Who can use the services?

Anyone who is a member of the Otago University community can use the Ethical Behaviour Network and the Mediator.

  • That means all students – undergraduate and post-graduate – wherever you study.
  • And it means all staff, wherever you work and whatever your role.

We are a confidential low-level and informal way of resolving problems and addressing concerns. If you’re not sure whether this is the place to bring your issue, an initial chat will sort that out and may give you information about other sources of assistance.

You don't need to be seeking mediation in order to make contact – most people just want a safe, confidential place to talk about their issues. For some that will mean proceeding to mediation and for others it won't.

We focus on relationships between members of our community. Most people contact us directly and there is no concern too small or too big to discuss.

If you are responsible for staff or students you can contact the mediator for confidential advice and you can suggest that they can meet with the mediator to discuss their concerns. Coming to talk to the mediator or to a contact person does not commit a person to further action – the individual is in control of their choices at all times.

University of Otago Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services