Sir Tryamour


STC 24303
Ringler 24301.5 and TP 599.5. Brown and Robbins 1177. In tail-rhyme stanzas of variable length. Rpt. E. V. U[tterson], ed., Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, 2 vols. (1817) I, 9-72. Very close to Copland's version is the MS version in London, British Library, Addit. 27879, ed. John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall, Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript. Ballads and Romances, 3 vols. (London: Trübner, 1868), II, 78-135. UMI microfilm reel 1040

Syr Tryamoure
London: William Copland,1561?.

Variant source 1: MS London, BL, Addit. 27879, p. 210 [ed. Hales and Furnivall] (=P). Variant source 2: MS Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 2. 38, fol. 79v [coll. Hales and Furnivall] (=C).

Composition Date: ante 1500 [Ringler].

This line is printed twice in 1561, and the second instance is omitted here
sig: [A1]

Syr Tryamoure.
sig: [A1v]
NOw Iesu_chryste our heuen-kynge
Graunte you all his dere blessynge
And hye heuen for to wynne
If ye wyll a stounde laye to youre eere
5 Of aduentres ye shall here
That wyll be to your lykynge

Of a kynge and of a quene
That great Ioye had them betwe[ne] betwene] betwe 1561
Syr Aradas was his name
10 He had a quene named Margarete
She was as treue as steele and swete
And full false brought in fame
By the kynges stuarde that Marrocke hight
A tratoure and a false knight
15 Here-after ye wyll saye all the same
He loued wele that lady gent
And for she wolde not with him consent
He dyde that good quene moche shame shame] shamee 1561

Thys kynge loued well his quene
20 Bycause she was semely to sene
And as true as the turtel on tree
Ether to other made grete mone
For chyldren together had they none
Bygoten on theyr body

25 Therfore the kynge I vnderstonde
Made a vowe to go to the hole-lande
Ther fore to fyght and to sle
And prayed god that wolde sende him tho
Grace to gete a chylde bytwene them two
30 That [the] ryght [heyre] myght be the ryght heyre] there ryght 1561, the right heire P

So his vowe he dyde there make
And of the pope they crosse dyde he take
For to seke the londe where god hym bought
The nyght of his departinge on that lady mylde
sig: [A2]
35 [As god it wolde he gate a chylde] upper margin trimmed
But they bothe wyste it nought
And on the morowe whan it was daye
The kynge hyed on his Iourneye
For to tary he it not thoughte
40 Than the quene began to morne
Bycause her lorde wolde no lenger soiorne
She syghed sore and sobbed full ofte

The kynge and his men armed them ryghte
Bothe lordes barons and many a knyght
45 With him for to goo
Than bytwene her and the kynge
Was muche sorowe and mournynge
Whan they sholde departe in two
He kyssed and toke his leue of the quene
50 And of other ladies brighte and shene
A[n]d of Marrocke his stuarde also
The kynge commaunded hym on payne of his lyfe
All for to kepe well the quene his wyfe
Bothe in wayle and in woo

55 Nowe is the kynge forthe gone
To the place where god was on the crosse done
And warreth there a whyle
Than bethought this false stuarde
As ye shall here afterwarde
60 His lorde and kyng to begyle

He wowed the quene daye and nyght
For to lye with her and he myght
He drede no creature tho
Full fayre he dyde to that lady speke
65 That he mighte in bedde with her slepe
Thus full ofte he prayed her so

But she was stedfast in her thought
And herde hym speke and sayd nought
sig: [A2v]
Tyll he all his tale had tolde
70 Than she sayd Marroke hast thou noo thought
All that thou speke[st] is for nought spekest] speketh 1561, speakeest P
I trowe not that thou woulde
Full well my lorde dyde trust thee
Whan he to you delyuered me
75 To haue me vnder thy holde
And woldest full fayne
Do to thy lorde shame
Traytoure th[o]u arte to bolde thou] thau 1561, thou P

Than sayd Marroke vnto that lady
80 My lorde is gone nowe verely
A_gayne goddes foes to fyght
And without the more [w]onder be wonder] vonder 1561
He shall come no more at thee
As I am a true knyght
85 And madame we wyl worke so priuely
That whider he do lyue or dye
For of this shall wyte no wyght

Than waxed the quene wonder wrothe
And swore many a grete othe
90 As she was a true woman
She sayd treaytoure yf euer thou be so hardy
To shewe me of suche a velany
On a galowes thou shalt hange
Yf I may knowe after this
95 That thou tyce me to do a_mysse
Thou shalt haue the lawe of the londe

Syr Marroke sayd lady mercy
I sayd it for no velany
By Ihesu heuen-kynge
100 But onely for to proue your wyll
Whyther that ye were good or yll
And for none other thynge
sig: [A3]
But now madame I may well see
That ye be true as turtle on the tre
105 Unto my lorde the kynge
And that is to me bothe gladde and lefe
Therfore take it not in grefe
For no maner of thynge

And so the treatoure excused hym tho
110 The lady wende it had bene so
As the stuarde had sayde
He wente forthe and helde hym styll
And thought he coud not haue his wil
Therfore he was euyll apayde
115 So with treason and trechery
He thought to do her velany
Thus to hymselfe he sayde
Nyght and daye laboured he than
For to deceyue that good woman
120 So at the laste he her betrayed

¶Now of thys good queene leue we
And by the grace of the holy triniti
Full grete with chyld she dyde gone
¶Nowe of kynge Aradas speke wee
125 That full ferre in hethenesse is he
To fyghte agayne goddes fone fone] fonne 1561

Ther with his armi and with al his might
Slew many a proude sarzyn in fyghte
Grete worde of them there rose
130 In the hethen lond and also in Pagany
And in euery other londe that they came by
There sprange of hym grete lose

Whan he had done his pilgrimage
And laboured all that great v[ya]ge vyage] vayge 1561, voyage P
135 With all his good-wyll and lyberte
[A]t flome Iordan and at bedleem At] It 1561
sig: [A3v]
And at caluery besyde Iherusalem
In all the places was he
Than he longed to come home
140 To se his lady that lyued alone
He thought euer on her gretely

So longe they sayled on the fome
Tyll at the last he came home
He aryued ouer the salte stronde
145 The shyppes dyde stryke theyr saylles echone
The men were gladde that the kynge came home
Unto his owne lande

There was bothe myrthe and game
The quene of his cominge was full fayne
150 Eche of them tolde other tydynge
The kynge at laste his quene behelde
And sawe her go grete with childe
He wondred at that thyng
Many tymes he dyd her kysse
155 And made grete Ioye wythoute mysse
His hert made great reioysynge

Soone after the kynge herde tydynges newe
By marrocke that false knyght vntrewe
With treason he gan his lorde frayne
160 My lorde he sayd for goddes [p]yne pyne] byne 1561, P, pyne C
Of that chylde that neuer [was thyne] was thyne] thyne was 1561, thine was P
Why arte thou so fayne
Ye wene that it your owne be
But syr he sayde for certente
165 Your quene hath you betrayne
An-other knyght so god me spede
Bygate thys chylde syth you yede
And hath thy quene forlayne

