A Lawde and Prayse Made for Our Sovereigne Lord the Kyng

Skelton, John


Ringler L11: E 36 /228 and TM 1588. Brown and Robbins 3456.5. PRO, E 36-228 is a single folded sheet (fols. 7-8), "autograph copy of John Skelton, congratulatory poem on the accession of Henry VIII, 1509" (Ringler). Ed. Dyce 1.ix-xi; ed. Scattergood, pp. 110-12. Facsim. and transcript in P. J. Croft, _Autograph Poetry in the English Language_, 2 vols. (London, 1973) 1:6-8

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Composition Date: 1509 [Scattergood].

a laude and prayse made for our souereigne lord the kyng this title, written in a different hand, appears on fol. 8v
folio: 7
¶The Rose both white and Rede Candida punica etc
In one rose now dothe grow:
Thus thorow every stede
There-of the fame dothe blow:
5 Grace the sede did sow
England now gaddir flowris
Exclude now all dolowrs

¶Noble Henry_the_eight Nobilis henricus etc
Thy loving souereine lorde
10 Of kingis line moost streight
His titille dothe Recorde:
In whome dothe wele Acorde
Alexis yonge of Age
Adrastus wise and sage:

15 Astrea Iustice hight Sedibus etherijs etc
That from the starry sky
Shall now com and do Right
ref.ed: 111
This hunderd yere scantly
A man kowd not Aspy
20 That Right dwelt vs Among
And þat was the more wrong

¶Right shall the foxis chare Arcebit vulpes etc
The wolvis the beris also
That wrowght have moche care
25 And browght Englond in wo
They shall wirry no mo
folio: 7v
Nor wrote the Rosary
By extort Trechery

¶Of this our noble king Ne tanti Regis etc
30 The law they shall not breke
They shall com to Rekening
No man for them wil speke:
The pepil durst not creke
Theire grevis to complaine
35 They browght them in soche paine

¶Therfor nomore they shall Ecce plato[n]isplatonis] platois P secla. etc platonis] platois P
The Commouns ouerbace
That wont wer ouer-all
Both lorde and knight to face:
40 For now the yeris of grace
And welthe ar com Agayne
That makith England faine

Adonis of Freshe colour Redijt iam pulcer Adonis [et]cetc] c P etc] c P
Of yowthe the godely flour
45 Our prince of hih honour
Our paves our succour
Our king our Emperour
Our Priamus of Troy
Our welth our worldly Ioy

50 ¶Vpon vs he doth Reigne
That makith our hartis glad
As king moost souereine
folio: 8
That ever Englond had Anglorum Radians [et]cetc] c P. etc] c P
Demure sober and sad
ref.ed: 112
55 And Martis lusty knight
God save him in his Right:

Bien men souient:
deo .21o. gracias
Per me laurigerum britonum skeltonida vatem: