde hocupy yer no stede 'yer'='ther' | |
70 | She callyd yow sir gy of gaunt |
Nosyd lyke'lyke' after cancelled 'ky' an olyfaunt | |
A pykes or a twybyll | |
Sche seyd how ye ded brydell | |
Moche lyke a dromadary | |
75 | Thus with yow sche ded wary |
Wt moche mater more | |
Yt I kepe In store | |
¶Your brethe ys st[r]onge and quike stronge] stonge H | |
Ye ar an eldyr-steke | |
80 | Ye wot what I thynke |
At bothe endes ye stynke | |
Gret daunger for the kynge | |
Whan hys grace ys fastynge | |
Hys presens to a_proche | |
85 | Yt ys to your reproche |
Yt fallyth for no swyne | |
Nor sowtters to drynke wyne | |
Nor seche a nody-polle | |
A pryste for to controlle | |
folio: 104v | |
90 | Lytyll wyt in your scrybys nolle |
That scrybblyd your fonde scrolle | |
Vp-on hym for to take | |
A_gennst me for to make | |
Lyke a doctor dawpate | |
95 | A lauryate poyete for to rate |
Yower termys ar to grose | |
To far from the porpose | |
To contaminate'contaminate' after cancelled 'canto' | |
And to violate | |
100 | The dygnyte lauryate |
¶Bolde bayarde ye ar to blynde | |
And grow all oute of kynde | |
To occupy so your mynde | |
For reson can I non fynde | |
105 | Nor good ryme In yower mater |
I wondyr that ye smatyr | |
So for a knaue to clatyr | |
ref.ed: 127 | |
Ye wolde be callyd a maker | |
And make moche lyke Iake_Rakar 'Rakar' after cancelled 'crakar' | |
110 | Ye ar a comly crakar |
Ye lernyd of sum py-bakar | |
Caste vp your curyows wrytynge | |
And your dyrty endytynge | |
And your spyghtfull despyghtynge | |
115 | For alle ys nat worthe a myteynge loss of text in following four lines due to damage to fol. 104 |
[A] makerell nor a wyteynge | |
[H]ad ye gonne with me to scole | |
[A]nd occupyed no better your tole | |
[Y]e xulde haue kowththyd me a fole | |
folio: 105 | |
120 | But now gawdy gresy garnesche |
Your face I wyse to varnyshe | |
So suerly yt xall nat tarnishe | |
Thow a sarsens hed ye bere | |
Row and full of lowsy here | |
125 | As heuery man wele seethe |
Ful of greet knauys tethe | |
In a felde of grene peson'peson' after cancelled 'pesyn' | |
Ye ryme yet owte of reson | |
Your wyt ys so geson | |
130 | Ye rayle all out of seson |
¶Your'Your' added left margin in another hand skyn scabbyd and scuruy | |
Tawny tannyd and shuruy | |
Now vp-on thys hete | |
Rankely whan ye swete | |
135 | Men sey ye wyll wax lowsy |
Drunkyn drowpy drowsy | |
Your sworde ye swere I wene | |
So tranchaunt and so kene'kene' after cancelled 'klene' | |
Xall kyt both wyght and grene | |
140 | Your foly ys to grett |
The kynges colours to threte | |
Your brethe yt'yt' added above line ys so felle | |
And so puauntely dothe smelle | |
And so haynnously doth stynke'stynke' after cancelled 'smell' | |
145 | That naythyr pump nor synke |
Dothe sauyr halfe so souer | |
A_geynst a stormy shouer | |
folio: 105v | |
ref.ed: 128 | |
¶O ladi[e]s of bryght colour ladies] ladis | |
Of bewte that beryth the flower | |
150 | When garnyche cummyth yow a_monge |
Wt hys brethe so stronge | |
Wt-owte ye haue a confectioun | |
A_genst hys poysond In_feccioun | |
Els with hys stynkyng Iawys | |
155 | He wyl cause yow caste your crawes |
And make youer stomake seke | |
Ouyr the perke to pryk | |
¶Now garnyche garde thy gummys | |
My serpentins and my gunnys | |
160 | A_genst ye now I bynde |
Thy-selfe yer-fore defende | |