Alas sayd the kynge how maye this be
170 For I betoke her vnto the
sig: [A4]
Her to kepe in wele and wo
And vnder thy kepynge how fortuned this
That thou suffred her [to] do amys her to do] her in do 1561, her doe P
Alas Marocke why dyde thou so
175 Syr sayde the stuarde blame not me
For moche mone she made for the
As thought she had loued no moo

I trowed on her no velany
Tyll I sawe one lye her by
180 As the mele had wrought
To hym I ca[m]e with eger mode came] canne 1561, came P
And slewe the traytoure as he stode
Full sore it her forthought Full] Fulll 1561
Than she trowed she sholde be shente
185 And promysed me bothe londe and rente
So fayre she me besoughte
To do with her al my wyll
Yf that I wolde holde me styll
And tell you nought

190 Of this said the king I haue gret wonder
For sorowe my herte wyll breke asonder
Why hathe she done amysse
Alasse to whome shall I me mone
Syth I haue loste my comly quene
195 That I was wont to kysse
The kyng sayd Marrocke what is thy rede
It is beste to brenne her to ded
My lady that hathe done me this
Now bycause that she is false to me
200 I wyll neuer-more her se
Nor dele with her ywys

The stuarde sayd lorde do not so
Thou shalte her neyther brenne ne slo
But do as I shall you tell
sig: [A4v]
205 Marrocke sayd this counceyll I
Banysshe her out of your londe preuely
Ferre in exyle

Delyuer her an ambelynge stede
And an olde knyght her to lede
210 Thus by my councell loke ye do
And gyue them some spendynge
That may them oute of the londe to brynge
I wolde no better than so

and an-other mannes chylde sholde be your heyre
215 It were neyther good nor fayre
But if it were of your kynne
Than sayd the kynge so mote I the
Ryght as thou sayest so shall it be
And erst wyll I neuer blyne
220 Lo now is exyled that good quene
But she wist not what it dy[d]e mene dyde] dyne 1561, did P
Nor what made hym to begynne
To speke to her he ne wolde
That made the quenes herte full cold
225 And that was grete pyte and synne

He dyde her cloth in purple wede
And sette her on an olde stede
That was both croked and almost blynd
He toke her an olde knyght
230 Kynne to the quene and syr Roger hyght
That was bothe curteyse and kynde
Thre dayes he gaue hym leue to passe
And after that daye set was
Yf men myght them fynde
235 The quene sholde be brenned stercke deed
In a fyre with flames rede
This came of the stuardes mynde

Forty florens for theyr expence
sig: B1
The kyng bad gyue them in [his] presence his] this 1561, his P
240 And commaunded them to go
The lady mourned as she sholde dye
For all this she wiste not why
He fared with her so

The good knight comforted thei quene
245 And sayd at goddes wyll all must bene
Therfore madam mourn you no more
Syr Roger hathe for her muche care
For ofte she mourned as she dyd fare
And cryed and syghed full sore

250 Lordes knyghtes and ladyes gente
Mourned for her whan she wente
And [b]e_wayled her that season be_wayled] he wayled 1561, P
The quene began to make sorow and care
Whan she from the kynge should fare
255 With wronge agayne all reason
Forth they wente in nombre thre
Syr Roger the quene and the grehounde truely
A wo worthe wycked treason

Than thought the stuarde truely
260 To do the quene a velany
And to werke with her his will
He ordeyned hym a company
Of his owne men pryuely
That wolde assent hym tyll
265 All vnder a wodes-syde they dyde ly
There-as the quene sholde passe by
And helde them wonder styll
And there he thought verely
This good quene for to lye by
270 His lustes to fullfill

And whan the came into the wood the] hee P
Syr Roger and the quene so good
sig: [B1v]
And there to passe without doubte
With that they were ware of the stuarde
275 How he was comynge to them-warde
With a full grete route
Here is treason sayd the quene
Alas sayde syr Roger what may this mene
With foes we be sette rounde aboute
280 The knyght sayd here wyll we dwell
Our lyues shall we full dere sell
Be they neuer so stoute

Madame he sayde be not a_ferde
For I thynke with the same swerde
285 That I shall make them loute
Than cryed the stuarde to syr Roger on hye
And sayde olde traytoure thou shalte dye
For that I go aboute

Syr Roger sayde not for the
290 My dethe shalt thou sore abye
For with the I wyll fyght
He wente to hym full shor[te]ly shortely] shoretly 1561
And olde syr Roger bare hym manly
Lyke a full hardy knyght
295 He hewed on them boldely
There was none of that company
So hardy nor so wyght
Syr Roger hyt on one the hede
That to the gyrdell the swerde yede
300 Than was he of hym quyte

He smote a stroke with his swerde good
That all aboute hym ranne thei blodde
So sore he dede than smyte than] them P
Truely his grehounde that was so good
305 Dyde helpe his maister and by him stode
Full bytterly he gan byte

sig: B2
Than that lady that fayre fode
She fered Marrocke in her mode
She lyght on fote and lefte her stede
310 And ranne fast and wolde not leue
And hydde her vnder a grene greue
For she was in grete dred
Syr Roger than the quene gan beholde
And of hys lyfe he dyde nothynge holde
315 His good grehounde dyde helpe hym in-dede
And as it is in romaynes tolde
Fourtene he slewe of yemen bolde
So he quited him in that stede

If he had be armed ywys
320 All the maystry had be his
Alas he lacked wede
As good syr Roger gaue a stroke
Behynde hym came syr Marrocke
That euyll myght he spede
325 He smote syr Roger with a spere
That to the ground he dyde hym bere
And fast that knyght dyde blede
Syr Marrocke gaue him such a wound
That he dyed there on the grounde
330 And that was a synfull dede

Now is syr Roger slayne certaynly
He rode forthe and lette hym lye
And soughte after the quene
Fast the rode and sought euery waye the] hee P
335 Yet wyste the not where the quene laye the] he P
Than had that traytour tene
Ouer all the wodde he her sought
But as god wolde he founde her nought
Than waxed he wrothe I wene
340 And helde his iourney euyll besette
sig: [B2v]
That he not with the quene had mette
To haue had his pleasure that traytoure kene

And whan he coude not that lady fynde
Homewarde they began to wende
345 Harde by where syr Roger laye
Thei stuarde hym thruste throughout
For of his deth he had no dought
And thus the story dooth saye
Whan thei traytoure had done so
350 He let hym lye and wente hym fro
And toke no thought [that] daye that] no 1561, that P
Yet all his company was nye gone
Fourtene he lefte there deed for one
There passed but foure a_waye

355 Than the quene was ful wo
And whan she sawe that they were go
She made sorowe and crye
Than she rose and wente agayne wente] wennte 1561
To syr Roger and founde hym slayne
360 His grehounde by his fete dyde lye

Alas she sayde that I was borne
My true knight now haue I lorne
They haue hym here slayne
Full pyteously she made her mone
365 And sayd nowe must I go alone
The grehunde she wolde haue had full fayne
The hounde styll by his maister dide lye
He lycked his woundes and dyde whyne and crye
This to se the quene had payne
370 And sayd syr Roger this haste thou for me
Alas that euer it shoulde so be
Her heere she tare a_twayne

And than she wente and toke her stede
She no lenger there abede
sig: [B3]
375 Leest men shode fynde her there
She sayd syr Roger now thou arte dede
Who shal me now the ryghte waye lede
For now thou may[st] speke no more mayst] mayw 1561, mayst P
Ryght on the grounde there-as he laye dede
380 She kyssed hym or she from hym yede
God wote her herte was sore
What for sorowe and drede
Fast awaye she gan her spede
She wyste not whether ne where

