sig: [A1] | |
¶Magnyfycence. ¶A goodly interlude and a mery deuysed and made by mayster Skelton / poet laureate late deceasyd. | |
sig: [A1v] | |
AL thyngys contryuyd by mannys reason | |
The world [enuyronn] of hygh and low estate enuyronn] enuyronnyd C, B | |
Be it erly or late welth hath a season | |
Welth is of wysdome the very trewe probate | |
5 | A fole is he with welth that fallyth at debate |
But men nowe-a-dayes so vnhappely be vryd | |
That nothynge than welth may worse be enduryd | |
To tell you the cause me semeth it no nede | |
The amense therof is far to call agayne | |
10 | For when men by welth they haue lytell drede |
ref.ed: 141 | |
Of that may come after experyence trewe and playne | |
Howe after a drought there fallyth a showre of rayne | |
And after a hete oft cometh a stormy colde | |
A man may haue welth but not as he wolde | |
15 | Ay to contynewe and styll to endure |
But yf prudence be proued with sad cyrcumspeccyon | |
Welthe myght be wonne and made to the lure | |
Yf noblenesse were aquayntyd with sober dyreccyon | |
But wyll hath reason so vnder subieccyon | |
20 | And so dysordereth this worlde ouerall |
That welthe and felicite is passynge small | |
But where wonnys welthe and a man wolde wyt | |
For welthfull_felicite truly is my name | |
¶Mary welthe and I was apoynted to mete | |
25 | And eyther I am dysseyued or ye be the same |
¶Syr as ye say I haue harde of your fame | |
Your name is lyberte as I vnderstande | |
¶Trewe you say syr gyue me your hande | |
¶And from whens come ye and it myght be askyd | |
30 | ¶To tell you syr I dare not leest I sholde be maskyd |
In a payre of fetters or a payre of stockys | |
¶Here you not howe this gentylman mockys | |
¶Ye to knackynge ernyst what and it preue | |
¶Why / to say what he wyll lyberte hath leue | |
35 | ¶Yet lyberte hath ben lockyd vp and kept in the mew |
¶In-dede syr that lyberte was not worthe a cue | |
How-be-it lyberte may somtyme be to large | |
But yf reason be regent and ruler of your barge | |
¶To that ye say I can well condyssende | |
40 | Shewe forth I pray you here-in what you intende |
¶Of that I intende to make demonstracyon | |
It askyth lesure with good aduert[ence] aduertence] aduertysment C, B | |
Fyrst I say we owght to haue in consyderacyon | |
That lyberte be lynkyd with the chayne of countenaunce | |
45 | Lyberte to let from all maner offence |
sig: A2 | |
For lyberte at large is lothe to be stoppyd | |
But with countenaunce your corage must be croppyd | |
ref.ed: 142 | |
¶Then thus to you | |
¶Nay suffer me yet ferther to say | |
And peraduenture I shall content your mynde | |
50 | Lyberte I wote well forbere no man there may |
It is so swete in all maner of kynde | |
Howe-be-it lyberte makyth many a man blynde | |
By lyberte is done many a great excesse | |
Lyberte at large wyll oft wax reklesse | |
55 | Perceyue ye this parcell |
¶Ye syr passyng well | |
But and you wolde me permyt | |
To shewe parte of my wyt | |
Somwhat I coulde enferre | |
60 | Your consayte to debarre |
Under supportacyon | |
Of pacyent tolleracyon | |
¶God forbyd ye sholde be let | |
Your reasons forth to fet | |
65 | Wherfore at lyberte |
Say what ye wyll to me | |
¶Brefly to touche of my purpose the effecte | |
Lyberte is laudable and pryuylegyd from lawe | |
Iudycyall rygoure shall not me correcte | |
70 | ¶Softe my frende / herein your reason is but rawe |
¶Yet suffer me to say the surpluse of my sawe | |
What wote ye where-vpon I wyll conclude | |
I say there is no welthe where-as lyberte is subdude | |
I trowe ye can not say nay moche to this | |
75 | To lyue vnder lawe it is captyuyte |
Where drede ledyth the daunce there is no Ioy nor blysse | |
Or howe can you proue that there is felycyte | |
And you haue not your owne fre lyberte | |
To sporte at your pleasure to ryn and to ryde | |
80 | Where lyberte is absent set welthe asyde |
¶Cryst you assyste in your altrycacyon | |
¶Why haue you harde of our dysputacyon | |
¶I parceyue well howe eche of you doth reason | |
ref.ed: 143 | |
¶Mayster measure you be come in good season | |
85 | ¶And it is wonder that your wylde insolence |
Can be content with measure presence | |
¶Wolde it please you then | |
¶Us to informe and ken | |
¶A ye be wonders men | |
sig: [A2v] | |
90 | Your langage is lyke the penne |
Of hym that wryteth to fast | |
¶Syr yf any worde haue past | |
Me other fyrst or last | |
To you I arecte it and cast | |
95 | Therof the reformacyon |
¶And I of the same facyon. | |
Howe-be-it by protestacyon | |
Dyspleasure that you none take. | |
Some reason we must make. | |
100 | ¶That wyll not I forsake |
So it in measure be. | |
Come of therfore let se | |
Shall I begynne or ye | |
¶Nay ye shall begynne by my wyll | |
105 | ¶It is reason and skyll |
We your pleasure fulfyll | |
¶Then ye must bothe consent | |
You to holde content | |
With myne argument. | |
110 | And I muste you requyre |
Me pacyently to here | |
¶Yes syr with ryght good chere. | |
¶With all my herte intere | |
¶Oracius to recorde in his volumys olde | |
115 | With euery condycyon measure must be so[u]ght |
Welthe without measure wolde bere hymselfe to bolde | |
Lyberte without measure proue a thynge of nought | |
I[n] ponder by nomber by measure all-thynge is wrought. In] I C, B | |
As at the fyrst orygynall by godly opynyon | |
120 | Whych prouyth well that measure shold haue domynyon. |
ref.ed: 144 | |
Where measure is mayster plenty dothe none offence | |
Where measure lackyth all-thynge dysorderyd is | |
Where measure is absent ryot kepeth resydence. | |
Where measure is ruler there is nothynge a_mysse | |
125 | Measure is treasure / howe say ye is it not this |
¶Yes questyonlesse in myne opynyon | |
Measure is worthy to haue domynyon | |
¶Unto that same I am ryght well agrede. | |
So that lyberte be not lefte behynde | |
130 | ¶Ye lyberte with measure nede neuer drede |
¶What lyberte to measure then wolde ye bynde. | |
¶What ellys / For otherwyse it were agaynst kynde | |
If lyberte sholde lepe and renne where he lyst | |
It were no vertue / it were a thynge vnblyst | |
135 | It were a myschefe yf lyberte lacked a reyne. |
sig: A3 | |
Where-with to rule hym with the wrythyng of a rest | |
All trebyllys and tenours be rulyd by a meyne | |
Lyberte without measure is acountyd for a beste | |
There is no surfet where measure rulyth the feste | |
140 | There is no excesse where measure hath his helthe |
Measure contynwyth prosperyte and welthe | |
¶Unto your rule I wyll annex my mynde | |
¶So wolde I / but I wolde be lothe | |
That wonte was to be formyst now to come behynde | |
145 | It were a shame / to god I make an othe |
Without I myght cut it out of the brode-clothe | |
As I was wonte euer at my fre wyll | |
¶But haue ye not herde say / that wyll is no skyll | |
Take sad dyreccyon and leue this wantonnesse | |
150 | ¶It i[s] no maystery |
¶Tushe let measure procede is] it C, B | |
And after his mynde herdely your-selfe adresse | |
For without measure pouerte and nede | |
Wyll crepe upon vs / and vs to myschefe lede | |
For myschefe wyll mayster vs / yf measure vs forsake | |
155 | ¶Well I am content your wayes to take |
¶Surely I am Ioyous that ye be myndyd thus | |
Magnyfycence to mayntayne your promosyon shalbe | |
ref.ed: 145 | |
¶So in his harte he may be glad of vs | |
¶There is no prynce but he hath nede of vs thre | |
160 | Welthe with measure and plesaunt lyberte |
¶Nowe pleasyth you a lytell whyle to stande | |
Me semeth magnyfycence is comynge here at hande | |
¶To assure you of my noble porte and fame | |
Who lyst to knowe magnyfycence I hyght | |
165 | But measure my frende what hyght this mannys name |
¶Syr though ye be a noble prynce of myght | |
Yet in this man you must set your delyght | |
And syr this other mannys name is lyberte | |
¶Welcome frendys ye are bothe vnto me | |
170 | But nowe let me knowe of your conuersacyon |
¶Pleasyth your grace felycyte they me call | |
¶And I am lyberte made of in euery nacyon | |
¶Conuenyent persons for any prynce ryall | |
Welthe with lyberte with me bothe dwell ye shall | |
175 | To the gydynge of my measure you bothe commyttynge |
That Measure be mayster vs semeth it is syttynge | |
sig: [A3v] | |
¶Where-as ye haue syr to me them assygned | |
Suche order I trust with them for to take | |
So that welthe with measure shalbe conbyned | |
180 | And lyberte his large with measure shall make |
¶Your ordenaunce syr I wyll not forsake | |
¶And I my-selfe hooly to you wyll inclyne | |
¶Then may I say that ye be seruauntys myne | |
For by measure I warne you we thynke to be gydyd | |
185 | Wherin it is necessary my pleasure you knowe |
Measure and I wyll neuer be deuydyd | |
For no dyscorde that any man can sawe | |
For measure is a meane nother to hy nor to lawe | |
In whose attemperaunce I haue suche delyght | |
190 | That measure shall neuer departe from my syght |
¶Laudable your consayte is to be acountyd | |
For welthe without measure sodenly wyll slyde | |
¶As your grace full nobly hath recountyd | |
Measure with noblenesse sholde be alyde | |
ref.ed: 146 | |
195 | ¶Then lyberte se that measure be your gyde |
For I wyll vse you by his aduertysment | |
¶Then shall you haue with you prosperyte resydent | |
¶I trowe good fortune hath annexyd vs together | |
To se howe greable we are of one mynde | |
200 | There is no flaterer nor losyll so lyther |
This lynkyd chayne of loue that can vnbynde | |
Nowe that ye haue me chefe ruler assyngned | |
I wyll endeuour me to order euery-thynge | |
Your noblenesse and honour consernynge | |
205 | ¶In Ioy and myrthe your mynde shalbe inlargyd |
And not embracyd with pusyllanymyte | |
But plenarly all thought from you must be dyschargyd | |
If ye lyst to lyue after your fre lyberte | |
All delectacyons aquayntyd is with me | |
210 | By me all persons worke what they lyste |
¶Hem / syr yet beware of had I wyste | |
Lyberte in some cause becomyth a gentyll mynde | |
Bycause course of measure yf I be in the way | |
Who county[th] without me is caste to fer behynde countyth] countyd C, B | |
215 | Of his rekenynge as euydently we may |
S[e] at our eye the worlde day by day Se] So C, B | |
For defaute of measure all-thynge dothe excede | |
¶All that ye say is as trewe as the crede | |
For howe-be-it lyberte to welthe is conuenyent | |
220 | And from felycyte may not be forborne |
Yet measure hath ben so longe from vs absent | |
That all men laugh at lyberte to scorne | |
sig: [A4] | |
Welth and wyt I say be so threde-bare worne | |
That all is without measure and fer beyonde the mone | |
225 | ¶Then noblenesse I se well is almoste vndone |
But yf therof the soner amendys be made | |
For dowtlesse I parceyue my magnyfycence | |
Without measure lyghtly may fade | |
Of to moche lyberte vnder the offence | |
230 | Wherfore measure take lyberte with you hence |
And rule hym after the rule of your scole | |
¶What syr wolde ye make me a poppynge fole | |
ref.ed: 147 | |
¶Why were not your-selfe agreed to the same | |
And now wolde ye swarue from your owne ordynaunce | |
235 | ¶I wolde be rulyd and I myght for shame |
¶A ye make me laughe at your inconstaunce | |
¶Syr without any longer delyaunce | |
Take lyberte to rule and folowe myne entent | |
¶It shalbe done at your commaundement | |
240 | ¶It is a wanton thynge this lyberte |
Perceyue you not howe lothe he was to abyde | |
The rule of measure not-withstandynge we | |
Haue deputyd measure hym to gyde | |
By measure eche thynge duly is tryde | |
245 | Thynke you not thus my frende felycyte |
¶God forbede that it other-wyse sholde be | |
¶Ye coulde not ellys I wote with me endure | |
¶Endure? No god wote it were great payne | |
But yf I were orderyd by Iust measure | |
250 | It were not possyble me longe to retayne |
¶Tusche holde your pece your langage is vayne | |
Please it your grace to take no dysdayne | |
To shewe you playnly the trouth as I thynke | |
¶Here is none forsyth whether you flete or synke | |
255 | ¶From whens come you syr that no man lokyd after |
¶Or who made you so bolde to interrupe my tale | |
¶Nowe benedicite ye wene I were some hafter | |
Or ellys some Iangelynge Iacke_of_the_vale | |
Ye wene that I am dronken bycause I loke pale | |
260 | ¶Me semeth that ye haue dronken more than ye haue bled |
¶Yet amonge noble men I was brought vp and bred | |
¶Now leue this Iangelynge and to vs expounde | |
Why that ye sayd our langage was in vayne | |
¶Mary vpon trouth my reason I grounde | |
265 | That without largesse noblenesse can not rayne |
sig: [A4v] | |
And that I sayd ones / yet I say agayne | |
ref.ed: 148 | |
I say without largesse worshyp hath no place | |
For largesse is a purchaser of pardon and of grace | |
¶Nowe I beseche the tell me what is thy name | |
270 | ¶Largesse that all lordes sholde loue syr I hyght |
¶But hyght you largesse encreace of noble fame | |
¶Ye syr vndoubted | |
¶Then of very ryght | |
With magnyfycence this noble prynce of myght | |
Sholde be your dwellynge in my consyderacyon | |
275 | ¶Yet we wyll therin take good delyberacyon |
¶As in that I wyll not be agaynst your pleasure | |
¶Syr hardely remembre what may your name auaunce. | |
¶Largesse is laudable so it be in measure be in measure] in measure be C, B | |
¶Largesse is he that all prynces doth auaunce | |
280 | I reporte me herein to Kynge Lewes of fraunce |
¶Why haue ye hym named and all other refused | |
¶For syth he dyed largesse was lytell vsed | |
Plucke vp your mynde syr what ayle you to muse. | |
Haue ye not welthe here at your wyll | |
285 | It is but a maddynge these wayes that ye vse |
What auayleth lordshyp yourselfe for to kyll | |
With care and with thought howe Iacke shall haue gyl | |
¶What I haue aspyed ye are a carles page | |
¶By god syr ye se but fewe wyse men of myne age | |
290 | But couetyse hath blowen you so full of wynde |
That colyca passyo hath gropyd you by the guttys | |
¶In fayth broder largesse you haue a mery mynde. | |
¶In fayth I set not by the worlde two dauncaster cuttys | |
¶Ye wante but a wylde flyeng bolte to shote at the buttes. | |
295 | Though largesse ye hyght your langage is to large |
For whiche ende goth forwarde ye take lytell charge | |
¶Let se this checke yf ye voyde canne | |
¶In faythe els had I gone to longe to scole | |
But yf I coulde knowe a gose from a swanne | |
300 | ¶Wel wyse men may ete the fysshe when ye shal draw the pole |
¶In fayth I wyll not say that ye shall proue a fole | |
But ofte-tymes haue I sene wyse men do mad dedys | |
¶Go shake the dogge hay syth ye wyll nedys | |
ref.ed: 149 | |
You are nothynge mete with vs for to dwell. | |
305 | That with your lorde and mayster so pertly can prate. |
Gete you hens I say by my counsell | |
I wyll not vse you to play with me checke-mate | |
¶Syr yf I haue offended your noble estate | |
I trow I haue brought you suche wrytynge of recorde | |
310 | That I shall haue you agayne my good lorde |
sig: B1 | |
To you recommendeth sad_cyrcumspeccyon | |
And sendeth you this wrytynge closed vnder sele | |
¶This wrytynge is welcome with harty affeccyon | |
Why kepte you it thus longe? howe dothe he wele | |
315 | ¶Syr thanked be god he hath his hele |
¶Welthe gete you home and commaunde me to mesure | |
