The Origin of the Carolingian Empire

The Origin of the Carolingian Empire

Peter Munz's The Origin of the Carolingian Empire provides a useful case study in the early period of the Press's developments. On 14th December 1959, McIndoe quoted £212 for 2000 copies printed, set in Monotype Times Roman, with a two-colour cover like Fraenkel's Lister. The book went to the printer on 5th April; corrected proofs were returned on 17th May; and it was printed September 1960. The book actually cost £275, and was subsidized by Victoria University of Wellington, where it was on a recommended reading list. They paid £200; the remaining £75 was paid by UOP. There was a 50/50 split, with proceeds from first 400 copies (retail 6s) covering the outlay from UOP. Proceeds from the next 1000 were to repay Victoria. By 18th February 1963, there were 659 copies sold. Munz was reluctant to use his biographical details to sell the book and wrote to Havard-Williams on 1st June 1960: 'But the drab details of my life could be of no interest to anyone: and can have no publicity value at all.

Peter Munz, The Origin of the Carolingian Empire (1960).

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