385 The good grehounde for wele ne wo
Wolde not fro the knyght go
But laye and lycked his wounde
He wente to haue heled hym agayne
And therto he dyde hys payne
390 Lo suche loue is in a hounde

This knight laye tylle he dyde stynke
The grehounde than began to thynke
And scraped a pytte anone
Therin he drewe the deed corse
395 So he couered with erth and mosse
And from hym he wolde not gone
The grehounde laye styll there
This quene gan forthe fare
For drede of her fone

400 She had grete sorowe in her harte
The thornes pricked her wonder smert
She wyst not whether to go
This lady forthe fast gan hye
In-to the londe of hongrye
405 Thyder came she with grete wo
At laste she came to a woddes-syde
But than coude she no ferther r[y]de ryde] rede 1561, ryde P
Her paynes toke her so
sig: [B3v]
She lyghted downe in that tyde
410 For there she dyde her trauayll abyde
God wolde that it sholde be so
Than she with muche payne
Tyed her horse by the rayne
And rested her there tyll her paynes were go

415 She was delyuered of a man-chylde swete
And whan it beganne to crye and wepe
It ioyed her herte gretelye
Soone after whan she might stere
She toke her chylde to her full nere
420 And wra[p]ped it full softely wrapped] wranped 1561

What for wery and for wo
They fell aslepe bothe-two
Her stede stode her behynde
There came a knyght rydynge nere
425 And founde this lady so louely of chere
As he hunted after the hynde
The knyght hyght Barnarde_Mausewynge
That founde the quene slepynge
Under the grene-wood lynde
430 Softely he wente nere and nere
He lyghted on fote and behelde her chere
As a knyght curteese and kynde

He awaked that lady of beaute
She loked on [him] pyteously him] full 1561, him P
435 And was a_ferde full sore
He sayde what do you here madame
Of whens be you and what is your name
Haue ye your men forlorne
Syr she sayd yf ye wyll wete
440 I am named Margarete
In Aragon was I borne
Here I haue suffred moche grefe
sig: [B4]
Helpe me syr out of this myschefe
At some towne that I were

445 The knyght behelde the lady good
Hym thoughte she was of gentyll blode
That was so harde bestadde
He toke her vp curteysly
And the chylde tha[t] laye her by that] tha 1561
450 Them bothe wyth hym he ladde

And made her haue a woman at wyll
Tendynge to her as yt was sk[y]ll skyll] skell 1561, skill P
All for to brynge her a_bedde
What-so-eue[r] she wolde haue euer] euee 1561
455 She neded it not longe to craue
Her speche was ryghte sone spedde
They christened the child with grete honoure
And named hym syr Tryamoure
Than the were of him gladde
460 Grete gyftes to him was gyuen
Of lordes and ladyes by_dene
In bokes as I redde

There dwelled that lady longe
With muche ioye the[m] amonge them] then 1561, them P
465 Of her they were neuer wery
The chylde was taught grete norture
A mayster hym had vnder his cure
And taught him curteysye
This chylde waxed wonderous well
470 Of grete stature bothe flesshe and fell
Euery man loued hym truely

Of his company all folke were gladde
None other cause in-dede they hadde
The chylde was gentyll and bolde
475 ¶Now of the quene lette we be
And of the grehounde speke we
sig: [B4v]
That I erst of tolde.
¶Longe seuen yere so god me saue
He dyde kepe his maisters graue
480 Tyll that he waxe olde
This grehounde sir Roger had kepte longe
And brought him vp syth he was yonge
In storyes as it is tolde

Therfore he kepte so there
485 By the space of seuen yere
And go from hym he ne wolde
Euer vpon his maystres graue he lay
Ther myght no man haue hym a_way
For hete neyther for colde
490 Without it were ones a daye
He ranne aboute to gete hys praye
Of beestes that were bolde
Conyes whan he might them gete
Thus wolde he laboure for his mete
495 Yet grete honger he had in holde

And seuen yere he dwelled there
Tyll it befell on that one yere
Euen on christmasse-daye
The grehounde as the story sayes
500 Came to the kynges palayes
Withoute ony delaye
Whan the lordes were sette to mete sone
The grehounde into thei hall ronne
Amonge the knyghtes gaye

505 All aboute he gan beholde
But he sawe not what he wolde
Than wente he his waye full ryght
Whan he had sought and coude not fynd
He dyde full gentylly his kynde
510 Spede better whan he myght

sig: B5
The grehounde ranne forth his waye
Tyll he came where his maister laye
As faste as euer he mought
The kinge maruayled on that dede
515 Frome whens he came and whyder he yede
Or who hym thyder brought
The kynge thought he had sene hym ere
But he wyste not well where
Therfore he sayde ryght nought
520 Soone he bethought hym then
That he hym erste ken
And sate styll in a thoughte

The other daye in the same wyse
Whan the kynge from hys mete sholde ryse
525 The grehounde came in tho
All aboute there he sought
But the stuarde founde he nought
Than agayne he began to go

Than sayde the kynge in that stounde
530 Me-thynke that it [is] syr Rogers hounde is] 1561 omits, is P
That wente forthe with the quene
I trowe they be come agayne to this lond
Lordes all this I vnderstonde
It maye ryght well so be

535 If that they be into thys londe come
We shall haue worde therof sone
And within shorte space
For neuer syns the wente ywys
I sawe not the grehounde or this
540 It is a marueylous case
Whan he cometh agayne folowe hym
For euermore he wyll renne
To his maystres dwellynge-place

Rynne and go loke ye not spare
sig: [B5v]
545 Tyll that ye come there
To syr Roger and my quene
Than the thyrde daye amonge them all
The grehounde came into the hal
To mete or they were sette
550 Marrocke the stuarde was within
The grehounde thought he wolde not blynne
Tyll he with him had mette

He toke the stuarde by the throte
And asonder he it botte
555 But than he wolde not byde
For to his graue he ranne
There folowed hym many a manne
Some on hors and some besyde

And whan he came wher his mayster was
560 He layde hym downe vpon the grasse
And barked at the menne agayne
There myght no man hym fro that place gete
And yet with staues the dyd him bete
That he was almoste slayne

565 And whan the men saw no better bote
Than yede the home on hors and fote
With grete wonder I wene
The kynge sayde by goddes payne
I trowe Marrocke hath syr [R]oger slayn Roger] Soger 1561
570 And with treason flemed my quene
Go ye and seke there agayne
For there the houndes mayster is slayne
Some treson there hath bene
Thyder the wente so god me saue
575 And founde syr Roger in his graue
For that was soone sene

And there they loked hym vpon
For he was hole bothe flesshe and bone
sig: [B6]
And to the courte hys body the brought
580 For whan the kynge dyde hym se
The teres ranne downe from his eye
Full sore it him forthought

The grehounde he wolde not from this corse fare
Than was the kynge caste in care
585 And sayde Marrocke hathe done me tene
Slayne he hathe that curteyse knyght
And flemed my quene wyth grete vnright
As a traytoure kene

The kynge let drawe anone-ryght
590 The stuardes body that false knyghte
With horse through the towne
Than he hanged hym on a tre
That all men myght his body se
That he had done treason
595 Syr Rogers body the next daye
The kynge lette bury in good araye
With many a bolde baron

The grehounde wolde neuer awaye
By nyght nor yet by daye
600 But on the grounde he dyde dye
The kynge dyde sende his messengere
In euery place fere and nere
After the quene to spye

But for ought he coude enquere
605 He coude of that lady nothynge here
Therfore the kynge was sory
The kynge sayd I knowe no rede
For wele I wote my quene is dede
For sorowe nowe shall I dye
610 Alas that euer she fro me wente
This false stuarde hathe me shente
Through his false trechery

sig: [B6v]
This kinge lyued in grete sorowe
Euery day bothe euen and morowe
615 Tyll that he were brought to grounde
He lyued thus many a yere many] manly 1561
Wyth mournynge and with euyll chere
Hys sorowes lasted longe
And euer it dyde hym grete payne
620 Whan he thought howe syr Roger was slayne
And how helped hym hys hounde
And of hys quene that was so mylde
How she went from him grete Wt child
For wo than dyde he sounde

625 Longe-tyme thus lyued the kynge
In grete sorowe and mournynge
And often-tymes dyde wepe
He toke grete thought more and more
It made his herte wery sore
630 Hys syghes were sette so depe

NOw of the kyng wyll we blinne
And of the quene let vs begyne
And her sonne Tryamoure
For whan he was fourtene yere olde
635 There was no man so bolde
That durst do hym dysshonoure
In euery lymme bothe styffe and strong
Of stature he was bothe large and longe
And comely of hyghe coloure
640 All that euer he dwelled amonge
He dyde neuer none of them wronge
That was the more his honoure

In that tyme sekerly
Dyed the kynge of hungry
645 That was of grete age ywys
He had no heyre his londe to holde
sig: C1
But a douter of fourtene yere olde
Fayre Elyne she named is

She was as whyte as lely-floure
650 And comely of her gaye coloure
The fayrest of ony towne or towre
She was well-shapen of fote and hande
Pere had she none in no lande
She was so fresshe and so amerous

655 For whan her fader was deed
Grete ware began to sprede
In that londe aboute
Than that ladyes counsaile gaue her rede
To gete her a lorde her lande to lede
660 To rule the realme without doubte
Some myghty prynce that well myght
Rule her lande by reason and ryght
That all men to hym myght loute

And whan her counsayle had sayd so
665 For grete nede that she had therto
She graunted them without lye
That lady sayd I will no fere
But he be prynce or prynces pere
And chefe of all chyualry
670 Therto she dyd consente
And ga[u]e her lordes commaundement
A grete I[u]stynge for to crye
And at that Iustynge sholde so be
What man that sholde wynne the degre
675 Sholde wynne that lady truely

The daye of Iustynge was sette
Halfe a yere wythoute lette
Withoute ony more delaye
Bycause they m[i]ght haue good space might] meght 1561
680 Lordes an[d] dukes of euery place and] an 1561
sig: [C1v]
For to be there that daye
Lordes thei beste of euery lande
Herde tell of this tydyng tydyng] rydand P
And made them redy full gaye
685 Of euery lande there was the beste
Of the states thei moost hon[e]st[e] the] the the 1561, the P; honeste] honasty 1561, honest P
Attyred many a lady gaie

Grete was the chyualry
That came that tyme to hungry
690 To Iust there with might
At laste Tryamoure herde tydynge
That there shoulde be a Iustinge
Thyder wolde he wende

If he west that he myght gayne
695 With all his might he wolde be fayne
That gaye lady for to wynne
He had no horse ne none other gere
Nor no wepen with hym to were
That brake his harte a_twayne
700 He thought bothe euen and morowe
Where he myght some armer borowe
Ther-of wolde he be fayne
To syr Barnerde he [than] gan mene he than] he he 1561, then he P
That he wolde hym armours lene
705 To Iuste agayne the knyghtes of mayne

Than sayd Barnarde what hast thou thoughte
Pardy of Iustynge thou canst nought
For ye be not able wepen to welde
Syr sayd Tryamoure wh[a]t wote ye what] whot 1561
710 Of what strengthe that I be
Tyll I haue assayed in felde

Than syr Barnarde that was full hende
[Sayd] Tryamoure yf thou wylte wende Sayd] 1561 omits, said P
Thou shalt lacke no wede
sig: C2
715 [I wyll lende the all my gere] upper margin trimmed
Hors harneys shelde and spere
Thou arte nothenge to drede
Also thyder with the wyll I ryde
And euermore be by thy syde
720 To helpe the yf thou haue nede
All-thynge that thou wylte haue
Golde and syluer yf ye wyll craue
Thy Iourney for to spede

Tho was tryamoure glad and lyght
725 And thanked barnard with al his might
Of his grete proferinge
That daye the Iustynge sholde be
Tryamoure set hym on his kne
And asked his moders bl[e]ssynge blessynge] blssynge 1561
730 At home she wold haue keped hym faine
But all her laboure was in vaine
There myght be no lettynge
She sawe it wolde no better be
Her blessynge she gaue hym verely
735 With full sore wepynge

And whan it was on the morowe-daye
Tryamoure was in good araye
Armed and well dyght
Whan he was sette on stede
740 He was a man in lengthe and brede
And goodly in mannes syghte
Tryamoure to the felde gan ryde
And syr Bar[n]arde by his syde Barnarde] Bararde 1561
Theyr hartes was Iocunde and lyght
745 There was none in all the felde
That was more semelyer vnder a shelde
He rode full lyke a knyght

Than was the fayre lady set
sig: [C2v]
[Full hye vpon a turret] upper margin trimmed
750 For to beh[o]lde that playe beholde] behelde 1561, behold P
There was many a semely knyght
Prynces dukes and lordes of myght
Them-selfe for [to] assaye to] 1561 omits, to P
With helmes on theyr hedes bryght
755 That all the fylde shone on that light
They were so stoute and gaye
Than syr triamoure and syr Barnard
They presed them in to the felde warde
There durste no man say naye

760 There was moche prees and pryde
Whan euery man to the other gan ride
And lordes of grete renowne
It befell tryamoure that t[y]de tyde] tede 1561
For to be on his fathers syde
765 The kynge of Aragon
The fyrste that rode forth certaynly
Was a grete lorde of Lombardy
A wonderfull bolde baron
Tryamoure rode hym agayne
770 For all that lord had myght and mayn
The chylde bare hym adowne

Than cryed syr Barnarde with honoure
A Tryamoure tryamoure
For men sholde hym kenne
775 Mayde Elyne that was so mylde
More she behelde Tryamoure the chylde
Than all the other menne

Than the kynges sonne of Nauerne
Wolde not his body warne
780 He prycked forthe on the playne
Than yonge tryamoure that was so stoute
Torned hym-selfe rounde aboute
sig: [C3]
[And faste rode hym agayne] upper margin trimmed

So neither of them were to ground cast
785 They sate bothe so wonder faste
Lyke men of muche myght
Than came there forthe a batchelere
A prynce proude without pere
Syr Iames forsothe he hyght

