Cabinet 16: A Mixed Bag

Two a penny

Philip Robertson, Two-a-Penny Broadsheet. Dunedin: The Backside Press, 1963

Loan label

J.W. Reynolds loan label, printed by Sue Irvine, Maud Cahill, and Keith Maslen, 1982


‘Clocks cannot tell the time of day’, poem printed by Alison Oddie, 1976


A. A. Milne, ‘Happiness’, printed by Judith Bedford, 1970

Daily bread

‘Daily Bread (for R. A. K. M)’ and ‘Circumscript’, printed by Charles Brasch, 1964


François Villion, ‘L’Epitaphe Villon’, printed by Roger Collins, 1964

Jack Elliott

‘Jack Elliott, Electrician, 1985

3 Companions

W. H. Auden, ‘The Three Companions’, printed by the English class of 1972

That thou mayest

St John of the Cross, ‘That thou mayest have pleasure’, printed by the English class of 1970


Super 8 Membership ticket, 1992
