a laude and prayse made for our souereigne lord the kyng this title, written in a different hand, appears on fol. 8v | |
folio: 7 | |
¶The Rose both white and Rede Candida punica etc | |
In one rose now dothe grow: | |
Thus thorow every stede | |
There-of the fame dothe blow: | |
5 | Grace the sede did sow![]() |
England now gaddir flowris | |
Exclude now all dolowrs | |
¶Noble Henry_the_eight Nobilis henricus etc | |
Thy loving souereine lorde | |
10 | Of kingis line moost streight |
His titille dothe Recorde: | |
In whome dothe wele Acorde | |
Alexis yonge of Age | |
Adrastus wise and sage: | |
15 | ¶Astrea Iustice hight Sedibus etherijs etc |
That from the starry sky | |
Shall now com and do Right![]() |
ref.ed: 111 | |
This hunderd yere scantly | |
A man kowd not Aspy | |
20 | That Right dwelt vs Among |
And þat was the more wrong![]() |
¶Right shall the foxis chare Arcebit vulpes etc | |
The wolvis the beris also | |
That wrowght have moche care | |
25 | And browght Englond in wo |
They shall wirry no mo | |
folio: 7v | |
Nor wrote the Rosary | |
By extort Trechery![]() |
¶Of this our noble king Ne tanti Regis etc | |
30 | The law they shall not breke |
They shall com to Rekening | |
No man for them wil speke: | |
The pepil durst not creke | |
Theire grevis to complaine | |
35 | They browght them in soche paine![]() |
¶Therfor nomore they shall Ecce plato[n]isplatonis] platois P secla. etc platonis] platois P | |
The Commouns ouerbace | |
That wont wer ouer-all | |
Both lorde and knight to face: | |
40 | For now the yeris of grace |
And welthe ar com Agayne | |
That makith England faine![]() |
¶Adonis of Freshe colour Redijt iam pulcer Adonis [et]cetc] c P etc] c P | |
Of yowthe the godely flour | |
45 | Our prince of hih honour |
Our paves our succour | |
Our king our Emperour | |
Our Priamus of Troy | |
Our welth our worldly Ioy![]() |
50 | ¶Vpon vs he doth Reigne |
That makith our hartis glad | |
As king moost souereine | |
folio: 8 | |
That ever Englond had Anglorum Radians [et]cetc] c P. etc] c P | |
Demure sober and sad | |
ref.ed: 112 | |
55 | And Martis lusty knight |
God save him in his Right: | |
Amen | |
Bien men souient: | |
deo .21o. gracias Per me laurigerum britonum skeltonida vatem: | |