790 He was the Emperours son of almaine
He rode syr tryamoure agayne
With harde streyngthe to fighte
Syr Iames had suche a stroke in-dede
That he was tombled from h[i]s stede his] hes 1561
795 Than fayled hym all his myghte
There men myght se swerdes braste
Helme ne shelde myght not laste
And thus it dured tyll nyght

But whan the sonne drewe ferre west
800 That all the lordes wente to reste
[................................] The rhyme-scheme indicates that a line has dropped out here
The knyghtes attyred them in good araye
On stedes grete with trappour gaye
Before the sonne gan shyne

805 Than to the felde the prycked preste
And euery man thought hym-selfe beste The rhyme-scheme indicates that a line has dropped out here
Than they fyersly rane to_gether
Grete speres in pyces dyd shyuer
Theyre tymber myght not laste

810 And at that tyme there dyde ronne
The kynge Aradas of aragon
His sone tryamoure m[et]te hym that tyde mette] mtete 1561This line is printed twice in 1561, and the second instance is omitted here

And gaue his father suche a rebounde
That horse and man fell to the grounde
815 So stoutly gan he ryde

Than the nexte knyght that he mette
sig: [C3v]
[Was syr Iames and suche a stroke hym set] upper margin trimmed
Of the shelde there on the playne
That the blode brast out at nose and yeres
820 His stede vnto the grounde hym beres
Than was syr Barnarde fayne

That maide of grete honoure
Sette her loue on yonge tryamoure
That faughte alwaye as a fyers lyon
825 Speres that daye many was spente
And Wt swerdes there was many a strype lente
Tyll the[m] fayled lyght of the sonne them] they 1561

On the morowe all the were fayne
For to come vnto the felde agayne
830 With grete spere and shelde
Than the duke of Cycyll syr Fyla[r] Fylar] Fylax 1561, Phylar P
That was a doughty man in euery warre
He rode fyrste into the felde
And tryamoure toke his spere
835 Agayne the duke he gan it bere
And smote hym in the shelde
A_sonder in two peces hit wente
And than many a louely lady gent
Full well the hym behelde

840 Than came forthe a knyght that hyght terry
He was a grete lorde of Surry
He thoughte noble try[a]m[o]ure to assayll tryamoure] tryomrure 1561
And tryamoure rode to hym blyue
In all the strengthe that he myght dryue
845 He thought he wolde not fayle

He smote hym so in that stounde
That horse and man fell to the grounde
So sore his stroke he sette

Than durst there no man to tryamoure ryde
850 For fortune helde all on his syde
sig: [C4]
All that dayes thre
Syr Iames: sonne vnto the Emperoure
Had enuy to syr Tryamoure
And layde wayte for hym pryuyle

855 At the laste Tryamoure came rydynge by
Syr Iames sayd traytoure thou shalt dye
For thou hast done me shame
He rode to Tryamoure with a speare
And throughe the thyghe he gan hym bere
860 He had almoste hym slayne

But Tryamoure hyt hym on the heed
That he fell downe starke deed
Than was all his men woo
Than they wolde haue slayne tryamoure
865 Without he had had the greter socoure
They purposed to do so

With that came the kynge Aragus then
And rescued tryamoure with all his men
That stode in grete doubte
870 Than syr barnarde was full woo
That tryamoure was hurte soo
Than to his owne house he hym brought

But whan the mother sawe her sones wound
S[h]e fell downe for sorowe to the grounde She] Se 1561, shee P
875 And after a leche she sente
Of this all the lordes that was at Iustynge
To the palayes they made hyenge
And to that lady wente

Truely as the story sayes
880 They pricked forth to the palayes
The ladyes wyll to here
Bachelers and knyghtes preest
That she myght chose of them the beest
Whiche to her faynest were
sig: [C4v]
885 The lady behelde all that fayre meyne
But tryamoure she coude not se
Tho chaunged all her chere
Tho she sayd lordes wher is he
That euery daye wanne the degre
890 I chose him to my fere

All aboute they tryamoure sought
He was ryden home they founde hym nought
Than was that lady wo
The knyghtes wer afore her brought
895 And of respyte she them besought
A yere and no mo
She sayde lordes so god me saue
He that me wanne he shall me haue
Ye wote well that my cry was so
900 They all consented her vntyll
For she had sayd nothynge yll
They sayd it sholde be do

For whan they had all sayde
Thus answered that fayre maide
905 I wyl none but t[ry]amoure tryamoure] tyramoure 1561
Than all the lordes that were present
Toke theyr leue and home wente
There wanne they lytell honoure
Syr Iames menne were nothynge fayne
910 Bycause there mayster was slayne
That was so stoute in stoure
In chare his body they layde
And ladde him home as I haue sayde
Unto his fader the Emperoure

915 And whan that he his sonne gan se
A sory man than was he
And asked who hathe done that dysshonoure
They sayde we wote not who it was ywys
sig: D1
But syr Tryam[o]ure he named is Tryamoure] Tryamnure 1561
920 So called the hym in the crye

The kynge of Aragon also
He helped thy sonne to slo
With all his company
They sayde they be good warryours
925 They bete vs with sharpe shoures
With g[r]ete velany

Alas sayd the Emperoure
Tyll I be venged on that traytour
Now shall I neuer sease
930 They shall haue many a sharp shower
Bothe the kynge and Tryamoure
They shall neuer haue pease

They Emperoure sayd the sholde repent
And after grete company he sent
935 Of prynces bolde in prese
Dukes erles and lordes of pryse
With a great army the boke sayes
They yede to Aragon withoute lesse

Kynge Aragus was a_dradde
940 For the Emperoure suche power had
That batayle wolde hym bydde
He sawe his londe nye ouergone
And to a castell he fledde anone
And vytaylled yt for drede
945 The Emperoure was bolde and stoute
And bysyeged the castell aboute
Hys baner he began to sprede
And arayed hys hoost full well and wysely
With wepens stronge and myghty
950 He thought to make them drede

He gaue a salte to the holde salte: see OED s.v. sault (=assault)
Kynge Aragus was stoute and bolde
sig: [D1v]
Ordeyned hym ful well Perhaps emend 'well' to 'fast' for rhyme.
With gonnes and grete stones rounde
955 Were throwen downe to the grounde
And on the men were caste
They brake many backes and bones
Thus they foughte euery daye ones
Whyle seuen wekes dyde laste
960 The Emperour was hurt yll therfore
His men were hurt sore
All his Ioye was paste

Kynge Aragus thought full longe
That he was bysyeged so stronge
965 With so muche might and mayne

Two lordes forth on message he sente
And strayte to the Emperoure the went
So whan they coude hym se
Of peas they gan hym praye
970 And take trewes tell a certayne daye
They kneled downe on theyr kne

And sayde our kynge sendeth worde to the
That he neuer your sone dyd sle
So he wolde quyte hym fayne
975 He was not than pr[e]sente presente] prysente 1561
Nor in no wyse dyde consente
That your sonne was slayne
That wyll he preue yf ye wyll so
Your-selfe and he bytwene you two
980 If ye wyll it sayne

Or els take yourselfe a knyght
And he wyll do another to fyghte
On a certayne daye
If that your knyght happe so
985 Our[s] for to dyscomfyte or slo Ours] Our 1561, ours P
As by fortune it maye
sig: D2
Our kyng than wyll do hym your wil
And be at your byddynge loude and styll
Withoute more delaye

