Elynour Rummynge

Skelton, John

STC 22598 (=L)
Ringler 22598 and TP 1661. Brown and Robbins 3265.5. Ed. Kinsman, pp. 53-70; ed. Scattergood, pp. 214-30. UMI microfilm reel 19 Page nos. of the following reference ed. are entered: _John Skelton: The Complete English Poems_, ed. John Scattergood (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983), pp. 214-30 (no. XVII)

Here after foloweth certayne bokes, compyled by mayster Skelton
London: R. Lant for H. Tab,1545?.

Variant source 1: J. Kynge and T. Marche, 1554? (STC 22599) (=K) Variant source 2: J. Day, 1563? (STC 22600) (=D) Variant source 3: T. Marshe, 1568 (STC 22608) (=M) Variant source 4: W. de Worde, 1521? (STC 22611.5) (=X)

Composition Date: c. 1517 [Scattergood].

sig: [C5v]
ref.ed: 214

Here-after foloweth the boke called Elynour Rummynge .
sig: [C6]
¶The tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng. Per Skelton Laureat.

TEll you I chyll
If that ye wyll
A whyle be styll
Of a comely gyll
5 That dwelt on a hyll
But she is not gryll
For she is somwhat sage
And well worne in age
For her vysage
10 It woldt a ####ab#### swage
A mannes courage

¶Her lothely lere
Is nothynge clere
But vgly of chere
15 Droupy and drowsy
Scuruy and lowsy
ref.ed: 215
Her face all bowsy
Comely crynklyd
Woundersly wrynklyd
20 Lyke a rost pygges-eare
Brystled with here

¶Her lewde lyppes twayne
They slauer men sayne
Lyke a ropy rayne
25 A gummy glayre
sig: [C6v]
She is vgly fayre
Her nose somdele hoked
And camously croked
Neuer stoppynge
30 But euer droppynge
Her skynne lose and slacke
Greuyned lyke a sacke Greuyned] Grained D, M
With a croked backe

¶Her eyen gowndy
35 Are full vnsowndy
For they are blered
And she gray-hered
Iawed lyke a Ietty
A man wolde haue pytty
40 To se howe she is gumbed
Fyngered and thumbed
Gently Ioynted
Gresed and anoynted
Up to the knockles
45 The bones [of] her huckels of] L, K, D, M omit; huckels] buckels D, M
Lyke as they were with buckels Lyke as they were with buckels] D, M omit
Togyder made fast
Her youth is farre past
Foted lyke a plane
50 Legge[d] lyke a crane Legged] Legges L, K, D, M
And yet she wyll iet
Lyke a Ioyly fet
In her furred flocket
And graye russet rocket
55 With symper-the-cocket
Her huke of Lyncole-grene
sig: [C7]
It had ben hers I wene
ref.ed: 216
More then fourty yere
And so doth it apere doth it] it dothe D, M
60 For the grene bare thredes For] And D, M
Loke lyke sere wedes
Wyddered lyke hay
The woll wor[n]e away
And yet I dare saye
65 She thynketh her-selfe gaye
Upon the holy-daye
Whan she doth her aray
And gyrdeth in her gytes
Stytched and pranked with pletes
70 Her kyrtell Brystowe-red
With clothes vpon her hed
That wey a sowe of led That wey] That they wey K, D, M
Wrythen in wonder wyse in] in a D, M
After the sarasyns gyse
75 With a whym-wham
Knyt with a trym-tram
Upon her brayne-pan
Lyke an Egypcyan
Lapped about Lapped] Capped K, D, M
80 Whan she goeth out
Her-selfe for to shewe
She dryueth downe the dewe
With a payre of heles
As brode as two wheles
85 She hobles as she gose she gose] a gose D, M
With her blanket hose
Ouer the falowe
sig: [C7v]
Her shone smered wyth talowe
Gresed vpon dyrt
90 That baudeth her skyrt

Primus passus

¶And this comely dame
I vnder ####ab#### stande her name
Is Elynour Rummynge
At home in her wonnynge
95 And as men say
ref.ed: 217
She dwelt in Sothray
In a certayne stede
Bysyde Lederhede
She is a tonnysh gyb
100 The deuyll and she be syb.

