A Warning for the City of London

Samuel, William

STC 21690.8
Ringler 21690.8 and TP 2037. Signature nos. wanting. UMI microfilm reel 1840

A warnyng for the cittie of London. That the dwellers, there in may repent their euyll lyues for feare of Goddes plages
London: Humfrey Powell, sold by Hugh Syngelton,[1550?].

Composition Date: c. 1550? [STC].

(Quod) Wyllyam_Samuell.
sig: [A1]

¶A WARNYNG For the cittie of London. That the Dwellers, there-in may Repent their evyll Lyues for feare of Goddes Plages.

To speake the truthe, Let me nothynge spare.
But without feare, the veretie to declare.
For sclaunderus wordes, I do not care
Repent ye cittys[en]s of London. cittysens] cittysnes 1550

5 ¶Seke all the plasys, in Christys dominyon.
And I do beleue, in my opynyon. opynyon] opyngnyon 1550
That non hath harde more, of the treu evang[e]lyon evang[e]lyon] evanglyon 1550
Repent ye cyttizyns of London.

¶Haue ye not had, of Godes worde suche store.
10 As neuer no cittie, hath had heretofore.
And yet amendement of Lyfe, is nere the more.
Repent ye cyttizyns of London.

¶What preachyngs ye haue had, euen in our age
Of lerned men, Both sapient and sage.
15 Wherof some hath gone, to the counter or cage.
Repent ye cittizyns of London.

¶Where hath the Gospell, byne more frely preched.
Where hath the veritie, byne more truly teached.
Where hath Godes flocke, byn more apeached.
20 Repent ye cittizyns of London.

¶I thynke yf the citties, of Gomer and Sodome
Had had suche warnynge, as to you hath come.
They wolde haue Repented, their shamful Hordom.
Repent ye cittizyns of London.

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25 The people that were drownyd in Noes floude,
Suerly in noughtines, were no more woode.
Then is the sittizyns, whiche shoulde be good.
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

Haue not your Byshops, with strange sacrifise.
30 Whiche they ha[u]e offred, before Godes eyes.
Wt Nadab and Abyhu, to haue death lykwyse?
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶Haue not your Priestes, offred vnto Ball.
And do yet on straunge Gods both cry and call.
35 Deseruynge a Danyell on them to fall.
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶What is the cause, that God hath sent,
Such blynde gydes, ouer you to haue Iudgment,
But that you were neuer yet wyllyng to Repent.
40 Ye sittizyns of London.

¶Hath not God sent you, both bussardes and kytes
To mynister vnto you wronge in-stede of ryghtes.
¶and haue ben dombe dogges with lacking ther sightes
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

45 ¶These haue you mayntayned, and do to this day.
Fedynge their panchys, and clothynge them gay. panchys =paunches
And mayntayne them with Horses, to ryde in ryche aray
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶But he that truly preached with you at any tyme,
50 Was neuer bydden, with most of you to dyne.
But was sent to newgate, in chaynes to pyne.
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶Haue you not accusyd, the Innocents to death.
And broght them to smythfyld, ther to lese their breth
55 God of you wyl axe their bloud, as the scripture saith
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

The good creature of God, called An_Askewe.
For declarynge the veritie, both Iust and true.
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Was she not Bourned in Smythfield of you?
60 Repent ye sittizyns of London.

For speakynge agaynst the abuse of the sacr[a]ment. sacrament] sacrmennt 1550
And for not apeachynge other to your intent.
Was she not for these, both rackyd and brent.
Repent ye sittizens of London.

65 Was not he glad, that had a Pollax in his hand pollax: =pole-ax
Wt it as a witnes, at her death to stande.
Thynkynge therby, to inherite the heauenly lande,
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

O what bloude hath byn shedde in your cittie.
70 To reherse all their Names, in this simple dittie.
It wolde prouoke Tourkes, with lamentable pittie.
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶Hath not the maryed Man, here lost his Lyfe.
And hath not the Housbande here lost his Wyfe.
75 And all for the Truthe, suche was your strife.
Repent ye sittizyns of London.