990 And also yf it betyde
That your knyght on [y]our [s]yde your syde] our ryde 1561, your syde P
B[e] slayne by myschaunce Be] By 1561, be P
My lorde shall make your warre sease
[...................................] The rhyme-scheme indicates that a line has dropped out here
995 Without any dystaunce

Th'emperoure sayd withoute fayle
Sette a daye of batayle
By assent of the kynge of Fraunce
For he had a great company
1000 In euery realme he wanne the renoume
So the Emperoure sesed his distaunce

Whan pease was made and trewes tane
The kynge of arag[on] was a Ioyfull man aragon] aragus 1561
And trusted vnto tryamoure
1005 So after hym he sende without fayle
For to do the grete batayle
To his helpe and socoure

His messengers were come and gone
Tydynges of hym herde they none
1010 The kynge aragus thought hym longe
And he be deed he sayd I maye saye alas
Who shall than fyghte with Marradas
That is so stoute and stronge

¶When tryamoure was hole and sounde
1015 And well heled of his wounde
He busked h[i]m for to fare him] hem 1561, him P
He sayde moder with mylde chere
And I wyst what my fader were
The lesse were my car[e] care] car 1561

1020 Sonne she sayde thou shalt wete
sig: [D2v]
Whan thou hast maried that lady swete
Thy fader thou shalt kenne
Moder he sayd yf [y]e wyll [so] ye] he 1561, you P; so] 1561 omits, soo C
Haue good-daye for now I go
1025 To do maystryes yf I can

Than rode he ouer dale and downe
Tyll he came to Aragowne
Ouer many a wery waye
Aduentures many dyd him befell
1030 And all he scaped full well
In all his greate Iourneye
He sawe many a wylde beest
Bothe in hethe and in wylde forest
He had good grehoundes thre
1035 To a harte he let them rene
And that .xiiii. fosters aspied hym sone
So thretenynge hym gretely

They yede to him withe wepens on euery syde
It was no bote to bydde them byde
1040 Tryamoure was lothe to fle
He sayde to them lordes I you praye
Lete me in pease wende my waye
To seke my grehoundes thre

Than sayde Tryamoure as in this tyme
1045 Of golde and syluer take all myne
If that I haue trespased ought
They sayd we wyll mete with the anone
There shall no golde borowe the sone
But in pryson thou shalte be brought
1050 Suche is the lawe of the grounde
Whosoeuer therin be founde
Other waye go they nought
Than syr Tryamoure was full wo
That he sholde to pryson go
sig: [D3]
1055 He thought the flesshe to dere bought

There was no more to saye
The fosters at hym gan laye
With strokes sterne and stoute
There tryamoure wyth them fought
1060 And to they grounde some he brought
He made them lowe to loke

Some of them faste gan praye
The other fledde faste awaye
With woundes wyde that they soughte
1065 Tryamour rod and sought his grehoundes
He harkned to here ther yerning loude
And thoughte not for to leue them so
At laste he came to a water-syde
There he sawe the beest abyde
1070 That had slayne of his grehoundes
The thyrde full sore troubled the hynde
And he hurte hym with his tinde
Than was tryamoure wo

If the batayle had lasted a whyle
1075 The harte wolde the hounde begyle
And take his lyfe for euermore
Tryamoure smote at the dere
That to the harte wente the spere
Than his horne he blewe full sore

1080 The kynge laye ther-besyde
At a maner that same tyde
He herde a horne blowe
They had grete wonder in hall
Bothe squyers and knyghtes all
1085 For no man coude it knowe
With that [r]anne in a foster ranne] eanne 1561
Into the hall with euyll chere
He was full sory I trowe
sig: [D3v]
The kynge of tydynges gan hym frayne
1090 He answered syr kynge your kepers be slayne
And lye deed on a rowe
There came a knyght that was myghty
He let thre grehoundes renne full wyghty
And layde my felowes full lowe

1095 He sayd it was full true
That the same that the horne blewe
That all this sorowe hath wrought
Good kynge aradas sayd than
I haue grete nede of suche a man
1100 God hath hym hyther broughte

The kynge commaunded knyghtes thre
He sayd go fetche that gentleman to me
That is now at his playe
Loke none yll wordes to hym ye breke
1105 But praye hym with me for to speke
I trowe he wyll not saye naye

Euery knyght his stede hente
And lyghtly to the wodde the wente
To seke Tryamoure that chyld Tryamoure] Tryamoure tryamoure 1561, Tryamore P
1110 They founde hym by a water-syde
Where he brake the best that tyde
That harte that was so wylde

The sayde syr god be at your game
He answered them euen the same
1115 Than was he aferde of gyle
Syr knyght [t]he sayde is it your wyll the] he 1561, they P
To come and speke our kynge vntyll
W[i]th wordes meke and mylde With] Weth 1561

Tryamoure asked them shortely
1120 What hyght your kynge tell you me
That is lorde of this londe
This londe hyght aragowne
sig: [D4]
And Aradas our kynge with crowne
His place is here at hande

1125 Tryamoure wente vnto the kynge
And he was gladde of his comynge
He knewe hym at the fyrste syght
The kynge toke hym by the hande
And sayd welcome to this lande
1130 And axet hym what he hyght
Syr my name is tryamoure
Ones ye helped me in a stoure
As a noble man of myght
And now I am here in your londe
1135 So was I neuer erste I vnderstonde
By god full of myght

Whan the kynge wyst that it was he
His herte reioysed gretely
Thre tymes he dyde downe fall
1140 And sayd tryamoure welcome to me
Grete care and sorowe I haue for the
And he tolde hym all
With the Emperoure [I] toke a daye I] he 1561, P
[To] Defende me yf that I maye To] 1561, P omit
1145 To Iesu wyll I call
For I neuer his sonne slewe
God it knoweth I saye but true
And helpe me I truste he shall

Than sayd tryamoure [I am full wo] I am full wo] tho 1561, I am fulle woe C
1150 That ye for me haue be greued so
If I myght it amende
And at the daye of batayll
I trust to proue my myght well
If god wyll grace me sende
1155 Than was kynge Aradas very gladde
And of Maradas he was not adradde
sig: [D4v]
Whan he to the batayle sholde wende
He Ioyed that he sholde well spede
For Tryamoure was ware at nede
1160 Agenste hys enemie to defende

There Tryamoure dwelled with the kynge
Many a weke withoute lettynge
He lacked ryghte noughte
And whan the daye of batayle was come
1165 Th'emperoure with his men hasted him soone
And many wo[n]der thoughte wonder] woder 1561, wonder P
He brought thyder bothe kynge and knighte
And Maradas that was of myghte
To batayle hym he broughte
1170 There was many a semely man
Mo then I tell you can
And of them all he ne roughte

Bothe partes that ylke daye
Into the felde toke the waye
1175 They were all-redy dyghte
The kynge there kyssed tryamoure
And sayde I make the m[i]ne heyre this houre mine] mene 1561
And doube the a knyght
Syr sayde tryamoure take no drede
1180 I trust that Iesu wyll me spede
For you be in the ryght
Therfore throughe goddes grace
I wyll fyghte for you in this place
With the helpe of oure lordes myght

