The Example of Joseph Lister

The Example of Joseph Lister

In its infancy, the Press decided on a standard format that was determined for both linotype and monotype setting. Although the publications were rather thin monographs, often given away or sold of at a nominal sum, standards of production remained paramount. Advertising was also necessary. Printed on the back cover of Guest's Freedom and Status (1961) were the details of the University of Otago publications, as well as the UOP ones, each at tantalisingly 'olde worlde' prices. Fraenkel's Lister displays a new initiative; the use of two colour for the front cover.

G. J. Fraenkel, The Example of Joseph Lister (1959); P. Platt, Music History as a Living Study (1959); F. W. Guest, Freedom and Status (1961).



usic History as a Living Study
Freedom and Status
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