Byd hym take good hede to you my synguler tresure | |
¶Is there ony-thynge elles your grace wyll commaunde me. | |
¶Nothynge but fare you well tyll sone | |
320 | And that he take good kepe to lyberte |
¶Your pleasure syr shortely shall be done | |
¶I shall come to you myselfe I trowe this after-none | |
I pray you larges here to remayne | |
Whylest I knowe what this letter dothe contayne | |
sensim] sensum C; at] ad C, B | |
325 | ¶What fansy fansy |
¶Who is that that thus dyd cry | |
Me-thought he called fan[s]y fansy] fanfy C, B | |
¶It was a flemynge hyght hansy | |
¶Me-thought he called fansy me behynde | |
330 | ¶Nay syr it was nothynge but your mynde |
But nowe syr as touchynge this letter | |
¶I shall loke in it at leasure better | |
And surely ye are to hym beholde | |
And for his sake ryght gladly I wolde | |
ref.ed: 150 | |
335 | Do what I coude to do you good |
¶I pray god kepe you in that mood | |
¶This letter was wryten ferre hence | |
¶By lakyn syr it hathe cost me pence | |
And grotes many one or I came to your presence | |
340 | ¶Where was it delyuered you shewe vnto me |
¶By god syr beyonde the se | |
¶At what place nowe as you gesse | |
¶By my trouthe syr at pountesse | |
This wrytynge was taken me there | |
345 | But neuer was I in gretter fere |
¶Howe so | |
¶By god at the see-syde | |
Had I not opened my purse wyde | |
I trowe by our lady I had ben slayne | |
Or elles I had lost myne eres twayne | |
sig: [B1v] | |
350 | By your soth speaker direction absent in C |
¶Ye and there is suche a wache | |
That no man can scape but they hym cache | |
They bare me in hande that I was a spye | |
And another bade put out myne eye | |
Another wolde myne eye were blerde | |
355 | Another bade shaue halfe my berde |
And boyes to the pylery gan me plucke | |
And wolde haue made me freer tucke | |
To preche out of the pylery hole. | |
Without an antetyme or a stole | |
360 | And some bade sere hym with a marke |
To gete me fro them I had moche warke | |
¶Mary syr ye were afrayde | |
¶By my trouthe had I not payde and prayde | |
And made largesse as I hyght | |
365 | I had not been here with you this nyght |
But surely largesse saued my lyfe | |
For largesse stynteth all maner of stryfe | |
¶It dothe so sure nowe and than | |
But largesse is not mete for euery man | |
370 | ¶No but for you grete estates |
Largesse stynteth grete debates | |
And he that I came fro to this place | |
Sayd I was mete for your grace | |
ref.ed: 151 | |
And in-dede syr I here men talke | |
375 | By the way as I ryde and walke |
Say howe you excede in noblenesse | |
If you had with you largesse | |
¶And say they so in very dede | |
¶With ye syr so god me spede | |
380 | ¶Yet mesure is a mery mene |
¶Ye syr a bla[u]nched almonde is no bene | |
Measure is mete for a marchauntes hall | |
But largesse becometh a state ryall | |
What sholde you pynche at a pecke of [gr]otes grotes] otes C, B | |
385 | Ye wolde sone pynche at a pecke of [otes] otes] grotes C, B |
Thus is the talkynge of one and of oder | |
As men dare speke it hugger-mugger | |
A lorde a negarde it is a shame | |
But largesse may amende your name | |
390 | ¶In faythe largesse welcome to me |
¶I pray you syr I may so be | |
And of my seruyce you shall not mysse. | |
¶Togyder we wyll talke more of this | |
Let vs departe from hens home to my place | |
sig: B2 | |
395 | ¶I folow euen after your noble grace |
¶What I say herke a worde. | |
¶Do away I say the deuylles torde. | |
¶Ye but how longe shall I here awayte. | |
¶By goddys body I come streyte | |
400 | I hate this blunderyng that thou doste make |
¶Nowe to the deuyll I the betake | |
For in fayth ye be well met | |
Fansy hath cachyd in a flye-net | |
This noble man Magnyfycence | |
405 | Of largesse vnder the pretence |
They haue made me here to put the stone | |
But nowe wyll I that they be gone | |
In bastarde ryme after the dogrell gyse | |
Tell you where-of my name dothe ryse | |
ref.ed: 152 | |
410 | For counterfet_countenaunce knowen am I |
This worlde is full of my foly | |
I set not by hym a fly | |
That can not counterfet a lye | |
Swere and stare and byde therby | |
415 | And countenaunce it clenly |
And defende it manerly | |
A knaue wyll counterfet nowe a knyght | |
A lurdayne lyke a lorde to [s]yght syght] fyght C, B | |
A mynstrell lyke a man of myght | |
420 | A tappyster lyke a lady bryght |
Thus make I them wyth thryft to fyght | |
Thus at the laste I brynge hym ryght | |
To tyburne where they hange on hyght | |
To counterfet I can by praty wayes | |
425 | Of nyghtys to occupy counterfet kayes |
Clenly to counterfet newe arayes | |
Counterfet eyrnest by way of playes | |
Thus am I occupyed at all assayes | |
What-so-euer I do all men me prayse | |
430 | And mekyll am I made of nowe-a-days |
Counterfet maters in the lawe of the lande | |
Wyth golde and grotes they grese my hande | |
In-stede of ryght that wronge may stande | |
And counterfet fredome that is bounde | |
435 | I counterfet suger that is but [s]ounde sounde] founde C, B; sande Scattergood |
Counterfet capytaynes by me are mande | |
Of all lewdnesse I kyndell the brande | |
Counterfet kyndnesse and thynke dyscayte | |
sig: [B2v] | |
Counterfet letters by the way of sleyght | |
440 | Subtelly vsynge counterfet weyght |
Counterfet langage fayty bone geyte | |
Counterfetynge is a proper bayte | |
A counte to counterfet in a resayte | |
To counterfet well is a good consayte | |
445 | Counterfet maydenhode may well be borne |
But counterfet coynes is laughynge to scorne | |
ref.ed: 153 | |
It is euyll patchynge of that is torne | |
Whan the noppe is rughe it wolde be shorne | |
Counterfet haltynge without a thorne | |
450 | Yet counterfet chafer is but euyll corne |
All-thynge is worse whan it is worne | |
What wolde ye wyues counterfet | |
The courtly gyse of the newe iet | |
An olde barne wolde be vnderset | |
455 | It is moche worthe that is ferre fet |
What wanton wanton nowe well ymet. | |
What margery_mylke_ducke mermoset | |
It wol[d]e be masked in my net wolde] wolbe C | |
It wolde be nyce thoughe I say nay | |
460 | By crede it wolde haue fresshe aray |
And therfore shall my husbande pay | |
To counterfet she wyll assay | |
All the newe gyse fresshe and gaye | |
And be as praty as she may | |
465 | And iet it ioly as a iay |
Counterfet prechynge / and byleue the contrary. | |
Counterfet conscyence / peuysshe pope-holy. | |
Counterfet sadnesse / with delynge full madly | |
Counterfet holynes / is called ypocrysy | |
470 | Counterfet reason / is not worth a flye |
Counterfet wysdome / and workes of foly | |
Counterfet countenaunce / euery man dothe occupy | |
Counterfet worshyp / outwarde men may se | |
Ryches rydeth out / at home is pouerte | |
475 | Counterfet pleasure is borne out by me |
Coll wolde go clenly and it wyll not be | |
And annot wolde be ny[c]e and laughes tehe wehe | |
Your counterfet countenaunce is all of nysyte | |
A plummed partrydge all redy to flye | |
480 | A knokylbonyarde wyll counterfet a clarke |
He wolde trotte gentylly but he is to starke | |
At his cloked counterfetynge dogges dothe barke | |
A carter a courtyer it is a worthy warke | |
That with his whyp his mares was wonte to yarke | |
sig: [B3] | |
ref.ed: 154 | |
485 | A custrell to dryue the deuyll out of the derke |
A counterfet courtyer with a knaues marke | |
To counterfet this freers haue lerned me | |
This nonnes nowe and then and it myght be | |
Wolde take in the way of co[u]nterfet charyte | |
490 | The grace of god vnder benedicite |
To counterfet thyr counsell they gyue me a fee | |
Chanons can not counterfet but vpon thre | |
Monkys may not for drede that men sholde them se | |
famine multo] famina multa C | |
¶What counterfet_countenaunce | |
495 | ¶What crafty_conueyaunce. |
¶What the deuyll are ye two of aquayntaunce | |
God gyue you a very myschaunce | |
¶Yes yes syr he and I haue met | |
¶We haue bene togyder bothe erly and late | |
500 | But fa[n]sy my frende where haue ye bene so longe |
¶By god I haue bene about a praty pronge | |
Crafty_conueyaunce I sholde say and I | |
¶By god we haue made magnyfycence to ete a flye | |
¶Howe coulde ye do that and [I] was away I] C, B omit | |
505 | ¶By god man bothe his pagent and thyne he can play |
¶Say trouth | |
¶Yes yes by lakyn I shall the warent | |
As longe as I lyue thou haste an heyre-parent | |
¶Yet haue we pycked out a rome for the | |
¶Why shall we dwell togyder all thre | |
510 | ¶Why man it were to great a wonder |
That we thre galauntes sholde be longe asonder | |
¶For cockys harte gyue me thy hande | |
¶By the masse for ye are able to dystroy an hole lande | |
¶By god yet it muste begynne moche of the | |
515 | ¶Who that is ruled by vs it shalbe longe or he thee |
ref.ed: 155 | |
¶But I say kepest thou the olde name styll that thou had | |
¶Why wenyst thou horson that I were so mad | |
¶Nay nay he hath chaunged his and I haue chaunged myne | |
¶Nowe what is his name and what is thyne | |
520 | ¶In faythe largesse I hyght |
And I am made a knyght. | |
¶A rebellyon agaynst nature. | |
So large a man and so lytell of stature | |
But syr howe counterfetyd ye | |
525 | Sure surueyaunce I named me speaker direction not in C |
Surueyaunce / where ye suruey attrib. in C to Crafty Conveyance | |
sig: [B3v] | |
Thryfte hathe lost her cofer-kay. | |
¶But is it not well howe thynkest thou | |
¶Yes syr I gyue god auowe | |
530 | Myselfe coude not counterfet it better |
But what became of the letter | |
That I counterfeyted you vnderneth a shrowde | |
¶By the masse odly well alowde | |
¶By god had not I it conuayed | |
535 | Yet fansy had ben dysc[r]yued dyscryued] dysceyued C, B |
¶I wote thou arte false ynoughe for one | |
¶By my trouthe we had ben gone | |
And yet in fayth man we lacked the | |
For to speke with lyberte | |
540 | ¶What Is largesse without lyberte |
¶By mesure mastered yet is he | |
¶What Is your conueyaunce no better | |
¶In faythe mesure is lyke a tetter | |
That ouergroweth a mannes face | |
545 | So he ruleth ouer all our place |
¶Nowe therfore whylest we are togyder | |
Counterfet_countenaunce nay come hyder | |
I say whylest we are togyder in same | |
¶Tushe a strawe it is a shame | |
550 | That we can no better than so |
¶We wyll remedy it man or we go | |
For lyke as mustarde is sharpe of taste | |
Ryght so a sharpe fansy must be founde | |
Wherwith mesure to confounde | |
ref.ed: 156 | |
555 | ¶Can you a remedy for a tysyke |
That sheweth yourselfe thus spedde in physyke | |
¶It is a gentyll reason of a rake | |
¶For all these Iapes yet that [y]e make ye] we C, B | |
¶Your fansy maketh myne elbowe to ake | |
560 | ¶Let se fynde you a better way |
¶Take no dyspleasure of that we say | |
¶Nay and you be angry and ouerwharte | |
A man may beshrowe your angry harte | |
¶Tushe a strawe I thought none yll | |
565 | ¶What shall we Iangle thus all the day styll |
¶Nay Let vs our heddes togyder cast | |
¶Ye and se howe it may be compast | |
That mesure were cast out of the dores | |
¶Alasse where is my botes and my spores | |
570 | ¶In all this hast whether wyll ye ryde |
¶I trowe it shall not nede to abyde | |
Cockes woundes se syrs se se | |
sig: [B4] | |
¶Cockes armes what is he | |
¶By cockes harte he loketh hye | |
575 | He hawketh me-thynke for a butterflye |
¶Nowe by cockes harte well abyden | |
For had you not come I had ryden | |
¶Thy wordes be but wynde neuer / they haue no wayght | |
Thou hast made me play the Iurde hayte | |
580 | ¶And yf ye knewe howe I haue mused |
I am sure ye wolde haue me excused | |
¶I say come hyder what are these twayne | |
¶By god syr this is fansy_small_brayne | |
And crafty_conuayaunce knowe you not hym | |
585 | ¶Knowe hym syr quod he / yes by saynt sym. |
Here is a leysshe of ratches to renne an hare | |
Woo is that purse that ye shall share | |
¶What call ye him this | |
¶I trowe that he is | |
590 | ¶Tushe holde your pece |
Se you not howe they prece | |
ref.ed: 157 | |
For to knowe your name | |
¶Knowe they not me they are to blame | |
Knowe you not me syrs. | |
¶No in-dede | |
595 | ¶Abyde lette me se / take better hede |
Cockes harte it is cloked_colusyon. | |
¶A syr I pray god gyue you co[n]fusyon | |
¶Cockes armes is that your name | |
¶Ye by the masse this is euen the same | |
600 | That all this matter must vnder grope |
¶What is this he wereth a cope | |
¶Cappe syr I say you be to bolde. | |
¶Se howe he is wrapped for the colde | |
Is it not a vestment | |
¶A ye wante a rope | |
605 | ¶Tushe it is syr Iohnn_double_[cope] cope] cloke C, B |
¶Syr and yf ye wolde not be wrothe | |
¶What sayst | |
¶Here was to lytell clothe | |
¶A fansy fansy god sende the brayne | |
¶Ye for your wyt is cloked for the rayne | |
610 | ¶Nay lette vs not clatter thus styll |
¶Tell me syrs / what is your wyll | |
¶Syr it is so that these twayne | |
With magnyfycence in housholde do remayne | |
And there they wolde ha[u]e me to dwell | |
sig: [B4v] | |
615 | But I wyll be ruled after your counsell |
¶Mary so wyll we also | |
¶But tell me where aboute ye go | |
¶By god we wolde gete vs all thyder | |
Spell the remenaunt and do togyder | |
620 | ¶Hath magnyfycence ony tresure |
¶Ye but he spendeth it all in mesure | |
¶Why dwelleth mesure where ye two dwell | |
In faythe he were better to dwell in hell | |
¶Yet where we wonne nowe there wonneth he | |
625 | ¶And haue you not amonge you lyberte |
¶Ye but he is a captyuyte | |
¶What the deuyll howe may that be | |
¶I can not tell you why aske you me | |
ref.ed: 158 | |
Aske these two that there dothe dwell | |
630 | Syr the playnesse you [me tell] you me tell] you tell me C, Battrib. in C to Crafty Conveyance |
¶There dwelleth a mayster men calleth mesure | |
¶Ye and he hath rule of all his tresure | |
¶Nay eyther let me tell or elles tell ye | |
¶I care not I / tell on for me | |
635 | ¶I pray god let you neuer to thee |
¶What the deuyll ayleth you can you not agree | |
¶I wyll passe ouer the cyrcumstaunce | |
And shortly shewe you the hole substaunce | |
Fansy and I we twayne | |
640 | With magnyfycence in housholde do remay[n]e |
And counterfeted our names we haue | |
Craftely all thynges vpryght to saue | |
His name largesse / surueyaunce myne | |
Magnyfycence to vs begynneth to enclyne | |
645 | Counterfet_countenaunce to haue also |
And wolde that we sholde for hym go | |
¶But shall I haue myne olde name styll | |
¶Pease I haue not yet sayd what I wyll | |
¶Here is a pystell of a postyke | |
650 | ¶Tusshe fonnysshe fansy thou arte frantyke |
Tell on syr howe then | |
¶Mary syr he told vs when | |
We had hym founde we sholde hym brynge | |
And that we fayled not for nothynge | |
655 | ¶All this ye may easely brynge aboute |
¶Mary the better and mesure were out | |
¶Why can ye not put out that foule freke | |
¶No in euery corner he wyll peke | |
So that we haue no lyberte | |
660 | Nor no man in courte but he |
sig: C1 | |
For lyberte he hath in gydyng | |
¶In fayth and without lyberte there is no bydyng | |
¶In fayth and lybertyes rome is there but small | |
¶Hem? that lyke I nothynge at all | |
665 | ¶But counterfet_countenaunce go we togyder |
All thre I say | |
¶Shall I go? whyder. | |