1185 Bothe partyes were full sore
To holde the promis that was made before
To Ihesu gan the call
Syr tryamoure and Marradas
Well-armed they bothe was
1190 A_monge the lordes all
sig: E1
Eche of them were sette on stede
All menne of Tryamoure had drede
That was so hynde in all hynde: =hend
Marradas was styfe and sure
1195 There myght no man his strokes endure
But that he made him falle

Than rode the tog[yd]er full right togyder] toger 1561, together P
Wyth sharpe speres and swerdes bryght
They smote togyther sore
1200 They spende speres and brake sheldes
They poused foule in the feldes poused: =pushed
Eyther fomed as dothe a bore

All the wondred that behelde
How they fought in the felde
1205 There was but a lyte
Marradas fared fa[y]re wode fayre] fare 1561, fyer P
Bycause treamoure so longe stode
Sore gan he smyte
Syr Tryamoure fayled of Maradas
1210 That stroke lyght vpon hys horse
The swerde to grounde gan lyght

Maradas sayd it is g[r]ete shame grete] gete 1561
On a stede to wreke his game
Thou sholdest rather to smyte me
1215 Tryamoure swore by goddes myghte
I had leuer it had on the lyghte
Than wolde I not be sore

But here I gyue the stede myne
Bycause that I haue slayne thyne
1220 By my wyll it shal be so
Maradas sayde I wyll noughte
Tyll I haue hym with strokes boughte
And wonne hym here in fyght

Syr Tryamoure lyghted from his horse
sig: [E1v]
1225 And to Maradas strayte he gose
For bothe on fote they dyde lyght
Syr tryamoure spared hym nought
And euer in hys herte he thought
This daye was I made a knyght
1230 And thought that he hym-selfe wolde be slayn sone
Or elles of hym I wyll [wynne] my shone wynne] 1561 omits, win P
Throughe goddes myght
The layde eche at other with good wyll
With sharpe swerdes that was made of stele
1235 That sawe many a wyght

Grete wonder it was to beholde
The strokes that was bitwixte them so bolde
All menne might it se
The [were] wery and had so gretely bledde were] where 1561
1240 Maradas was sore a_drede
He faynted than gretelye

And that tryamoure lyghtely behelde
And fought fyersly in the felde
He stroke Marradas so sore
1245 That the swerde through the body ranne
Than w[a]s the Emperoure a sory man was] wys 1561, was P
He made them pease for euer-more

He kissed the kinge and was his frende
And toke his leue homewarde to wende
1250 No lenger there dwell wolde he
Than the kynge Aradas and tryamoure
Wente to the palayes with grete honoure
In-to that ryche cyte
There was Ioye withoute care
1255 And all they had grete welfare
Ther myght no better be

They hunted and rode many a_where
Full grete pleasure they had there
sig: E2
Amonge the knyghtes of pryce
1260 The kynge profered hym full fayre
And sayd Tryamoure I make the myne heyre
For thou arte stronge and wyse

Syr Tryamoure sayd syr truely
In-to other countreys go wyll I
1265 I desyre of you but a stede
Unto other londes wyll I go
Some grete aduentures for to do
Thus wyll I my lyfe lede
The kynge was very sory tho
1270 Whan that he wolde from hym go
He gaue hym asure wede

Also plenty of syluer and golde
And a stede as he wolde
That nothynge wolde fere
1275 He toke his leue of the kynge
And mourned at his departynge
Than hasted he hym there

The kinge saide tryamoure that is m[y]ne myne] mene 1561
Whan thou lyst it shalbe thyne
1280 And my kyngdome lesse and more
¶Nowe is tryamoure forth go
Lordes and ladyes for hym were wo
Euery man loued hym there

Treamoure rode in hast truely
1285 Into the londe of hongry
Aduentures for to seke
Bytwene two mountaynes thei sothe to saye
He rode forth on his waye
With a palmer he dyde mete
1290 He axed almes for goddes sake
And tryamoure he hym not forgate
He gaue hym with wordes swete
sig: [E2v]
The palmer sayde tourne ye agayne
Or els I fere ye wyll be slayne
1295 Ye may not passe but ye be bette

Tryamoure axed why so
Syr he sayde there [be] brethren two be] 1561 omits, be P
Tha[t] on the mountayne dwelles That] Than 1561, that P
In fayth sayd tryamoure yf there be no mo
1300 I truste in god that waye to go
If this be trewe that thou telles
He badde the palmer good-daye
And rode forth on hys waye
Ouer hethe and feldes

1305 The palmer prayed to hym full fast
Tryamoure was not agast
He blewe hys horne full shyll
He had not ryden but a whyle
Not the mountenaunce of a myle
1310 Two knyghtes he sawe on a hyll

The one of them to hym gan ryde
The other styll gan abyde
A lytell ther-besyde
And whan the tryamoure spye
1315 The sayd traytoure torne or thou shalt dy
Therfore stand and abyde
Eyther agayne other gan ryde faste
Theyr strokes made theyr speres to braste
And made them woundes full wyde
1320 The other knyght that houed tho
Wondred that tryamoure dured so
He rode to them that tyde

And departed them a_twayne
To speke fayre he began to frayne
1325 With wordes that sounded well
To tryamoure they sayd anone
sig: [E3]
So dughty a knyght knowe I none
Thy name that thou vs tell
Tryamoure sayd fyrst wyll I wete
1330 Why that ye do kepe thys strete
And where that ye do dwell

They sayde we had a brothere hyght Maradas
With the Emperoure forsothe he was
A stronge man well I_knowe
1335 In aragon before the Emperoure
A knyght men called hym syr tryamoure
In batayll there hym slewe

And also we say anoder
Burlonge our elder broder
1340 As a man of muche myghte
He hath besyged sothely
The kynges doughter of houngry
To wedde her he hathe hyght
And so well he hathe spedde
1345 That he shall that lady wedde
But she may fynde a knyghte
That Burlonge ouercome maye
To that they haue take a daye
[To] wage batayle and fyghte To] 1561, P omit

1350 For that same Tryamoure
Loued that lady paramoure
As it is before tolde
If he wyll to houngry
Nedes he muste come vs by
1355 To mete with him [w]e wolde we] he 1561, wee P

Tryamoure sayd I saye not naye
But my name wyll I tell this daye
In fayth I wyll not layne
Thynke your Iourney well besette
1360 For with tryamoure ye haue mete
sig: [E3v]
That your brother hath slayne

Welcome they sayde tryamoure
His deth shalte thou repente sore
Thy sorowe shall begynne
1365 Yelde the to vs anone
For thou shalte not from vs gon
By no maner of gynne

They smote fyersly at hym tho
And tryamour agaynst them to
1370 Withoute more delaye
Syr tryamoure proued him full prest
And brake the spere on theyr breste
He had suche assaye

His shelde was broken in pyeces thre
1375 His horse was smiten on his kne
So harde at hym they thraste
Syr tryamour than was ryght wode
And slewe the one there-as he stode
With his swerde full preest

1380 That other rode his waye
His herte was in grete afraye
Yet he tour[ne]d agayn that tyde
Whan Tryamoure had slayne his brother
A sory man was that other
1385 And streyghte agayne to hym dyde ryde

Than they two sore fought
That the other to the grounde was broughte
Than were they bothe slayne
Tho the lady on tryamoure thought
1390 For of hym she knewe ryght nought
She wyst not what to saye