¶Hath not the Father, seene his Chylde bourned?
And the Mother, the Doughter vnto asshys tourned.
For which dede done, the parentes sore morned.
80 Repent ye citizens of London.

¶With you the brother, hath betrayd the brother.
And hath accused, the one the other.
I am ryght sure, you can saye none other.
Repent ye citizens of London.

85 Not only this, but you haue also.
Hanged the true man, and let the theeffe go.
Example by Hunne, that it was so.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶This blyndnes, hath God let in you to rayne.
90 Bycause his true prophets, ye haue always slayne.
And yet ye shall here of a nother plage agayne.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

sig: [A2v]
¶Bycause to resyst God, you haue thynges discust.
God hath geu[en] you vp, vnto your hartes luste. geuen] geune 1550
95 Causynge you to worshype, thynges made of doust.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶What shamfull Idolatry, hath and douth rayne.
Amunge you in sar[u]ynge Godes, folyshe and vaine.
The presente dedes douth declare, it playne.
100 Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶And now that your Godes, of woode and stone.
Of seluer and goulde, be almoste gonne. goulde =gold; cf. soulde, A4v
Nowe other come, for mene to looke on. other: see OED s.v. other adj, prn, n, B5 & 6
Repent ye citizyns of London.

105 ¶I dare saye that there, is many a one.
That be glade that Images, be gonne.
Because that them-selues, may be loked apone.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶Men may with some wemen, in london be aqua[y]nted aquaynted] aquanted 1550
110 That carued Idoldes, wer neuer more paynted.
With shinynge Facys, as though they sayncted. sayncted: see OED s.v. saint v, 5
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶And this also, I may truly saye agayne.
That many men, be also as vayne.
115 And wolde be loked, apone as fayne.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Some make their Godes, of their chyldern.
And wyll not suffer, them to lerne.
Goddes holy Lawes, but of it them warne.
120 Repent ye citizyns of London.

Some make their Godes, of goodes vyle.
Wich they haue gotten, with crafte and gylle. gylle: =guile
They neuer thynke, to leue but a whylle. leue: =live; whylle: =while
Repent ye citizyns of London.

sig: [A3]
125 Som make their Godes, of their dwellynge-placys.
And neuer haue this, afore their facys.
That the buldyng of Heauen, this buldyng outfacis. buldyng: =building
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Alas with my tears, I can not exprese.
130 the aboundance of, the greate wyckednes.
That rayneth in the cittie, doutlese.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶Se what it is frome Godes, Lawes to ronne.
How many great evells, strayght-way doth come.
135 It may be well sene, by the citie of London.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Whan dyd any Mayer, knowe his Iuste dowtie.
Whan dyd any shereffe, do his office truly.
Whan dyd any sargant, vse him-selfe godly.
140 Repent ye citizy[n]s of London

Whan dyd any Constable, see good order kepte.
Whan dyd a[n]y bedells, loke to pouertie that wepte.
Wha[n] hard ye of Kepers, that from crueltie sl[e]pte. slepte] slpte 1550
Repent ye citizyns of London.

145 ¶Wher dwelleth any, that hath his wyfe in subieccion.
¶Wher dweleth any vnder her Husbandes correccion
¶Wher dwelleth man and wyfe, of godly affeccion.
Repent ye citizyns of London

Wh[e]re dweleth a father, that techeth his child godes lawe Where] Whre 1550
150 Wh[e]re dweleth a child, that is vnder his fathers awe Where] Whre 1550
Wh[e]re dweleth he, that often this sawe. Where] Whre 1550
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Where dweleth a master, that kepeth his saruantes wel.
Where dweleth a saruant, that foloweth his masters good connsel.
155 Where dweleth these to that tr[u]ly by and selle.
Repent ye citizyns of London

sig: [A3v]
¶If I shoulde speake of their byinge and sellynge,
The crafte therin, passe[th] my tounge-tellynge. passeth] passe 1550
Hit prouoketh agaynst the Gospel great rebellyng.
160 Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶That they haue a delyght, to walke in the nyght,
And can not abyde, of the gospels syght.
Is sene in sellynge their wares with small lyght.
Repent ye citizy[n]s of London.