Yu tode thow scorpyon | |
Thow bawdy babyone | |
Thow bere thow brystlyd bore | |
165 | Yu moryshe mantycore |
Yu rammysche stynkyng gote | |
Yu fowle chorlyshe parote | |
Yu gresly gargone glaymy | |
Yu Swety slouen seymy | |
170 | Yu murrioun thow mawment |
Yu fals stynkyng serpent | |
Yu mokkyshe marmoset'marmoset' after cancelled 'mammos' | |
I wyll nat dy In [thy] det thy] they H | |
¶ Tyburne thou me assynyd | |
175 | Wher thou xulddst haue bene shrynyd |
Ye nexte halter ther xall be | |
I be_queth yt hole'hole' over cancelled 'on' to the | |
folio: 106 | |
Soche pelfry thou hast pachchyd | |
And so thy-selfe houyr-wachyd'wachyd' after cancelled 'ma' | |
180 | Yt ther thou xuldyst be rachchyd |
If thow war metely machchyd | |
¶Ye may wele be bedawyd | |
Ye ar a fole owtelauyd | |
And for to telle the gronde | |
185 | Pay Stokys hys fyue pownd |
ref.ed: 129 | |
I say sir daly_rag | |
Ye bere yow bold and brag | |
Wt othyr menys charge | |
Ye kyt your clothe to large | |
190 | Soche pollyng-paiaunttis ye pley |
To poynt yow fresche and gay | |
¶And he that scryblyd your scrolles | |
I rekyn yow In my rowllys'rowllys' after cancelled 'rollys' | |
For ij dronken sowllys | |
195 | Rede and lerne ye may |
How olde proverbys say | |
That byrd ys nat honest | |
That fylythe hys owne nest | |
Yf he wyst what sum wotte | |
200 | The f[r]esche bastyng of hys cote fresche] flesche H |
Was sowyd with slendyr thre[de] threde] thre H | |
God sende you'you': above, in another hand wele good spede | |
Wt dominus vobyscum | |
Good latyn for Iake_a_thrum | |
205 | Tyll more matyr may cum'cum' after cancellation |
folio: 106v | |
¶By the kynges most noble commaundment |
Donum laureati disticon contra goliardum Garnishe et scribam eius
¶ Tu garnishe fatuus fatuus tuus'tuus' added above line est mage scriba | |
¶ Qui sapuit puer In_sanyt vir / versus in hydram | |
Skelton laureate defendar a_geinst lusty garnyshe
Well Be seen
crystofer chalangar et_cetera
¶ Garnyshe gargone gastly gryme | |
I haue receyuyd your secunde ryme | |
Thowthe ye kan skylle of large and longe | |
Ye syng all-way the kukkowe songe | |
5 | Ye rayle ye ryme with hay dog hay |
Your chorlyshe chauntyng ys all o lay | |
Ye sir rayle all In deformite | |
Ye haue nat red the properte | |
ref.ed: 130 | |
Of naturys workys how'how' after cancelled 'workys' they be | |
10 | Myxte with sum In_commodite |
As prouithe well In hys rethorikys olde Obserua prologus libri .2i. in vetery rethorica Cicero[n]i s Incipit autem sc. g Crotoniati quondam cum florerent omni[bus] copiis et cetera | |
Cicero with hys tonge of golde | |
That nature wrowght in yow and me | |
Irreuocable ys hyr decre | |
15 | Way_wardly wrowght she hath in the |
Be_holde yi-selfe and thou mayst se | |
Thow xalte be_holde no-wher a warse | |
[Thy] myrrour may be the deuyllys ars Thy] They H | |
folio: 107 | |
Wyth knaue syr knaue and knaue a_genne | |
20 | To cal me knaue thou takyst gret payne |
Ye prowdyst knaue yet of vs tewyne | |
Wt-In thy skyn he xall remayne | |
The starkest knaue and lest good kan | |
Yu art callyd of euery man | |
25 | The corte the contre wylage and towne |
Sayth from thy to vnto yi croune line added in right margin, in another hand | |
Of all prowde knauys thow beryst the belle | |
Lothsum as lucifer lowest In helle | |