¶To magnyfycence with vs twayne | |
ref.ed: 159 | |
And in his seruyce the to retayne | |
¶But then syr what shall I hyght | |
670 | ¶Ye and I talkyd therof to_nyght |
¶Ye my fansy was out of owle-flyght | |
For it is out of my mynde quyght | |
¶And nowe it cometh to my remembraunce | |
Syr ye shall hyght good_demeynaunce | |
675 | ¶By the armes of calys well conceyued |
¶When we haue hym thyder conuayed | |
What and I frame suche a slyght | |
That fansy with his fonde consayte | |
Put magnyfycence in suche a madnesse | |
680 | That he shall haue you in the stede of sadnesse |
And sober_sadnesse shalbe your name | |
¶By cockys body here begynneth the game | |
For then shall we so craftely cary | |
That mesure shall not there longe tary | |
685 | ¶For cockys harte tary whylyst that I come agayne |
¶We wyll se you shortly one of vs twayne | |
¶Now let vs go and we shall then | |
¶Nowe let se quyte you lyke praty men | |
To passe the tyme and order whyle a man may talke | |
690 | Of one thynge and other to occupy the place |
Then for the season that I here shall walke | |
As good to be occupyed as vp and downe to trace | |
And do nothynge how-be-it full lytell grace | |
There cometh and groweth of my comynge | |
695 | For clokyd colusyon is a perylous thynge |
Double-delynge and I be all one | |
Craftynge and haftynge contryued is by me | |
I can dyssemble I can bothe laughe and grone | |
Playne-delynge and I can neuer agre | |
700 | But dyuysyon dyssencyon dyrysyon these thre |
And I am counterfet of one mynde and thought | |
By the menys of myschyef to bryng all thynges to nought | |
ref.ed: 160 | |
And though I be so odyous a geste | |
And euery man gladly my company wolde refuse | |
sig: [C1v] | |
705 | In faythe yet am I occupyed with the best |
Full fewe that can themselfe of me excuse | |
Whan other men laughe than study I and muse | |
Deuysynge the meanes and wayes that I can | |
Howe I may hurte and hynder euery man | |
710 | Two faces in a hode couertly I bere |
Water in the one hande and fyre in the other | |
I can fede forth a fole and lede hym by the eyre | |
Falshode in felowshyp is my sworne brother. | |
By cloked colusyon I say and none other | |
715 | Comberaunce and trouble in Englande fyrst I began |
From that lorde to that lorde I rode and I ran | |
And flatered them with fables fayre before theyr face. | |
And tolde all the myschyef I coude behynde theyr backe. | |
And made as I had knowen nothynge of the case | |
720 | I wolde begyn all myschyef but I wolde bere no lacke |
Thus can I lerne you syrs to bere the deuyls sacke | |
And yet I trowe some of you be better sped than I | |
Frendshyp to fayne and thynke full lytherly | |
Paynte to a purpose good countenaunce I can. | |
725 | And craftely can I grope howe euery man is mynded. |
My purpose is to spy and to poynte euery man. | |
My tonge is with fauell forked and tyned | |
By cloked_colusyon thus many one is begyled. | |
Eche man to hynder I gape and I gaspe | |
730 | My speche is all pleasure / but I stynge lyke a waspe |
I am neuer glad but whan I may do yll. | |
And neuer am I sory but whan that I se | |
I can not myne appetyte accomplysshe and fulfyll | |
In hynderaunce of welthe and prosperyte | |
735 | I laughe at all shrewdenes / and lye at lyberte |
I muster I medle amonge these grete estates | |
I sowe sedycyous sedes of dyscorde and debates | |
ref.ed: 161 | |
To flater and to flery is all my pretence | |
Amonge all suche persones as I well vnderstonde | |
740 | Be lyght of byleue and hasty of credence |
I make them to startyll and sparkyll lyke a bronde. | |
I moue them I mase them I make them so fonde | |
That they wyll here no man but the fyrst tale | |
And so by these meanes I brewe moche bale | |
745 | ¶Huffa huffa taunderum taunderum tayne huffa huffa. |
¶This was properly prated syrs what sayd a | |
¶Rutty bully Ioly rutterkyn heyda | |
¶De que pays este vous. | |
exuat beretum ironice] exiat beretrum cronice C, B | |
sig: C2 | |
¶Decke your hofte and couer a lowce | |
750 | ¶Say vous chaunter venter tre dawce |
¶Wyda wyda. | |
Howe sayst thou man am not I a Ioly rutter. | |
¶Gyue this gentylman rome syrs stonde vtter | |
By god syr what nede all this waste | |
755 | What is this a betell or a batowe or a buskyn lacyd |
¶What wenyst thou that I knowe the not clokyd_colusyon | |
¶And wenyst thou that I knowe not the cankard abusyon | |
¶Cankard Iacke_hare loke thou be not rusty | |
For thou shalt well knowe I am nother durty nor dusty. | |
760 | ¶Dusty nay syr ye be all of the lusty |
Howe-be-it of scape-thryfte your clokes smelleth musty | |
But whether art thou walkynge in faythe vnfaynyd | |
¶Mary with magnyfycence I wolde be retaynyd | |
¶By the masse for the cowrte thou art a mete man | |
765 | Thy slyppers they swap it / yet thou fotys it lyke a swanne |
¶Ye so I can deuyse my gere after the cowrtly maner | |
¶So thou arte personable to bere a prynces baner. | |
By goddes fote and I dare well fyght for I wyll not start | |
ref.ed: 162 | |
¶Nay thou art a man good Inough but for thy false hart | |
770 | ¶Well and I be a coward there is mo than I |
¶Ye in faythe a bolde man and a hardy | |
A bolde man in a bole of newe ale in cornys | |
¶Wyll ye se this gentylman is all in his skornys | |
¶But are ye not auysed to dwell where ye spake | |
775 | ¶I am of fewe wordys I loue not to [crake] crake] barke C, B |
Beryst thou any rome or cannyst thou do ought | |
Cannyst thou helpe in fauer that I myght be brought | |
¶I may do somwhat and more I thynke shall | |
Hem colusyon. | |
780 | ¶Cockys harte who is yonde that for the dothe call |
Nay come at ones for the armys of the dyce attrib. in C, B to Cloked colusyon | |
¶Cockys armys he hath callyd for the twyce | |
¶By cockys harte and call shall agayne | |
To come to me I trowe he shalbe fayne | |
785 | ¶What is thy harte pryckyd with such a prowde pynne |
¶Tushe he that hath nede man let hym rynne | |
¶Nay come away man thou playst the cayser | |
By the masse thou shalt byde my leyser attrib. in C, B to Courtly abusion | |
¶A_byde syr quod he? mary so I do | |
790 | ¶He wyll come man when he may tende to |
¶What the deuyll who sent for the | |
¶Here he is nowe man mayst thou not se | |
¶What the deuyll man what thou menyst | |
Art thou so angry as thou semyst | |
sig: [C2v] | |
795 | ¶What the deuyll can ye agre no better |
¶What the deuyll where had we this ioly Ietter | |
¶What sayst thou man why dost thou not supplye | |
And desyre me thy good mayster to be | |
¶Spekest thou to me | |
800 | ¶Ye so I tell the |
¶Cockes bones I ne tell can | |
Whiche of you is the better man | |
Or whiche of you can do most | |
ref.ed: 163 | |
¶In fayth I rule moche of the rost | |
805 | ¶Rule the roste thou woldest ye thou woldest ye] ye thou woldest C, B |
As skante thou had no nede of me | |
¶Nede yes mary I say not nay | |
¶Cockes ha[r]te I trowe thou wylte make a fray harte] hate C, B | |
¶Nay in good faythe it is but the gyse | |
810 | ¶No for or we stryke we wyll be aduysed twyse |
¶What the deuyll vse ye not to drawe no swordes | |
¶No by my trouthe but crake grete wordes. | |
¶Why is this the gyse nowe-adayes | |
¶Ye for surety ofte peas is taken for frayes | |
815 | But syr I wyll haue this man with me |
¶Conuey yourselfe fyrst let se | |
¶Well tary here tyll I for you sende | |
¶Why shall he be of your bende | |
¶Tary here wote ye what I say | |
820 | ¶I waraunt you I wyll not go away |
¶By saynt mary he is a tawle man | |
¶Ye and do ryght good seruyce he can | |
I knowe in hym no defaute | |
But that the horson is prowde and hawte. | |
825 | ¶Nay purchace ye a pardon for the pose. |
For pryde hath plucked the by the nose | |
As well as me I wolde and I durste | |
But nowe I wyll not say the worste | |
¶What nowe let se / | |
830 | Who loketh on me |
Well rounde aboute / | |
Howe gay and howe stoute | |
That I can were / | |
Courtly my gere | |
835 | My heyre bussheth / |
So plesauntly | |
My robe russheth / | |
So ruttyngly | |
Me seme I flye / | |
ref.ed: 164 | |
840 | I am so lyght |
To daunce de_lyght | |
Properly drest / | |
All poynte deuyse | |
My persone prest / | |
845 | Beyonde all syse |
Of the newe gyse | |
To russhe it oute / | |
In euery route | |
sig: C3 | |
Beyonde measure / | |
850 | My sleue is wyde |
Al of pleasure | |
My hose strayte tyde / | |
My buskyn wyde | |
Ryche to beholde / | |
855 | Gletterynge in golde |
Abusyon / | |
Forsothe I hyght | |
Confusyon / | |
Shall on hym lyght | |
860 | By day or by nyght / |
That vseth me | |
He can not thee | |
A very fon / | |
A very asse | |
865 | Wyll take vpon / |
To compasse | |
That neuer was / | |
Abusyd before | |
A very pore / | |
870 | That so wyll do |
He doth abuse / | |
Hym-selfe to to | |
He dothe mysse_vse / | |
Eche man to [akuse] akuse] take a fe C, B | |
875 | To crake and prate / |
I be_foule his pate | |
ref.ed: 165 | |
This newe fonne Iet / | |
From out of Fraunce | |
Fyrst I dyd set / | |
880 | Made purueaunce |
And suche ordenaunce | |
That all men it founde / | |
Through-out Englonde | |
All this nacyon / | |
885 | I set on fyre |
In my facyon | |
This theyr desyre / | |
This newe a_tyre | |
This ladyes haue / | |
890 | I it them gaue |
Spare for no coste | |
And yet in-dede / | |
It is coste loste | |
Moche more than nede / | |
895 | For to excede |
In suche aray | |
Howe-be-it I say / | |
A carlys sonne | |
Brought vp of nought | |
900 | Wyth me wyll wonne / |
Whylyst he hath ought | |
He wyll haue wrought | |
His gowne so wyde / | |
That he may hyde | |
905 | His dame and his syre / |
Within his slyue | |
Spende all his hyre / | |
That men hym gyue | |
Wherfore I preue / | |
910 | A tyborne checke |
Shall breke his necke | |
All is out of harre / | |
ref.ed: 166 | |
And out of trace | |
Ay warre and warre / | |
915 | In euery place |
But what the deuyll art thou / | |
That cryest stow stow | |
¶What whom haue we here Ienkyn_Ioly | |
Nowe welcom by the god holy | |
920 | ¶What fansy my frende howe doste thou fare |
¶By cryst as mery as a marche-hare | |
¶What the deuyll hast thou on thy fyste / an owle | |
¶Nay it is a farly fowle | |
¶Me-thynke she frowneth and lokys sowre | |
sig: [C3v] | |
925 | ¶Torde man it is an hawke of the towre |
She is made for the malarde fat | |
¶Me-thynke she is well becked to catche a rat | |
But nowe what tydynges can you tell let se | |
¶Mary I am come for the | |
¶For me | |
930 | ¶Ye for the so I say |
¶Howe so tell me I the pray | |
¶Why harde thou not of the fray | |
That fell amonge vs this same day | |
¶No mary not yet | |
935 | ¶What the deuyll neuer a whyt. |
¶No by the masse what sholde I swere | |
¶In faythe lyberte is nowe a lusty spere | |
¶Why vnder whom was he abydynge | |
¶Mary mesure had hym a whyle in gydynge | |
940 | Tyll as the deuyll wolde they fell a chydynge |
With crafty_conuayaunce | |
¶Ye dyd they so | |
¶Ye by goddes sacrament and with other mo | |
¶What neded that in the dyuyls date | |
¶Yes yes he fell with me also at debate | |
945 | ¶With the also / what he playeth the state |
¶Ye but I bade hym pyke out of the gate | |
By goddes body so dyd I | |
¶By the masse well done and boldely | |
¶Holde thy pease measure shall frome vs walke. | |
950 | ¶Why is he crossed than with a chalke |
¶Crossed / ye checked out of consayte | |
ref.ed: 167 | |
¶Howe so | |
¶By god by a praty slyght | |
As here-after thou shalte knowe more | |
But I must tary here / go thou before | |
955 | ¶With whom shall I there mete. |
¶Crafty_conueyaunce standeth in the strete | |
Euen of purpose for the same | |
¶Ye but what shall I call my name | |
¶Cockes harte tourne the let me se thyne aray | |
960 | Cockes bones this is all of Iohnn_de_gay |
¶So I am poynted after my consayte | |
¶Mary thou Iettes it of hyght | |
¶Ye but of my name let vs be wyse | |
¶Mary lusty_pleasure by myne aduyse | |
965 | To name thyselfe come of it were done |
¶Farewell my frende | |
¶Adue tyll sone | |
Stowe byrde stowe stowe | |
sig: [C4] | |
It is best I fede my hawke now | |
There is many euyll-faueryd and thou be foule | |
970 | Eche thynge is fayre when it is yonge / all hayle owle |
Lo this is | |
My fansy Iwys | |
Nowe cryst it blysse | |
It is by Iesse | |
975 | A byrde full swete / |
For me full mete | |
She is furred for the hete | |
All to the fete | |
Her browys bent / | |
980 | Her eyen glent |
From tyne to trent / | |
From stroude to kent | |
A man shall fynde / | |
Many of her kynde | |
ref.ed: 168 | |
985 | Howe standeth the wynde / |
Before or behynde | |
Barbyd lyke a nonne / | |
For burnynge of the sonne | |
Her fethers donne / | |
990 | Well faueryd bonne |
Nowe let me se about / | |
In all this rowte | |
Yf I can fynde out / | |
So semely a snowte | |
995 | Amonge this prese / |
Euen a hole mese | |
Pease man pease / | |
I rede we sease | |
So farly fayre as it lokys | |
1000 | And her becke so comely crokys |
Her naylys sharpe as tenter-hokys | |
I haue not kept her yet thre wokys | |
And howe styll she dothe syt | |
Teuyt teuyt / | |
1005 | Where is my wyt |
The deuyll spede whyt | |
That was before I set behynde | |
Nowe to curteys forthwith vnkynde | |
Somtyme to sober / somtyme to sadde | |
1010 | Somtyme to mery / somtyme to madde |
Somtyme I syt as I were solempe prowde | |
Somtyme I laughe ouer-lowde | |
Somtyme I wepe for a gew-gaw | |
Somtyme I laughe at waggynge of a straw | |
1015 | With a pere my loue you may wynne |
And ye may lese it for a pynne | |
I haue a thynge for to say | |
And I may tende therto for play | |
But in faythe I am so occupyed | |
1020 | On this halfe and on euery syde |
That I wote not where I may rest. | |
Fyrst to tell you what were best. | |
ref.ed: 169 | |
Frantyke_fansy_seruyce I hyght | |
My wyttys be weke my braynys are lyght | |
1025 | For it is I that other whyle |
sig: [C4v] | |
Plucke downe lede and theke with tyle | |
Nowe I wyll this and nowe I wyll that | |
Make a wyndmyll of a mat | |
Nowe I wolde and I wyst what | |
1030 | Where is my cappe I haue lost my hat |
And within an houre after | |
Plucke downe an house and set vp a rafter | |
Hyder and thyder I wote not whyder | |
Do and vndo bothe togyder | |
1035 | Of a spyndell I wyll make a sparre |
All that I make forthwith I marre | |
I blunder I bluster I blowe and I blother | |
I make on the one day and I marre on the other | |
Bysy bysy and euer bysy | |
1040 | I daunce vp and downe tyll I am dyssy |
I can fynde fantasyes where none is | |
I wyll not haue it / so I wyll haue it this | |
quatiendo] quesiendo C, B | |
¶Maysters cryst saue euerychone | |
What fansy arte thou here alone | |
1045 | ¶What fonnysshe foly I befole thy face |
¶What frantyke fansy in a foles case | |
What is this an owle or a glede | |
By my trouthe she hathe a grete hede. | |
¶Tusshe thy lyppes hange in thyne eye. eye] eyen C, B | |
1050 | It is a frenche butterflye |
¶By my trouthe I trowe well | |
But she is lesse a grete dele | |
Than a butterflye of our lande | |
¶What pylde curre ledest thou in thy hande | |
1055 | ¶A pylde curre |
¶Ye so I tell the a pylde curre | |
¶Yet I solde his skynne to macke_murre | |
In the stede of a budge-furre | |
¶What fleyest thou his skynne euery yere | |
¶Yes in faythe I thanke god I may here | |
