Against Dundas

Skelton, John

STC 22608 (=M)
Brown and Robbins 1021.5. Not in Ringler

Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton. Nowe collected and newly published
London: T. Marshe,1568.

Composition Date: c.1515? [Scattergood].

Caudatos Anglos, spurcissime Scote quid effers? Effrons es, quoquae sons: mendax, tua spur[c]aquae
spurcaquae] spureaquae M
bucca est.
sig: [Y3v]

Vilitissimus Scotus dundas allegat caudas contra, Angligenas

Anglicus a tergo
Cauda[m] gerit. Caudam] Caudant M
Est canis ergo.
Anglice caudate
sig: [Y4]
5 Cape caudam
Ne cadat a te.
Ex causa caude
Manet Anglica
Gens si[n]e laude.

Diffamas patriam qua non
Est melior usquam
Cum cauda plaudis dum
Possis ad hostia pultes
5 Mendicans mendicus eris,
Mendaxquae bilinguis,
Scabidus. horribilis, quem
Vermes sexquae pedales
Corrodunt misere, miseres
10 Genus est maledictum.

Skelton nobilis Poeta,
ref.ed: 135
Gup Scot. ye blot,
Laudate Caudate
Set in better
Thy pentameter
5 This dundas
This Scottishe as
He rymes and railes
That Englishmen haue tailes.

Skeltonus laureatus
10 Anglicus natus,
Prouocat musas
Contra Dundas
Norpacissimum Scotum,
Vndiquae notum,
15 Rustice fotum
Vapide potum,

Skelton Laureat
After this rate
Defendeth with his pen
20 All Englysh men.
Agayn dundas
That Scottishe asse
Shake thy tayle Scot lyke a cur,
For thou beggest at euery mannes dur.
sig: [Y4v]
25 Tut Scot I sey
Go shake th[e] dog hey the] thy M
Dundas of Galaway
With thy versyfyeng rayles
How they haue tayles.
30 By Iesu_Christ,
Fals scot thou lyest,
ref.ed: 136
But behynd in our hose
We bere there a rose
For thy Scottyshe nose,
35 A spectacle-case
To couer thy face
With tray deux ase
A tolman to blot
A rough-foted Scot
40 Dundas sir knaue
Why doste thow depraue,
This Royall Reame
Whose radiant beame
And relucent light
45 Thou hast in despite
Thou donghyll knyght
But thou lakest might
Dundas, dronken, and drowsy
Skabed scuruy, and lowsy
50 Of vnhappy generacion
And most vngracious nacion.
Dundas that dronke asse
That ratis and rankis
sig: Y5
That prates and prankes
55 On huntley_bankes
Take this our thankes
Dunde [Dun]bar, Dunbar] bar M
Walke Scot
Walke sot
60 Rayle not to far.