¶But to m[a]ke vp my tale make] mke L
She breweth noppy ale
And maketh there-of port-sale port-sale] pore sale K, D
To trauellars / to tynkers
105 To sweters / to swynkers
And all good ale-drynkers
That wyll nothynge spare
But drynke tyll they stare
And brynge them-selfe bare
110 With now away the mare
And let vs sley care
As wyse as an hare

¶Come who-so wyll
To Elynoure on the hyll
115 With fyll the cup fyll
And syt there by styll
Erly and late
sig: [C8]
Thyther cometh Kate
Cysly and Sare
120 With theyr legges bare
And also theyr fete
Hardely full vnswete
With theyr heles dagged
Theyr kyrtelles all to ####ab#### iagged
125 Theyr smockes all to ####ab#### ragged
Wyth tytters and tatters
Brynge dysshes and platters
With all theyr myght runnynge
To Elynour Rummynge
130 To haue of her tunnynge
She leneth them on the same on] of D, M
And thus begynneth the game

Some wenches come vnlased vnlased] vnbrased D, M
Some huswyues come vnbrased Some huswyues come vnbrased] D, M omit
135 Wyth theyr naked pappes
That flyppes and flapp[e]s flappes] flapprs L
ref.ed: 218
It wygges and it wagges
Lyke tawny saffron-bagges
A sorte of foule drabbes
140 All scuruy with scabbes
Some be flybytten
Some skewed as a kytten
Some with a sho-clout
Bynde theyr heddes a ####ab#### bout
145 Some haue no herelace
Theyr lockes aboute theyr face
Theyr tresses vntrust
All full of vnlust
sig: [C8v]
Some loke strawry
150 Some cawry-mawry
Full vntydy tegges
Lyke rotten egges
Suche a lewde sorte
To Elynour resorte
155 From tyde to tyde
A ####ab#### byde a ####ab#### byde
And to you shall be tolde
Howe hyr ale is solde
To mawte and to molde

Secundus passus.

160 Some haue no mony
That thyder commy
For theyr ale to pay
That is a shreud aray
Elynour swered nay
165 Ye shall not bere awaye
Myne ale for nought Myne] My K, D, M
By hym that me bought

¶With hey dogge hay
Haue these hogges away hogges] dogges D, M
170 With get me a staffe
The swyne eate my draffe
Stryke the hogges with a clubbe
They haue dronke vp my swyllyng-tubbe
For be there neuer so moche prese
175 These swyne go to the hye dese
ref.ed: 219
The sowe with her pygges
The bore his tayle wrygges
His rumpe also he frygges
sig: D[1]
Agaynst the hye benche
180 With fo / ther is a stenche
Gather vp thou wenche
Seest thou not what is fall
Take vp dyrt and all dyrt] drit K, D, M
And bere out of the hall
185 God gyue it yll preuynge
Clenly as yuell cheuynge

But let vs turne playne
There we lefte agayne
For as yll a patch as that
190 The hennes ron in the mashfat
For they go to roust
Streyght ouer the ale-Ioust
And donge whan it commes
In the ale-tunnes
195 Than Elynour taketh
The mashe-bolle and shaketh
The hennes donge awaye
And skommeth it into a tray into] in D, M
Where-as the yeest is
200 With her maungy fystis
And somtyme she blennes
The donge of her hennes
And the ale togyder
And sayth gossyp come hyder
205 This ale shalbe thycker
And floure the more quycker
For I may tell you
I lerned it of a Iewe
Whan I began to brewe
sig: [D1v]
210 And I haue found it trew
Drinke now whyle it is new
And ye may it broke
It shall make you loke
Yonger than ye be
215 Yeres two or thre
For ye may proue it by me
ref.ed: 220
Behold she sayd and se
How bright I am of ble
Ich am not cast away
220 That can my husband say
Whan we kys and play
In lust and in lykyng
He calleth me his whytyng
His mullyng and his [m]ytyng mytyng] nytyng L, nyting K, nittinge D, nittine M
225 His nobbes and his conny
His swetyng and his honny
With bas my prety bonny
Thou art worth good and monny
This make I my falyre fonny
230 Tyll that he dreme and dronny
For after all our sport
Than wyll he rout and s[n]ort
Than swetely togither we ly Than swetely] Thus swete X
As two pygges in a sty.