ref.ed: 170 | |
1060 | ¶What thou wylte coughe me a dawe for forty pens |
¶Mary syr cokermowthe is a good way hens | |
¶What / of cokermowth spake I no worde | |
¶By my faythe syr the frubyssher hath my sworde | |
¶A I trowe ye shall coughe me a fole | |
1065 | ¶In faythe trouthe ye say we wente togyder to scole |
¶Ye but I can somwhat more of the letter | |
¶I wyll not gyue an halfepeny for to chose the better. | |
sig: D1 | |
¶But broder foly I wonder moche of one thynge | |
That thou so hye fro me doth sprynge | |
1070 | And I so lytell alway styll |
¶By god I can tell the and I wyll | |
Thou art so feble-fantastycall | |
And so braynsyke therwithall | |
And thy wyt wanderynge here and there | |
1075 | That thou cannyst not growe out of thy boyes gere |
And as for me I take but one folysshe way | |
And therfore I growe more on one day | |
Than thou can in yerys seuen. | |
¶In faythe trouth thou sayst nowe by god of heuen | |
1080 | For so with fantasyes my wyt dothe flete |
That wysdome and I shall seldome mete | |
Nowe of good felowshyp let me by thy [d]ogge dogge] hogge C, B | |
¶Cockys harte thou lyest I am no [h]ogge hogge] dogge C, B | |
¶Here is no man that callyd the hogge nor swyne | |
1085 | ¶In faythe man my brayne is as good as thyne |
¶The deuyls torde for thy brayne | |
¶By my syers soule I fele no rayne | |
¶By the masse I holde the madde | |
¶Mary I knewe the when thou waste a ladde | |
1090 | ¶Cockys bonys herde ye euer syke another |
¶Ye a fole the tone and a fole the tother | |
¶Nay but wotest thou what I do say | |
¶Why sayst thou that I was here yesterday | |
¶Cockys armys this is a warke I trowe | |
1095 | ¶What callyst thou me a donnyshe crowe |
¶Nowe in good faythe thou art a fonde gest | |
¶Ye bere me this strawe to a dawys nest | |
¶What wenyst thou that I were so folysshe and so fonde | |
¶In faythe ellys is there none in all Englonde | |
ref.ed: 171 | |
1100 | ¶Yet for my fansy sake I say |
Let me haue thy dogge what-soeuer I pay | |
¶Thou shalte haue my purse and I wyll haue thyne | |
¶By my trouth there is myne | |
¶Nowe by my trouth man take there is [my purse] my purse] myne C, B | |
1105 | And I beshrowe hym that hath the worse |
¶Torde I say what haue I do. | |
Here is nothynge but the bockyll of a sho | |
And in my purse was twenty marke | |
¶Ha ha ha herke syrs harke | |
1110 | For all that my name hyght foly |
By the masse yet art thou more fole than I | |
¶Yet gyue me thy dogge and I am content | |
And thou shalte haue my hauke to a botchment | |
sig: [D1v] | |
¶That euer thou thryue god it forfende | |
1115 | For goddes cope thou wyll spende |
Nowe take thou my dogge and gyue me thy fowle | |
¶Hay chysshe come hyder | |
¶Nay torde take hym be_tyme | |
¶What callest thou thy dogge | |
¶Tusshe his name is gryme. | |
¶Come gryme come gryme it is my praty dogges | |
1120 | ¶In faythe there is not a better dogge for hogges |
Not from Anwyke vnto aungey | |
¶Ye but trowest thou that he be not maungey. | |
¶No by my trouthe it is but the scurfe and the scabbe | |
¶What he hathe ben hurte with a stabbe | |
1125 | ¶Nay in faythe it was but a strype |
That the horson had for etynge of a trype | |
¶Where the deuyll gate he all these hurtes | |
¶By god for snatchynge of puddynges and wortes | |
¶What then he is some good poore mannes curre | |
1130 | ¶Ye but he wyll in at euery mannes dore |
¶Nowe thou hast done me a pleasure grete | |
¶In faythe I wolde thou had a marmosete | |
¶Cockes harte I loue suche Iapes | |
¶Ye for all thy mynde is on owles and apes | |
1135 | But I haue thy pultre and thou hast my catell |
¶Ye but thryfte and we haue made a batell | |
¶Remembrest thou not the Iapes and the toyes | |
ref.ed: 172 | |
¶What that we vsed whan we were boyes | |
¶Ye by the rode euen the same | |
1140 | ¶Yes yes I am yet as full of game |
As euer I was and as full of tryfyls | |
Nil nichelum nihil anglice nyfyls | |
¶What canest thou all this lutyn yet. | |
And hath so mased a wandrynge wyt | |
1145 | ¶Tushe man I kepe some latyn in store |
¶By cockes harte I wene thou hast no more | |
¶No / yes in faythe I can versyfy | |
¶Then I pray the hartely. | |
Make a verse of my butterfly | |
1150 | It forseth not of the reason so it kepe ryme |
¶But wylte thou make another on gryme | |
¶Nay in fayth fyrst let me here thyne | |
¶Mary as for that thou shalte sone here myne | |
Versus. In C, B appears after following line
¶Est [suauis uago] with a shrewde face vilis Imago suauis uago] snaui snago C, B | |
1155 | ¶Grimbaldus gredy snatche a puddyng tyl the rost be redy |
¶By the harte of god well done | |
sig: D2 | |
¶Ye so redely and so sone | |
¶What fansy / let me se who is the tother | |
¶By god syr foly myne owne sworne brother | |
1160 | ¶Cockys bonys it is a farle freke |
Can he play well at the hoddypeke | |
¶Tell by thy trouth what sport can thou make. | |
¶A holde thy peas I haue the tothe-ake | |
¶The tothe-ake? lo a torde ye haue | |
1165 | ¶Ye thou haste the four quarters of a knaue |
¶Wotyst thou I say to whom thou spekys | |
¶Nay by cockys harte he ne reckys | |
For he wyll speke to magnyfycence thus | |
¶Cockys armys a mete man for vs | |
1170 | ¶What wolde ye haue mo folys and are so many |
¶Nay offer hym a counter in-stede of a peny | |
¶Why thynkys thou he can no better skyll | |
¶In fayth I can make you bothe folys and I wyll | |
ref.ed: 173 | |
¶What haste thou on thy fyst a [k]esteryll kesteryll] besteryll C, B | |
1175 | ¶Nay Iwys fole it is a doteryll |
¶In a cote thou can play well the dyser | |
¶Ye but thou can play the fole without a vyser | |
¶Howe rode he by you / howe put he to you | |
¶Mary as thou sayst / he gaue me a blurre | |
1180 | But where gatte thou that mangey curre |
¶Mary it was his and nowe it is myne | |
¶And was it his and nowe it is thyne | |
Thou must haue thy fansy and thy wyll | |
But yet thou shalt holde me a fole styll | |
1185 | ¶Why wenyst thou that I cannot make the play the fon |
¶Yes by my faythe good syr Iohnn | |
¶For you bothe it were Inough | |
¶Why wenyst thou that I were as moche a fole as thou | |
¶Nay nay thou shalte fynde hym another maner of man | |
1190 | ¶In faythe I can do mastryes so I can |
¶What canest thou do but play cocke-wat | |
¶[Yes yet] he wyll make the ete a gnat Yes yet] Yet yes C, B | |
¶Yes yes by my trouth I holde the a grote | |
That I shall laughe the out of thy cote | |
1195 | ¶Than wyll I say that thou haste no pere |
¶Nowe by the rode and he wyll go nere | |
¶Hem fansy regardes voyes | |
sig: [D2v] | |
¶What hast thou founde there | |
¶By god a lowse | |
¶By cockes harte I trowe thou lyste | |
1200 | ¶By the masse a spaynysshe moght with a gray lyste. |
¶Ha ha ha ha ha ha. | |
¶Cockes armes it is not so I trowe. | |
conueyaunce] conuaunce C | |
¶Put on thy gowne agayne for thou hast lost nowe. thou hast lost nowe] nowe thou hast lost C, B | |
¶Lo Iohnn_a_bonam where is thy brayne. | |
1205 | Nowe put on fole thy cote agayne |
¶Gyue me my grote for thou hast lost | |
Shyt thy purse dawe and do no cost | |
¶Nowe hast thou not a prowde mocke and a starke. | |
¶With yes by the rode of wodstocke_parke. | |
1210 | ¶Nay I tell the he maketh no dowtes |
To tourne a fole out of his clowtes. | |
¶And for a fole a man wolde hym take | |
¶Nay it is I that foles can make | |
For be he cayser or be he kynge | |
1215 | To felowshyp with foly I can hym brynge |
¶Nay wylte thou here nowe of his scoles. | |
And what maner of people he maketh foles. | |
¶Ye let vs here a worde or twayne | |
¶Syr of my maner I shall tell you the playne | |
1220 | Fyrst I lay before them my bybyll |
And teche them howe they sholde syt ydyll | |
To pyke theyr fyngers all the day longe | |
So in theyr eyre I synge them a songe | |
And make them so longe to muse. | |
1225 | That some of them renneth strayght to the stuse |
To thefte and bryboury I make some fall. | |
And pyke a locke and clyme a wall | |
And where I spy a nysot gay | |
That wyll syt ydyll all the day | |
1230 | And can not set herselfe to warke |
I kyndell in her suche a lyther sparke | |
That rubbed she must be on the gall | |
Bytwene the tap[pet] and the wall tappet] tap C, B | |
¶What horson arte thou suche a one | |
1235 | ¶Nay beyonde all other set hym alone |
¶Hast thou ony more let se procede. | |
sig: D3 | |
¶Ye by god syr for a nede | |
I haue another maner of sorte | |
That I laugh at for my dysporte | |
1240 | And those be they that come vp of nought |
As some be not ferce and yf it were well sought | |
Suche dawys what-soeuer they be | |
That be set in auctorite | |
Anone he waxyth so hy and prowde | |
1245 | He frownyth fyersly brymly browde |
ref.ed: 175 | |
The knaue wolde make it koy and he cowde | |
All that he dothe muste be alowde | |
And this is not well done syr take hede | |
And maketh hym besy where is no nede | |
1250 | He dawnsys so longe hey troly loly |
That euery man lawghyth at his foly | |
¶By the good lorde truthe he sayth | |
¶Thynkyst thou not so by thy fayth | |
¶Thynke I not so quod he ellys haue I shame | |
1255 | For I knowe dyuerse that vseth the same |
¶But nowe forsothe man it maketh no mater | |
For they that wyll so bysely smater | |
So helpe me god man euer at the length | |
I make hym lese moche of theyr strength | |
1260 | For with foly so do I them lede |
That wyt he wantyth when he hath moste nede | |
¶Forsothe tell on hast thou any mo mo] more C, B | |
¶Yes I shall tell you or I go | |
Of dyuerse mo that hauntyth my scolys | |
1265 | ¶All men beware of suche folys |
¶There be two lyther rude and ranke | |
Symkyn_tytyuell and pers_pykthanke | |
Theys lythers I lerne them for to lere | |
What he sayth and she sayth to lay good ere | |
1270 | And tell to his sufferayne euery whyt |
And then he is moche made of for his wyt wyt] whyt C, B | |
And be the mater yll more or lesse | |
He wyll make it mykyll worse than it is | |
But all that he dothe and yf he reken well | |
1275 | It is but foly euery dell |
¶Are not his wordys cursydly cowchyd | |
¶By god there be some that be shroudly towchyd | |
But I say let se and yf thou haue any more | |
¶I haue an hole armory of suche haburdashe in store | |
1280 | For there be other that foly dothe vse |
That folowe fonde fantasyes and vertu refuse | |
sig: [D3v] | |
¶Nay that is my parte that thou spekest of nowe. | |
¶So is all the remenaunt I make god auowe | |
For thou fourmest suche fantasyes in theyr mynde | |
1285 | That euery man almost groweth out of kynde. |
ref.ed: 176 | |
¶By the masse I am glad that I came hyder. | |
To here you two rutters dyspute togyder | |
¶Nay but fansy must be eyther fyrst or last | |
¶But whan foly cometh all is past | |
1290 | ¶I wote not whether it cometh of the or of me |
But all is foly that I can se | |
¶Mary syr ye may swere it on a boke | |
¶Ye tourne ouer the lefe rede there and loke | |
Howe frantyke fansy fyrst of all | |
1295 | Maketh man and woman in foly to fall |
¶A syr a a howe by that | |
¶A peryllous thynge to cast a cat | |
Vpon a naked man and yf she scrat | |
¶So how I say the hare is squat | |
1300 | For frantyke fansy thou makest men madde |
And I foly bryngeth them to qui fuit gadde | |
With qui fuit brayne-seke I haue them brought | |
From qui fuit aliquid to shyre shakynge nought | |
¶Well argued and surely on bothe sydes | |
1305 | But for the fansy magnyfycence abydes |
¶Why shall I not haue foly with me also. | |
¶Yes perde man whether that ye ryde or go | |
Yet for his name we must fynde a [slyght] slyght] shyfte C, B | |
¶By the masse he shall hyght consayte | |
1310 | ¶Not a better name vnder the sonne |
With magnyfycence thou shalte wonne | |
¶God haue mercy good godfather | |
¶Yet I wolde that ye had gone rather. | |
For as sone as you come in magnyfycence syght | |
1315 | All mesure and good rule is gone quyte |
¶And shall we haue lyberte to do what we wyll | |
¶Ryot at lyberte russheth it out styll | |
¶Ye but tell me one thynge | |
¶What is that | |
¶Who is mayster of the masshe-fat | |
1320 | ¶Ye for he hathe a full dry soule |
¶Cockes armes thou shalte kepe the brewhouse boule. | |
¶But may I drynke therof whylest that I stare | |
¶When mesure is gone what nedest thou spare | |
Whan mesure is gone we may slee care | |
ref.ed: 177 | |
1325 | ¶Nowe then goo we hens / away the mare |
sig: [D4] | |
It is wonder to se the worlde aboute | |
¶To se what foly is vsed in euery place | |
Foly hath a rome I say in euery route | |
To put where he lyst foly hath fre chace | |
1330 | Foly and fansy all where euery man dothe face and brace |
Foly fotyth it properly fansy ledyth the dawnce | |
And next come I after crafty_conueyaunce | |
Who-so to me gyueth good aduertence | |
Shall se many thyngys donne craftely | |
1335 | By me conueyed is wanton insolence |
[..........................................]line dropped out in C, B | |
Pryuy poyntmentys conueyed so properly | |
For many tymes moche kyndnesse is denyed | |
For drede that we dare not ofte lest we be spyed | |
1340 | By me is conueyed mykyll praty ware |
Somtyme I say behynde the dore for nede | |
I haue an hoby can make larkys to dare | |
I knyt togyther many a broken threde | |
It is great almesse the hung[re] to fede hungre] hunger C, B | |
1345 | To clothe the nakyd where is lackynge a smocke |
Trymme at her tayle or a man can turne a socke | |
What howe be ye mery was it not well conueyed | |
As oft as ye lyst so honeste be sauyd | |
Alas dere harte loke that we be not perseyuyd | |
1350 | Without crafte nothynge is well behauyd |
Though I shewe you curtesy say not that I craue[d] craued] craue C, B | |
Yet conuey it craftely and hardely spare not for me | |
So that there knowe no man but I and she | |
Thefte also and pety brybery | |
1355 | Without me be full oft aspyed |
My inwyt delynge there can no man dyscry | |
Conuey it be crafte lyft and lay a_syde | |
Full moche flatery and falsehode I hyde | |
ref.ed: 178 | |
And by crafty conueyaunce I wyll and I can | |
1360 | Saue a stronge thefe and hange a trew man |
But some man wolde conuey and can not skyll | |
As malypert tauernars that checke with theyr betters | |
Theyr conueyaunce weltyth the worke all by wyll | |
And some wyll take vpon them to conterfet letters | |
1365 | And therwith-all conuey hymselfe into a payre of fetters |
And some wyll conuey by the pretence of sadnesse | |
Tyll all theyr conueyaunce is turnyd into madnesse | |
Crafty conueyaunce is no chyldys game | |
By crafty conueyaunce many one is brought vp of nought | |
1370 | Crafty_conueyaunce can cloke hymselfe frome shame |
For by crafty conueyaunce wonderful thynges are wrought | |
sig: [D4v] | |
By conuayaunce crafty I haue brought | |
Unto magnyfyce[nce] a full vngracyous sorte magnyfycence] magnyfyce C | |
For all hokes vnhappy to me haue resorte | |
1375 | ¶Trust me lyberte it greueth me ryght sore |
To se you thus ruled and stande in suche awe. | |
¶Syr as by my wyll it shall be so no more. | |
¶Yet lyberte without rule is not worth a strawe. | |
¶Tushe holde your peas ye speke lyke a dawe | |
1380 | Ye shall be occupyed welthe at my wyll |
¶All that ye say syr is reason and skyll | |
¶Mayster suruayour where haue ye ben so longe | |