On that syde on thys syde thou dost gasy'gasy' after cancelled 'gasy' | |
30 | Yu thynkyst thy-selfe sir pers_de_brasy |
Thy caytyvys carkes cours and crasy | |
Moche of thy maneres I ca[n] blasy can] cam H | |
¶Of lumbardy Gorge_hardyson | |
Thow wolde haue scoryd hys habarion | |
35 | That Ientyll Iorge the Ianuay |
Ye'Ye' added in another hand, above uncancelled 'he' wolde haue trysyd hys trowle a_way | |
Soche paiantes with your fryndes ye play | |
Wt trechery ye them betray | |
Garnyshe ye gate of gorge with gaudry | |
40 | Crimsin velvet for your bawdry |
Ye haue a fantasy to fanchyrche_strete | |
Wt lumbardes lemmanns for to mete | |
Wt bas me buttyng praty Cys | |
Yower lothesum lypps loue well to kyse | |
45 | Slaueryng lyke a slymy snayle |
I wolde ye had kyst hyr on the tayle | |
folio: 107v | |
¶Also nat fare from bowgy_row | |
Ye pressyd pertely to pluk a crow | |
ref.ed: 131 | |
Ye lost your [h]olde on_bende your bow holde] bolde H | |
50 | Ye wan nothynge ther but a mow |
Ye wan no-thynge ther but a skorne | |
Sche wolde nat of yt thow had sworne | |
Sche seyd ye war coluryd with cole-dust | |
To daly with yow she had no lust | |
55 | Sche seyd your brethe stanke lyke a broke |
Wt gup sir Gy ye gate a moke | |
Sche sware with hyr ye xulde nat dele | |
For ye war smery lyke a sele | |
And ye war herey lyke a calfe | |
60 | Sche praijd yow walke on goddes halfe |
And thus there ye lost yower pray | |
Get ye anothyr where ye may | |
¶Dysparage ye myn auncetry | |
Ye ar dysposyd for to ly'ly' after cancelled 'lay' | |
65 | I sey thow felle and fowle flessh-fly |
In thys debate I the askry | |
Thow claimist the Ientyll thou art a curre | |
Haroldis they know thy cote-armur | |
Thow thou be a Iantyll man borne | |
70 | Yet Ientylnes In the ys thred-bare worne |
Haroldes from honor may the devors | |
For harlottes hawnte thyn hatefull cors | |
Ye bere out brothells lyke a bawde | |
Ye get yerby a slendyr laude | |
75 | Be_tweyn the tappett and the walle |
Fusty bawdyas I sey nat alle | |
folio: 108 | |
Of harlottes to vse soche an harres | |
Yt bredth mothys In clothe of arres 'arres' after cancelled 'arrers' | |
¶What eylythe the rebawde on me to raue | |
80 | A kynge to me myn habyte gaue |
At oxforth the vniversyte | |
Auaunsid I was to that degre | |
By hole consent of theyr senate | |
I was made poete-lawreate | |
85 | To cal me lorell ye ar to lewde |
Lythe and lystyn all be_chrewde | |
Of the musys nyne Calliope | |
Hath pointyd me to rayle on the | |
ref.ed: 132 | |
It semyth nat thy pyllyd pate | |
90 | A_genst a poyet-lawreat |
To take vp-on the for to scryue | |
It cumys'cumys' after cancelled 'cuny' the better for to dryue | |
A dong-cart or a tumrell | |
Than with my'my' after cancelled 'y' poems for to melle | |
95 | ¶The honor of englond I lernyd to spelle |
In dygnyte roiall' roiall' after cancelled 'ra' that doth excelle | |
Note and mark wyl thys parcele | |
I yave hym drynke of the sugryd welle | |
Of eliconys waters crystallyne | |
100 | Aqueintynge hy[m] with the musys nyne hym] hyn H |
Yt commyth the wele me to remorde | |
Yt creaunser'creaunser' after cancelled 'grauc'sofreyne] sofre H was to thy sofre[yne] lorde sofreyne] sofre H | |
It plesyth that noble prince roiall | |
Me as hys master for to calle | |
folio: 108v | |
105 | In hys lernyng primordiall |
