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A.R. D. Fairburn

How to Ride a Bicycle in Seventeen Lovely Colours

Auckland: Pelorus Press, 1946. Stk. PR 9640 F3 H6.

Robert Coupland Harding, Denis Glover, Leo Bensemann, Ron Holloway, Bob Gormack, Eugene Grayland, Noel Hoggard, Alan Loney, and Tara McLeod are all representatives of New Zealand’s fine printing tradition. One other key figure is Bob Lowry, the noted typographer who owned and operated two printing presses: Pelorus and then Pilgrim Press. Of Lowry’s How to Ride a Bicycle (1946), Glover wrote: ‘Restraint? Lowry has not greatly cared for restraint. If he wishes to out-Herod Herod he will do it with a capital H the size of goal-posts.’ (Book 8) Glover continued: ‘this book must be Seen to be Believed.’ It was printed in 1,000 copies, and is scarce in good condition.