Remembre ye not how my lyberte by mesure ruled was | |
¶In good faythe syr me semeth he had the more wronge | |
1385 | ¶Mary syr so dyd he excede and passe |
They droue me to lernynge lyke a dull asse | |
¶It is good yet that lyberte be ruled by reason | |
¶Tushe holde your peas ye speke out of season. | |
ref.ed: 179 | |
Yourselfe shall be ruled by lyberte and largesse | |
1390 | ¶I am content so it in measure be |
¶Must mesure in the mares name you furnysshe and dresse | |
¶Nay nay not so my frende felycyte | |
¶Not and your grace wolde be ruled by me | |
¶Nay he shall be ruled euen as I lyst | |
1395 | ¶Yet it is good to beware of had I wyst. |
¶Syr by lyberte and largesse I wyll that ye shall | |
Be gouerned and gyded wote ye what I say | |
Mayster suruayour largesse to me call | |
¶It shall be done | |
¶Ye but byd hym come away | |
1400 | At ones / and let hym not tary all day |
¶Yet it is good wysdome to worke wysely by welth. | |
¶Holde thy tonge and thou loue thy helth | |
¶What wyll ye waste wynde and prate thus in vayne. | |
Ye haue eten sauce I trowe at the taylers hall | |
1405 | ¶Be not to bolde my frende I counsell you bere a brayne |
¶And what so we say holde you content withall. | |
¶Syr yet without sapyence your substaunce may be smal | |
For where is no mesure howe may worshyp endure. | |
¶Syr I am here at your pleasure | |
1410 | Your grace sent for me I wene / what is your wyll |
¶Come hyther largesse take here felycyte | |
¶Why wene you that I can kepe hym longe styll. | |
sig: E1 | |
¶To rule as ye lyst lo here is lyberte | |
¶I am here redy | |
¶What shall we | |
1415 | Haue welth at our gydynge to rule as we lyst lineation continuous with preceding line in C |
Then fare-well thryfte by hym that crosse kyst. | |
¶I truste your grace wyll be agreabyll | |
That I shall suffer none impechment | |
By theyr demenaunce nor losse repryuable | |
ref.ed: 180 | |
1420 | ¶Syr ye shall folowe myne appetyte and intent |
¶So it be by mesure I am ryght well content | |
¶What all by mesure good syr and none excesse | |
¶Why welth hath made many a man braynlesse | |
¶That was by the menys of to moche lyberte | |
1425 | ¶What can ye agree thus and appose |
¶Syr as I say there was no faute in me | |
¶Ye of Iacke_a_thrommys bybyll can ye make a glose | |
¶Sore sayde I tell you and well to the purpose | |
What sholde a ma[n] do with you loke you vnder [k]ay kay] bay C, B | |
1430 | ¶I say it is foly to gyue all welth away |
¶Whether sholde welth be rulyd by lyberte | |
Or lyberte by welth let se tell me that | |
¶Syr as me semeth ye sholde be rulyd be me | |
¶What nede you with hym thus prate and chat | |
1435 | ¶Shewe vs your mynde then howe to do and what |
¶I say that I wyll ye haue hym in gydynge | |
¶Mayster felycyte let be your chydynge | |
And so as ye se it wyll be no better | |
Take it in worthe suche as ye fynde | |
1440 | ¶What the deuyll man your name shalbe the greter |
For welth without largesse is all out of kynde | |
¶And welth is nought worthe / yf lyberte be behynde | |
¶Nowe holde ye content for there is none other shyfte | |
¶Than waste must be welcome and fare-well thryfte | |
1445 | ¶Take of his substaunce a sure inuentory |
And get [y]ou home togyther for lyberte shall byde you] thou C, B | |
And wayte vpon me | |
¶And yet for a memory | |
Make indentures howe ye and I shal gyde | |
¶I can do nothynge but he stonde besyde | |
1450 | ¶Syr we can do nothynge the one without the other |
¶Well get you hens than and sende me some other | |
¶Whom lusty_pleasure or mery consayte | |
¶Nay fyrst lusty_pleasure is my desyre to haue | |
And let the other another [time] awayte time] C, B omit | |
1455 | Howe-be-it that fonde felowe is a mery knaue |
But loke that ye occupye the auctoryte that I you gaue | |
sig: [E1v] | |
ref.ed: 181 | |
For nowe syrs I am lyke as a prynce sholde be following speech attrib. to Fancy in C, B | |
I haue welth at wyll largesse and lyberte | |
Fortune to her lawys can not abandune me | |
1460 | But I shall of fortune rule the reyne |
I fere nothynge fortunes perplexyte | |
All honour to me must nedys stowpe and lene | |
I synge of two partys without a mene | |
I haue wynde and wether ouer all to sayle | |
1465 | No stormy rage agaynst me can peruayle |
Alexander of Macedony kynge | |
That all the oryent had in subieccyon | |
Though al his conquestys were brought to rekenynge | |
Myght seme ryght wel vnder my proteccyon | |
1470 | To rayne? for all his marcyall affeccyon |
For I am prynce perlesse prouyd of porte | |
Bathyd with blysse embracyd with comforte | |
Syrus that soleme syar of Babylon | |
That Israell releysyd of theyr captyuyte | |
1475 | For al his pompe / for all his ryall trone |
He may not be comparyd vnto me | |
I am the dyamounde dowtlesse of dygnyte | |
Surely it is I that all may saue and spyll | |
No man so hardy to worke agaynst my wyll | |
1480 | Porcenya the prowde prouoste of turky lande |
That ratyd the romaynes and made them yll rest | |
Nor Cesar Iuly that no man myght withstande | |
Were neuer halfe so rychely as I am drest | |
No that I assure you loke who was the best | |
1485 | I reyne in my robys I rule as me lyst |
I dryue downe th[e]se dastardys with a dynt of my fyste these] thse C | |
Of Cato the counte acountyd the cane | |
Daryus the doughty cheftayn of perse | |
I set not by the prowdest of them a prane | |
1490 | Ne by non other that any man can rehersse |
I folowe in felycyte without reue[r]sse reuersse] reuesse C | |
ref.ed: 182 | |
I drede no daunger I dawnce all in delyte | |
My name is magnyfycence man most of myght | |
Hercules the herdy with his stobburne clobbyd mase | |
1495 | That made Cerberus to cache the cur dogge of hell |
And Thesius th[at] prowde was Pluto to face that] the C, B | |
It wolde not become them with me for to mell | |
For of all barones bolde I bere the bell | |
Of all doughty I am doughtyest duke as I deme | |
1500 | To me all prynces to lowte man bese[m]e beseme] besene C, B |
Cherlemayne that mantenyd the nobles of Fraunce | |
sig: E2 | |
Arthur of albyan for all his brymme berde | |
Nor basyan the bolde for all his brybaunce | |
Nor alerycus that rulyd the gothyaunce by swerd | |
1505 | Nor no man on molde can make me aferd |
What man is so maysyd with me that dare mete | |
I shall flappe hym as a fole to fall at my fete | |
Galba whom his galantys garde for a_gaspe | |
Nor nero that nother set by god nor man | |
1510 | Nor vaspasyan that bare in his nose a waspe |
Nor hanyball agayne rome gates that ranne | |
Nor yet [c]ypyo that noble cartage wanne cypyo] typyo C, B | |
Nor none so hardy of them with me that durste crake | |
But I shall frounce them on the foretop and gar them to quake | |
1515 | ¶At your commaundement syr wyth all dew reuerence |
¶Welcom pleasure to our magnyfycence | |
¶Plesyth it your grace to shewe what I do shall | |
¶Let vs here of your pleasure to passe the tyme withall | |
¶Syr then with the fauour of your benynge sufferaunce | |
1520 | To shewe you my mynde my-selfe I wyll auaunce |
If it lyke your grace to take it in degre | |
¶Yes syr so good man in you I se | |
ref.ed: 183 | |
And in your delynge so good assuraunce | |
That we delyte gretly in your dalyaunce. | |
1525 | ¶A syr your grace me dothe extole and rayse |
And ferre beyond my merytys ye me commende and prayse | |
Howe-be-it I wolde be ryght gladde I you assure | |
Any-thynge to do that myght be to your pleasure | |
¶As I be saued with pleasure I am supprysyd | |
1530 | Of your langage it is so well deuysed |
Pullyshyd and fresshe is your ornacy | |
¶A I wolde to god that I were halfe so crafty | |
Or in electe vtteraunce halfe so eloquent | |
As that I myght your noble grace content | |
1535 | ¶Truste me with you I am hyghly pleasyd |
For in my fauour I haue you feffyd and seasyd | |
He is not lyuynge your maners can amend | |
Mary your speche is as pleasant as though it were pend | |
To here your comon it is my hygh comforte | |
1540 | Poynt-deuyse all pleasure is your porte |
¶Syr I am the better of your noble reporte | |
But of your pacyence vnder the supporte | |
If it wolde lyke you to here my pore my[n]de | |
¶Speke I beseche the leue nothynge behynde | |
1545 | ¶So as ye be a prynce of great myght |
sig: [E2v] | |
It is semynge your pleasure ye delyte | |
And to aqueynte you with carnall delectacyon | |
And to fall in a_quayntaunce with euery newe facyon | |
And quyckely your appetytes to sharpe and adresse | |
1550 | To fasten your fansy vpon a fayre maystresse |
That quyckly is enuyued with rudyes of the rose | |
Inpurtured with fetures after your purpose | |
The streynes of her vaynes as asure Inde-blewe. | |
Enbudded with beautye and colour fresshe of hewe | |
1555 | As lyly whyte to loke vpon her [l]eyre leyre] heyre C, B |
Her eyen relucent as carbuncle so clere. | |
Her mouthe enbawmed dylectable and mery | |
Her lusty lyppes ruddy as the chery. | |
Howe lyke you / ye lacke syr suche a lusty lasse | |
1560 | ¶A that were a baby to brace and to basse |
ref.ed: 184 | |
I wolde I had by hym that hell dyd harowe | |
With me in kepynge suche a phylyp_sparowe | |
I wolde hauke whylest my hede dyd warke | |
So I myght hobby for suche a lusty larke | |
1565 | These wordes in myne eyre they be so lustely spoken |
That on suche a female my flesshe wolde be wroken | |
They towche me so thorowly and tykyll my consayte. | |
That weryed I wolde be on suche a bayte | |
A cockes armes where myght suche one be founde | |
1570 | ¶Wyll ye spende ony money |
¶Ye a thousande pounde | |
¶Nay nay for lesse I waraunt you to be sped | |
And brought home and layde in your bed | |
¶Wolde money trowest thou make suche one to the call | |
¶Money maketh marchauntes I tell you ouer all | |
1575 | ¶Why wyl a maystres be wonne for money and for golde |
¶Why was not for money troy bothe bought and solde | |
Full many a strong cyte and towne hath been wonne. | |
By the meanes of money without ony gonne. | |
A maystres I tell you is but a small thynge | |
1580 | A goodly rybon or a golde rynge |
May wynne with a sawte the fortresse of the holde | |
But one thynge I warne you prece forth and be bolde | |
¶Ye but some be full koy and passynge harde-harted. | |
¶But blessyd be our lorde they wyll be sone conuerted. | |
1585 | ¶Why wyll they then be intreted the most and the lest |
¶Ye for omnis mulier meritrix si celari potest | |
¶A I haue spyed ye can moche broken sorowe | |
¶I coude holde you with suche talke hens tyll to_morowe | |
ref.ed: 185 | |
But yf it lyke your grace more at large | |
1590 | Me to permyt my mynde to dyscharge |
sig: [E3] | |
I wolde yet shewe you further of my consayte | |
¶Let se what ye say shewe it strayte | |
¶Wysely let these wordes in your mynde be wayed | |
By waywarde wylfulnes let eche thynge be conuayed | |
1595 | What-so-euer ye do folowe your owne wyll |
Be it reason or none it shall not gretely skyll | |
Be it ryght or wronge by the aduyse of me | |
Take your pleasure and vse free lyberte | |
And yf you se ony-thynge agaynst your mynde | |
1600 | Then some [o]ccacyon or quarell ye must fynde occacyon] accacyon C |
And frowne it and face it as thoughe ye wolde fyght. | |
Frete yourselfe for anger and for dyspyte | |
Here no man what-so-euer they say | |
But do as ye lyst and take your owne way | |
1605 | ¶Thy wordes and my mynde odly well accorde. |
¶What sholde ye do elles are not you a lorde | |
Let your lust and lykynge stande for a lawe. | |
Be wrastynge and wrythynge and away drawe. | |
And ye se a man that with hym ye be not pleased | |
1610 | And that your mynde can not well be eased |
As yf a man fortune to touche you on the quyke | |
Then feyne yourselfe dyseased and make yourselfe seke | |
To styre vp your stomake you must you forge | |
Call for a ca[u]dell and cast vp your gorge, caudell] candell C, B | |
1615 | With cockes armes rest shall I none haue |
Tyll I be reuenged on that horson knaue. | |
A howe my stomake wambleth I am all in a swete | |
Is there no horson that knaue that wyll bete. | |
¶By cockes woundes a wonder felowe thou arte | |
1620 | For ofte-tymes suche a wamblynge goth ouer my harte |
Yet I am not harte-seke but that me lyst. | |
For myrth I haue hym coryed beten and blyst | |
Hym that I loued not and made hym to loute | |
I am forthwith as hole as a troute | |
1625 | For suche abusyon I vse nowe and than |
¶It is none abusyon syr in a noble man. | |
ref.ed: 186 | |
It is a pryncely pleasure and a lordly mynde. | |
Suche lustes at large may not be lefte behynde. | |
¶Stande styll here and ye shall se | |
1630 | That for your sake I wyll fall on my kne |
¶Syr sober_sadnesse cometh wherfore it be | |
¶Stand vp syr ye are welcom to me | |
¶Please it your grace at the contemplacyon | |
Of my pore instance and supplycacyon | |
sig: [E3v] | |
1635 | Tenderly to consyder in your aduertence. |
Of our blessyd lorde syr at the reuerence | |
Remembre the good seruyce that mesure hath you done | |
And that ye wyll not cast hym away so sone | |
¶My frende as touchynge to this your mocyon. | |
1640 | I may say to you I haue but small deuocyon |
Howe-be-it at yo[u]r instaunce I wyll the rather | |
Do as moche as for myne owne father | |
¶Nay syr that affeccyon ought to be reserued | |
For of your grace I haue it nought deserued | |
1645 | But yf it lyke you that I myght rowne in your eyre |
To shewe you my mynde I wolde haue the lesse fere | |
¶Stande a lytell abacke syr and let hym come hyder. | |
¶With a good wyll syr god spede you bothe togyder. | |
¶Syr so it is this man is here by. | |
1650 | That for hym to laboure he hath prayde me hartely. |
Notwithstan[d]ynge to you be it sayde Notwithstandynge] Notwithstanyynge C | |
To trust in me he is but dyssayued. | |
For so helpe me god for you he is not mete | |
I speke the softlyer because he sholde not wete | |
1655 | ¶Come hyder pleasure you shall here myne entent. |
Mesure ye knowe wel with hym I can not be content | |
And surely as I am nowe aduysed | |
I wyll haue hym rehayted and dyspysed | |
Howe say ye syrs herein what is best. | |
1660 | ¶By myne aduyse with you in fayth he shall not rest |
ref.ed: 187 | |
¶Yet syr reserued your better aduysement | |
It were better he spake with you or he wente | |
That he knowe not but that I haue supplyed. | |
All that I can his matter for to spede. | |
1665 | ¶Nowe by your trouthe gaue he you not a brybe |
¶Yes with his hande I made hym to subscrybe | |
A byll of recorde for an annuall rent | |
¶But for all that he is lyke to haue a glent. | |
¶Ye by my trouthe I shall waraunt you for me | |
1670 | And he go to the deu[y]ll so that I may haue my fee deuyll] deull C |
What care I | |
¶By the masse well sayd | |
¶What force ye so that [y]e be payde ye be] he be C, B | |
¶But yet lo I wolde or that he wente. | |
Lest that he thought that his money were euyll spente. | |
1675 | That he wolde loke on hym thoughe it were not longe. |
¶Well cannest thou helpe a preest to synge a songe | |
¶So it is all the maner nowe-a-dayes | |
For to vse suche haftynge and crafty wayes | |
¶He telleth you trouth syr as I you ensure | |
sig: [E4] | |
1680 | ¶Well for thy sake the better I may endure |
That he come hyder and to gyue hym a loke | |