A_uaunt'A uaunt' partially cancelled rybawde thi tung reclame | |
Me to be_knaue thow art to blame | |
Thy tonge vntawte'vntawte' after cancelled 'w' with poyson in_fecte | |
Wt-owte thou leue thou shalt be chekt | |
110 | And takyn vp In such a frame |
That all the warlde wyll spye your shame ends of following two lines illegible because of staining on fol. 108 | |
Auaunt auaunt thow slogysh [......] | |
And sey poetis no dys [.....] | |
It ys for no bawdy knaue | |
115 | The dignite lawreat for to haue |
¶Thow callyst me scallyd thou callydst me mad | |
Thow thou be pyllyd thow ar nat sade | |
Thow ar frantyke and lakkyst wyt | |
To rayle with me that the can hyt | |
120 | Thowth it be now ful tyde with the |
Yet yer may falle soche caswelte | |
Er thow be_ware that 'that' added above, in another hand In a throw | |
Thow mayst fale downe and ebbe full lowe | |
Wher-fore In welthe be ware of woo | |
125 | For welthe wyll sone departe the froo |
To know thy-selfe yf thow lake grace | |
Lerne or be lewde I shrow thy face | |
ref.ed: 133 | |
¶Thow seyst I callyd the a pecok'pecok' after cancelled 'peke' | |
Thow lijst I callyd the a wod-coke | |
130 | For thow hast a long snowte |
A semly nose and a stowte'stowte' after cancelled 'st' | |
Prickyd lyke an vnicorne | |
I wold sum manys bake Ink-horne | |
Wer yi nose spectacle-case | |
135 | Yt wold garnyche wyll thy face |
folio: 109 | |
¶Thow demyst my raylyng ouyr-thwarthe | |
I rayle to the soche as thow art | |
If thow war a_quentyd with alle | |
The famous poettes saturicall'saturicall' after cancelled 'saturiall' | |
140 | As percius and Iuuynall |
Horace and noble marciall | |
If they wer lyueyng thys day | |
Of the wote I what they wolde say | |
They wolde the wryght all with one steuyn | |
145 | The follest slouen ondyr heuen'heuen' after cancelled 'heuyn' |
Prowde peuiche lyddyr and lewde | |
Malapert medyllar no-thyng well thewde | |
Besy braynles to bralle and brage | |
Wytles wayward sir wryg-wrage | |
150 | Dysdaynous dowble ful of dyseyte |
Lijng spying by suttelte and slyght | |
Flerijng flatyryng fals and fykkelle | |
Scornefull and mokkyng ouer to mykkylle | |
¶My'My' after cancelled 'My' tyme I trow I xulde but lese | |
155 | To wryght to the of tragydese |
It ys nat mete for soche a knaue | |
But now my proces for to saue | |
I haue red and rede I xall | |
Inordynate pride wyll haue a falle | |
160 | Presumptuous pride ys all thyn hope |
God garde the garnyche from the rope | |
Stop a tyd and be welle ware | |
Ye be nat cawte In an hempen snare | |
folio: 109v | |
Harkyn her-to ye haruy_ha[f]tar haftar] hastar H | |
165 | Pride gothe be-fore and schame commyth after |
ref.ed: 134 | |
¶Thow wrythtyst I xulde let the go pley | |
Go pley the garnyshe garnysshyd gay | |
I care nat what thow wryght or sey | |
I cannat let the the knaue to play | |
170 | To dauns the hay or rune the ray |
Thy fonde face can me'me' after cancelled 'I' nat fray | |
Take thys for that bere thys In mynde | |
Of thy lewde_nes more ys be_hynde | |
A reme of papyr wyll nat holde | |
175 | Of yi lewdenes that may be tolde |
My study myght be better spynt | |
But for to serue the kynges entente | |
Hys noble plesure and commandemennte | |
Scrybbyl thow scrybyll thow rayle or wryght | |
180 | Wryght what thow wylte I xall the a_quyte |
By the kyngys most noble Commandemennt |