A Treatise Declaring the Despite of a Secret Seditious Person

Smyth, Thomas

STC 22880.6
Ringler 22880.6 and TP 2276. Rpt. _Fugitive Tracts_, no. 6; ed. John A. Kingdon, _Incidents in the Lives of Thomas Poynty and Richard Grafton_, 1895; Ernest W. Dormer, _Gray of Reading_ (Reading, 1923), 87-90. Single sheet folio

A treatyse declarynge the despyte of a secrete sedycyous person, that dareth not shewe hym selfe
London: J. Redman,[1540].

Composition Date: 1540 [STC].

folio: [1]
¶A treatyse declarynge the despyte of a secrete sedycyous person / that dareth not shewe hym-selfe.
¶His doyngs amonge trewe men / shuld not be had in place
That feareth to tell his name / and shameth to shewe his face. Qui male agit odit lucem Io .3.
WHy I thus do wryte / is greatlye to be mused
But before I departe / It shall appere more playne
Besechynge all honest men / to haue me excused
Thoughe (as no lasse bounden) I do seme very fayne
5 By veryte to vaynquysshe malyuole dysdayne
Force me so forceth / and wylleth me to wryte
Truely for the truths sake and nothynge for despyte

¶And nowe briefly to my purpose / the effecte is thys
Of late I wrote two lybelles / not thynkynge to offende
10 But perceyuynge amonge vs thynges to be amys
Styll styrrynge and procurynge vs lewdly to contende
Of suche indecent ordre / I desyred the ende
For the whych cause onely / I toke on me to wryte
Truely for the trueths sake / and nothynge for despyte

15 ¶But nowe I well perceaue / I rubbed some on the gall Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit. Tirentius
Whiche causeth them to grunte / and ernestly to grone
Wel, (be as be maye) I can not do with-all
It wyll not from the flesshe / that is rooted in the bone
For my true m[ea]nynge / some shewe theym-selfe full prone meanynge] maenynge 1540
20 By sclaunder to deface me / with all theyr power and myght
Nothynge for the trueths sake / but all for mad despyte

¶They name me a papyste / and saye / I do not loue
None other but Papystes / and men of popysshe mynde
The trewe tryall wherof / I referre to God aboue Homines veritatem dicentes a malis odio habentur. Ad gal. 4
25 And consequently to others / what they can proue and fynde
O man malycyous / that woldest so fayne blynde
The good intentes of others / which truely do and wryte
Labourynge theyr destruccion / through serpentyne despyte

¶If iustely you can proue / as you declare in wrytynge Qui loquitur iniqua non potest latere, nec preteriet illum corripiens iudicium. Sap .i.
30 That I loue none, but papistes, than may you wel mayntain
Me to be a traytour / both to God / and our good kynge
To the iuste tryall of the whiche / I woll dryue you playne
For you it is to late / to call in your wordes agayne
Though as a lurkyng lorrel / your name you woll not write
35 Bothe you shalbe knowen / and your deuelysshe despyte

If you haue knowen / any such treason to be in me Morte digni sunt non solum qui ea faciunt sed etiam qui consentiunt facientibus, Ad Roma .i.
Then you in your dewtye / haue bene very neglygent
The parte of euery true hert / towardes his Kynge shuld be
What he knoweth against his grace / furthwith to make euydent
40 Who conceleth others treason / as a traytour doth consent
Wherfore this your doyng / may appere / to ech mans syght
Nothynge for the truethes sake / but all for lewde despyte

¶You declare furthermore / that lately I rebelled
Agaynst the Kynges maiestye / and his councell all
45 For the whiche sclaunder / I am greatly compelled
Before the hygher powers / this matter for to call
As surely I woll do / doubte you it not at all Omnis qui facit iusticiam ex deo natus est .i. Io .ij
At whose handes I woll aske / but iustyce and ryght
Specyally for the truethes sake / and nothynge for despyte.

50 Yet Cathon the wyse / doth teach me / and byddeth me not to care Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malorum Arbytrij nostri non est quod quisque loquatur. Cato.
So as my lyfe be honest / let the wycked saye theyr mynde
We can not forbyd mens speche / wherfore let them not spare
Nature in euery-thynge / woll shewe her proper kynde
Whiche to be proued true / is easy ynough to fynde
55 In that / that you haue done / sparynge not to wryte
Nothyng for the truthes sake / but all for mad despyte

¶That / wherewith you be greued / is alwayes forth-commyng
My name playnely therunto / I woll it not denye
And I redy to be punysshed / for suche my doynge
60 If I haue so deserued / and can be founde cause why Quare non timuistis detrahere seruo meo. Nu .x.
Wherfore you be moche to blame / so to rayle and crye
Openly detractynge me / agaynst all lawe and ryght
As I am / I woll be knowen / so shalbe your despyte

¶I could say some-what more, but I mynde not to contende Ex fructibus eorum cognos[ce]tiscognoscetis] cognostis 1540 eos. Math .vij. cognoscetis] cognostis 1540
65 As the tree by her fruytes / is alwayes chyefely knowen
So I doubte not / by your workes / before this mater ende
You shalbe well perceaued / and what blastes you haue blowen
A[n]d what kyndes of sede / euery other man hath sowen In insidijs suis capiuntur iniqui. Prou .x.
Wherfore I do aduyse you / be sure you stande vpryght
70 I doubte not to ouerthrowe you / in your owne despyte.

Your boke doth open mater / not mete I shold here touche Tempori seruiendum est. ad Romanos .xij.
But within shorte tyme / it shall shewe it-selfe more playne
Your doynges well declare / how in herte you styll grouche
And agaynst whom, because you can not youre wyll obtayne
75 Your malice doth so blynd you / and byddeth you not refrayne Malicia eorum excecauit eos Sapien .ii.
But throughly to procede / blusteryng with force and myght
Forgettynge cleane your dewtye / and all for mad despyte

And now to conclude / O Dauyd holy prophet and kynge iudica me deus and discerne causam meam de gente non sanctasancta] sanctam 1540 ab homine iniquo and doloso erue me. Psal .xlii sancta] sanctam 1540
Unto god omnipotente / moste hyghe and eternall
80 In Psalmyst here with the / wyll I crye and synge
Iudge thou me (o Lorde) that arte iudge ouer all
Discerne thou my cause / and let me to the call
To be rydde from the wycked / which labour day and nyght
Thy veryte to vanquysshe by deceytfull despyte

85 ¶And as thou arte Lorde of lordes and kynge of kynges
Preserue our noble kynge / our moost precyous treasure
With Katherine our Quene, and graunt that theyr procedynges
In longe lyfe maye prospere / vnto thy wyll and pleasure
And to Edwarde our Prynce / that moste redolent floure
90 Infuse in theym thy grace / and helpe we maye be quyte
Of these sectes sedycyous / so swellynge in despyte
God saue the Kynge.

His doynges among trew men / shuld not be had in place
That feareth to tell his name and shameth to shewe his face Qui male agit odit lucem. Ioh .iii
¶By Thomas_Smythe, seruaunt to the Kynges Royall Maiestye
And clerke of the Quenes graces councel (thoughe mooste vnworthy[)] vnworthy)] vnworthy 1540.
¶Imprynted at London in Pater_noster_rowe, at the sygne of our lady [of]of] 1540 omits pytye by Iohnn_Redman /
ad imprimendum solum.