235 ¶To cease me semeth best
And of this tale to rest
And for to leue this letter
Bicause it is no better
And bicause it is no swetter
240 We wyll no farther ryme
sig: D2
Of it / at this tyme
But we wyll turne playne
Where we left agayne

Tertius passus

¶In-stede of coyne and monny
245 Some brynge her a conny
And some a pot with honny
Some a salt / and some a spone
Some their hose some their shon[e] shone] shon L
Some ranne a good trot
250 With a skellet or a pot
Some fyll theyr pot full
Of good Lemster woll
An huswyfe of trust
Whan she is a ####ab#### thrust
ref.ed: 221
255 Suche a webbe can spyn
Her thryfte is full thyn

¶Some go streyght thyder
Be it slaty or slyder
They holde the hye-waye
260 They [c]are not what men saye care] eare L
Be that as be maye
Some lothe to be espyde
Some start in at the backesyde
Ouer the hedge and pale
265 And all for the good al[e] ale] all L, ale K, D, M

¶Some renne tyll they swete
Brynge wyth them malte or whete
And dame Elynour entrete
To byrle them of the best
270 Than cometh an-other gest
sig: [D2v]
She swered by the rode of Rest
Her lyppes are so drye
Without drynke she must dye
Therefore fyll it by and by
275 And haue here a pecke of ry

¶Anone cometh another
As drye as the other
And with her doth brynge
Mele / salte / or other thynge
280 Her hernest gyrdle / her weddynge-rynge hernest] haruest D, X
To pay for her scot
As cometh to her lot
Some bryngeth her husbandis hood
Bycause the ale is good
285 Another brought her his cap
To offer to the ale-tap
With flaxe and with towe
And some brought sowre dowe
With hey and with howe
290 Syt we downe a ####ab#### rowe
And drynke tyll we blowe
And pype tyrly-tyrlowe

Some layde to pledge
Theyr hatchet and theyr wedge
ref.ed: 222
295 Theyr hekell and theyr rele
Theyr rocke / theyr spynny[n]g-whele spynnyng] spynnyg L
And some went so narrowe
They layde to pledge theyr wharrowe
Theyr rybskyn and theyr spyndell
300 Theyr nedell and theyr thymbell
Here was scant thryft
sig: D3
Whan they made suche shyft

¶Theyr thrust was so great
They asked neuer for mete
305 But drynke styll drynke
And let the cat wynke
Let vs wasshe our gommes
From the drye crommes

Quartus passus

¶Some for very nede
310 Layde downe a skeyne of threde
And some a skeyne of yarne
Some brought from the barne
Both Benes and Pease
Small chaffer doth ease
315 Sometyme / now and than
Another there was that ran
With a good brasse pan
Her colour was full wan
She ran in all the hast
320 Unbrased and vnlast
Tawny swart and sallowe sallowe] swallowe K, D, M
Lyke a cake of tallowe
I swere by all-hallowe
It was a sta[l]e to take stale] stare L, K, D, M, stale X
325 The deuyll in a brake

¶And than came haltyng Ione
And brought a gambone
Of bakon that was resty
But lorde as she was testy
330 Angry as a waspy
She began to yane and gaspy began] gan X
sig: [D3v]
And bad Elynour go bet
And fyll in good met met] meate D, M
ref.ed: 223
It was dere that was far fet

335 ¶Another brought a spycke
Of a bacon-flycke
Her tonge was very quycke
But she spake som-what thycke
Her felowe dyd stammer and stut
340 But she was a foule slut
For her mouth fomyd
And her bely groned
Ione sayde she / had eten a fyest
By Chryst sayde she thou lyest
345 I haue as swete a breth
As thou wyth shamefull deth

¶Than Elynour sayde / ye calettes
I shall breke your palettes
Wytho[u]t ye now cease
350 And so was made the dronken peace

Than thydder came dronken Ales
And she was full of tales
Of tydynges in wales
And of saynte Iames in Gales
355 And of the Portyngales
Wyth lo gossyp I ####ab#### wys
Thus and thus it is
There hath ben greate war
Betwene Temple bar
360 And the crosse in chepe
And there came an hepe
Of mylstones in a route
sig: D4
She [spake] thus in her snout spake] speketh L, K, speaketh D, M
Sneuelyng in her nose
365 As though she had the pose
Lo here is an olde typpet
And ye wyll gyue me a syppet
Of your stale ale
God sende you good sale
370 And as she was dr[y]nkynge drynkynge] drnkynge L
She fyll in a wynkynge
With a barly hood
She pyst where she stood
Than began she to wepe
ref.ed: 224
375 And forth-with fell on slepe
Elyno[u]r toke her vp
And blessed her with a cup
Of newe ale in cornes
Ales founde therin no thornes
380 But supped it vp at ones
She founde therein no bones bones] bornes D

Quintus passus.