165 Of greate Pentysis, they haue no lacke. Pentysis: =penthouses
Payntynge their howsys, round about with blacke.
Though the ware be nought, the pryse is not slacke.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶The lyght of the sonne, they can not abyde,
170 Nor to haue their wyndowes open and wyde.
And this do they only, that their craft be not spyde.
Repent ye citizyns of London

Ye and though the ware be starke nought.
Yet wyll he sweare, by him that vs bought.
175 That there can no better in Englande be sought.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Fyrste he lyeth, and sayeth that it is good.
Then he sweareth, as tho[u]gh he were woode.
And him-selfe forsweareth, in the same moode.
180 Repent ye citizyns of London.

Here is a Plage for liynge and a Plage for swering
A Plage for periury, that deserueth helle-tearynge.
Thre Plages ar deserued, a heuey hearyng. hearyng] heareryng 1550
Repent ye citizyns of London.

185 ¶Hayll, Brymstone, and also wylde-fyre.
Shall come frome Heauen, to pay your hyere.
Unles shortly you, recompence the byear.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

¶Ye brynge the curse of God, dayly on your heade.
190 Whiche shall fall vpon you, as heuy as any lead.
sig: [A4]
For Pouertie with you, hath the strete for his bed.
Repent ye citizyns of London

¶Oh what Hordome Adultery, and Fornycation.
Is vsed amonge you, and not looked vpon?
195 With all kyndes of other abhomynation.
Repent ye citizyns of London

¶Amende Amende, I saye and Repente,
And say not but warnynge, God hath you sente.
If you do not, you are lyke to be rent.
200 Repent ye sittizyns of London,

Acknowlege your synnes to the lyuyng god almighty
And repent, frome the bottom of your hartes hartyly
And haue Fayth in the Bloude of Iesu_Christ only.
Repent ye citizyns of London,

205 ¶Pray vnto God, to increse your Faythe.
And beleue all thynges, that scrypture saythe.
And god shall saue you, through Christis death.
Repent ye citizyns of London,

¶You may well saye, that Fayth you haue.
210 Sufficient your soules to saue.
But your dayly workes, do you depraue.
Repent ye citizyns of London

Christe saythe, that euery good tree,
By his Frute, is knowne manyfestly.
215 Your workes, declare that Faythlesse you be,
Repent ye citizyns of London

¶Can thorns beare grapes, by any meane.
Or Bryers Fygges, was it euer seane.
So a corrupt Fayth, shewe workes vnclene.
220 Repent ye citizyns of London,

¶A good tree must nydes brynge furth good Frut.
Exsample by Christ, I may playnly dispute.
Whiche fyrste with his dedes, dyd the Iewes confute.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

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225 Euery tree, that bryngethe not forthe
Good frut, it is nothynge worthe
But to be cast into fyere, that all-wayse indureth.
Repent ye citizyns of London

¶Lett your workes, A_fore mene soo shynne.
230 Acordynge vnto, the scryptures Devynne.
That god may be praysed, your Father and myne.
Repent ye citizyns of London,

And If amendement, do not now apere.
That all mene may se it open and clyer
235 Dowt ye not, but more shortly you shall here.
Repent ye citizyns of London.

Lett the voyse of you, vnto God be harde.
To pray for your Lorde and Kynge, Edwarde.
Confessyng you haue not, so good a kynge desarued
240 Repent ye citizyns of London,

Also pray ye, for the holle Counsell,
That the spryte of GOD, in them may dwell. spryte: =spirit
And then no dowt, they shall doo well.
Repent ye citizyns of London,


Imprinted at London by me Humfrey_Powell, dewellinge aboue Holburne conduit
And are to be soulde by Hugh_syngelton at the signe of saint Augustine in Polles Church[y]arde Churchyarde] Churcharde 1550.