That he shall lyke the worse all this woke | |
¶I care not howe sone he be refused | |
So that I may craftely be excused | |
1685 | ¶Where is he |
¶Mary I made hym abyde | |
Whylest I came to you a lytell here besyde | |
¶Well call hym and let vs here hym reason | |
And we wyll be comonynge in the mene season | |
¶This is a wyse man syr where-so-euer ye hym had. | |
1690 | ¶An honest person I tell you and a sad |
¶He can full craftely this matter brynge aboute | |
¶Whylest I haue hym I nede nothynge doute | |
aspectante] aspectant C, B | |
¶By the masse I haue done that I can | |
And more than euer I dyd for ony man | |
ref.ed: 188 | |
1695 | I trowe ye herde yourselfe what I sayd |
¶Nay in-dede but I sawe howe ye prayed | |
And made instance for me be lykelyhod | |
¶Nay I tell you I am not wonte to fode | |
Them that dare put theyr truste in me | |
1700 | And therof ye shall a larger profe se |
¶Syr god rewarde you as ye haue deserued | |
But thynke you with magnyfycence I shal be reserued | |
¶By my trouth I can not tell you that | |
But and I were as ye I wolde not set a gnat | |
1705 | By magnyfycence nor yet none of his |
For go when ye shall of you shall he mysse | |
¶Syr as ye say | |
¶Nay come on with me | |
Yet ones agayne I shall fall on my kne | |
For your sake what-so-euer befall | |
1710 | I set not a flye and all go to all |
¶The holy goost be with your grace | |
¶Syr I beseche you let pety haue some place | |
In your brest towardes this gentylman | |
¶I was your good lorde tyll that ye beganne | |
1715 | So masterfully vpon you for to take |
With my seruauntys and suche maystryes gan make | |
That holly my mynde with you is myscontente | |
Wherfore I wyll that ye be resydent | |
With me no longer | |
¶Say somwhat nowe let se / | |
1720 | For your-selfe lineation continuous with preceding line in C |
¶Syr yf I myght permytted be | |
sig: [E4v] | |
I wolde to you say a worde or twayne | |
¶What woldest thou lurden with me brawle agayne | |
Haue hym hens I say out of my syght | |
That day I se hym I shall be worse all nyght | |
1725 | ¶Hens thou haynyarde out of the dores fast |
¶Alas my stomake fareth as it wolde cast | |
ref.ed: 189 | |
¶Abyde syr abyde let me holde your hede | |
¶A bolle or a basyn I say for goddes brede | |
A my hede / but is the horson gone | |
1730 | God gyue hym a myscheffe / nay nowe let me alone. |
¶A good dryfte syr a praty fete | |
By the good lorde yet your temples bete | |
¶Nay so god me helpe it was no grete vexacyon | |
For I am panged ofte-tymes in this same facyon | |
1735 | ¶Cockes armes howe pleasure plucked hym forth |
¶Ye walke he must it was no better worth | |
¶Syr nowe me-thynke your harte is well eased | |
¶Nowe measure is gone I am the better pleased. | |
¶So to be ruled by measure it is a payne | |
1740 | ¶Mary I wene he wolde not be glad to come agayne. |
¶So I wote not what he sholde do here | |
Where mennes belyes is mesured there is no chere. | |
For I here but fewe men that gyue ony prayse | |
Unto measure I say nowe-a-days | |
1745 | ¶Measure tut / what the deuyll of hell |
Scantly one with measure that wyll dwell | |
¶Not amonge noble-men as the worlde gothe. | |
It is no wonder therfore thoughe ye be wrothe | |
With mesure where-as all noblenes is there I haue past | |
1750 | They catche that catche may / kepe and holde fast |
Out of all measure themselfe to enryche | |
No force what / thoughe his neyghbour dye in a dyche. | |
With pollynge and pluckynge out of all measure | |
Thus must ye stuffe and store your treasure | |
1755 | ¶Yet somtyme parde I must vse largesse |
¶Ye mary somtyme in a messe of vergesse | |
As in a tryfyll or in a thynge of nought | |
As gyuynge a thynge that ye neuer bought | |
It is the gyse nowe I say ouer all. | |
1760 | Largesse in wordes for rewardes are but small |
To make fayre promyse what are ye the worse | |
Let me haue the rule of your purse | |
¶I haue taken it to largesse and lyberte | |
¶Than is it done as it sholde be | |
1765 | But vse your largesse by the aduyse of me |
sig: F1 | |
ref.ed: 190 | |
And I shall waraunt you welth and lyberte. | |
¶Say on me-thynke your reasons be profounde. | |
¶Syr of my counsayle this shall be the grounde. | |
To chose out .ii. iii. of suche as you loue best | |
1770 | And let all your fansyes vpon them rest |
Spare for no cost to gyue them pounde and peny. | |
Better to make .iii. ryche than for to make many | |
Gyue them more than ynoughe and let them not lacke. | |
And as for all other let them trusse and packe. | |
1775 | Plucke from an hundred and gyue it to thre. |
Let neyther patent scape them nor fee | |
And where-soeuer you wyll fall to a rekenynge. | |
Those thre wyll be redy euen at your bekenynge | |
For the[m] shall you haue at lyberte to lowte them] then C, B | |
1780 | Let them haue all and the other go without |
Thus ioy without mesure you shall haue. | |
¶Thou sayst truthe by the harte that god me gaue | |
For as thou sayst ryght so shall it be. | |
And here I make the vpon lyberte | |
1785 | To be superuysour and on largesse also |
For as thou wylte so shall the game go | |
For in pleasure and surueyaunce and also in the. | |
I haue set my hole felycyte | |
And suche as you wyll shall lacke no promocyon | |
1790 | ¶Syr syth that in me ye haue suche deuocyon |
Commyttynge to me and to my felowes twayne | |
Your welthe and felycyte I trust we shall optayne | |
To do you seruyce after your appetyte | |
¶In faythe and your seruyce ryght well shall I acquyte. | |
1795 | And therfore hye you hens and take this ouer_syght. |
¶Nowe Iesu preserue you syr / prynce most of myght. | |
¶Thus I say I am enuyronned with solace | |
I drede no dyntes of fatall desteny | |
Well were that lady myght stande in my grace. | |
1800 | Me to enbrace / and loue moost specyally |
A lorde so I wolde halse her hartely | |
So I wolde clepe her so I wolde kys her swete | |
ref.ed: 191 | |
¶Mary cryst graunt ye catche no colde on your fete | |
¶Who is this. | |
¶Consayte syr your owne man. | |
1805 | ¶What tydynges with you syr / I befole thy brayne-pan |
¶By our lakyn syr I haue ben a_h[a]wkyng for the wylde swan. hawkyng] howkyng C | |
My hawke is rammysshe and it happed that she ran. | |
sig: [F1v] | |
Flewe I sholde say in-to an olde barne. | |
To reche at a rat I coude not her warne. | |
1810 | She pynched her pynyon by god and catched harme. |
It was a ronner / nay fole I warant her blode warme | |
¶A syr thy Iarfawcon and thou be hanged togyder. | |
¶And syr as I was comynge to you hyder | |
I saw a foxe sucke on a kowes ydder | |
1815 | And with a lyme-rodde I toke them bothe togyder |
I trowe it be a frost for the way is slydder | |
Se for god auowe for colde as I chydder | |
¶Thy wordes hange togyder as fethers in the wynde | |
¶A syr tolde I not you howe I dyd fynde | |
1820 | A knaue and a carle and all of one kynde. |
I sawe a wether-cocke wagge with the wynde | |
Grete meruayle I had and mused in my mynde | |
The houndes ranne before and the hare behynde | |
I sawe a losell lede a lurden and they were bothe blynde. | |
1825 | I sawe a sowter go to supper or euer he had dynde. |
¶By cockes harte thou arte a fyne mery knaue. | |
¶I make god auowe ye wyll none other men haue. | |
¶What sayst thou. | |
¶Mary I pray god your mastershyp to saue | |
I shall gyue you a gaude of a goslynge that I gaue | |
1830 | The gander and the gose bothe grasynge on one graue. |
ref.ed: 192 | |
Than rowlande the reue ran / and I began to raue. | |
And with a brystell of a bore / his berde dyd I shaue | |
¶If euer I herde syke another / god gyue me shame. | |
¶Sym_sadylgose was my syer and dawcocke my dame | |
1835 | I coude and I lyst garre you laughe at a game |
Howe a wodcocke wrastled with a larke that was lame. | |
The bytter sayd boldly that they were to blame | |
The feldfare wolde haue fydled and it wolde not frame. | |
The crane and the curlewe therat gan to grame. | |
1840 | The snyte snyueled in the snowte / and smyled at the game. |
¶Cockes bones herde ye euer suche another | |
¶Se syr I beseche you largesse my brother | |
¶What tydynges with you syr that you loke so sad | |
¶When ye knowe that I knowe ye wyll not be glad. | |
1845 | ¶What brother braynsyke how farest thou. |
¶Ye let be thy Iapes and tell me howe | |
The case requyreth. | |
¶Alasse alasse an heuy metynge | |
I wolde tell you and yf I myght for wepynge. | |
¶What is all your myrthe nowe tourned to sorowe | |
1850 | Fare-well tyll sone / adue tyll to_morowe |
sig: F2 | |
¶I pray the largesse let be thy sobbynge | |
¶Alasse syr ye are vndone with stelyng and robbynge | |
Ye sent vs a superuysour for to take hede | |
Take hede of your-selfe for nowe ye haue nede | |
1855 | ¶What hath sadnesse begyled me so |
¶Nay madnesse hath begyled you and many mo | |
For lyberte is gone and also felycyte | |
¶Gone / alasse ye haue vndone me | |
¶Nay he that ye sent vs clokyd_colusyon | |
1860 | And your payntyd pleasure courtly_abusyon |
And your demenour with counterfet_countenaunce | |
And your su[ruay]our crafty_conueyaunce suruayour] superuysour C, B | |
ref.ed: 193 | |
Or euer we were ware brought vs in aduersyte | |
And had robbyd you quyte from all felycyte | |
1865 | ¶Why is this the largesse that I haue vsyd |
¶Nay it was your fondnesse that ye haue vsyd | |
¶And is this the credence that I gaue to the letter | |
¶Why coulde not your wyt serue you no better | |
¶Why who wolde haue thought in you suche gyle | |
1870 | ¶What yes by the rode syr it was I all this whyle |
That you trustyd and fansy is my name | |
And foly my broder that made you moche game | |
¶Alas who is yonder / that grymly lokys | |
¶Adewe for I wyll not come in his clokys | |
1875 | ¶Lorde so my flesshe trymblyth nowe for drede |
¶I am aduersyte that for thy mysdede | |
From god am sent to quyte the thy mede | |
Vyle velyarde thou must not nowe my dynt withstande | |
Thou mayst not abyde the dynt of my hande | |
1880 | Ly there losell for all thy pompe and pryde |
Thy pleasure now with payne and trouble shalbe tryde. | |
The stroke of god / aduersyte I hyght | |
I plucke downe kynge prynce lorde and knyght | |
I rushe at them rughly and make them ly full lowe | |
1885 | And in theyr moste truste I make them ouerthrowe |
Thys losyll was a lorde and lyuyd at his lust | |
And nowe lyke a lurden he lyeth in the dust | |
He knewe not hymselfe his harte was so hye | |
Nowe is there no man that wyll set by hym a flye | |
1890 | He was wonte to boste brage and to brace |
sig: [F2v] | |
Nowe dare he not for shame loke one in the face | |
All worldly welth for hym to lytell was | |
Nowe hath he ryght nought / naked as an asse | |
Somtyme without measure / he trusted in golde | |
1895 | And now without mesure / he shal haue hunger and colde. |
ref.ed: 194 | |
Lo syrs / thus I handell them all. | |
That folowe theyr fansyes / in foly to fall | |
Man or woman of what estate they be | |
I counsayle them beware of aduersyte | |
1900 | Of sorowfull seruauntes I haue many scores |
I vysyte them somtyme with blaynes and with sores | |
With botches and carbuckyls in care I them knyt | |
With the gowte I make them to grone where they syt. | |
Some I make lyppers and lazars full horse. | |
1905 | And from that they loue best some I deuorse. |
Some with the marmoll to halte I them make. | |
And some to cry out of the bone-ake | |
And some I vysyte with brennynge of fyre | |
Of some I wrynge of the necke lyke a wyre | |
1910 | And some I make in a rope to totter and walter. |
And some for to hange themselfe in an halter | |
And some I vysyte [with] batayle warre and murther with] to C, B | |
And make eche man to sle other | |
To drowne or to sle themselfe with a knyfe | |
1915 | An all is for theyr vngracyous lyfe |
Yet sometyme I stryke where is none offence | |
Bycause I wolde proue men of theyr pacyence | |
But nowe-a-dayes to stryke I haue grete cause | |
Lydderyns so lytell set by goddes lawes goddes] godddes C, B | |
1920 | Faders and moders that be neclygent |
And suffre theyr chyldren to haue theyr entent | |
To gyde them vertuously that wyll not remembre | |
Them or theyr chyldren ofte-tymes I dysmembre | |
Theyr chyldren bycause that they haue no mekenesse | |
1925 | I vysyte theyr faders and moders with sekenesse. |
And yf I se therby they wyll not amende | |
Then myschefe sodaynly I them sende | |
For there is nothynge that more dyspleaseth god | |
Than from theyr chyldren to spare the rod | |
1930 | Of correccyon / but let them haue theyr wyll |
Some I make lame / and some I do kyll | |
And s[o]me I stryke with a franesy some] syme C, B | |
Of some of theyr chyldren I stryke out the eye. | |
ref.ed: 195 | |
And where the fader by wysdom worshyp hath wonne | |
1935 | I sende ofte-tymes a fole to his sonne. |
Wherfore of aduersyte loke ye be ware. | |
sig: F3 | |
For when I come comyth sorowe and care. | |
For I stryke lordys of realmes and landys | |
That rule not by mesure that they haue in theyr handys | |
1940 | That sadly rule not theyr howsholde men |
I am goddys preposytour I prynt them with a pen | |
Because of theyr neglygence and of theyr wanton vagys | |
I vysyte them and stryke them with many sore plagys | |
To take syrs example of that I you tell | |
1945 | And beware of aduersyte by my counsell |
Take hede of this caytyfe that lyeth here on grounde | |
Beholde howe fortune o[n] hym hath frounde on] of C, B | |
For though we shewe you this in game and play | |
Yet it proueth eyrnest ye may se euery day | |
1950 | For nowe wyll I from this caytyfe go |
And take myscheffe and vengeaunce of other mo | |
That hath deseruyd it as well as he | |
Howe / where art thou come hether pouerte | |
Take this caytyfe to thy lore | |
1955 | ¶A my bonys ake my lymmys be sore |
Alasse I haue the cyatyca full euyll in my hyppe | |
Alasse where is youth that was wont for to skyppe | |
I am lowsy and vnlykynge and full of scurffe | |
My colour is tawny colouryd as a turffe | |
1960 | I am pouerte that all men doth hate |
I am baytyd with doggys at euery mannys gate | |
I am raggyd and rent as ye may se | |
Full fewe but they haue enuy at me | |
Nowe must I this carcasse lyft vp | |
1965 | He dynyd with delyte with pouerte he must sup |
Ryse vp syr and welcom vnto me | |
ref.ed: 196 | |
¶Alasse where is nowe my golde and fe | |
Alasse I say where-to am I brought | |
Alasse alasse alasse I dye for thought | |
1970 | ¶Syr all this wolde haue bene thought on before |
He woteth not what welth is that neuer was sore | |
¶Fy fy that euer I sholde be brought in this snare | |
I wenyd ones neuer to haue knowen of care | |
¶Lo suche is this worlde I fynde it wryt | |
1975 | In welth to beware and that is wyt |
¶In welth to beware yf I had had grace | |
Neuer had I bene brought in this case | |
¶Nowe syth it wyll no nother be | |
sig: F3v] | |
All that god sendeth take it in gre | |
1980 | For thoughe you were somtyme a noble estate |
Nowe must you lerne to begge at e[u]ery mannes gate. | |
¶Alasse that euer I sholde be so shamed | |
Alasse that euer I Magnyfycence was named | |
Alasse that euer I was so harde happed | |
1985 | In mysery and wretchydnesse thus to be lapped |
Alasse that I coude not myselfe no better gyde | |