Nowe in cometh another rabell
First one with a ladell
Another with a cradell
385 And with a syde-sadell
And there began a fabell
A clatterynge and a babell babell] batell X
Of [a] foles fylly a] L, K, D, M omit; fylly] silly M
That had a fole w[i]th wylly with] wfth L
390 With iast you / and gup gylly
She coulde not lye stylly
Then came in a ge[n]et
sig: [D4v]
And sware by saynt Benet
I dranke not this sennet
395 A draught to my pay
Elynour I the pray
Of thyne ale let vs assaye
And haue here a pylche of graye
I were skynnes of conny
400 That causeth I loke so donny
Another than dyd hyche her hyche] hye X
And brought a pottell-pycher
A tonnell / and a bottell
But she had lost the stoppell
405 She cut of her sho-sole
And stopped there with the hole

¶Amonge all the blommer
Another brought a skommer
A fryenge-pan and a slyce
410 Elynour made the pryce
For god ale eche whyt

¶Than sterte in made kyt made] mad K, D, M
ref.ed: 225
That had lytell wyt
She semed somdele seke
415 And brought a peny-cheke brought] brought vp D, M
To dame Elynour
For a draught of [her] lycour her] L, K, D, M omit

¶Than Margery mylke ducke
Her kyrtell she dyd vptucke
420 An y[n]che aboue her kne
Her legges that ye myght se ye] he X
But they were sturdy and stubbed stubbed] stubbled K, D, M
Myghty pestels and clubbed
sig: D5
As fayre and as whyte
425 As the fote of a kyte
She was somwhat foule
Croke-ne[bb]ed lyke an oule Croke nebbed] Croke necked L, K, D, M
And yet she brought her fees
A cantell of Essex chese
430 Was well a fote thycke
Full of magottes quycke
It was huge and greate
And myghty stronge meate
For the deuyll to eate
435 It was tart and punyete
Another sorte of sluttes
Some brought walnuttes
Some apples / some peres
Some brought theyr clyppyng-sheres
440 Some brought this and that
Some brought I wote nere what
Some brought theyr husbands hat
Some podynges and lynkes
Some trypes that stynkes stynkes] stynges K

445 ¶But of all this thronge
One came them amonge
She semed halfe a leche
And began to preche
Of the tewsday in the weke
450 Whan the mare doth keke
Of the vertue of an vnset leke
Of her husbandes breke
ref.ed: 226
With the feders of a quale
She could to burdeo[u] sayle burdeou] burde on L, K, bourde on D, M
sig: [D5v]
455 And with good ale-barme
She could make a charme
To helpe with-all a stytch
She semed to be a wytch
Another brought two goslynges
460 That were noughty froslynges
She brought them in a wallet She] Some D, M
She was a cumly callet
The goslenges were vntyde
Elynor began to chyde
465 They be wretchockes thou hast brought They] The D
They are shyre shakyng nought

Sextus] Secundus L, K, D, Sextus M

Maude Ruggy / thyther skypped
She was vgly-hypped
And vgly thycke-lypped
470 Like an onyon syded
Lyke tan ledder hyded
She had her so guyded
Betwene the cup and the wall
That she was there-with-all
475 In-to a palsey fall
With that her hed shaked
And her handes quaked
Ones hed wold haue aked
To se her naked
480 She dranke so of the dr[e]gges dregges] dragges L, K, D, dregges M
The dropsy was in her legges
Her face glystryng lyke glas
All foggy fat she was
She had also the gout
sig: [D6]
485 In all her ioyntes about
Her breth was soure and stale
And smelled all of ale
Such a bedfellaw
Wold make one cast his craw
490 But yet for all that
She dranke on the mash-fat
ref.ed: 227
There came an old rybybe
She halted of a kybe
And had broken her shyn
495 At the threshold comyng in
And fell so wyde open
That one might se her token
The deuyll there-on be wroken
What nede all this be spoken
500 She yelled lyke a calfe
Ryse vp on gods halfe
Sayd Elynour Rummyng
I be ####ab#### shrew the for thy cummyng
And as she at her dyd p[lu]ck And] D, M omit; pluck] pulck L
505 Quake / quake / sayd the duck
In that lampatrams lap
With fy / couer thy shap thy] the K, D, M
With sum flyp-flap
God gyue it yll hap
510 Sayd Elynour / for shame
Lyke an honest dame
Up she stert / halfe lame
And skantly could go
For payne and for wo