The daye was come that was sette
The lordes assembled withoute lette
All in good araye
sig: [E4]
1395 Burlonge was redy dyght
He bad the lady sende her knyght
She answered I ne may
For in that castell she had hyght
To kepe her with all her myght
1400 As the story dothe saye

She sayde yf Tryamoure be alyue alyue] aleyue 1561
Hyther wyll he come blyue
God sende vs grace to spede
With that came in syr Tryamoure
1405 In the thyckest of that stoure
Into the felde withoute drede

He axed what all that dyde mene
People shewed that a batayle there shuld bene
For the loue of that Lady
1410 He sawe Burlonge on his stede
And strayte to hym than [h]e yede he] ye 1561, he P
That lady chalengeth he
Burlonge axed hym and he wolde fight
Tryamoure sayde with all my myght
1415 To slee the or thou me
Anone they made them redy
There knewe hym none sykerly
They wondred what he shoulde be

Hye in a toure stode that goodly lady
1420 She knewe not what knyght verely
That with Burlonge dyde fyght
Fast she axed of her men
Yf they coude that knyght kenne
That to batayle was dyght
1425 A gryffon he bereth all of blewe
An heraude of armes soone hym knewe
And sayde anone-ryght
Madame god hath sente you socoure
sig: [E4v]
For yonder is tryamoure
1430 That with Burlonge wyll fyghte

To Ihesu gan the lady praye
For to spede him on his Iourney
That he aboute yede
Than these knightes ranne togyder
1435 The speres in pyeces gan shyuer
They fought full sore in-dede

There was no man in the felde tho
That wyst who shold haue the better of them two
So myghtyly the dyde them bere
1440 The batayle lasted wonder longe
Though Burlong was neuer so strong
There founde he his pere

Tryamoure a stroke to hym mynt
His swerde fell downe at that dynt
1445 Out of his hande him fro
Than was Burlonge wonder gladde
And the lady was very sadde
And many were full wo

Tryamoure axed his sworde agayne
1450 But Burlonge gan hym frayne
To knowe fyrst his name
And sayde tell me fyrst what thou hyght
And whi thou chalengest this ladi bright
Than shalt thou haue thy swerd agayn

1455 Tryamoure sayde so mote I the
My name wyll I tell truely
Therof I wyll not doubte
Men call me syr tryamoure
I wanne this lady in a stoure
1460 A_monge barons stoute

Than sayde Burlonge thou it was
That slewe my brother Maradas
sig: F1
A fayre happe the befell
Syr Tryamoure sayde to hym tho
1465 So haue I done thy bretherne two
That on the mountayne dyde dwell

Burlonge sayd wo may thou be
For thou hast slayn my bretherne thre
Sorowe hast thou sought
1470 Thy swerde getest thou neuer a_gayn
Tyll I be venged and thou slayne
Now am I well bethought
Syr Tryamoure sayd no force tho
Thou shalt repente it or thou go
1475 Do forth I drede the nought
Burlong to smyte was redy bowne
His fete slipped and he fell downe
And Tryamoure ryght well wrought

Hys swerde lyghtly he vp hente
1480 And to Burlonge faste he wente
For nothynge wolde he flee
And as he wolde haue rysen agayne
He smote his legges euen atwayne
Harde fast by the knee

1485 Tryamoure badde hym stande vpryghte
And all men may se now in fyghte
We ben mete of [a syse] a syse] assayse 1561, a size P
Syr tryamoure suffred hym
To take another wepen
1490 As a knyght of moche pryce

Burlonge on his stompes stode
As a man that was nye wode
And faught wonder faste
And syr Tryamoure strake strokes sure
1495 For he coude well endure
Of hym he was not aferde
sig: [F1v]
And vnder his ventayle
Hys heed he smote of withoute fayle
With that in pecys his swerde braste

1500 Nowe is Burlynge slayne
And Tryamoure with mayne
Into the castell wente
To that lady that was full bryght
And at the gate she mette thei knyght
1505 And in her armes she him hente
She sayd welcome Syr tryamoure
Ye haue bought my loue full dere
My herte is on you lente
Tho sayde all the barons bolde
1510 Of hym we wyll oure landes holde
And therto they dyd assente

Ther is no more to saye
But they haue taken a certayne daye
That they bothe shall be wedde
1515 Syr tryamoure for his mother sente
A messenger for her wente
And into the castell her ledde
Tryamoure to his moder gan sayne
My fader wolde I knowe fayne
1520 Syth I haue so well spede

S[h]e sayde kynge Aragus of Aragon She] Se 1561, shee P
He is thy father and thou his sonne
I was his wedded quene
A lesynge was borne me on honde
1525 And falsely flemed out of his londe
By a traytoure kene
Syr Marrocke he hyght that dyde me wo
And my knyght Syr Roger he dyde slo
That my gyder sholde haue bene

1530 And whan that tr[y]amoure all herde tryamoure] tramoure 1561, Tryamore P
sig: [F2]
[And how his moder to him sayde] upper margin trimmed
Letters he made and wrought
He prayed kyng aragus to come him til
If that it were his wyll
1535 Thus he hym besought
If he wyll come to hungry
For his manhode and his maystry
And that he wolde fayle hym noughte
Tho was kynge aragus very gladde
1540 The messengers grete gyftes had
For the tydynges that the brought

They daye was come that was sette
Lordes came thyder wit[h]out lette without] witwout 1561
And ladyes of grete pryde
1545 Than wolde they no lenger lette
Shortly forthe they her fette
With two dukes on euery syde
The lady to the chyrche they ledde
A bysshoppe them togyder dyd wedde
1550 In full grete haste they hyed
Soone after that weddynge
Syr Tr[y]amoure was crowned kynge Tryamoure] Tramoure 1561, Tryamore P
They wolde no lenger a_byde

The quene his moder Margarete
1555 Before the kynge she dyde sete
In a goodly cherre
Kynge Aradas behelde his quene
Hym thought that he had her sene
She was a lady fayre
1560 The kynge sayd is it your wyll
For to tell me what is your name
I praye you with wordes fayre

My lorde she sayde I was your quene
Your stuarde dyde me mekyll tene
sig: [F2v]
1565 That euyll myght hym befall
The kynge spake no mo wordes
Tyll the clothes were drawen fro the bordes
And men rose in the hall
And by the hande he toke the quene gente
1570 So in the chambre forthe he wente
And there she tolde hym all

Than was there grete ioye and blysse
Whan they togyder gan kysse
Than all the company made Ioye ynowe
1575 The yonge quene [was] full gladde was] 1561, P omit
That she a kynges sonne to her lorde had
She was gladde I trowe

In Ioye togyder they ledde theyr lyfe
All theyr dayes withoute stryfe
1580 And lyued many a fayre yere
Than kynge aradas and his quene
Had ioye ynoughe them bytwene
And merely lyued togyder

And thus we leue of tryamoure
1585 That lyued longe in grete honoure
With the fayre Elyne
I pray god gyue theyr soules good rest
And all that haue herde this litell gest
Hye heuen for to wynne
1590 God graunte vs all to haue the grace
Hym for to se in the celestiall place
I praye you all to saye. Amen

¶Imprinted at London in Temes_strete vpon the thre_Crane_wharfe By wyllyam_Copland