Alasse in my cradell that I had not dyde. | |
¶Ye syr ye / leue all this rage | |
And pray to god your sorowes to asswage | |
1990 | It is foly to grudge agaynst his vysytacyon. |
With harte contryte make your supplycacyon. | |
Unto your maker that made bothe you and me | |
And whan it pleaseth god better may be | |
¶Alasse I wote not what I sholde pray. | |
1995 | ¶Rem[e]mbre you better syr beware what ye say Remembre] Remmbre C |
For drede ye dysplease the hygh deyte | |
Put your wyll to his wyll for surely it is he | |
That may restore you agayne to felycyte | |
And brynge you agayne out of aduersyte. | |
2000 | Therfore pouerte loke pacyently ye take. |
And remembre he suffered moche more for your sake. | |
Howe-be-it of all synne he was innocent | |
And ye haue deserued this punysshment | |
ref.ed: 197 | |
¶Alasse with colde my lymmes shall be marde | |
2005 | ¶Ye syr nowe must ye lerne to lye harde. |
That was wonte to lye on fetherbeddes of downe | |
Nowe must your fete lye hyer than your crowne. | |
Where you were wonte to haue cawdels for your hede | |
Nowe must you monche mamockes and lumpes of brede. | |
2010 | And where you had chaunges of ryche aray. |
Nowe lap you in a couerlet full fayne that you may. | |
And where that ye were pomped with what that ye wolde | |
Nowe must ye suffre bothe hunger and colde. | |
With curteyns of sylke ye were wonte to be drawe curteyns of sylke] courtely sylkes B | |
2015 | Nowe must ye lerne to lye on the strawe |
Your skynne that was wrapped in shertes of raynes | |
Nowe must ye be storm-ybeten with showres and raynes. storm-ybeten] stormy beten C | |
Your hede that was wonte to be happed moost drowpy and drowsy. | |
Now shal ye be scabbed scuruy and lowsy. | |
2020 | ¶Fye on this worlde full of trechery. |
That euer noblenesse sholde lyue thus wretchydly. | |
¶Syr remembre the tourne of fortunes whele | |
That wantonly can wynke and wynche with her hele | |
Nowe she wyll laughe / forthwith she wyll frowne | |
sig: [F4] | |
2025 | Sodenly set vp and sodenly pluckyd downe |
She dawnsyth varyaunce with mutabylyte | |
Nowe all in welth forthwith in pouerte | |
In her promyse there is no sykernesse | |
All her delyte is set in doublenesse | |
2030 | ¶Alas of fortune I may well complayne |
¶Ye syr yesterday wyll not be callyd agayne | |
But yet syr nowe in this case | |
Take it mekely and thanke god of his grace | |
For nowe go I wyll begge for you some mete | |
2035 | It is foly agaynst god for to plete |
I wyll walke nowe with my beggers-baggys | |
And happe you the whyles with these homly raggys | |
Discedendo] Difidendo C, B | |
ref.ed: 198 | |
A howe my lymmys be lyther and lame | |
Better it is to begge than to be hangyd with shame | |
2040 | Yet many had leuer hangyd to be |
Then for to begge theyr mete for charyte | |
They thynke it no shame to robbe and stele | |
Yet were they better to begge a great dele | |
For by robbynge they rynne to / in manus tuas quecke | |
2045 | But beggynge is better medecyne for the necke |
Ye mary is it / ye so mote I goo | |
A lorde god howe the gowte wryngeth me by the too | |
¶O feble fortune / o doulfull destyny | |
O hatefull happe / o carefull cruelte | |
2050 | O syghynge sorowe / o thoughtfull mysere |
O rydlesse rewthe / o paynfull pouerte | |
O dolorous herte / o harde aduersyte | |
O odyous dystresse / o dedly payne and woo | |
For worldly shame / I wax bothe wanne and bloo | |
2055 | Where is nowe my welth / and my noble estate |
Where is nowe my treasure my landes and my rent | |
Where is nowe all my seruauntys that I had here a_late | |
Where is nowe my golde vpon them that I spent | |
Where is nowe all my ryche abylement | |
2060 | Where is nowe my kynne my frendys and my noble blood |
Where is nowe all my pleasure and my worldly good | |
Alasse my foly / alasse my wanton wyll | |
I may no more speke / tyll I haue wept my fyll | |
¶With ye mary syrs thus sholde it be | |
2065 | I kyst her swete / and she kyssyd me |
I daunsed the darlynge on my kne | |
I garde her gaspe / I garde her gle | |
sig: [F4v] | |
With daunce on the le the le | |
I bassed that baby with harte so free | |
ref.ed: 199 | |
2070 | She is the bote of all my bale |
A / so that syghe was farre-fet | |
To loue that louesome I wyll not let | |
My harte is holly on her set | |
I plucked her by the patlet | |
2075 | At my deuyse I with her met |
My fansy fayrly on her I set | |
So merely syngeth the nyghtyngale. | |
In lust and lykynge my name is lyberte | |
I am desyred with hyghest and lowest degre | |
2080 | I lyue as me lyst I lepe out at large |
Of erthely thynge I haue no care nor charge | |
I am presydent of prynces I prycke them with pryde. | |
What is he lyuynge that lyberte wolde lacke. | |
A thousande pounde with lyberte may holde no tacke. | |
2085 | At lyberte a man may be bolde for to brake |
Welthe without lyberte gothe all to wrake. | |
But yet syrs hardely one thynge lerne of me | |
I warne you beware of to moche lyberte | |
For totum in toto is not worth an hawe | |
2090 | To hardy or to moche to free of the dawe |
To sober to sad to subtell to wyse. | |
To mery to mad to gyglynge to nyse | |
To full of fansyes to lordly to prowde | |
To homly to holy to lewde and to lowde | |
2095 | To flatterynge to smatterynge to to out of harre |
To claterynge to chaterynge to shorte and to farre | |
To Iettynge to Iaggynge and to full of Iapes. | |
To mockynge to mowynge to lyke a Iackenapes. | |
Thus totum in toto groweth vp as ye may se | |
2100 | By meanes of madnesse and to moche lyberte |
For I am a vertue yf I be well vsed | |
And I am a vyce where I am abused. | |
¶A woo worthe the lyberte nowe thou sayst full trewe | |
That I vsed the to moche sore may I rewe | |
2105 | ¶What a very vengeaunce I say / who is that |
What brothell I say is yonder bounde in a mat | |
ref.ed: 200 | |
¶I am Magnyfycence that somtyme thy mayster was | |
¶What is the worlde thus come to passe. | |
Cockes armes syrs wyll ye not se | |
2110 | Howe he is vndone by the meanes of me |
For yf measure had ruled lyberte as he began | |
This lurden that here lyeth had ben a noble man. | |
But he abused so his free lyberte | |
sig: G1 | |
That nowe he hath loste all his felycyte | |
2115 | Not thorowe largesse of lyberall expence |
But by the way of fansy insolence | |
For lyberalyte is most conuenyent | |
A prynce to vse with all his hole intent | |
Largely rewardynge them that haue deseruyd | |
2120 | And so shall a noble man nobly be seruyd |
But nowe-adayes as huksters they hucke and they stycke | |
And pynche at the payment of a poddynge-prycke | |
A laudable largesse I tell you for a lorde | |
To prate for the patchynge of a pot-sharde | |
2125 | Spare for the spence of a noble that his honour myght saue |
And spende .C. s. for the pleasure of a knaue | |
But so longe they rekyn with theyr reasons amysse they] theyr C, B | |
That they lose theyr lyberte and all that there is | |
¶Alasse that euer I occupyed suche abusyon | |
2130 | ¶Ye for nowe it hath brought the to confusyon |
For where I am occupyed and vsyd wylfully | |
It can not contynew longe prosperyously | |
As euydently in retchlesse youth ye may se | |
Howe many come to myschefe for to moche lyberte | |
2135 | And some in the worlde theyr brayne is so ydyll |
That they set theyr chyldren to rynne on the brydyll | |
In youth to be wanton and let them haue theyr wyll | |
and they neuer thryue in theyr age it shall not gretly skyll | |
Some fall to foly them-selfe for to spyll | |
2140 | And some fall prechynge at the toure_hyll |
Some hath so moche lyberte of one thynge and other | |
That nother they set by father and mother | |
Some haue so moche lyberte that they fere no synne | |
ref.ed: 201 | |
Tyll as ye se many tymes they shame all theyr kynne | |
2145 | I am so lusty to loke on so freshe and so fre |
That nonnes wyll leue theyr holynes and ryn after me | |
Freers with foly I make them so fayne | |
They cast vp theyr obedyence to cache me agayne | |
At lyberte to wander and walke ouer all | |
2150 | That lustely they lepe somtyme theyr cloyster wall |
Yonder is a horson for me doth rechate | |
A_dewe syrs for I thynke leyst that I come to late | |
¶O good lorde howe longe shall I indure | |
This mysery / this carefull wrechydnesse | |
2155 | Of worldly welthe alasse who can be sure |
In fortunys frendshyppe there is no stedfastnesse | |
She hath dyssayuyd me with her doublenesse | |
sig: [G1v] | |
For to be wyse all men may lerne of me. | |
In welthe to beware of herde aduersyte | |
2160 | ¶Ha ha ha for laughter I am lyke to brast |
¶Ha ha ha for sporte I am lyke to spewe and cast | |
¶What hast thou gotted in faythe to thy share | |
¶In faythe of his cofers the bottoms are bare | |
¶As for his plate of syluer and suche trasshe | |
2165 | I waraunt you I haue gyuen it a lasshe |
¶What / then he may drynke out of a stone cruyse. | |
¶With ye syr by Iesu that slayne was with Iewes | |
He may rynse a pycher for his plate is to wed | |
¶In faythe and he may dreme | |
2170 | On a dagge-swane for ony fether-bed. |
¶By my trouthe we haue ryfled hym metely well. | |
¶Ye but thanke me therof euery dele | |
¶Thanke the therof in the deuyls date | |
¶Leue thy pratynge or els I shall lay the on the pate. | |
2175 | ¶Nay to wrangle I warant the it is but a stone-caste |
¶By the messe I shall cleue thy heed to the waste | |
ref.ed: 202 | |
¶Ye wylte thou clenly cle[u]e me in the clyfte with thy nose - cleue] clene C, B | |
¶I shall thrust in the my dagger | |
¶Thorowe the legge in-to the hose | |
2180 | ¶Nay horson here is my gloue take it vp and thou dare. |
¶Torde thou arte good to be a man of warre. | |
¶I shall skelpe the on the skalpe / lo seest thou that. | |
¶What wylte thou skelpe me thou dare not loke on a gnat | |
¶By cockes bones I shall blysse the and thou be to bolde. | |
2185 | ¶Nay then thou wylte dynge the deuyll and thou be not holde |
¶But wottest thou horson I rede the to be wyse | |
¶Nowe I rede the beware / I haue warned the twyse | |
¶Why wenest thou that I forbere the for thyne owne sake | |
¶Peas or I shall wrynge thy be in a brake | |
2190 | ¶Holde thy hande dawe of thy dagger and stynt of thy dyn |
Or I shal fawchyn thy flesshe and scrape the on the skyn | |
¶Ye wylte thou hangman I say thou cauell | |
¶Nay thou rude rauener rayne-beten Iauell | |
¶What thou colyn_cowarde knowen and tryde | |
2195 | ¶Nay thou false-harted dastarde thou dare not abyde. |
¶And yf there were none to dysplease but thou and I | |
Thou sholde not scape horson but thou sholde dye. | |
¶Nay iche shall wrynge the horson on the wryst. | |
¶Mary I defye thy best and thy worst | |
sig: G2 | |
2200 | What a very vengeaunce nede all these wordys attrib. in C, B to Crafty Conveyance |
Go together by the heddys and gyue me your swordys | |
2200 | ¶So he is the worste brawler that euer was borne |
¶In fayth so to suffer the it is but a skorne | |
¶Now let vs be all one and let vs lyue in rest | |
For we be syrs but a fewe of the best | |
¶By the masse man thou shall fynde me resonable | |
ref.ed: 203 | |
2205 | ¶In faythe and I wyll be to reason agreable |
¶Then truste I to god and the holy rode. | |
Here shalbe not great sheddynge of blode | |
¶By our lakyn syr not by my wyll. | |
¶By the fayth that I owe to god and I wyll syt styll | |
2210 | ¶Well sayd / but in fayth what was your quarell |
¶Mary syr this gentylman caled me Iauell | |
¶Nay by saynt Mary it was ye called me knaue. | |
¶Mary so vngoodly langage you me gaue | |
¶A shall we haue more of this maters yet | |
2215 | Me-thynke ye are not gretly acomberyd wyth wyt |
¶Goddys fote I warant you I am a gentylman borne | |
And thus to be facyd I thynke it great skorne | |
¶I can not well tell of your dysposycyons | |
And ye be a gentylman ye haue knauys condycyons | |
2220 | ¶By god I tell you I wyll not be out_facyd |
¶By the masse I warant the I wyll not be bracyd | |
¶Tushe tushe it is a great defaute. | |
The one of you is to proude / the other is to haute | |
Tell me brefly where-vpon ye began | |
2225 | ¶Mary syr he sayd that he was the pratyer man |
Then I was in opynynge of lockys | |
And I tell you I dysdayne moche of his mockys | |
¶Thou sawe neuer yet but I dyd my parte | |
The locke of a caskyt to make to starte | |
2230 | ¶Nay I know well Inough ye are bothe well-handyd |
To grope a gardeuyaunce though it be well bandyd | |
¶I am the better yet in a bowget | |
¶And I the better in a male | |
¶Tushe these maters that ye moue are but soppys in ale | |
Your trymynge and tramynge by me must be tangyd | |
2235 | For had I not bene ye bothe had bene hangyd |
When we with magnyfycence goodys made cheuysaunce | |
¶And therfore our lorde sende you a very wengaunce | |
¶What begger art thou that thus doth banne and wary | |
¶Ye be the theuys I say / away my goodys dyd cary | |
2240 | ¶Cockys bonys thou begger what is thy name |
ref.ed: 204 | |
¶Magnyfycence I was whom ye haue brought to shame | |
sig: [G2v] | |
¶Ye but trowe you syrs that this is he | |
¶Go we nere and let vs se | |
¶By cockys bonys it is the same | |
2245 | ¶Alasse alasse syrs ye are to blame |
I was your mayster though ye thynke it skorne | |
And nowe on me ye gaure and sporne | |
¶Ly styll ly styll nowe with yll hayle | |
¶Ye for thy langage can not the auayle | |
2250 | ¶Abyde syr abyde I shall make hym to pysse |
¶Nowe gyue me somwhat for god sake I craue | |
¶In faythe I gyue the four quarters of a knaue | |
¶In faythe and I bequethe hym the tothe-ake | |
¶And I bequethe hym the bone-ake | |
2255 | ¶And I bequethe hym the gowte and the gyn |
¶And I bequethe hym sorowe for his syn | |
¶And I gyue hym crystys curse / C lineates with following line | |
Wt neuer a peny in his purse | |
¶And I gyue hym the cowghe the murre and the pose | |
2260 | ¶Ye for requiem eternam groweth forth of his nose |
But nowe let vs make mery and good chere | |
¶And to the tauerne let vs drawe nere | |
¶And from thens to the halfe strete | |
To get vs there some freshe mete | |
2265 | ¶Why is there any store of rawe motton |
¶Ye in faythe or ellys thou arte to great a glotton | |
¶But they say it is a queysy mete | |
It wyll stryke a man myscheuously in a hete | |
¶In fay man some rybbys of the motton be so ranke | |
2270 | That they wyll fyre one vngracyously in the flanke |
¶Ye and when ye come out of the shoppe | |
Ye shall be clappyd with a coloppe clappyd] clapppyd C | |
That wyll make you to halt and to hoppe | |
¶Som be wrestyd there that they thynke on it f[or]ty dayes forty] froty C | |
2275 | For there be horys there at all assayes |
¶For the passyon of god let vs go thyther | |
ref.ed: 205 | |
¶Alas myn owne seruauntys to shew me such reproche | |
Thus to rebuke me and haue me in dyspyght | |
So shamfully to me theyr mayster to aproche | |
2280 | That somtyme was a noble prynce of myght |
Alasse To lyue longer I haue no delyght | |
For to lyue in mysery it is herder than dethe | |
I am wery of the worlde / for vnkyndnesse me sleeth | |
¶Dyspare is my name that aduersyte dothe f[o]lowe folowe] felowe C, B, Daligned with previous line | |
sig: G3 | |
2285 | In tyme of dystresse I am redy at hande |
I make heuy hertys with eyen full holowe | |