515 ¶In came another dant
sig: [D6v]
With a gose and a gant
She had a wyde wesant wyde] wyse K
She was nothynge plesant
Necked lyke an Olyfa[n]t
520 It was a bullyfant
A gredy cormerant
Another brought her garlyke-heddes
Another brought her bedes
Of Iet or of cole
525 To offer to the ale-pole
Some brought a wymble
Some brought a thymble
Some brought a sylke lace
Some brought a pyncase
530 Some her husbandes gowne
Some a pyllowe of downe
Some of the napery
ref.ed: 228
And all this shyfte they make
For the good ale sake

535 ¶A strawe sayde Bele stande vtter
For we haue egges and butter
And of pygeons a payre

¶Than sterte forth a fysgygge
And she brought a bore-pygge
540 The fleshe there-of was ranke
And her brethe strongely stanke
Yet or she went she dranke
And gat her great thanke
Of Elynour for her ware
545 That she thyder bare
To pay for her share
sig: [D7]
Nowe truly to my thynkynge
This is a solempne drynkynge

Septimus passus

¶Soft quod one hyght Sybbyll hyght] high D, M
550 And let me with you bybyll
She sat downe in the place
With a sory face
Whey-wormed about
Garnysshed was her s[n]out
555 With here and there a puscull
Lyke a scabbyd muscull
This ale sayd she is noppy
Let vs syppe and soppy
And not spyll a droppy
560 For so mote I hoppy
It coleth well my croppy croppy] coppy D, M

Dame Elyno[u]r sayde she
Haue here is for me
A clout of London pynnes
565 And with that she begynnes
The pot to her plucke
And dranke a good lucke
She swynged vp a quarte swynged] swinge M
At ones for her parte
570 Her paunche was so puffed
ref.ed: 229
And so with ale stuffed
Had she not hyed a ####ab#### pace
She had defoyled the place

¶Tha[n] began the sporte
575 Amonge that dronken sorte
Dame Elynour sayde they
sig: [D7v]
Lende here a cocke of hey
To make all-thynge cleane
Ye wote well what we meane

580 ¶But syr amonge all
That sate in that hall
There was a prycke-me-denty
Sat lyke a seynty
And began to paynty
585 As though she wolde faynty
She made it as koye
As a lege-[de]-moy lege de moy] lege moy L, K, lege demoy D, M
She was not halfe so wyse
As she was peuysshe nyse
590 She sayde neuer a worde
But rose from the borde
And called for our dame
Elynour by name
We supposed I ####ab#### wys
595 That she rose to pys
But the very grounde
Was for to compound
With Elynour in the spence
To paye for her expence
600 I haue no penny nor grote
To pay[e] sayde she / god wote paye] payc L
For wasshyng of my throte
But my bedes of amber
Bere them to your chamber

605 ¶Than Elynour dyd them hyde
Within her beddes-syde
But some than sate ryght sad
sig: [D8]
That nothynge had
There of their awne
610 Neyther gelt nor pawne
ref.ed: 230
Suche were there menny
That had not a penny
But whan they shulde walke
Were fayne with a chalke
615 To score on the balke
Or score on the tayle
God gyue it yll hayle
For my fyngers ytche fyngers] fynger K
I haue wrytten to mytche
620 Of this mad mummy[n]ge mummynge] mummyge L
Of Elynour Rummynge
Thus endeth the gest
Of this worthy fest.

Q[u]od Skelton Laureat.

Laureati] Laurrati L
Skeltonidis in despectu malignantium disticon.

QUamuis insanis / quamuis marcescis inanis
Inuidi cantam[u]s / hec loca plena [i]ocis iocis] locis L, K, D, M
Bien men souuient.
OMnes (feminas que uel nimis bibule sunt / uel que sordida labe squaloris / aut qua spurca feditatis macula / aut verbosa loqua[c]itateloquacitate] loquatitate L notantur) Poeta inuitat ad audiendum hunc libellum. etc.

sig: [D8v]
Ebria / squalida / sordida femina / prodiga verbis
Huc currat / properet veniat sua gesta libellus
Iste volutabit: pean sua plectra sonando
Materiam risus cantabit carmine rauco

Finis. Quod Skelton Laureat.
¶Thus endethe these lytell workes compyled by mayster Skelton Poet Laureat. And prynted by Rychard Lant / for Henry Tab / dwellyng in Poules churche-yard at the sygne of Iudith