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ValueSee schedule A below
Number offeredVaries
Opening/Closing dateSee  RASNZ website


Established in 2016 by the University Council, from a generous donation by Sir Robert Jones and with support from the William Evans Fund. Sir Robert Jones has established a scholarship fund to assist young women from refugee backgrounds to complete a university degree. This philanthropic gift presents an opportunity for young women from refugee backgrounds who aspire to a tertiary qualification, but who are denied the opportunity because of family circumstances as refugees.

The University of Otago RJH Daughters of Refugees Fanny Evans Scholarship was created to support women to complete an undergraduate degree at the University of Otago. The applicants must be fully committed to completion of the degree and be highly motivated to achieve.


Applicants must be:
* a woman who is the daughter of a refugee family, or who arrived as refugee herself, and who is in greatest financial need
* a New Zealand citizen or New Zealand Residence Class Visa Holder
* enrolled at the University of Otago for each year of the award
* eligible for StudyLink allowance
Applicants may be from any national or ethnic origin and may have been either quota, refugee family support, or convention refugees.

Application Process

Refugees As Survivors NZ (RASNZ) facilitates and administers the application and selection process in collaboration with RJH Holdings and the University of Otago.  Applicants must attend an interview with a selection panel in Auckland or Wellington or Dunedin and provide two references.

Every applicant must:
* Submit an application to RASNZ by the specified closing date
*Provide a declaration of personal and parental assets and income.
*Attach to their application, or authorise access to, their most recent results in NCEA or equivalent, and any university results already achieved.

Selection Process

The Selection Committee consisting of representatives from RJH Holdings and RASNZ, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago or nominee, and an education specialist, shall consider the following factors in recommending the award of the scholarships:
* academic ability
* financial need
* potential and motivation to succeed at university

The Committee may also give consideration to life circumstances which present significant barriers to studying at university.

General Arrangements

The scholarship amount to be awarded is set out in Schedule A.

Recipients of the scholarship are guaranteed an offer of place in a University Flat for the first two years of tenure, providing they have submitted applications for student accommodation by 30 September in each of the years prior to taking up residence. The University does not guarantee placement in any of the recipient's accommodation preferences.


The Scholarship will be for the duration of study in an undergraduate degree programme only.

The Scholarship must be taken up in the year for which it is awarded. The scholarship may not be deferred nor suspended during the tenure, except under special circumstances with the permission of the University of Otago.

Other Requirements

Each Scholarship recipient must agree to the following requirements:
*  Applicants must gain University Entrance and admission to a degree programme at the University of Otago.
* The scholarship is for full-time study only, such that the recipient may complete their degree in the minimum time stipulated for that degree.
* At the discretion of RJH and the University of Otago, annual renewal of the Scholarship is conditional upon the student passing all papers during the tenure of the scholarship, thereby completing the degree in the minimum time.
*The scholarship may not be held in conjunction with any other tuition fee-paying scholarship. The recipient may hold additional non-tuition fee-based scholarships with the approval of the University of Otago.
*The University of Otago may at any time suspend or terminate the scholarship, or require the forfeiture of such proportion of the scholarship as the University of Otago may determine, if it is not satisfied that the recipient is diligently pursuing the approved programme or if the recipient has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions on which the scholarship was awarded.
*The University of Otago reserves the right to vary the terms and financial support of the scholarship if the matching funds are not available from Sir Robert Jones or Robert Jones Holdings.
*The scholarship must be taken up for the year for which it was offered and may not be deferred to a later year.
*The scholarship may not be deferred nor suspended during the tenure, except under special circumstances with the permission of the University of Otago.
*Scholars must agree to reasonable requests from the University of Otago to appropriately represent the University and the scholarship.

Schedule A for this scholarship may be varied from time to time with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee.

Schedule A: Financial Arrangements

  1. The value of this scholarship is normally that tuition fees will be paid in full through to degree attainment, subject to the student passing all papers. Accommodation in a University Flat will be paid for the first two years of study. No accommodation payment will be made if a scholarship recipient chooses to stay in accommodation other than a University Flat, such as a Residential College or living independently.

2.    The University of Otago's contribution is normally  up to the value of $10,000 per student per year.

3.    RJH will provide additional support for scholars during the tenure of this award or for future years of study at their discretion.

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