Of faruent charyte I quenche out the bronde | |
Faythe and good hope I make asyde to stonde | |
In goddys mercy I tell them is but foly to truste | |
2290 | All grace and pyte I lay in the duste |
What lyest thou there lyngrynge lewdly and lothsome | |
It is to late nowe thy synnys to repent | |
Yu hast bene so waywarde so wranglyng and so wrothsome | |
And so fer thou arte behynde of thy rent | |
2295 | And so vngracyously thy dayes thou hast spent |
That thou arte not worthy to loke god in the face | |
¶Nay nay man I loke neuer to haue parte of his grace | |
For I haue so vngracyously my lyfe mysusyd | |
Though I aske mercy I must nedys be refusyd | |
2300 | ¶No no for thy synnys be so excedynge farre |
So innumerable and so full of dyspyte | |
And agayne thy maker thou hast made suche warre | |
That thou canst not haue neuer mercy in his syght | |
¶Alasse my wyckydnesse that may I wyte | |
2305 | But nowe I se well there is no better rede |
But sygh and sorowe and wysshe my-selfe dede | |
¶Ye ryd thy-selfe rather than this lyfe for to lede | |
The worlde waxyth wery of the / thou lyuest to longe | |
¶And I myschefe am comyn at nede | |
2310 | Out of thy lyfe the for to lede |
ref.ed: 206 | |
And loke that it be not longe | |
Or that thy-selfe thou go honge | |
With this halter good and stronge | |
Or ellys with this knyfe cut out a tonge | |
2315 | Of thy throte-bole and ryd the out of payne |
Thou arte not the fyrst hymselfe hath slayne | |
Lo here is thy knyfe and a halter and or we go ferther | |
Spare not thy-selfe but boldly the murder | |
¶Ye haue done at ones without delay | |
2320 | ¶Shall I my-selfe hange with an halter? nay |
Nay rather wyll I chose to ryd me of this lyue | |
In styckynge my-selfe with this fayre knyfe | |
Alarum alarum to longe we abyde attrib. in C, B, D to Magnificence | |
sig: [G3v] | |
¶Out harowe hyll burneth where shall I me hyde. | |
gladium] gladio C, B, D | |
2325 | ¶Alas dere sone sore combred is thy mynde |
Thyselfe that thou wolde sloo agaynst nature and kynde. | |
¶A blessyd may ye be syr / what shall I you call | |
¶Good_hope syr my name is remedy pryncypall | |
Agaynst all [s]autes of your goostly foo sautes] fautes C, B, D | |
2330 | Who knoweth me / hymselfe may neuer sloo |
¶Alas syr so I am lapped in aduersyte | |
That dyspayre well nyghe had myscheued me | |
For had ye not the soner ben my refuge | |
Of dampnacyon I had ben drawen in the luge. | |
2335 | ¶Undoubted ye had lost yourselfe eternally |
There is no man may synne more mortally. | |
Than of wanhope thrughe the vnhappy wayes | |
By myschefe to breuyate and shorten his dayes | |
But my good sonne lerne from dyspayre to flee. | |
2340 | Wynde you from wanhope and aquaynte you with me. |
A grete mysaduenture thy maker to dysplease | |
Thyselfe myscheuynge to thyne endlesse dysease | |
ref.ed: 207 | |
There was neuer so harde a storme of mysery. | |
But thrughe good hope there may come remedy | |
2345 | ¶Your wordes be more sweter than ony precyous narde |
They molefy so easely my harte that was so harde. | |
There is no bawme ne gumme of arabe | |
More delectable than your langage to me | |
¶Syr your fesycyan is the grace of god | |
2350 | That you hath punysshed with his sharpe rod. |
Good_hope your potecary assygned am I | |
That goddes grace hath vexed you sharply | |
And payned you with a purgacyon of odyous pouerte | |
Myxed with bytter alowes of herde aduersyte | |
2355 | Nowe must I make you a lectuary softe. |
I to mynyster it / you to receyue it ofte. | |
With rubarbe of repentaunce in you for to rest. | |
With drammes of deuocyon your dyet must be drest | |
With gommes goostly of glad herte and mynde. | |
2360 | To thanke god of his sonde and comforte ye shal fynde. |
Put fro you presumpcyon and admyt humylyte | |
And hartely thanke god of your aduersyte | |
And loue that lorde that for your loue was dede. | |
Wounded from the fote to the crowne of the hede | |
sig: [G4] | |
2365 | For who loueth god can ayle nothynge but good |
He may helpe you / he may mende your mode | |
Prosperyte [by] hym is gyuen solacyusly to man by] to C, B | |
Aduersyte to hym therwith nowe and than | |
Helthe of body his besynesse to acheue | |
2370 | Dysease and sekenesse his conscyence to dyscryue |
Afflyccyon and trouble to proue his pacyence | |
Contradyccyon to proue his sapyence | |
Grace of assystence his measure to declare | |
Somtyme to fall another tyme to beware | |
2375 | And nowe ye haue had syr a wonderous fall |
To lerne you hereafter for to beware withall | |
Howe say you syr can ye these wordys grope. | |
¶Ye syr now am I armyd with good hope | |
And sore I repent me of my wylfulnesse | |
2380 | I aske god mercy of my neglyge[sse] neglygesse] neglygence C, B |
ref.ed: 208 | |
Under good hope endurynge euer styll | |
Me humbly commyttynge vnto goddys wyll | |
¶Then shall you be sone delyuered from dystresse | |
For nowe I se comynge to youwarde redresse | |
2385 | ¶Cryst be amonge you and the holy goste |
¶He be your conducte the lorde of myghtys moste | |
¶Syr is your pacyent any-thynge amendyd | |
¶Ye syr he is sory for that he hath offendyd | |
¶How fele you your-selfe my frend how is your mynde | |
2390 | ¶A wrechyd man syr to my maker vnkynde |
¶Ye but haue ye repentyd you with harte contryte | |
¶Syr the repentaunce I haue no man can wryte | |
¶And haue ye banyshed from you all dyspare | |
¶Ye holly to good hope I haue made my repare | |
2395 | ¶Questyonlesse he doth me assure |
In good hope alway for to indure | |
¶Than stande vp syr in goddys name | |
And I truste to ratyfye and amende your fame. | |
Good_hope I pray you with harty affeccyon | |
2400 | To sende ouer to me sad_cyrcumspeccyon |
¶Syr your requeste shall not be delayed. | |
¶Now surely magnyfycence I am ryght well apayed | |
Of that I se you nowe in the state of grace | |
Nowe shall ye be renewyd with solace | |
2405 | Take nowe vpon you this abylyment |
And to that I say gyue good aduysement | |
¶To your requeste I shall be confyrmable | |
sig: [G4v] | |
¶Fyrst I saye with mynde fyrme and stable. direction absent in C, B | |
Determyne to amende all your wanton excesse | |
2410 | And be ruled by me whiche am called redresse |
Redresse my name is that lytell am I vsed. | |
As the worlde requyreth but rather I am refused. | |
Redresse sholde be at the rekenynge in euery accompte | |
And specyally to redresse that were out of ioynte. | |
ref.ed: 209 | |
2415 | Full many thynges there be that lacketh redresse |
The whiche were to longe nowe to expresse | |
But redresse is redlesse and may do no correccyon | |
Nowe welcome forsoth sad_cyrcumspeccyon. | |
¶Syr after your message I hyed me hyder streyght. | |
2420 | For to vnderstande your pleasure and also your mynde |
¶Syr to accompte you the contynewe of my consayte. | |
Is from aduersyte Magnyfycence to vnbynde | |
¶How fortuned you magnyfycence so far to fal behynde | |
¶Syr the longe absence of you sad_cyrcumspeccyon | |
2425 | Caused me of aduersyte to fall in subieccyon. |
¶All that he sayth of trouthe dothe procede | |
For where sad cyrcumspeccyon is longe out of the way | |
Of aduersyte it is to stande in drede. | |
¶Without fayle syr that is no nay. | |
2430 | Cyrcumspeccyon inhateth all rennynge a_stray |
But syr by me to rule fyrst ye began | |
¶My wylfulnesse syr excuse I ne can | |
¶Then ye [of foly in tymes past you repent] of foly in tymes past you repent] repent you of foly in tymes past C, B | |
¶Sothely to repent me I haue grete cause | |
2435 | Howe-be-it from you I receyued a letter [sent] sent] C, B omit |
Whiche conteyned in it a specyall clause. | |
That I sholde vse largesse | |
¶Nay syr there a pause | |
¶Yet let vs se this matter thorowly ingrosed | |
¶Syr this letter ye sent to me at pountes was enclosed | |
2440 | ¶Who brought you that letter / wote ye what he hyght. |
¶Largesse syr by his credence was his name | |
¶This letter ye speke of neuer dyd I wryte | |
¶To gyue so hasty credence ye were moche to blame | |
¶Truth it is syr / for after he wrought me moch shame | |
2445 | And caused me also to vse to moche lyberte |
And made also mesure to be put fro me. | |
ref.ed: 210 | |
¶Then welthe with you myght in no wyse abyde | |
¶A ha fansy and foly met with you I trowe | |
¶It wolde be founde so yf it were well tryde | |
sig: H1 | |
2450 | ¶Surely my welthe with them was ouer-throw |
¶Remembre you therfore howe late ye were low | |
¶Ye and beware of vnhappy abusyon | |
¶And kepe you from counterfaytynge of clokyd colusyon | |
¶Syr in good hope I am to amende | |
2455 | ¶Use not then your countenaunce for to counterfet |
¶And from crafters and hafters I you forfende | |
¶Well syr after your counsell my mynde I wyll set | |
¶What brother perceueraunce surely well met | |
¶Ye com hether as well as can be thought | |
2460 | ¶I herde say that aduersyte with magnyfycence had fought |
¶Ye syr with aduersyte I haue bene vexyd | |
But good hope and redresse hath mendyd myne estate | |
And sad cyrcumspeccyon to me they haue a[nn]exyd annexyd] amexyd C | |
[..........................................]line dropped out in C, B | |
2465 | ¶What this man hath sayd / perceyue ye his sentence |
¶Ye syr from hym my corage shall neuer flyt | |
[..........................................]line dropped out in C, B | |
[..........................................]line dropped out in C, B | |
[..........................................]line dropped out in C, B | |
2470 | ¶Accordynge to treuth they be well deuysyd |
¶Syrs I am agreed to abyde your ordenaunce | |
Faythfull assuraunce with good peraduertaunce Faythfull] Faythfully C, B | |
¶Yf you be so myndyd we be ryght glad | |
¶And ye shall haue more worshyp then euer ye had | |
2475 | ¶Well I perceyue in you there is moche sadnesse |
Grauyte of counsell prouydence and wyt | |
Your comfortable aduyse and wyt excedyth all gladnesse | |
ref.ed: 211 | |
But frendly I wyll refrayne you ferther or we flyt | |
Whereto were most metely my corage to knyt | |
2480 | Your myndys I beseche you here-in to expresse |
Commensynge this processe at mayster redresse | |
¶Syth vnto me formest this processe is erectyd | |
Herein I wyll a_forse me to shewe you my mynde | |
Fyrst from your magnyfycence syn must be abiectyd | |
2485 | In all your warkys more grace shall ye fynde |
Be gentyll then of corage and lerne to be kynde | |
For of noblenesse the chefe poynt is to be lyberall | |
So that your largesse be not to prodygall | |
¶Lyberte to a lorde belongyth of ryght | |
2490 | But wylfull waywardnesse muste walke out of the way |
Measure of your lustys must haue the ouer-syght | |
And not all the nygarde nor the chyncherde to play | |
Let neuer negarshyp your noblenesse affray | |
In your rewardys vse suche moderacyon | |
2495 | That nothynge be gyuen without consyderacyon |
¶To the increse of your honour then arme you with ryght | |
And fumously adresse you with magnanymyte | |
And euer let the drede of god be in your syght | |
sig: [H1v] | |
And knowe your-selfe mortall for all your dygnyte | |
2500 | [..........................................]line dropped out in C, B |
Set not all your affyaunce in fortune full of gyle | |
Remember this lyfe lastyth but a whyle | |
¶Redresse in my remembraunce your lesson shall rest | |
ref.ed: 212 | |
And sad_cyrcumspeccyon I marke in my mynde | |
2505 | But perseueraunce me semyth your probleme was best |
I shall it neuer forget nor leue it behynde | |
But hooly to perseueraunce my-selfe I wyll bynde | |
Of that I haue mysdone to make a redresse | |
And with sad cyrcumspeccyon correcte my vantonnesse | |
2510 | ¶Unto this processe brefly compylyd |
Comprehendynge the worlde casuall and transytory | |
Who lyst to consyder shall neuer be begylyd | |
Yf it be regystryd well in memory | |
A playne example of worldly vaynglory | |
2515 | Howe in this worlde there is no seke[r]nesse sekernesse] sekenesse C, B |
But fallyble flatery enmyxyd with bytternesse | |
Nowe well / nowe wo / nowe hy / nowe lawe degre | |
Nowe ryche / nowe pore / nowe hole / nowe in dysease | |
Nowe pleasure at large / Nowe in captyuyte | |
2520 | Nowe leue / nowe lothe / now please / nowe dysplease |
Now ebbe / now flowe / nowe increase / now dyscrease | |
So in this worlde there is no sykernesse | |
But fallyble flatery enmyxyd with bytternesse | |
¶A myrrour incleryd is this interlude | |
2525 | This lyfe inconstant for to beholde and se |
Sodenly auaunsyd / and sodenly subdude | |
Sodenly ryches / and sodenly pouerte | |
Sodenly comfort / and sodenly aduersyte | |
Sodenly thus fortune can bothe smyle and frowne | |
2530 | Sodenly set vp / and sodenly cast downe |
Sodenly promotyd / and sodenly put backe | |
Sodenly cherysshyd / and sodenly cast asyde | |
ref.ed: 213 | |
Sodenly commendyd / and sodenly fynde a lacke | |
Sodenly grauntyd / and sodenly denyed | |
2535 | Sodenly hyd / and sodenly spyed |
Sodenly thus fortune can bothe smyle and frowne | |
Sodenly set vp and sodenly cast downe | |
¶This treatyse deuysyd to make you dysporte | |
Shewyth nowe-adayes howe the worlde comberyd is | |
2540 | To the pythe of the mater who lyst to resorte |
To_day it is well / to_morowe it is all amysse | |
To_day in delyte / to_morowe bare of blysse | |
To_day a lorde / to_morowe ly in the duste | |
Thus in this worlde there is no erthly truste | |
2545 | To_day fayre wether / to_morowe a stormy rage |
sig: [H2] | |
To_day hote / to_morowe outragyous colde | |
To_day a yoman / to_morowe made of page | |
To_day in surety / to_morowe bought and solde | |
To_day maysterfest / to_morowe he hath no holde | |
2550 | To_day a man / to_morowe he lyeth in the duste |
Thus in this worlde there is no erthly truste | |
¶This mater we haue mouyd you myrthys to make | |
Precely purposyd vnder pretence of play | |
Shewyth wysdome to them that wysdome can take | |
2555 | Howe sodenly worldly welth dothe dekay |
How wysdom thorowe wantonnesse vanysshyth away | |
How none estate lyuynge of hymselfe can be sure | |
For the welthe of this worlde can not indure | |
Of the terestre [t]rechery we fall in the flode trechery] rechery C, B | |
2560 | Beten with stormys of many a frowarde blast |
Ensor[b]yd with the wawys sauage and wode Ensorbyd] Ensordyd C, B | |
Without our shyppe be sure it is lykely to brast | |
Yet of magnyfycence oft made is the mast | |
ref.ed: 214 | |
Thus none estate lyuynge of hym[selfe] can be sure hymselfe] hym C, B | |
2565 | For the welthe of this worlde can not indure |
¶Nowe semyth vs syttynge that ye then resorte | |
Home to your paleys with Ioy and ryalte | |
¶Where euery-thyng is ordenyd after your noble porte | |
¶There to indeuer with all felycyte | |
2570 | ¶I am content my frendys that it so be |
¶And ye that haue harde this dysporte and game | |
Ihesus preserue you frome endlesse wo and shame | |
AMEN. | |
¶These be the names of the players. |
Felycyte. Lyberte. Measure. Magnyfycence Fansy. Counterfet_counte. Crafty_conueyaunce. Clokyd_colusyon. The list below is set in a column adjacent to the one above in C Courtly_abusyon. Foly. Aduersyte. Pouerte. Dyspare. Myschefe. Good_hope. Redresse. Cyrcumspeccyon Perseueraunce. | |
¶Cum priuilegio. |